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01x09 - Blippi Explores a Children's Museum - Learning Kid's Toys!

Posted: 10/08/23 20:11
by bunniefuu
♪ So much to learn about ♪

♪ It'll make you wanna shout ♪

♪ Blippi ♪

- (laughs) Hey, it's

me, Blippi, and today,

we're here at Great

Explorations Children's Museum

in St. Petersburg, Florida.

(laughs) Yeah!

And I can't wait to see what's

inside and start playing!

Whoa, come on. (laughs)

(upbeat music)

(laughs) Whoa! Look where

we're at, the Sandy Shack.

(laughs) Yeah!

It's a really big sandbox, and

you and I get to go inside,

(laughs) but first, we

gotta take off our shoes.

One, two. (laughs)

Okay. I'll put these to the

side, and we can go inside.

Don't forget your bucket.

(laughs) Whoa! Look at it.

Whoa! Whoa! (laughs)

It's so cool in here.

It's really sandy.

There's so much sand here,

and it's a good thing we

have our pale and shovel.

Yeah. We have two blue shovels.

We can pick up sand, (laughs)

and we have one, two,

three different pails.


This one is the colour yellow,

this one is the colour orange,

and this one is the

colour red. (laughs)

Yeah, these are really

helpful for scooping sand up,

whoa, and making a sand castle.

Okay. Let's try it out.

(laughs) Uh oh.

It looked like our sand

castle didn't stand up,

but that's okay.

Sometimes when you're

trying to make something,

it doesn't work

on the first time,

so you gotta just

keep trying. (laughs)

Whoa, this is pretty cool.

Whoa! But do you

see these animals?

Whoa. Do you know what

kind of animal this is?

He's hiding in the sand.

(laughs) Yeah. This

animal is a crab.

Ooh. (laughs) He's

feeling a little crabby.

(laughs) So silly. Well,

this crab is really cool.

Hey, you know how

crabs like to move?

(laughs) Yeah. They don't

like to walk like us.

They like to go side to side.

Hey, will you act

like a crab with me?

(laughs) Yeah! Okay, here we go.

Let's do more crab walk.

Whoa! (laughs)

Moving side to side like

a crab is so much fun.

(laughs) Yeah! But look at this.

Here's another animal. Whoa.

This animal is really big

and likes to live on beaches,

just like a crab, in the sand.

This, yeah, this guy,

he's a sea turtle.

Whoa, and look how

big his shell is.

Whoa! It's bigger

than my head! (laughs)

Whoa! This is so much

fun playing in the sand.

Woo woo woo! (laughs) Maybe

we can make a sand angel.

Okay, here we go.

Whoa! (laughs)

That was so much fun playing

in the sand with you.

Ooh, gotta dust myself off

'cause I'm pretty sandy now.

(laughs) Let's go keep

exploring, but first,

we gotta put our shoes on.

(bright upbeat music)

Now that we have our shoes on,

all we have to do is tie 'em.

Yeah. Do you know how

to tie your shoes?

Yeah, it can be really,

really hard tying your shoes,

but this is how I

like to tie them.

So I take my laces, and

first, I cross them over,

and I take one of the laces,

and I put it through the centre.

Yeah, like that,

and I pull it tight.

Once I've done the first step,

then I take the laces and I

make cute little bunny ears.

Yeah, just like this. You

see my two little bunny ears?

Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop.

(laughs) It's so cute, yeah.

And then I take the bunny ears,

and they give each

other a little hug.

They wrap around, and then

I pull that tight, too.

Okay. This time I'll

do it a little faster.

Okay, we take our

laces, we cross them,

and then one lace goes under,

then one bunny ear,

two bunny ears.

Woo! (laughs) And we cross them.

We then wrap that one through

to give it a little hug.

We pull it tight. Whoa!

Look at that! We tied our shoes.

And sometimes, I like to do it

again to double knot my shoes

because I like to dance

and I like to run and play,

and you don't want to play

or dance when your shoes

are untied 'cause then you

might trip on your shoelace.

That wouldn't be

very fun. (laughs)

Whoa, here's so much

more to explore. Come on!

(upbeat music)

There are so many cool

things here! (laughs)

Look at this really

big circle. Hello?

Whoa! Whoa! (laughs)

Whoa, and look at this over

here. There are so many cubes.

(laughs) Whoa.

There are so many different

colours on these cubes.

Look, you have the colour

white and the colour red

and the colour purple

and the colour blue.

(gasps) Wait a minute.

If I turn it this way,

my two favourite colours,

blue and orange.

Hey, look over here.

There's like a little

diorama place set,

and there's all kinds of cool

animals like a little piggy.

Oink, oink, oink oink. (snorts)

Woo. He's gonna

walk on the bridge.

Whoa, and look,

there are two sheep.

Yeah, one, two.

Do you know what

sound sheep make?

Yeah, they go like

this. Ba, ba. (laughs)

And they're also

gonna be on the bridge

'cause they're friends

with Mr. Piggy.

Okay, right there.

Whoa, and look at this.

There are three animals

here. One, two, three.

You know what kind

of animals these are?

Yeah, they're little lambs,

and they're so cute and tiny.

Woo. They're gonna hang

out near the bridge, too.

Woo, and look at this!

There are four really big cows.

Moo, moo, moo. (laughs) Yeah.

One, two, three, four.

Whoa, four really

big cows, (laughs)

and they're gonna

go in the water.

They're taking a little bath

'cause it's really warm out.

(laughs) Woo. Woo.

(laughs) Woo. Hello, Mr. Pig.

Hello, Mr. Cow. Hello. (laughs)

Whoa. Ba.

(laughs) So silly.

That was really fun playing

with all those foam cubes

and seeing about those animals.

Hey, look over here.

Whoa, and look at this.

Have you ever seen

one of these before?

Yeah, this is called

an abacus, mm-hmm,

and it's really good for

helping do math or arithmetic.

Mm-hmm. Look, you

can do it like this.

One yellow lemon plus

one yellow lemon.

Hmm, how many lemons does

that make? Yeah, two lemons.

Okay, that was pretty easy,

but now you can do

all even harder one.

What about two apples

plus three apples?

Whoa. That's a lot harder.

Let's count 'em. One,

two, three, four, five.

Whoa! Two plus three

apples is five apples!

Whoa! Yeah, abacus is really

helpful for counting and math.

These are really, really big.

There's a watermelon

and a pumpkin,

(laughs) and the pumpkin's

my favourite colour, orange.

Hmm, I wonder what these are.

(hands thud)


(hands drum)

Did you hear that? Yeah!

This isn't a watermelon.

It's a watermelon drum.

Well, that means that

pumpkin is a drum, too!

(hands drum)

Whoa! (laughs) They

sounded really cool.

(hands drum)

Whoa, those are awesome

fruit drums! (laughs) Yeah.

(gentle upbeat music)

Whoa, look at this over here.

Whoa, look at all these

different fruits and vegetables.

Yeah, we have

lettuce, onion, corn,

potato, carrot,

whoa, and tomato.

Those are so many

different kinds.

Now what we can do is

play a really fun game

where we take all the

foods in this basket

and we have to match

'em to the right word.

So first, we got some

onions, so let's see.

One onion, two onion.

(laughs) Yeah, we got it.

That was pretty easy. Next,

we got two red tomatoes.

Ooh, hm. Where should the

red tomatoes go, here?

Hmm, here? (laughs)

Yeah, that's right.

We put 'em right over here.

Okay, here we go. One, two.

Okay. We got a couple more.

Whoa. What about this?

Whoa. There's a

lot of things here.

Wait a minute. Where

should we put this lettuce?

It says lettuce here,

but there are four parts

and only two holes.

Wait a minute. These are halves.

So if you take one

half and another half,

you put 'em together,

you get one whole,

one whole head a

lettuce. (laughs)

And we have two over here,

so one half and one half,

one half and one half, two

whole heads of lettuce.

We'll put 'em in the

holes. One, two. (laughs)

And we have two heads of corn.

Whoa, and look at this. We

have some yummy carrots.

(laughs) I love carrots,

and so do a lot of animals

like rabbits and horses.

Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm,

mm, mm, mm. Woo, ooh. (laughs)

It looks like I have bunny

ears with my carrots.

Woo, woo, woo.

(laughs) That's so fun.

Okay, we'll put two carrots,

one carrot and two carrots.

Hmm what's left?

Oh yeah, a potato!

Whoa, look.

We got one potato right here,

and we have another potato

right, wait a minute.

Is this a potato?

(laughs) That's not a

potato! That's a donut.

So silly. (laughs)

Well, I guess we'll

put it in the potato

'cause we only have one

potato, but this not a potato.

(laughs) Whoa!

We did a really good job

matching all the fruit together.

Wow, there's so much

more to explore. Come on!

(upbeat music)

(laughs) Hey!

Whoa, I just came out of this

really awesome tree house.

Hey, let's explore it a little.

Whoa, look at it!

This is so big.

This tree is

enormous. Yeah, look.

It's so big that they built

a house under the tree,

in the tree, and a

house above the tree.

(laughs) Whoa!

This is such a cool tree house,

I think you and I

should go up in it.

Come on!

(upbeat music)

Whoa, look at this place. It's

so amazing, and look at this.

This isn't any tree house.

This is Longo's Cove.

Whoa, and look at this.

This is a pirate ship. Whoa!

Someone put this big

pirate chip up in the tree.

Hello, pirates. (laughs) Whoa.

I'm so excited. Let's climb up.

But I have a really good idea.

How about you and I count

all the steps on our way up?

(laughs) Here we go.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven.

There's some more over here.

Eight, nine, , , whoa, !

(audience cheers and applauds)

We made it up all the stairs,

and it was . That was a lot.

(exhales sharply)

Whoa! Check this out.

You know what this

is right here? Yeah.

This is called a spyglass,

and this will help us

see really far away.

Whoa, I can see so far

from here! (laughs)

And hey, look at this.

Can you find these birds?


There's all different

birds over on the wall

and hiding in all

different places,

and we can use the spyglass

to see if we can find 'em.

Okay, we wanna find an

osprey, a roseate spoonbill,

a brown pelican, blue herons,

Sandwich terns, and anhinga.

Woo! That sounds like

a really cool bird.

Let's see if we can find 'em.

Okay, I'm looking. Whoa!

I think I found the anhinga.

He's right over there.

Whoa, and I see a

blue heron. (laughs)

Hey, right up against the

blue wall, and yeah, look!

There's the Sandwich tern. Whoa.

That was amazing looking for

all those different birds.

Hey, do you know where all

those birds like to live?

(laughs) Yeah. They live in

a place called an estuary.


Estuary is a really fancy word,

but it basically means where

the ocean meets a river.

Woo! (laughs) Yeah.

Hey, I have a fun game.

Do you think that an

estuary has salty water

or freshwater without any salt?

Hmm. (laughs) Yeah,

you're all right!

Because it's both

salty and fresh.

It's kind of salty, yeah! And

we call that brackish water.

Whoa, that's another

big word, (laughs)

but it's amazing because

all these cool birds

and some really cool

fish like to live there.

(laughs) Yeah! Whoa.

This tree house

is pretty amazing.

Let's see what else

we can find. (laughs)

(upbeat music)

Whoa, look at this place!

Do you see above me? Whoa,

it's a captain's wheel!

Whoa! I bet this came

from the pirate ship.

Whoa, that is so cool.

I wish we could ride a real

pirate ship into the ocean.


Hey, it looks like

there's a lot of types

of trash in this tree house.

Huh, yeah, and it says

over here, "Don't pollute."

Mm-hmm. Have you ever

heard of recycling?

Yeah, it's really good

because recycling helps

to take care of the

animals that live

in the ocean and on land.

(laughs) Yeah!

If you ever have trash,

make sure it goes

in the recycling bin

or a trash can and

not in the water.


Well, this tree

house is pretty cool,

but I'm gonna see if I can

go climb up to the top!

I'll see you soon! Whoa!

(upbeat music)

That was so much fun! But

I'm a little bit dizzy.

(laughs) Whoa. Hey, I

have a really fun idea.

How about you and I go

up to the pirate ship

in Longo's Cove and ride

the big yellow slide?

(laughs) Yeah.

Come on, let's go.

Whoa! (laughs) It looks

like we've been here before.

Okay, we went that way, so now

let's go this way! (laughs)

This is so cool!

Look at this place.

Ooh. This tree house is spooky.

Ooh! (laughs)

Well, I had so much fun

with you today exploring the

Sandy Shack and Longo's Cove.

(laughs) It was so much fun,

and now for the very best part,

we go down the big yellow slide.

Okay, I think I'm ready.

On your mark, get

set, and go, Blippi!

Woo! Bye bye!


(laughs) Whoa, that was

so much fun. (laughs)

Wow, I had a really great

time playing with you today

here at Great Explorations

Children's Museum

in St. Petersburg, Florida,

and we had a really fun

time playing in the sand

in the Sandy Shack and

climbing all the way

to the top of Longo's Cove.

Whoa! (laughs)

Well, that's the

end of this video,

but if you wanna watch

more of my videos,

all you have to do is

search for my name.

Hey, can you spell

my name with me?

(laughs) B-L-I-P-P-I,

Blippi. Good job.

Well, I'll see you

real soon. Bye bye!

Woo. (laughs)

(upbeat music)

(laughs) Hey, look

at where we're at!

Today, we are at the

Glazer's Children Museum

in Tampa, Florida.

This is gonna be so

much fun. Let's go!

(bright upbeat music)

Look at this room.

There's so many great

things to play with,

like in the water.

Look! Oh, and look at this.

This is the port cargo crane.

(muffled chatter and laughter)

When you push this button,

the crane takes the cargo across

the bay, like in real life.

Bye bye cargo.

Woo, and look at this!

It looks like a model

suspension bridge,

oh, and there's

balls right here.

You put the balls in the tube.

Look at it!

(laughs) Whoa!

The balls made it to the end

on the track, just like cars.

Woo! Look at all these toys.

A yellow toy, a blue ball,

a green and yellow

boat, ooh, and a fish!

I like fish.

Fish are tasty to eat, and

they're pretty healthy,

and look, a scuba diver.

Gotta put on his mask

and his regulator,

and the air t*nk allows him to

breathe underwater like this.


That looked like so much fun.

Speaking of fun, look at this.

It's a screw that's

halfway in the water

and out of the water.

So when you turn it, it

brings water to the top.

(water splashes)

(bright upbeat music)


And water, when it

reaches to the top,

it comes out of the spigot

and then it turns the wheel!

Wow! This place is so much fun!

Ooh, and what's this

right over here?

Looks like there's a button.

What happens when

you push the button?


(water squirts)

It's like a manual pump

that I'm controlling.

Three, two, one.

(imitates water splashing)

(water squirts)

Okay, let's go check

out what else they have.


It's another suspension

bridge model,

and look at what it is.

It's a model car.

Vroom, vroom, vroom,

vroom. (laughs)

So it's time to go racing.

Count me down. Three, two, one.

Vroom! Yeah!

Woo hoo hoo! Here we go.

Yeah, we did it! Let's go!

Look at this. It's a telescope.

Whoa! Oh!

Whoa! (laughs)

Woo, what's up here? Come on.

This is a cruise ship simulator.

Ree, ree, ree!

Forward, backward.

Ree, ree, ree!

(imitates ship beeping)


This is so cool. Look,

there's sand over here.

Whoa, there's a bunch of

sand toys. Come down here.

Ree, ree, ree, ree, ree,

ree, ree, ree, ree, ree, ree.

(Blippi grunts and beeps)

Gotta scoop it up. Check

this out real close.

(imitates sand clattering)

Okay, let's go find

a place to dump it.



(imitates sand clattering)

Wee! And then it comes out

the bottom, and these turn.

Whoa! (laughs)

This sand area's really cool.

(gasps) It's like an

anchor right here. Look.

You gotta dig it up

like it's treasure.


Like an anchor that

connects to the boat,

and then you throw it off

the board of the boat,

and then it lands in

the bottom of the ocean

and keeps the boat

stable and in one place

in the middle of the ocean.

(drumsticks thump)

(muffled chatter and laughter)

And then I went to the

Music of the World exhibit.

Look at us. We banged

on drums really hard.

- [Woman] Okay, now

really, really quiet!

(drumsticks thud lightly)

- [Blippi] And then we banged

on the drums really softly.

- Now get a little louder,

little louder. Really loud!

- [Blippi] And then we banged

on the drums hard again!

- Woo!

Woo! It's a supermarket.

Come on. Let's get

some groceries.

First, we gotta

get a grocery cart.

(upbeat music)

(muffled chatter and shouting)

Whoa! Here we go.


Hmm, what kind of

groceries should we get?

Hmm, let's get some cereal.

Hmm, okay, and for lunch,

let's get some lasagna.

Yum. (laughs) I love lasagna,

and woo, cinnamon grahams.

Oh. Some ice cream

cones for dessert.

Ooh, yes! And some vegetables.

I love the produce. So healthy.

Like pepper.

Let's do the green

pepper and a red tomato,

a carrot, some corn.

Num, num, num, num, num,

num, num. (laughs) Yum.

Ooh, what's over here? Banana.

Bananas are tasty and healthy.

Orange. It's an orange

that's orange. (laughs)

Woo! Beep beep beep

beep beep beep.

And we can also use

an apple and a pear.

Yum. Woo!

And we can't forget

about our diced tomatoes,

and let's see, what else?

Hmm, what else should

we get? Spaghetti rings.

Yeah, spaghetti rings (laughs)

and some more spaghetti rings

and some more spaghetti rings.

Okay, now that we have

all of our groceries,

let's, (gasps) the bakery!

We can't leave without

a slice of cake.

Okay, here we go.

Let's get one of these.

Okay. Yum, that looks so tasty.

Num, num, num,

num, num, num, num,

num, num, num, num, num, num.

Mm, that was tasty.

Come on, let's go.

Oh, we can't leave

without paying.

Let's see. What did we get?

Total, let's see.

Ding, ding, ding,

ding, ding, ding, ding.

Ding, ding, ding, ding,

ding. Okay, that's about it.

Yeah! Okay, we're good to go.

Let's go.

♪ Dee dee dee ♪


(footsteps shuffle)


Now that we have

all these groceries,

it's time to cook some food.

Okay, let's put this right

here, and come over this way.

Hmm. Yes, perfect!

These are pizza ovens.

Yep, and this is the

toppings for the pizza.

All of these are toppings. Look.

Okay, I'll make you

a pizza. Let's see.

First let's start with the

dough, and what would you like?

Oh, you'd like peppers? Okay.

Let's put on some

green peppers. Ooh.

Okay, there's another

one. Okay, let's see.

Would you like pepperoni?

Yeah. Let's put

on some pepperoni.

Let's put three slices of

pepperoni. One, two, three.

Okay, look at it.

I think I could use some more

toppings, like mushrooms.

Yeah. I love mushrooms.

Two, three. And black olives.

Ooh, yum. Okay.

All right. Look at the pizza.

Looks so tasty. Whoa.

I'll put it in the

oven. All right.

Gotta wait a little

bit. Okay, it's done.

Okay, let's go over here, and

let's serve it to the people.

Here you go. Enjoy

the pizza. (laughs)

Woo! What's over here?

This, yeah, is where you

can order sandwiches.

Would you like a sandwich? Yeah.

I love sandwiches.

Let's start with a plate, and

let's add one piece of bread.

Okay, and would you like cheese?

Yeah, I like cheese. Yum.

Dee, dee, dee,

dee, dee, dee, dee.

Put the cheese on the bread,

and woo. Do you want lettuce?

Yum. Lettuce is so

tasty and healthy.

Okay, and some lunch meat.

Mm, this looks so good.

Let's put that on.

Do you see it? What

else could it use?

How about some more

vegetables? Yeah.

Like a tomato. Yum.

Actually, let's put two

tomatoes on. One, two.

Okay. Now all we need is

another piece of bread.

Okay. Um, num, num, num.

This looks so tasty.

Let's go serve it again.

All right. Here you go. (laughs)

Okay, let's get 'em some cups,

and then I think

they're good to eat.

Yellow cup for you

and a blue cup. Enjoy.

(upbeat music)

Whoa! It's a fire station.

Fire station , and

look! Firemen and women.

And I'm going to be a fireman.

Hello. (laughs) Hey.

Ooh. Hello?

Hi. (laughs)

And last but not least, hello!

(laughs) Hey. Okay.

We gotta go get

in the fire truck.

I gotta get my pooch. She

rides shotgun with me.

(grunts) Okay. Sit

on down, partner.

Okay, and then, whoa.

(fire truck alarm buzzes)

(Blippi laughs)

She just pushed on the

siren. Let's on the fire hat.

(imitates fire truck)

Okay, we're at the fire station.

Now hook up the fire

hydrant. Get the hose.

(imitates connecting hose)

We're all hooked up. Let

me go inside real quick.

(feet stomp)

(laughs) Hey!

Hello down there!

And look, it's a

fire pole. Ready?

Whoa! (laughs) Whoa!

Gotta go get the

fire. There's a fire!

Come on, get inside!

Okay, here we go.

(siren wails)


Orange ball, blue ball.

(feet stomp)

(children scream and laugh)

Whoa! Okay, blue ball.

(ball thunks)

Whoa! Did you see that?

What's this over here?

Looks like a bunch of

gears, and they spin.

But when you spin this one,

I think the goal is to spin

this one with using all these.

Okay. Oh, we must

need to connect 'em.

Okay, let's put the yellow

connected to the red,

the red connected to

the yellow, (grunts)

and then let's connect

the blue to the red.

See? And then let's connect

the blue to the blue.

♪ Blue, blue, red, yellow, red ♪


Whoa, we did it! Yeah!

Look at what it's doing!


Hey! Look at what it is!

Whoa! It's a rock wall.

It's a wall that has

a bunch of rocks on it

that you grab and hold

onto and step onto

so then you can go

across this whole wall

without touching the ground.

(upbeat music)

Look, we made it. Good job.

Oh, what's this?

There's a few animals

like the turtle.

Turtles are really slow,

and a dog and a

rabbit and a parrot!

Parrots are fast. I wonder

what you do on this.

I'm gonna push the rabbit.

(hand thuds)

(boing sound effect echoes)

(footsteps shuffle)


Yeah! I raced to the end.

Then I beat the rabbit. All

right, let's go with the parrot.

It's a lot quicker. Ready?

(hands thud and clap)

Here we go.


(hand slams)

(kids cheer on recording)

Yeah, we did it!

(boing sound effect echoes)

Oh, hey! I'm just sticking

these toy blocks on this wall.

Watch what I spell.

(upbeat music)

Oh, look! I spelled my name.

Do you know my name? Yeah.

Blippi, B-L-I-P-P-I. Blippi!

Let's see what other

words people spelled.

Hmm, like this. They wrote

"my stuff," and then ooh.

Peace. Peace.

Ooh. Happy.

Happy! Friend.

Oh, like you. You're my friend.

Ooh, and love. Love.

(sighs and laughs)

And "my bro." My bro!

Ah! (laughs)

Here at the museum,

they have this stage

that you can dress up

like a pirate and

act like a pirate.

En garde, arg matey.

Ching, ching, ching,

ching, ching, ching,

ching, ching, ching,

ching, ching, ching, ching!

Look! (laughs) It's my sword.

Choo, choo, choo, choo! (laughs)

Let's see what else

they have here.

Woo, look!

it's a wall of little pokies,

and they're the colour red.

Hmm, you push 'em in.

I have a great idea. Watch this.

(pokies clatter)

(laughs) That was fun and funny.

Check this out. Come here,

come around this side.

Oh, look! There's my

face. My body, my hands.

(laughs) It's like a

bounty hunter got me.

(laughs) Come on.

Ooh! Really cool blocks.


And they're rectangle.

(blocks clatter)

Ooh, more colourful

blocks like green ones

and a pink one and a red one.

What's over here?

Whoa! It's really dark in here.

Come inside. Okay.

Okay. Whoa, whoa.

It's a light, and this is

a light wall. Watch this.

(bright upbeat music)

(object scrapes along wall)

okay. Whoa!

I wrote my name,

B-L-I-P-P-I. That's so cool.

Okay. Whoa, more cool things.

(gasps) Yeah! It's a

dance floor, and look!

There's even a camera

over here. Whoa, whoa!

Okay, I guess I

gotta push a button.

Let's see, pop, ballet,

Bollywood, Latin,

country, hip hop,

party, or wild card.

I think party.

(lively upbeat music)

Hey! Wow!

Look at where we are.

Today, we are at the

Hands On Children's Museum

in Olympia, Washington.

Come on!

Come on.


- Sorry.

- Wow, look in here! It's

like we're on the farm.

Woo. Come over this way.

Ooh, we have ceramic

pots and, ooh,

some gloves and a watering pail!

Let's go water the

vegetables. Come on.

Ooh. Ooh, here you go.

Put some water right there. Ooh.

Vegetables grow

when you water them.

Water and sun. Hey!

Woo! Look at what we grew.

We grew some broccoli,

green broccoli.

Num num num num num.

I love broccoli.

And ooh, a carrot.

Bunnies love carrots.

Ooh, and an onion. Onions smell

so good when you cook them.

And is this a cantaloupe?

(laughs) Cool.

And a red tomato. Let's go

see what else they have here.

(chalk scrapes sidewalk)

Whoa, look! This

is sidewalk chalk.


H-I. This says hi.

Hello. (laughs) Whoa, come on.

(upbeat country music)

Woo! Wow, look!

I'm about to make some

bubbles. Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Whoa. These bubbles are so big.

Wow. Whoa.

Okay, I'm gonna get it

really close to you.

Whoa. Oh, look.

There's a cute little

bubble. (laughs) Come on.

Whoa. Look at all these sticks.

This is called

Raccoon Run. Come on.

(children laugh)

Wow. This is some beautiful

art just with made with sticks.

Whoa. We're trapped in here.

Come this way.

Come through here. Whoa!

What's this over here?

This is where you get

a ride the trikes.

One trike, please.

- Okay.

- (laughs) You have

to wear your helmet,

and this helmet is

the colour black.

Whoa. (laughs)

Wee! Whoa!

Look! This tricycle

is called tricycle

because it has three

wheels and tyres.

Whoa. If it was a bicycle,

it would have two.

All right, here I go!

(lively music)

(trike creaks and squeaks)

We're coming up on a

big hill! Here I come!

Whoa, whoa, ooh. (grunts)

I can't do it! Whoa! (pants)

Sometimes in life, if

you can't do something,

you have to try

something new like this.

Let's walk it up.

That's okay. This is

still fun. (laughs)

Oh, whoa. Here's downhill.

Here I go. Whoa!


Look, Ma! Whoa. (laughs)

Whoa! (laughs) Whoa, wee!


(muffled chatter)

Woo, come here! Now it's

time to build a boat.

This area is where

you can build a boat.

Like take a piece of wood like

this one and grab a straw.

Put it right there.

Woo! And we get to make a

sail like this green sail.

Put it right there.

Do it around, and then

let's add a pink top.


(bright catchy piano music)

Ooh! There we go.

Look at that. What

a beautiful boat.

But wait a second. We

need a person inside.

Do you want this one or

this one? Let's do this one.

Okay. How does that look?

Whoa. It's so

boatiful. (chuckles)

That's funny. Okay, and then

let's take a giant squid.

(waggles tongue)

Okay, now let's come over here

and put the boat and the

giant squid right here.

Whoa! Look at this.

This is the water table

and it's really wet.

Okay, before we put the boat

and the squid in the water,

let's go get our

water jacket on.

Come on. Okay.

This water jacket is

the colour yellow.


It's nice and snug.

Oh, okay. We're ready, come on.

(laughs) Okay.

Let's put the boat, oh, wait

a second. Let's go back here.

We have some plastic pieces.

So then we can make an

obstacle course. Ready?

Okay. (laughs) Whoa!

Okay, here we go.

Put one right there.

Put one right there.

Put one right here.

Oh, put one over here. Whoa!

That's a big stretch.

These are the colour yellow,

just like the jacket.

Put one right there

and put one right here.

Okay. Wow!

Now I think we're

ready to put the boat

and the giant

squid in the water.

Ready? Here we go.

Three, two, one. Go, go, go!


Go, go! Yeah, we lost the squid!

Oh no. Don't get stuck!

Come on, come on! It's coming!

The squid is coming!

Okay, there we go.

Yeah, we're doing it! Woo hoo!

(blows sharply)

Yeah! The boat

made it to the end.

Good job.

Yum! I love the smell of

plants and the texture.

Geez. It's just so beautiful.

Whoa! What's this over here?

Is this an area that we

can go digging in? Come on!

(upbeat music)

(footsteps crunch)

Whoa! A green bucket.

Ooh, a miniature

green dump truck.

Whoa, and a green excavator!

Let's see what we can dig up.

(imitates truck beeping)

(gravel clatters)

(gasps) Whoa.

Whoa, look! Wow.

This is a triceratops.

Whoa. Really old dinosaur.

Rawr! (laughs) Come on.

(footsteps crunch)


We saw a small green

dump truck earlier,

and now this is a

big green dump truck.

Vroom, vroom, vroom. Vroom.

(gravel clatters)

Whoa! Look!

This looks like the area

where you get a load

up the dump truck.

Watch. Okay.

Load it up. Here we go!

(gravel clatters)

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa,

whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

(laughs) Vroom, vroom,

vroom! Oh, hello!

Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom.


This looks like the perfect

place to dump all in this rock.


Beep beep beep beep beep!

(grunts) It's so heavy.

(gravel clatters)

Whoa! Wow.

That was a big load in the back

of the dump truck. Good job.

Wow! Look at this room.

It's like we're in a forest.

There's so many trees in here.

Ooh, look! Wow.

Pretty plants. (laughs)

Ooh, and look at this.

This is like tree

bark. Wow, come here.

Look how big this

tree is over here.

Oh, oh! Do you see an animal

that flaps its wings anywhere?

Caw, caw, caw, caw!

Look, it's up there! See?

(laughs) Yeah. That's the bird.

Caw, caw, caw. Woo!

Look over here. Since we're

in the forest, here's a tent.

It's like we're going camping.


(blows sharply)


(buzzes lips)

Look. Ow, hot, hot!

Woo! And then here's a

wood piece of log, okay.

And then whoa!

The vacuum tube room. Come here.

(muffled chatter and laughter)

Wow! I love this room in here.

Whoa. Hey.

See, you grab the

colourful balls,

and there's scarves

like the orange one,

purple one, yellow

one, even the red one,

and then you put it in here.

(vacuum whirs)

Whoa, whoa.

And then it goes

over there. Watch.

Whoa, goes to the top!

I'll do some more.

Ready. Are you ready?


(kids laugh)

Okay, now I'll put

these colourful

scarves in here. Ready?

(vacuum whirs)


Okay, we're gonna put all

of them in here. Here we go.

- [Girl] Woo hoo!

(kids laugh)

Whoa! Whoa!

Come here! Let's get

some more of these balls.

Okay, here we go. Now

we have a lot of these.

We have to switch

these up. Okay.

Now you don't know

where they're gonna go.

It's gonna go a different path.

(muffled chatter and laughter)

Whoa! Wow!

That was a really fun

blue spinny slide.

(gasps) Woo! Come over here.

Wow. Look at this area.

Wow! This area looks like you

can build with these tubes.

Whoa, and there's smoke

stacks coming out of here.

Whoa! Whoa.

Whoa. Hello, can you see me?

Hello? (laughs) Don't

worry. I'm right here.

Hey! Whoa. (whimpers)

(laughs) Okay. Wow.

Oh, and look at this.

Whoa, this has smoke

beneath all this water.

(blows) Can you see it? Wow,

it's still fun to touch.

It feels so good. Whoa.

Wow. My hands are really wet.

Okay. (laughs)

Whoa, look at this.

Wow. It's a vortex,

like a water volcano.

The water just spins

around really fast. Whoa!

Okay. Here's some colourful

balls, and I'll put 'em up here.


(upbeat music)

Okay, now that the

tube is all locked

and loaded with those

balls, get ready.

Bombs away! Three, two, one!

Whoa! Now look at the balls.

Whoa! (laughs) Wow,

did you see those?

Wow. Okay.

I'm gonna grab more of

these colourful balls

like this pink one, this

yellow one, this purple one,

and there should be

some more coming.

Oh, another pink one.

Oh, another purple one.

A white one. Okay.

Get ready 'cause I'm

gonna launch 'em up there.

Here we go.

Whoa, whoa. Look up there!

Whoa. Do you see 'em

in the vortex now?

(water gurgles)


I'm launching the

balls up there,

and then they go

down the vortex.

Okay. Just a couple more.

Here we go, balls. Wow.

(laughs) Whoa. That is so cool!

Whoa! This water

vortex is so much fun!

Wow. We're driving

to the job site.

Here we go. Beep beep,

beep, beep, beep, beep.

(laughs) Okay, now that

we're at the job site,

whoa, we need to grab our

tools like the shovel,

chip, chip, and, whoa, whoa!

(grunts) Yeah. Look

at that heavy brick.

Whoa, whoa, and

this giant boulder.


(boulder thuds)

Whoa. (laughs) Okay.

Let's bring everything

over here. Okay.

Okay, this is gonna

be the job site.

Let's go look over here, though,

at all the tools

like this jackhammer.

(imitates jackhammer)

Wow, and, whoa, a hard

hat and a safety vest.

Whoa. (laughs)

That's very small.

Maybe I won't wear a

safety vest this time,

but I will wear a pair

of blue safety goggles!

Ah! (laughs) Ooh, and

look, a nail g*n, a drill.

Ooh, a mallet. Wow, a crowbar.

Ooh, and a jigsaw and

a tape measure. Whoa.

Okay. Let's go.

Oh, good thing I have

my hard hat on. (laughs)

Hey, let's get

some safety cones.

Let people know we're gonna

be building a house over here.

Okay. Oh. (laughs)

Okay, and here we

go. Some road sign.

Oh, here we go. Gotta

put this over here.

Okay, now all of our

lumber is over here.

Let's grab two of

these. One, two.

Let's put 'em down

on the ground,

and let's get two really

long one and go like this.

(upbeat music)

(boards clatter)

There we go. Oh, nope.

Let's go like that. Okay.

(muffled speaking

over loudspeaker)

Here we go.

This is the foundation of our

house that we're building.

Okay. Ready?

You stay there and I'm

just gonna start to build.

(boards clatter)

Let's go like this. Okay.

Let's get a couple

more. Whoa, okay.

Now for the tops.

Wait, we need one more to

make it nice and sturdy.

There we go.

Now, oh, let's put the

tops of the house on here.

It's over here. Yeah, last one.

Put it right there

and right there.

Looks like we just

built a beautiful house.

Let's test it out.

Whoa, whoa! (laughs)

Well, I guess it

wasn't that strong.

♪ One, two, one,

two, three, four ♪

Whoa! Whoa.

Look at where we are.

We're inside an oyster, and

look! It's a giant pearl.

So white and shiny and

beautiful, and these,

yeah, these represent

a grain of sand.

Whoa, because if a grain of

sand gets inside an oyster,

then from there, it

gets really irritated,

and then it creates a pearl.

Whoa. (laughs)

Well, this was so

much fun hanging out

with you at this children's

museum in Olympia, Washington.

It was so much fun

being so hands on.

Well, see you again! Bye bye!

♪ Come on everyone ♪

♪ Let's making learning fun ♪

♪ Blippi, Blippi ♪

♪ So much to learn about ♪

♪ It'll make you wanna shout ♪

♪ Blippi ♪