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14x05 - Bully-ieve It or Not

Posted: 11/07/23 18:50
by bunniefuu

Hey, I

thought of a marketing

slogan for our t*nk bottoms idea.

Here it is: "t*nk bottoms:

t*nk tops for your bottom."

- That's so good.

- I know.

Zeke, this is like, the

best clothing invention

anyone's ever had.

Replacing pockets with

holes for ventilation?

We're the best entrepreneurs ever.

More like "entre-pre-new-world,"

'cause our idea

- is a game changer.

- [TINA] And here's some

more lockers, and there's, um,

those lockers over there.

You name it, we've got it.

Hey, guys, please give

a warm Wagstaff welcome

to our newest student, Will.

Will, these are fellow eighth graders

Jimmy Jr. and Zeke.

- Hello.

- 'Sup?

Run, Will. Leave while you still can.

[CHUCKLES] That's Louise and Gene,

my siblings. Little rascals.

What grade are you in, Will 14th?

Nope, just a tall eighth grader.

- Hi, Zeke.

- Uh uh, hi, uh, Will.

[TINA] So what, uh, what

are you guys talking about?

[JIMMY JR.] Oh, just a little

something that's gonna revolutionize

the fashion industry

and life as we know it

- called t*nk bottoms.

- [TINA] Right, your, uh,

"shorts with no pockets" thing.

[JIMMY JR.] Uh, yes.

That's an oversimplified

explanation of it, but yes.

Oh. Uh, I just remembered I, um,

I got to go to class.

[WEAK CHUCKLE] I'm out of here. Okay.

But the bell hasn't even rung yet.


Sorry, I-I can't hear you

over all this hallway chatter.

I'll-I'll see you in class.

- All right.

- Zeke's usually not like that.

- Oh, I know what Zeke's like.

- You do?

Yeah, we went to the same

school in third grade.

Everyone called him pee streak Zeke.

What? Why'd they call him that?

Longest pee? Duration or distance?

Or a fun combination of the two?

- Not exactly.

- Okay, well,

should we keep the ol' tour going?

Have you shown Will the booger wall yet?

- Booger wall?

- Yeah, it's what it sounds like.

See if you can guess which are mine.

Here's a hint They're brown

like their daddy's eyes.

[JIMMY] Hey, I'm Bob.

I like to sweep, but I

can't keep any customers.


Ha. Rhyming can be mean.

Well, I'm Jimmy.

I like to stand in

front of my restaurant

- Wait, why are you coming over here?

- Eh, I'm bored.

You must know what that's like, right?

'Cause of your life? Ha!

Okay, thanks for

coming over to say that.

Kinda slow at my place

lately. You been slow, too?

Uh, yeah. Do you need something?

- You know, you get one rat

- Yeah,

- well, that's part of the business.

- Pack.

One pack of rats, covered in roaches,

and suddenly people don't

want to eat their spaghetti.

You had a pack of rats

covered with roaches?

Yeah. What, you never had that?

Uh, not-not at the same time.

Our rats and roaches don't get along.

Ah, yeah, well, you're lucky.

"The burger ball pit?"

[BOB] Oh, it's just

something I was trying.

I-It's a bunch of tiny

meatballs instead of a patty.

- Tiny meatballs?

- Yeah, I was just fooling around.

Cheese holds 'em all in place.

- Hmm.

- Yeah? I mean

- Okay, goodbye.

- Oh. Okay.

- Bye.

- You're a fart.

Right. That was almost

a normal conversation.

But you're you, so y-you said that.


Am I crazy or would this

make a nice apartment?

Get some houseplants,

maybe a mini fridge.

It's basically an upgrade

from where we live now.

So, I had some more

ideas about t*nk bottoms.

- Uh-huh.

- "t*nk bottoms"

is kind of a mouthful, so I was thinking

- we would call them TB's.

- Oh, uh, y-yeah, yeah.

But then the problem is

that's also what they call tuberculosis.

Mm-hmm, sounds great.

Zeke, are you even listening to me?

- Yeah. Sorry.

- What are you

- looking at?

- Nothin', nothin'.

What, tetherball?

Oh, my god. Another TB.

So, yeah, this is our tetherball.

It can be sneaky,

- so if you play it, be careful.

- Uh-huh.

You want to give this baby a spin?

Oh, you missed it.

Ow. I'm okay.

- Sorry. I'll be right back.

- Oh. Okay.

What do you think

about this for a slogan?

"The TB you want to get."

Oh, oh, I love it, uh

But, uh, listen. I got to go.

I got to go somewhere

real fast, all right?

What the heck?

That's the second time

today Zeke has just run off.

- Huh.

- When he has to go,

he has to go. He's pee-streakin'.

The ketchup loves the mustard ♪

but it makes the

ketchup flustered ♪

so I give them a little space. ♪

- So, what'll it be today, Teddy?

- Eh

Maybe just a cheeseburger. And fries.

Really? Did you take a look

at the burger of the day?

Eh, I-I don't know, bunch

of little burger balls? Eh

Yeah, there's a ball pit in your mouth

and your taste buds are jumping in it.

It's interesting, Teddy.

I'm having fun with texture.

Oh, yeah, very fun.

I just, uh, don't want

to have fun like that.

With a bunch of balls in my mouth.

Fine. Some people are just

more open to new ideas. And you're dumb.

- Exactly. What?

- Nothing.

What the

Jimmy. The pizza ball pit?

Smart, right? I just tore up a pizza,

smashed it into balls and put it on top

of another pizza. Like a ball pit.

You stole my idea.

What? No. Yours is a burger,

mine's pizza. Totally different.

They're totally different, Bob.

It's the same name,

which works for a burger,

because it's, like,

- a deconstructed um

- "Um, um, um." Look, Bob,

we both had the same idea.

We'll see who it works out better for.

For whom it works out better.

Ah, just-just go inside, Trev.

What? Jeez. Grammar matters.

It's stealing, Jimmy. And you

know what happens to thieves?

- What, Bob?

- They

Get their comeuppance.

Comeuppance? What is

that, from Mary Poppins?

So what if it is? She was a great nanny.

It's time for ravioli ♪

I will not eat them slowly, no. ♪

I would be shocked if you did.

You're seriously not

eating in the cafeteria?

I don't feel like it

today. Why-why do we all

have to eat lunch together?

Why can't we just eat separately

in quiet contemplation?

I'm just gonna go eat in the library.

But there's no food in the library.

And you didn't bring a sack lunch.

It doesn't make any sense. Wait,

is this about Will?

What was all that pee

streak stuff about?

Did you pee your pants or something,

and he made fun of you?

Uh, I don't want to

talk about it, J-Ju.

I just want to be alone

in the library today.

Not in a bad way. I love reading.

I love it. Bye!

Oh, my gosh.

I think Zeke was bullied.

My sweet best friend.

Sweet, sweet Zeke.

Huh, so Will's a bully.

Seems like it. Willy the bully,

aka Wooly Bully.

I don't like bullies,

and I especially don't

like them in our school.

And in our sister's grade.

I mean, what if he makes

Tina pee and embarrasses her?

She's already fighting an uphill battle.

- Yeah.

- We got to nip this in the bud.

I believe it's "the butt."

I think we should give Will

a taste of his own medicine.

Western medicine. Not holistic at all.

- I've got a good plan, Gene.

- Me too.

Begging for extra ravioli.

I mean a plan to get revenge

on Will for Zeke and show him

that this bullying crap

isn't gonna fly here.

- Oh. Right. Yeah.

- So, we each

- get a juice box.

- [GENE] Uh-huh.

- [LOUISE] You don't drink yours.

- [GENE] I don't like that.

Then we offer Tina and Will

the seats across from us,

and why wouldn't they sit near

Tina's harmless siblings, right?

- [GENE] We're terrific.

- [LOUISE] They don't know that

you have a juice box

hidden out of sight,

aimed at Will's crotch.

I will make small talk

while you line up your shot

and when I say the words

"interesting ravioli,"

you squeeze the box,

spraying apple juice

on Will's crotch, making it

look like he peed his pants.

And he will stand up

when he feels the juice,

and then I'll yell "gross!

Everybody look at pee streak Will!"

The entire cafeteria looks over at him,

they all point and

laugh and then Will says,

"well, didn't I get

exactly what I deserve?

"Thanks, Louise and Gene,

for putting me in my place.

If that's who did this,

but I don't know for sure."

And will I be reimbursed

for any lost juice?

In the next life, which could be soon

if Will kills us. But it's

a risk we have to take.

Are you guys talking about

doing something to Will?

Something really heroic, yeah. Why?

I feel bad for Zeke, too,

but I just don't think

aggression is the answer.

Um, it definitely is.

If you bully a bully,

it's still bullying.

I'm not in the mood for riddles.

Ooh, those look interesting.

What are they Edible

pillows full of cheese?

- Uh-huh.

- Did you get your bun

tightened? It looks gorgeous.

- I did. Thank you.

- Thank you.

How's your regular cheeseburger

that you can literally

get any day, Teddy?

Really good, Bob. Mmm.

Can't believe Pesto just

stole my burger ball pit idea.

You know, people sometimes have

the same idea at the same time.

Remember when Deep Impact and Armageddon

came out in the same year?

Or when Steve Harvey started going bald

- right when I started going bald?

- Spooky.

It's not like that. At all.

I had the idea first, he saw

it and then he stole it

Oh, my god. I think he's getting a line.

What? No.

They could be there for another reason,

all a few feet apart and

facing the same direction

and waiting to get inside.

Did you see what

they're doing at Pesto's?

Pizza balls. Such a fun idea.

- [BOB] It was my idea!

- Whoa.

Order the burger of the day, Mort.

Do not make the same mistake I did.

Uh, one burger of the day, please?

Oh, look at that. Burger balls. Fun.

Don't patronize me, Mort!

Jeez, you really screwed

that one up, Mort.

Hey guys. We got to stop

meeting like this. Just kidding.

No, not on that side,

Rudy. Uh, sit-sit over here.

What? Why?

The, um, the lighting

is all weird over there.

- Okay.

- Zeke, you're here.

What happened to the library?

Was it too noisy?

Oh, Mr. Frond saw me

and said I needed to get some nutrition.

I told him I was reading a cookbook

so that should count, but

he didn't agree. And I wasn't

reading a cookbook, I was just

holding my hands like this.

Zeke, I just want you to know

that I'm here for you

and I care about you.

Do you want some of my ravioli?

- Yes.

- I was talking to Zeke.

And don't worry, Zeke.

We got you covered.

Thanks. But what?

We're gonna shut Will the bully down.

Willy bully.

W-What? Do what?

You don't have to hide it, Zeke.

We figured it out. We

know you were bullied.

- Zeke was bullied?

- Wait, wait, wait.

And I get why you

wouldn't want to tell me,

because I'm one of the cool

kids and you were embarrassed.

- No, you don't understand. I was

- [LOUISE] Listen,

as soon as Tina and Will sit

down, I'm gonna distract Will,

Gene's gonna spray Will's

crotch with apple juice

- under the table

- My apple juice.

Some of us are making

a big sacrifice today.

No. No, guys, no. Please don't do that.

Shush, shush, shush! Here he comes.

Tina! Will! Over here.

Hey, everybody. We were just doing

the whole lunch line

thing. It went pretty well.

They had lunch at his old school, too.

Tina, sit right across from me.


Hey there, Will.

[CHUCKLES] So, you're

So, you're sitting here. That's cool.


So, Will, what do you

think of Wagstaff so far?

And maintain eye contact

with me while you answer

- and don't look anywhere else.

- Um, seems okay.

- Will, uh

- What?

Interesting ravioli.

Interesting ravioli!

- Gene, no!

- What are you doing?

[ZEKE] Where is it?

Give it to me! Come on!

- [GENE] Stop it, you're gonna ruin it!

- Gimee come on, stop it.

What's going on under there?

- Let go!

- So, uh, Will, uh, what'd you think of

the booger wall? Boogerific, am I right?

- What?

- Aah!

- Dang it, Gene!

- You got Zeke's crotch!

Bad news yes.

Good news still some juice left.

Don't you say it,

Will. Don't you say it.

- Say what?

- Pee streak Zeke.

- Sorry, Zeke.

- H-Hold on, now.

I wasn't gonna say wait,

were you gonna squirt that on me?

Yes, we were gonna bully you

before you could bully anyone else.

- So, did it work? Are we heroes?

- Let's say yes.

- People, please.

- Why don't you just pick on

someone your own size, tall guy, like

- Mr. Branca.

- I don't want any trouble!

Everybody, just stop.

- Will never bullied me or anyone.

- What?

- Come again?

- I was

- I was the bully.


And that was the last of my juice.

So, you're not a bully?

- No.

- But you're so tall.

You do kind of have this whole

"don't mess with me" vibe

that has a lot of the girls

around here going crazy.

Other girls. Not me, but I get it.

- I can see that.

- Like Zeke said,

he was the bully. I was the bullied.

[SIGHS] I-I'm gonna go try to dry off.

Sorry, me spraying juice

on you wasn't bullying,

that was just an accident.

Zeke, what did what happened?

[SIGHS] I'm not proud of it,

but by the time I

started going to school

at Rocky Creek Elementary,

where Will went,

I had already been to so many schools,

'cause my family moved around so much.

I was always the new kid, and

it wasn't easy making friends.

Between that and my impulse

control issues, I just

started wrestling kids.

Like, all the time.

Before I even knew it was a sport.

I couldn't help it, I just-just

had a lot of nervous energy.

Then one day I got a kid in a headlock,

and I guess I caught him

on his way to the bathroom,

and also maybe he was scared

'cause of me putting him in a headlock,

and he [SIGHS]

Well, he peed a little,

and everyone pointed and laughed,

and that's how it all started.

After that first kid peed, the

kids who thought it was funny

were like, "come hang out with us."

And-and then I kept

trying to make 'em laugh.

And even though I only

made that first kid pee,

they-they called me pee streak Zeke.

And, yeah, Will was, uh,

one of the kids I bullied.

Pee streak Zeke! Pee streak Zeke!

I mean, I had a group of friends,

a nickname, and it was the

first time I felt like

Like I-I belonged.

- Wow.

- I know. It's a lot.

That's pretty bad, Zeke.

I've been told I have the

perfect neck for headlocks,

but, uh, I'm trying to cut down.

I know, it's awful. I

don't like to talk about it.

I don't even like to think about it.

I'm not that person anymore.

But Zeke, now you have

the chance to apologize,

make amends, right

the wrongs of the past.

You should definitely apologize.

Maybe send him, like,

an edible arrangement

or give him your house?

Maybe adopt a highway for him?

Oh, um, Will? Will

doesn't seem like he's

He's ready to hear an

apology or talk to me at all.

I think the best thing for me to do

is just to keep a respectful distance.

No, Zeke. Just do it now.

It's the only way to move forward.

But [CHUCKLES] I, uh


- Oops, that's the bell.

Guess we'll put a pin in this for now

and just focus on our studies.

Wait. Will, can you please meet us

on the steps out front after school?

Zeke has something he wants to tell you.

Or if you're busy, that's totally cool.

Late notice, I-I get it.

You, uh, probably have


No, I'll be there.

- Great.

- Mm, great.

Uh, come on, Will, I'll

take you to your next class.

I think we have algebra together.

"Alge-bring" you there. [CHUCKLES]

Trust me, Zeke. This is

gonna be a good thing.

Oh oh, boy.

I guess I'll have to take

the rest of these to go.

And there we go.

Like a little Italian squirrel.

- Oh, yeah.

- Grazie.


So, Bob, are you just

gonna keep stewing or what?

[GASPS] Someone's taking

pictures of Pesto's

with a fancy camera.

D-Do you think they're from the paper?

Oh, my god, that's it.

I'm going over there.

Oh, no, Bob, don't.

Linda's right, Bob. To what end?

"To what end?"

- Just say "why," Mort.

- Why?

- Are you asking that to me or to Bob?

- I don't know.

I'm going to expose him.

I'm gonna tell that reporter person

If it is a reporter

person that it was my idea.

Come on, Bob, we know you had the idea,

you know you had the idea,

and you'll have another idea tomorrow.

If you don't have a heart

attack over Jimmy Pesto.

Linda's right, Bob. And

my therapist would say

that you should focus

on your own happiness

and not compare it to other people's.

Your therapist is an idiot!

You take that back, Bob!

Do not speak of Dr. Marjorie that way.

That woman has put up

with so much in her life.

- What?

- The balls haven't always rolled her way!

Okay, I'm sorry. She's probably great.

- She's just never met Jimmy Pesto.

- Aw, Bob.

So many little balls.

I really just wanted soup.

I know, Mort. I know.

[JIMMY] So, I just thought to myself,

"balls. Pizza balls." And

then, "pizza ball pit." Boom.

- Oh, my god.

- Bob, we're gonna be in the paper

on the Internet, where it really counts.

My mom's finally gonna be proud of me.

That's great, Trev.

Uh, I have something interesting

- for the article.

- Sorry, who are you?

I am the guy who invented


dah-dah-dah-bah-bah ♪

- I invented

- dah-bah ♪

- I happen to have invented

- dah-bup-bup ♪

Uh, look, I don't know what this is,

but I'm on a deadline, okay?

You should be interviewing me.

Hmm, who should I interview,

the inventor of the pizza ball pit

or some guy who wandered

in off the street

who won't stop shrieking

while I'm trying to work?

I'm not shrieking!

Let's go someplace quieter.

Come back in the

kitchen. I-I can show you

the oven where it all happens.

It looks like a microwave,

but it's not exactly a microwave.


- Hmm.

- So, you're staying?

Yes. I'm gonna make sure that that guy

tells the world that

Jimmy is a total fraud.

All right. Want some

water while you're waiting?

No, I don't want water.

Actually, yes. I-I'm a little thirsty.

[SIGHS] Thank you.

- Seven dollars.

- What?

Got you. Classic me.


- Well, I don't see Will anywhere, J-Ju.

I guess I'll head home,

try again tomorrow.

Zeke, wait. I know what you're doing.

You're trying to kick

this can down the road.

Well, guess what? That

road is a dead end.

- I know, but

- Zeke, listen.

We've all done things

we're not proud of.

I used to tell Andy and Ollie

that there was actually

only one of them.

It messed with them for weeks.

- Jeez.

- The point is

we recognize our mistakes

and we learn from

them. It's how we grow.

Did we miss it? Did anyone DVR it?

Not yet. And for all we know,

Will already went home and

- Here he comes.

- Dang.

And this is what we

do when the bell rings

at the end of the day. We come outside.

And that completes your

welcome tour of Wagstaff.

Hey, Will. Zeke wants

to tell you something.

- Zeke?

- Uh

- I'm-I'm sorry I bullied you.

- Okay?

I'm sorry I did all

those awful things to you

to impress people, putting

you in headlocks and stuff,

but I'm not that kid anymore.

So, I hope you can forgive me

and we can be okay with

each other moving forward.

Wow, Will, pretty heartfelt apology

from Zeke over here. What you thinking?

I do not accept.

What? What the hell, Will?

He didn't even apologize

for what he actually did.

Oh, but uh

What, making you pee your pants?

He never made me pee.

He got me in a headlock a few times,

but that's not the really bad part.

What's the really bad part?

Hey, Jimmy Junior, don't you have to go?

You have that thing,

right? You better get going.

G-Get on, now. Get out. Get.

He made fun of my lisp.

- [GASPS] - Whoa.

- [GASP]

Your lips? They look fine to me.

They look completely normal.

Not my lips. My lisp.

What? Seriously?!

I can't believe you made

fun of someone's lisp, Zeke.

- That's so messed-up.

- It was just one time

and I felt so bad I-I

never did it again.

Wait, you have a lisp?

I did, when I was in third grade.

I said "stop, Zeke. You're so stupid."

But I had a lisp, so it came out

Thtop, Theke. You're tho thtupid.

And Zeke made fun of me.

I didn't want all

those guys to see me cry

so I hid in a bathroom stall

- for the rest of recess.

- [TINA] Oh, Will.

And then some kids came in

and they saw the closed stall door

and they said "ew,

someone's pooping in there."

And I said "no, I'm not."

But I sounded like I was

crying when I said it,

and crying in the bathroom seemed worse,

so I leaned into the pooping thing

and I said "I mean, yes, I am,"

and I made some fart

noises and tried to make

- the whole thing believable.

- [GENE] Good for you.

I'm sorry, Will. And Jimmy Jr, please.

You're my best friend. You

got to know how sorry I am.

I don't know what to say, Zeke.

I don't even think I want to do

t*nk Bottoms with you anymore.

Don't say that, J-Ju.

I mean, yeah, a lot of

people don't know this,

but I have a speech impediment.

- Huh. - Really?

- Wha? I never, um

Yeah. I worked through a lot of it,

but sometimes it still shows up.

You have to believe me.

I never did anything like that again.

I mean, I did some wrestling stuff,

but never the speech

stuff or someone's looks

or height or weight or anything.

You have to forgive me, guys.

There's got to be something I can do.

I honestly don't see

how you fix this, Zeke.

Money never hurts. Hundred bucks each?

50 to me for brokering the deal?

Show 'em your butt,

let them make fun of it?

- Fine.

- Oh, wow.

Zeke, don't.

I mean, you could, um,

lick the booger wall.

- What?

- Yes.


I guess it would show

you're really sorry.

Okay. [SIGHS]

Looks like I'm gonna lick a booger wall.

Wow, I'm not usually into

after-school activities

but I'll stick around for this one.


Ugh. How is his water not even good?

Come on, Bob, we know you had the idea,

you know you had the idea,

and you'll have another idea tomorrow.

You should focus on your own happiness

and not compare it to other people.

Linda's right, Bob. To what end?

"To what end?" Just say "why," Mort.

Thanks again. Our readers

are gonna love this.

Oh, good, that guy's still here.

I'm just gonna keep talking as I exit

so he can't talk to

me. See you later. Bye.

[JIMMY] Bob? What

are you still doing here?

Looking for some good

food? That's a zoom.

Well, I came over here to tell everyone

that you're a liar who stole my idea.

Ha! You are that.

But now all I want to

do is tell you something.

What's that, Bob?

I'd rather be me than you.

[SCOFFS] Yeah, right. You'd rather

be scraping by than have a popular place

and a mostly-restored 280z? Come on.

I can always think

of other ideas, Jimmy.

This wasn't even one of my best.

It might be one of my worst.

And since you and

your customers like it,

that's a red flag.

- Ouch.

- So this idea

You can have it. I don't need it.

All I need is right up here.

- Whoa.

- Don't "whoa."

Sorry. I want that kind of confidence.

Aw, j-just zip it.

Okay, zipping.


[TEDDY] You're back. Finally.

What happened Did

you make a big stink?

Did you steal the reporter's pen

and scribble all over his notes?

No, I just told Jimmy

I'd rather be me than him.

Aw, Bobby. So wise.

Like a little Bobby Buddha. Mwah.

And I said that I'll have

another, better idea tomorrow.

Yeah, that's what I told you.

I guess I stole it from you.

Well, I won't make a big deal about it,

like some handsome cutie-pie chefs.

- She's talking about you, Bob.

- Thanks, Teddy.

[LOUISE] So many boogers.

[GENE] Precious memories.

It's more booger than

wall at this point.

Okay. Here goes.

Wait, Zeke. You don't have to do this.

You were willing to lick

boogers. That's enough.

I mean, I guess.

- Are you sure?

- Yeah.

I was asking Jimmy Jr. I

mean, you too, but also him.

Yeah, Will's right.

I didn't know you then

but I know you now, Zeke.

I know your heart.

Oh man, J-Ju. [GROANS]

- What are you doing?

- Stop! You don't have to do it.

That's what's gonna make it

even more beautiful. [GRUNTING]

- Oh, sick. - Yes!

- [GAGS]

- Wow.

- Oh, Zeke.

[GAGS] It wasn't that bad.

[GAGS] But I'm gonna

Oh, my god, I'm gonna

I'm gonna throw up. [RETCHES]

Oh, my god. You're my

best friend, Jimmy Junior.


- You're my best friend, Zeke.

Even if I can't quite

look at you right now.

I get it. [COUGHS]

Now, who wants to get

licked by a booger tongue?

- Come on, who wants it?


Come on. Come here,

J-Ju. I'm gonna get you.

I'm gonna get you with my booger tongue.

This isn't bullying, this is horseplay.

Now, come here, come on!

♪ The ketchup loves the mustard ♪

but it makes the

♪ ketchup flustered ♪

♪ so I give them a little space ♪

♪ the ketchup loves the mustard ♪

but it makes the

♪ ketchup flustered ♪

♪ so I give them a little space ♪

♪ it's time for ravioli ♪

♪ I will not eat them slowly ♪

♪ the ketchup loves the mustard ♪

♪ the ketchup loves the mustard ♪

♪ the ketchup loves the mustard ♪

♪ the ketchup loves the mustard ♪

♪ the ketchup loves the mustard ♪

♪ the ketchup loves the ♪