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03x16 - Total w*r

Posted: 11/11/23 08:41
by bunniefuu


Miracle Power Revenge!

What gives? He's attacking

from the get-go?


Overwhelming us immediately

works to their advantage.

Meatheads are stupid strong

in these situations.

Tch. I should've learned

that damn fact from Taiju.


Allow me.

[OTHERS gasp]

[KINRO] Now it's for a true

battle, not some petty bargain.

It's for myself.

This time I fight

using what the kingdom

of science granted me.

And with this golden spear

shining like the sun itself...

...I will protect us!

[OARASHI yelps]

Every single one of these hooded

freaks is really strong!

I told you the warrior who

raided us was a total beast,

but it looks like all of

them might be that way!

Whoa! That bright

light is blinding me!

Watch out!

It's light sorcery at work!

Keep your eyes closed!

Obviously these guys have

never seen a mirror!

[SENKU laughs]

[SENKU] Just a few cheap tricks.

That's all we need.

[GIRLS gasp]




[YUZURIHA] I hope he's planning

to make us look strong.

[GIRLS yelling]

[MOZ yells]

So they're powerful enough

to push back Moz?

Well, it is three on one!

I thought he was supposed

to be able to hold his own

against a hundred

soldiers or more!

[MOZ] Kirisame.

Seems Oarashi was right.

These invaders are hiding

quite a bit of muscle

under their cloaks.

We'll have to throw

everything that we've got,

if you catch my drift.

Close your eyes, everyone!

These fools are about to

suffer the master's power!


Ha-ha! Yes, throw it!

Right into our waiting arms!

[MOZ] This spot is outside

of the beam's range,

yet close enough to off my

"allies" with a solitary att*ck.

But these people are

far from idiots.

They'll no doubt try to stop me

with some kind of sorcery.

They made the mistake of showing

me how it works, though.

And now I know it just takes

the flick of a finger

to use their strange


Heh. I'll have to strike fast.

The second they go to

conjure their spell,

I'll sever their heads

from their necks.

Then it'll be over. I win.

Medusa is airborne,

guys! Fly the drone!

Aw, yeah! It's over! We win!

[KIRISAME yells]

[RYUSUI gasps]

Hey, what's wrong?

We don't have a second to lose,

so quit stalling and let's go!

Come on, Ryusui, let's get

that thing back in the air.

Right now, my sailor's

instincts are screaming.

Our crew made a fatal mistake.

The enemy's got the drop on us.

They've seen through the act.


Something feels off here.



Huh? You're wearing an earring.

Don't see that often.

Oh, this old thing?

Doesn't it look good?

Yep, still got it!

You know what makes me the

strongest on the island, right?

You'd think it's because I have

a powerful army, but no.

It's all because I'm

cautious despite that.

[IBARA] That's quite an

interesting accessory.


I knew it!

They're the same!



Our battle will be waged

at the cliff of

the howling seas.

[IBARA] Wait, wait!

I mean you! Kirisame!

Yes, Minister?

Could you spare a quick

minute of your time, please?

This is just between us two,

but we likely have a traitor.

Moz might be in

communication with our foes.

So we'll test him by using this.

It's over. And Ibara wins.




It feels off,

but science doesn't

rely on gut instincts,

and I've got

milliseconds to spare.

Gotta calculate quick.

Kirisame's toss is around

kilometers per hour

at degrees.

A woman's average height

is centimeters.

Supposing the w*apon's grams

and has a cross-sectional area

of square centimeters

and an air resistance

coefficient of .

due to its odd shape...

Heh. No way I'm calculating

that trajectory

off the top of my head.

Don't get cocky when your

numbers aren't even solid.

Minimize the variables

and guesstimate.

If it goes up meters

and the impact zone

is about meters,

it'll hit dead center

between us and them.

Doesn't matter where it

activates with that trajectory.

We won't be the only ones

caught in the limelight.

Did the always accurate

Kirisame botch her sh*t? No.

Meaning the petrification

w*apon she just threw... a fake!

I need everyone to haul ass

back to the mobile lab!

[ALL gasp]


[KIRISAME] Moz, you haven't

betrayed the master, have you?



That meddling geezer!

Guess k*lling him is

off the table again.

For now, I have to

make it look like

I wasn't in bed with the enemy.

Senku, right?

Though it doesn't really matter

what any of you are called.

I'm skipping to the part

where I just slaughter all of

you sorcerers in cold blood!


Wait, what happened?

Why are we retreating

to the lab?


We've strayed completely

from our plan,

yet nobody's hesitating.

[AMARYLLIS] Their infinite trust

in Senku, and in science,

means his word is enough.


I've got you!

Don't let go!

Here! Come on!



Whoa, that got crazy

all of a sudden.

Did everybody make it?

Yeah, and now the Moz

monster can eat our dust.

We'll lose him fast

with the lab.


"Lose him"? Ahh. Are you sure?

This pinch is the

perfect chance!

With my handy-dandy

handgun, I, Yo,

am gonna be on the fast track to

the top of the entire kingdom.

Oh, um, I mean,

this is the perfect chance

to give Quadzilla a new hole

to breathe through.




Dude! That's a stick!


Huh?! Where did my g*n get to?

Uh, have you guys

seen Magma or Gen?

'Cause I'm not

sure they're here.

No, I haven't.

Once the battle kicked off,

I don't think I saw

either one of them.

It's kinda hard

to tell who's who

when we're all wearing hoods.


[growls] That dirtbag!

Screw you, Magma!

[MAGMA laughing]

Don't run with your

finger on the trigger!

And just where are

you running anyway?

And the mobile lab's left

the station. Peachy.

[MAGMA chuckles]

I have a sneaking suspicion

you're up to something,

so care to prove me wrong?


Ah, so you forgot what I'm

after. Well, listen up, then!

I'm gonna slaughter the

biggest prey out here,

then I'll be named

head of the kingdom!

I say to hell with those long,

drawn-out schemes

you people love!

We got a mighty w*apon

they can't match!

Let's stop wasting time and

find that crusty old Ibara guy

so we can sh**t his ass

and be done with this!

No, no, no, and no!

It'd be great if things

were really so simple,

but they aren't!


Hey, that's our ship.


That is our ship!


Heave-ho! Heave-ho!

Heave-ho! Heave-ho!


[IBARA humming]

I can see the Perseus

sailing around the island!

Ah, I've been wondering why

Ibara chose to occupy your boat

instead of just sinking it.

They've studied it this whole

time, learned how it works.

No offense, but they're

all islanders.

I wish 'em luck figuring out

the internal machinery.

Ah. These islanders sail.

Given enough time, they could

manage the basics, at least.

Why our ship?

What's their aim here?


Move it, people!

If you don't wanna die, go down

to the shore and board the boat!

Uh! They're targeting

my village now?


They're herding every

person from every village

onto the Perseus .


Why? What good will that do?


Without our ship, we have

nowhere left to run, do we?

It's a simple yet genius

plan, I must say.

After we've brought every

person onto the big boat,

I will thoroughly inspect

each individual.

And if it turns out none of

the passengers are invaders,

so be it.

I'll just engulf

the whole island

with the petrifying light!

What? No way!

We're in huge trouble,

you guys! With a capital "T"!


Nah. Just the opposite.



Now this pinch is

the perfect chance.


Play our cards right and

we can take the whole pot.

We'll claim the Medusa first,

then the enemy kingdom.







There! That's gotta be Ibara.

All right, I'm

sh**t' him dead!

You'll never hit him from here!

Why you gotta look

so cool, though?

Wait, back up.

Basically, you're saying we have

some kind of advantage?

Oh, yeah.

That sweetheart Ibara

was kind enough

to get everyone off

the island for us.

Ha-ha! Yes! Of course!




The master will be unguarded,

and if we can snag him,

we can show the islanders.

Ibara will be exposed

and the people he deceived

will be ticked.

[ALL gasp]


The master has always been

an inherited position,

so his child would

be the successor.


Unless Ginro's eyes were

deceiving him in that dark hut,

the rightful heir to the throne

of this tropical paradise

is none other than our

good friend Soyuz.

Seems they've only loaded

people onto the ship.

Don't see any cargo.


There's no good reason

for him to risk moving

that statue around.

He'll pretend the

big guy's on board.

Even if someone

left on the island

sees the master's true state,

they'll just end up petrified.

With that in mind,

let's divide into two teams.

Since the enemy's security

is spread ridiculously thin,

one team will nab the statue.

Whereas we're the


and-buy-some-time team.

Can't have 'em petrifying

the place too soon.

We're completely

outnumbered here!

Our only hope is to make

good use of that g*n!

Damn it, Magma!

It's my piece! M-I-N-E!

But it's not yours, you dumbass.

Know what's bad?

Magma haphazardly

wasting all of the a*mo

before any of us

manage to find him!

Being haphazard does tend

to be that guy's MO, huh?

His chaotic nature makes

him hard to track down, too.



[ALL gasp]


He's right there!

Ah! Did you make this hole?



Huh? Thing's busted, 'cause

that didn't even come close.

I said as much before you fired!

We're too far away!

Like, you don't need a better

g*n, you need a boat!

[GEN gasps]


Behold! My death sorcery!

I can use it to do something

as small as jabbing

a hole in your boat,

or something as

dreadfully gruesome

as jabbing a hole in your eye!


No! Not my eyes!


Spare us, please!

[MAGMA laughing]

There. You see? Now once you're

in range, try it again.


[GEN] I don't know why I helped

you get closer to Ibara,

but I'm abandoning ship

and retreating to our

mobile lab, okay?

I was confused!

You're pretty useful and I like

that, so I have an idea.

Join Mantle and be

my second lackey.

And why would I agree

to serve someone

who once attempted

to urder-may me?

[MAGMA laughs]

A lot's happened since then,

so guess I forgot about

that little incident.

You forgot?! It seemed like

a pretty big deal to me!

Got bad news.

I see the bonehead.

He's sailing the boat he stole

toward the Perseus and Ibara.

No-ho-ho! Does he have

the g*n with him?

If he does and he dies, then our

chance of victory dies as well!

They'll have our secret w*apon!


In order to protect that g*n,

we'll have to join the fray.

Meaning we need to commandeer

a boat of our own.


I saw Gen using some kind

of trickery to steal theirs,

but what can we hope to do?



Why me?

[CHROME] Guess the direct

approach works!

[MAGMA laughing]

Hey, for the record,

this doesn't float my boat!


Fire! There's fire!


It's over here, too!

And of course there's no one

around to help us put it out!

Hey. Is everything okay, Soyuz?

Yeah. I'm fine. I--

Actually, let's get going.

Nice! This is it!

Just behind these

curtains is our man!

Let's grab him and

get back to the others!

[ALL gasp]


This way!


Try smothering the flames!

[IBARA chuckles]

[IBARA] The silhouette was

useful for tricking people,

so it did pain me to smash him.

But gotta play it safe.

Can't have the invaders

getting their hands on him.

I'll have someone make a similar

statue once this is over,

then silence the sculptor

as soon as it's finished.

We failed!

If only we'd got here sooner!


[YUZURIHA] All hope's not lost.

There's still some time.

And better yet,

still some glue.

The kind that Senku made

for the kingdom of science.

[ALL gasp]


Yeah! You're right, Yuzuriha!

[YUZURIHA] Some of these

are so discolored.

They've degraded over time.

We can't revive him.


There, there, sweetie.

[SOYUZ'S DAD chuckles]

[SOYUZ'S DAD] I could hear those

strong lungs from outside.


Dry your eyes, son.



Aw. That's my boy.

Little Soyuz.

[SOYUZ sniffs]


I'm sorry. I remember now.

It took years,

but I remember everything now.





I get it.

Even the revival fluid

can't bring him back.

But my memory kicked in, and

I know exactly how he looked.

I'll restore him piece by piece,

with the friends surrounding me

and my own two hands.

I promise!


Minister Ibara!



Those boats!

They have intruders!



[ALL gasp]


This should be a blast,

I know that much.


buy-some-time team, go!

Keep these jerks busy till the

statue retrieval team arrives.

All right!

I have faith, so I'll buy them

ample time with my spear!


I just need one sh*t,

then it's lights-out

for your leader-guy!

There's no way in

hell I'm gonna let

that stupid psycho

waste all our a*mo!

[ALL yell]