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10x21 - Sign

Posted: 12/05/23 11:26
by bunniefuu
Shin: Uh, excuse me.

Warning: Watch the Silver Soul arc in a bright room and at a safe distance from the TV!!!!!!!

Ama: What is wrong with you?!

Shin: Blah, blah, blah.

Shin: Could you keep it down?

Shin: Are you in heat or something?

Shin: I can't enjoy Terakado Tsu Best Of: Shinpachi Edition with all this noise.

Shin: You're being a nuisance. Get out at once.

Shin: I can't ignore boys like him.

Shin: Why?

Shin: Because I was him once.

Shin: So you can grow strong, too!

Manager: No fighting in my café, you pieces of shit!

Manager: Mosuke, you okay?

Manager: How dare you beat up my son?! He's finally got out of his room and started working!

Manager: I don't care if you're big sh*ts on some planet!

Manager: This is our country! This is my café!

Manager: I won't let you act like you own the place anymore,

Manager: you stupid Spectacalien!

Manager: Out with you!

Manager: And don't ever come back!

Ama: Curse you, Earthling!

Ama: You'll pay for this! You've started a diplomatic dispute!

Ama: Let's go!

Shin: You've built a fine café, boss.

Shin: Huh?

Shin: That's weird. I can't see.

Shin: Are these tears of joy?

Shin: I should've known I couldn't do what he did.

Gintama,Title Card: Gintama

Silver Soul,Title Card: Silver Soul

Shin: What would he say if he saw what Edo has become now?

Shin: Everyone's grown stronger.

Sign: Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Shin: Everyone's much tougher.

Shin: I'm the only one still whimpering just like always, Gin-san.

Title: Silver Soul Arc

Title: Sign

Kag: Gin-chan, get on your feet already.

Shin: Gin-san!

Gin: I know.

Gin: This isn't the time or place to die.

Gin: Can't let this be the end.

Gin: We haven't done a single thing yet.

Shin: That day, we died along with Earth...

Shin: and were reborn together, maybe.

Shin: We won, but it sure doesn't look like it.

Gin: There are no victors in w*r.

Gin: Everyone's a loser.

Gin: Hup.

Sign: Gin-chan

Sign: Sugar Content

Sign: Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Gin: Talk about a mess.

Sign: Snack Otose

Gin: Can it go back to normal?

Shin: I don't know. Some things may,

Shin: but some things won't.

Shin: Ane-san and Mone-san said they don't know when he'll wake up.

Kag: Dog deities exist on every planet, right?

Kag: We might find a way to wake him up on another planet.

Kag: I've decided.

Kag: And I've talked to Daddy and the others, too.

Shin: Then we'll go with...

Kag: I'm not taking you.

Kag: I don't want the help of guys who abandon their broken-down planet to come with me.

Shin: Kagura-chan...

Gin: Do you know why I started Odd Jobs?

Gin: Long story short, it was because I had nothing to do.

Gin: There was nothing I wanted to do, so I decided to do anything.

Sign: Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Gin: Messed up, right?

Gin: I'm amazed I came this far when I started it for such a flimsy reason.

Gin: As like-minded people gathered here,

Gin: I lost my chance to quit.

Shin: Where's this coming from?

Shin: You don't often talk about the past.

Gin: So I decided that if they ever found something they really needed to do,

Gin: I'd take down this sign and close up shop.

Gin: And I've found something I need to do, too.

Gin: Shinpachi, it's crunch time.

Gin: What do you want to do?

Shin: I...

Kid: Hey, hey!

Sign: Odd Jobs Gin-chan Shimura Shinpachi

Kid: What's with this "Odd Jobs Gin-chan"?

Kid: I mean, your name's Shimura Shinpachi, right?

Kid: So what's with the Gin-chan?

Shin: He's gone now.

Shin: But...

Sign: Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Shin: Without him, there wouldn't be an Odd Jobs...

Shin: Or today's Edo, probably.

Shin: And me.

Shin: So I want to make sure people don't forget him.

Kid: Wait, are you talking about the hero?

Shin: Nah, that's not his style.

Kid: My dad said the bakufu brass are trying to hog the glory,

Kid: but they're all fakes.

Kid: And that he was the one who protected us.

SignTL: Perofessional

SignTL: The Way of the Samurai

Sign: The Last Samurai

Nar: Everyone thought that species had gone extinct.

G: If it weren't for him, the universe might've died out, right?

G: It was amazing.

G: One word from him was enough to get both allies and enemies on the same page.

G: This is what you call him on your planet, right?

G: The samurai "Man Against Dying All Out,"

G: or MADAO for short?

Sign: Hasegawa Taizo

Nar: The camera takes a close look at the life of the last samurai, who saved Earth.

Nar: An army of millions att*cked,

Sign: Reenactment by the man himself

Nar: but he held them off all on his own.

Nar: That strength.

Sign: Strength

Nar: Surrounded by enemies on all sides...

Mad: O-Ow! They're actually hitting me, Director!

Nar: But with one word, he won them over.

Nar: That charisma.

Sign: Charisma

Nar: A massive piece of despair came flying toward us, but he took it on by himself.

Nar: That courage.

Sign: Courage

Mad: Pull it up a bit higher!

Mad: This is too heavy!

Nar: As we analyze his abilities,

Nar: we also take apart his shades.

Mad: Hey! What are you doing?!

Mad: "Hero"? "The Last Samurai"?

Mad: Honestly, none of them feel right.

Mad: I'm all of them and none of them at the same time.

Mad: I can be dyed in any color you want.

Sign: Unemployment

Mad: That's unemployment.

Sign: The Way of the Samurai Special

Sign: Airing Soon

Nar: Perofessional: The Way of the Samurai Special, airing soon!

Shin: Sis, I'm home.

Tae: Oh, welcome back, Shin-chan.

Tae: I was just thinking it was time to k*ll the TV and get dinner.

Shin: Uh, that's how Frieza-sama kills things.

Shin: Let him have his fun.

Shin: Hasegawa-san did his best, too.

Tae: Shin-chan... We all worked together to protect Edo.

Tae: I can't and won't stand for anyone belittling our efforts.

Tae: Besides, I wanna sock him because he pisses me off.

Shin: What happened to our efforts?!

Tae: If I'm being subtle, I hate old men who dress like EX*LE and don't act their age.

Tae: But I do like High & Low.

Shin: That was so unsubtle, the rising sun's shining through that thin veil!

Tae: Also, I've heard that he goes around partying for free, calling himself the hero.

Shin: Where'd you get that information, Sis?

Shin: Didn't you quit that lifestyle?

Tae: These two years didn't just give birth to heroes.

Tae: Where there is light, there is always a shadow.

Shin: Where'd those Zarbon-san and Dodoria-san cabaret girls come from?!

Tae: Carry out Plan Omega.

Tae: Bring judgment down upon the corrupted hero.

Bo: Whee!

Shin: Whee, my ass! What's with that hellish group of cabaret girls?!

Kon: Good grief.

Kon: I see the Queen of the Kabuki District is still alive and well.

Shin: Kondo-san.

Kon: Sorry I'm late. The hotpot is finally done.

Shin: Sorry to always make you do this.

Kon: Nah, it's fine.

Kon: I am going to be a stay-at-home dad soon, after all.

Kon: Besides, Otae-san needs a balanced and nutritious diet right now.

Kon: Worrying about the others is fine,

Kon: but you also need to think about your new path.

Tae: I-I know.

Shin: Hasegawa-san was a shocker, but you weren't far behind.

Sign: Resignation

Sign: Special Police Shinsengumi

Kon: I'd be lying if I said it was an easy decision.

Kon: But both roles, Shinsengumi and father, require you to stake your life on them.

Kon: I've lived my life for the sword so far,

Kon: and I want to live for family from now on.

Shin: Is that so?

Shin: Sorry, but I'm feeling a little sleepy.

Shin: You two eat without me.

Kon: Shinpachi-kun?

Shin: Everyone's walking down a new path in life.

Shin: But I alone...

Sign: Snack Otose

Oto: Man, who would've thought those two would have a shotgun wedding?

Oto: We senior citizens don't even get any extra wrinkles at this point,

Oto: but the passage of time is terrifying.

Cat: What are you saying, Otose-san?

Cat: You do have extra wrinkles at the corners of your eyes.

Cat: That's hilarious!

Shin: Um, Catherine-san, did your face get run over by a time machine?

Cat: The passage of time isn't what's causing all this.

Cat: It's the final episode.

Cat: Lately, as the final episode draws near,

Cat: characters have suddenly started forming couples,

Sign: Final Episode: Final Fantasy Phenomenon (Mating)

Cat: in what's called the Final Fantasy Phenomenon.

Oto: What the hell?

Oto: Will we be paired off with some randos, too?!

Cat: I'm so scared, I can't sleep!

Shin: Hey! Someone bring me a Delorean!

Gen: Shut up, you hags!

Gen: Instead of final fantasying with you two,

Gen: men would much rather dragon quest alone!

Sign: Dragon Quest Appeasing the Pants Dragon

Shin: That's what DQ meant?!

Cat: Don't talk to us! What if that sets a flag, you geezer?!

Oto: But I was sure she was in love with Gintoki, you know.

Shin: Stop that! That's gross!

Oto: I wonder if she final fantasy'd after he treated her nicely when she was lonely.

Cat: Those final fantasies are the ones that tend to work out best, surprisingly.

Oto: They do say it's final fantasier for girls to be loved than love.

Shin: No, they don't!

Shin: You two just want to keep saying final fantasy, huh?

Oto: What's wrong with you? We're trying to cheer you up here!

Oto: Then show us the wedding photos.

Oto: Show us the photos of the gorilla and female gorilla.

Oto: Show the goods!

CaT: Show the goods!

Shin: Here.

Oto: Otae sure has grown in size in the short while I haven't seen her.

Shin: That's a gorilla.

Cat: But over here...

Shin: That's a gorilla.

Shin: It was a political marriage.

Shin: He's been cooking for us to get some househusband training as part of his stalking.

Shin: And it was surprisingly good.

Shin: She gained tons of weight.

Shin: But she still couldn't stop.

Shin: It was a samurai's mercy.

Shin: Flags and foreshadowing don't matter.

Shin: Neither do species, age gap, gender, or whether you recognize them or not.

Shin: That's the Gintama anime's final fantasy.

Tam: I finally found you.

Tam: I've been looking all over.

Tam: Papa!

Shin: It's happening!

Shin: Final fantasy has bared its fangs at me, too!

Tam: Papa!

Oto: Sh-Shinpachi...

Cat: Don't tell me you...

Shin: You've got it all wrong!

Shin: This is a trap that final fantasy's trying to stick me in!

Cat: Don't play dumb! You're the one who stuck it in!

Shin: T-To begin with, isn't it weird that I'd have a kid this old in just two years?

Tam: Weird?

Tam: Am I weird, Papa?

Tam: Is that why you can't be my papa?

Shin: Uh, th-that's not it!

Cat: You're the worst!

Shin: Again, you're wrong!

Cat: Give us proof, then! Prove your innocence!

Shin: Uh, well...

Shin: I'm a virgin.

Shin: I gradually changed my hair part so people wouldn't notice my new look,

Shin: but my lower half is still drinking Ramune at a candy store with a crew cut.

Oto: Yeah, we knew.

Shin: Then why'd you make me say it?!

Cat: It pissed us off that you're side-parting your hair as a cherry boy.

Shin: Fine! I'll get a crew cut up here too, then!

Tam: Mama! This guy's a cherry!

Shin: Hey! Even a child knows my dirty secret now!

Tam: Hey, Mama. What's a cherry?

Kin: A cherry is one who's abandoned their duty to propagate.

Kin: A piece of junk, in other words.

Kin: Add that to your data.

Kin: And as I keep telling you, this isn't your Mama.

Kin: She's you. Add that, too.

Tam: Understood.

Shin: Tama-san... Kin-san...

Gen: Oh, there you are.

Gen: The Fuyo Number Zero's mini version, AKA Tamako.

Gen: She contains a part of Tama, which I copied into her.

Gen: Everything she sees while Tama's in sleep mode will become Tama's memories.

Shin: So Tama-san's been that way since then?

Gen: Yeah.

Gen: I mean, she's a special model built by the robotics science genius, Hayashi Ryuzan.

Gen: I can't tell just which screws she's missing or what.

Gen: But I just don't have the heart to leave her like this.

Shin: Gengai-san...

Gen: We're still better off than most, you know.

Gen: After all, Edo still has Odd Jobs to help in times of need.

Shin: I still ended up having to walk around looking like a real father.

Shin: Anyway, what does Gengai-san want from me?

Tam: To show me all sorts of things while Fuyo Number Zero is asleep, Papa-sama.

Shin: Don't call me Papa-sama.

Tam: I apologize for earlier.

Tam: That was a plan to leech free oil from you people

Tam: upon Kintoki-sama's suggestion, Cherry-sama.

Shin: Could you not call me Cherry?!

Tam: But he also said that you would definitely take on this request.

Kin: After all, the Odd Jobs is a group of perverts who always keep one loli around.

Shin: What the hell does he see Odd Jobs as?!

Tam: But despite bashing you people, everyone sounds somewhat lonely doing it...

Tam: I heard you disbanded. What was the reason?

Shin: Add this to your data:

Shin: One does not ask questions like that to someone they've met for the first time.

Tam: Then what are the chances of Odd Jobs making a comeback?

Shin: Were you listening to me?

Shin: None, probably.

Tam: Why is that?

Shin: Because they found other things they needed to do.

Tam: Did you stay back in Edo because you didn't have anything like that?

Gin: Shinpachi,

Gin: is there anything you want to do?

Shin: I had something.

Shin: Helping rebuild the town,

Shin: swordsmanship training,

Shin: Otsu-chan fanclub activities,

Shin: and...

Shin: Bring back Father's dojo!

Gin: Wow, you've got a bunch.

Shin: Yes, so I'll be fine.

Sign: Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Shin: You can go.

Gin: Later.

Shin: I had lots of things I needed and wanted to do,

Shin: so why am I stuck doing this?

Cop: You there.

Cop: Do you have a moment?

Cop: Are you two siblings?

Shin: Well, no, we're kinda like friends.

Cop: Hmm...

Cop: Could you breathe into this, please?

Shin: Huh? I haven't been drinking, though.

Cop: Ah, you're over the legal limit.

Cop: See it?

Cop: When the reading goes past this point,

Cop: you're a virgin.

Shin: What are you even checking?!

Cop: Put under arrest at : PM for illegal loli possession.

Shin: Wait! You've gotta be kidding me!

Shin: Somebody help!

Nob: Hold it.

Nob: Do you realize who that is?

Cops: C-Commissioner-General!

Shin: Commissioner?

Nob: He's one of the heroes who saved this country.

Nob: Not someone you rookies can punish.

Nob: You can either commit seppuku

Nob: or get cut to pieces by the Commissioner-General of Police, Imai Nobume.

Nob: Make your choice, lolicon trash.

Soyo: While we've entered a new age, Edo is still beholden to old conventions.

Soyo: I want to make the coming era one where women can be independent and shine.

Soyo: And by becoming the first female Commissioner-General,

Soyo: Nobume-san is laying the foundation for that.

Soyo: What do you think, Shinpachi-san?

Soyo: The new government's police force seems trustworthy, does it not?

Shin: Princess Soyo, may I say something?

Shin: I really want to call right now.

Soyo: Um, I don't understand what you're saying.

Shin: Isn't it obvious, you natural-born sadist?!

Nob: Tamako gave me the gist of the story.

Nob: As a token of apology,

Nob: I've hired Odd Jobs to clean the windows.

Shin: This disaster's supposed to be an apology?!

Shin: And all that aside, Nobume-san,

Shin: I thought you weren't the kind of person who'd cling to power!

Nob: I have no interest in power,

Nob: but I can't leave the princess alone.

Shin: But look at you, enjoying that power!

Nob: While Utsuro's plan was foiled,

Nob: the bakufu's old, wily foxes are still around.

Nob: One misstep, and this country will start crumbling down again.

Nob: The princess really needs a sneaky, twisted advisor right now.

Nob: I'll deal with this uncomfortable chair for a while.

Soyo: Thank you, Nobume-san.

Shin: Uh, what happened to the Shinsengumi?

Shin: Weren't they the ones on track to climb the ladder first?

Mat: True.

Mat: Their swords did carve open a path to this new era.

Mat: But swords that are too sharp

Mat: are always scorned in times of peace.

Shin: Lord Matsudaira!

Shin: What is this?

Mat: A summary of the new government's orders for the Shinsengumi.

Sign: Hijikata Toshiro

Shin: Hijikata Toshiro...

Shin: Demoted?!

Sign: Saito Shimaru

Shin: Saito Shimaru...

Shin: Resigned?!

Sign: Okita Sogo

Shin: Okita Sogo...

Shin: Seppuku?!

Mat: It's ironic.

Mat: The Shinsengumi was cast aside by the terrifying man chosen by this new age.

Sign: Live Assembly Broadcast

Sign: Live Assembly Broadcast

Mat: He suddenly showed up in the political world,

Sign: Introductory Speech by the Prime Minister

Mat: gained immense power in the blink of an eye,

Mat: and went on to change politics itself!

Speaker: It's time for the opening comments by the first prime minister, Donald Zuramp-kun.

Kat: I'm not Zuramp!

Kat: I'm Katsura!

Shin: Oh, this country's doomed.

TBC,Sign: To Be Continued

Title: Silver Soul Arc

Gin: I don't remember anything like that ever being here.

Title: Specter

Zuramp was appointed the first-ever prime minister!!

Among serious concern for the country's future,

Gintoki, who has left Edo,

arrives at a certain place...