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02x11 - Too Early To Win Too Late To Know

Posted: 10/15/23 13:06
by bunniefuu
That is correct.

As Balancer of the three worlds
comprised of the Soul Society,

the World of the Living,
and Hueco Mundo…

I came to propose
a non-aggression pact

between the Soul Society
and the Licht Reich.

Let us Soul Reapers worry
about the world and

enjoy the prosperity of your empire.

It goes without saying that
we will not interfere

with the unification of the Quincies
by the Licht Reich.

It is a win-win pact.

I see no reason to refuse.

It is a deception.

You take me lightly as if
I am some ignorant baby.

Ah… That was never my intention.

But you indeed know nothing.

Then let me ask you this.
The world was once one.

Who set boundaries to
that eternal peace

by separating life and death?

The Soul King.

Who brought the fear of death
to the people?

That would also be the Soul King.

I know the anguished cries of the souls
that have returned to me…

I know the vindictiveness of the people

who fear death and cling to
their fleeting lives.

And that's the answer
you have to offer,

Ichibe Hyosube?

Don't say my name so lightly.

Where, in these three worlds,
can one find peace?

– I can see it all.
– I'll show it to you.

So that's…the Soul King?

You see? You knew nothing.

We, together with the Soul King,
maintain this fragile world.

How pitiful… How…


I told you I can see it all,
Ichibe Hyosube!

Do you think you can k*ll me
with that hand?

My father's hand is nothing more
than a sacrifice to his child.

It can give life,
but cannot take it away.

Those eyes of yours
are sure troublesome…

But they can never see through
the Soul King.


Did you think I'd let you have
the Soul King's arm for free?

Your eyes will be closed forever,
never to open until the day you die.

Live a modest life.

I'm glad I lost these eyes.

I no longer have to see through
your humiliation anymore.

Soul King, my father,
you have become nothing

but a mindless and hideous lump
of flesh to be worshipped…

I will give you a new purpose.

Vanish along with this world.

Become a grave to the three worlds.

I see…

So this is the Royal Palace.

I feel your pain, Your Majesty.

What are you talking about, Haschwalth?

I'm not feeling a shred of emotion
from looking at this decaying grave.

My apologies.

Let's go.

We will end this world full of deceit

and create a new world of true peace…

with our own hands.

Oh, my darling, I don't even know
where my heart has gone

And I've forgotten
that dream I once had

Becoming an adult =
keeping a public face and bluffing?

Tell me, what is reflected
in the painted-over mirror?

Your photo is starting to fade

Leaving me, as I change

I'll shout at the top of my voice
as it pierces through the night

Burning my chest,
formless fear and all

It's okay if I can't laugh
like that day

Sadness, scars, everything…
I want to take them all with me

You can't k*ll my vibe, oh baby

Burning out now,
like a sh**ting star

You can't k*ll my vibe, oh baby

Burning out now,
like a sh**ting star




Stop right there!

How dare you try to head into
the Royal Palace without waiting for me…

…the great Ganju Shiba,

the self-proclaimed expert
on the Royal Palace!

Oh, it's you, Ganju…

What are you doing here?

That's a silly question!

Who do you think launched
Squad Zero's Tenchuren?

Your older sister.


It wasn't you.

Right! It wasn't me!

You don't give up, do you?

So why are you here again?

To go beat those Quincies,
of course!

I even brought this roadmap to
the Royal Palace that I got from Sis!

You can't get there without it!

Are you sure about this?

Ganju, the place we're headed to
is much more dangerous

than any battle we've been in before.

I know that, you idiot!

That's why I'm going with you!

Is that right?

Okay, here goes.

… …

Oh, so this is how it flies?!

That is one ugly lift-off.

It couldn't have been adjusted
any worse.

It's been a long time, Yhwach.

Entering the Royal Palace uninvited.

I can see defeating Genryusai
has really gotten to your head.


The Soul King's Blade.

How discourteous.

Become the rust on
the Soul King's Blade.

You guys are way more discourteous.

My Schrift is "W."

Nianzol Weizol, "The Wind."

Every enemy I find…

bends and warps to avoid my body.


"Every enemy you find," you say?

That means you cannot bend enemies
that cannot be detected.

What I meant to say was that
I find my enemies through instinct.

So, no matter where they attack from,
they steer clear of my body.

Sorry for the lack of clarity.

I get told all the time that
I have a bad habit

of not explaining things very well.

Don't let it bother you.

We all have our bad habits.

An enemy is harder to see
the closer they are,

especially if they're touching your body.

Like the robe that you are wearing…

While you were busy frolicking
with the Holy Soldiers,

I retailored it with a fabric of my own.

No way, this can't be…!

The finest robe I sewed just for you.

Be grateful that a foot soldier like you
even gets to wear it.

And also…

do not expect to take it off
before you die.

Come to think of it,

we were talking about our bad habits,
weren't we?

Forgetting to remove my sewing needle
is a bad habit I can never break.

This time, I'm the one

who should apologize for
not explaining things clearly.


Gotta say…

This turned into one hell of a mess.

I thought for sure the Soul Reapers
were going to win.

After building such a fine castle,

I can't believe they'd just abandon it.

Just what the hell is
this Yhwach guy thinking?

So tell us, what exactly is
at the Royal Palace?

Beats me. I've never been there myself.

But I thought you said you were
the self-proclaimed expert

on the Royal Palace…

Yeah, Sis told me all about it.

I'm just not familiar with the small details.

Is he serious?

They're going into the Royal Palace.

That means their target is the Soul King.

The Soul King…

He is a god-like being that reigns
over all of the worlds:

the Soul Society, the World of the Living,
and Hueco Mundo.

I've only heard the stories of him, though.

I've never met him.

A god…

Is that what Yhwach is trying to become?

Yeah, that must be it!

Is it even possible to replace
the Soul King?

When I was training at
the Royal Palace,

I saw these images.

The Soul King is supposed to be
the foundation of how the world works

and an entity
that cannot be replaced.

Then what is the enemy's objective?

How should I know?!

Well, we came this far.

So whatever he's after,
we just have to kick their asses.

You're right.

This kind of brings back memories, huh?

The time we went to go save Kuchiki…

Back then, Yoruichi was still a cat and…

…Ishida was with us, too.

Do you think Ishida will
come back to us?

Of course.

We're on our way to take down Yhwach.

And while we're at it,
we'll smack Ishida and drag him back!

Isn't that what we decided?

But that's secondary, of course.

You're right!

Well then…

It seems our blades can finally
reach you.

Do you really think so?

My Royal Guards.

We already know the answer.



Whoa! Looks like I'm the only one
who had the privilege

of being brought up from below.

I'd better give a good showing…

That's right!

If you prove useless,
I will cut you down myself!


I wouldn't want that after managing
to stay alive…

A woman's slender arms
cannot stop my sword!

Second Level Holy Soldier,
the Soul King's Shield!

Stop them!

Ah, you're pretty big!

What? Is there something
you want to say?

He said, "So what if he's big?"

Are you finally starting to think
the Royal Palace might fall?

It's too late.

The losing side always realizes
and reacts too late.

The Royal Palace fell the moment
His Majesty stepped foot here.


Well, that was easy.

Is that the best Squad Zero can do?

Was there ever an opponent we faced…

that wasn't easy?

Everything in our way has fallen.

After you, Your Majesty.

What is this?

The landscape of the Royal Palace is…

What is going on?

Where the hell are we?!

This is a false Royal Palace built
to lure you in.

The real Royal Palace is being
hidden over there by Osho.


Ah! What's this?

Did you gave it away already?
That must mean…

the cage made it in time.


Yes, yes, yes, yes…

I got it ready in time!

It's been a while since I prepared
a womb this big.

So it wasn't easy!

Yikes… What is all this?

Curse their bizarre tricks!

It won't break even with
consecutive sh*ts to the same spot.

Even when I aim for the spaces,
the branches grow instantaneously.

What a disgrace to
the "X-Axis" name, Lille!

They did pierce it!

Manipulating food
means manipulating life!

I cook to shape lives.

And the ingredients come from
my own body.

This tree bears fruit by feeding on
my Spiritual Pressure.

Your b*ll*ts are comprised of
highly concentrated Reishi, aren't they?

This tree of life can't pass up
something that delicious.

Even if they pierced through,
the tree grows at an even faster rate.

You can struggle all you want.

But your abilities can't escape
this Cage of Life.

Don't be surprised just yet,
damn guests!

Squad Zero First Officer,
Holy Guardian of the East,

"Hot Spring Demon"!

Tenjiro Kirinji! That's me!

Squad Zero Fourth Officer,
Holy Guardian of the North…

"Great Weaver." Senjumaru Shutara.

Squad Zero Second Officer,
Holy Guardian of the South.

"Grain King." Kirio Hikifune's the name.


I am the number one Zanpakuto creator!

Ten, nine, eight, seven…

six, five, four, three…

Two, that's me, Oh-Etsu Nimaiya!

There ain't no path for
you losers to walk on.

Now shut up and
come at us altogether, yo.

This is where Squad Zero's
real fight begins.


Maybe 'cause I haven't drawn this
in a long time…

The blade feels wobbly!

Nicely dodged!

It's simple manners to dodge
a man's hug.

Is that right?!

Then the next attack…

…is my turn.

Huh? Wait…

You're kidding me, right?

Who do you think I am, yo?

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five,

four, three, two, that's me!

Oh-Etsu Nimaiya.
The baddest man in Squad Zero.

My sword kills with a single stroke, yo.

You use a strange technique.

Huh? Whatcha talkin' bout?

It's a trick.
I can tell just from looking at it.

That sword's been soaking in
that jelly-like substance.

It's in such bad shape that
the blade wobbles.

There's no way it can k*ll Gerard.

What did you just do?


I simply held it like this,

and your perfect bullseye shot
found its mark

and was sliced right in two.

That's all.


Oh! Nice move!

You leapt backward in time matching
the speed of my blade.

You couldn't have done that
without realizing how sharp this thing is.

Guess you saw through it, eh?

This "Sayafushi" is a failure.

It's too sharp and
the blade is too smooth.

The edge never chips
no matter how much I cut with it.

It's gonna put us swordsmiths
out of work.

And most importantly,
I can't create a sheath that can hold it.

Since it's not a complete sword,

I couldn't send it down
to the Seireitei.

I'm glad you guys stormed
the Royal Palace.

Thanks to you,
I got a chance to put this to use.

I appreciate it, Y.H.!

So, you have the power to escape
from the womb?

I'm impressed.

Gotta hand it to the King.
A brilliant rising!

Aren't you going to go
after His Majesty?

I should be asking you guys
the same question!

Up above is Osho.

Even my hot springs can't wash away
his bloody stench.

He sure likes to say all sorts of things
about me when I'm not around.

What are your thoughts on that?

You will let me through,
Ichibe Hyosube.

I've chastised you many times,
and yet you still say my name lightly.

Don't blame me
if you lose your voice.


All at once, the lights went out

Reminding me

with a voice

and I cannot move

Unable to convey even a millimeter

of the lines that I dubbed

All lines
that I don't want to forget



Became a mark

And I notice the dust

I wait and wait

But it won't start

If it's already ended

I give up

But can I

borrow your shoulder?

With that knife

that was left behind

Pierce it through


in the middle of a dream,

We kept searching

For the scar that

the revolving world remembers

With just the strong desire

to keep on living

We'll choose a tomorrow
that will not return

In just a little while

The final curtain will fall

Shining upon us

The blurred end roll

"The future, pitch black, upside down."