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05x04 - The Trophy Chase

Posted: 11/23/23 18:25
by bunniefuu
- ♪ On your mark ♪

♪ Get ready to race ♪

♪ One, two, three, let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt, we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze ♪

♪ Gimme, gimme, gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Let's Blaze ♪

[upbeat music]

- [musical car horn honking] Whoo-hoo!

- [laughs] - Yeah!

[tires screeching]

- Well, friends, here we are! The Championship Race!

- Wow! - Ooh!

- Ooh, whee! Well, I'll be!

Check out the size of that race track!

It's got twisty turns!

- And jumbo jumps!

- And super-duper loop-the-loops.

- [growls]

The Championship Race looks amazing!

- Zeg!

- Hey, that sounds like Zeg!

- Yeah, I bet he's here for the race, too.

Help me look for him.

When you see Zeg, say "Zeg!"

all: Zeg! - [enthusiastic munching]

Whoo-hoo! Here I am!



- Hey, look over there!

- Sch-weet! What's that?

- It must be the trophy you get

for winning the Championship Race!

It's the Championship Trophy! [oohs and ahhs]

- I've never seen anything like it!

- Wow!

Wouldn't it be cool to have a trophy like that?

- It sure would, but you can't get a trophy

if you don't win the race!

So come on, Monster Machines,

let's get to that starting line!

- Yee-haw! - Yeah!

- It racing time!

- Mmm! [chews]

Oh! Hey, Crusher, whatcha doing?

- Aah, Pickle!

You're just in time to see my newest invention,

the Flying Fetcher!

- Ooh, how does it work?

- Watch!

[giggles] With this remote,

I can make the Flying Fetcher bring me anything I want.


popcorn! [chuckles]

And juice! And pretzels!


- Wow, it really can bring you anything you want!

- Aah! But what do I want, Pickle?

I mean, what do I really, really want?

- Um, a hug? - No!

I want something big, and shiny!

Something that no one else has in the whole world!

Something like... [gasps]

that trophy!


Now the Flying Fetcher's gonna grab that trophy

and bring it right to me!

- [chirps]

- Here it comes! I've almost got it!

I've...almost... [shouts]

[electricity crackles]

[gasps] Oh, no!

The remote! It's broken!

But, without the remote I can't make the Flying Fetcher

bring me the trophy!

It's out of control!

Flying Fetcher, give me that trophy!

Come on, I want it!




- All right, everyone. Good luck in the race.

- You too, partner.

- And may the best truck win the trophy.

- The big shiny...trophy? Hey, where trophy go?

- No! - [gasps] Look!

- Come back with that trophy!

- Hopping hubcaps! The trophy's flying away!

- And Crusher's trying to get it!

- I want that trophy!

- [growls] But he can't take the trophy.

- That not fair.

- It's supposed to be for the winner of the race!

- Come on, everyone!

We have to hurry and get that trophy

before Crusher gets it. all: Yeah!

- Let's do it! - Monster Machines, follow me!

- Yay! - Yeah!

[rock music]

- ♪ Another day, another adventure ♪

♪ We can do it if we do it together ♪

♪ Rev it up, let's hit the road ♪

♪ One, two, three, let's go! ♪

♪ Blazing amazing ♪

♪ No one can stop us now, we can't stop ♪

♪ We're blazing and racing yeah ♪

♪ To save the day, we'll show you how ♪

♪ Whoa, we've got velocity ♪

♪ Whoa, speed is what we need ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Come on everyone, let's blaze ♪

[engines roaring]

[mechanical chittering]

- Trophy, wait!

[mechanical chittering]

I want that trophy!


- Hiya, Crusher!

- Pickle? What are you doing here?

- Well, I know how much you love trophies

so I came to show you the cool trophy I just got.


It's the "Best At Not Slipping On Banana Peels" trophy.

I got it 'cause I'm the best at not slipping on banana peels!

- A trophy for not slipping on banana peels?

That's ridiculous!

Anyone can get a trophy for that.

I mean, I drive all the time

and I never slip on any banana peel--



- [musical car horn honking]

both: Oh! I know that sound.

both: It's Blaze!

- Yee-haw! - Whoo-hoo!

- Oh, they must want the trophy, too!

Well, they can't have it.

Because I'm gonna stop them with these!

[robots burbling]

- Aww, these cute wittle robots couldn't stop anyone.

They're so tiny!

- [giggles] Not for long they're not!

The darker it gets, the bigger they grow!

They're my Grow-In-The-Dark Robots!


- [uncomfortable chuckle] My, you've grown.

- [burbles]

- Grow-In-The-Dark Robots, stop those racers!

[upbeat music]

- Shoo-wee! Sure is dark in here.

- Oh, it's fine.

I mean, it's not like we're gonna run into some giant--

robots! [shouts]

[robots burbling]

- Hey! - Guys!

both: Whoa!

- [groans]

- [growls] What are we gonna do?

- Them Grow-In-The-Dark Robots are blocking the whole tunnel.

- Hmm, those robots grow big when it's dark,

but if we shine a bright light at them

they'll shrink and get small again.

- Yeah, and we know how to make a bright light.

We can do it with photons!

Light is made of tiny particles called photons.

They're really, really small, but the more of them you have,

the brighter the light gets.

With enough photons, we can make

a super bright light and shrink these robots.

- All right! - Let's do it!

[robot burbles]

- Uh-oh! Zeg see robot!

- Let's shrink it.

To make a bright light with lots of photons, say "photons."


- [concerned burbling]

- Whoo-hoo! - It worked!

- Way to use those photons!

[rock music]

[tires screeching]

- Uh-oh, but look! Another Grow-In-The-Dark Robot.

- Help make a bright light to shrink it.

Say "photons."


- [concerned burbling]

- Whoo-hoo! - Yay!

- [growls] - Yeah!

- We almost out of tunnel!

- We just have to get past one more robot.

- [tough burbling]

- Let's shrink it with the brightest light yet!

Shout "photons!"


- [concerned burbling]


♪ ♪

Come on! This way!

- ♪ Photons! ♪

♪ When you turn on a lamp ♪

♪ It's sending out a lot of photons ♪

♪ The flash from a camera ♪

♪ Sending out a beam of photons ♪

♪ When the beat hits you right ♪

♪ It's the dark turns to light ♪

♪ Making it bright ♪

♪ Ready, set, go! ♪

♪ Photons, the smallest particles of light ♪

♪ Photons, photons! Photons, photons! ♪

♪ Photons, the smallest particles of light ♪

♪ Photons, photons! Photons, photons! ♪

♪ The more there are, the brighter the light ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Photons light up the night ♪

♪ Photons, the smallest particles of light ♪

♪ Photons! ♪

[mechanical chittering]

- Whoa, what's that?

- Oh, boy, oh, boy! - Trophy, come back!

[mechanical chittering]

- Crusher, Crusher!

Check out the trophy I just got!

- What? You got another trophy?

- That's right.

It's the "Best At Not Crashing Into Pizza" trophy.

I got it 'cause I'm the best at not crashing into pizza.

- You got a trophy for that? B-but that's so easy!

I mean, I can drive across this whole city

and never ever crash into--


[pizza splats] Yuck.

- [musical car horn honking]

- No, they're back!

And they're still trying to get the trophy!

I've gotta stop those Monster Machines with something like...

lasers... or trash cans or--or...

lasers and trash cans! [devious laughter]

I'll make Laser Trash Cans!

[laser zaps]

[laser zaps]

[laser zaps]

[laser zaps]

[rock music]

both: Ahh!

- Hopping hubcaps! Look at all them lasers!

- Huh?

Zeg not think lasers look so bad.

Okay, that bad.

- Yeah, we need to be careful.

A laser is a powerful beam of light,

and light is made out of photons.

The photons in a laser have so much energy

they can cut through things.

But if photons hit something shiny like a mirror

they bounce off and go in another direction.

- Huh.

A mirror? You mean, like, this mirror?

- Stripes, that's perfect! - Yeah, give it a try!

- All right!

- [growls]


The laser photons are bouncing away!

[engine revving]

Yeah! Hoo-hoo!


Can't catch me, lasers!

[laughs] I made it!

- Yay! - Yeah, it worked!

- Shoo-wee! I want to try that!

- Zeg, too! - Yeah!

You just need something shiny to bounce the lasers away.

- Hmm, maybe one of these'll do the trick.

Which of these things is shiny like a mirror?

A spoon, a milk carton, or a waffle?

The spoon! Right!

- Okay, spoon. You know what to do!

[engines revving]


- Yip, yip, yip! Ha!


- Say "bye-bye," lasers!

- Take that! Yee-haw!

- Nice going, you guys!

- [chuckles] Thank you, spoon!


- Come on, Blaze.

Now it's our turn to get past the lasers.

Let's see what we've got.

Hmm, which of these is shiny like a mirror?

The book, the sandwich, or the frying pan?

The frying pan! Yeah!

- All right, Blaze.

Let's get past those lasers once and for all.

[dramatic music]

- Yeah!


[laser zaps]

[engine revs]


[engine revs]




Oh, yeah!

- Nice going, fellers!

[mechanical chittering]

- Hey, look!

There's the Championship Trophy!

- Trophy, come back! - But there's Crusher!

And it looks like he's almost got it.

- Not if we get it first. Come on, Monster Machines!


- Flying Fetcher, get back here--

with that trophy!

- Great news, Crusher! I got another trophy!

- Another trophy? - Mm-hmm!

And I couldn't be more proud of it!

It's the "Best At Not Getting Kissed By A Chicken" trophy!

- [scoffs] You can't be the best

at not getting kissed by a chicken!

I mean, look at me!

Not once have I ever, ever been kissed by a--

- [excited cluck] - Chicken?

[excited clucking] [panicked shouting]

[engine revs]

- Ahh, I'm still the best.

- Yuck!


[gasps] Oh, no!

Blaze and the other Monster Machines?

Aw, they keep trying to get the trophy that I want.

Well, they're not gonna get it before me

because I'm gonna stop them once and for all with these!

My Vacuum Traps!

[helicopter blades whirring]

- [growls] Do you guys hear that?

- Sound like vacuum cleaners. - No, not vacuum cleaners.

Vacuum Traps!

[dramatic music]

[vacuum droning]

- Wha--whoa!

[vacuums droning] - Whoa!

- Zeg!

- Blaze, look out! - Whoa, whoa!

[vacuums droning]

♪ ♪

- Phew, that was close.

- Blaze! - We're stuck!

- Can't get out!

- Gaskets!

Our friends are stuck in the Vacuum Traps,

and we've got to get them out!

- But how will we save them?

We can't see which traps they're in.

- Hmm, we'll need some way to look inside those traps.

We need X-ray photons!

- Yeah!

When you turn on an X-ray machine,

it sends out special photons

that can go through things and show you what's inside.

With an X-ray machine,

we can see what's inside the traps

and find our friends.

- Come on, let's build the parts

and turn me into an X-ray machine!

First, I need an electric generator

to send electricity into the machine.

To make the generator, say "generator."

Generator! [rock music]

Now, I need an X-ray tube.

It turns the electricity into X-ray photons.

To make the X-ray tube, say "X-ray tube."

X-ray tube! [rock music]

Last, I need the collimator.

It collects the photons and sh**t them out.

To make the collimator, say "collimator."

Collimator! [rock music]

[chuckles] Yeah!

I'm an X-ray Monster Machine!

- All right!

- Blaze, AJ!Up here!

- I hear Stripes! [engine revs]

- He must be in one of those traps over there.

Let's use our X-ray to look for them.

- Activating X-ray photons!

[X-ray zaps]

- Look at the Vacuum Traps.

When you see Stripes, say "Stripes."

both: Stripes!

- Hang on, Stripes! [engine revs]


- Whoo-hoo! - All right!

- Thanks, Blaze!

- Hey, y'all! Up here!

- It's Starla!

- Hang in there, Starla! We'll find you!

- Activating X-ray photons!

When you see Starla, say "Starla."

both: Starla!

- Hang on, Starla! [engine revs]


- Yee-haw! - [growls]

- Thanks, partners! - Now we just need to find Zeg.

- Zeg!

- Sounds like he's in one of those traps.

- Activating X-ray photon!

When you see Zeg, say "Zeg."

together: Zeg!

[engine revs]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!


together: Whoo-hoo!

- Way to go, Blaze!

- You saved us all from those Vacuum Traps!

[mechanical jangling]

- And look!

There's the Championship Trophy!

- And that Flying Fetcher's running out of power!

- Now the trophy's on top of that building!

- [devious laughter]

- Uh-oh! But Crusher almost there!

- [giggles] It's finally gonna be mine!

All mine![laughs]

- We've gotta hurry if we're gonna

get that Championship Trophy before Crusher takes it.

Time to use blazing speed!


To give me blazing speed, say "Let's Blaze!"

both: Let's Blaze!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! [engine roaring]

♪ ♪

- [laughing] I'm about to get the trophy!

- [musical car horn honking] Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- Yeah! All right!


- You did it, Blaze! - You saved trophy!

- [groans] It's not fair!

I was gonna have that trophy all for me.

Me, me, me! [wood splinters]




- Come on, Crusher. You can't just take a trophy.

- But then how am I supposed to get one?

- Well, don't you know? You've gotta earn a trophy!

- Yeah!

By doing something special, like winning a race.

- Huh...

that does sound more fair than just grabbing it.

- Hey, why don't you come with us to the Championship Race?

Then you could try to earn the trophy fair and square!

- Well, okay. Yeah, I will do that.

- Great!

Come on, everyone! To the Championship Race!


[rock music]

[cheers and applause]

- Incredible!

Blaze and his friends saved the trophy!

And now that the trophy's back in place,

it's time to start the Championship Race!

- [growls] - Yee-haw!

- All right, racers. On your marks...

[engines revving]

get set...


[rock music]

[engines roaring]

[tires squealing]

♪ ♪

[engines revving]

[tires squealing]

The racers are neck-and-neck, but who will come in first

and win the Championship Trophy?

It's... it's...

a tie!

[cheers and applause]

Blaze, Starla, Zeg, Stripes, and Crusher

all crossed the finish line at the same time.

They all win the race!

- Yee-haw! - Yay!

- Great race, everyone!

- [growls] I can't believe it!

- We all won Championship Race!

- Wait, but-- what do we do now?

There are five winners and only one trophy!

- Or maybe not! Look!

[ethereal twinkling]

- Well, buff my bumpers!

Championship Trophies turning into more trophies!

[upbeat music]

- Whoa! There's a trophy for me,

Zeg-- - Yipee!

- Stripes-- - [growls]

- Starla-- - Whoo-hoo!

- And Crusher!

- [giggles] I did it!

I finally earned my very own trophy!

- Congratulations, Monster Machines.

We're all champions! [cheers]

- ♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll ♪

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go with Blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed ♪

- ♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's time for adventure extreme ♪

♪ Going to kick it in gear ♪

♪ We'll be catching some air with Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪