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04x17 - Dangerous Conjectures

Posted: 10/03/23 07:01
by bunniefuu
WOLF: I was set up.

CHERYL: By who?

You framed your father
for bank robbery.

I think you should know that
me and Nicky are a thing.

Uh, are you f*cking insane?

I did it to get at Dad, but Nicky —
all he wanted was the money. Money,
money, money.

It was Loretta's idea.
I got caught up.

He admitted everything. But it
wasn't his fault. He's changed.

LORETTA: I'm sorry. I am so
f*cking sorry for what I've done.

What are you doing here?


Wolfgang West did not rob the WSB.

I can't reveal how I know this,
because that would put me in danger,
but I know where the money is —

all of it.

So if you want to put a deal to
the cops, maybe it could help.

And that's the only reason I'm doing
this, you know, because I really
want to help.


♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ you.

♪ You in my brain.
You in my heart. ♪

Did you book the Lincoln Green?
Not yet.

What else is so important?

Right now I'm making tea
and toast for my girlfriend.

Is that what you call her?

It's got more of a
ring than Slutty Pants.

Bloody get on with it!

All right.

Holy sh*t.



Yeah, OK.

Oh, no!

LAUGHS: Is that a yes or a no?

It's a yes, but I have to pee.


Oh, here.

Nowhere near as much fun.

Yeah, Nicky.


When did this happen?

What is it?

Uh, hey, I'll get back to you, OK?

What's wrong?

It's just gym stuff.

Oh, OK.

I'm first.

Can you go off the balcony
like you always do?

If you want to scoop it up.

This one's a monster —
been building up for days.



Van, if it's you, I
really need to go, here.

Yeah, stop hogging the crapper.

Can you hurry up in there?

Yeah, yeah.

Holy sh*t.

What the f*ck have you been up to?

Hey, Nicky. Nice to see you too (!)

Want to tell me what's going on?

It says here that the
police found the money

that went missing from the
WSB robbery — what's left.

How would they know where to look?

I guess the cops are better at their
job than we give them credit for.

Cut the bullshit, Loretta.

If it's any comfort, I lost
money too — quite a bit.

I'm not so thrilled
about losing grand.

Oh, well, come on.

What's grand in comparison to
million? That's my sister's money,
in case you'd forgotten.

You did tell them.

If I'd talked to them, don't you
think you would have be arrested?

And why would I do that
when you'd only squeal on me?

I'd do a lot more than that.

Mm — going for scary (!)

If there is any more crap from you —
f*ckin' anything — there will be
comeback. I promise.

But I'm not doing anything.


What if Cheryl comes in?

No, no, no. She won't.

Oh God. I feel so bad about this.

But also good — you know,
like, incredible — but—

But is it good?

OK. You may not like this, but
I've had to add some elements on the
outside, but I think it's working

and we have flow.

Is this...?
It turns into a clutch.

Oh! Oh my God! We've got the flow!
You think so?

Yes! Now, the inner
is still a little bit—

There's still so much to refine.
I wanna spend all my time on it.

I mean, just the thought of the
possibilities. It's getting me so
wet. Oh, that's... great.

I know. Munter's loving it. But it's
like I'm torn between two lovers.

Well, Cheryl and Hoochie. I mean,
how am I going to tell her it's just
not giving me a wide-on any more?

Maybe you could leave that bit
out and say you need time off.

She's going to feel like a betrayed
lover. You know how bad it can get.

She's not going to trash your
car or cut up your clothes

cos you want time off.
You think so?

Yeah, of course.

Well, that's why I was thinking...
maybe you can tell her.

NGAIRE: My wedding
on your back lawn?

What's wrong with it?

It's not exactly a romantic
vision of inspired planting.

We've had weddings there.

You might be happy to celebrate your
nuptials with a barbecue piss-up.

It's not about me.

You don't want to let the good
ones slip through your fingers.

Yeah, that's right (!)

That's why you're marrying Ted —
cos he's such a catch (!)

I'm only planning to do it once.

Anyway, it's all arranged.
It's at Grange Estate winery.

Grange Estate? f*ck me.

They had a cancellation. They've
been helpful. We're having fresh
crayfish and a champagne buffet.


Have you, uh, got your guest list?

Uh, yeah. Family, few friends.

About people.

Does this include Loretta?

No, it doesn't. So, all right?

We'll be happy to see you all —
apart from Loretta — at Grange

Well, if you can afford it.

I won't be paying for it.

What, Ted's paying?

He's a man of means.
See ya, Cheryl. Wayne.

(SNIFFS) Bye-bye, cutie.
That baby needs a change.

She thinks Ted's got money.

Well, he's got his TAB accounts.

Yeah, but have you ever seen him
touch it? He's tighter than a
cockroach's arse.

But if he thought he was going to be
paying an arm and a leg for this...

It's a flaw in the plan, all right.

Someone should tell him.

Why me?

Best man's duties.

Traditionally, k*lling off the
wedding isn't top of the list.

Yeah, but, come on —

you don't want him marrying
that evil old trout.

You never know, she might
make a lovely mother-in-law.

Jesus, spare me.

You better make it worth my while.

What you got in mind?

Me and my hot chick, raging
it up, having a good time.





Ugh. Better change her nappies.
Smells like she's packing a full

Whoo, yeah. That's impressive.
That's better than the old man.
I better go be mean.

Oh, missy.


You book the Lincoln Green?

Double; not a twin single?

All set to go, then.
Here's to the rogering.

There's more to it than that.

I've got that covered.
Ngaire's a bit of a nipple girl.

No, Ted — the wedding.

Nothing to it. A quick 'I do',
then off to nail the bride.

Yeah, it's got a little
bit bigger than that.

Couple of drinks and a sammy.

Have you discussed this with her?

Said she'd take care of it.

And you said you'd pay?

Had a good run on the gee-gees —
got a few hundie.

I don't want to piss on your parade,
but what she's got in mind—

More like a grand?

Two? Three?

, . Maybe more.

grand for a knees-up?

I know. Maybe you should
think about whether—

I'm not pulling out.

I'm not even in.
I'm just saying—

Call yourself a best man. Weasel.

It's not my fault!

It's Slutty — pouring the poison
in your ear. She never liked Ngaire.

She's put up with you for years.

Trust you to defend her — now
you're back in, getting it regular.

Ted, enough.

Is she holding out on you?

The point is that you and Ngaire
have different expectations,
particularly about price,

so unless you can front up
with a shitload of cash—

Yeah, all right.


[ You useless, lazy pack of shits!

Why is it that no one else here
ever ever empties the lint thing
in this machine?


Mum, I've got something really
important I need to say here.


OK. The thing is, this is about
me and also my relationship with
another person,

which you might get a little bit
upset about and maybe a little bit

but as I am a woman, you know, the
time has come for me to realise my
woman's potential—

Christ, you're not
pregnant, are you?

No. Why would you think that?

No reason. Just the relationship
you've got with this person.

What, you're on with Kasey?

She's done that before...

I'm not a d*ke, and not a part-time
one. It's a business relationship.

Oh, right. That silly old bag thing.

It's not silly. Mum, Kasey needs to
take some time off from Hoochie.

Yeah, fine. Whatever.


I can't believe you think I'd be a
lesbian. And as if I'd get knocked

It happens. Believe me.

I'm brilliant at contraception.
I was the best in my whole class.

Good for you, love.

No, it's true. And
why would you even...?

Mum, are you pregnant?!

Oh my God. That is so cool.
What did Judd say?

He didn't.

Why not? Haven't you told him?
You don't want it?

I don't know.

We've only just got back together.
It's the oldest trick in the book,
you know — trap the poor bastard.

Is that why you did it?
No, no. God, no.

Good, cos that is really sad and
desperate — especially for someone
your age.

I'm not saying you're completely
ancient. It's not like you're going
to the Janet Frame or anything.

Gidday, love.

Daddy, what are you doing here?

What does it look like?

What the f*ck happened to jail?

We'll get to that. First, you.
We need to have a chat about
what you've been up to.

Only the best thing I've
ever done in my whole life.

Is that right?
Hey. Leave her alone.

No, no. It's all right. I can
handle this. Here. Come on.

Make us a cup of coffee,
would you, love?

Hey. Wow, that was a blast.
What was?

Ultrasound thingy. Guess they
didn't have those in your day, huh?

Did you know he was out?


He's out? Since when?

Since he walked through
the f*cking door.

He's here.

With Pascalle. So you can give him
his coffee, if you want to. I gotta
go out. Can you watch Jane?

VAN: You've reached the Tool Guys.
Leave us a message and we'll get

Van, it's me. You've got to
call me as soon as possible.

And the most amazing thing is, you
can have everything organised,

but you can still change it around
to, like, fit your personality,
your day—

Look, love. Can we talk
about something else?

But you wanted to know
what I've been up to.

I don't want to talk about handbags.

What, you think it's stupid? Well,
it's going to change people's lives.

I'm worried about your boyfriend.
What about him?

Nicky Greegan is a bad bastard.

Yes. He's a sneaky little prick who
will get you in a lot of trouble—

♪ La, la-la la-la la. ♪

What the f*ck?!

I'm not listening to you, because
it's complete and utter bullshit.

It's not bullshit.

No. Every time I get a
boyfriend, you do this.

If you don't try to steal their
cars, you take them to strip clubs
and k*ll them.

Oh, that again.

For your information, Dad, I really
like Nicky, and we are having sex,

and it is the best sex I've ever
had in my whole entire life.

And I'm not breaking up with him
because you or Loretta or anyone
else tells me to.

Pascalle. Pascalle!

Piss off and leave me alone.


Sheree, can you look after
Jane for me, please?

Don't you dare walk out that—!

Hey, babe. What's going on?
Why didn't you call me?

Where's Cheryl?

Out. This is amazing. What happened?

I was gonna come and
see you tomorrow.

Yeah, later, eh.

I've got stuff I need to do.

Wolf, what the hell is going on?

Bastard! Prick, bastard, prick!

Hey, hey. It's OK.

No, it's not OK. It's like he
wants me to be a nun or something.

Well, that's worked (!)

It's not funny.


So how did he get out?

I don't know. And how dare he
treat me like I'm an idiot.

I'm not the bad person. I didn't
burn anything down; I didn't send
him to jail; I didn't steal stuff.

Of course you didn't.
OK, a few CDs from the chemist,
but that was ages ago.

Look, uh, maybe you should go.

Because of him?

The cops found the cash
from the WSB robbery.

Oh my God. Are they after you?

I don't know what's going on,

but what you should do is go and
get yourself a facial, buy yourself
something nice. OK?

Are you trying to get rid of me?

I don't want you involved.

Did Dad get to you already?

I just need to sort some sh*t, and
then I'll come by later. All right?

You better not be lying to me.

I'm not.


And it's not that I don't care about
Hoochie. And it's me, not you. And I
still want us to be friends.

Kase, don't worry about it.

You're not slutted?

Why not?

f*ck me! Did you escape?

Kase, bugger off.


How's tricks?

All right.

What are you so grumpy about?

Who did you shop to get out?

Cops dropped the charges. Which
were bullshit all along, as you
well know.

Yeah, they found the money.

Yeah, they had a tip-off —
from our youngest, actually.


Brokered the deal through my lawyer.

Why the f*ck would she do that?

She's got one or two concerns about
the way things are going in this

Like a certain person getting into
bed with a nasty piece of work.

Nicky is a good bloke.

He loves Pascalle.
He told you that, did he?

When will you let
them get on with it?

You need to wake up to what's
been going on around here, love.


And tell me, what about Sheree —
what does she think about it?

You watch that bastard and
keep an eye on our little girl.

Loretta's right about this.

Loretta, who you hated
until two seconds ago.

She's paid her dues. She's in line.

(SCOFFS) I'll believe
that when I see it.

I've had time to think.

Sitting in remand does that for a
bloke. I know what I need to do.

I'll get back to you.

Loretta lost her money and doesn't
give a sh*t about it. Now Wolf is

Hang on. She's in on it?

From where I'm sitting, it
looks like one unholy alliance.

Jesus. If she's told him...

Whatever she says, she's
a nutbar; we handle it.

Easy for you to say.

I'm already on it.


Leave it to me. It'll be OK.

I gotta go. Love you.


Is he here?

Not yet.

Van, you can't say
anything at all, OK?

Yeah, but if he
already knows, then...

I'm not scared of him. I'm not.
I'll... I'll take him on.

No, you won't.
I will.

You can't. Just think
of what's at stake.

So how was the, um, scan thingy?
Yeah, OK.

It wasn't all mutant or anything?

No, no. It's fine. They were fine.


Yeah, it's twins.

f*ck me! Is it little
boys or little girls?

I don't know.
Holy sh*t. This is f*cking amazing.

Van, con—

It's two little me's!

Van, Van, Van. Concentrate here.

Maybe it's better if you
don't stay here tonight.

I didn't know he was gonna
show up like this. I swear.




Thought you might be Dad.

Do I look like your father?

Where is he?

f*cked if I know.

Aren't you meant to
be dealing to Nicky?

One step at a time.

That step is sitting here
drinking my f*cking whiskey?

Your manners haven't improved.

Did you expect them to?
When you come home, they better.

Just a reminder — you don't
actually live at home.

Well, things can change.

I let the cops have grand
so you could be my Terminator.

Ultimate k*lling machines do not
sit around with their feet up.

You watch too many movies.

You're meant to be dealing to Nicky.

I'll get to it.

Bloody good snarlers, these.

Pure pork.

I like a plain sausage. Not the
nancy kind with bits of grass
through it.

Well, it's all about
quality, isn't it?

What's a bruschetta
when it's at home?

Bread toasted in olive oil.

What's a crostini?
Bread with toppings.

Charlatans. Charging a
fortune for bits of bread.

They're appetisers. We have to
serve something with the drinks.

What's wrong with a few peanuts?

You want to serve guests peanuts?

All they care about is the piss.
What's wrong with sausage rolls?

You think that's all I'm worth?

That's not the point.

Sausage rolls say cheap.

Appetisers and crayfish
say you're serious.

You think I'm not?

I've no idea what to think.

I'll tell you what I think. If
you're doing all this to put me off,

with all your French plonk and
fancy food, you should just say so.

I'm not.

But it's not easy to get a
caterer at short notice.

I won't be dicked around.

If you want to be more involved—

I'm in for the full sack of
spuds, but if you're not...

You don't need to doubt me, Ted.


Unless you'd rather wait
till after pudding.

It's lemon delicious.

I've done my best with Ted.

So it's off?

I don't know.

Feel sorry for the old bugger.

Yeah. Ngaire's a viper
on legs, that's for sure.

All part of the rich tapestry
that is your family.

And Wolf's out... cos of Loretta?


(CHUCKLES) Jeez, you
guys are special.

Did you call her?
Nah, not yet.

Oh well. Make life interesting,
having him back.

You think that?

Yeah. Well, he's moved on to
hating gym guy, hasn't he?

So do you... do you hate
being stuck with my family?

Well, I haven't had much bloody
luck getting rid of them so far.

Yeah, but what if...? Oh.

'Oh' what?


No, nothing.

Been expecting you.

You want a beer?

Or are you going to pop me one?

Now, why would that be necessary?

If you want to do it, go for it.

Loretta said her line about me being
a lowlife prick after Pascalle's

I already knew you
were a lowlife prick.

I gave you a job.

I gave you money.
I didn't have to do that.

No, you didn't.

We have mutual interests,
as you might remember.

Like my sister.

You know, you can fool most of the
people most of the time, but my
daughter is precious to me.

Me too.

If you f*ck her over, I f*ck you
over — big time. I've done time;
I can do more. Lots more.

I'm already f*cking her over — big
time. I guess that's the good thing
about hooking up with a widow, eh?

So up for it, always.

It's that grief, you know.
That pent up—


Feeling better now?

Take that as a warning.

You're the one that needs a warning.

You think Loretta gives a sh*t
about her sister or you? Think
again, mate.

I don't think he's coming.

No, I don't think
he's coming, either.

This is so weird.

Yeah, like, my father could be
b*ating up my boyfriend, who is
also your brother,

except my father is
also your boyfriend.

Like I said, weird.

But we're OK, eh?

Oh, totally.

Yeah, cos I am here
for you, no matter what.


Did he do that to you?

I'm OK.

Why didn't you call me?

I meant to. Then I thought I'd
come over, but my car was gone.

Yeah, from right outside my place.

That bastard.
I reported it. Doesn't matter now.

Oh, you poor thing. But you came.

What, you think I'd stay away?

You OK?

Hard to say.

Come on. You so need looking after.


It's a cr*cker, all right.

You seem pretty chipper.

You don't have to worry
about the wedding.
It's on?

We had a good talk. Ngaire's so
keen, she made a down payment.

Lemon bloody delicious.

There's an advantage you get
with the older lady —

soft palm, but an experienced grip.

So is it on or off?

If that's the quality of the
handjob, imagine the sack of spuds.

I'd rather not.

So it's full steam ahead.
Nookie, ahoy.

So it's on?

Jesus, you're thick.

What about the shitloads
of money you don't have?

I can meet her standards —

by my own methods. Like I said,
you don't have to worry.

Here we go.

So, he didn't show?


And I'm having twins.

Oh wow. That is great.


Only me.

Wedding duties.

Isn't it off?

Apparently not. Christ knows
what Ted's got in mind.

See you.

Well, they found my car.

Was it Dad?
It could be hard to tell.

READS: f*ck you. I
warned you to stay away.

Well, yeah, that's personal.

It's Loretta. It has to be.


If it was Dad, he would
have sold it to Falani.

Loretta would do that too.

No, she'd burn stuff. And she's
a psycho — you know that.

Look, it's just a car.

No, it is your car. And I'm gonna
give her a big slapping for this.

We don't want more aggro. OK?

This is beyond stalking. She can't
be allowed to get away with it.

Let me deal with it.

Well, can you smack her
one from me, then?

I'll deal with it.
Whatever you say, Cheryl.

(SCOFFS) His car? With that
kind of dumb message?

Well, it got the point across.

It was U, as in the letter U?

That's how people do it these days.

Well, you might, but I think
that text speak is an abomination

and a scourge on the English
language. You is spelt Y-O-U.

All right. Case closed.

Dad is meant to be dealing with
this. Anyway, why would burning
out Nicky's car be a good idea?

You've burnt sh*t before.

Only for a good reason.

And this would not be smart, because
then Pascalle would think that he
was the victim.


Which is exactly what she does
think. Wow, he is clever.

You think he did it?

Of course he did it.

I know that you hate me —

we'll just take that as a given —
but Nicky and Sheree are out for all
they can get. I am not crazy here.

But if you won't believe me,
then God save us all.

You don't even believe in God.

But I believe in you,
and you're not a fool.

Well, not most of the time.

Twins, man. Bro, if that doesn't
prove I'm the daddy, I don't know
what does, man.

That's not how it works.

Yeah, twins have twins.
Everyone knows that.

Nah, I saw it on Discovery —

it's not hereditary. It's the chick
who has the twins, not the guy.

How does that work?

She's got the egg, right?
And you've got the sperm—

And I've gotta be there
cos they're mine.

That's also valid, but
not because of the twins.

What, don't you like twins,
or something?

No, I got nothing against them.

But it's the egg that does the
splitting, bro, or there's two eggs.

Why are you trying to confuse
me with eggs and sh*t?

Cos it's biology, Van.

And you're some expert?

No. But I was thinking it's the kind
of sh*t that might get you off the
hook if your old man found out.

Well, I don't care about that,
all right?

OK, then.

Well, she says she didn't do it.

Oh, bullshit.

She seemed sincere.

Oh yeah, and that's a word
that Loretta even knows (!)

Mum, you are so sucked in.

OK, fine.

You were meant to
be dealing with her.

Look, I didn't wanna tell you,
but she has been on at me.

What? Really?

Oh my God, there are heaps.

Are they all like that?

[ All like what?

READS: 'You should stay away from
my sister, or...' Oh, that is sick.
I can't read it out loud.

How's her 'you' spelt?

You're worried about her spelling?
Indulge me.

It's spelt U, as in undies,
cos that's how you spell it.

You should be more worried about
your daughter, who's a sick bitch.

I should go. Bye.


When were these sent?


Um, from a prepay.

I'll see you soon.
Maybe you should come to my place.



No, Mum, it is not OK. Because he is
the good guy here, not Loretta, and
she would get a prepay.

OK, fine.

You can make this about me,
but what about you?

What do you mean, what about me?

Your problems are bigger than mine,

if you actually go through with it.
I mean, have you talked to him yet?

I meant to.
Well, it has to be done.

No. Pascalle!
Mum! You can stop me if you want.


SOFTLY: Wayne Judd here.

Hi. Mum wants to say
something to you — now.

SOFTLY: I can't talk right now.

OK, fine. I'll call you back.

You are such a coward.

He was busy. Anyway,
there's a time and a place.

You don't still have a
thing for Dad, do you?

Oh, f*ck. What has that
got to do with it?

You thought he'd changed. But people
who've changed don't b*at people up
and bully people.

They treat people with respect,
like Nicky does,

and if you don't see that,
then you are a complete dingbat.

Call that surveillance?
I heard your phone.

Well, it's not a professional job.
Bugger off, then.

I'm the best man.
I'll do what I have to.

I wasn't going up there. Nowhere
near it. Oi, you can't go up there.



Oh, gidday.

What are you doing here?

I could ask the same of you.

What the f*ck is that doing here?

What the f*ck are you doing here?

Availing himself of my hospitality.

This where you're staying?

Getting cosy with Falani
and not your girlfriend.

f*ck you.

Hey, I got a spare room. It's one of
the advantages of having a large

Sergeant Judd, my
compliments to you.

Drop the flattery.

And I'm not 'sergeant'.

And I'm an honest man just
trying to rebuild his life

after my time in Samoa caring
for my dying mother.

EMOTIONALLY: God rest her soul.

So, about this business.

Maybe later, eh?

What business is this?

Yeah, I'm diversifying.
Trucking, cold storage.

All legit, isn't that right?

Yeah. Should that Tongan wedding
no longer need those supplies,

you're welcome to purchase
it at a much cheaper—

Like I said, leave it for now.

Yeah, perhaps we should.

See you around, Wayne.

Yeah, and you. Can't wait (!)

Tell me about the catering. Is it
falling off the back of a truck?

I don't have to say nothing.

I get that Falani is about
to rip off some wedding.

They're Tongans.

Oh, and that makes it better?

And they've got seafood —
and it won't cost a packet.

That's how far you'd go for a root —
ripping off innocent people?

These Tongans eat too much — at
risk from type II diabetes.

Don't give me that.

And Falani can score a few kegs.

Oh, that's right up
Ngaire's alley (!)

Bloody helpful.

Why the f*ck would you
want me as your best man?

You're not too bad.

I can't sit here and
let you do this.

You can turn a blind eye.
You've done it before.

No, I can't.

I'll give you the cash, but I can't
put up with this sh*t any more.

It's for love. You get that?

Love is meant to make the world
a better place, not cut f*ckin'
corners — or make people miserable.

It's for better or worse, respect,
and telling the truth!

If you can't do that, you may as
well kiss your wedding goodbye,
cos it's not worth it.

That's your 'best man' speech,
is it?

Yeah. Take it or leave it.


You showed up — finally.

Last on your list, was I?

And why was that?

Cos of what you think I've done?

What have you done?


Yeah, I know.

Which is what makes this so
bloody hard, even if there is
a lot of crap going on.

You mean with Nicky?

No, this is not about
Nicky, or you.

It's about how I feel.

It's about you dumping me.

Look, I'll make it right, OK?

You know I'm carrying twins?

How am I meant to support them?

You'll be all right.
How's that meant to happen?

I'll support them — and you.

You're not exactly jumping
for f*ckin' joy, are ya?

Not that you ever have been.

You wanted kids.

I wanted you.

Well, I don't think
you know who I am.

But someone else does.

Isn't that why you hooked up
with me in the first place?

To make her sorry.
To stick it to her.

You lying, shitty,
underhand bastard!

You creep!

Yep. Maybe.

Is that all you're gonna say?
You piece of sh*t!


Wolf, you shithead! You w*nk*r!

If you wanted her, why didn't you
just come out and say so in the
first place?

Hello, love. What's this?

Arsehole! ]

What did you do to her?

Only what I had to.

b*ating people up and bullying them?

Sooner or later you'll realise I
only do what I do because I love

Yeah, well, I totally totally hate
you, and you can just piss off.


f*ck you, Wolf!


Total prick!

It's OK, baby. Nearly finished.


Are you OK?

There's always so much f*cking
washing. How does that happen?

Wolf dumped me.

Because of us?

He just dumped me.

Because... (VOICE CRACKS) I dunno.


You've still got me.

Hey, love.

'Hey, love'?

That sh*t that needed doing is done.

Oh, it's not over yet, but—

Yeah, well, Nicky's not just
a sh*t, he's clever.

So you believe me now?

I did have a conversation with your
new partner in crime — Loretta.

We're on the right side here, love.

(CHUCKLES) Isn't that
a bloody miracle?

I've changed. I told you.

Yeah, you did.

'Bout the same time you got
your girlfriend pregnant.

You know that time I
said I had to think?

Well, here's what I realised: she
doesn't matter. And that's what I
told her.

You did what?
Sheree will be looked after.
But that's not the point.

The point is

that now it's you and me.

You and me.

You knew that. That's still true.

Time stands still in
Wolf world, doesn't it?

You're always gonna be it for me —
you and the kids.

There can't be anyone else.
You know that.

What if there is someone else?

There can't be.
What if there is?

Oh, Jesus Christ.

Not the f*ckin' cop.

He's not a cop. Get over it.

ANGRILY: He's always
gonna be a f*ckin' cop!

Jesus, you know that!

You walk back and expect the
world to revolve around you.

Well, as true as that may see to
you, Wolf, the world does not
revolve around you — not always.

He cannot be better than me.
Not the f*ckin' cop!

No, no, no, no, no. He's not.

He's not. He's just different.


He might not even want me.

I should go.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Don't do that.

No, Cheryl.


Cheryl! Don't do this.
No, don't. Cheryl!


Cheryl! No!

♪ Just think of all
the good things

♪ we might have.

♪ Wait until tomorrow comes.

♪ He can break your bones.

♪ Think of all the good things

♪ we might have.

♪ Something beautiful. ♪

Have we had some Greeks around?

That's a flash piece of metal.

Yeah, isn't it?

Babe, you so didn't have to.

But I wanted to. ]

You didn't have to,
and I can't accept it.

No, but I want you to have it.

I've got money. Why shouldn't
I spend it on you? ]

Is that your car?


No, it's yours. I want you to have
it, and you deserve it, especially
after what they did to you.

You mean Loretta.
...who burns things when
she's pissed off.

A lot of people know about that.
Someone might use that information—

You make it sound like he did it.

Maybe we should talk about that.

No! No. And she should take it back,
because it's appalling.

If you've got money,
you could push some my way.

To waste on the TAB?

My wedding.
Oh, give it up, Ted.

You'd like that. Ruin an
old man's happiness.

You are better off out of it.

I love Ngaire Munro.

[ Oh, Jesus Christ.

I'll do it.
Do what?

I'll pay for your wedding.
All of it.

Don't be ridiculous.

No, I will. Because you don't know
the first thing about love,

and you never, ever
want people to be happy.
That is not true.

Just cos you don't trust anyone
doesn't mean that I can't, or

Yeah. Suck on that, Slutty.

I'm just trying to look out for you.

Maybe you should be
looking out for yourself.

And if anyone is lying
around here, it's you.

Is she?
Yeah, and she knows why,
and it's baloney.

What is?

She's pregnant.


And it's yours, I think.

But if you had any sense, you'd stay
far away from her, because she is
just mean and heartless.

Come on, let's go.
I'll come for a spin.

We can talk turkey. And crayfish.

Grandpa, you can have anything
you want — you and Ngaire.


Am I missing something?

No. No, no, Pascalle
pretty much laid it all out.

Were you ever planning
on telling me?

I don't know how.

And this bloody wasn't meant
to happen — not now.

I mean, it's not like we made
any promises to each other.

These bastards, they're
shits to live with,

and it's not like I'm some kind
of spring chicken or anything.

Are you OK with this?

Oh yes, woman! I f*ckin' love you!

Come here!


I'm gonna be a daddy!


As ultimate k*lling machines go,
you're not great, though you are
looking like the bad guy.

You shouldn't have goaded him.
And smacking him round was subtle?

At least Mum believes me.


No, we cannot leave this to her.

So what are we doing, then?

We fight fire with fire.

I don't think burning sh*t
will be useful right now.

Rich, coming from you.

I'm looking for action here —
grand's worth of action.

I need you to get hold of someone.

I hope you're not gonna say Sparky.

Why the f*ck would I say Sparky?

'Fire with fire.'

No, we can do much better
than that, love.

sh*t, we've barely gotten started.

♪ So bad. ♪