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02x16 - Race to Eagle Rock

Posted: 11/19/23 17:57
by bunniefuu
- ♪ On your mark

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three, let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt, we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme, gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah, let's blaze ♪

- Yeehaw! - All right!

- Whoo! - Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- Oh! - Aw!

[engine revving]

- Whoo-hoo!

[all cheering]

- Whoo-hoo!

Hey, check it out, A.J. and I are going for a drive

with all our monster machine friends.

[helicopter whirring]

- Hey, Blaze, do you hear that?

- Huh. It kinda sounds like...

[together] Swoops!

- Swoops up!

[trucks exclaiming and laughing]

- That's our friend Swoops, the helicopter.

Hi, Swoops!

- Oh, hey, Blaze!

You and your friends want to go for a ride?

- A ride? - Oh, yeah!

- Ooh! - Come on, everybody!

[exciting music]

Yeah! - Whoo-hoo!

- Whoo! - Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

- Zeg!

- All righty, then. Off we go!

- Wait!

Wait for me! I want to come!

- [laughing] Okay. Anyone else?

- Ooh, ooh! Me, me!

[giggles] Oh, cozy.

- Hang on, everybody! [laughs]

This could get bumpy.


- Whoo-hoo! - Whoa!

- Whoa!

[all laughing]

- Yahoo-hoo-hoo!

- Hey, everyone, look down there!

It's VelocityVille.

- Awesome!

- Shoe-ee!

It's a town full of race cars.

- I wonder where all the race cars are going.

- Looks like they're heading towards a starting line

for a big race.

- Yep, that is definitely a race, all right.

Looks like the racetrack goes through a forest,

over a great big river,

all the way to a finish line on top of Eagle Rock.

all: Whoa!

- Wow! - Lookie there!

- Zeg want to race to Eagle Rock.

- Me too, y'all! - So do I!

- Well, come on, then!

Let's get down there and join the race.

- Pfft, but that's a race for race cars.

And in case you hadn't noticed, we're not race cars.

- Well, I can take care of that.

[energy humming]

- Whoa! - Ooh!

- Engineering race cars.

Slick tires.

Super-charged engine.

Aerodynamic shape.

Now, to turn me into a race car, say, "Race car."

Race car!

Oh, yeah! - Awesome!

- Whoa! I've gotta try that.



I'm a race car!

- [roaring]

- Yeehaw!

- Zeg!

[all cheering]

- All right. Now we're ready to race.

- Not without me!

Race car Crusher!

[giggling] Yeah!

I look so cool and so fast and so--

- Whee!

- Uh-oh.

- [gasps] Look at us, Crusher.

We're race cars. [laughing]

[gasps] Is that a spoiler?

We've got spoilers!

- [groaning]

[trumpet fanfare]

[crowd cheering]

- Hello, racing fans!

I hope you're ready,

because the race to Eagle Rock is about to begin!

[crowd cheering]

- Sounds like you guys better get to the starting line.

- Whoo-hoo! - All right!

- Hiya, racers!

- Wow, that Blaze sure is fast.

- His friends look pretty fast too.

- Whoo-hoo! Good luck.

- Rev your engines. Check your shocks.

Don't stop till you get to Eagle Rock.

On your marks...

get set...


[engines revving]

- Whoo-hoo!

- Race cars... all: Rev it up!

- ♪ Gonna drive, drive, drive till we touch the sky ♪

♪ Gonna go real fast, gonna feel alive ♪

- ♪ Sing it loud - ♪ Yeah

♪ Kick into overdrive

♪ 'Cause this is the ride of our lives ♪

- ♪ Go, go - ♪ The ride of our lives

- ♪ Roll, roll - ♪ The ride of our lives

- ♪ Go, go - ♪ It's time to fly ♪

♪ This is the ride of our lives ♪

- ♪ Hey-oh, hey, hey-oh, hey ♪

♪ Hey - ♪ Ride of our lives

- Ooh, yeah! ♪ I'm the fastest race car ♪

♪ I'm in first place ♪



Wait a minute...

This sign says that racers should go this way

to get to Eagle Rock.

But if I turn it around,

it'll tell Blaze and the other race cars

to go the wrong way into that cave.


Sure hope they don't cave under pressure.


- Guys, look.

The sign says we're supposed to go this way.

- Well, then, that must be the way to go.

- Come on, y'all.

[chickens clucking]

- Uh, guys?

I don't think we're the only ones in this cave.

[chickens squawking]

- Sounds like some kind of animal.

- Uh-oh! I hope it's not bears.

- Or lions.

- Or... [chickens clucking]

Giant chickens!

[chickens clucking]

[cars shouting]

- Oh, man.

These chickens keep-- [giggles] pecking us.

- Let's get out of here!

- [laughing]

- These chickens fast!

- They're, like, the fastest chickens I've ever seen.

- Don't worry.

We can outrun 'em with... our velocity.

- Yeah!

Velocity is how fast you're going in a certain direction.

And race cars can go really fast in any direction.

- Uh-oh! This red chicken's catching up.

- Look, the red chicken's velocity is ,

so to get away, we need our velocity to be more than .

- [squawks]

- I know! Let's make our velocity !

- Hmm. Is more than ?

No! That's not fast enough.

We need more velocity.

- [squawks]

- Ow!

How about we speed up to ?

- Let's see. Is more than ?

Yes! Let's make our velocity .

[engines revving]

- Whoo! - All right!

- [squawking sadly]

- Yeehaw!

He can't peck us now. - [squawks]

- [gasps] - But look out!

Here comes the blue chicken.

- He's even faster than the red one.

He has more velocity.

- Ah!

The blue chicken's velocity is .

So we'd better speed up.

- Ooh, Zeg want to go .

- Is more than ?

Yeah! Let's speed up to .

[engines revving]

- Bye, chicken!

- [squawks sadly]

- Phew, no chicken could possibly catch us now--


[all shouting]

- [squawks] - Uh-oh!

This green fella's the fastest chicken yet.

- Hubcaps!

The green chicken's velocity is .

- Maybe we should increase our velocity to .

- Hmm, is more than ?


We're gonna have to speed up more than that.

Ow! Ah!

- Hey, Blaze, what if we go ?

- Let's see. Is more than ?


will make our velocity more than the chickens.

- [squawks sadly]

[all cheering]

- So long, chickens!

- Man, am I glad to be out of that cave.


- [laughing] Me too.

Now come on.

Let's use our velocity to get to Eagle Rock

and win this race.

Race cars... all: Rev it up!

- ♪ Speed, speed in a direction ♪

♪ Velocity, velocity

♪ Speed, speed in a direction ♪

♪ Velocity, velocity

- ♪ When we're zooming down the track ♪

♪ Velocity is what we need

♪ Left, right, up, or down

♪ Any direction, any speed - ♪ Go, go, go

- ♪ Goal vectors lead to victory ♪

♪ When you've got velocity ♪

- ♪ Ahhh

- ♪ Velocity, velocity

♪ Speed, speed in a direction ♪

♪ Velocity, velocity

♪ Speed, speed in a direction ♪

- Ooh, yeah!

♪ The fastest race car is in first place ♪

♪ And that race car is me, me, me ♪

- Snacks! I got your snacks here.

Tasty, tasty snacks here.

- Pickle? - Oh, hey, Crusher.

Want to try one of my delicious race car snacks?

- Mmm, now that you mention it, I could use a little snack.

- Oh, great. How 'bout a banana or a yogurt?

- Mmm, or how 'bout both?

Ooh, ooh, and also a pretzel, some popcorn, an apple...

- Oh. - Ooh, some eggs.

- Okay, easy now. - A muffin.

And whatever these things are. [musical car horn honking]

- Hey, look, it's Blaze and the other race cars.

- Blaze?

Oh, I thought I got rid of those guys.

I gotta do something. I gotta cheat.


Those racers will never get past my...

slippery slime blasters!

[splatting] - Huh, that's interesting.

I've never-- whoa!

[laughs] Yep.

That slime is slippery, all right.

- Go on, slime blasters.

Time to give those race cars the slip.

[laughing] The slip.

- Whee!

Zeg love being race car.

- [roars] Me too!

I can't wait to get to Eagle Rock and--


- Gaskets! Look out!

[all shouting]

- Whoa!


That blaster thingy just blasted us with slippery slime.

- Check it out.

The slime blaster sh**t slime out of those holes.

But maybe we can block the holes with pinecones.

Hey, slime blaster, catch!

[all cheering] - Good going!

- Those slime blasters can't stop us.

- Come on!

[engines revving]

- Careful, Blaze.

The other slime blasters are hiding in those trees.

- Help us look for them.

When you see a slime blaster, say, "Slime blaster."

Slime blaster.

[machinery rumbling]

- Yeah! - We got it!

But keep looking.

There are more slime blasters up ahead.

When you see one, say, "Slime blaster."

Slime blaster.

- All right!

- If you see another one, say, "Slime blaster."

Slime blaster.

Whoo-hoo! - Yeah!

- If you see any more, yell, "Slime blaster."

Slime blaster.

[all cheering]

- Good going, Blaze.

I think that was the last of them.

[blaster chittering] Or...maybe not.

- Five more slime blasters straight ahead!

- Quick, everybody. Take a pinecone.

[blasters chittering]

Ready, set...

all: Throw!

[all cheering]

- We got 'em!

- [roars] No more slime blasters!

- And check it out!

There's Eagle Rock.

- Look at that! - Whoa!

[eagle screeches]

- If we're gonna win this race, we'd better hurry.

- Race cars...

all: Rev it up!

- ♪ Race car Crusher winning the race ♪

♪ Feels so good to be winning the race ♪

- Nachos! Tasty nachos!

- Huh?

- Hola, Crusher.

How 'bout a nacho break?

- Ooh, nachos.

- I bet you like your nachos with cheese.

- Ooh, yeah! And a little salsa.

Ooh, and peppers, ooh, and guacamole and beans...

- Wow, mucho nachos.

- And onions! [musical car horn honking]

- Oh, hey. Isn't that Blaze?

- What!


They caught up with me again. [crying]

What am I gonna do?

- Well, you could share your nachos with them.

- [gasps] I know!

I'll cheat!


I can use this saw to break the racetrack.

[saw rasping]


[birds twittering] - Ah.

I can hear birds chirping.

[frogs croaking] - And I hear frogs croaking.

[saw rasping] - Zeg hear saw cutting.

- A saw?

But who'd be sawing in the middle of a race?

all: Crusher!

- [laughing]

Bet you never saw this coming!

[laughing] Get it?

all: Whoa!

[tense music]

- Oh, man. This river's moving really fast.

- And it's taking us farther and farther away from the race.

- Uh-oh. How we stop?

- What we need is something we can use as an anchor.

- Yeah.

When a boat lowers its anchor into the water,

the anchor digs into the ground and slows the boat down.

- Say, fellas, I know what we can use for an anchor.

A wrench!

- Good thinking, Starla.

Let's test it and see if the wrench stops us.

- Here goes!

- Look!

The wrench sunk and is digging into the bottom of the river.

- We're slowing down.

- Let's check our velocity.

With the wrench as our anchor,

our velocity went down to this number.

What number is this?

, right!

But to stop, we need to get our velocity down to .

- Let's try something else.

- Ooh, what about frying pan?

- Yeah!

Let's test it and see if a frying pan makes a good anchor.

- Okie-dokie.

- Look, the frying pan's digging in even more than the wrench.

- It made our velocity go down to this number.

What number is this?

, yeah!

- Our velocity went down.

But we won't stop until we get to .

- [roars] We need another anchor.

Something that'll dig in really deep.

- And we'd better find it fast,

because we're heading straight for that waterfall!

[all shouting]

- Hey, guys, how about this for an anchor?

A shovel!

- Yeah!

I bet that'll really dig into the bottom.

- Shovel's away!

- Ooh, shovel dig in deep.

- Check it out!

It's making our velocity go down to this number.

What number is this?


- Look, we're stopping.

[all cheering]

- Ooh, and wait till you see what's down there.

It's the racetrack!

- Come on. Follow me.

- Whoo-hoo! - Whoo-hoo!

- Now we're back on track.

- Eagle Rock, here we come!

- Race cars...

all: Rev it up!

- Look!

There it is! Eagle Rock.

all: Ooh!

- [giggling] Sorry, slowpokes.

No one's beating this race car to the top.

- Aw, man!

Crusher's almost at the finish line.

- Looks like it's time for some blazing speed.

[all cheering]

[all cheering]

To give us blazing speed, say, "Let's blaze."

all: Let's blaze!

- [giggles] There's the finish line.

I'm about to win!

Huh? What? Whoa!

- Whoo-hoo! - All right!

- [roars] We did it!

- We won the race!

- And best of all, we did it together.

Race cars...

all: Rev it up!

[all cheering]

- [crying]

I wanted to win the race car race.

- Ice cream! Get your ice cream here!

Oh, hey, Crusher.

How 'bout some ice cream to cheer you up?

- [sniffles] Ice cream?

Oh, okay, maybe I'll just take a scoop of vanilla.

- That's the spirit.

- And a scoop of strawberry and some chocolate

and rocky road and banana...

- Oh, my. Oh, wow.

- And mint chip, ooh, and mango.

[dramatic tones]

- Phew, for a second there, I thought it was gonna fall.

- Almost forgot the cherry on top.


- ♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go with Blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed ♪

♪ It's Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's time ♪

♪ For adventure extreme

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'll be catching some air with Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines