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05x11 - Ice Cream Monster Machine

Posted: 11/23/23 19:02
by bunniefuu
- ♪ On your mark ♪

♪ Get ready to race ♪

♪ One, two, three, let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt, we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze ♪

♪ Gimme, gimme, gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah, let's blaze ♪

- "Ice Cream Monster Machine."

[engine revving, tires squealing]

- [hollering] - All right!



- [laughing]

Whoo-hoo! - Yeah!

[both laughing]

- Blaze!A.J.!

- Hey, look! - It's our friend Gasquatch.

- [laughs] Oh, boy!

Am I glad I found you!

Whoa! Whoo!

[laughs] That was fun!

[both laughing]

- Heya, Gasquatch! Great to see you.

- What are you doing in Axle City?

- I came looking for you two so I could give you this--

an invitation to my party.

- A party? - Cool!

- We'd love to come to your party, Gasquatch.

- Oh, goodie!

Well, it's happening today at my house in the woods.

And the best part, it's gonna have my favorite,

favorite, favorite food. See?

There's a picture of it on the back of the invitation.

- Huh. What is it a picture of?

Ice cream!

- That's right.

I'm having an ♪ ice cream party ♪

- [laughs] - Awesome!

- Check it out.

I've got everything I need for my ice cream party.

Spoons, cones, sprinkles, and that's it.

- Uh, Gasquatch,

I think you forgot something pretty important

for an ice cream party.

- I did? What's that?

- You forgot the ice cream!

- Oh, you're right.

I did forget the ice cream.


- Poor Gasquatch.

He can't have an ice cream party without ice cream.

- Hey, wait a second.

Gasquatch, I've got an idea.

What if we make the ice cream for your party?

- Make the ice cream? - Yeah!

We just need an ice cream maker.

- Whoo-hoo! That sounds great!

- Well, then come on.

Let's get building.

First I need a giant bowl to hold

all the ice cream ingredients.

To make the bowl, say bowl.


Next, I need a mixing paddle

to stir the ingredients together.

To make the mixing paddle, say mixing paddle.

Mixing paddle!

Now I just need a freezer to make everything colder

and colder until it becomes ice cream.

To make the freezer, say freezer.


Oh, yeah!

I'm an ice cream maker monster machine!

[rock music]

♪ ♪

[mixer whirring]

[air blowing]

- Wow, Blaze!

You're making ice cream!

- Here, give it a try.

- [slurps,gasps]

It's delicious!

- All right! - Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ I love ice cream ♪


[both laughing]

- Now come on, Gasquatch.

Let's get moving.

- Yeah!

We've gotta get to your house

before the ice cream party starts.

- Ooh, right.

We can't be late for that.

This way, friends!

To the ice cream party! - Whoo, yeah!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

♪ ♪

- ♪ Ice cream, ice cream making ice cream ♪

♪ Vanilla chocolate strawberry rocky road ♪

- Yeah-ha-ha!

- ♪ How many scoops are in a cup or a cone ♪

- ♪ Put your ingredients into the bowl ♪

♪ And mix, mix, mix them up until they're cold ♪

♪ Ice cream yeah ice cream ♪

♪ Making ice cream whoo ♪

[cat meows] - ♪ It always tastes so ♪

♪ Tastes so sweet ♪ - Sweet!

- ♪ Ice cream yeah ice cream ♪

♪ Making ice cream whoo ♪

♪ It's such a cool, cool frozen treat ♪

♪ ♪

- [humming]

Well, lunch is over.

So, what should I have for desert?

- Ice cream! Get your ice cream here!

- Ice cream?


Give me, give me!

- Ah, hello, sir.

Welcome to Pickle's Ice Cream Shop,

home of the finest ice cream made with the freshest--

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, Pickle.

Just tell me what flavors you have.

- Well, you might enjoy a delicious bowl

of crayon ice cream.

- Eww. - Okay.

Perhaps you'd rather have this yummy bowl

of toothbrush ice cream.

- Eww.

Pickle, I don't want any of those ice cream flavors.

Ooh, but this one looks good!


- Oh, it's better than good, sir.

It's great!

It's a big bowl of frog ice cream.

- Frog ice cream?

- Ribbit.

- Eew!

- Oh, well.

More ice cream for us.

- Ribbit.

- Mmm![laughs]

[engines revving]

- ♪ Going to my ice cream party ♪

♪ Gonna eat lots of ice cream ♪

[gasps]Oh, no!

Blaze, look.

Something terrible is happening.

My ice cream is getting all drippy.


- It's okay, Gasquatch.

Your ice cream is just melting.

- Melting?

- Yeah, it's turning from a solid into a liquid.


Everything around you is either a solid,

a liquid, or a gas.

When ice cream is cold, it's a solid.

That means it's hard and it all sticks together

in a big clump.

But when it warms up,

the ice cream turns wet and drippy

and it spreads into a puddle.

It melts into a liquid.

- So it's still ice cream, Gasquatch.

It just looks and feels different.

- Oh.

So this drippy stuff is liquid ice cream.


Mmm, liquirific!

[both laughing]

[goats bleating]

- Hey, did you guys hear that?

[goats bleating]

- Hang on. I know that sound.

Uh, it's not a chicken or a fire truck,

so it's probably...

[goat bleating]

all: Big horns!

- Let's get out of here. Ah!

[goats bleating]

[all shouting]

- Hey! [goats bleating]

- Oh, man.

Those bumping big horns are right behind us.

- Come on.

Let's count to see how many big horns there are.

Count with us.

all: One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven! [goat bleating]

- Seven?

Oh, we'll never get to my party if they keep bumping us

and bumping us and-- [goat bleating]

Oh, no! My ice cream!

[quirky music]

[goats bleating]

- Look, that melted ice cream made some big horns

slip and fall.

[rock music]

- So there were seven big horns,

but two of them aren't chasing us anymore.

Let's count how many are left.

Count with me.

all: One, two, three, four, five!

[goat bleating]

- Ooh, maybe we could use melted ice cream

to stop those big horns, too.

- Good idea, Gasquatch.

Activating ice cream maker.


[machine whirring]

♪ ♪

- Hope they like mint ice cream.

- Look, the sun's melting all the ice cream.

[goats bleating]

And now the big horns are slipping in the liquid.

- Wahoo! It worked!

- There were five big horns,

but three of them slipped in mint ice cream.

How many big horns are still chasing us?

[goat bleating]


- Whoa!

And they're the grumpiest big horns of all.

- This sounds like a job for strawberry ice cream!

♪ ♪

[goats bleating]

- Whoo-hoo! - We did it!

- Way to go, ice cream truck Blaze.

[goats bleating]

- And look.

I think those big horns found something they like

even better than bumping.

[goats bleating, slurping]

Ice cream! [goats bleating]

[all laughing]

- So long, big horns!

[engines revving]

- ♪ It's cold it's sweet ♪

♪ It's all so yummy ♪

♪ Put Pickle's ice cream into your tummy ♪

Why, hello, sir.

Back for more ice cream?

- No way, Pickle.

I did not like any of those flavors you had before.

- Oh, well then perhaps you'd like to try one

of my new flavors.

- Hmm, what kind of new flavors?

- New flavors like this yummy bowl of book ice cream.

- Book ice cream? Yuck.

- Or if that's not the flavor for you,

try some soap ice cream.

- Soap ice cream? Double yuck.

I would never eat that. Huh?

But this ice cream looks pretty good.

- A fine choice, sir.

You can't go wrong with a delicious bowl

of chicken ice cream.

[chicken clucking]

- [spitting]


[chicken clucking] - Oh, well.

More ice cream for us.

[chicken clucking] Mmm, yum!


[tires squealing]

[both hollering]

- Whoo-hoo!

[rock music]

[chomps] Mmm!

♪ I love ice cream ♪

[both laughing]

- Hey, look.

It's a field of flowers.

- Ooh, pretty.

I can't wait to drive through that nice normal-looking

field of-- - [chomping]

- Flowers?


- [giggling]

- Hubcaps!

These must be snapping flowers!

- How are we gonna get

to Gasquatch's ice cream party now?

[steam hissing]

- Hey, I see something that could get us

over the snapping flowers.

We'll use geysers!


- Wow, that looks like fun.


[laughing] - Yeah!

- It worked!

- Whoa, how did the geyser do that?

- I know how.

Remember, everything around us is either a solid,

a liquid, or a gas.

In a geyser, there are pools

of liquid water deep underground,

but when that water gets really hot,

it boils and bubbles and changes

into a gas called steam.

The steamy gas fills up the geyser until boom!

It blasts out the top.

- Ooh, look.

More geysers.

I bet that one of those could blast us

to the rock over there.

- Yeah!

Help us figure out which geyser will launch us to the rock.

Let's see.

The red geyser will launch us here.

The yellow geyser will launch us here.

And the purple geyser will launch us here.

Which geyser will get us to the rock?

The yellow one! Yeah!

- [laughs] Here I go!


- [hollering]

- All right!

Yeah! - [laughs]

We made it!

- Good thing we didn't use those other geysers.

We would have landed right in the snapping flowers.

- [chattering]

- Come on.

Let's see where these geysers go

s we can launch ourselves to that rock over there.

Look carefully.

Which geyser will get us to the rock?

The blue one!Yeah!

- Go for it, Blaze.

- Whoa, yea! - [laughing]

- Wahoo!

Look out below!

[all laughing]

What a ride!

- Look, Gasquatch.

We've almost made it past the snapping flowers.

- We just have to get to that last rock

all the way over there.

- Let's figure out which geyser will get us there.

Hmm, which geyser will get us to the rock?

The pink one! Right!

Ready? - Set...

all: Geyser!

[all shouting]

- Whoo-hoo! - Oh, we made it!

- [chattering]

- All, don't feel sad, flowers.

Monster machines aren't very tasty.

- But I bet you will like the taste of ice cream!

- [chattering]

[both laughing]

- They like it!

- Now come on, Gasquatch.

We've gotta hurry and get this ice cream to your house

before the party starts. - Ooh, right!

This way, friends.

Full steam ahead.

[rock music]

- ♪ Solid, solid liquid, liquid ♪

♪ Or gas ♪

♪ Solids are hard they hold their shape ♪

♪ Liquids flow drip dripping down the drain ♪

♪ Gas is spreading out into the air gas ♪

♪ Floating all around everywhere ♪

♪ Everything around is solid ♪

♪ Liquid or gas ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Everything around is solid ♪

♪ Liquid or gas ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Solids are really hard ♪

♪ Liquid's gotta flow ♪

♪ Gas is spread out ♪

♪ It flo--it flo-- it floats ♪

♪ Everything around is solid ♪

♪ Liquid or gas ♪

- Ice cream! Ice cream!

Get the frozen treat that can't be beat!

- Pickle, are you still selling ice cream?

- I sure am.

Would you like to try some?

I've got a whole bunch of new flavors.

- New flavors, huh?

What kinds of new flavors?

- Flavors like super duper tasty sock ice cream!

- Yuck!

- Or maybe you're in the mood for baby bottle ice cream!

- Yuck!

Pickle, why can't you just have regular flavors?

Like chocolate!

- Chocolate?

Well, why didn't you say so?

Of course I have chocolate.

- Oh, you do? [laughing]

Finally, a flavor I like! [chomping]

- Yay, this is great, Crusher!

I had no idea you'd like chocolate skunk ice cream.

- Chocolate skunk ice cream?

- [squeaking]

- Eww! Yuck!

[screaming and spitting]

- Oh, well. More for us.

Right, everyone?

[squeaking, clucking, and croaking]

- Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm!

[engines revving]

- Whoo-hoo! Good news, guys!

We're almost at my house for the ice cream party!

- All right!

- That is great news, Gasquatch.

- Yep.

It's just on the other side of that mountain.

- The mountain, it's shaking!

- Huh, that's strange.

I don't think the mountain has ever rumbled like that before.

Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Wait a second.

I don't think that's a mountain.


all: A volcano!

- And it's oozing out hot lava. - Gaskets!

Lots of hot lava, and it's going everywhere!

- Oh, no!

The lava's blocking our way!

We'll never get to my ice cream party now!


- Don't give up, Gasquatch.

I've got an idea.

What if we change this lava from a liquid to a solid?

- Yeah!

When rocks underground get super hot,

they melt changing from a solid into liquid called lava.

And when a volcano erupts,

all that hot lava comes oozing out.

But if we can make the lava get cold,

we can change it from a liquid back into solid rock.

Then it will be safe to drive on.

- Wow!

That's a great plan.

But how are we gonna cool off hot lava?

- Leave that to me, Gasquatch!

Activating ice cream blaster!

[rock music]

- It's working!

- All that cold ice cream is turning

the lava into solid rock!

- Come on, Gasquatch.

Follow me! - [laughing]

[both laughing]

- All right! - We did it!

- But we better keep on the lookout.

- Yeah, there's gotta be more lava where that came from.

- Tell me when you see lava so I can freeze it

with my ice cream blaster.

When you see lava,

say lava!

[engine humming]


♪ ♪

- Yeah!

[engines revving]


Whoo-hoo-hoo! - We made it!

- But stay on the lookout for more lava.

When you see more lava, say lava.

[engine rumbling]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[both hooting]

- Yay! - All right!

- [laughing]

We've almost made it past the volcano!

- Just a little farther to go.

If you see any more lava,

say lava.

[engine humming]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- Yay! - Whoo-hoo!

[both hollering]

- Yeah! - Yeah!

[volcano booming]

- Whoo-hoo!

[rumbling] - Wow!

- We did it!

We just stopped the volcano with ice cream!

- Just another reason why ♪ I love ice cream ♪

[both laughing]

- Hey, Gasquatch,

isn't that your house?

- Ooh, that is my house!

We're so close to my ice cream party!

But all the friends I invited, they're even closer!

[all shouting]

[engines roaring]

Oh, no!

My friends are gonna get there

and they won't have any ice cream!

- Don't worry, Gasquatch.

We'll get the ice cream there in time.

We just need some blazing speed.

[engines roaring]

- Oh, yeah!

- To give Gasquatch and me blazing speed,

say, "Let's blaze!"

all: Let's blaze!

[all shouting]

♪ ♪

[horn honking]

[tires squealing] - We made it!

- And just in time. Look!

[all shouting]

All your friends are here!

- Yay! - Party!

- Whoo-hoo!

[all shouting]

- Howdy, Gasquatch.

- Oh, I'm so glad you all made it.

This is gonna be the most delicious ice cream party ever!

- Ooh, Zeg like ice cream.

- Yep, ice cream's my favorite.

- Mm-hmm.

- Okay, ice cream truck Blaze.

Ready to do your thing?

- Ready!

- Then let's have an ice cream party!

♪ ♪

- Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ Ice cream, ice cream making ice cream ♪

♪ It always tastes so tastes so sweet ♪

♪ Ice cream, ice cream making ice cream ♪

♪ It's such a cool, cool frozen treat ♪

- ♪ I love ice cream ♪

[all laughing]

- ♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll ♪

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go with Blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed ♪

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's time for adventure extreme ♪

♪ Gonna kick it in gear ♪

♪ We'll be catching some air with Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪