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05x11 - 132. Ertugrul

Posted: 10/03/23 06:28
by bunniefuu
Because joining the two families...

would make us even stronger.

That's why I have been thinking

and made a decision.

With the order of God...

and the words of our prophet...

I would like to marry İlbilge Hatun.

Of course...

only if she consents.

I consent.

I accept Ertuğrul Bey's proposal.

What is the meaning of this?

Why would you get angry,

Emir Bahattin?

I voiced my wish.

And İlbilge Hatun accepted it.

Now, it's Beybolat Bey's turn to speak.

Is this a barn you barge into?

-Get out now. Get out!

-Your Highness.

There is word from the caravansary.

The Mongols have been m*rder*d.

And all the gold was taken away.


-Who did it?

-There is no indication of that.

All the Mongols are dead.

All that gold.

All those men.

First, we have to take care of the gold.

Ertuğrul Bey is a guest who came here

to ask for my sister's hand.

We can talk about this later.

Now, Mother Hayme, if you and the sisters

will excuse us, we will talk alone.


What will you do, your Highness?

We must go to the caravansary

and investigate.

Is your defense ready, Emir Bahattin?

Why would I need a defense,

Ertuğrul Bey?

You were responsible of the gold.

Your defense regarding all that gold,

and all those casualties.

As you know...

since you are responsible for it,

the Mongols will start

by investigating you.

Our brother wants to marry me

to Emir Bahattin...

and bury me alive.

You will be the wife

of the great emir of the Seljuks.

What can be better than that?

I will not, Sırma!

I know why you resist it so hard.

You have someone else in your heart.


-Where did that come from?

-From your eyes.

I saw how you were looking

at Ertuğrul Bey in the tent.

That wasn't out of respect.

It was out of love.

I'd rather die than be the wife

of someone I don't want.

With the order of God,

and the words of our prophet...

I'd like to marry İlbilge Hatun.

Of course...

only if she consents.

I consent.

I accept Ertuğrul Bey's proposal.

You lied to me!

You played a trick on me!

So it was all for this.

The moment of happiness I've been

waiting for turned into a disaster.

I will turn your world into hell.

It will not happen

even if hell freezes over!


Do you need anything?

Get out! Or I will choke you.

Get out!

I will make you pay for this,

İlbilge Hatun!

I, Sırma, will play you at your own game.

I wish we had brought henna

instead of rugs, İlbilge Hatun.

Finally, you got your wish.

I didn't know about it, Selcan Hatun.

Don't you think I felt...

that you were all up to something

since the day you got here?

I am not afraid of saying what I think.

I will say what I have to say...

and do what I must do.

Playing tricks is not something I do.


Now is not the time to talk about this.

No, Mother. Now is exactly the time.

We should talk about this now,

so that everyone knows what's what.

You are a sl*ve to your worries,

Selcan Hatun.

Do as you like...

say what you will, but don't forget...

that you unjustly blame me

with your unfounded claims.


Now, it is up to Beybolat Bey

to say what he thinks and to decide.

It's not our place to talk about it.

From now on,

it will be best for everyone...

if you all watch what you say.

Unnecessary bickering...

will not benefit anyone.


İlbilge Hatun thinks

I'm being mean to her.

But I'm saying it to her face.

It's not bickering.

Could there be

a better friendship than this?

I want her to know what

the result of her useless efforts will be.

Just as you can't carry

two swords in one sheath,

you also can't carry

two loves in one heart.

Ertuğrul Bey's heart

is sealed by his love for Halime Sultan.

This proposal is not a sign of love.

It can only be politics.

I want her to know that.

Ertuğrul Bey said what he wished.

And when he keeps his promise...

I will keep mine, too.

You should know this.

Excuse me, Mother Hayme.

I told you, Mother. We must be cautious.

Obviously, she had her eyes

on Ertuğrul Bey from the start.

I'm talking about Halime Sultan, but

she says, "whatever Ertuğrul Bey says."

Oh, Selcan.

You just can't keep quiet.

If you don't prepare your lamp

during the day,

you will be stranded in the dark

during the night.

Don't you ever think?

When İlbilge Hatun comes to our tent...

as the wife of the bey...

what will you do?

Tell me!

What will you do, Selcan?

You must be very happy that

I am called to account, Ertuğrul Bey.

I am not happy about anything.

On the contrary, the gold

of hard-working people has been lost.

That upsets me.

Don't worry.

I will find that gold.

And I will hang those who stole it.

I hope you will do a better job

than you did protecting it.

Because you didn't perform

your duty successfully.

I don't know if they will trust you now.

Why wouldn't they?

I am the reason the Mongols

couldn't plunder the Anatolians.

It's thanks to me!

Of course they will trust me.

You compromised with the Mongols

for the supposed benefit of the state.

You practically gave them

all the property of the Seljuks.

You sold them your wit and will.

At least don't sell your soul.

We have dedicated our souls

to the state, Ertuğrul Bey.

You can't see the complicated affairs

in Konya from Söğüt.

I saw you laying the state

under the boots of the Mongols.

I saw you hand over the people

to the cruelty of the Mongols.

I saw how you made the oppressed people

of Anatolia suffer.

Ertuğrul Bey.

There is something

that must be dealt with now.

We shouldn't fight each other now.

Calm down.


Go to Konya right away

and bring soldiers.

We will have to discuss this a lot more.

A lot!

And I will go to the caravansary

no later than tonight.

I will come with you, Your Highness.

Then let us be excused, too.

Ertuğrul Bey.

We will talk about the other matter

when I return.

Very well.

We have all the gold

of the Anatolians, sir.

We even have enough gold

to challenge the emperor.

We could have challenged the emperor

even without this gold.

What about Ertuğrul?

What will we do about him, sir?

As much as I want to spill his blood...

I have to give him credit.

Ertuğrul is a great warrior.

Actually, while we have all this wealth,

we could cooperate with Ertuğrul to

build the biggest empire in these lands.

What do you mean, sir?

If I trusted him.

Tell Ertuğrul

that the gold is in the castle.

He can come and

take half of it tomorrow.

What next? What shall we do now, sir?

We will put an end to Ertuğrul here.

Then, we will cause the biggest bloodbath

these lands have ever known.

Now, that is even better than

seizing all the gold, sir.

What does all this mean, İlbilge?

Sırma, come here, let's talk.

You disregarded our customs.

How can you speak of talking now?

Sırma, I didn't know

about anything either.

I heard it for the first time

just like you.

You're lying.

Why would I lie, Sırma?

Why else? To prevent my happiness.

I asked you.

I asked you if you loved Ertuğrul Bey.

You didn't tell me the truth.

You were quiet. You acted innocent.

Then, when you talked with him

alone in the inn,

you seduced him.

You stopped him from marrying me.

Sırma... My dear sister.

Listen to me.

I don't have a sister anymore.

Don't call me sister.


Wasn't the scandal in there enough?

You are starting one here, too?

Ask İlbilge about it, Beybolat.

After all, she accepted the proposal

in front of her betrothed.

We will come to that later.

I will make the decision.

İlbilge consented to the proposal

when she knew very well...

that you wanted me to marry him.

This is betrayal, this is treason.

She did it to avoid

marrying Emir Bahattin.

Tell her your decision now

so that she can hear it.

So she knows you won't

let her marry Ertuğrul Bey.

It's not a decision I can make easily.

We have a bigger problem right now.

First, we should see to that.

It's a matter of state!

If there is no state, then

there will be no tent to host the wedding,

no tribe to enjoy the feast.

Now, sit still.

Don't bring this up again until I return.

Don't make me cut your tongues out.


Thank you, brother.



So, the Bey

asked İlbilge Hatun's hand, huh?

We didn't see that coming.

Do you think we did, brother?

Do you think we did?

But you should have seen the Umuroğlus.

Like they were struck by lightning.

To be honest, brothers,

I am surprised, too.

It's done now, brother.

And it's done well.

Ertuğrul Bey will be married.

We will have a feast.

There will be mountains of meat,

and lakes of sherbet.

You think about that.

Allah bless you.

Peace be upon you.

And upon you.

Bring it here.

Come on, brothers.

Meat of the black ram. It's delicious.


-Take some, brother.

-Thank you, Bamsı.

You take some too, brother.

-Thank you.

-Go on, go on, eat.

Enjoy it.

Go on, Bamsı.

Eat before it goes cold.

Brother. Thank Allah, I'm full.

I should thank my wife. She fed me.

She fed me, but you keep

cooking and eating your own meals.

How long will you go on this way?

What can we do, Bamsı?

Isn't it obvious, Oğuz Alp? Isn't it?

Even Ertuğrul Bey is going to marry,

with Allah's help.

You should find yourselves

beautiful women to marry.

-Allah willing.

-A man needs a pretty wife.

We've been in love with our swords

all this time, Bamsı.

Do you think we care

about women or marriage?

Oh, Dumrul.

And the heart?

What about the heart?

Isn't a man's heart his sword?

If the heart isn't sharpened with love,

if it's not protected

in a matching sheath,

it will rust away, brothers.

I, too, was a naked sword for years.

Then what happened? Thank Allah,

I found my matching sheath.

Thank Allah, brother.

Thank Allah.

It's all about fortune, Bamsı.

If Allah sees it fit, it will happen.

Look. If Allah sees it fit,

then Allah will see it fit.

But a man should feel a little, too.

He should pick the woman he will marry

with care.

Brothers, there are four kinds of women.

One of them eats up your home.

Another one erodes your home away.

Yet another one is quite insatiable.

And the last one is the base of your tent.

What kind of women are these, Bamsı?

Let me tell you, Melikşah.

Let me tell you.

Look, one of them eats up your home.

She rises early in the morning,

and before she washes her face,

she expects nine loaves of bread,

and a bucket of yogurt.

Then she eats until she bursts.

Finally, she slaps her chest and says,

"Since I came to this damned tent,

I have never been full,

I have never smiled,

I can never find anything to wear."

Brothers, this kind of woman

shouldn't come into your homes.

-Allah willing, Bamsı.

-All right.

Another one erodes your home away.

She rises early, too,

and goes from one end of the camp

to the other to gossip.

She spreads tales, she makes up rumors.

When she comes back in the evening,

she sees her tent is like a barn.

Then she says, "Oh, my neighbors!

Why didn't you look after my tent?"

Brothers, this kind shouldn't come

to your homes, either.


-Allah willing, Bamsı.

Another one is quite insatiable.

Such a woman doesn't know

how to please a guest.

When her man asks for bread,

she says there's no flour and walks away.

No matter how much you talk,

she doesn't listen to you.

Brothers, this kind shouldn't come

to your homes at all.

Not at all, brothers.

She shouldn't, Bamsı. She shouldn't.

How about the last ones?

Oh, my brothers.

The last ones...

are the women who--

They are the base of your tents.

They are the women who...

even though their men aren't there,

if some guests were to come from afar,

they would feed them,

they would please and respect them.

Then they would wish them farewell.

Allah bless them.

She would be just as good

as her husband while he is away.

She wouldn't disgrace him.

They are women that can lay a table,

if needed...

and raise swords, if need be.

Oh, brothers.

They are the women that...

follow the path of...

Aisha, Khadija...

and Fatima.

They are honorable, generous...

and gracious.

So, alps.

My dear brothers.

May Allah give you such women.

I hope such women come to your homes.

-Amen, Bamsı. Amen.

-Amen, Allah willing.

Allah willing.

Go on. Go on now, keep eating.

Enjoy it. Go on, eat.

Allah bless you.

Allah bless you.

Allah bless you all.

Bey, to be honest, I am confused, too.

What do you wish to achieve

by this marriage?

My heart belongs to Halime.

I haven't given my heart

to anyone but Halime.

A woman can enter our camp,

but she can't enter my heart.

I go through with this marriage for

the benefit of our tribe and our lands.

Ertuğrul Bey, you said

you didn't trust the Umuroğlus.

If you did this to get them

to join our side,

why İlbilge Hatun,

but not Sırma Hatun?

I want to know that, too, son.

Beybolat Bey wanted you to marry Sırma.

But you chose İlbilge.

In front of Emir Bahattin, no less.


To stop İlbilge Hatun

from marrying Emir Bahattin.

Emir Bahattin is one

of the strongest Mongol men

in the palace of Konya.

If Emir Bahattin married İlbilge Hatun...

the Umuroğlus would have

the power of the Mongols behind them.

Do you know what that would cause?

It would destroy the order we maintained,

and stop our fight for freedom

against the Mongols.

This marriage will spoil

the plans of the evil alliance...

and it will maintain our order

and our fight for freedom, Bey.

Son, you have obviously decided

on this important matter.

I would like to say something

as your mother.

Please, Mother.

Your sons are adults now.

You have to tell them, too,

that you will marry İlbilge Hatun.

You have to talk to them.


Are you going to marry İlbilge Hatun?

Osman, tell your brothers

that I have to talk to you all.

Should I come, Son?

No, Mother.

I will talk to my sons alone.


Don't hurt them if they object, Son.

As you know, they have lived

without a mother for some time.

It will be hard to accept.

I know, Mother. I know. Don't worry.

I don't know what to say, Brother.

I don't understand

why this marriage has come up.

My lions.

Come here.

Is it true what Osman says, Father?

Are you going to marry İlbilge Hatun?

I have to, Gündüz. It is true.

Savcı and Osman didn't

get to know our mother.

But I did. I saw her.

Seeing another woman

in this camp she left to us...

is hard, Father.

My brave sons. I understand your worries.

But you have to understand

what I want to do.

I do what I do for our tribe...

our clan and our future.

What does marrying İlbilge Hatun

have to do with that, Father?

Listen to me.

The Byzantines in the west,

the Mongols in the east.

We stand between them.

We stand on a thin bridge...

sharper than a sword,

with fire on both sides.

The Mongols keep

getting closer on this side.

And the Byzantine empire is ready

to swallow us whole.

Since Turkic tribes cannot

be swallowed together,

our enemies want to break us apart first.

And they try to do it

by pitting us against each other.

We have to stop their attempt.

Is marriage the only way

to stop that attempt, Father?

We have been att*cked

many times recently, Father.

But didn't we stop all of them

with our swords?

Son, there are some events so evil that...

trying to suppress them with a sword

only leads to greater disasters.

Now, our adversaries

expect us to do just that.

The best way...

to eliminate those poisonous snakes

and bloodthirsty vultures

is marriage.

I do this for your future, too.

Konya is under the rule of the Mongols

and some shortsighted administrators.

We have sown the seeds of a new state.

All these hardships that we go through...

are necessary pains for a new state.

Perhaps, we will never see

the germs of this new state.

However, if it is fated for you,

you shall see that state.

I work hard so that you won't have

to deal with such troubles.

We'd know where to go

if there was a clue.

I have a guess who did this.



No one else would dare to do this.

He was the one

who raided your tax convoy, too.

But he didn't do this alone.

Who did he work with?

What did you offer to Dragos

to get out of there alive, Ertuğrul Bey?


Ertuğrul Bey came to Söğüt

after he left the castle.

He was with us the next evening.

How did you come to this conclusion,

Your Highness?

I said he worked with Ertuğrul,

I didn't say Ertuğrul was here.

Remember, when I asked Ertuğrul

what deal he made, he didn't answer.

He didn't answer

when you asked him either, did he?

Ertuğrul told Dragos about the taxes

that would be gathered in the caravansary.

And Dragos did the job.

Thanks to this deal...

he got out of that castle alive.

What do you think?

I will launch an investigation right away,

Your Highness.



You were responsible

for the gold, Bahattin.

Now, when Hülagü Khan

asks about the taxes of Anatolia,

what will we say to him, huh?


I came here to investigate.

I sent my man to Konya.

He will bring the soldiers. Don't worry.

I know how to take care of this, Bahattin.

I will skin you and fill your skin

with gold to send it to Hülagü Khan.

-May I come in, Bey?

-Come in, Abdurrahman.

We heard from the Castle of Lefke, Bey.

The gold is in the castle.

They invite you to the castle

to collect half of it.

The gold is in the lair, Bey.

Who do they think we are?

They intend to trap and k*ll me

in the castle.

Let them know that we will come

to the castle, Abdurrahman.

As you wish, Bey.

Bey, if they intend to trap you,

why do you say you will go?

To trap them in their own tricks, Bamsı.

Turgut. Prepare for w*r.

We will hit Dragos so hard that...

he will learn how much sharper

our swords are than he assumes.

As you wish, Bey.

Bamsı, gather the alps.

The hyenas have overrun the caravansary.

We have to stay alert.

All right, Bey.

Bey, will we take care

of Emir Bahattin, too?

We won't take care of him

so soon, Bamsı.

First, we have to get some important

information from him.

What is it, Bey?


We have to learn

who that bastard is right away.

If we catch him,

we can stop the massacres

the Mongols are committing

in Turkish camps.

He can also prevent us gathering

Turkish tribes for the resistance.

He should be found and k*lled soon.

We asked for the chest,

you couldn't find it.

You stalled us time after time.

We told you to protect our gold.

You couldn't protect this big caravansary.

If we had made a dog the emir

instead of you,

that dog would've been more useful.


The soldiers will come from Konya.

I will investigate everything.

I promise you.

I will find and bring you the gold

and the K*llers as soon as possible.

We've had enough of your stalling.

You couldn't do anything we asked.

You will be punished.


Wrap him in a carpet.

Throw him under your horses

and trample him.



Ertuğrul has something to do with it.

Bring him.

What does Ertuğrul have to do with it?

Didn't we suspect he took the chest?

He also destroyed the patrol unit.

Ertuğrul is behind this.

Give me some time. I will prove it to you.

You say Ertuğrul is behind everything.

You blame Ertuğrul

to cover your ineptitude.

We gave you all kinds of authority.

Why haven't you beaten Ertuğrul so far?

Soon. Very soon.

Only I can take care of this.

If you k*ll me,

Ertuğrul will get away with this.

Nökers. Imprison him in a room.

I will think about it later.


You stay. We have to talk.



You knew, didn't you?

Knew what, ma'am?

Don't try to fool me, Mengü.

I asked my sister and you both.

You denied it.

You knew Ertuğrul Bey would ask

for her hand.

You went behind my back.

I didn't know, ma'am.

I swear I didn't know.

Where has she gone?

I asked you where.

Söğüt... She went to Söğüt.

She went to get closer to Ertuğrul, huh?

Whatever she does, this will not happen.

I will make you both pay for this.

Now get out of my sight!

Or I will do something bad. Get out!

May I come in, Ertuğrul Bey?

Come in, İlbilge Hatun.


Thank you.

Ertuğrul Bey.

When you asked for my hand,

it caused misunderstandings.

Everyone is talking.

I don't care about any of them,

but I want to know something.

What is it?

Why did you ask my brother for my hand?

Both your brother and I wish to strengthen

the brotherhood of our tribes.

That's why I see it fit

to ask for your hand.

Is the benefit of the tribes

the only reason for you to marry me?

You want to give me a place in your camp.

What about your heart?

Is there a place for me in your heart?

The heart is not subject to will,

İlbilge Hatun.

It's not easy to put

love in the heart...

or erase another one.

Our marriage will be the base

of unity between the two tribes.

We consented to marriage

for a great purpose.

That's what is important.

What if my brother says no?

Doesn't your brother want

to unite the two tribes?

If he sincerely wants that,

he will consent.

How about your sons?

Can they accept me?

Of course, seeing a woman come

to our camp after all these years...

will not be easy for them.

It will take time

for them to get used to it.

How about you?

Can you be patient with them?

Ertuğrul Bey.

You should know that I knew what

would happen when I consented.

I stand by my decision.

I hope you stand by your offer, too.

A man is only a man as long as

he keeps his promises, İlbilge Hatun.

We always stand by our words.

May Allah give us all that is good.


Excuse me.


It's been a long time since I saw you.

I hope you're well.

I'm not at all.

Why is that?

Are you really asking?

We let you in our tents as a friend.

We respected you as the daughter of a bey.

But you wished to sit in my mother's

place as a woman of our camp.

I can't accept that.

You incriminate me.

This is founded on mutual consent, Osman.

I don't consent to it.

Your place isn't in our camp.

Stay in your own camp.

One moment, you're a spy.

Next, you're an enemy.

Just when we forgive you,

you try to be the hatun of our tribe.

Is this your new trick?

Whenever we didn't listen to each other,

there was trouble.

But when we listened to each other,

we found the truth.

Don't act impulsively. Just listen to me.

Isn't everything obvious?

Why would I listen now?

It's all I need to know.

There is no need for words now.

My Halime.

For years, I kept your love in my heart.

And I kept your scarf on my chest

like armor.

I raised our three sons

that you left for me like saplings.

I fought for our camp,

tribe and holy cause,

through night and day.

Now, I do what I do

to keep our holy cause alive.

In this transient world...

I didn't give my heart to anyone but you.

I buried my love with you.

I am loyal to my promise.

I wait for death to see you again.

What do you think

about what Bahattin said?

Do you think Ertuğrul is behind this?

Emir Bahattin took a long sh*t

and made a guess.

Ertuğrul may end up behind this.

But we shouldn't do this by guesses,

but with clues.

And Emir Bahattin knows how to do it.

You will do it, not Bahattin.

-I will?

-Yes, you.

You've performed every duty

with honor to this day.

You have slain the rebellious tribes.

You made them all fear us.

Now, you will do this.

You will end Ertuğrul.

What about Emir Bahattin?

Emir Bahattin is over.

He will stay with us for a while.

He will be punished.

You worry about your duty.

Ertuğrul's brother is still alive.

The chest is missing.

And those taxes.

You will take care of all of it.

You will end Ertuğrul, Albastı.

I know exactly what to do.

Don't worry.


If you are successful,

you will be a frontiersman.

If you fail, I will take my armies...

and slay both Ertuğrul's and your tribes.

Never call me Albastı again, Commander.

There are many men hunting this name.

They all want to k*ll Albastı.

My name is Beybolat.

If you call me Albastı again...

I will be Albastı!

All our preparations are complete, sir.

We have never been so crowded

in the castle.

When Ertuğrul and his alps

come to the castle,

they will never leave again.

Only a few of them will come

since we are meant to be partners.

Do you see?

How precious partnership

and mutual trust are.

Sir, you said

Ertuğrul was a great warrior.

Did you think

of a special way to k*ll him?

I don't like to plan these things.

I like to enjoy the moment.

But I have something in mind.

At least, before he dies, I will show him

the real face of Commander Dragos

who made Söğüt hell for him.

When he finds out...

that bell ringer he didn't even notice

is actually the person who ended him...

maybe he will die on his own.

First, the life of Ertuğrul.

After him, Söğüt, with a crowded

and bloodthirsty army.

Then it will be the emperor's turn.

And finally...

Emperor Dragos.

Emperor Dragos! line:%

Emperor Dragos!

We'll k*ll them all quietly.

As you wish, Bey.

If they hear about the raid,

they may escape with the gold.


Wait for my sign.

There is a raid!

Now you will pay for what you did.

Whatever you do...

you won't have the gold.

God help you. We are grateful to you.

We were waiting to die here.

-Take the woman and the child outside.

-As you wish, Turgut Bey.

What are you going to do to me?

k*ll me if you're going to!


Which name of Allah

are we going to examine today?

This time, it's the one

that I'm most curious about, sir.

The holy name of Al-Alim.

Curiosity is the tool of the wise, Aybars.

May Allah give you

more curiosity and more wisdom.


Al Alim jalla jalaluhu.

Which means he who knows...

everything he created

from the most secret to the most obvious.

He who has eternal and everlasting

knowledge, from what is spoken by the lips

to what is hidden in the heart.

The first command of God

in the Holy Quran is...

By Allah's name, "Ikra."

Meaning, "Read."

I love reading books, sir.

May Allah bless you, Aybars.

But what is meant by this command

isn't only reading books.

So what does it mean, sir?

Reading the order in the universe.

Contemplating this order

after becoming equipped with wisdom.

In verse of Surah Ali Imran,

Allah commands,

"They remember Allah

while standing or sitting

or lying on their sides.

They give thought to the creation

of the heavens and the earth...

saying, 'Our Lord,

you did not create this aimlessly.

Exalted are you above such a thing.

Protect us

from the punishment of the Fire.'"

Look at the things around you that Allah

created as examples.

In everything living and inanimate,

you'll see the manifestation

of the holy name of Al-Alim of Allah.

For example, your organs.

They were created

in such a flawless balance, weren't they?

If our ears were a little more sensitive

to what we hear,

the noise around us would be insufferable,

wouldn't it?

If our noses had a keener

sense of smell...

who knows how uncomfortable

we would be.

You can observe the depth

of the holy name of Al-Alim of Allah

in nature, too.

One thousand and one kinds of animals

and plants, none of which look alike.

The colors and patterns imprinted on them

tell us of the greatness of His wisdom.

Allah Almighty wants us to have the wisdom

to read the universe

in order for us to see

this order that He created.

Because, as our prophet said,

"Be either a teacher or a student.

Be either a listener

or an admirer of wisdom.

But never be anything else,

or you'll be devastated."

The aim of all this wisdom

is knowing yourself.

Our prophet said,

"Those who know themselves know Allah."

If you know yourselves,

you'll discover your capability.

By improving that capability,

you'll gain favor

on the road to Allah's acquiescence.

See, for example, Ibn Sina,

who discovered his capability in medicine

and went on to become a physician

who would impress the whole world.

Nizam al-Mulk, who had

a deep wisdom in politics,

used his talent as vizier to three sultans

and became the backbone

of Seljukian power.

Al-Jazari combined algebra and geometry

to invent many things

which pushed the limits of the mind.

One of these inventions

is the device for ablution.

What kind of device is that, sir?

When the time comes,

I'll tell you about that, too.

Even the future ruler should

read the universe and its order well.

He should know the needs of his people.

He should respect the scholars,

and serve the Holy Book

with his sharp sword.

If you learn what your capabilities are

and advance them,

you can make the world of Islam prosperous

on every front.

Don't ever think such a great man

would not come from Söğüt.

Today, the lands of Söğüt

are located on the border.

Who knows, maybe tomorrow,

it will become part of a state

that will expand its borders

to the ends of the world.

If you want it and work for it...

you will have the duty of maintaining

the order of the universe.

And you'll bring justice to the world.

-God willing.

-God willing.

And don't forget that...

if Allah Almighty wishes it...

water drops will add up to become a sea.


Welcome, ma'am.

-I am not doing well, Mengü.

-Why is that?

No matter what I do, I can't convince

my sister, Sırma, or Osman.

Nobody understands me.

What could you have done

when Ertuğrul Bey asked for your hand?

Could you have said no

in spite of the fire in your heart, ma'am?

Rest assured.

You listened to your heart and consented.

You did what was right.

Time heals everything.

It will all be fine with Allah's help.

I don't doubt my consent.

But I have to explain it, too.

They talk harshly about my personality

and my honor, Mengü.

What happened to your neck?

It was Sırma, wasn't it?

-I'll show her--

-Never mind, ma'am.

She was looking for an excuse to vent

her anger, and she found me.

She doesn't understand kindness!

Let me go!

I beg you.

You know Sırma. She's vindictive.

I only ask you for one thing, ma'am.

If it all works out well and you go

to the Kayi camp, don't leave me here.

Or Sırma won't let me live.

Don't worry, Mengü.

I won't leave you here alone.

But let me go now.

I know what to do with her!

Ertuğrul should be here already.

Where the hell is he?

What happened? What is this chest?

Sir, they gave it to the guards

and asked us to give it to you.


How can this be?


While we were expecting to hunt him down

in the castle, he's already hunted us!

Uranos, how can this be?

How can this be, huh?

How did they find the cellar?

What are your men good for?

-We will make up for this, sir.


I don't expect you to do anything!

You keep on playing soldiers

in the castle. I'll take care of this!

What will you do, sir?

No more games!

I will k*ll Ertuğrul today at the inn.

This game will end with Ertuğrul's death!

I am neither the bell ringer

nor Commander Dragos today!

I am death!

Today, I will be the death of Ertuğrul!

An alp must always be alert

and cautious.

Our mission tonight is very important.

Test your abilities as an alp

on a harder mission this time.

A steady w*apon, strong courage...

and a trustworthy friend to stand beside

are all we need

to prove that we are alps

worthy of the Kayis.

I don't doubt that.

But is that enough

to be a worthy alp, Süleyman?

An agile horse, durable armor.

First, you need wits, son.

Brave men are

at w*r all their lives, sons.

You'll see all kinds of enemies.

Sometimes, a mere sword

is enough to defeat an enemy.

And sometimes, you make peace

just to prepare for a bigger w*r.

If you go into every w*r

with the same orders,

after a while, your enemy will know

what you will do.

And one day,

they'll know how to defeat you.

That's why, even if you're

as brave as a lion...

you have to use your head

and learn to be cunning, as well.

The hyena and the coyote

are both enemies of the lion.

Do they have a chance of defeating a lion?

The lion is stronger than both.

It can defeat both a hyena and a coyote.

But if they unite to eliminate the lion...

then what will the lion do?

My brave sons, every lion has courage.

But not all of them have wits.

A stupid lion is fooled by its courage

and fights them at the same time.

That way, it'll get tired.

Perhaps, it'll be injured

or its claw will be damaged.

Perhaps it'll die.

But a smart lion won't fight

both of them at the same time.

First, it'll pit them against each other.

It will bait them.

While the hyenas and the coyotes fight

each other to eat that bait,

the smart lion will lie in wait.

Once one of the enemies kills the other,

the lion will have fewer enemies.

And when it's time, it'll take down

the remaining enemy with one stroke.

If the enemy has a hundred tricks,

you'll have a thousand.

Do you understand now

how an alp should be?

-Strong and aggressive like a wolf.

-Brave and smart like a lion.

And swift as a panther.

Allah bless my brave sons.

Go on now.

Get started with your missions.

Come on, Abdurrahman.

Let us go to investigate the market

and listen to the problems of the people.

As you wish, Bey.

What do you think you're doing?

What happened to Mengü?

Do you think

I don't know what you're up to?

Didn't she know about this, too?

You went behind my back!

Watch your mouth, Sırma!

Don't make me lose my patience!

What if I don't watch it?

Am I lying?

Weren't you with Ertuğrul Bey just now?

Did you get as close to him as possible

so he wouldn't change his mind?

I'm telling you, but you won't listen!

You went and punished an innocent girl!

-It's not what you think.

-Stop talking, İlbilge!

If it's not what I think, why did you

jump at the opportunity to marry him?

Tell me what you did with Ertuğrul Bey.

I didn't know

that he would ask for my hand.

I went to ask why he did.

So why was it? Let me know, too.

He saw it as fitting.

He is the one that wants it.

If you want more of an answer,

you'll have to ask Ertuğrul Bey himself.

This is an insult to me.

No matter you do, this won't happen!

Beybolat won't let you marry Ertuğrul Bey!

From now on,

I don't care if you understand!

If you're up to something,

come to me about it!

You're not the one to make the decision.

Ertuğrul Bey asked, and I consented.

It's over now! That's it!

What will you do when İlbilge Hatun

comes to our tribe, to our camp,

as the wife of the bey?

All the sheep are fleeced, Selcan Hatun.

I heard Ertuğrul Bey

asked for İlbilge Hatun's hand.

Thank Allah, our bey will have a wife

worthy of the tent of a bey.

You seem to be working,

but you're trying to gossip, Hafsa Hatun.

Are the affairs of the tribe

your business now?

Go and do your job!

Of course they are not my business.

But I think İlbilge Hatun will be

very good for the bey's camp.

Oh, Hafsa Hatun!

Of course, you wouldn't know.

Being the wife of a bey requires

grace, nobility and good manners.

Besides, what's the rush?

Don't drink from a bowl if you can't

see its bottom, or else you'll choke.

The daughter of the bey

of the Umuroğulları

should know grace and manners.

She's been through many things.

She should be pretty comfortable

being the hatun of the tribe.

Do you think it's up to you

to assess that position?

As if you know anything about it!

If I don't, then who's been

doing the tribe's work all this time?

Who manages all that?

Before you arrived here,

no one complained.

But you've been complaining about

everything since you got here.

If you can be the hatun of a tribe,

then İlbilge Hatun would be much better.

This is done.

Where should I put it, Selcan Hatun?

Only a stupid person

has to be told so many times.

Didn't I tell you to put them

on the right side? Get out!

Welcome, Bey.

Thank you.

Where have you been, bell ringer?

I was taking care of a task

that the priest gave me.

What task is that?

I was visiting

the poor Christian families.

I gave them the donations

that you provided.

Don't disappear for too long.

Go on now, more power to you.


The task is done. The alps are going

to hide the gold where you told them.

Did you send the gift to Dragos?

We did, Bey.

And we sent that dog Tara.


They are the wife and child of Mikis.

Are you well?

We are grateful to you, Bey.

God help you.

If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have

gotten out of that cellar alive.

Where is my father? I miss him so much.

Will I be able to see him?

You will, son.

You will.

Go on, Turgut, take them there.

And give them a pouch of gold.

Send two alps with them

to escort them out of Söğüt.

Alright, Bey.

Come on. Come on.

Bamsı, finally

Ertuğrul Bey will have a wedding.

There will be a feast.

With Allah's help, a new hatun

will come to our tribe.

Allah willing. May it bring good, Hafsa.

May it bring good.

But you seem very glad about it.

It's as if it's your wedding.

Why are you so happy? Tell me.

How could I not be happy, Bamsı?

A wedding means a new hatun in the tribe.

A new hatun means Selcan Hatun won't

be the one in charge anymore.

My dear Hafsa.

Don't you know that Selcan Hatun's problem

isn't with being the hatun.

The Mongols have raided her tribe.

They scattered her family.

And she thinks the Umuroğulları

are working with the Mongols.

That's why she's worried.

That's why she doesn't

like the Umuroğulları.

Don't say that, Bamsı.

She's worried because

she'll lose her power. I know it.


Oh, woman. I fought many battles,

I saw all kinds of spies,

so many strong enemies,

but I have never seen

the likes of you women!

Allah, please help us.

Please help us, Allah.

Bey knows best, but

I, too, am uncomfortable about being

relatives with Umuroğulları.

I don't feel good

about this wedding, either.

My problem isn't with being relatives.

It's different.

-Besides, the Umuroğulları and the Mon--


All you talk about is this wedding!

Is it befitting of men

to talk so much, brothers?

We were just talking to each other.

You shouldn't, Osman.

That's enough.

If İlbilge Hatun should be hated,

I would have hated her first.

You both saw what we went through.

But she proved that she wanted justice.

Do you think our father

didn't think about the benefits

and the risks of being relatives

with the Umuroğulları?

For now, I only observe

what is happening now.

That's what everyone should do.

Is that understood?

Head Alp Bamsı

is waiting for us, Süleyman.

-Aren't you ready yet?

-I'm binding my armor.

Will you still be binding it

while the Mongols get away?

Less talk, more work. Go on.




Thank God.



-Are you alright, dear?

-I'm fine, Father. I missed you so much.

So did I, Son.

I missed you a lot, too.

You're free now, Mikis.

Ertuğrul Bey set you free.

You can go anywhere you like

with your wife and your child.

Take this, too.

And don't let us see you in Söğüt again.

The alps will escort you wherever you go.

God bless you.

You saved my family

despite everything I did to you.

I wish it hadn't happened this way.

Stop now. What's done is done.

You can thank your wife and your son.

If Ertuğrul Bey showed you mercy...

it's thanks to your innocent wife and son.

God bless Ertuğrul Bey.

Go on.

You destroyed...

my cellar and my most precious men.

I could've taken your life twice,

but you got away

using tricks both times, Ertuğrul.

But I'll win the third time.

You summoned death yourself.

But you will not die

right after you drink this.

You will die bit by bit,

agonizingly slowly, Ertuğrul.


What fell down?

Bell ringer, I'm talking to you.

What did you drop?

The cork of the sherbet pitcher fell.

I've found it now.


Alps, darkness will fall soon.

I'll go as soon as Ertuğrul Bey arrives.

It's high time we avenged Artuk Bey.

How many people are waiting

in front of the caravansary, Bamsı?

There is a troop of nökers, Süleyman Alp.

A troop of nökers.

We will all wear Mongolian clothes

and go in.

My lions.

My lions.

Come in.

You look very tired.

I brought you some sherbet.

Leave it.

I'll drink it if I want it.

May I come in, Ertuğrul Bey?

Come in, Beybolat Bey.

Welcome. Have a seat.

You can leave, bell ringer.

What happened in the caravansary?

The Mongols shut Emir Bahattin

in the caravansary.

He's probably being tortured right now.

See, Beybolat Bey.

You saw for yourself how he ended up

after collaborating with the Mongols.

They have no pity on anyone.

Who knows

what they'll do to Emir Bahattin.

They said they will skin him

and fill it with gold.

They have weird customs.

You could end up like him.

If you collaborate with them

despite your own power and our customs.

A frontiersman's advice.

I value your advice.

Now, for the other issue.

You asked for my sister İlbilge's hand.

I came here to complete

what was left undone.

Sir, what will you have me do?

Take this letter.

Take it to the Mongolian commander

in the caravansary that we raided.

-No more tricks or plans.

-As you wish, sir. line:%

Let's see how you'll stop the Mongol army

that strikes your tribe like lightning.

Since both you and İlbilge consented...

it's an honor to have become kin...

with the great Kayı Tribe,

and a glorious bey like yourself.

I consent to giving my sister

İlbilge Hatun to you in marriage.

Thank you, Beybolat Bey.

I want it to happen soon, with

a ceremony befitting both our tribes.

So you and I shall be kin.

And our relationship from now on

is going to depend on this kinship.

We must both do whatever is necessary.

I am ready to do whatever

is required of me, Ertuğrul Bey.

Have no fear.

As the decisions you take within

the Umuroğlu Tribe also affect us,

it's vital you always

seek my consent first.

We must ensure there is

cooperation between our tribes.

We will soon have a margrave as kin.

We will make sure to act

as per his wishes.

As long as you don't tarnish this kinship,

we will keep you under our wing.

Then, may this marriage

bring happiness to us all.


I'm parched, Ertuğrul Bey.

Permit me to have a drink.

Please, go ahead.


Don't get in touch with the Mongols

without telling me first, Beybolat Bey.

Your job is collecting taxes.

And you do that under my supervision.

Why else would I contact them,

Ertuğrul Bey?

They will probably get rid of Bahattin.

They might want to reach out to you.

I want to know everything

that happens here.

I'm already chasing down one of their men.

If I can get hold of him,

it will be a huge blow to the Mongols.

Who is it?


A traitor that used a Mongolian sword

to decimate the Turkmen tribes.

Never heard of him.

I'm ready to give you my support

in any way I can, Ertuğrul Bey.

-May I excuse myself?

-Go ahead.

Bamsı and our men are lying in wait

close to the caravansary,

waiting for us to carry out the att*ck.

They crept in right

under our noses, Turgut.

They att*cked so many of us,

including Artuk Bey.

It's time for those slithering snakes

to be hunted by the soaring eagles.

Let's go.

I was this close to stabbing you to death.

I was going to drench

the whole room in your blood.

I was going to turn you

into minced meat, like this.

Chop you up so finely.

Your death would have given me

so much pleasure.

I'd have taken my time k*lling you.

I wanted to slice you up, Ertuğrul,

and thoroughly enjoy your death.

But that damned man got in my way.

Damn him!

Have you ever stabbed a man, bell-ringer?

Welcome, sir. Welcome.

I asked you a question.

Have you ever stabbed a man?


I haven't, sir. I'm a poor bell-ringer,

how would I know how?

Cutting down a man is nothing like

cutting up the meat of a lamb.

First, you slice open their jugular.

As the blood starts pouring,

your bloodlust is soothed.

And if your sword is sharp enough,

you can keep slicing

right down to the bone.

I've cut down many men.

Want to know what kind I k*lled most?

Who, sir?

Those who defied my orders.

Those who failed to keep their promises.

I told you to get me information.

But you... failed to keep your promise.

Where is my information?


-I didn't forget about my promise.

It's just that there is

no information to give.

I'd tell you otherwise, wouldn't I?

How is that possible when this place

is simmering with trouble?

Ertuğrul struck a deal at

the heathen's castle then returned.

What was the deal, bell-ringer?

I will forget about you not telling me,

if you tell me who was involved?

I don't know, sir. How would I know?


It's your job to know, did you forget?

To find out who knows what...

and then tell me.

What was the deal about? What else

is Ertuğrul hiding? Find out everything.

And then tell me everything. Got it?

Yes. Understood, sir.

If you don't, I will lay you on this board

and cut you to pieces.

What's this now? I'm famished.

Get me a nice, juicy apple.

It may ease my cravings.

Here, sir.

Sir, if you could please

give me something to warm my heart.

Of course.

Open your hand.

That's your reward.

Consider the fact you're not lying there

instead of that lamb your reward.

And don't forget to bring me news.

Yes, sir.

Your time will come, too, Beybolat.

Your time will come.

-You're right. You're right, but--

-What are my brave men doing here?

You know what my father has done,

Grandmother. We were talking about that.

Can you talk to him? He doesn't get it,

no matter how much I try.

Come, let's sit down.

Tell me now, my wolf-eyed Osman.

What's worrying you?

I think of you as a mother, Grandmother.

I have known no other.

Whenever I woke in the night or was sick,

it was always you by my side, no one else.

How can I accept some other woman

as my mother?

How your grandmother loves you.

I'm still here, son.

I will still be by your side.

You see, your father remained

unmarried all these years

because he was buried under so much work.

But he never neglected you.

Why would he choose to marry again after

all those years if he didn't need to?

Why would he do something

if he thought you might be hurt by it?

Tomorrow is a new day.

And you two, as the worthy sons

of your father,

shall wait patiently.

By God's command,

and the prophet's word,

I would like to marry İlbilge Hatun.

Of course, that is only if she consents.

I consent.

I accept Ertuğrul Bey's proposal.


What's my beautiful sister

doing here all alone?

I've been waiting for you, Brother.


And what is causing you

to frown like this?

I heard that my sister İlbilge

went to see Ertuğrul Bey.

Who knows what they talked about!

That is not your concern,

let them talk all they want.

We will play such a fine game,

it will be sharper

than a sword and thinner than a hair.

But tell me something first.

Are you still with me,

the way you have always been?

Even if the blue sky were

to break into pieces and fall,

I would never leave your side, brother.

Tell me what you want

and I will consider it an order.

Listen carefully now and remember it.

I suspect Ertuğrul is plotting something

that will prove damaging to the state.

The Mongols are after something important.

The job of finding out what that is

has been given to me.

If we succeed,

we will rule this land alone.

What can I do, Brother?

You know I hoped you would marry

Ertuğrul and infiltrate their camp.

But the situation has changed.

Ertuğrul has asked for

İlbilge's hand in marriage.

And you need to accept this marriage

if we're going to succeed.

Brother, how can you ask that of me?

Do you know how much I berated my sister?

She walked all over you,

and disregarded our traditions.

And you say you will reward that

by realizing her wish?

Even I had to force myself

to accept this, Sırma.

Think about what we are striving for.

And what is it that? Tell me if you know.

For the good of our tribe, as is our duty.

It is vital for our mission.

If we fail, the Mongols will ensure

not a single one of us is left alive.

They will slaughter us all.

Do you understand, Sister?

Treat İlbilge

as if everything is all right.

That way, you will be able to move

freely among the Kayı tribe...

and carry out whatever orders I give you.

As you wish, Brother.

Now, let me just give her my decision,

and the game will be on.


Am I feeling this way because

I haven't eaten meat since this morning?

There is a letter for you, sir.

I wonder what the order is this time.

It was Ertuğrul who k*lled your nökers

and stole your gold.

He was one of the few men who knew

where you would gather the gold.

He made a deal to share the gold with us,

but he betrayed us,

and took off with everything.

If you don't believe me,

inv*de Söğüt with your army.

You will find your stolen gold there.

Commander Dragos.




May I enter, Brother?

Come, İlbilge.

Did you send for me?

I've considered Ertuğrul's request.

It would be pointless to make

you marry him if you don't want to.

Everything Ertuğrul Bey and I do,

we do for the good of our tribes.

As such, we have made a decision.

For the good fortune of

both of our tribes, it is important...

that we knot the closest bond of kinship.

Establishing a blood relationship

is vital.

By doing so, we will stop all those

who seek to separate and weaken us.

Two tightly interlocking tribes

are stronger than one standing alone.

That is why...

I want you to marry Ertuğrul Bey.

This is for the best, Sister.

I've no doubt you will represent

the Umuroğullar tribe well.

May you have many children.

Bear many soldiers

and thrive with your daughters.

Amen, God willing.

I will not tarnish the name of our tribe.

I will not let you down.

Are you quite well, Brother?

You are sweating, are you sick?

I'm fine, I'm fine.

I'm just tired of all this.

At times, I spoke cruelly to you.

At times, I broke your heart.

Will you give me your blessings?

Of course, Brother,

but what are you talking about?

İlbilge, whatever I did...

I did it for our tribe.


Brother, open your eyes!

Pull yourself together. Yınal!

-What's wrong with you?


Bey! Bey!

What happened? Bey!

Get the healers.

Send word to Artuk Bey. Go!

Hold on, Bey!

That Dragos bastard sent a letter.

Turns out it was Ertuğrul

who stole the gold.

I told you so.

In that case, why didn't you stop it?

How could I possibly foresee

that he'd manage to pull off such a feat?

I told you to keep an eye on Ertuğrul.

You were responsible for the caravansary.

But here is Ertuğrul,

attacking my caravansary.

All because of your stupidity.

Or are you, by any chance,

associated with Ertuğrul?

You let him in here.

Dragos stole the gold.

What did you get out of it?

I don't know

what you're talking about, sir.

You know I'd never do something like that.

Then how did they manage to steal

the gold you were protecting?


let me go and I will make sure

they're punished for what they've done.

I'm going to take my armies to Söğüt

and burn the place down.

I don't need you, Bahattin.

I've no need for you anymore.

You're relieved of guard duty, soldiers.

-Where are you going?

-To see Bahattin.

Who are you?

Ertuğrul, son of Süleyman Shah.

We're under att*ck!

What's all that noise?

Go and check. See if the men

have drunk too much.

Ertuğrul, drop your w*apon.

Come and get it.

k*ll him!

We're under att*ck!

-What att*ck? Who is it?



If you don't go to him,

he always comes and finds you.

You conspired with him to betray us!


Bahattin! Don't die.

Don't die. I need to know one thing.

Who is Albastı?


Bahattin, don't die. Bahattin! Don't die.

The Mongols never showed you any mercy.

At least, do something right

before you die.

Who is the Albastı who massacred

the Turkish tribes? Tell me, Bahattin!

Don't die. Bahattin, don't die.