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02x10 - Marching Out The Zombies 2

Posted: 10/15/23 13:05
by bunniefuu
I see…

This may be troublesome…

I was wondering why his Spiritual Pressure
was practically gone, but…

I don't believe this…!

Bakudo Number—

You idiot!

A Kido isn't going to block it!

That was reckless,
but thanks, Ikkaku.



He might be a corpse,
but he's still the captain of Squad .

I'm lucky it only cost me a leg…


You'll pay for hurting Ikkaku!



Despite being a corpse,

you can move as if
you were still alive.

Hmm… Could it be that
you were turned into a zombie

right before you died?


If I turn them into zombies
before they die,

the cells are still fresh,
so they're more nimble.

Plus their mind perishes,
so it's easier to control them too.

There's nothing but pros for me.

I see. That is quite laughable.

Let me ask you this:

Where's the fun in controlling
those without a mind of their own?

I wouldn't know.
I'm not a sadist.

Now that I took care
of the zombie girl,

is this boy going to be
my next opponent?

Nice… You're quite the beauty.

I'm really glad…

that you're my enemy!

You fool! Step away!

You fool…

Couldn't you tell that
he is beyond your capabilities?

As punishment,
I shall leave you dying there.

Damn, you…

As for you, Captain Hitsugaya…

I'm afraid I can't have you go around
k*lling my test subjects.

Ah, yes…
Trying to converse with you is useless.

No matter.

As one whose flesh is wrapped in
good manners rather than skin,

it is not in my nature to harm another
without their consent.

Captain Hitsugaya…

There are several dr*gs
that I want to test on you.

You'll take them now,
won't you?

Oh, no need to worry.

Naturally, it's all for the sake
of the Seireitei.

Oh, my darling, I don't even know
where my heart has gone

And I've forgotten
that dream I once had

Becoming an adult =
keeping a public face and bluffing?

Tell me, what is reflected
in the painted-over mirror?

Your photo is starting to fade

Leaving me, as I change

I'll shout at the top of my voice
as it pierces through the night

Burning my chest,
formless fear and all

It's okay if I can't laugh
like that day

Sadness, scars, everything…
I want to take them all with me

You can't k*ll my vibe, oh baby

Burning out now,
like a sh**ting star

You can't k*ll my vibe, oh baby

Burning out now,
like a sh**ting star


It's all for the sake of the Seireitei.

Are you puzzled by how someone
who's holed up in his lab all the time

can predict your strikes?

You see, I implanted a sensor
in Ashisogijizo the other day.

It's been set to make contact
with any blade

that comes within two shaku of me,
at an angle of degrees or more.

In other words…

It will automatically block
all of your strikes.

From what I just said,
I'm sure you thought of striking me

with something other than a blade.

Didn't you think that perhaps
I was baiting you into striking me

with something other than
your sword?


Daiguren Hyorinmaru!

C-Captain Hitsugaya…

There are several dr*gs
that I want to test on you.

You'll take them now, won't you?

Oh, no need to worry.

It's all for the sake of the Seireitei.

Are you puzzled by how someone
who's holed up in his lab all the time

can predict your strikes?

You already told me that.

What's going on?

Oh, so you can hold a conversation?

This is a new discovery!


Daiguren Hyorinmaru!

Y-You are strong indeed…

Captain Hitsugaya…

There are several dr*gs
that I want to test on you.

You'll take them now, won't you?

What is this…?

What the hell is going on?

What's this?
Your brain is becoming aware, I see.

Greetings, Captain Hitsugaya!

How many "nows" has it been?

All of my dr*gs give a new and
wonderful experience to their users.

It bestows them with power,
sensation, reaction, and courage

beyond human comprehension.

And to you,
I gave the power to see the past.

Every time you cross
a certain point of the battle,

you return to a moment in the past.

And that point is when you k*ll me.

In other words,
if you do not k*ll me,

then your future will
continue on forever.

But if you do k*ll me,

then your future ceases
at that moment.

Quite a predicament, isn't it?

You're unable to move forward
unless you defeat your enemy.

Yet, once you defeat him,
you fall backward.

However, the imperfection
of this drug is that

it only works on
the hippocampus of the brain,

which controls
your short-term memory.

Because of that,
its users are unable to remember

the number of times
they returned to the past.

And, once they journey back
to the past over ten times…

they experience a serious side effect.

The part of the brain that
controls your equilibrium

becomes completely paralyzed
for seconds.

Being the kind-hearted person
that you are, Captain Hitsugaya,

I'm sure that you have no issue
with being paralyzed for seconds…

But it can be fatal if
it takes place during combat.

Although side effects are inevitable
with new dr*gs,

this cannot be introduced
to the market as is.

Now, here's a question for you.

Exactly when did I administer
the drug to you?

Damn you…

You can give me your answer
in the past.


In addition to your equilibrium,

your limbs will be completely
paralyzed as well.

Having to administer this drug
to somebody who cannot fight back…

It pains me greatly.


Don't do it!

At least you can resist with words.

That is somewhat comforting.

Two captains and a lieutenant
all turned into corpses…

So pitiful it's not even funny.

You're interrupting
my follow-up observation.

Take care of them as you see fit,
will you?

Morphine Pattern!

What's with this guy?!

There's no opening
in his Spiritual Pressure!

Scatter, Senbonzakura!


Tsk! I've run out of juice!

I will defeat you,
and then, Ichigo Kurosaki…

So I can go join His Majesty's side!

Sklave Rai…



Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.

They're all so pathetic…

But considering our abilities,

I think it makes sense that
we're the ones that are left.

I guess you're right.

By the way,
is that really the same guy

who got his ass kicked by Äs Nödt?

If so, he's pretty damn tough.

Damn bastard…

Wait, where the hell did PePe go?

The playing field would be more
even with his powers!

But that man is gross.
I think we can manage without him…

Puke or pig,
he's better than nothing.

Captain Kuchiki.

I took down one of the enemies.


I see you've already taken down
three of them, Captain Kuchiki.

He defeated three
while I defeated only one…

Just goes to show the difference
between a captain and a lieutenant…

Defeating just one is nothing
to boast about.


What did you do that for?

I'd like to ask you the same thing.

Why are you attacking me?

Are you being controlled
by the enemy?

Or, are you the enemy in disguise?


No, it's really me! Honest!

– He's here.
– I'm not being controlled by the enemy either!

I'm simply doing what
Master PePe wants…

One heart.

One body.

One glance by my eyes and
your heart will be split in two.

Your heart and body split in two

will both belong to me as one.

Stern Ritter "L"!

PePe "The Love" is here!




Master PePe…

Wait, Minnie, no!


Don't fight over me just
because you love me!

It never crossed my mind
that if you all die,

the glory will be all mine!

Sad, isn't it?

Battles are always sad.

It's because there is love there.

All battles happen out of love.

Where there is no love,
there are no battles!

That is why battles are sad.

And that is what makes them
so beautiful!

Are you done with
your speech?

I'm also done here.

You were running your mouth
about love but simply put,

you can control people at your will.

It also means cutting down
the puppeteer

will sever the strings from
the puppet.

Ah, bravo, Byakuya Kuchiki.

You saw right through it, huh?

So scary, scary, scary!

It seems that your so-called love
cannot control things without souls.

You're right.

But if you have it all figured out…

then why did you block it
with your Zanpakuto?

I know that Zanpakutos have souls.

That's why I didn't take a Bankai
from any of you during the last battle.

Stealing Zanpakuto with souls
is something I can do at any time.

Why let go of it?

You just presented me with
an opportunity.

An opportunity for
a Soul Reaper who loves me

to use a w*apon that loves me.

Love makes you overcome
any challenge.

It drives you to accomplish
your goals.

The power of love is magnificent, isn't it?

I can only defend against
a Zanpakuto

with just Hakuda for so long…

It was foolish of me to let go
of Senbonzakura

after hesitating to break it.

Love Kiss!

What's this?

Is there no love in your heart?

I can't forgive you
for rejecting my love!

It's absolutely…unforgivable!


Look, look! See?

I'm as innocent as a baby!

Makes you want to love me,
doesn't it?

Love Rope!


Don't k*ll him.

I've decided to k*ll him
with my own love.

Take this…

This is the ultimate lov—

You two…!

What happened to you?

Well, well, well…

What a perfect time to
come across an enemy.

This is just what I need

to test the performance of
my Kurotsuchi Corpse Unit.


So this was your doing.

What did you do to
Muguruma and Ohtoribashi?

How rude of you to accuse me
of wrongdoing.

As a matter of fact, I saved them.

So, how is it?

How does it feel to travel
to the past?

I had mixed a drug into
the bodily fluids of the Arrancars.

I'm sure you thoroughly enjoyed
being sprayed with their blood.

Don't bother.

My body has a tolerance for
all of the dr*gs that I create.

No need to get so excited.

I'll ease your pain shortly.

The amount of blood needed to
turn someone into your zombie

depends on their Spiritual Pressure.

If their Spiritual Pressure is low,

a single drop of blood
reaching their brain…

will most likely turn them
into a zombie.

However, if their Spiritual Pressure
is high,

the intruding blood must multiply
in their heart

before traveling to the rest of the body
to turn them into a zombie.

That is why
the captains and lieutenants

have a dark red tinge on their skin.

Am I wrong?

My drug alters the composition
of that blood.


I have in my possession
the blood samples of

every squad member in the Seireitei.

This drug replaces
any foreign blood

with a blood-like substance
I've created.

I don't understand
what you're saying.

I'm not surprised.

I'll jump right to the conclusion then.

By injecting this drug…

your zombies become my zombies.

Thank you for listening.

You lose, zombie girl.

So that's…the result?

You could've let them die
if you wanted to…

Why toy with their lives?

As usual,
we have a difference of opinion.

Don't you think it's the duty
of the Court Guard Squads

to protect the Seireitei even in death?

That's a rationalization.

Say what you want.

My love is stronger
than Gigi's zombie, you know.

I've even charmed
one of Gigi's zombies

in the past—

Good grief…

Were you not listening?

Like I said,
those are no longer Gigi's,

but my zombies.

My zombies don't understand love.

Damn it!

That loveless pile of dog turd…

He'll pay for this…


I-I-I'm so glad to see
that you're doing well…

You tried k*lling us by pitting us
against each other…

I'm sure you know how to
take responsibility for that, right?

Please forgive me—!

All at once, the lights went out

Reminding me

with a voice

and I cannot move

Unable to convey even a millimeter

of the lines that I dubbed

All lines
that I don't want to forget



Became a mark

And I notice the dust

I wait and wait

But it won't start

If it's already ended

I give up

But can I

borrow your shoulder?

With that knife

that was left behind

Pierce it through


in the middle of a dream,

We kept searching

For the scar that

the revolving world remembers

With just the strong desire

to keep on living

We'll choose a tomorrow
that will not return

In just a little while

The final curtain will fall

Shining upon us

The blurred end roll

I see…

So this is the Royal Palace.

"Is life all that you can cut?"