01x18 - Dirilis Için

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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01x18 - Dirilis Için

Post by bunniefuu »

Thank you, despite everything, Kurdoglu.

What if you were late?

God has spared our Bey’s life to us ,
Deli Demir. The rest is not important.


What will you do now?
Will you come with us to Aleppo?

No, I have to return. I cannot leave
the tribe alone in a migration journey.

You are with our Shah, Deli Demir.
I know he is in good hands.

Thank you.

See you in Aleppo.

This is Turgut’s axe!

And this is Shahzada’s necklace.

Why do you have them, my Bey?

Sit down.

I will tell you everything.



...do not let yourself down.

Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet.

Alright, my lad?

I am fine, Turgut Aga.
I am only a bit tired.

That’s my lad!

Why did you chain up the Shahzada?
Unchain him now.

My Shahzada, your cap.

Have some water.

These crass savages have been tactless.
Having a Shahzada like you...

...breath the same air
with a shepherd is shameful.

Would you like me to wash your face,
my Shahzada?

I am Cardinal Thomas.
I come from the Papacy.

I am always ready to assist you.

I couldn’t sleep a wink because of the cruelty
that those miserable men deemed proper for you.

I have arranged a special room for you.

I would be very pleased to host you and serve you...

...as much as I can befittingly for your royal blood.

What about Turgut Aga?

Do not worry about him.
They will take good care of him.

Shall we go, my Shahzada? Please.


...we have another big trouble
awaiting us.

It is obvious that the things I told
Sahabeddin has not been heard by El Aziz.

Today El Aziz,
tore off the agreement saying that...

...there is plague in our tribe.

This means that the caravans
don’t have a home to migrate to.

Aleppo! Aleppo! May the ground split
and take you in, Aleppo!

This is not the time to cry and frown.

I understand that Sahabeddin fell victim
to a plot of the Templars.

Otherwise he would not have left me
alone in that palace no matter what.

What do you propose, Ertugrul Bey?
What is on your mind?

We have to learn
what happened to Sahabeddin.

The vizier is the only person
who can help us reach Yigit and Turgut...

...as well as solve
this issue of our homeland.

We cannot leave him to the mercy of
the Crusader infidels.

Where are we going?

We are going to watch a ceremony where
youngsters like you turn to real heroes.



...and The Holy Spirit.



...and The Holy Spirit.

Have they become Alps now?

They have become invincible warriors,
more powerful and braver than the Alps.

My governess...

...I am really worried about my uncle.

Can he be in some sort of trouble?

You are not hiding anything
from me, are you?

My beautiful girl,
when did I ever hide anything from you?

Do not worry. I sent the maids.

We will get good news from
our vizier soon, if God permits.

If God permits, governess.

Look, whatever the news,
you shall tell me the truth. Promise me.

Leila, do not worry.
I told you that I would.

Promise me, governess.

God give me patience. Alright. I promise.

Do not be sad, Esma.

We set out a trap but could not succeed.

I did not realize that the infidels were
within us and they held my nephew...

...in their hands.

Who do you suspect, my Effendi?

I did not consider him at first but...


Do not be scared. Do not be afraid.

My brave Esma. There is no one but you
that I can trust in this palace.

What can I do for you, my Effendi?

Just order.

You need to find someone
and bring him here for me.

His name is Ertugrul.

My uncle.

Did she bring the news?

Calm down, Leila. You will get ill.

I am calm, governess. You promised me.

You shall tell me straight up.

Is my uncle well?

Vizier Sahabeddin has been arrested.

He will stand a trial.

Who did this and why?

Leila, calm down.

Your brother.

Your uncle was arrested on
the orders of your brother Ameer El Aziz.

Leila, Leila.

You need to be calm. Come and sit here.

Come on, my girl.

Calm down. You need to be calm.

Brother. I have to see my brother.

Governess, I have to save my uncle.

Do I understand you correctly?

This man called you beardless...

...and you got angry.

Yes, your highness.

But you are a beardless man.
Why do you get angry?

Anyway, you tell me.

-Your highness, this beardless man came...
-That is not appropriate.

In my presence, in the presence of
Ameer of Aleppo, El Aziz...

...you shall both watch your manners.
Now talk.

My Effendi, this man came and...

...plucked my beard, Efendi.

Is that all?

-Yes, your highness?

Take them both to the dungeon.

They shall stay in the dungeon
until the beardless man grows a beard.

When the beardless man grows a beard,
the man whose beard was plucked...

...shall pluck the beard of beardless man
to exercise the right to eye for an eye.

And this problem shall be solved.

-Let me go, your highness!
-Let me go! I beg you, let me go!

-Please spare us.
-Let me go! Have mercy on us!

Nasir? Are these real?

Or did you arrange
this visit day to entertain me?

Please know that I have no contribution
at all, your highness.

Your subjects came to take refuge
in your justice.

My dear Nasir...

...why didn’t you tell me that
these state issues are so boring.

Your highness.

Leila Sultan.

I do not understand.
What happened to Leila Sultan?

She is not well. They're waiting for you.

I have just seen Sahabeddin.

He suspects you.

Peace be upon you.

My dear Afsin Bey.

When they said that they saw you in the
streets of Aleppo, I did not believe them.

So the youngsters realized that
I was following them.

You raised them well.

But I am surprised. Is there anyone
left who knows me?


Your fame precedes you, Afsin Bey.

And the ones who don’t know,
we tell what a valiant man you are.

Do not say that.

But we used to commemorate you
as a hero who was martyred.

But I see that you are still alive.
We were just telling some legends then.

Is there any news about
the wise man in Ahlat, Aykutluk.

It’s been a long time since I visited Ahlat.

But the news we received is not nice.

They say that the path taken
by the Seljuk dynasty is not right.

Taking Sultan Aladdin from the Konya
palace and burning down the rest...

...would not be a sin, they say.
I do not know what will happen.

It’s thought that it gets darker and darker
when a cloud covers the crescent, Aykutluk.

But it all needs a wind.

The crescent shall shine again,
you can be rest assured about that.

Anyway, I want something else from you.

Listen to me carefully.

Whisper everyone in the streets of Aleppo.

We need to learn
the fate of Vizier Sahabeddin.

Thank you.

Leila? My sister?

Brother, where is our uncle?

The starry night of Aleppo, Leila.

Why do you worry, my dear sister?

He hasn’t been visiting me for days.

He never neglected me before.

Are the things I heard true?

My Leila.

The ache of my heart.

Why are you worried about my uncle?

He is busy with state affairs.
He will visit you soon.

Tell me the truth, brother!
Are the things I heard true?

Is my uncle in prison?

When a slight breeze passes,
you tremble like a dry leaf.

Your innocent heart cannot bear
the ugliness of the world.

You would be bedridden
like a wilting rose.

My precious sister...

...do not worry about our uncle.
-Brother. Is it true?

Our uncle Sahabeddin...

...engaged in things not befitting to him.

what you heard is true, my sister.

I do not believe that.

How can you believe such a thing?

Our uncle would never attempt a bad thing.

You are mistaken, my innocent sister.

Our precious uncle...

...our wise vizier...

...collaborated with the K*llers
of our father, the Knights Templar.

Leila, Leila.


Leila! Leila!

I told your request to our people,
Afsin Bey. We will hear something soon.

Shall we drink some sherbet
and rest until then?


Tell me, my Sultan.

Do not worry about me.

I will be fine.

I know.

But it hurts me when I see you in pain.

You risked your own life to save me.

What if something happened to you?

But it did not. I am fine.

When I opened my heart to you that day...

...you denied it. You are ready to
sacrifice yourself but...

...you refrain from
telling me what is in your heart.

When a person knows that she cannot
come together with her earthly love...

...then she wishes to come together
with her divine love.

Ertugrul you always told me the truth.

I beg you not to hide
the truth from me now.

I know it is not a good sign
that they are so delayed.

Is there any news about Yigit and Turgut,

-Tell me the truth, Ertugrul.

Did something happen to my brother?

The Templars...

...took them as prisoners.


Yigit must be devastated. Ertugrul...

Ertugrul, I beg you, save Yigit.

I promise you, Halime.
I will bring your brother back to you.


We will cause a bit of discomfort...

...but considering the long time
we will spend together...

...it’s the best to keep your claws under control.

-Where did you take the boy?
-Don’t you worry about him.

You can be rest assured that
we will look after him very well.

He is an innocent boy.
What do you want from him?

Do whatever you want to do to me!

Why do you think that we treat him badly?

Cardinal Thomas who came here
is looking after him personally.

You should have seen them while
they were watching the knights.

Our little prince had a glitter,
like Jesus’s poor warriors in his eyes.

Welcome, my princess.

Where is Elanora?

Why didn’t my sister come out to greet me?

Your highness, Ustad is waiting for you.

He shall inform you about
this matter as well.


My dear niece.

You are here at last.

I missed you very much, dear uncle.

But my sweet sister is still
nowhere to be seen.

Didn’t she miss me?

But she was urging me to come as soon as
possible in the letter she wrote to me.

Where is Elanora, uncle?

-I am here, Leila.

Close the curtains, governess.
There is too much light inside.

My dear girl...

...if you could get up and walk a bit,
if you could eat something...

...you would regain your strength.

You did not eat anything the whole day.
I am really worried about you, Leila.

Close the curtains, governess.

Is there any news, Afsin Bey?

What is his situation?

The news is not very good, Ertugrul Bey.

Sahabeddin Tugrul has been arrested.
He is in the dungeons of Aleppo.

What is the reason?

What is he accused of?

The accusation is not known, Ertugrul Bey.

But yesterday Chief of Guard Nasir
and Melik El Aziz were seen...

...taking something out.

There was a maid from
the palace with them as well.

It might be something to do
with the vizier.

Are you better now, Isadora?

How did it happen, uncle?

How did my beautiful sister die?

You know that...

...Elanora never accepted
his father’s death.

But she was getting more obsessed
with this idea recently.

Maybe she mentioned this to you
in her letters.

Mad girl.

She had this mad idea that your father
was being held in the dungeon.

She was insistent on going there
and made ridiculous excuses.

But she was stubborn to see that
the dungeons were very dangerous for her.

I forbid her to go there.


...a day when I was not in the castle...

Did she go down the dungeon?

One of the ferocious convicts...

...in the hope of that he might escape...

...k*lled our innocent Elanora.

-Is that convict still alive?

He was ex*cuted,
just like the guards who let her go in.

Elanora’s death was avenged
in a suitable manner.

She is obedient, my Effendi.

But she is clever too.

One of the most beautiful girls
we have, my Effendi.

-How is this one?
-She can stay.

Yes, a pure beauty.

Words are not enough
to describe her beauty.

She is intelligent, skillful, educated.

She has a beautiful voice as well.

She can sing, recite poems
and dances well.

Anyone watching her is captivated by her.

You can arrange the rest.

You know how this axe is made, right?


I know it well.

A bunch of steel is forged to
become an axe after a long process.


...do you know how a miner makes the ore
and a leather man makes the leather?

Without that difficult process,
the piece of leather you are wearing...

...would be nothing but some dirt.

If it wasn’t b*rned in fire, the mine of the sword would not be different from the stone in the mountains.

And you, Ertugrul...

...do you know what would happen
if you weren’t tested?

It’s not only about my test.

My friends,
my battle comrades, my family...

...my tribe that trusts me.
The vizier who wanted to help me.

They are all in great difficulties
because of me.

The pain caused by this
is burning my soul.

Existence is a school, son.

Everyone is a student.

And God is the only Teacher.

He reveals His characters in order to test us.

However, the suffering and grief...

...and also the trouble and mercy
come from Him.

Everyone has their own test.

We need to be the ones who pass the test
by fighting themselves, son.

Then you become the greatest warrior
and the greatest hero.

Is it also a part of the test to wait
without doing nothing?

God likes reliance on Him, son,
but not unwariness.

If your brother is in difficulty...

...searching for the ways to save him
from there...

...without forgetting the existence of God;
that means reliance on God.

Come on, get up.
Test of a valiant is not easy.

And a valiant should not stop.

Her room.

-If you don’t want to stay here...
-On the contrary, I want to stay here.

You are very tired.
Rest well tonight, Isadora.

Good night, my girl.

Good night.

My Bey...

...I am the private maid of
Vizier Sahabeddin Tugrul.

My name is Esma, he sent me here.

How can I be sure that Sahabeddin sent you?

He told me to say “a man’s word is said
directly to a man’s face” and that...

...you would know, my Bey.
He wants to speak with you, face to face.

All state matters are left to you,
your highness.

And I thought that you have
a right to enjoy life a bit.

I hope I didn’t exceed my authority.

God is the Greatest.

How will you take me in?

There is a secret passage that goes
to the dungeons. My vizier told me.

We will slip through there
without anyone realizing.
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