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03x02 - Blazing Paddles

Posted: 11/17/23 18:05
by bunniefuu
Hi, I'm pablo.

My name's tyrone.

I'm uniqua.

I'm tasha.

And my name's austin.

All: and we're...

♪ Your backyard friends, the backyardigans ♪

♪ Together in the backyard again ♪

Pablo: ♪ in the place where we belong ♪

Uniqua: ♪ where we'll probably sing a song ♪

Tasha: ♪ and we'll maybe dance along

All: ♪ we've got the whole wide world in our yard to explore ♪

♪ We always find things we've never seen before ♪

♪ That's why every day we're back for more ♪

♪ With your friends,

♪ The backyardigans

Backyardigans: "blazing paddles"

Howdy, pardners!

I'm sheriff uniqua.

It's my job to protect

The best little town in the west:

Ping pong mesa!

If somethin' goes wrong in ping pong mesa,

Just holler and I'll mosey on over

To set things right.


♪ Howdy! Howdy!

♪ Just holler day or night ♪

♪ Howdy! Howdy! ♪

♪ The sheriff makes it right

♪ Yeah, the sheriff makes it right ♪

♪ If the o.k. Corral ain't doin' so okay ♪

♪ If your buckin' bronco has gone and run away ♪

♪ If there is an outlaw lurkin' in the prairie ♪

♪ Just call up the sheriff

♪ And I'll nab that dirty harry ♪

♪ All robbers I can stop ♪

♪ All bandits I can wrangle

♪ My horse goes clip-clip clop ♪

♪ And my spurs they jingle jangle ♪

♪ I'm quick on the draw

♪ The fastest in the west

♪ I always keep the law ♪

♪ That's why this star is on my vest ♪

♪ Howdy! Howdy!

♪ Just holler day or night

♪ Howdy! Howdy!

♪ The sheriff makes it right ♪

♪ Yeah, the sheriff makes it right ♪

♪ Yeah, the sheriff makes it right ♪


C'mon, partners.

Let me show you around ping pong mesa.

It's an old western town,

With tumbleweeds,

And dusty streets,

And the ol' apple juice saloon!

I bet you're wonderin'

Why they call this place ping pong mesa.

Well, it's because...

Everyone in ping pong mesa...

Loves to play ping pong!

Howdy, sheriff.

How does a nice, cold box of apple juice

Sound to you?

That sounds right nice to me!

A sheriff can get mighty thirsty

Keeping a town safe for ping pong, you know.


(Refreshed sigh)

It looks like you got a right nice game

Of ping pong goin'.

Howdy, sheriff!

We sure do!

Come on, sheriff,

Won't you join us?

Don't mind if I do.


♪ I've got my paddle, I've got my ball ♪

♪ I've got my table and that's not all ♪

♪ I've got my moves, I've got my song ♪

♪ But I can't ping without a pong ♪

Tyrone and uniqua: ♪ I need you to ping pong

♪ It takes two to ping pong

♪ I need you to ping pong

♪ I wanna ping

♪ So won't you pong along

♪ The ball's gotta get over the net ♪

♪ But that doesn't mean we're finished yet ♪

♪ I hit the ball back to my friend ♪

♪ And I will hit it back again ♪

♪ You cannot zig without a zag ♪

♪ You can't be it without a tag ♪

♪ You cannot sing without a song ♪

♪ And you can't ping without a pong ♪

All: ♪ we need you to ping pong

♪ It takes two to ping pong

♪ We need you to ping pong

♪ We wanna ping

♪ So won't you pong along ♪

♪ Oh, won't you pong along

All: yay! Whoo! Ha ha!

I do declare!

Well, I better be moseying along.

You know where to find me if there's any trouble.

Bye, sheriff.

So, who's ready to play some ping pong?

Pablo: I'm always ready for some ping pong.

Tyrone: who's that?

Austin and tasha: I don't know?

Never seen him before.

What's a fella gotta do around here

To get some apple juice?

Oh, right away.

(Loud slurping)

Ahh! Thank you kindly.

So, is it true

That you like to play ping pong?

Everyone in ping pong mesa

Likes to play ping pong!

And I'm pretty good at it,

If I do say so myself.

Then how 'bout we play a friendly little game?

You're on, pardner!

First one to miss loses.

You can serve the ball.

Much obliged, stranger.

(Ball clacks against the table and paddles)



Both: (gasp)


I've never seen a move like that before.

(Evil chuckle)

Of course you haven't.

That's my bandit slam-it!

And since I won the game,

That means I get this!

Both: (gasp)

Huh? But that's my paddle!

Pablo: not anymore it ain't.

Whenever somebody loses to me,

I take their paddle.

That's why I'm called...

The ping pong bandit.

All: (gasp)

The ping pong bandit?!

Uh, do you think

I could play you again, mr. Bandit?

I wanna win so I can get my paddle back.

Why would I play you again?

I already beat you once,

Didn't i?


Don't worry, mister tyrone.

I'll beat this ping pong bandit

And get your paddle back.

Remember, if you lose,

I get your paddle.

(Ball clacks against the table and paddles)




Both: (gasp)

I can't believe it!

I lost the game!

And your paddle, too!

I do declare!

I reckon it's up to austin the kid

To teach this bandit some manners,

And get my friends' paddles back.

(Ball clacks)



(Grunts of effort)

The bandit... Slam!

Oh, no!

Oh, yes!

Thank you!

(Evil chuckle)

(Evil chuckle)

But without our paddles...

We can't play ping pong!

I'll get the sheriff.

She'll know what to do!



Howdy, pardner.

The ping pong bandit

Is down at the apple juice saloon!

(Gasps) the ping pong bandit?!

That's right, sheriff.

And he took all our ping pong paddles.

So we can't play ping pong!

Don't worry,

I'm the sheriff

And it's my job to keep the town safe

For ping pong.

Come on!

Yee-haw! Look who's here!

Sheriff uniqua!

Boy, are we glad to see you!

I know you'll get our paddles back.

Ping pong bandit,

I'm the sheriff of this town,

And I order you to give all these folks

Their paddles back.

Sorry, sheriff.

They can only get their paddles back

If somebody beats me in ping pong.

But no one's fast enough to beat me.

Well, we'll just see about that, bandit.

Let's play.

Tyrone: you tell 'im, sheriff!

Austin: yee-haw!

Tasha: I do declare!

All right, sheriff,

I accept your challenge.

Austin, tasha and uniqua: (cheering)

The town of ping pong mesa is counting on me,

So let's get started!

(Ball clacks)

All: watch out for his...

Bandit slam-it!



All: (gasp)


The ping pong bandit won!

That was the fastest move I ever saw.

You got that right, sheriff.

Nothing's faster than my bandit slam-it!

And you know what that means...

I get your paddle!


You can't!

But... I'm the sheriff.

Not any more you ain't.

There's a new sheriff in town,

And it's me!

All: (gasp)

Pablo: (evil laugh)

Go on, now. Git!

There ain't room enough in this town

For the both of us.

Tasha: I do declare,

This is a disaster!

Tyrone: sheriff!

Tasha: hold on there, sheriff.

Austin: don't leave us, sheriff!

I'm not the sheriff anymore.

I couldn't keep the town safe

For ping pong.

Tyrone: you'll always be our sheriff, sheriff.

Tasha: are you ever comin' back?

Maybe one day,

But only when I'm fast enough

To beat the ping pong bandit.

So long, pardners.

C'mon dusty, let's go.

(Hooves clop)


(Hooves clop)

(Dusty neighs)

You're right, dusty.

I don't think that ping pong bandit's

Gonna take good care of the town.

That's my job.

(Dusty neighs)

You're right, dusty,

It's not my job anymore.

But mark my words,

I'm gonna find a way

To beat that ping pong bandit

And be sheriff again.

(Dusty neighs and whickers)

I know what you mean, dusty.

I need practice.

But it's kind of hard to practice ping pong

Without a ping pong paddle.


What's that, dusty?

You see something up ahead?


Hey, those look just like ping pong paddles!

Good eye, dusty!



This makes a mighty fine ping pong paddle!

Let the practicing begin!


♪ I must be ready to face that bandit ♪

♪ I must be ready my friends demand it ♪

♪ My focus must be sharp

♪ My paddle must be steady

♪ But most of all

♪ I must be ready

♪ Whack! Whack! Whack! Goes my horse's tail ♪

♪ Smack! Smack! Smack! I will prevail ♪

♪ Whap! Whap! Whap! I'm almost set ♪

♪ Bap! Bap! Bap! I'm not ready yet ♪

♪ I'm not ready yet

♪ I must be ready to face that bandit ♪

♪ I must be ready my friends demand it ♪

♪ My focus must be sharp

♪ My paddle must be steady

♪ But most of all

♪ I must be ready

♪ Wham! Wham! Wham! I need more practice ♪

♪ Slam! Slam! Slam! So I'll use this cactus ♪

♪ Go! Go! Go! I'll work and sweat ♪

♪ No! No! No! I'm not ready yet ♪

♪ I'm not ready yet

It looks like a storm's a'comin'.

It's not a regular storm,

It's a hailstorm!

♪ I must be ready to face that bandit ♪

♪ I must be ready my friends demand it ♪

♪ My focus must be sharp

♪ My paddle must be steady

♪ But most of all

♪ I must be ready

♪ Rat! Tat! Tat! I'm getting stronger ♪

♪ Now take that! Won't be much longer ♪

♪ Boom! Boom! Boom and pow! Pow! Pow! ♪

♪ Tarnations I'm ready now ♪

♪ I'm ready now

♪ So now I'm ready to face that bandit ♪

♪ So now I'm ready just like I planned it ♪

♪ My focus is so sharp

♪ My paddle is so steady

♪ But most of all

♪ I'm truly ready

♪ I'm truly ready

That ping pong bandit better get ready,

Because he's about to face...

The pink fury!

(Dusty grunts)

Come on, dusty.

Let's go save ping pong mesa!

Pablo: wa-hoo! Yeah!


Did you see that shot?

I win again!

I beat everybody,

So I get to play ping pong all day long!

All by myself! Woo-hoo!

All: (sigh)

I do declare

That this is no fun at all.


♪ One day the rain will finally end ♪

♪ One day the clouds will go away ♪

♪ One day I'll play ping pong again ♪

All: ♪ but no one gets to play today ♪

♪ No one gets to play today

♪ No one gets to play

♪ Our ping pong paddles are gone away ♪

♪ So no one gets to play

♪ Yeah, no one gets to play today ♪

♪ Today the sun is shining bright ♪

♪ Today there's not a trace of gray ♪

♪ Today I'll play and feel all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I can play all day today ♪

♪ I will play all day today ♪

♪ I will play all day ♪

♪ All the paddles are mine to stay ♪

♪ So I alone will play ♪

♪ But no one else can play today ♪

♪ No one gets to play today

♪ No one gets to play

♪ All the paddles are mine to stay ♪

♪ So no one gets to play ♪

All: ♪ yeah, no one gets to play today ♪

♪ Yeah, no one gets to play today ♪


Okay. I'll just play by myself.


Aw, man. This isn't any fun.

All: (sigh)

(Horse neighs)


Who do you think that could be?

I don't know, but it looks like

We're about to find out.

(Dusty grunts)

Howdy, pardners.

Any ping pong around here?

Tyrone: no, stranger.

There ain't no more ping pong

In ping pong mesa.

That a fact?

Yep, that's a fact.

If you're lookin' for a place

Where you can yell "yee-haw!",

You've come to the wrong town.

We'll see about that.

Uniqua: ping pong bandit!

Yeah, I'm the ping pong bandit.

Who are you?

You can call me...

The pink fury!

All: (gasps)

And I challenge you

To a ping pong showdown!

You're on, stranger!

If I win,

Everyone gets their ping pong paddles back

And they can play ping pong

Whenever they want!

All: (gasp)

Deal. But if I win,

I get your paddle,

And you get out of town.


And the ping pong showdown

Will take place...

At high noon!

All: (gasp)


Uh... When is high noon?

High noon is...

(Hand cranks and clocks chimes)

Uniqua: right now!

Austin: yee-haw!

Tyrone: tarnation!

Tasha: I do declare!

(Clock tower chimes)


All: (gasp)


All: phew!

(Ball clacks against the table and paddles)

All: (gasps) the bandit slam-it!

Pablo: ha!

You'll never be able to get that.

Now you'll see why I'm called the pink fury!

(Patter of running feet)

All: (gasp)

Watch this, pardner!

(Ball soars like a rocket)

Oh nooo!

All: (gasp)

(Grunt of effort)

(Paddle sizzles)


Pablo: i... I lost.

All: yee-haw!

Tasha: that was the most incredible ping pongin'

I ever did see!

It certainly was!

Pablo: you won fair and square, pink fury.

Uniqua: you don't have to call me that anymore.

You can call me by my real name...

Sheriff uniqua!

All: (gasp) sheriff uniqua!

Sheriff uniqua?

That's right, it's me!

It's like I told ya,

I take care of my town.

I don't wanna lose my paddle,

But I reckon it's yours now.

Don't worry, ping pong bandit,

You can keep it.

I don't understand.

Why are you letting me keep my paddle?

Because it's fun to win,

But it's more fun to play.

And no one can play ping pong

All by themselves.

Hey... You're right!

Ping pong's no fun

If there's no one to play with.

Uniqua: yup. And today...

Everybody gets their paddle back!

And we get our sheriff back!

Austin, tyrone and tasha: all right! Yee-haw! Yay!


♪ If there is a ruckus

♪ Down in the ol' saloon

♪ If some kind of trouble has ruined your afternoon ♪

Tyrone: ♪ if the ping pong bandit

Austin: ♪ has robbed your ping pong paddle ♪

Tasha: ♪ there's no need to worry

All: ♪ with the sheriff in the saddle ♪

♪ Her backhand's really fierce ♪

♪ Her serve is really blazin' ♪

♪ Her footwork is superb ♪

♪ The sheriff is amazin' ♪

♪ When the ball comes my way ♪

♪ I'll give it a big, big whack ♪

♪ She always saves the day

Austin, tasha and tyrone: ♪ and gets our paddles back!

♪ Howdy! Howdy!

Uniqua: ♪ just holler day or night

All: ♪ howdy! Howdy!

♪ The sheriff makes it right

♪ Yeah, the sheriff makes it right ♪

All: (cheer) all right! Yeah! Yee-haw!

(Stomach grumbles)

I'm hungry.

Let's go to my house for some nachos!

Yeah! That sounds great.

Let's go!

Tyrone: tarnation!

Uniqua: (giggles)

Austin: yee-haw!

Tasha: I do declare!

Uniqua: (giggles)

Tyrone: that was an excellent ping pong adventure,

Don't you think?

Yeah! Great!

It was awesome! It sure was!

♪ We've got the whole wide world in our yard to explore ♪

♪ Now it's time for us to have a snack ♪

♪ Meet you next time

♪ When we're back with your friends, ♪

♪ The backyardigans ♪

See you! See you later!

See you soon!

Tyrone: later!

Uniqua: see you!

Uniqua: so long, pardners!