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No Regrets for Our Youth (1946)

Posted: 11/30/23 18:26
by bunniefuu
"Japanese militarists used
the Manchurian Incident as a pretext"

to press the public for support
to inv*de the Asian mainland.

Any opposing ideology
was denounced as 'Red'.

The Kyoto University Incident
was one example of this tactic.

Although this film was inspired
by that historical event,

"the characters portrayed herein
are entirely fictional."





Flowers on the knoll
Blazing crimson red.

Plants along the river
A bright, glowing green

I sigh in delight
at the flowers of Kyoto.

The moon rising high
above Mount Yoshida.

The earth smells so wonderful.

The sky's nice too.

So is the wind.

It's all wonderful.

I can see the university!


Kyoto Imperial University,
cradle of freedom!

Resplendent ivory tower!

Mecca of learning!

"Cradle of freedom"?

We can sing about
academic freedom all we want,

but fascism's on the rise
since the Manchurian Incident.

Back on your favorite
subject, I see.

Itokawa, are they on maneuvers?

I can see them.
They look tiny from here.

I love that sound.

It's so clear and rhythmic.
It makes my heart race!

- What's wrong?
- A snake?

I'm exhausted.

We're getting old.






The militarists,

backed by industry,

seized Manchuria from China.

Japan then pulled out
of the League of Nations.

They hope to resolve
Japan's internal contradictions

through foreign conquest.

All you talk about are Manchuria,
militarists, and industrialists.

I hate leftists.

That's not true.
And it's all relevant.

They want the public to support
their expansionist agenda.

My father is a liberal,
not a Red.

They brand anyone
who opposes aggression a Red.

My father is in the right,
and right will prevail.

He said the same thing.

He wants the faculty to resign en masses
to make the minister reconsider.

But the minister's a party boss
with connections to industry.

He's colluding with the militarists
to suppress freedom of thought.

"Make him reconsider"?
How naive.

Then what do you suggest?

As I said before,
the Manchurian Incident

was a result of the militarists'
expansionist policies.

We must fight to overthrow
militarism - nothing less.

We tried
to convince your father,

but he wouldn't listen.

Wait and see.
The faculty will lose.

You almost sound happy!

I want them to win!

But as long as they're naive
and blind to the truth,

they're bound to lose!

Let's not talk about this.
It's boring.

Unlike you, I don't think
the world runs solely on logic.

There must be more beautiful things,
more pleasant things.

Itokawa, you want
to hear some nice music?

Come on!

That's the trouble with you.

Why don't you listen
to what people say?

All you know of life are
the pretty scenes outside your window.

Surrounded by your father's
fawning students.

Maybe you need
a slap in the face to grow up.

You ridicule logic,

but beauty and pleasure not founded
on reason are mere bubbles.

Itokawa, turn the page!

- Leaving so soon?
- Yes. My regards to the professor.

Won't you stay for dinner?

- I'm in a hurry.
- I see.


Leaving already?

Noge, it's outrageous
what the minister just said.

"I'll shut down an entire department
if that'll solve the problem."

That's where things stand.

The professors
at Tohoku University rose up too.


I know you don't approve,

but I've decided what I must do.

I like your spirit,

but don't neglect
your duties as a student.

What's wrong?

You want to smoke?

Are you sure?


get on your knees.

Kowtow and apologize to me.

For what?

Whatever you want!
Just do it, okay?


Come on, hurry up!


What are you doing?


That's enough!

Don't let Noge get to you.

He's so brazen.
He's blunt with everyone.

That's okay.

He was just telling the truth...

Something you're
incapable of doing.

Sorry to keep you so late.

Nonsense! I'm just a janitor,
but for academic freedom,

I pull out all the stops!

You can't fight
on an empty stomach.

You're all right, old man.

I'm very fond of Mr. Noge.

If I were a girl,
I wouldn't leave you alone.















Where's Noge?

What happened to him?

Pull yourselves together!

Stop moping.
We lost the battle, not the w*r!


I ask you to consider
the situation calmly.

Clearly we have lost.

But, gentlemen...

justice will certainly triumph.

This year's flowers
have been scattered,

but when the time comes,

they will bloom again.

No matter...

what hardships may befall a man,

the important thing
is that he try

to learn from them.

We did our best to resist
the fury of the reactionaries.

As we try to survive
the times ahead,

we must remember this incident

as a valuable learning experience.

Hundreds of miles from Tokyo.

Kyoto University.

Was caught in fascism's glare.

Freedom and independence
were crushed beyond repair.

Of course, despair
is a kind of escape,

but escape won't solve
anything. We want...

Professor, we're determined
to continue the struggle.

We'll drop out if need be.

Why stay here without freedom?

Thank you.

I appreciate your sentiments.

But I can't approve
of your approach.

Why not, sir?

What would I say
to your parents?

Think how sad they'll be
if you drop out

right as you're about
to graduate.

You said your sister
is providing for you.

She's endured so much.
Think how she'll take the news.

But Professor...

I understand how you feel, but...

The usual group of seven?

Only five tonight.

That's unusual.

The cock of the walk
couldn't make it.

I wonder what happened
to Noge and Itokawa.

You finally entered university.

Three years left to go,
then two.

You don't understand.

All I've thought about
is how many years you have left.

Now you want to quit
with just a year to go.

If your father were still alive,

you'd be free
to do as you please.

But you should think of me.

We've been living
on what your father left us,

and there isn't much left.

- I wish Noge were here.
- Itokawa too.

Where are they
when we need them?

- What happened to Itokawa?
- He double-crossed us.

- Double-crossed you?
- That's not true.

It's still not clear.

He called this meeting
and didn't show up!

What about Noge?

- Noge won't be back.
- Why not?

He disappeared a week ago.

- Arrested again?
- No, they released him.

Student protests
aren't enough for him.

He goes all out
no matter what he does.

Good night.

I'm worried.

Their passion is a good thing...

I mean about Yukie.

She's concerned about Noge.

Not that she said
she loves him or anything...

Those two are always quarreling.

But I heard he quit school

to join the leftist movement.

What? Noge did?

I'm worried.

I think
Yukie's taking it very hard.

- Are they all here?
- They went home.

Went home?

Do you know what they decided?

About what?

Will they quit school
to continue the fight?

Father was against it.


Thank goodness.

Did they accept his judgment?

What a relief!

You must be glad

that you don't have
to become a traitor now.

I don't care
if it makes me a traitor.

I have good reasons
for backing out.

You wouldn't understand,
but I...

Hundreds of miles from Tokyo.

Kyoto University.

Was caught in fascism's glare.

Freedom and independence
were crushed beyond repair.

our dreams came to an end

00:26:44,848 --> 00:26:48,352
We left our homeland.

Swearing to return victorious.

Death is only acceptable
serving our country with distinction.

Whenever the bugles
sound the march.

We remember the sea of flags
that saw us off.

It's beautiful!

Miss Yagihara is very talented.

It's no good.

- Miss Yagihara!
- Why are you doing that?

Our teacher said that
in flower arrangement

you should express
yourself freely.

This isn't me.

Then why not
make it as you wish?

What's wrong?



I wonder
if I should marry Itokawa.

I was just kidding!

Just kidding!

You know he's coming by tonight?


There you go.

Thank you for all your help.

Thank you.

- What's the admission fee?
- Admission fee?


So what exactly is wrong

about the work I'm doing?

Why is it wrong
to offer free legal advice?

I didn't say it was wrong.

But you were a key figure
in the Kyoto University Incident.

You're seen as having
an ideological agenda.

You must consider the times.

So that's your opinion,
Prosecutor Itokawa?


Please don't be offended.

No, I'm the one
who went too far.

Dinner's ready.

Mr. Itokawa,

Yukie arranged these flowers.
What do you think?

I'm no expert,
but they look fine to me.

That's rather faint praise.

She was always
a strange little girl.

In elementary school
she only drew

things like airplanes
and locomotives.

By the way, I'll be bringing
a special guest by soon.

You have a surprise in store!

It's Noge.

Mother, I'll take those meatballs
if you're not eating them.

Is Noge well?

He's changed a lot.

Please walk him
to the main road.

- Where's the professor?
- In his study.

Scholars tend
to neglect their guests.

I won't bother him then.

Mr. Itokawa...

you mentioned
bringing Mr. Noge here.

- Is that a good idea?
- What do you mean?

I'd like to see him,
but I'm afraid...

Don't do it.

Don't bring Noge here.

Why not?



Of what?

Of him.


Let's say...

that I married you.
My life would be calm and peaceful.

Forgive me for saying this,

but it would also be a bit boring.

And with Noge?

If I were to marry him,

my life would blaze so brightly

that I might be blinded.

It's terrifying,
but also enticing.

Noge's a different man now.

People change
a lot in five years.

Look how ladylike you've become.

Noge spent that time in prison,

where time
takes on a different meaning.

You all look so surprised.

I break out in a cold sweat
just thinking about those days.

But I had a lot of time
to study in prison.

I read the Japanese classics,
and the history of philosophy.

When were you released?

It's been a year now.

I was paroled last winter.

But you had to renounce
your leftist beliefs

to be released, right?

That's right.

In my case...

Itokawa used his clout
as a prosecutor.

He agreed to be my guarantor

and found me a job in the army.

It seems human beings
are weak, after all.

I don't blame him,

but Noge used to be
a much more commanding presence.

Did I have a halo
around my head?


Yukie, what is it?

They're leaving.

Mr. Noge's leaving for China.

We won't see him
for a long time.

Please come again.

I shouldn't have come.

What is it?

Yukie's leaving home.


Leaving home?

She's so impulsive.
All of a sudden she just...

What's wrong?

She wants to live
on her own in Tokyo.

I'll never understand that girl.

Did you see her face
when she said good-bye to Mr. Noge?

So it's true after all.

I can understand how she feels,

but she often does
the exact opposite of what she feels.

But if she really loves him...

I thought you really wanted her

to marry Itokawa.

But it seems Mr. Noge

is willing to mend his ways
and take a steady job.

Yukie's already 25.

Do you really think...

Noge was sincere about that?

He spoke very clearly.

I'm not so sure.

At any rate, I'm not eager
to see them get married.

Why? You don't think
he'll do what he said?

Where's Yukie?

In her room.

I was so glad when she started
studying flower arranging.

Stay here, will you?

So you're leaving home?


Look at you, running around
like a homeless person.

Let's sit down and talk.

Are you sure
you can support yourself?

I studied typing
and foreign languages.

I can work
for a trading company.

I can make a decent living.

You could find a job
here in Kyoto.

Think of your mother.

I'm just so...

disgusted with everything.

I want to start
my life all over again.

Living out in the world...

isn't as simple as you think.

I know.

But right now

I feel as if I'm not even living.

I want to at least
go out into the world...

and see for myself
what it means to be alive.

If you've thought
this through, then go.

Forge your own way through life.

It's worth a try.

But remember:

You have to take
responsibility for your actions.


is something
you have to fight for.

There will be difficult sacrifices
and the heavy burden of responsibility.

Remember that.

00:42:37,733 --> 00:42:40,907
Eight years
after your resignation,

seeing you in a ration line
filled me with emotion.

My wife caught cold
and can't do the shopping.

- I'm sorry.
- It's nothing serious.

Ever since
our daughter left home,

she's done nothing but complain.

Is your daughter well?
She's in Tokyo, right?

She was working
for a trading company,

but that didn't work out at all.

She wants to go to China.


We're at our wits' end,

though I understand
how she feels.


Yukie! Is that you?

- Fancy meeting you here!
- Long time no see!

I'd heard you were living here.

- What about you?
- I was transferred here.

Do you have plans tonight?

Not really.

How about dinner?
It would be nice to catch up.


I'm a married man now.

I'll be a father soon.


As with everything else,
I did it to please my mother.

It's been a long time indeed.

Remember that picnic
on Mount Yoshida?

That was such a long time ago.

That's okay. I'll help myself.

We were so young back then

in so many ways.

Don't get me wrong.
I'm being sentimental, not sarcastic.


Have you seen Noge since?

He's in Tokyo now.

It seems you didn't know.

He's running the "Research Center
for East Asian Politics and Economy".

He's working very actively.

He's a real authority
on China now.

Political and business leaders
rely on his opinion.

Just shows you can't
judge a book by its cover.

You were wise not to marry him.

But he certainly does lead
a fascinating life.

He's treading a fine line.

The three of us used to go to movies
and have heated debates,

but I was always
the third wheel.


You have a visitor.
They didn't give a name.

It's a lady.

Hey, where's that visitor?

Your parents let you leave
just like that?

When was that?

When did I leave home?

That day you came to visit.

That day?

It's been three years.

I've changed jobs
three times since then.

They were never more
than a way to put food on the table.

I want something...

I can throw myself into...

body and soul.

That's the kind of work I want.

When I left home,
my father told me.

I'd have to bear responsibilities
and make sacrifices

in the struggle for freedom.

That's what I...

That's the kind of work I want.

That won't be easy.

Who finds work like that
even once in their lives?

It's like finding
the Bluebird of Happiness.

Mr. Noge.

You're keeping a secret,
aren't you?

Tell me.

I want to know.

I'm sure
it's something wonderful.

What's wrong with you?
Don't start imagining things.

Please, don't be so cruel!

I used to be...

so thoughtless,

making a joke out of everything.

But now...

I'm such a fool.

Here I am suddenly
demanding secrets.

Shameless, aren't I?

Forget I ever asked.

But there is one thing
that worries me.

- It's Mr. Itokawa.
- Itokawa?

Perhaps I'm imagining
things again...

but I wonder if you should be
working here in this office.

What do you mean?

If you don't know,
then I guess it's okay.

I see.

I'm not sure
what you're implying,

but here's how I see things:

Even if a man were doing something here
that might provoke the authorities...

going underground wouldn't help.

They wouldn't be stupid enough
to lose track of him.


what should that man do?

Nothing in particular.

He could be arrested
the next hour or the next day...

but until then, he'll calmly
keep doing whatever he can.


I was afraid this would happen.

The path before us is so steep.

It's all right.

I don't mind.

I thought I told you
not to come here.

I had to.

After all...

who knows how many
hours or minutes...

we have left to be together?

What's wrong?

I'm making you a kimono...

you might never get to wear!

Welcome home.

Did you write to your father?

Why not?

What should I write?

That we have
a happy life together?

I owe him better.

I owe your mother better,
and you too.

What do you mean?

"No regrets in my life."

Isn't that our motto?

It may be hard...

but my life now feels
more meaningful than ever.

It's just hard
to express that in a letter.

Look at the clouds.

Do you remember?

Our picnic on Mount Yoshida?

We were so young.

"Defend academic freedom!"

What is it?

A tiny bug.

It's so beautiful!

The pattern of the dots
is really exquisite.

I just finished a big project.

Aren't you happy for me?

Let's have a big celebration.

Good idea.

I don't know
what the project was,

but I'm happy.

That's my girl!

You didn't know,
and you didn't ask either.

You just take care of me
without complaint.

Thank you.

In ten years, the true story
behind our work will be known.

The Japanese people
will thank us for what we've done.

You understand, don't you?



- What is it?
- What's this?


That's my weak spot.

Your weak spot?

The thing that weighs most
on my heart.

I shouldn't know about?

No, you have a right
to know about this.

My father and mother.

I haven't seen them
in ten years.

I can't bring myself
to see them.

I fear his scolding,
just as I did as a kid.

I'm afraid of my mother's tears.

My poor parents.

Damn it.

I know that, in theory,
by addressing larger social issues,

I'm also addressing
my problems with my parents.

And yet...

No regrets in my life.

No regrets whatsoever.

I have to step out for a while.

What about dinner?

I'll be back, of course.

I'll bring a little reward
for your efforts.

Then I'll make
a special dinner to celebrate.

I'll be back soon.

Welcome back...

If you want to go home soon,
tell us the truth.

We already have
plenty of evidence.

How long have you
been with Noge?

How long have you been lovers?

Speak up.


Think it over carefully.

You have plenty of time.

Damn it!

You're as stubborn as Noge.

Want to see him?

The thing is...

he was plotting
to sabotage the w*r effort.

There's no hope
of seeing him now.

Punishment for spies
has always been...

He worked very hard...

but it was all in vain.

Want to hear some good news?

Special news bulletin!

On December 8th,
Imperial Headquarters announced

that Imperial Japanese forces
commenced combat operations

against American and British
forces in the western Pacific.

DECEMBER 8, 1941

Yukie Yagihara, out!






Thank you for all you've done.

My wife sends her thanks too.

I'm afraid it wasn't much.

Itokawa, I've come from Kyoto

because I'd like to defend Noge.

Defend him?

What it says here about the case

isn't what you told me
the other day.

Why are Noge's actions

considered espionage?


in the ten years...

since I left the university,

what have I accomplished?

Sometimes a child can show us
the way. Noge taught me -


No, I'm going to do it.

I may be old...


I'm determined to represent him.


Noge d*ed
last night in his cell.



Yukie, listen to me!

- Don't say anything!
- But Yukie!


You were Noge's wife.

Just think of everything
he accomplished.

He struggled

and risked his life

to save Japan from w*r.

You were his companion on that path.
You should be proud!

When you left home...

weren't you ready
to face hardship?

You knew there'd be sacrifices
in the struggle for freedom.

What are you doing?

- I'm going to see his parents.
- His parents?

But Yukie!

They're old and they live alone.

But they didn't even come...

to claim his remains.

I know.

That's why
I have to go see them.

You can't!

Calm down, Yukie.

I'm his wife!

How could this happen?

It's awful.

People dig graves
for dogs at night.

That ungrateful son of ours.

He did such atrocious things...

that we can't even show
our faces in public.

That's deep enough.

Give it here.

So this is the pitiful state
you come back in.

All right then.
Just wait here a spell.

We'll be joining you soon.

My husband boarded up
the doors and windows.

We have to work
after dark, like owls.


Please let me stay here.

I'll do anything. Anything!

- You don't have to.
- I want to!

Listen to me.

Our way of life is completely
different from yours.

But can't I learn?

I'll do whatever
you teach me to do.

Please let me try.


I'm ready.

But that isn't all.

There are other things
to worry about.

Do you know
what the villagers call us?

A family of spies.


I beg of you,

let me stay.

I was his wife.


I won't go home.

I won't!

Rotten, ungrateful son!

That rotten boy!

I was Noge's wife.

I was Noge's wife.

What are you doing?

My husband...

Where are you going?

We're night owls.

If you go out in the day,
they'll cause you grief!

Yukie, wait!

Spy! Spy!


What's wrong?

No regrets in my life.

No regrets whatsoever.

Remember that there'll be
sacrifices in the struggle for freedom.

In ten years, the true story
behind our work will be known.

The Japanese people
will thank us for what we've done.

You understand, don't you?

No regrets in my life.

No regrets whatsoever.


Time to get up.
We're planting the rice today.

What's wrong?

Don't overdo it.

Do you feel ill?

No, I'm fine.

Good morning.

Hey, you have a fever.

That's not from the fire.

I'm all right.

I'm all right.

I'm all right.

Look at that!

We finished the whole field!


What's wrong with you?

Don't just sit there
without a word.

At least say hello to her.

Ask if she's tired.
Tell her she did a good job.

Just say something!

She works so hard.

Really, now.

You won't find a better
daughter-in-law in all the world.

She's a great woman.

Why'd you think
she was out to trick us?


Ryukichi was really...

This is awful!

Who did it?

Who would destroy
our rice paddies?

How could any farmer do that?

What kind of farmer
would destroy rice paddies?

Yukie, where are you going?

You're not feeling well!
Where are you going?





Damn them!

Damn fools!

You rotten sinners!

Curse you all!


Excuse me.

Would you know
where the Noge residence is?

The Noge residence.

What a surprise!

No, more than a surprise!

It was your mother who sent me,
not your father.

Frankly, I don't want to see you
rot away here either.

Noge may have taken
the wrong path,

but that doesn't mean...

All right, you win!

I don't know whether
it's zeal or devotion,

but your sheer life force
makes me feel ashamed.

I'll talk to your parents.

I'll tell them it's silly
to worry about you.

In any event...

please show me the way to Noge's grave.
I've come all this way.

I should pay my respects.


Perhaps I should
feel grateful...

but I won't allow it.

I doubt Noge
would be pleased by your visit.

Prosecutor Itokawa may believe

that Noge took
the wrong path in life...

but ultimately
only time will judge

whose path was the right one.



There is one man who...

more than anyone else,
I wish could have seen this day.

He fought for academic freedom.


he risked everything
in the service...

of peace and prosperity
for Japan.

He was the pride
of our university.

His name was Ryukichi Noge,
and he is no longer with us.


there was a time

when Noge

sat right over there

where you gentlemen
are now sitting.

I hope and expect...

that many, many more men like Noge
will arise from your ranks...

and that is why...

I have decided,

despite my age,
to return to teaching.

It's so quiet.

How many years has it been
since a day like this?

These last ten years
feel like a fleeting dream.

I wake up to find
that nothing has changed.

Your father left
for the university today.

If you moved back, everything
would be just like before.

Are you really going to leave?

If Noge's parents
understand his actions now,

haven't you
accomplished your goal?


I've put down roots
in that village.

Mother, look at my hands.

They look so out of place
on a piano now.

Besides, there's still
so much work left to do there.

Their lives...

Especially the women's lives -
are brutally hard.

If I can improve their lot even a little,
my life will be well spent.

You could say

I'm the shining light
of the rural cultural movement.

You were born to suffer,
my child.


I've never seen myself that way.

And I'm not just putting on
a brave face.

Noge always used to say...

"No regrets in my life."

That's the source
of my happiness.

Flowers on the knoll
Blazing crimson red.

Plants along the river
A bright, glowing green.

I sigh in delight
at the flowers of Kyoto.

The moon rising high
above Mount Yoshida.