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Lone Ranger, The (1956)

Posted: 11/19/23 18:34
by bunniefuu
When the factories first began to send

their pall of smoke over the cities...

and farmlands in the east
offered only the barest living...

Americans turned their faces
toward the west.

They poured into the new territories
by thousands...

bringing their household goods,
fording the mighty rivers

and climbing the mountains,
fighting Indians and outlaws...

praying, toiling, dying.

It was a hard land, a hostile land.

Only the strong survived.

A new American breed.

The pioneer.

In this forge, upon this anvil...

was hammered out a man
who became a legend...

a man who hated thievery and oppression.

His face masked, his true name unknown...

he thundered across the west
upon a silver white stallion...

appearing out of nowhere
to strike down injustice or outlawry

and then vanishing
as mysteriously as he came.

His sign was a silver b*llet.

His name was the Lone Ranger.

Tonto, boundary markers.

Ah, that Indian reservation, Kemo-sabe.
Taboo for white man.

We can't go any further. Come on.

- Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
- Don't worry about this mask.

- It's on the side of the law.
- Sure.

Anyway, you won't get much.

All I got is one small herd,
and them redskins sure cut it up.

You catch up with them?

Them go onto reservation.
We not able to follow.

Like every time.

Does this happen often?

Mister, they come across that boundary
line soon as they run out of meat.

Only this time I saw 'em.

But they saw me, too.

Kemo-sabe, you notice
something strange about Indians?

Yes, Tonto.

They all had saddles.

Why not?

They do enough stealing around here...
if you excuse the word.

Wouldn't want to insult a couple
of fellers that just saved my life.

I told you I'm not a bandit,
but if you'd like to be grateful,

you won't talk about seeing us.
We'd appreciate that.

Easiest thing I do is keep my mouth shut.

Good. We'll use my horse.
Give me a hand with the saddle.

Excuse me, mister?

You better take cover
for the next couple of days.

- We got a sheriff in Brasada who means it.
- Why only for the next few days?

Well, some real high muckity-mucks
coming out this way.

Might make Sheriff Kimberley sort of edgy.

How high?

Governor of this territory,
that's how high.

Coming to visit the Kilgore Ranch.

That's a special place to keep clear of.
You wouldn't like the climate.



Mighty nice to see you, Governor.
I'm Reece Kilgore.

- Delighted, Mr. Kilgore.
- Hope you had no trouble on the road.

Were we really in danger
from Indians, Mr. Kilgore?

My secretary, Mr. Clive,
thinks you warned us about that

just to put spice into the journey.

Well, you're safe, Governor,
and that's all that matters.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Governor, may I present Mr. Abernathy,
president of the Bank of Brasada.

- Your Excellency.
- Delighted, sir.

This is Reverend Purdy. Mr. Beecham.

Dr. Bailey.

Joe Branch.

Bob Benson.

This is our Sheriff Kimberley.

- You carry a name highly respected here.
- Thank you, Governor.

- John Muller, Bureau of Indian Affairs.
- We must have a talk...

Excuse me, Governor. Here's a man
you have to meet, Chip Walker,

first white man to set foot
in the territory.

Well, I'm delighted.

Proud to meet you, sir.

I expected to find you
a much older man, Mr. Kilgore.

- Oh, why?
- I don't know.

I suppose because of your position
in these parts, your wealth, influence.

Well, out here
you have to get a pretty fast start.

In these parts, your chances
of growing old may not always be too good.

allow me to present Mrs. Kilgore.

- Governor, it's a real pleasure.
- And my daughter, Lila, a real westerner.

Born here, raised here,
and able to prove it.

- How do you do, Ms. Lila?
- How do you do?

All right, ladies and gentlemen,
here he is,

the man who's doing the most to make
this territory a state in the union,

our territorial governor!


When Mr. Kilgore graciously invited me
to his ranch for some hunting,

I gladly accepted the opportunity

to renew my acquaintance
with this great territory of ours.

I know we have certain problems.

Once again, Indians and white men are
watching each other over their gunsights.

We must put an end to that.

We must establish reason,
justice and peace...

because only then can I stand
before the Congress in Washington

and say what I say to you now.

This territory must and
shall become a state.

I continue to press for statehood
along with the others, Governor,

but it's only because
I don't want to discourage them.

Frankly, I just can't see
our being granted statehood.

Not for so long as Indian troubles
keep us looking like a raw frontier.

Mr. Kilgore, we have a denial
from Mr. Muller, the Indian agent.

What does Muller know about it?

Red Hawk's young men come climbing down

off that reservation,
any night they please.

They steal calves, broncos,
anything they can lay their hands on.

Is there any evidence
to prove these charges?

Well, Mr. Clive, when a man finds
one of his best calves butchered

out on the range,
and the best parts of it cut away,

and only moccasin tracks around it,
that's evidence.

Governor, the reservation
is too close to town.

Up to now, they've only k*lled our cattle,
but what if they start in on us again?

These people can't see why they can't move
these Indians further north

to another reservation.

Mr. Kilgore, we've signed
a peace treaty with them.

They've broken it, Governor.

Come in, Cassidy.
Governor, this is my foreman, Cassidy.

Good evening.

Found mountain lion tracks
over at Cottonwood Springs.

- Fresh trail?
- About an hour old.

There you are, sir.
Didn't I promise you some good hunting?

- We've got a big cat.
- I want to go, too!

No, Lila.

Reece, you wouldn't let her go.

Well, it-it's just
that she's such a little girl.

We'll start before daybreak.

Not this time, little bit.

In a year or two, maybe.

I brought Mrs. Kilgore here
out from the east.

She still hasn't been able
to get used to us.

You see, back east,
you wouldn't be wearing pants.

You'd learn to curtsy and to embroider.

And you'd no more think
of letting the sun touch your face

than handle the business end
of a branding iron.

- I'm going to brand a calf this roundup.
- You are, huh?

I've got a big outfit here, Governor.
You've only seen a corner of it.

And this is the youngster
who someday is going to be able to run it.

I'm raising her to be equal to the job.

Did you have to humiliate me
before the Governor?

Go to bed.

I know how bitter you are about me...

how disappointed.

But why can't we try to make
the best of it?

I'm doing that.

Are you?

Staring for hours every evening
at a mountain you can't have.

- Bringing up Lila the way you do.
- Will you please go to bed?

Reece, you can't make a boy of her.

It may be what you wanted,
but it's not what we have.

I think I know what I'm doing.

And so do I.

Now, look,
it isn't our fault you're unhappy here.

Lots of people are happy.

You just don't fit. You hate the smell
of animals, the smell of leather,

the wind, the Indians, everything you see.

Talk about being afraid,
what aren't you afraid of?

You make me afraid.

Oh, no. You brought it out here with you,
under a pretty face and a lot of airs.

And you want a hand in raising
the only child we can have.

Could you put a colt on its feet
if it fell down?

You couldn't even outsmart
a Digger Indian.

Well, I'm training her
to handle what I leave her.

And I'm telling you, for the last time,
not to interfere.

- Clive.
- Mm?

It's time I told you.

My coming out here to go hunting
is purely a cover-up.

- Sir?
- I accepted Kilgore's invitation

because it would enable me to meet
a certain man.

What man?
When were these arrangements made?

Governor, I should handle
these things for your protection!

Keep your voice down.

Clive, different problems
require different measures.

This region is a hotbed of trouble,
and to think of form...

But, Governor,
don't you realize it may be dangerous?

Nevertheless, I have my work to do.

Tomorrow morning, I'm going
to slip off from the hunting party.

I want you to see to it
that no one comes looking for me.

I must meet this man, Clive.

And I must meet him on his own terms.

Yes, sir.

- Good morning, Padre.
- We are honored, Your Excellency.

It is I who am honored.

Has he arrived?

The sun is truly hot today.
Would you like to rest in our library?

What sort of person is he, Padre?

You must know him well.

Only you were able to arrange this.

We do not have a great many books,
but in a library,

there's always something of interest.

I'm sorry, I... I expected to meet
somebody else in here.

Nobody here but me.

Guess the Governor's mansion's
a long way from Injun country.

You live out here, Governor, you got
to be able to read sign... fast and sure.

- A silver b*llet?
- Yep, that's my credentials.

The... The sign of the Lone Ranger?

That's right.

Why isn't he here?

Must we have all this mystery?
I'm the Governor. I need his help.

Got to do your talking through me,
Governor. That's why I'm here.

Sit! Take a load off your spine.

Like the feller says,
sometimes polishing your britches

gets you further
than blistering your feet.

Pretty good, eh?

I'm here because I felt the Ranger
was the only man I could trust

to give me a fair, impartial report
on what's causing the trouble out here.

Looks like you had friends
when you come to the Kilgore Ranch.

How's a politician to know
who's telling him the truth?

It may well be that Kilgore's solution
is the only one possible.

Move Red Hawk and his people away
from any contact with the ranchers,

settle them on another reservation.

Just means breaking another promise
to them Injuns.

That ought to come easy by now.

I have a feeling
there's more to this situation

than just friction
between white and Indian.

Might be!

But, Governor, this is a rich territory.

Rich for white men, rich for Injun.

Sometimes a fellow forgets the goodies
he has in his own pockets and, uh...

does a little snooping
into another feller's.

Could be some of that going on.

Whatever it is, I cannot come before
the Congress and plead for statehood

until it's cleared up.
Tell that to the Ranger.

Yep, I'll tell him.

I must be able to show the Congress
a territory at peace with itself,

ready to join the union.

This territory isn't ready now.

Governor, you're as right as rain.
Well, adios-y.

- Looks like a fine horse.
- Ah, very fine.

- I'd like to buy him.
- Him belong to friend.

I'd pay a good price.

My friend not sell him.

Money has been known
to change a man's mind.


Him not like other horses.

One time, him fight buffalo, k*ll buffalo.

But him hurt bad. Maybe die.

Kemo-sabe find him, not let him die.
Long time now them be friend.


Ah, that my friend.
Indian word mean "trusty scout."

Him name Silver.


- The Lone Ranger's horse.
- How are you, Governor?

Well, sir, I'm glad to see you.

I've been telling my troubles
to that quaint friend of yours in there.

Huh! Quaint friend? It isn't
what a man looks like on the outside.

- It's what he has in his heart!
- Why, you're the old prospector!

- That's right.
- But why?

Governor, I learned a long time ago,
it's wise to know a man

before you place any trust in him.

But then you won't mind
my asking a few questions.

Of course not.
Let me tell you a brief story.

It's about my brother.

He was one of the finest men
that ever lived.

We were rangers in the same company.
He was a captain.

Then, one day,
we were ambushed by outlaws.

sh*t down like cattle in a pen.

Tonto happened along,
found me with still a spark of life.

- We've been riding together ever since.
- But why the mask?

Governor, outlaws live
in a lonesome world.

A world of fear, fear of the mysterious.

I made this mask
from my dead brother's clothing.

I've worked from behind it ever since.

I'll wear this mask until justice has been
dealt to the last m*rder*r and outlaw.

- I hope that answers your questions.
- It does.

- Thank you!
- Goodbye, sir.

Wait. When can I expect to hear from you?

When there's no longer any trouble
around here, or when there's too much.

I think you'd better get back
to the ranch.

I'm sure Mr. Kilgore
will be waiting for you.


Greetings, red brother.

Red Hawk, you know
that Tonto and I ride for justice.

For peace with honor
between the white man and red.

I will not listen to anything
but the truth.

We not steal cattle.

Arrows found in cattle.

Indians have been seen
riding horses with saddles.

Young braves not break treaty.

Your braves are angry, Red Hawk.

Perhaps they do these things
and their chief does not know.

Them know how Red Hawk punish.

Better die quick
than be punished for break treaty.

Them angry
because white man talk with two tongue.

Make treaty,
promise not go on reservation.

Not go near Spirit Mountain. But he go!

Spirits of Indian god rest on mountain.

Them say not come on mountain.

Not break sleep.

If break sleep, all go in fire.

Why should the white man break this taboo?

The ranchers wouldn't dishonor
their treaty just to go hunting.

Have you seen them, Red Hawk?
Who saw them, if Indians cannot go close?

Him see in medicine.

Strong medicine tell.

If this medicine man can see
who dares to ride on Spirit Mountain...

let his magic tell us
who raids the ranchers,

steals their horses and cattle.

We wish to know these things.

We do not want w*r.

Red Hawk not understand
white man way of peace.

Maybe better fight.

Maybe Red Hawk... him fight one last time.

Well, gents!
It's the same thing as a year ago.

We need extra hands
for the roundup and drive to Abilene.

Who likes Mr. Kilgore's money?

Lonnie Stewart?

Spanish Charlie?

This town must be getting deep!

I said I'm hiring for Reece Kilgore!

If any of you got a case against him
or me, holler out and I'll hear it.

Looks like we ain't so popular, Cassidy.

They don't speak up,
I'll pick the ones I want.

Slim, I'll take you.

Cleary, I'll need you on the chuckwagon.

- Knuckles, I got a long memory.
- I'm working for the Circle O.

You can quit!
Go tell 'em and get your bedroll!

- You, Buck Simpson!
- I'll go.

Now, that's what I like to hear.

Ramirez, you been wiped out
by the Indians. How about a job?

I'll go.

You need a job that bad,
I'll make you my deputy.

I can't ask my girl to marry me
on deputy's pay.

- It'll do till you can get started again.
- She's waited for me long enough.

Cassidy, you been having more brushes
with the Indians than anybody else.

This time, drive your herd around
the reservation, not across.

Are you loco?

Could be, but I'm wearing the star.

Well, pin it onto your britches.
You're busting out of 'em.

We drive across that reservation
to save 100 miles.

- It's trespassing.
- That's sure what it's called.

The Congress of the United States
granted those lands to the Indians.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs intends
to see to it that the grant is honored.

You stay just like you are, Sheriff:
honest, hard-working and golden pure.

- Take that off me.
- Whenever you get to feeling biggety,

just remember
it was our outfit that let you be elected.

That tin star you're wearing
is for other folks, not us.


Huh! Guess I got kind of excited!

Never did go
for these fandangled six-sh**t.

Always going off unexpectedly. Yes, sir!

Kind of makes a... a man nervous,
especially an old man!

You men get your gear
and show up at the ranch, pronto!

That's a girl.
Now, do the figure eight again.

Give him a hit.

All right, Lila.
Come here, dear.

Man, that's wonderful.

That's wonderful, boy.

Let's give him a little breather now, huh?
I think he's tired.

Ah, you raise 'em like boys,
they'll be boys.

Well, things are in pretty good shape
over there.

I still can't get over that Indian agent
and that tin badge

trying to tell me where to drive cattle.

Sheriff told you what to do. Do it.

- You mean take 'em around the reservation?
- Yes.

Them cows' bones will be sticking through
their hides.

Cassidy, It's only a few pounds of beef.

You know what you're supposed to pick up
for me at Abilene. You bring that back.

If you want to risk an Indian arrow
or a sheriff's b*llet,

take your pay and make your own orders.

Don't holler
so they can hear you over there.

Well, then, do as your told!
You stay on this side of the reservation.

And remember, the only reason
you're ramrodding this drive

is to pick up that stuff for me
at Abilene.

- Now, get the cows on the trail! Move 'em!
- Eh, let's go.


Go get that crazy steer
back into the herd!

Hey, that's Kilgore's stock.
You better get your rope off of him.

I caught him to give us a chance to talk,

You said to call on you
anytime I needed a favor.

You after somebody around here?

I'm after information. Can't tell yet
whether I'll find it here

or on the trail with the Kilgore herd.

If there's any trouble,
it'll be Cassidy who starts it.

When he ain't pulling somebody around,
he ain't living.

That's why I want somebody watching him
all the time, someone I can trust

to tell me everything that happens
on the drive.

Like what kind of thing?

Let's say anything unusual,
like Indian ponies wearing saddles.

That's one of the reasons
I want to stay in this area.

I want to find those Indians
and have a talk with 'em.

Where will I meet you when I come back?

There's a cave above the road
about a mile south of town.

- I know the place.
- I'll be there.

That Kimberley spread
is sure a pumpkin-seed outfit.

Why, their sheriff's old man don't have
but 100 head in the whole place.

- Mix 'em in with ours.
- It's already been taken care of.

Keep your eye open for old man Kimberley.

Here's old man Kimberley now.

He's sure scratching the wind.

Keep the cattle moving.

Hey, you!
Where you going with them cattle?

Hey! Now, hold on. Hold on.

You got my cattle in that herd.

Well, it's the sheriff's old man.
How are you, Kimberley?

Cut my cattle out of that herd
and get off my range.

- Your cattle?
- Yes, my cattle!

Now, why would we want to be
taking your cattle?

- We might want to come this way again.
- You lying rustler!

There's some of my brand right there.

Hold it, old man.

That crazy old coot,
riding into the herd like that.

Well, that takes care of that.

What happened? Who started the sh**ting?

- An Injun. Didn't you see him?
- An Indian?

Yeah, he got away.

Too bad about old Kimberley.

I don't think he believes me.

Blankets, three r*fles, saddle...

And then there's this.
Lucky Mr. Kilgore ordered by mail.

Gave me time to order. We don't get
no call for it around here, no use for it.

We have.

Powder, keep the boys rounded up. We're
heading back as soon as we paint the town.

Now you're talking.
I got enough red paint saved up in me

to cover the town of Chicago!

Kilgore wants us and this stuff back
in Brasada right away.

All of us?

Those I don't need, I'll pay off.

How about Pete Ramirez?

I don't mean to pry,
but if there's something exciting

going on down your way,
I'd sure appreciate your...


You tired of living?

- Don't you know what's under here?
- What do we aim to do with that?

If I told you fellers everything I know,
you'd be as smart as I am.

You looking for me, Ramirez?

Now, uh, that's the latest style
in the catalog.

You a married man?

- Got a girl.
- You get her that, and you'll be married.

She'll make you marry
just to have a chance to wear it.

- How much?
- Two dollars even.

- Keep your mouth shut about this.
- Uh-huh.

- Who is it?
- It's me. Open up.

That's strange.

I don't see Ramirez.

Maybe him come by different road,

It's possible, Tonto.

Kilgore must've been mighty anxious
for news to ride out to meet 'em.

Me have idea, Kemo-sabe.

You stay. Maybe Ramirez come.

Me ride to Brasada.
Maybe learn many things.

- Try to get there before Kilgore.
- Ah.

Be careful.

You know how redskins are.

They weren't satisfied with starting
the stampede that k*lled your father.

On the way back from Abilene,

my boys found his house
and everything else b*rned to the ground.

Not a horse, not a cow anywhere.

What proof do you have they were Indians?

You wouldn't believe an Indian
was bad if he scalped you.

You'd say it was cooler that way.

Where is Pete Ramirez?
Why isn't he telling me this?

What's he hiding for?

Well, Ramirez,
isn't he the one who quit in Abeline?

Yeah, cold. Come to me
and said he wanted to be paid off.

- Pete was to be married.
- Well, that's it.

Mr. Kilgore, when the Bureau
of Indian Affairs sent me out on this job,

they gave me just one piece of advice.

They said to remember,
it's the white man who does the pushing.

Only the white man has anything to gain.

How does that apply to me, Muller?

I thought I'd point out
in case you'd missed it

that most of the feeling
against the Indians is being stirred up

by the reports of your hired hands.

- I'm going to bust you...
- Now, wait just a minute.

Now, look here, I stand by my men.

When you accuse them, you're accusing me.

You and your men
are a reckless, g*n-happy lot.

Now, now. Let's talk about me, Muller,
about my problem.

Because now
I'm beginning to see what it is.

You don't care what the Indians do,
how we ranchers suffer.

- You're for them!
- When they're in the right...

Since you and Kimberley are closer
than fleas on a dog,

I guess that explains why no posse
of yours ever caught a single redskin!

We could never find enough evidence.

Sure, sure, I know.
Well, I won't wonder about it anymore.

All right, Sheriff, if you can't protect
this county, the ranchers will.

Look at that.
There's plenty of gall for you.

Now they even come into town wearing g*ns.

Throw him back on the reservation.

Get him!


Hey! Hey! Hey!

Get him, Happy!

Go, Scout, go!

Stop it, Sam!

Sam, what's the matter with you?

- Let's get rid of that murdering Indian!
- String him up.

Get that Injun!

Get him up there!

- Here's a rope, boys!
- String him up!

- Hang him!
- String him up high!

You men quit! I want to talk to you!

Get that Injun-lover out of here!

Get your head back, Injun.


Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

That's it, everybody. Quiet!

There's still half a pound of slugs
in this thing.

You see who helped him to get away?
A masked man, a road agent.

You're playing on the wrong side,

That's funny coming from you.
My side's the law.

That might've been the same Indian who was
responsible for the death of your father!

I had that in mind.
It's what kind of slowed me down.

Maybe you better slow down, too,
Mr. Kilgore.

You're burning with rope fever.

You're a fool, Kimberley.

We ain't arguing that.

I'm a peace officer, and this badge says
nobody, white or Indian, gets strung up

unless a proper judge and jury says to.
Now, you get on back to your ranch.

Ride, the whole g*ng of you!

Or, so help me,
I won't give any of you time to draw.

- How's your throat, Tonto?
- It feel better.

- But plenty close call, Kemo-sabe.
- Too close.

And Cassidy said Ramirez
decided to stay around Abilene?

Him only say him ask for pay.

It couldn't have happened that way.

If Ramirez decided not to come back,
he must've had a mighty strong reason.

Him not quit, Kemo-sabe.
Him have girl here.

Say him going to marry her.

I'd better ride to Abilene.
You go to Chief Red Hawk.

Make that your headquarters
and do some scouting around.

Ah, me do that, Kemo.

And, Tonto, keep out of trouble.

Trouble find Tonto,
even when him not look for it.

Think that's good, mister?

Hey, I know the fella
that built the school you went to.

Name is Ramirez, Pete Ramirez.
Did you ever hear of him?


Don't talk much, do you? There was
a Kilgore outfit up here a while ago.

This fellow, Pete Ramirez,
he was one of the cowpunchers.

- Sure you haven't seen him?
- Uh-uh.

You're sure a gabby one.
Well, thanks for the information!

A man sure gets tired feet.

- Still looking for him?
- Yep.

Say, I just recollected.

There was a sh**ting at the Drovers' Hotel
along about that time, and Phineas Tripp,

he's the general store man...

he says that he saw the corpus delicti
with the Kilgore outfit.

- Kilgore outfit?
- Uh-huh.

Thanks a lot, Marshal. Good day.

You sure you don't know him?
Nice-looking young feller.

Black curly hair,
has a few head of cattle.

His name was Pete. Pete Ramirez.

Ramirez? Sure, that was his name,
now you mention it.

Buried in Boot Hill.

Why'd anyone want
to k*ll my young friend Pete?

You sure it was him?

Sure I'm sure!
Cassidy was checking over the supply

and the cowpuncher come to the door
and Cassidy says to him:

"You looking for me, Ramirez?"

Yeah? What happened then?

Nothing, he just looked
at the stuff for a second,

then he bought a hat for his girl
and he went out.

- Looked at what for a second?
- Well, nothing.

What kind of nothing?

What was this here Cassidy feller buying?

Supplies, I told you. Now, I'm a busy man.

You said supplies and the stuff.
What'd you mean by the stuff?

That's between me and Mr. Kilgore.

Don't come in here asking about
personal questions of my customers.

Now, go on, get out.

Mister, if a young feller
bought a hat for his best girl...

don't you reckon
he'd aim to go where she was?

I said get!

All right, I'm getting!
No use getting mad about it!

Keep a civil tongue in your head.
That's no way to talk to an old man. Huh!

Don't sh**t, please, mister.

There was an old prospector
in your store today.

- I didn't tell him anything, so help me.
- Why not?

Well, I don't know anything.

- You don't know who k*lled Pete Ramirez?
- No, I don't.

- You sure?
- I don't know who k*lled him.

Then what could you have told
that old prospector, but didn't?

All right.

About the dynamite.

- Dynamite?
- There, you got it out of me.

If Cassidy sent you to find out
if you could,

tell him I never asked to handle
the goldarn stuff.

Mr. Kilgore ordered it.

Why can't he order things like that
in his own town, right there in Brasada?

What's all the big secret about?

Tonto, those drums
are summoning the tribes to w*r.

That plenty bad, Kemo-sabe.
Ranchers talk w*r all time.

Indians make ready.
Soon w*r start and they fight, fight.

Not if we can stop them.

Spirit Mountain talk, Kemo-sabe.
Say many die.

Spirit Mountain talk?

Medicine man say. Tonto hear.

Why, you heard thunder, Tonto.

- Sun shine right down, Kemo-sabe.
- It must have been thunder.

Medicine men may believe
that mountains can speak, but we know...

Wait a minute.

Cassidy picked up dynamite in Abilene.

That make same noise, Kemo-sabe,
like thunder, but not thunder.

Why should he buy it in Abilene?

Why take the risk of transporting it
all the way back?

- Kilgore could've bought it in Brasada.
- Maybe Cassidy buy, Kilgore not know.

No, Kilgore signed the order.
He wanted the purchase kept a secret.

So much of a secret that Ramirez
may have d*ed for uncovering...

What do here? You go, white man!

Him friend of Indian.

No white man Indian friend.
White man Indian fight!

There must be no more talk of fighting.

That true. Much talk make warrior weak.

Red Hawk talk all time.
Angry Horse not talk!

Greetings, Red Hawk.

You have called me friend many times.

Will my friend Red Hawk promise to keep
the peace until I can do certain things?

I must have time.

If I have that time,
I promise there'll be no fighting.

Angry Horse, him say make w*r.

Him say fight now.

Show white man Indian strong.
Can k*ll many.

Angry Horse wishes
to be chief of your tribe.

Many young braves him friends.

Red Hawk old... sick.

But very wise.

Red Hawk knows what will happen
to his people if w*r should come.

If w*r come...

Red Hawk be Indian.

Not can be white man, not can be alone.

Redhawk be Indian.

Make strong fight.

Tonto, look.

What's going on here?

You don't need that g*n, Sheriff.
I'm sure this will explain.

Show him, Tonto.

So, that's it.

This isn't the first time that white men
have disguised themselves as Indians

- to stir up trouble or to start a w*r.
- Sure. Now I can see who they are.





Whose idea was it?
Yours? Cassidy? Kilgore?

They won't talk, Sheriff. We've tried.
But they're Kilgore men.

I went to Abilene
and learned a few things.

Ramirez didn't quit.

He was k*lled.

Pete Ramirez?

I think if it was an Indian who started
the stampede that k*lled your father,

it was this kind of an Indian,
a Kilgore man.

- What now, Sheriff?
- I'm going to see Mr. Kilgore.

You'll be gunned down.

I'll take that chance.

This is no time to throw away your badge.
It's the time to wear it.

What good's a badge in this town?
Can I make up a posse and go after him?

He owns the town and everybody in it!
Who'll be the prosecutor against Kilgore?

Who'll be the judge? Who'll be the jury?

And what do you aim
to do with these buzzards?

They'll be out of here by morning.

I'm going to keep them out of town
until we need them.

You can't go after
personal revenge now, Sheriff.

There's an Indian w*r due
to break at any moment.

Then you say what to do.

We've got to expose Kilgore and Cassidy as
troublemakers and place them behind bars.

That'll give us enough time
to get evidence to convict 'em.

But we'll need a federal warrant
and a federal marshal to serve it.

Washington's a long way off.

The Governor is much closer.
Just show him the silver b*llet.

What if the fighting should cut loose
while I'm gone?

The way things are now,
it'll only take one sh*t to start 'em off.

I'll see that that sh*t isn't fired.

You just get to the Governor.

Somehow I'll keep the ranchers
and Indians apart.

Good luck, Sheriff.

It's come at last.
The Indians are gathering for w*r.

Pack some things for Lila.
I'm sending her away till this is over.

Reece, it isn't safe out there!

Be a lot worse here.
If she's to go at all, now's the time.

Reece, anything can happen
out on that road!

Welcome, will you please pack her things?

Pack only her things?

You're not going.
A woman's place is with her husband.

Why am I not going?

I think you wouldn't be on
the outside for one minute

before you'd be blabbing
to everybody in creation

about certain things
that have happened here.

Just now I don't think
that would be so good for me.

And you also think that this house
is the more dangerous place.


now I know exactly where I stand.

Now, you boys, remember the way
I told you to go. Don't change anything.

Lila! Lila, wait!

I want you to wear this.

Mommy, that's your very best!

Oh, baby!

Why do I have to go? Why can't I stay here
if there's going to be excitement?

Because I know what's best for all of us.

All right, boys. Go ahead.

My baby.

My baby.

You! You!

That's my baby!

My baby!


Angry Horse!

It's spoken of everywhere.

Red Hawk is a sick man.

And Angry Horse,
who wishes to become chief...

shows his strength
by making w*r on children.

Ah. The birds talk of it. The animals
in the forest laugh at Angry Horse.

Is Red Hawk so weak
that Angry Horse can do as he wishes?

Or is Angry Horse
obeying Red Hawk's commands?

Red Hawk not like bring white child here.

Why do you keep her here?
Let me take her away.

Red Hawk no more tell what do.

Red Hawk old, no more fight.

Angry Horse not old.

Better Angry Horse be chief!

Always the young buffalo wishes to k*ll
the old buffalo and take his place.

And he does k*ll the old buffalo,
because he has youth... and strength.

But has he the wisdom to lead the herd?

To keep it out of danger?

I say Angry Horse has not the wisdom!

He cannot be the chief of a tribe
that wishes to live in peace.

I will fight Angry Horse
to prove he is not worthy.

This white child must belong
to the winner.

A squaw can fight with weapons.

A chief must be strong in heart.

In his hands.

I do not need weapons to fight men
who make w*r on children.

Help him!

He must fight alone.


Red Hawk...
will you once again call me friend?

Shorty, shake your hoof
up to the Circle O.

Oscar, Joe Branch's place.

Dave, Bob Rinson's.
That takes care of the ranchers.

Powder, take four or five of the boys
into town and knock on all the doors.

- Tell 'em what's busted loose.
- Right.

No, not Powder.
I want him and Goss to come with us.

- Us? But I thought...
- Don't ask questions.

Fresno, you take the town.

Now, let's get it straight, boys.
We all meet at Pilgrim's Crossing.

We ride from there
to the reservation together.

Nobody rides ahead.

Now, listen, we can't go in there
sh**ting the way I'd like to.

First, we've got to find out
what they've done with my little girl.

And if she's still alive,
how to get her away from them.

And once that's settled,
we do a job that's been put off too long.

That means
wherever you see a redskin, pour it in.

All right, boys, ride.

- We're going by way of Spirit Mountain.
- That's a long way around.

We'll make it worthwhile.
We're going to pick up some dynamite.


Oh, my baby! Baby.


Where is everybody? We rode right in.

Oh... they took all the g*ns
and rode away.

Oh, darling.

I thought you were...

Don't ever be afraid of him.
He's my friend.

Lila, he's an outlaw.

Not an outlaw, Mrs. Kilgore.

Please believe your daughter.
I am a friend.

Angry Horse wanted to k*ll me,
but he wouldn't let him.

And then he made all the Indians
promise not to fight, no matter what.

They'll have to fight. They've no choice.

My husband's men are gathering
the ranchers right now

to lead them to the reservation.

- Gathering where?
- At Pilgrim Crossing.

Lila, I know how brave you are.

Are you too tired to go on being brave?

What do I have to do?

Mrs. Kilgore,
if your husband makes that att*ck...

no ranch in this territory will be safe.

It's best if the both of you
go to the mission church.

It's a long run and not easy.
Certainly not easy for you, Mrs. Kilgore.

I'll survive.

Oh, you just depend on me.
If anything happens...

If anything happens, I'll protect you...

and it's about time.

You hurry and pack your things.

I can't ask a wife to inform
on her husband.

But if there's anything you can tell me,
anything that'll help prevent this w*r,

please let me know.

He doesn't deserve any loyalty,
not from me or... or Lila.

I can tell you this. He won't stop
when he knows that she's safe.

His intentions right along
were to exterminate the Indians,

and he plans to do it now.

But why?

I don't know.

Does he want their land?

That was only at first.

He would sit for hours,
looking off at Spirit Mountain,

thinking about the vast acres
around it and...

And it made him angry that a...
a thing within the reach of his eyes

should belong to someone else...
to Indians.

You say that was only at first.
What is it now?

The mountain.

He wants to own Spirit Mountain.

But why does he need the dynamite?
He's blasting up there.

The Indians hear it
and think the mountain is talking.

Perhaps he's closing up the passages
that he and Cassidy found.


If he plans to put cattle on that land,

they... they might wander
into some of those old tunnels.

The ancient tunnels of Spirit Mountain.

I heard about them when I was a boy.

The Indians don't trespass
on Spirit Mountain.

But Reece and Cassidy do.

And that's where they are right now.

The ranchers are doing just as we feared.

They're gathering to strike
the Indian village.

Ah, that plenty bad, Kemo-sabe.

Kilgore has gone to Spirit Mountain
for dynamite. I'm going after him, Tonto.

You take Mrs. Kilgore and her daughter
to the mission church, then follow me.

Hurry it up.
Everybody's at the crossing by now.

They better be.
I'll remember any man who stays away.

We won't need 'em all.

We got enough stuff here
to blow up the whole territory.

Who's going
to lead this crazy mule?

That's what I want to know.

Anything happens, whoever's close to him
don't stand a chance.

And it ain't going to be me.

Get back to the ranch
and pack your gear. You're fired.

You can't fire me, Kilgore.
I'm working for what's in there.

And you try and fire me from that.

I'll lead 'em.

The next sh*t's
for that box of dynamite!

Now, throw down your g*ns!

- Who are you?
- I said, drop 'em!

Powder, through the tunnel,
get up there behind him.

I'm Reece Kilgore!
The Indians have taken my daughter!

Your daughter is safe, Kilgore!

She's in Red Hawk's village, and I'm using
this dynamite to get her out of there!

Red Hawk let her go!
She's at the mission church.

What are you?
A renegade? A bandit?

What kind of man are you, sides with
the Indians against his own people?

What's your grudge against me?

I'm taking you in for m*rder, Kilgore!

For the m*rder of Ramirez
and Sheriff Kimberley's father.

And now Goss!

Let's get out of here!

Water. Water.

- Everybody here?
- Yeah.

The only way we can get at 'em right now
is through that pass.

- All right, let's go through it.
- They'll know before we reach 'em.

Now, look, if we're going to let blood,
we got to be prepared to smell it.

Now, let's go.

Hold it, Kilgore. This won't get your girl
out of there alive. Here's what we do.

Me and my boys sneak in there
at night and look around.

Maybe we even get her free from 'em
and then we jump 'em in the dark.

You're not looking for a fight. I am.

All right, let's go!

How many men at Pilgrim Crossing?

Me not stop count, but see many.
Red Hawk not have many g*n.

We don't want any gunplay.
There mustn't be a fight.


Pure silver.

Look like mountain all silver.

So, that's why the mountain's taboo.

The legends were begun
to keep people away.

And that's what Kilgore found out.

Him be plenty rich man if him own this.

He'd be a king in this territory, Tonto.

That's why he stands
in the way of statehood.

This whole territory
would become his dooryard.

He would found a dynasty...
a dynasty of silver.

But this belong to Indian.

And he has to get rid of them
before he can seize it.

And that's just what he's trying to do.

Take him, Tonto. Good boy, Silver.

This pack mule belongs to Kilgore.

What we do about Kilgore?
Him have many men and many g*n.

Here's something that can be
worth more than 100 men.

Well, it looks like we haven't
got any choice.

All right, we're going to move in!

Now, don't miss!


Keep the Indians back!

Inga! Inga!

There he is!

That's no good.
Cassidy, go up there and get him!


Hapko! Hapko! Hapko! Hapko!

I'm no sheriff now, paid by Kilgore money.

I'm a United States Marshal,
appointed through the Governor's office...

and backed up by Lieutenant Craley here
and his men.

And I'm telling you men
to get off this reservation!

You're violating a federal law!
You're trespassing!

And if a single Indian is k*lled,
you'll all stand trial for m*rder.

They're holding my daughter
in that village.

Your daughter's at the mission church,
and I'll bet you know it.

We spoke to her, Mr. Kilgore,
to her and to your wife.

And what about my three men they k*lled
when they kidnapped Lila?

That can be handled
without resorting to w*r.

I think we know better out here
how to handle the Indians.

Are we going to stand
for this outside interference? I say no!

You can't say anything, Mr. Kilgore.

I'm carrying a federal warrant
for the arrest of you and Cassidy.

- Arrest? Are you crazy?
- Says both your names here.

The Governor figured you wouldn't
believe it. That's why he sent...

Kimberley, you'd better not be making
a mistake. This is Reece Kilgore.

Right. That's his gunhand, Cassidy.

And among the things they're charged with,
there's the m*rder of Pete Ramirez.

Why, you murdering liar!
You told me Ramirez quit.

You can scratch my name off that warrant.

I'm not responsible for the private feuds
of men who happen to work for me.

Hold your fire! I want that man alive.

What about Kilgore?

Kilgore is dead.

Then, that's it.

First Ramirez...

and now Kilgore.

He'll pay.

Tonto, these weeks of rest
have done her good.

- Hello.
- You're looking very well.

You were so right to insist
we stay here until the trial.

It's over, Mrs. Kilgore.

It wasn't much of a trial
once Cassidy decided to talk.

- Though talking didn't save his neck.
- But you told me I might have to testify.

Well, I figured this would be
the best place for you.


The Padre has been so good to us.

Such lazy people who come to visit me.

They do nothing but sleep and eat.

As for the little one, she'll forget
her fear and hatred of the Indian

and plays games again.

Ah, where little one now, Padre?

Come, I show you.

As you predicted, there was a problem.

She had been trained by her father
to walk in his ways.

She had his strength,

but she was learning
to imitate his weaknesses.

And she's my little girl again.

We're not going east.

We're staying to manage the ranch.

She loves it here.

And I'm going to learn to love it, too.

And together, we'll make
the Kilgore name a good one.


But I wanted him to stay.

I wanted to thank him.

When his work is finished, he rides away.

But I wanted to see his face...

to ask his name.

You cannot see his face.

He will wear the mask
until there is no longer any need for it.

And his name is the Lone Ranger.

Hi-ho, Silver! Away!