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04x38 - Aunt Emma Visits the Wilsons

Posted: 11/13/23 06:50
by bunniefuu
-Well, Eloise?

-As I've always

said, John, hanging

is too good for that picture.

-Oh, now, Eloise.

Aunt Emma did give it

to us, And after all,

I am her favorite relative.

-Well, you're the only

relative she still speaks to.

-Well, that makes me her

favorite, doesn't it?

Oh, I hope Dennis doesn't

come bothering the poor soul

while she's here.

-That's not what's

bothering you, John Wilson.

You're afraid she'll

leave her money

to those pet charities

of hers, instead of you.

-Well, I-- I must admit,

I'd feel easier in my mind

if we could count on Aunt

Emma leaving us her money.

If anything happened to me,

what would you be left with?

A few thousand in

insurance, and old house

with a mortgage as big

as this living room,

and a trunk full

of old stories that

I haven't been able to sell.

-You forgot one thing, dear.

-What's that?

-I'd also be left with a

lifetime of wonderful memories.

-Aha, yes, you

would, wouldn't you?

But, uh, just try eating them

some time when you're hungry.


[theme music]

-I wonder how Aunt Emma's

doing with her charities?

-Oh, some charities.

The East Bend Bird Bath

Association, the, uh,

Save Our Chipmunks Society,

the Square Dancing Club

for Retired Carpenters, the--

say, did you buy enough tea?

You know a tea drinker she is.

-Dear, if I bought any

more tea, the English

would have to switch to coffee.

-I still wish I could count

on your having Aunt Emma's

money, in case I

departed, unexpectedly.

-Just what makes

you so sure that you

will depart unexpectedly

before I do?

-Statistics show that

we men usually do.


-Evidently, you women

nag us to death.

-Now, John Wilson, I do not nag.

Dear, don't you think we

ought to call the state--

-Aha, ha, aha!

Now, Eloise, I've told

you a dozen times,

Aunt Emma's train doesn't

arrive until : .

Now I have a memory

like an elephant.

-Hm, mm, mm.

[doorbell ringing]

-If that's Dennis,

tell him I've gone

to the North Pole for Christmas.



(OFFSCREEN): Aunt Emma!

-Aunt Emma?

-Why didn't that silly husband

of yours come and meet me?

-He was busy being nagged.

-Aunt Emma!

You're early.

-The train was two minutes late!


-Oh, stop pecking me!

-Yeah, uh, well, I--

I'm sorry, Aunt Emma.

I mean about missing the train.

-Oh, don't apologize.

I expected it.


Oh, uh, where--

where are your bags?

-Oh, some dear

little boy is going

to bring them up from the curb!

-[gasp] Uh, excuse me.

Oh, uh, Dennis, I'll take those.

-Oh, I'm doing fine, Mr. Wilson.

-Uh, Dennis,

Dennis, don't argue.

Give me the--

-Hasn't changed a bit, has he?

The clumsiest boy in town!

-Would you like to go up to

your room, now, Aunt Emma?

-No, I think I'll stay here

and rest a little while.

-Oh, that's fine, dear.

I'll go make you some hot tea.

-Oh, thank you, dear.


Uh, notice the picture

on the wall, Aunt Emma?

-I gave that to you two years

ago, because I detested it.

-Oh, uh, well it's-- it's

one of our favorites.

-Hey, Mr. Wilson, how come you

brought that funny old picture

out of the basement?

-Uh, we, uh, we were

cleaning it, down there.

-How are things with you, John?

-Uh, financially, you mean?

Uh, not good, Aunt Emma.

Not good at all.

-Mr. Wilson's not even getting

air condition for his new car.

Thank you.

Uh, the, uh, the

one's falling apart.

Just like the one-horse Shay.


-That's Tommy.

I gotta go now.

-Well, I think we can

manage without you.

-I'll see you later, Aunt Emma.


I like him.

He's as bright as

a button, isn't he?

-I prefer zippers, myself.

Uh, you look very

well, Aunt Emma.

-Considering I haven't

been embalmed yet.

-Oh, I didn't mean that!

-My health is fine, John.

My lawyer's health

is even better.

And I haven't decided

whether to leave my money

to you, or to those

quaint little charities

you're always making fun of.

Now, will you just let me

relax and enjoy myself?

-Hey, guess what I

got new at my house.

-What, Seymour?

-A dumb old baby sister.

-A baby sister?

-Are you sure?

-Sure, I'm sure.

I already saw her.

And she's, uh, she's

little and red,

and she cries all the time.

-Yep, that's a baby

sister, all right.

-What are you gonna call her?

-I want to call her Oscar,

after my turtle that d*ed.

-Oscar isn't a

girl's name, Seymour.

-So what, Chuck?

How many dumb old

girls ever get a chance

to be named after a real turtle?


-Gee, I never thought

of it that way.

-Hey, you guys, let's

get the game started.

-All right.

I'll go ask Mr. Wilson

to referee for us.

-I'll go with ya.

-Yeah, me too.

-Well, here comes

your tea, Aunt Emma.

-Careful, John, or you'll

spill it, as you usually do.

-Ha, ha.

I haven't spilled anything

since I was six years old.


-Mr. Wilson!


-You were saying, John?

-Now look what you've done!

-I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson.

We're gonna play basketball, and

we want you to referee for us.

-Oh, don't be silly.

You children don't

need a referee.

-Sure we do.

-We cheat!

-You could even use

my whistle, if you

promise not to get

bubble gum in it.

-Dennis, go dribble

someplace else.

-Now wait a minute, John.

I'll referee for the children.

-You, Aunt Emma?

-Oh, Aunt Emma,

don't be ridiculous.

-What do you know

about basketball?

-Well, I've never

played professionally.

But I've seen a

lot on television.

-That's OK with me!

Come on, Aunt Emma.

-Aunt Emma, you are not going!

-We all have to go

some time, John.

In my case, don't

hold your breath.

-Where's Aunt Emma going?

-To play basketball.

-Oh, that's n-- what?

-Well, actually,

she's refereeing.

And it's all Dennis' fault.


Wouldn't he let her play?

-This is no laughing

matter, Eloise.

I'd better get out there

before she breaks some bones.


-Uh, eh-- all right.

Ea-easy fellas.

Just-- just get me to the couch.

-Be careful of him, boys.

Now be careful.

-I just want to stretch

out for a minute.

-You can put him down, there.

-If I don't sit

down, I'll fall down.

Thank you.

Thank you, Tommy.

-Here's the couch.






John, what happened?

-Aunt Emma flattened him.

-I was running along,

minding my own business,

refereeing, when this husband

of yours gets in my way.

-I was standing

on the side line.

-Dennis, uh, tell him.

Where was he standing?

-Well, I guess his feet

were on the sidelines.

But Mr. Wilson's kind

of built going forward.

-Where does it hurt, dear?

-It would be easier to say

where it doesn't, Eloise.


Well, you just rest there.

I'll get a hot towel.

-Oh, you clumsy, clumsy boy!


-How do you feel

now, Mr. Wilson?

-I presume I'll live, thank you.

Thank you.

-You don't look so good to me.

-You don't look so good

to me, either, Seymour.

-Your eyes are kind of

bloodshot, Mr. Wilson.

-Yeah, and your

head's kind of hot.

-Yep, he's going, all right.

-Oh, please!

-Here, dear.


That's hot.

-John, you act like that's

the only head you've got.

-I better get going

home for lunch, Dennis.

-You look awful!

-Oh, ya miserable--

-Jeepers, Mr. Wilson,

maybe we ought

to shake your head to make

sure nothing's broken inside.

-Thank you, Dennis.

But right now I'm happy that

it's still attached to my body.

-It sure was nice of you to

referee for us, Aunt Emma.

And I'm glad you

didn't get hurt when

Mr. Wilson got in your way.

-Oh, well, thank you, Dennis.

Uh, Dennis, why

don't you come visit

a crabby old lady sometime?

-You really want me to?

-Well, of course, I do.

It does my own bones good to

see a bright, athletic little

gentleman like you.

Do you remember what a mess

you were at Dennis' age?

-I beg your pardon!

-Come to think of it, you've

changed remarkably little.

Well, what are you

waiting her for?

Go on home and get some lunch,

and come back and visit me!


I'll see you all later!

Goodbye, Aunt Emma.

-Aw, he's all boy.

I like him.

-I'll call you when lunch

is ready, Aunt Emma.


All right, dear.


-Eloise, did you

hear what she said?

-Oh, you mean about Dennis.

Oh, I thought she'd like him.

-Eloise, do you suppose Aunt

Emma is so eccentric that she

could suddenly become attached

to a little boy like Dennis,


-John Wilson, will you please

stop worrying about that money?

-It isn't about me,

that I'm worrying.

-I know, dear.

But it's silly to

worry about me.

Why, if anything

did happen to you,

I-- I could always

get married again.

-Well, yes, I suppose

you-- married again!

Eloise, you wouldn't dare!


-I tell you, Eloise, that

kid's taking over my own house.

He's been under foot

the whole blessed day.

-That's nice, dear.

-And the way he's

monopolizing Aunt Emma's time,

it's-- that nice, dear?

Eloise, aren't you

listening to me?

-Well, of course, I am, dear.

-I can't get a word in

edgewise with my own aunt.

-John, what are you

carrying on about?

-My favorite aunt!

That's what I'm

carrying on about.


-Think you're pretty

smart, don't you?

-Well, I have won

four straight games.

-Well, when I want the

team standings, young man,

I will ask you for them.

-Uh, Dennis, it's

almost dinner time.

-Must you talk all

the time, John?


-Now with the right move,

I could sew up this game.

-Oh, boy!

Thanks, Mr. Wilson!

-Well, I hope you're

proud of yourself, nosey!


Aunt Emma!

I have a surprise for ya-- uh!

Aunt Emma!

Aunt--eh, oh.

-Oh, hello, dear.

What have you there?

-Some of Aunt Emma's

favorite candy.

Aunt Emma!

-She's next door

with Dennis, dear.

-Next door with Dennis?

What's she doing there?

-Why, I don't know.

Maybe he's throwing her a party.

-Throwing her a party?

Well, why wasn't I invited?

-Probably, because

you weren't here.


-Well, who's winning?

-Did you ever see a

winner at Monopoly look

as disgusted as I do?

-Well, Aunt Emma?

-Don't push me.

Don't push me.


This lad of yours is a

tough businessman, Henry.

-Uh, yes.

He's just a chip

off the old block.

Isn't that right, dear?

-Oh, anything you say, dear.

-Now that's what I call

a well-trained wife.

-A well-trained wife who is

going to buy a new hat, today.

-Bu-- a new hat?

-Thanks, Aunt Emma.

-Uh, let me see, now.

Uh, I'll give you a piece of

property with two houses on it.

And then, there's

my apartment house.

-Is that all?

-And last, but not least,

I can give you my farm.

-Aunt Emma!


-John, next time, try the door.

-Eloise, are sure we moved

all my notes out of this desk

when we were taking

things down to the-- uh.


Imagine Aunt Emma

leaving her diary open

for-- for just anyone to see.

-Put it away.

-Uh, that's what I intend to do.

[gasp] Listen to this!


-"I'm getting fonder and fonder

of dear little Dennis every


And John is still the clumsiest.

He got hit on the head

again this afternoon.

Eloise, she hates me.

-Oh, John!

-Oh, John, nothing!

I've got to do something,

and do it fast.

Or that kid will wind up

with Aunt Emma's money.

The way they've

been going around

together for the

last three days,

I expect Dennis to

give her his class pin.


Dennis is merely being

kind to a little old lady.

-Well, that may be so.

But Aunt Emma is

my little old lady.

If Dennis wants to be

kind to a little old lady,

let him find one of his own!

-And there's a daddy long legs.

And that's a water bug.

And there's a dumb old beetle.


Simply fascinating.

-Well, how is my

favorite aunt doing?

-Oh, hello, John.

-Hi, Mr. Wilson.


Are those bugs?

-Of course not.

They're the little people

Dennis is experimenting with.

-I could believe it.

Um, uh, Dennis, it's

nearly o'clock.

Don't you think--

-Oh, for heaven's sake.

Stop clucking like a

nervous house mother.

-Some bug collection, huh?

-Dennis, without a doubt, that

is the finest bug collection

I have ever seen.

-Have you ever had a bug

collection, Aunt Emma?

-My dear, I'm sorry to say, that

a first-class bug collection

is the one thing that I

have missed in my lifetime.

-That's a shame.

Hey, there's a pirate movie

on television tomorrow night.

Do you like pirates?

-Well, I've never

met any personally,

although my late husband

owned a sword belonging

to [inaudible] Yin, the

famous Chinese pirate.

-No kidding?

-It was about this long,

with real blood on the blade.

-Boy, would I like to

see a sword like that!

-My lawyer has it

for safe keeping.

He was afraid I'd

lose my temper and run

somebody through with it.

-I tell you, Eloise, Dennis has

brainwashed that naive little

old lady into believing that

he can do nothing wrong.

-John, I give up!

-Um, what are those?

-Trading stamps.

Only , more books

and I can get a yacht.

-If Dennis does

get her money, it's

unfair to me and those other

needy charities of hers.

-John Wilson, just look at you!

Aunt Emma's leaving

day after tomorrow.

But instead of

enjoying her visit,

you-- you've turned yourself

into a nervous wreck

over nothing.

-Over nothing?

-Over nothing!

For no reason at all,

you've convinced yourself

that Aunt Emma's going to

leave her money to Dennis

instead of you.

And John, you're

behaving very badly.

-Goodnight, my dear.

Uh, do you mind if

I give you a kiss?

-Well, if it's something

you just gotta do.

You're nice, Aunt

Emma, for a woman.


That does it!

Scat, young man, before

I get my pirate sword!

-You know, Eloise,

you may be right.

The idea of Aunt Emma

leaving her loot to Dennis

is kind of ludicrous, isn't it?

-Heh, heh, heh.

Here, dear.

Finish this book for me, OK?

-All right.

Let's see.

-Well, at last you're

doing something useful.

-Thank you.

-Incidentally, John.

I decided what to do about

those charities of mine.

-You have?

I am bequeathing

each on them $ .

And letting it go, at that.

You happier now?

-Well, yes.

Yes, I am.

That is a very wise

decision, Aunt Emma.


Now I'm going to my room to

write my lawyer about Dennis.

-You see, Eloise, it all wor--

write her lawyer about Dennis!

-Hey, Mom.

-Why aren't you asleep, son?

-I've got a problem.

-Mom, could I get a good,

hard-wearing handkerchief

for $ . ?

-Why, yes.

I'd say you could, dear.


Are you expecting a runny nose?


But Aunt Emma's leaving for

home the day after tomorrow,

and I want to get her a

little going away present.

-Why, that's very

thoughtful of you.

-Especially since $ . 's don't

grow on trees for little boys.

-I don't really want

to get Aunt Emma

any old $ . handkerchief.

-Well, I'm sure Aunt Emma would

like whatever you give her,


-Well, I know what I'd

really like to give her.

But the trouble is, it's mine.

And I kind of like it, myself.

-You do have a

problem, don't you?

-What would you do, Mom,

if you were in my shoes?

-Well, I'd say that if you

think enough of someone

to want to give

him, or her, a gift,

the more you like the gift

yourself, the more you'll

enjoy giving it.

-Yeah, I guess you're right.

And I've got just the gift

to enjoy giving to Aunt Emma!


-Goodnight, son.

-Goodnight, dear.

-Oh, thank you.

Thank you, very much.

Well, Aunt Emma, your tickets

are all taken care of.

Your train leaves at

: in the morning.

-Thank you, John.

-Although, I wish

you changed your mind

and stay a while longer.

-Oh, no.

I don't want to

wear out my welcome.

Besides, I've got to get

home and water my plants.

[doorbell ringing]


I'll get it.

Hello, dear.

-Hi, Mrs. Wilson.

Hi, Mr. Wilson.

-Uh, it's you again, isn't it?

-Hi, dear.

Hi, Aunt Emma.


What's this?

-It's a going away present.

-Apple polisher.

-A going away present?

-Go ahead.

Open it.

-Oh, shall I?

Oh, for goodness

sakes, what is it?

Your bug collection!

And I thought it was

something to eat.

-Well, if you were

a frog, I guess.

-Why, that's your most

treasured possession.

I can't accept this.

-Sure, you can.

You gotta!

When you like a person

real well, like I do you,

you want to give them

something that you like, too.

So you can enjoy giving

it, that much more.

Isn't that right, Mr. Wilson?

-That's right, Dennis.

-Everybody knows it's much more

fun to give than to receive.

Isn't that right, Mr. Wilson?

-Oh, uh, that's right, Dennis.

-I think this is the

most wonderful present

I have ever had in my life.

And I'll never

forget your for it.

-Well, I gotta go now

and study my arithmetic.

Goodnight, Aunt Emma.

I'll see you tomorrow

before I go to school.

-All right, dear.

Goodnight, dear.

-Goodnight, Mrs.

Wilson and Mr. Wilson.


Eloise, I feel terrible.

-Dear, you ought to.

Now I think you had better

go in there and talk to her.

-Aunt Emma, there's

something I wa--

I wa- there's something I--

-Oh, stop stuttering, John.

What is it?

-Aunt Emma, I've been thinking.

I've been behaving very

badly, since you've been here,

and I'm sorry.

And I want you to know that,

I don't want your money.

I don't deserve your money.

And Eloise and I will get along

very nicely on what we have.

-Oh, is that so?

Well, I'm glad you told me.

I won't leave you my money,

as I was planning to.

-You were planning to?

But that letter to your

lawyer about Dennis?

-Oh, that.

Merely instructions

to send the child

an old pirate sword of mine.

-Th-- then you

weren't going to--

-No, John.

I wasn't.


-What am I going to do?

I laid awake all night,

worrying about it.

-Well, you might as

well relax, dear.

I'm afraid there's

nothing you can do.

[doorbell ringing]

-Good morning, Mr. Wilson.

Good morning, Mrs. Wilson.

-Good morning, dear.

-Good morning, Aunt Emma.

-Oh, good morning, dear.

And did you do that

arithmetic last night?

-Yes, ma'am.

I'm on my way to school now.

I'm studying long division.


By the way, in a

few days, a package

is coming for you,

containing a pirate's sword

that I was telling you about.

-Boy, you mean, I'm

gonna get to see it?

-To see it?

You're going to get to keep it!

-To keep it?

Thanks, Aunt Emma!


Did you hear that Mr. Wilson?

-Yes, Dennis.

I think we'd better get started.

-As for you, John.

You still don't want

any of my money, right?

-That's right.

-All right, then.

I leave everything

I have to Eloise.


-Oh, John, must

you be so clumsy?

Yes, I'm leaving all

my money to Eloise.

She'll need a nest

egg in her old age,

having to take care of a-- a

clumsy do-do bird like you.

-Thank you, Aunt Emma.


That's very generous of you.

-Jeepers, Mrs. Wilson.

If you're going to

get a lot of money,

I'll come over and help

you count it every night,

on account of, I'm real

good at arithmetic.

Won't that be fun, Mr. Wilson?

-Oh, that'll be

peachy, dandy, Dennis.

[theme music]