01x03 - Av, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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01x03 - Av, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Bey, dinner is ready. Come to the table.

Dundar, come on, come to the table, son.

I will come as soon as
I finish this, mother.

Always be like that, my boy.
Finish the job at hand first.

-Yes, mother?

-Bring the molasses, my girl.
-Yes, mother.

Where is Gundogdu?

He went to check the shepherds,
he will come in a few minutes.

Put another plate on the table.
For Sungurtekin.

If he comes back one day, he should know
that his place is ready at the table.

Come on then. Why is Gundogdu late?

He will come, mother.

In the name of God.

Well, son? You returned with a big hunt.

Something like that, Bey.

What kind of luck is this, brother?
You are like a lightning pulling tree.

You attract all kinds of trouble
to yourself.

The innocents were under att*ck.
We did what we could do.

Who are they? Where do they come from?

They were captured by the crusaders.
The man is a trader.

The crusaders must be from
Antioch Countship.

Knights don’t freely transport captives
in the Seljuk territory.


What I mean is, the Seljuks must
know about these prisoners.

There were no Seljuk soldiers with them.

Sooner or later, the kind of trouble
you called will be revealed, Ertugrul.

What should have I done, brother?
Turn my back and leave?

Both of you stop talking.
Host them in a way worthy of our tribe.

We will see what the future holds.

It is over, father. You are saved.
You will be healed.

-Do we have permission?
-Come in, Bey.

How is he?

It is up to God from now on.

With your permission.

Come in, Aykiz.


Turgut’s sweetheart.

I wanted to ask whether
you need anything or not.

Thank you.

-We have been a big burden on you.
-Don’t say that.

Bamsi Beyrek and Dogan are preparing their
tent for you, you can stay there tonight.


...should stay with my father.

Rest a bit tonight. You look very tired.

Your father will need you more
when he wakes up tomorrow.

Don’t worry, I will stay with your father.

Bey, how did you let the boil get so big?

We carry so many problems
on our backs, Hayme.

Will we be afraid of one this small?

If you had crushed its head when it was
small, it would have been long gone.

The jackals used to live in the mountains,
now they are inside our tribe.

They wait for my slightest
mistake to att*ck.

I hide it so that they don’t know
about my weakness.

It is better to bite your lip
and sit with pain...

...rather than giving them
something to talk about.

At least, you should have told Akcakoca.

I did, woman, I did.
He is preparing an ointment to cure me.

We will put in on at night,
if God permits.

What happened?
Are you thinking about our guests?

I don’t know what kind of
a smoky candle this wick has lit.

-Did you wear it?

-How is it?
-It is beautiful, Aykiz.

Let me see.

Dear God. You look like a queen
from a palace, Halime.

You look so beautiful.

What happened? Did I say something wrong?

No. I just found it strange
for you to say that.

Wait, let us put the head piece as well.

Turgut Alp got this for me.

Dear God! Why did you give it to me then?

Because I knew that it would suit you.
Let me see?

I was right.

When is your wedding?

After we migrate from this moorland,
if God permits.

Isn’t it very hard to be
the wife of an Alp?

If his heart is b*ating for me,
who cares how hard it is?

The only thing I want is for him
to be back safe and sound.

As long as there is no death.

-Shall we braid your hair, if you want?

Do you have a man in your life?

After my mother d*ed, the only thing
that was in my life was being a mother...

...to my brother Yigit and
be a companion to my father.

-Anyway, which man would want...
-Are you out of your mind?

Men would fight, they would turn
the world upside down for you.

When was the last time
you looked at yourself in a mirror?


Isn't he the brother of
the infidel called Titus?

Yes, sir. Bisol.

Send these bodies to the Templars.

We will be dealing with Titus as well now.

You! You! Come here!

Load this one on a horse.

-Which tribe does this seal belong to?
-Kayi tribe, sir.

So they are Kayis.

If they are with Suleyman Shah,
our job is very difficult.

Could that shepherd head
resist the Seljuk?

-May you have a good morning, Ertugrul.
-You too.

I brought you some food.

You did not need to bother, Gokce Baci.

-How is our wounded guest?
-Fine. He should be up in a few days.

If God permits. May God give him health
and hope he does not bring any trouble.

I will be back in a while and
we can go to the weaving area.

Alright, Aykiz.

Is my father better, Ertugrul Bey?

Yes, much better.

You will see when you go in.

His fever has gone down. We can take him
to your tent tonight, if God permits.

Did you see the girl?

She already has Ertugrul
eating from her hands.

You can only see him
in your dreams from now on.

Did you sleep well?

It has been years since
I slept so peacefully.

In the forest you said Templars.


Who are they?

An order that fights for Jerusalem.

They are very strong and ruthless.

Their only aim is to take revenge
on Jerusalem.

If they are so strong,
what did they want from you?

-Is this the Seljuk territory?

Do you have an issue
with the Seljuks, Halime?

Not at all. What issue can
the great Seljuks have with us?


-What is wrong with you, my girl?
-Nothing, father. I didn’t see it.

But you can still say
what you want to say, right?

A thing cannot become reality just because
you want it very much. I learned this.

From whom?

We were going to get married with Turgut
after the migration, we yearned for it.

The winter is knocking at our door and
we still don’t know where we will go to.

I understand.
You are as impatient as your late mother.

Take a look around you. Can we survive
the winter on a mountain this high?

Why do you think we have headquarters?
Why do all the neighboring Beys come to...

...our Suleyman Shah’s marquee?

We will sit, we will talk and
we will solve this matter, if God permits.

Don’t you worry about it.
We should not be late.

My dear sweet girl, Aykiz.

They will be gathering for headquarters,
Kurdoglu. Nobody knows what to do.

We will get over this, with God’s help.

Kurdoglu, the mountain is silent,
the rivers don’t babble anymore...

...we have no rain.
We are stranded in this moorland.

If we don’t move quickly our herds
will perish, our babies will die.

Well? What is on your minds?

A horse neighs according to its owner,
Kurdoglu. Our warning is to you.

Weigh in on the decisions.

Suleyman Shah is weak.
He can’t even ride a horse now.

In other words, Kurdoglu...

...horse belongs to who rides it,
sword belongs to who gird it.


I came to Akcakoca to get
some healing herbs.

He is out. Tell me what you want,
I will bring them to you, mother.

No, I will come and pick them up later.

Our guest.

Numan Bey’s daughter. Halime.

Welcome to our tribe, my girl.
How is your father, did he recover?

-I am glad. May God heal him.

Our tents are always open for you.
If you have a problem, do not hesitate...

...come and tell me immediately, alright?
-May God bless you, Hayme Hanim.

Not on the ground, not in the air...

...only in the hearts of
devoted believers...

...the One that creates,
makes all creation one...

...in the name of God,
most Merciful and most Graceful.

Between the blue skies and dark ground,
let our blood, our clan, our tribe...

...our homes, our sons, our daughters...

...be united, be free, be keen.

In the presence of our most just Bey,
may we bless our headquarters.


In the 99 names of our Great God,
Who creates with only saying “let be”...

...Who fills our hearts with belief.
In the name of God.

Thank you.

My beys, my warriors,
the leaders of my clans.

Welcome and be blessed.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

Thank God that before we set on the road
to sell our goods, a trader has come.

I say that we sell our goods
to this trader at prime value...

...and save from the travel expenses.

That would be fine
if our only problem was the goods.

We don’t have any pastures left
to graze our stock.

They cannot drink water, cannot give milk.
They are all starving to death.

We need to find a solution immediately.

I also see the despair. We sent messengers
to all beys in the region.

We asked for a territory
but famine is everywhere.

Moreover, Turkmen tribes running away
from the Mongol invasion are everywhere.

What shall we do, shall we draw our swords
against our brothers for a pasture?

Is God’s merciful treasure is closed, Bey?
We have been camping here for months.

We cannot find a solution.
When did Kayis became so desperate?

-Isn’t there anywhere for us to go?
-If we cannot find a solution...

...how can we sustain our tribe?

Since when have we forgotten God,
the Bringer of Prosperity.

Our souls are kneaded with patience.

Whatever he blesses us with,
we should be happy.

We learned what patience is by traveling
without a home, Wild Demir.

Our wish is that our descendants don’t
wonder about without a home as well...

...don’t tell us what patience is.

When did I ever leave you without clothes
or food, for you to worry so much?

Never, Bey. I did not mean like that.

Bey, you never let us go bare or hungry.
At the same time we never let you be...

...without soldiers or weapons.

Bey, we say that we should find
a new home and migrate from here.

-To where?
-Anywhere where our sheep can live.

Let us go back to our forefathers’ lands.
They say the Mongols are getting weaker.

Whoever says this is a liar! The Mongol
bandits are like hungry wolf packs.

Didn’t anyone think of a solution, Bey?


I heard that Ameer of Aleppo, El Aziz is
gathering an army against the crusaders.

What do you have in mind, my nephew?

I say that, we should send
an envoy to Ameer of Aleppo, El Aziz.

He should say, “you give us a home,
we shall give you soldiers with weapons.”

This way we can fight with the crusaders
to become veterans and at the same time...

...we could have a place we can call home.


We should act at once, Bey.

Since when do we give a decision
before I say the last word?

I am sorry, Bey.

Do you accept Gundogdu’s suggestion, Agas?

-We accept.

I find it suitable as well.
May it be prosperous, if God permits.

-If God permits.
-If God permits.

Who will go as the envoy, Bey?


Suleyman Shah, some tactless people in
your tribe has put a smear in our honor.

The honor of the Sultan who gave a home
to my tribe is my honor, Karatoygar.

What did we do to dishonor
Sultan Aladdin and his commander?

This axe came out of the man you k*lled.

-Did you forget the axe there?
-I did.

You ambushed an ambassador regiment
and slaughtered their knights.

As if that was not enough,
you kidnapped the three prisoners...

...the regiment was taking to the Sultan.
Give back those prisoners.

You talk like you don’t know
our customs, Karatoygar!

We do not hand over guests
who have come to our tribe.

Especially if they are wounded.

I came here as the representative
of the Seljuk Sultan.

You have to obey my orders as if they are
coming out of the Sultan’s mouth.

Or else, you know what would happen,
Suleyman Shah.

We live and die with our customs,

We know that the Sultan is ruling
the state but he would...

...put his forefather Oguz’s
customs first, then sit on his throne.

You cannot have a sultan from a man
who doesn’t know customs and tradition.

You cannot be a Bey or a man!

And we would not have anything to do
with someone who is not a man!

You should know this as
a commander of the Great Seljuk.

This was my last word.

You can go now.

We asked you nicely, Suleyman Shah.
You have two days.

If you don’t give them,
we know how to come and get them.

Don’t oppose the Seljuk.

You know what would happen otherwise.

-What is my father trying to do?
-He is too old to know what he is doing.

I told you that it would all be revealed
soon. This is only the beginning.

Stay here.

Seljuk Sultan Aladdin Kayqubad’s
first assistant.

Commander of Haremzshahs.

Right hand man of the Khalifa, Omar.

Now all the Muslim world shall
cry out revenge.

Then it will be the turn of the Papacy.


Who did this?

They ambushed the regiment
who was taking the prisoners.

I said who?


But we don’t know who.


You caused all this!

Don’t shout at me, brother.

When will you stop being a stubborn brat?
You don’t care for anyone.

Not your father, nor your tribe!

What would have you done?

What would have you done?
Would you turn away and go?

The Gundogdu I know is not
that kind of a man.

The Gundogdu I know would not
step on justice or fairness.

Justice. Fairness.
What justice? What fairness?

Look at the state of this tribe!
It is cracking up!

Hunger is all around us! Winter is coming
and we don’t even know where to go!

The animals are starving to death.

Justice. Fairness. Open your eyes!

Open your eyes! Look around you!

Right in the middle of the headquarters!

Look at what you did when matters of
life or death were discussed.

How will this tribe stand strong,
Ertugrul? How?

Forgive me, father.
I could not protect him.

I could not.

I could not.

The world is not left to anyone,
let alone us, Aktolgali.

What should a man live for,
in this world of lies?

What should he ride to?
What should he gird his sword for?

Why should he have a home?

Why do we have states, customs or homes?

The tyrant is going to make the sky fall
on us if we don’t give him the guests.

Wouldn’t the sky fall on us if we do?

If we don’t give them,
my father will be in trouble.

What should I do, Aktolgali?

For a world where we cannot
even command one breath...

...are we going to give up?
Are we going to submit to the tyrant?

Won’t our customs fall silent then?

Won’t our fire burn out then?

Right, Aktolgali?

Karatoygar is a big tyrant.
He would do everything in his power.

Aleppo was a good thought, Gundogdu.
You showed everyone your intelligence...

...as well as the next Bey
when the time comes.

We need to get rid of this Karatoygar
from our backs.

When my father says “customs”
he never backs down.

Ertugrul, look at the problems
you created for us.

We need to convince my father. If we
convince him, Ertugrul would back down.

You talk like you don’t know your father.

He would not give them even
if the sky fell down.

What will we do then?

Your father told me that he will
send me to Karatoygar as an envoy.

I will do anything that is required.

Ertugrul Bey.

Do you have time?

What happened? Is there a problem?

No. This is something else.

I am listening.

I heard that Karatoygar came.
He wanted us.

-Yes, he did.
-Don’t put your tribe in danger for us.

We can take care of ourselves.

My father is getting better.
We can leave within two days.

Even if all the world were against us,
we would not deliver you to those tyrants.

If you get in a fight with Karatoygar,
there would be consequences.

Don’t worry.
We Kayis know how to handle all hardships.

What’s up?

I cannot sleep, mother.

Sit down.

What do you dwell on now?

I fell into a fire, mother.
I fell right in the middle of it.

I would not mind if I got burnt alone,
but I threw the whole tribe into fire.

When you were at the point of falling,
did you know that it would come to this?

Whether you would be facing
those infidel bandits...

...or that said commander being allies
with the crusaders?

Could you have closed your eyes and
turned your back to the...

-...cries of that gazelle eyed beauty?
-How could I, mother?

You could not. You would not, my son.
You could not.

You couldn’t have known that it would
come to this when you went hunting...

...that you would be throwing
the whole tribe into fire with yourself.

You threw us in.

Yes, you did.

The fire can burn a dough
and turn it into ash...

...or it may cook the dough into bread.

It was He who took you to
that place you fell.

You don’t have the right to protest
His decision, nor does the tribe.

This is a test from the Great God.
In this test we can either turn to ash...

...or transform into bread. So don’t
listen to those whispers inside you...

...or to the presumptuous people
inside the tribe.

Become a soldier of our customs and stand
strong behind your father’s decisions.

May God never take you or
my father away from leading us.

May God protect you, my son.

Come on, take this water and
put it to your father’s side.

I brought you water, father.

Give me some.

I should have been there instead of you.

I will fight until the blood of
the ones who did this to you is dried up.

I will fight until the last one of
them is in a grave.

You will be revenged, my brother.
I promise you.

If God won’t be by my side on this path,
I will turn to devils.

I will bring hell upon the Turkmens.

I will be their wrath until the day I die.

I promise you.

Forgive me, father.

That was it, Ilyas Fakih.
I didn’t know how to interpret this dream.

But a lump of fire has been burning
inside me since last night.

There are two options, Bey.

First one is, hard times await us.

The second is...

...this may be a spiritual order on
who will be your successor.
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