01x05 - The Isle of Monte Cristo

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Count of Monte Cristo (1964)". Aired: 4 October – 20 December 1964.*
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British 12-part dramatization of Alexandre Dumas's 1844 novel of the same name.
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01x05 - The Isle of Monte Cristo

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hey, Alberto.
- Jacopo?

I'm looking for my friend.
Have you seen him?

He looks like John the Baptist.

Come on, Jacopo.

It's impossible.

I've got my brother-in-law, Giulio, here.
He's a fisherman. He's got his own boat.

He can take you
to Monte Cristo tonight.

Good, Jacobo!

He will find the treasure

on raising the th rock
from the small creek to the east

in the right line.

Come in!

What is it, Firbank?

The Count of Monte Cristo, sir.


The Count of Monte Cristo,
Mr Thomson.

He seeks a...

In fact he insists upon
an immediate interview.

Firbank, I do not know
the Count of Monte Cristo.

Then permit me
to introduce myself.

I'm sorry, sir.

The House of Thomson & French
receives only by appointment.

I'm sorry, Mr. Thomson,
for this once you are mistaken.

Your behaviour, sir,
is unseemly.

More fulfilling a Roman bandit
than a gentleman of honour.

You are not, I gather,
familiar with my title?

I am not, sir.

That is scarcely surprising.

His Holiness the Pope
bestowed it on me only yesterday.

Absolute nonsense.

This is a show of force.

Your intention, for whatever reason,
is to intimidate me.

For some years now, Mr. Thomson,
I have been traveling the world,

during which time
it has been my habit

to carry my fortune about
with me in kind.

- In kind?
- Yes.

And never until this moment have
I thought myself in danger of losing it.

Last night, your Roman
bandits attempted to rob me,

quite unsuccessfully.

And I'm here to ask
the Bank of Thomson & French

to protect my fortune.

Very well.
For a moment, I apologize.

I see that we shall get on
extremely well, Mr. Thomson.

Your fortune is contained
in those three boxes.

Yes, it is.
I would like you to evaluate it.

Let us see what you have.

The gold bars and coin presented
no difficulty, we can assess them.

The gems, however, present
a different proposition altogether.

My bank will be pleased
to serve you, sir.

We cannot put a true value
on your fortune.

But as a tangible security,

I would suggest it stands against
million livres.

Would that be acceptable?

Then I shall require
two specimens of your signature.

Thank you.

I am now ready to oblige you, sir,
in any way you may require.

I would first
discharge two debts.

You will send to Captain Baldi
and the crew of Le Jeune Amélie,

at Leghorn, the sum
of , piastres.

This is their reward
for saving my life.

- It shall be done.
- Good.

To discharge
the second of my debts,

I shall require information
which you may be able to supply.

Some years ago, you were in charge
of the bank at Marseille.

I was.

And you knew Mr. Morrel
of the shipping firm?

Extremely well.

Do you recall an incident
when a young man named Dantès,

whom Mr. Morrel had promoted
captain of the Pharaon,

was arrested
as a Bonaparteist agent?

Yes, the incident caused
Mr. Morrel great distress.

As I am an Englishman, he was able
to discuss the matter with me.

He was all along convinced
of Dantès innocence.

Did he do more than discuss it?

My dear sir, you cannot be well
acquainted with Mr. Morrel.

I never knew a worthier man.
He did everything in his power

to discover Dantès whereabouts
and to have him set free.

He persisted in the face
of every rebuff,

and in the end became known
as a Bonapartist himself.

He was warned
by the deputy public prosecutor.

Mr. de Villefort...

But he continued
and did himself irreparable harm.

Is he still alive?


Almost a ruined man.

But I've got to see
my father in the office.


Father, I've heard the news.

Poor old Pharaon,
she was a fine ship.

What happened to the crew?

All saved, thanks be to God.

What of your creditors?

I cannot meet them
and have no hope of doing so.

In half an hour,
when the news gets out,

our name will be dishonoured.


Blood, my son,
washes out dishonour.

- Yes, of course.
- No.

- But we will die together.
- No, I command you.

For you have a mother
and sister to support.

You're no ordinary man,
and I'm deeply proud of you.

and you will see the truth.

The honor of our name
demands only my death.

Father, you're the most honorable man
I've ever known.

Thank you, my son.

Save him, monsieur.
Don't let him do it.

There's no other way for him,

I loved him like my own father.

We all loved him.

Now, pray for his soul.

Good heavens.

My dear Maximilian,
sure you remember me?

Mr Thomson.

Dear God, he hasn't...

Don't do it!

Give it to me, Morrel.

Give it to me.
That's a good fellow.

I knew you were capable
of some desperate act.

Thank the Lord I arrived here
in time to stay your hand.

Why did you have to come?

I am here to save
the House of Morrel.

It's quite true.

I've been shaking like a leaf.

I don't understand.

You have there a letter of credit
in your favour for one million livres.

One million?
Father, let me see it.

But, Mr Thomson,
you know as well as I do

no one would guarantee
the House of Morrel.

Possibly, but that letter
is not a guarantee.

What is it then?

It's an outright gift to your father
of one million livres.

You mean to say
this letter is valid?

Perfectly valid.

You have a benefactor who is also
a customer of my bank.

It's like a miracle.

- Tell me his name.
- No.

It is the one condition
my customer attaches to his gift.

I may not tell you his name.

You're welcome, sir.

No doubt a glass of wine
and such a hot day.

A thousand pardons,
Your Reverence.

You are, I presume,
Gaspard Caderousse.

Your Reverence is quite correct.
I am Gaspard Caderousse.

Formerly a tailor of Marseilles?


Bring me a bottle of your best wine
with two glasses.

You live alone,
Mr. Caderousse?

Yes, practically.

My wife's ill in bed,
she is always ill.

- I manage for myself.
- I am very sorry to hear it.

However, I must first be certain

that you are the person
that I am searching for.

Sit down.

Did you,
in the year to ,

know anything of a young sailor
named Edmond Dantès?

Yes. Edmond and I
were intimate friends.

What's become of him?
Is he alive and at liberty?

He died a wretched,
heartbroken prisoner.

Poor Edmond, poor lad.
Of what did he die?

Of what you suppose
young men die in prison.

You knew Edmond, then?

I was called to his deathbed.

The strangest part
of his story was

that even in his dying moments,
Dantès swore by the living Christ

that he did not know
the cause of his imprisonment.

That's true. It's all true.
He could not have known.

But if you know anything
of the circumstances of his arrest,

I should be glad to know it,

for he begged me to search out the facts
and, if possible, to clear his name.

There's much
I could tell you, reverence.

To come to the point
of my visit, Mr. Caderousse...

A rich Englishman,
Dantès companion in misfortune

who had been released
from prison

was possessed
of a diamond of immense value.

This he bestowed on Dantès
as a mark of his gratitude

for the brotherly care with which
Dantès had nursed him

during a severe illness.

- Of immense value?
- All values are relative.

- But he made you his heir?
- No, merely his executor.

When dying, Dantès said to me,

"I once possessed three dear
and faithful friends."

"The name of one
of them was Caderousse."

"Another of the number
was called Danglars."

"And the third of my friends,"

"although my rival,
was very much attached to me,"

"his name was Fernand."

The third, my betrothed, was...

I cannot remember
what he called her.



Mercedes it was .

Where was I? Yes.

Dantès instructed me to sell
the diamond worth , francs

and to distribute the money
equally among his friends.

You, Mr. Caderousse,

are the only one
that I've been able to trace.

With small wonder.

Why do you laugh,
Mr. Caderousse?

Forgive me, Your Reverence.
You spoke of four friends?

If Edmond died
loving Danglars and Fernand,

he must know the truth now.
They say the dead know all things.

What is the truth?

They were the worst villains
in all the world.

It was they who plotted Edmond's
downfall, and succeeded to.

Danglars wrote an anonymous letter
denouncing him as a Bonapartist agent

and Fernand delivered it
to the public prosecutor.

I see.
But how do you know all this?

Did they take you
into their confidence?

I was with them
when they wrote the letter.

Then you were an accomplice.

They had made me drunk.

- I'd lost all perception.
- And so you said nothing.


And I swear before God
I've never forgiven myself.

To be a coward
is not to be a criminal.

To accuse yourself
thus deserves pardon.

I pray in reverence's right,

for God has punished
me enough for my sin.

I was a modest man
but a good tailor.

My business failed and I've
lived in poverty ever since.

But if you have suffered thus,
I've no doubt the two real villains

have paid for their crimes
in much worse fashion.

- Fernand and Danglars...
- Yes, what has become of them?

No doubt Your Reverence
will know more

about divine justice than I.
I know what's become of them.

A dreadful fate, indeed.

Danglars is a Paris banker,
one of the richest men in France.

How amazing.

And how did he achieve
this eminence?

He was always shrewd
in matters of money.

When the w*r came with Spain,
he speculated he ended up a millionaire.

The ways of providence
are strange.

But Danglars was a man
of some education.

And Fernand was just
a simple fisherman,

and he cannot have prospered
in the same fashion.

You think so?
Let me tell you this.

Your simple fisherman made
a great career for himself in the army.

He fought in Spain for that
commandment colonel.

Later he went to Greece,
where he joined the ranks of Ali Pasha

as instructor-general.

Ali Pasha was k*lled
and by what means, I know not.

Fernand gathered together a fortune
almost as large as that of Danglars.

For his services,
the king made him Count de Morcerf.

Destiny, destiny.

And Mercedes,
has she made a fortune or so?

Mercedes is at this moment
one of the greatest ladies in France.

Go on.

She lives in Paris
with her husband and son.


I have not told you all.

Mercedes married Fernand.

You're nervous.

Poor girl,
she was all alone in the world.

When Fernand returned
from the army, they got married

at the church of Accoules.

Same church,
different bridegroom.

Frailty, thy name is woman,
hey, Caderousse?

There he goes.

Come on up.

Save me!

You'd better stand aside, Father.
He's a dangerous man.

What is his crime?

When he gets to Marseille,
he'll get what he deserves.

Of what has he been accused?

He was planning m*rder.
He admitted it.

But he has not committed it.

He'd have done it all right
if we hadn't seized him.

He was going
through the streets,

shouting how he was
going to Paris to do m*rder.

I see. Right.
And who was to be his victim?

The Procureur du Roi
at Versailles.

That's right, Your Reverence.
Mr. de Villefort.
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