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02x06 - Perfect Day

Posted: 10/16/23 12:09
by bunniefuu

No, no, I completely understand.

Please don't feel bad about it.
You just stay safe.

WHISPERS: This is no good.
We'll still get paid, right? Yeah,

but we don't want our first wedding
here to be a disaster.

People will think the place is
cursed. It is. Not haunted,

I mean, like, unlucky.
It isn't not unlucky.

That was Michelle. The Kingsleys
can't make it either. Oh.

Yeah, Mike and Valerie just texted
to say, "Accident on the M4,

"traffic isn't moving"?

Ooh, it's the wedding planner.
Hi. Hi, Martin.

We've been trying to get hold of
you. Sorry about that.

I didn't have the Bluetooth in.
Just to give you the rundown.

The DJ can't make it
but the equipment's all there

if anyone wants to step in.

The caterers are with you, I think.
Yes. Yeah.

But the waiting staff are mostly
crying off,

so it might have to be a bit
more of a buffet situation. OK.

Well, I'll let you co-ordinate
that. Where are you?

Ah. That's the thing.
I've had a little bit of a dink.

Sorry, sir, we need to end the call
now, please. I'd better go.

Oh, my God. It's fine.
I think I'm in shock!

Sir, it's time to hang up.

Right. Got to go. Good luck with it
all. Ciao, ciao, ciao.

Oh, oh, oh... PHONE BEEPS

So... where is he? Slight problem.

'Tis bad tidings for the nuptials.
No, it's romantic!

A white wedding. A white, white

Oh, I do wish I could see
the service.

Well, that's at the church,
Kitty, as it should be. I know.

If they can get there, that is.

Beastly terrain for
civilian vehicles.

I remember my wedding day.
It was the best day of my life.

Carol in velvet,
me in a handsome brown three-piece.

I cannot bear to think of the joy
that would've

occasioned my own wedding day. Oh!
Don't remember much of mine.

I assume it was fun. Arghhhh!

Mine was at Winchester Cathedral.

I was given away by the Marquis
of Granby and the guests
included the...


Something to say, have we, Robin?

Well, in my day, you do what you
want. You like someone, you do it.

You like someone else,
you do it. Easy.

No-one know who their father is but
everyone raise children together.

Peace and love. I see.
Bloody hippy, eh. Sounds awful.

It's not very romantic, is it?
You, wife cheat on you.

And you cheat on wife.

And you, husband cheat on you with
two men, then k*ll you,

so open your eyes,
people not meant to be mon-hog...

..mono... hog...

Monogamous. That's what I said.

Dad, everyone's cancelling.
How many men have we lost?
Not everyone.

Sam's at the hotel and the family.

So vital personnel are all
still in the field?

Ah! Michael's back from the front.
What news?

Marquee's fallen down. Oh. What?

Part of it. Most of it. Oh, my God!

Best to cancel the wedding,
it be cursed.

No, thank you, Mary.

We can do the meal in the house.
Good idea. Excellent.

How will everyone get to the
service? You can't drive in this.

We'll hike. Yes, Alan.
On foot. We march.

That's not going to
work for Auntie Lou, is it?

SHE SNORES Stretcher?

Do you think we should just cancel?

Well, what does Sam think?
We agreed not to talk.

It's bad luck to see each other
on the wedding day.

Well, in that case,
wouldn't want to make it worse.

Dad, I know it's silly but it's
the one thing I can control. Sorry.

I... I still think we can do this,
Clare, if you want to.


You're here and, and Sam's nearby.

Your dad's here and the bridesmaids
are on their way.

People that matter, right?

Good. Then we've got to do it.

We're licensed
and I know you wanted a church,

but if the mountain can't
come to Mohammed,

then... then we're going to bring the
vicar here

and I know that that's mixed
metaphors and also religions,

but you know what I mean.

Very good.

Right, well, who's going to go out
in this

and get the vicar from the top
of the...

Me. It's me, innit?

All right.
It's all part of the service.

All right.

30?! Or at least. Lost count.
Busy bunny, eh?

This is not love you speak of!
It's but the carnality of a beast.

Let me put you this,

if you had married Isabel
and then you meet Alison...

They're 200 years apart, man!
Question still stands. Well, I'd...

I'd... See?

Right, we're commandeering
the ballroom. What? What?

The wedding's happening here. Yes!
Oh, yes, a thousand times, yes!

Whoa. Oh, my God.

That has never happened before.

Right, I need to get chairs in here.

What?! Alison, no, no, no, no.

You can't have the service in here,
this isn't a church.

Where's the steeple, where
are the pews, where are the people?

No, it's a great idea.
What can we do?

Well, n-nothing, actually, Pat,
can you, cos you're dead.

Thank you, though.
Thank you, Patrick, carry on.

Ooh, this looks amazing!

Oh, hi! You made it!
Come in. Come in, come in.

The key, of course, is symmetry.

Two banks of seating with a clear
avenue for the entrance

of the bride.

Let's line that up.
Very good, carry on.

I'm just trying to set up,
if anyone wants to help.

Yep, a little bit higher.

You want lovely, long loops,
like waves across the space,

don't you think, Julian?
Mm. Are there bridesmaids?

Oh, I hope you're going to
behave yourself today...

..because I have heard about you.

What do you think? Oh,
it's wonderful, I mean, it's like a,

it's like a flower grenade
has gone off. Oh... It's fabulous.

Now I was thinking perhaps flowers
on the end of each aisle.

A floral streetlight, if you will.

Robin! Robin!

It wasn't me!

It was me.

Everything all right, love?


Sure I can't help?



She shakes! 'Tis another sign!

She's nervous!

Oh, I wish I could help!


Good morning. Hello.

Father, I've come to take you
to the wedding.

We're doing the service
in the house. Oh, I see.

I, er, rather thought
it might be cancelled.

No, it's happening, so if you want
to grab your coat, snow boots.

I'm afraid I'm carrying
a bit of an injury.

I'm not sure I can
walk down the hill.

Don't worry, Father,
you don't have to walk.



Look out!

Ah, there we are. What?
That's very sparkly.

What has happened to ties nowadays?

Oh! Ooh! Ah.

Does nobody wear a gown to
a wedding nowadays?

You'd think this was a circus.

Oh, no, it's chic, and it's now,

and if it makes HER feel fabulous,
then, er,

no, very good.

Oh, and trousers for you as well.!

Hello! Or should I say yellow?

Beautiful banana.

Do you recognise him?
Do you recognise him?

Er... Where do I know him from?

Is he off the telly? Ooh, yeah,
yeah, could be.

He does look familiar.

Oh, my goodness, Clare,
it's beautiful!

Where be your garter?
The bride must be gartered!

Oh, no! Alison!

It's not, er, Dennis Waterman,
is it?

Dennis Waterman?

He'd be 70 by now.

Oh, yeah, good point, yeah.

Mick Hucknall!

Don't be ridiculous, Robin!

Mick Hucknall has dreadlocks.

Oh, Vicar, you made it!

Just go through here and make
yourself warm by the fire.

Ah, thank you.

That took a while. Yeah, he wanted
to do the hill twice.


May I have your ear, please?

Ah! The vicar's arrived.
Good work, Michael.

CAR HORN BEEPS They're here!

Sorry, Mary, not right now.
Ah, here we go.

A double wedding! Oh, my goshness!

No, that's the other bride.

For the same groom?


No, they're marrying each other.

What on Earth?!

Two brides! Wonderful!


Is this one gartered?

Oi-oi, bridesmaids. Tick.
Let the wedding commence.

Isn't that against the law?

No. Times have changed.

The house will be brought
into disrepute.

It's a scandal!

Those are the bridesmaids?
Of course.

But they're wearing burgundy,
just like me.

Wonderful choice.

A darker shade, as if to frame
the glowing white

of the beautiful bride,
without upstaging her.

Does this mean I'm a bridesmaid?!

Can I be a bridesmaid?!
Please, please, please!

Yes, yes, fine, yeah.

Hi! Come in, come in.

Oh, what a journey!
Oh, you made it!

OK, so we've set everything out
in the ballroom.

Oh, thank you
so much for doing this for us.

Honestly, I don't know what
we would have done without you.

No, it's our pleasure. It's all
part of the Button House...

..brand. #ButtonHouse.

Available for bookings.
Tell your friends. Ha-ha. Please.

Oh, where is this garter, then?
Er, come through.

♪ Here comes the bridesmaid,
she is a bridesmaid. ♪

Lovely place, isn't it?
Yeah, er, yes.

I've been here before, actually. Oh?

A long time ago, now.

Well, what a coincidence. Mm.

So, I don't know if you've met the
couple that own it, but it's... No.'s quite a story.

ECHOING: I've been here before,
actually. A long time ago, now.

Like the beak of a goose, you see?

Oh, it's a lovely old tradition,
especially with the bridesmaids.

Pinch on the bum, no harm done.

These are gentlewomen, sir! Not
Whitechapel strumpets!

You're fun.

It looks good. It's happening.
I know, I think it's good.

I can't believe we're actually
going to make this happen.

Er, you haven't seen Clare,
have you?

Oh, she hasn't run away, has she?

Actually, I hope
she HASN'T run away.

Oh, she's probably
just popped to the loo, or...

I'll go and look for her. Yeah.

Just, just tell everyone
that we're going to start soon.

Erm, just keep them entertained.

What shall I say? I don't know.

Whatever. I won't be long.

Alison, what's happening?
We've just lost one of the brides.


Right, pay attention, everyone!

We have a missing bride.
We need to search the house.

Thomas, Mary, East Wing.
Robin, Julian, West Wing.

Pat, you're with me. Come along!

Well, come on, man! Yeah, yeah,
I heard you the first time.


Er, we're going to start soon,

but I just want to say a few words
to welcome you all to Button House.

Er, well done for getting here,
in this weather.

Many didn't make it.

Not that they died,
they just got stuck,

although the wedding planner
had quite a serious...

Nah. Nothing.

Anyway, the best ones are here,


Oh, here she be!

She sits herein. Alison!

We have eyes on the target.

The eagle is in the nest.


She's in the toilet.



It's Alison. Is everything OK?

I'm just going to the loo,
I'll be out in a minute.

She sits upon the stall
but her trousers is not down.


She seems lost in thought,

at sea, in a tumultuous storm
of emotion.

Are you, are you sure you're OK?


Anything you want to talk about?

I'm scared I'm making a mistake.

Well, she is. Monopoly is a trap.

Monogamy. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So, erm...

Vicar? Mm?
You've done hundreds of weddings.

You must have some stories.

Oh, not really.

Really? No stories?

No, nothing very...

Being modest. Er...

WHISPERS: You have to help me. Er...

Alison's gone to find Clare and I
don't know what's going on.

Right. I just don't...

Make something up? Hm, yeah?



Erm, hello. Erm...

I, er, I remember one wedding.

Goodness me, it must be, erm,
20 years ago, at least,

when, erm,

during the vows,

all of a sudden, the doors flew
open, and a dog ran in to the



Barking away, he was.

Woof, woof, woof.

But, er, that was just the start.

Oh. Hmm...

What's going on?
Has the party started already?

I thought I could hear voices. No.

It's the ceremony.

Here? Mm. Woo!

Could you take me down there?
I'd love to see it.

Oh, I don't think you do.
It's scandalous.

It's unbecoming of this fine house
and its noble history.

I think I'll probably
make my own mind up,

if you could just take me down...

I'm quite sure you'll
agree with me.

Honestly, I don't know
what the world has come to.

Is there no decency any more?

No sense of traditional values?

Oh, this is happening.
When I was a girl... Yep...

..we were taught at a very young age
exactly what was expected,

what was proper!

I'm being stupid. Yep.

Don't say that. Well...

It's not that I don't love her.

It's not that we aren't happy, it...

It just suddenly feels terrifying.

Oh, get over it and get on with it!

You're lucky to be alive!

Honestly, people don't know they're

It's completely natural for you to
get cold feet today.

Yeah, it's snowing.
It's a metaphor, Robin!

You're a metaphor.

Don't tell anyone this, but...

..I had a wobble on my wedding day.

I kept thinking, "Is he the one?"

"I'm still young, do I really want
to commit for the rest of my life,

"you know? Is it naive to think that
I won't fall in love again?

"And all the little habits
and the things that annoy me,

"can I really live with them
every day?"

You're absolutely right,
he's wrong for you. Can you...?

But then I tried to imagine living
without him.

And I couldn't.

Because he's the best thing that's
ever happened to me.

We're a team.

And we love each other.

Nah, I preferred the first bit.

..a nut allergy, yes, because

Oh, Michael's here, girls!

Mike, is everything OK?
Are we starting?

Alison's just talking to
Clare in the bathroom. Oh!

What about? Apparently she got cold
feet on our wedding day

and she wasn't sure if she wanted to
marry me,

because of all my bad habits.

Why is she talking about cold feet?

What's going on?

So, you know,
only you can make that decision.

Can you imagine life without her?

It's working. She's looking at
pictures of them on her telephone.

Oh, holiday snaps.
No, no, scroll back.

Clare? So, what do you think?

Do you want to do this?


I do.

It became clear that the dog was
trying to tell us something.

It was pointing, you know,
with its, with its paw. So we...

..all got up out of our seats
and followed the creature.

I fears for the marriage, Alison.
Much is not done.

The bride be not gartered.

And where are the bachelors to
carry her to bed?

And someone must
break cake over her head.

I'm just going to catch you.
I'll catch you up. Sure, OK.

What are you talking about, Mary?

The cake what's not broke
upon my head so my husband did die.

Crushed beneath his plough
like a grape beneath the foot.

Oh, my God! Your husband
died on your wedding day?

No, three years aft. Right.

The couple must observe the rituals
for a blessed marriage! OK.

There's a lot to unpack here.

So you're saying that your husband
died in a farming accident

because of something that you didn't
do on your wedding day

three years earlier? Exactly!


We... We, we had
gathered around the well and...

Well, we thought
we could hear a baby crying.

Nobody had a ladder, so we were
going to have to use the bucket.

But, um... There was...


What do you mean she's not here?

She went off with her mum. Why?

She's so upset!

She found out that her bride might
be having doubts about marrying her.

You told her?!

Oh, my God, Mike.
I had it all under control.

All you had to do was just keep them

Well, I'm sorry
I always disappoint you.

Sorry's not good enough, is it?

That's such an insensitive thing
to do.

Is the wedding off? No!

Alison, we need a plan.
The guests are getting restless.

Oh, who cares about the guests.
To hell with the guests!

What's it got to do with us, eh?

We're dead, in case you hadn't
noticed. We can't do a bloody thing!


I'm going to talk to Sam
and then you just make sure that

Clare's still here when we get back.

IF we get back.

All this over a silly
piece of paper.

I just wanted to be a bridesmaid!

You all saw that, didn't you?
That she tires of him.

Finally, she sees the light!


Where do you think you're going?

And before you know it, there's
chaos on the streets, mass hysteria,

everyone doing whatever
they feel like - stealing, fighting,

anarchy, which is precisely why
I won't go near this... spectacle.

You finished?

Yes. Wow.

Breathe, love.

Oh! What did she say? Nothing.

Nothing, honestly, nothing.

She loves you
and she wants to marry you.

This is all a big misunderstanding.

Mike heard you say to Clare that you
had cold feet on YOUR wedding day.

Yes. Yes. He did.

But... But that's me.

Not Clare.

But why would you talk to
Clare about it

unless that's how she were feeling?

Tell me honestly,
was Clare having doubts?

Yes. But...

Well, I had a flathead screwdriver,

but that was no good because it was,
it was a Phillips...

Mike, is everything OK?


Is everything OK?

I heard Alison telling you
she wasn't sure if she wanted to

marry me and if she'd meet someone
better and if I was the one. Um...

..I meant, with the wedding?


She had an artificial limb
that had come loose and also...

You bastard!

Patrick? Come here, you Scally!

You, you reprobate!

Those drinks were for later! Urgh!

Leave it, Pat. Argh!






Stand down, fellas. Stand down!


Urgh! Oh!





I hope you bog off when
it's back on.


It's Kieth Darren Dean.

ALL: Oh.

Who? Hmm?

Safety rule number one is no...

ALL: Oh!

The arrow's gone through that,
clean through.


We might need one of you to drive.

Don't look at me, kids.
Make a path.

You don't want to see this in
your dreams.



Tenner says he stays. You're on.

I'll tell you about my marriage.

My marriage was arranged.

I was 14, she was 12.
Noble families, both.

Model couple, really, for the time.

We had a title and a big house
and the lands, riches.

Didn't love each other.

She didn't even like me.

Didn't laugh at my jokes.

Didn't really understand each other.

She was French, so...

Might have been nice if we
could have chosen who we married.

Mike, something's going on,
isn't it?

I may have told Sam you
were having a bit of a wobble.

I heard Alison say that stuff about
me and I was really hurt.

And I wasn't really thinking.

I'm sure Sam will come around,
like you did.

And then she opened
the door and she said, "Thank you".

And that's it? That's it.

She loves you.

She was just scared.

You know, she also said she couldn't
imagine living without you.

Did she? She said you're the best
thing that's ever happened to her.


BOTH: I need to talk to her.

I need to see her.
And to hell with tradition.

I love you.

Let's get married.


Hello, Skip.

Hello, Kieth.

I just want you to know,
I do think about you.

I think about you, too.

About that day.

I'm sorry, Skip.

I forgive you.

I should never have given an
eight-year-old a lethal w*apon.

I suppose if there's one thing
I could say to you, Kieth,

it would be... Uh!

Of course.

I'm OK! Sorry.




Mission accomplished.

Hello, thank you. That's...

What? Oh! All right, then.


Julian! Arr!

Please be seated.

You've changed your tune.

Well, times change, don't they?
We should know.

After all, if George had
been free to love as he chose, well,

I wouldn't have been m*rder*d.

And I could have had a husband
instead who wanted to know me.

And when I say know, I mean

he would give me a really good...



Terrible story. What
happened to the baby? Oh! Well...

ALL: Oooh! I've got it.

Double half hitch.

Well done, Kieth.

Well done.

Who do that?

Three, two, one, go!


Good for you, Debbie.


There. I can't just throw
cake at the bride.

But, looks.

Now she will not die.

MUSIC: My Girl
by The Temptations

♪ I've got sunshine on a cloudy day

♪ And when it's cold outside,
I've got... ♪

OK, sometimes it work...

..mon-og-amy. Oh! Very good, Robin.

Monogamy. Monogamy!


Yes, that's enough.
Thank you, Robin.

♪ My girl

♪ Talking about my girl... ♪

I think I want another fight.

Can he be a club?