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04x04 - Breaking the Ice

Posted: 11/22/23 18:51
by bunniefuu
- ♪ On your mark

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three, let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt, we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme, gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go, let's blaze ♪

- Yeah!


- Whoo-hoo!

- Nice catch, Blaze.

- Oh, oh, over here! Throw it to me!

- [grunts]

- [grunts]

[laughs] Wow, I caught it.

Did you see that, Crusher?

- Yeah, yeah. That's nothing.

You want to see an amazing catch?

Watch this.

Okay, Pickle, now throw it as far as you can.

- As far as I can?

All right.


- I've almost got it.

[grunts] Almost got it. it!

[chuckles] Uh-oh.

Ah! Ugh.


- Crusher. - [gasps]

- Are you all right?

- Yuck. What is all this stuff?

- Huh. It looks like cement.

- Cement?

You mean that stuff that gets really hard when it dries?

- That's the stuff.

[cement crackling]

- [grunts] Oh, no.

I'm trapped.


- Don't worry, Crusher.

We'll break you out of there.

- Ooh, maybe I can break the cement with this hammer.

- Aww.

- How about a sledgehammer?


- Aww.

- Maybe a jackhammer.

[both yelling]

- There's only one thing powerful enough

to break Crusher out of that cement.

A super strong robot!

- Yeah! If Blaze turns into a robot,

he'll be strong enough to smash through that cement.

- Come on. Let's design our robot.

First, our robot's gonna need two powerful legs.

To design the robot legs, say, "Robot legs."

Robot legs!

Now let's design the body.

To add the robot body, say, "Robot body."

Robot body!

All we need now are big, strong arms for smashing.

To design the robot arms, say, "Robot arms."

Robot arms!


I'm ready to become Robot Blaze!

[triumphant music]


- Whoa.

- Hang on, Crusher.

I'm gonna break you out of that cement

with robot power!

- Hooray! - You did it, Blaze.

- Huh. He really did do it.

Look, Pickle, I'm free!

- You're free!

- I'm free, I'm free, I'm free. - Free, free!

- Hey!

Robot Blaze, over here.

- Gabby!

- Hey, Gabby. What's going on?

- I've got a big surprise that I can't wait to show you guys.

- A big surprise? Cool.

- What is it, Gabby?

- Here, take a look.

[mechanical clanking]

both: Whoa.

- Come on. Let's check it out.

- All right. Here I go.



- Yeah! Whee!

- Whoa.




- Yeah! - All right!


- Whoa.

- Welcome to robot headquarters.

- Gabby,

when you said you had a big surprise,

you weren't kidding.

- I built robot headquarters just for you, Blaze,

so you could have some place to train

with your new robot powers.

It's got a climbing wall,

a zip line,

even a laser maze!

- This is amazing. Thanks, Gabby.

- You're welcome, Blaze.

Now go on. Give it a try.

- Yeah! Let's get training.

[rock music]

Yeah! - Whoa.

Nice moves, Robot Blaze.


- Hey. What's that, Gabby?

- It's the headquarters computer.

It lets us see things all over the world, like...

gorillas in the jungle.

[gorillas chattering]

Tropical fish in the ocean.

Even a little bunny playing on that glacier.

- ♪ La-la-la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la-la ♪

- Hey there, little bunny. Whatcha doing?

- Oh, hi.

I'm just making some snowballs.

See? Look how many I've got so far.

- Wow. - Nice work, little bunny.

- Thanks. You know, the trick to good snowball making

is to just keep rolling it through the snow

again and again and--

- Gaskets! Look out, little bunny.

- The glacier is breaking apart!

- [gasps] Uh-oh.

I've got to get out of here.

Ooh, ooh, my snowballs.

Whoa. [gasps]



Wuh-oh. This isn't good.


- Oh, no.

The little bunny's all alone on that floating piece of ice.

- Well, then we've got to get to that glacier and rescue her.

- But how, Blaze? - I can get us there.

With my robot power, nothing's gonna get in our way.

- Yeah! - Let's do it!

- Hang on, little bunny. Help is on the way.

It's time for robot... all: Power!

- ♪ Robot power

♪ We're engineered for awesome ♪

♪ Got all the best technology ♪

♪ Processing lots of data

♪ With our computer circuitry ♪

♪ So let's get excited

♪ Come on

♪ We're programmed for fun

♪ And to get the job done

♪ Robot power

♪ Robot, yeah

♪ Yeah, you know we got ♪

♪ Robot power

♪ You know we've got robot power ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Robot power

♪ Yeah

♪ Robot power

- Hey, look. There's a tunnel up ahead.

- We've got to get through there

if we're gonna get to little bunny.

- [grunts]

[yells, grunts]

[rumbling] all: Whoa!

- What was that?

- I don't know...

but there's definitely something strange

happening in here!

- Uh-oh. That's a long way down.

- Blaze, look out!

- Whoa!

- Oh, man.

This cave has falling rocks and giant cracks.

- I've got to find some way to get us past all this stuff.

- Hey, I know how we can help Robot Blaze.

With coding! - Yeah.

Coding is when you write instructions

that tell a machine what to do.

- First, let's give Robot Blaze instructions

to get past the falling rocks.

- I know!

I'll code Blaze to use his super strong arms

and smash the rocks away.

- And then we'll code Blaze

to use his powerful legs and jump over the giant crack.

- All right!

So then our code is:

go, smash, jump, stop.


- Go!




- Yeah! - Our code worked.

- Now, come on. Let's keep moving.


Looks like more trouble.

- Help us write a new code for Robot Blaze.

- Up ahead, there's another giant crack

then more falling rocks.

What should we tell Blaze to do to get past the crack?

Smash or jump?

Jump! Right.

- And how should we tell Blaze to get past the falling rocks?

Smash or jump?


- That makes our new code:

go, jump, smash, stop.

- Go!




- All right! - Way to go, Blaze.

Just a little farther, and we'll be out of this cave.

- Whoa! Watch out!

- Looks like I need one last code.

- How should we tell Blaze to get past this first crack?

Smash or jump?


And what about this next crack?

Smash or jump?


- And what should we tell him to do at the falling rocks?

Smash or jump?


- That makes our code:

go, jump, jump, smash, stop.

- Go!




And stop.

- Yeah! - We made it.

Nothing can stop us 'cause we've got robot...

all: Power!

[upbeat music]

- ♪ Code go

♪ Gonna write, write, write the instructions ♪

♪ Then we'll run, run, run the program ♪

♪ Coding's the language machines understand ♪

♪ They can do anything with the right command ♪

♪ Solving the problem using your code ♪

♪ Just give the instructions, we're ready to go ♪

♪ Code go

♪ Gonna write, write, write the instructions ♪

♪ Then we'll run, run, run the program ♪

♪ Gonna write, write, write the instructions ♪

♪ Then we'll run, run, run the program ♪

♪ We've got the power to code a machine ♪

♪ Take on the challenge and do anything ♪

♪ Code go, code go, code go, code go ♪

♪ Code go!

- Hey.

Let's check on little bunny and make sure she's okay.

- Oh. [laughs]

Bunny throws a snowball to bunny.

Bunny catches and throws it back to Bunny.

She scores!

- [chuckles] Hiya, little bunny.

- Oh! Hi, guys.

I'm just keeping busy with a little game of catch.

Playing catch is perfect when you're stuck on the ice

'cause you can throw and catch and throw and catch--

- Little bunny, watch out! - Whoa.

Boy, this ice, it just keeps on melting, huh?

- Don't worry, little bunny. We'll be there soon.

- Robot Blaze is on the move.

- Okay. I'll just be here, then.


- [grunts] Hmm.

To save little bunny,

I've got to get through this forest,

but I'm not sure which way to go.

- Hey, up there!

You look like you could use some help.

- Whoa. You guys are moose.

- Howdy. I'm Morgan Moose.

- I'm Marty Moose.

- And over there, that's Bruce Moose.

- Wow.

You are the biggest moose I've ever seen.

- Ah, he's not a moose, Bruce.

He's a robot.

- Oh. [chuckles]

You're the biggest robot I've even seen.

[all laugh]

- Hey, moose, could you show us

the fastest way through this forest?

- Well, sure.

- Nobody knows these woods better than we do.

- Follow us, giant moose. Oh, I mean, robot.


- ♪ Take a tour through the woods ♪

- ♪ This is our neighborhood

- ♪ It's our pleasure to show you around ♪

- ♪ There are rocks - ♪ And big trees

- ♪ And forest families, and plenty of dirt ♪

- ♪ On the ground

- ♪ Around every bend

- ♪ You can make some new friends ♪

- ♪ Like Morgan and Marty and me ♪

both: ♪ We hope that it's good

- ♪ Our tour through the woods ♪

all: ♪ 'Cause the woods is a great place to be ♪


- Hey, look!


- A lot of snow.

- And wind too.

- Uh-oh. Better hang on, everyone.

It's a snowstorm!


[all yelling]

- Robot power!

- Yeah! - All right.

- Whoo. Glad we're out of there.

- Wait, but where did our moose friends go?

- Yoo-hoo! Blaze.

- We're stuck in the snow too, eh!

- And we can't get out!

- Don't worry, moose. We'll help you...

wherever you are.

- Uh-oh. How are we gonna find them

with everything covered in snow?

- Hey.

I know how we can find the moose.

We just have to look for this shape.

The shape of their antlers.

- Come on! Help me look.

Where do you see the shape of moose antlers?

Right there! Yeah.

- Hello?

- Hang on, Marty.

I'll pull you out with my super strong arms.


- Wow! Thanks, Robot Blaze.

- Hey, how about a little help over here?

- That sounds like Morgan.

- Let's look for him.

Where do you see the shape of moose antlers?

Over there!


- Whoo-hoo! I'm free.

- That makes two of us, eh?

- Only one moose left to find. Bruce.

- Hey, that's my name.

- I hear him.

- Where do you see the shape of moose antlers?

Yeah! There.

Hang on, Bruce.


- [laughs]

[shivers] That is some cold snow.

[all cheering, laughing]

- [gasps] Blaze, look over there.

It's the glacier.

- Little bunny is just on the other side.

- See? I told you we'd get you there.

One way or another.

- Thanks, moose.

Hope we'll see you again sometime.

- Good luck, Blaze! - So long.


- Hey, listen. Someone's calling us.

- [humming lively tune]

- It's the little bunny. - And she's juggling.

- [humming continues]

Oh, hey.

I thought a little juggling could help pass the time.

You know, juggling is all about focus.

Stay focused no matter what.

Just focus and focus-- - Little bunny, look out!

- Whoa! Phew.

There's not a lot of ice left, is there?

- Don't worry, little bunny. - Robot Blaze is almost there.

- Great.

Okay, but if you need me,

you know where to find me.


- Come on! Let's keep moving.

[rock music]



- Yeah! - Nice climbing, Blaze.

- Hey, look. There's the water,

way down at the bottom of this glacier.

- Little bunny must be right down there.

- But to save her, we'll have to hurry.

The ice is melting fast.

- Don't worry, I've got something

that'll get us down this glacier extra fast.

Activating robot snowboard.

- All right! - Whoa!

- Now hang on. It's snowboard time!

[surf rock music]


- All right! - Yeah.

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- Look out, Robot Blaze!

There's a big cliff up ahead.

- Uh-oh.

We've got to find some way to get across.

- Hey, maybe I can ride my snowboard

off one of those pieces of ice, like a ramp.

- Yeah. If we pick the right one,

it could launch us to the other side.

- Switching to Visor-View.

If we ride off the red ice, Blaze will land here.

And if we ride off the blue ice,

he'll land here.

Which piece of ice will get Blaze to the other side?

The red piece. Right.

- Go for it, Blaze!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- All right! - We made it.

- Uh-oh. There's another cliff up ahead.

- Lug nuts!

I'm gonna need an even bigger jump this time.

- If Blaze rides off the green ice, he'll land here.

And if he takes the orange ice, he'll land here.

Which piece of ice will get Blaze to the other side?

The orange one. Yeah!

- Yahoo!

- Yes! - That was awesome!

- We're almost at the bottom of the glacier,

but to get there, I'm gonna need one last jump.

- And it better be the biggest jump yet.

- The blue ice will launch me here.

The red ice will get me to here.

And the green ice will launch me here.

Which piece of ice will get me to the other side?

The red piece. Yeah!

Here goes.



- Whoo-hoo! - Yeah.


- We made it!

- Great snowboarding, Blaze.

- And look!

There's the little bunny.

- You're here! I knew you'd make it.

I knew it, and then I kept knowing it.

And then I knew it again and then again--

- Little bunny, watch out!

- [yells] - Oh, no!

I don't think little bunny can hang on much longer.

- Then we need to get to her super fast.

We need blazing speed!

To give us blazing speed, say, "Let's blaze!"

[together] Let's blaze!

[rock music]

- I'm slipping!

[musical car horn honking]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- Yeah! - All right.

- [gasps] Robot Blaze!

- I got you, little bunny. Now hang on.


- You did it, Blaze. - Yeah!

- You're safe now, little bunny.

- Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you--

- [laughs]

- And look, little bunny.

You've still got all your snowballs.

- Oh, yay!

Now we can do my favorite thing in the whole world.

- [laughs] What's that?

- Snowball fight!

- [chuckles]


- Did somebody say snowball fight?

- Ooh, ooh. Wait for us!

- Snowball fight!

- Whoa. - [laughs]

- Yeah!

- [laughs]

- Whoo! - Look out below!

- [laughs] Oh!


- [laughs]

- Oh!


- Heads up!


- ♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go with Blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's time for adventure extreme ♪

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'll be catching some air with Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪