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03x01 - The Bone Plot

Posted: 10/16/23 12:20
by bunniefuu

Whether Elizabeth's spies
knew about the letter

is still a matter
of much conjecture.

JULIAN: Hello!

Where's she been hiding?

She's not dead, Julian.

The good ones never are.

It's just a costume.

They're making a documentary -
History's Greatest Plots.

Apparently, there was a coup
planned here back in the day.

Hey, look, that wasn't a coup,
per se.

That was an informal discussion
with some parliamentary colleagues

about Maggie's leadership style.

You know? She's not talking
about the '80s, mate.

Look at her! What plot
she talk abutt? About? Dunno.

That's just what they told us.
I thought you might know.


It's possible

Elizabeth's forces simply
happened upon the plotters...





One for the bloopers!

..Elizabeth's forces simply
happened upon the plotters...


Do you know, I don't think
I've ever seen you laugh. Yeah.

I asked the producer
if they'll name-check the house

and he just stared at me blankly,

That's the producer over there,

Oh. Well, then I asked some guy.

Er, do you mind? Some of us are
trying to learn something here.

..regarded by many
as a martyr, a mastermind,

a hero, and perhaps
the most important person ever

to have walked these grounds.

Is it me? Sounds like me.

Which is why the history books
echo with the name

Sir Humphrey Bone.

Oh. Huh. Hmm.

Heavens! Why, I think she means...

ALL: Oh.

Oh, it's fallen off again!

Humphrey? Where is he?

It's just such an incredible place.

You can almost hear the history
echo from the walls.

Yeah, it's almost like...

HUBBUB doesn't shut up!

And there's a Stuart facade,

and the Dutch gable, and the...

High-end B&B? In the gatehouse,

opens next spring. Tell your
friends. We could probably

do a discount...
We're really, really lucky

to have found - well, been given -
this place.

Actually, we did wonder
if you'd be up for talking about

your family connection
to the house on camera.

Who? Me?

I-I-I-I... I've never been
on camera.

Well, have a think about it.

Yeah. She'll think about it.

Are you mad?

Context? The interview.

To make the gatehouse a guest house,
we need ghosts. Guests.

And this is free publicity, so...
No, forget it.

I'm not going on telly.
Why? What are you so scared of?

Going on telly!

Oh, you'd be great. No!
The camera would love you.

Just tell your story,
name-drop the house, and...

..oh, you could wear a top
with our logo on it.

We don't have a top
with our logo on it.

Hmm. We don't have a logo.

Hmm. I'll call Obi.
He'll do us a quick logo.


Bad moonah on the rise.

Dust cover sun.

Birds fall. Crop fail.

Something wicked this way come.


b*tches? b*tches!

Oh, that explain it.
Anybody home?

Ah, Annabel!

ALL: Alison.

I was hoping I'd catch you.
LADY BUTTON: Humphrey?

Humphrey! Humphrey!

Humphrey? Humphrey!

MARY: Head bit?

Humphrey? I'm just saying,
personally speaking,

I can't remember ever seeing you
properly laugh.

That's absolute nonsense.
I laugh all the time.

Why, only the other evening,
Fanny and I were in stitches

while recalling
the satirical skewering

of socio-political institutions
in The Mikado.

Isn't that right, Fanny?
Mm? The Mikado?

Oh, hilarious skewering of
socio-political institutions.

Hysterical. Side-splitting.
Riotous. Agreed.

I concur. So I hope that puts
this matter to rest. Carry on.

Humphrey! Head? Humphrey?


Neither of you laugh!

KITTY: Found it!

Him! Him, sorry.

You didn't tell us you were famous.
Am I? Ooh, that's nice.

Am I a painter?

She means the plot, mate.
The Catholic plot.

Oh, that.

You always said your death
was just a misunderstanding.

Well, in a way, yeah.

Certainly wasn't, erm...

What, one chop?

Well, it sounds pretty
straightforward to me,

but then I was burned alive, so...

All right, now, steady on, Mary.
Steady. Steady.

Well... I mean more that
the circumstances were...


I could tell you about it if you
like. Well, if you wouldn't mind.

That would be wonderful, yes.
We've got all day.


Yum! Yum, yum, yum, yum!

Ooh, thank you.


Bon matin?

Did you sleep well?
Er, dormir...bon?

Cos it gets quite draughty
down your end of the, um...

Do you want a bit of brekkie? Boeuf?
Bit of brekkie, Sophie?


Oh, la la.

Qu'est ce qu'il veut maintenant?

Erm, I was just wondering
if there might be

something you might fancy doing.

Not with me. Not with me.

No, erm, I meant more for you.

Like a hobby.
Oh, c'est insupportable.

Something that might make you
a bit more...


Uh, tapestry? Maybe?

Or you could learn some English?

Or there's archery,

or you could learn a bit of English.

It doesn't matter, actually.


Me leave?

I live here. Livres.

Salon de lecture?

Oh, like a reading group!

Yeah, great idea.
You could use the chart room

up in my end if you wanted.

And maybe in winter,
you could learn a bit of English.

It is...ugly language.

It is AN ugly language,
but, yes, well done. Very good.

KITTY: Humphrey?


Humphrey? Sorry.

It's not someone I've thought about
in a very long... What about jokes?

Do you like jokes?


Oh, I don't think we ever lent you
a champagne bucket,

cos, well, we don't own
a champagne bucket.

Well, you do now.

Oh, a film crew!

How surprising.

I'm surprised.

Though, now I think of it,
I do remember Jan from the shop

mentioning something
about a documentary, was it? Oh.

Lucky I dropped by!

I do feel lucky. I imagine they
could use a little local knowledge,

fill in the gaps in their research.

I'm not sure that you... what I say, or know my name.
Hello there!

Barclay Beg-Chetwynde,
local landowner slash historian.

Urgh. He hasn't changed, has he?

Arrogant, sleazy,
and entirely self-serving.

Can you believe I used to associate
with that type?


So I've done a lot of...

Hello. See that?

I spy Harry Heart Attack.

Those three-bottle lunches
finally catching up with him, eh?


Oh, no.


You have to get him out of here
right now.

What are you talking about?

Barclay is on the verge
of a heart attack.

Trust me, I know the signs.

What if he carks it right there
and doesn't move on?

We could be stuck with him forever.

I think you're getting a bit
carried away. Which means

you could be stuck with him, too.

Every day.

For the rest of your life.

Oh, no.

Lovely strip of land at the end of
the drive there once belonged to me.


No way. OK, what about 4:30?

Can you do it by 4:30?
It's not about the deadline.

I'm just not doing black text
on a white T-shirt.

I'm an artiste.

What? Would you ask Michelangelo
to touch up your skirting boards?

Depends on his prices.
And if he could do it by 4:30.

Here's what I'll do -
custom vector logo,

three-colour digiprint
on a high-weave cotton blend!

Sounds great. Thanks, man.
Owe you one.

And you'll credit me on air, right?

I mean, if they ask about the top.

Oh, they'll ask about the top!

That's a fact!

And the priest says, "I know!
That's why I painted it gold."

That is offensive to at least
five different religions.

There are only three in it.

Give over.
It's just a harmless bit of fun.

You haven't heard
me jumbo jet joke yet.

There's a nun, a gorilla
and a paed...

Do you mind?
I'm baring my soul here.

You're making this very slow
and painful.

Unlike his execution. Oh!

Now, where was I?

Oh, yeah.

Book club.

Bonjour. Good to, er, see you.
Bonjour again.

Ca va?

Happy reading.
What book is it this week?

Quel livre?

Le Printemps d'Yver,
Contenant Plusieurs Histoires

Discourses en Cinq Journees

en Une Noble Compagnie
au Chateau du Printemps.

Well, don't tell me how it ends.

Je voulais vous remercier.
Pour m'avoir laisse faire ca.

Je me sens un peu mieux.




Thank you. You're welcome.


Well, don't just stand there.
We have much to do.

We've received word from Queen Mary.

She approves of your plan,
but only if we can act quickly.

There are spies everywhere.

We cannot delay.

Then Monday it is. We get Elizabeth
on her way to chapel.

By this time next week, the true
Queen will sit on the throne.

Death to Queen Bess.
ALL: Death to Queen Bess.

What about him?

He knows nothing.



He is a good man.

So the plan is to conceal
our blades here by the colonnade...

Well, fancy that! Young filly there
seems to think I might have

some useful insights -
her words, not mine.

Well, mine, but she nodded.

Wants to get me on camera.

And you're not, like,
nervous about...?


What I... What I mean by that is...

Tell the old guff to go and die
on his own property.

He's got enough of it.
Are you OK?

Me? Yes. Fit as a fiddle. In fact,

I'm on a bit of a health kick.

After 20 years
of no exercise whatsoever,

I've just taken up squash.

Yeah, that'll do it.
What is squash?

So, we've got a few more sh*ts
to grab in the Rose Garden

and then we'll be back to do
the interviews.

If you're both happy and...

Yeah. I'll go and rehearse.
There's no need

to prepare anything, really.

Best to keep it natural.

Of course. Of course.


You have got to get him out of here!

I meant to say, Zara, there's
a stunning view of the house,

er, from just...
just past that fence.

I thought it might make a nice
background for Barclay's interview.

OK. I'll take a look.

Yeah, yeah. Just PAST the fence.

Just outside the grounds.
Outside. Outside.

Outside. Did you say outside?

Yeah, I think she got it.

Barclay Beg-Chetwynde,
local historian.

Friend of the house.

Barclay Beg-Chetwynde,
Button House spokesman.

What's he doing here?

Cheg-Betwynde. Beg-Chetwynde.

He just appeared. Like posh Batman.

Well, he's in there saying
he's our spokesman. Yeah, well,

he spoke to Zara and they want
to film a bit with him now.

What? Yeah. Can't let him speak for
us! You've got to do the interview.

Oh, pile on the pressure.

It's just, I know that you can do
it. You're the face of Button House.

Because you know what you've got?

Inner strength?

I was going to say a branded
sweatshirt coming, but...

But inner strength. OK.

Yeah? Love you.

Is it your oral skills?

Excuse me? That worry you,
about the interview?

I just don't want to be on camera,
like public speaking.

I understand entirely.

I remember my first confabulation
on Button FM.

Stammering like
a chicken-hearted clown.

But I found my voice, Alison,
and I can help you find yours.



How dare you?

I'll have you know
I've got my entertainers badge.

I just hadn't sewn it on yet.

The same with my sewing badge.

I'm simply saying that
the reason you so rarely see us

reduced to fits of hysteria
is because in present company,

we're seldom given cause.
All right, then.

Why don't you make us all laugh,
show us how it's done?

I'll handle this, Fanny.

Right. Now.
I just remember thinking,

"Well, it must be
a pretty good book,

"cos they've been in there
for ages."

Farewell. Au revoir.
Er, see you all.

Take care.


Oh, someone forgot their...


Oh, no.

The butler burnt the butter
but the bacon bore the brunt.

The butler burnt the butter but
the bacon bore the brunt.

The butler burnt the butter
but the bacon bore the brunt.

The butler burnt the butter
but the bacon...

Something amusing?
Sorry. It's just,

it's hard to think of you
in a sort of, well, teacher role.

Ah, I see.

Because of the frisson.

The frisson?
The frisson between us.

I know it is difficult, Alison,
but while you are under my tutelage,

you really must pretend
there is no frisson.

Thomas, there is no frisson.

That's the spirit.

Now, then, your turn.

The butler... The butler
burnt the butter and the butter...

BUTler. The butler burnt the
butter... What's a budler?

Bu-t-t-t. Big but. Big but.
That's it.


MUFFLED: Welcome to Button House.
That's it.

I know it feels strange
but it really strengthens...

Shaking everything.


I am a confident
and beautiful young woman.

I am a confident woman...
And I deserve to be on television.

Welcome to Button House.
Hands at our sides.

We're not a seagull.

Thomas is terrific and I wish...
Thomas is terrific and I wish...

..we were betrothed.
..we were... No.

It's just an exercise.

Fine, we'll do something else.

And the quartermaster says,
"You may have paid the bill,

"but I'm still the PATE familias."

Because he'd had the pate.

The pate! Do you see?

It's very clever.

She didn't laugh.

You didn't laugh.

Nobody laughed. Yes.

Long, fancy words don't make
something funny.

I find I often laugh most
at the simplest things.

Duly noted.

Like someone else laughing. Oh, yes.

Laughter is contagious.

What? Oh, no! Oh, no, no.
Not in a bad way, Kitty.

No, just that laughter
breeds more laughter.

Preposterous. Balderdash.





What's up? About this top.
I've been...

Haven't you done it yet?
Impact-wise, we could wrap the text

around the trunk and...
I don't care if you potato-print it

on a bin bag, as long as
it says Button House

and it's here by 4:30, yeah?
All right, all right, I'm on it!

This sweater
is my Sistine Chapel roof.

Ceiling. Is it? Good.

Because I just googled the roof
and I weren't blown away.


LAUGHING: I can't help myself!


Anyway, where was I?

About to die. Oh, yeah.

If you can calls that dying.

Bonne nuit, Sophie.

What have you done?

OUTSIDE: Halt! Her Majesty's Guard.
We have to go.

Go? What?

You want to live, we must go.

OUTSIDE: Who do you think you are?


I'll hold them off as long as I can.



This isn't the life
you signed up for. Go!

Have another one.

Well, go!


Open this door!

Show yourself!


Open up!


Keep going!

PRESENTER: ..beheaded on the spot
for high treason,

so heinous was his crime,

with Mary's orders
still in his hand.

Sir Humphrey Bone,
mastermind of the Bone Plot,

and martyr to it.


At least, that's how...


For valiance.

Yes. Quite right.
Well said, that man.

Fair do's, actually. Fair do's.

It's a horrible way to go.
Easy for you to say, isn't it?

You barely even feels an arrow.

You what?

We should tell Alison
what we've learned.

Yes. And she can tell
the television people.

ECHOING: This isn't the life
you signed up for!


In the name of Her Majesty,
open this door!



Oh, God.

What am I doing?!


Ha! Oh!

Ah! Yes! Yes!

God, oh, God, oh, God, oh, God...

Her Majesty's Guards!

Show yourself!


No sign of him, sir.

Why is it always bad news
with you?

It's not always... It's never, "Oh,
I've found him, he's through here."

I found that priest hole once.
There was no priest in it.

That was just a hole.


God, I love this house.



I might say I did that. I would.

See, this is why I won't have swords
in the house. Yeah.

Well, you've got kids, haven't you?

Bad day?


Hey. Well, I think we're almost
ready to do the interviews,

if you... Yeah, about that. I don't
know what Mr Deg-Chegwin told you,

but he's not actually
anything to do with Button House.

He's just a sort of
mean local weirdo.

Actually, that's not fair.
No, that is fair.

So, yeah, we'd rather he wasn't
associated with the house

because, to be honest, I'm worried
about how he comes across on TV.

OK. It's just that
I got the impression

your wife wasn't all that keen
to do an interview.

You're kidding! She can't wait.
I'm telling you,

she's a natural.


So the house is, um... Um..., my connection, um...

Um. the family. Um...

Um, um, um...

You see, if we can just...
Babe! You're up next.

What, now? We need more time,
damn you! Already?

Can't Barclay go first?
No, he's been canned.

Apparently an anonymous source
told them what he's like

and they were like... Mike.
What? He's bad PR and you know it.

How did he take it?

Um... "Um...!" They're all at it.
Give me five minutes

and I'll let you know. Wish me luck.

No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait.

I'll do it.
We need to be gentle with him

and then we need to get him
out of here real quick.



Oh, we're finished here, are we?

Hey, see? It's a masterpiece!

Yeah, yeah. Give it to me.

Why are you wearing it?
Because it looks sick.

Right. We're ready for Alison,
just up by the fence there.

Fence? What fence? Just up by the...

She thought the view was quite good.
No, no, no.

I mean, there's much better spots
nearer the house, like by the sign.

So you can see the house.
By the sign?

It's just we're all set up
over there now.

But...but maybe we'll come
and grab something here a bit later.

I'm thrilled to fill in a tiny part
of its rich and varied history.

Yes, that'll do it. Right,
once more. Get it in the old memory.

Oh, God. Is he still here?

Hello there.

What? Me?
May I just say

what an honour it is to be joining
you here in this wonderful house?

Oh, God, no.

I'm thrilled to fill in a tiny part

of its rich and varied history.

It's happened!


Ah, perfect.

Knock, knock. Hi, how are you?

How are you?

Yes, fine, raring to go.


Er, right.

It's just...

Do you want to sit down?


Really? OK.

The thing is, talking again
to the documentary guys,

it seems now they want
to focus more on people

who actually
in the house.

Oh, dear.

So I wore a new shirt for nothing.

Been bally baking in it all day,

and talk about itchy!

Well, that explains it.

Yes, it does.

Oh, that's much better.


Breathe, but don't gasp,
and don't gabble. No ums and ahs.

If you need to pause, pause,
but don't show you're pausing.

Look, I know that you mean well,

but it's me they want to talk to,

not some drop-out from the
Thomas Thorne Finishing School.

So will you please just stop talking
and accept that you're a better poet

than you are a teacher?
And that is really saying something.

Confident, eloquent, composed.

My work here is done.

Damn your eyes. You're welcome.

It was inherited
through my dad's side, but he died

when I was young and my mum
passed away more recently.

So with no living relatives,
the house has become a kind of

link to my ancestors
through the ages.

It's like having family
all around me.

Can you give us any more information
about...? Could you smile?

But with your voice.
Say Button House.

Alison! ..every bit as fascinating
as your journey... I warned you!

I did warn you!

Pull the top down!


You're doing very well,
just block it out.

Try not to hesitate...
I warned you!

Alison! Emergency!



ALISON ON TV: ..literally
a phone call saying,

"You now own this house."

It was inherited
through my dad's side,

but he died when I was young and
my mum passed away more recently.

Aw. So with no living relatives,

the house has become a kind of
link... Oh, can't see the logo!

Lose the thing! Lose the thing!

It's like having family
all around me.

Aw! That's nice.

I think this is where I...

Well, the brick...
The brick frontage

is, was a brick front

added to what is, er,
what was a Tudor house.

FANNY: What does that say?
What is a Butt Ho?

Are you the Butt Ho? was brick,
it had a brick facade.

Oh, my... Obi!


..which is now what we now see now
on Button House.

Well, thanks, everyone.

But there's much more to this place
than just structural issues.


For one thing, it's haunted!

And I'm turning it off.
No, no, wait.

Oh! Hang on a sec.

I think this is my cameo.


Watch the vase.

Wait for it...



It's like he's famous.

Can I have your autograph?
You got a pen?

But one thing's for certain -
when it came to the Catholic cause,

Sir Humphrey Bone was a man prepared

to stick his neck out.

Oh-ho! Oh! Oh-ho!


Oh, very good!

Neck! Seriously?!