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01x02 - Kevin Jensen

Posted: 09/18/23 19:09
by bunniefuu
Kevin! Mrs.

Salib, I'm I'm so sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if can I know, it's so early, and I hate to ask, but I-I have a big meeting this morning, and I didn't have a chance to get to the store, so Mrs.

Salib, you are a lifesaver.

Something's wrong.

I was supposed to meet my source at Hamdi Market last night.

He didn't show.

I tried.

He's not picking up his phone.

Okay, they're following me.

Police! Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t.


I'm a I'm a I'm a journalist.


Jensen, welcome to Tariq Prison.

I suggest you make yourself at home.

My name is Commander Bahar.

I'll be overseeing your interrogation.

Interrogation? No, no, wait, listen.

I don't know who you think I am We know exactly who you are.

Kevin Jensen, journalist.

Yes, reporter.


I'm an international correspondent for the Empire Times in New York.

I'm in Kyrkistan to cover, objectively cover, what some people are saying human rights violations by yo As you can see, I've been reading your work.

Stories about oppressed students in China missing mustard gas stolen by extremists in Libya.

All very convincing.

But also a lie.

You say you come here to report.

This is true.

But not as a journalist for an American paper.

As an operative for the CIA.

Come on, you don't really believe that.

Go ahead.

Call my editor.

I I have a degree from the School of Journalism at Boston University.

I I want a lawyer.

And I want a phone call.

And I assert the rights afforded to the press by the humanitarian law set forth by article four I don't care about the government's policy, Walter.

We're talking about my son.

If there's a way to pay for his release then look into it, Walter.

We should be exploring every option.

That was the family lawyer.

He's skiing in Aspen.

Meryl, I am so sorry.


Kevin's paper's been fantastic.

I spoke with the editor in chief.

She promises to use every resource at her disposal.

What's the State Department saying? Their intelligence confirms he's being charged with espionage.

Kevin's not a spy, Scottie.

You know him as well as anyone.

And I don't understand.

Don't they have to tell us what evidence they're relying on? No.

Not in their system.

There's no formal arraignment, no written charges, no right to counsel.

But he will get a trial.

If you can call it that.

There are no witnesses called.

He won't be allowed to make statements.

Generally, the judge just reviews the government's case in chambers and reaches a verdict.

- When will that happen? - I don't know.

They won't give notice.

Could be a day, could be a few years.

The man I spoke with, uh, his name is Jerry Langsfeld.

- He - He's the Undersecretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights.

He said State was working with the FBI, doing everything they can.

I told him you can send a Blackhawk with a SEAL team and go get my kid.

That's what you could do.

Let me get you some water.

"That won't be possible.

" That's what he said.

Like I'd asked him if Tuesday was good for dinner.

Jerry is a nice guy, but he's not calling the sh*ts.

There are others I can reach out to.

Thank you.

I'm just Kevin loves you so much.

And I don't know what I'd do without you.



I'll get him back.

Welcome, players.

For those of you joining our game in progress, today, we'll be talking about Kyrkistan the brutal and unseasonably chilly nation state located on the eastern border of Turkey.

Leaving when? Scottie just said to have everyone stand ready.

Please tell me we're gonna get Kevin Jensen.

- You know him? - No, but I know his work.

He's one of the best investigative journalists we have.

He'll do anything for the story.

Yeah, well, he picked a pretty insane time to go sniffing around Kyrkistan.

The country's run by this guy President Ahmed Aberjan.

He's supposed to be up for reelection in six weeks, but I guess he didn't like how like the polls were tracking because he decided not to risk it.

Instead, he cracked down on the rival political party.


Doesn't sound very democratic.

He put the whole country on lockdown.

Tens of thousands have been arrested.

Police, military, judges, students.


He's taking out anyone who doesn't support him.

So bottom line, it won't be easy getting in undetected, especially with the weaponry needed for a rescue mission.

Well, getting in's only the beginning.

We still have to rescue Jensen from a maximum-security prison and get him and our team out of the country safely.

Not that that doesn't sound thrilling, but how the hell are we supposed to do that? You don't.

All right.

Then you do it.

Absolutely not.

Look, Aberjan's on the warpath right now.

The man's paranoid, angry.

And we're on the long list of enemies he's pointing the finger at.

That's ridiculous.

We supported his regime.

Yeah, well, apparently, not to his satisfaction.

He's making threats.

And we're doing everything we can to appease him.

You're letting him railroad an American civilian.

Kevin Jensen's not CIA.

Come on.

This kid's like family to me.

And we will employ every diplomatic resource to bring him home.

I'm sorry, Scottie, I really am, but you know the deal we need Aberjan.

We've got our hands full fighting extremists in the region.

To do that, our military needs safe passage across Kyrkistani airspace.

If I send in a black ops team to forcibly extract Jensen, Aberjan will close the airspace, and the president will fire me.

And he'd be right to do so.

I don't need your permission.

Now, you listen.

Your government is telling you to stand down.

I'll say that again so you don't some day argue to some Congressional committee that I was unclear Stand down.

They're torturing him, Bob.

You know how they operate.

They'll coerce a confession and execute him.

That's if he survives the interrogation.

My name is Kevin Jensen.

I'm 32 years old.

I entered this country claiming to be a journalist, working for the Empire Times as an international correspondent, but that was not the truth.

The truth is I am a deep-cover operative for the Central Intelligence Agency.

I apologize to the Kyrkistani people.

I pray for their understanding and now for their mercy.

None of that was true.

You know that I'm a reporter.


Your denials are an insult.

There will be no mercy.

In time, you will be ex*cuted for your crimes.

But I said what you wanted me to say.

You say what you are, not because I want you to, but because this is the truth.


Please, don't.





I entered this country claiming to be a journalist working for the Empire Times as an international correspondent, but that was not the truth.

Hi, honey.

As you can see, I'm here at the Jensen house.

I know you're somewhere across the world, saving us from God knows what, but I thought you should know today is a very big day here, too.

Aunt Scottie, watch this! That's right.

No training wheels.

Whoa! Kevin, be careful.

I'm okay.

Scottie, everyone's standing by.

What do you want me to tell them? I lost my son Christopher when he was 4.

He and Kevin were in the same preschool class Blue Room a lifetime ago.

When Christopher disappeared, when I lost my family, the Jensens made me part of theirs.

Kevin's not my child, but if I leave him there, he'll die.

Diplomacy won't save him.

He'll be ex*cuted, and we won't know until it's over.

With Howard gone, everyone's watching what you do now.

And ordering an unsanctioned black op on enemy soil is going to make a lot of people very nervous.

Where are we on infiltration? There's a plan.

It's awaiting your approval.

Let me be clear.

The administration has specifically instructed Halcyon to stand down.

For that reason, what I'm asking you to do is even more dangerous and illegal than most of the gray matters we take on.

- You know Jensen and his family? - Very well.

Kevin and my son Christopher were friends.

They were? Yes, and I've remained close with him and his family.

Look, this is personal for me.

I'm not hiding that.

And I realize that fact may be clouding my judgment, but I won't leave him there.

You all have to make your own decision.

If you want out, you have my word there won't be any reprisals.

But if you do, I need to know now.

So how do we get in? Our journey begins with the European Union.

They've got a partnership and cooperation agreement with Kyrkistan, but President Aberjan's been acting like a real dictator lately, so that relationship's a bit dicey.

The EU wants a meeting.

Under pressure, Aberjan has agreed to make some low-level foreign ministers available.

Which we thought was an opportunity.

- I agree.

- Who are they sending? You mean who were they sending? Two special envoys one Dutch, one German.

These were submitted electronically to Kyrkistan for pre-approval a few hours ago.

Of course, I intercepted them.

We propose to send these instead, along with a request to move the meeting up by 48 hours.

Call me Omar Claasen.

Trained in law at the Hague, four years as a special representative in Ankara, two in Brussels.

Schon dich zu treffen.

Helen Gruner.

Most recently a part of the EU delegation to Afghanistan.

I like it.

When you deplane, you'll be met by a government liaison.

He'll check your credentials against the ones we've pre-cleared.


Claasen, Miss Gruner, welcome to Kyrkistan.

Documents, please.

And what if something goes wrong? If it does, you're on your own.

There's no backup this time.


If things pop off, we take down these two, go back the way we came, try to get back to the tarmac.


Is there a problem? Security matter.

I assumed it would be acceptable to review your credentials here at the gate.

I was wrong.

My superior insisted on inspecting them personally.

It appears everything's in order.

If you follow me, I'll escort you to hotel.



Once you land, the clock's ticking.

You have to be out before the real EU envoys show up and your cover's blown.

- What about weapons? - Weapons are my job.

Dumont thinks that we can just, uh drive them right across the border.

How? What are we hiding them in? There's a trucking company called Kyrkistan Logistics.

Twice a week, they drive supplies and equipment across the border to Armenia where they're unloaded and come back empty.

All I have to do is seize control of the truck in Armenia, load the weapons, and then drive it back across the border undetected.

Forget it.

They'll inspect the truck on return.

How do we hide as*ault r*fles and body armor in an empty truck? It's my personal spin on what scientists call a Rochester Cloak.

It was developed at the University of Rochester, although they never did it quite like this.

So it's a cloaking device? - Kind of.

- More of a system than a device.

Bottom line, it uses a freestanding array of mirrors and lenses to bend light around objects you want to hide.

Looks empty.

That's the idea.

But go ahead.

Step inside.

The light coming off the back wall is literally bent around the boxes at the center and projected to the eye unbroken.


Okay, let's do some recon on the driver.

His name is Evren Margosian.

He delivers a shipment in Armenia at 7:00 a.


Now, we've mapped out his return route, which generally includes a truck stop about 20 minutes from the border.

That's where you'll need to take it.

Aah! Ohh! Once you have the truck, you'll take it to an arranged location.

We have people standing by to configure the cloak and load the gear.

From there, you just have to drive.

How's your Arabic? Hmm.

We're in.

Not bad.

Sit tight.

You're fine.


He didn't see anything.

He just got distracted, and they're talking about something else.

He left the freaking door open.

- Is that a problem? - Uh, yeah.

The air in the truck is a lot warmer than the air outside.

And what happens when a mass of cold air meets a mass of warm air? The condensation's going to break the illusion.

You're burnt! Get out of there! I made it across.

I'm on foot about a mile inside the border.

Thank God.

The question is, what now? We just lost all our weapons.


And to replace them, we're going to need a contact with access to military-grade gear.

Hang on.

Hang on.

I might know someone.

He's not a soldier, but makes a living by getting people what they need.

I'll send the address.


Yes, yes.

Your man just got here, Scottie.

You could have saved him the trip.

Volkan, darling, this is no time to be shy.

You're one of the most powerful men in the Kyrkistani underworld.

Surely, you can get what we need.

Under normal circumstances, yes.

But things right now, they are anything but normal.

Many of my associates have been arrested.

Many of my assets have been seized.

In fact, the only reason I myself was not arrested is because I maintain high-level contacts within the National Police.

Name your price.

I don't think I need to tell you what the government would do to my family, to my business if your people were caught and connected to me.

They won't be.

You're expanding into real estate, developing areas destroyed by regional fighting.

What if I get you contracts American government contracts? No, no, no.

Now you're overreaching.

Even Howard could not get that done.

Try me.

You and Howard were associates.

I'm suggesting we be friends.

Okay, friend Truth be told, there is one contract I am interested in.

My daughter is a singer.

Uh, she loves your American pop music.

I want a record deal with an American label.

Album release, national tour.

I'm not a record executive.

But you know people who are.

Hey, you asked me what I want.

That is what I want.

Fine, I'll I'll get you a deal.

But no guarantee on a tour.

I mean, how do I even know if she's any good? Show me how you want it to be Oh, tell me, baby 'Cause I need to know now oh, because My loneliness is k*lling me And I I must confess, I still believe Still believe When I'm not with you, I lose my mind Give me a sign Hit me, baby, one more time Fantastic.


So good.

Thank you.

Thank you for indulging a proud papa.

Brava! Brava! You're kidding, right? That - That's everything? - I told you, most of my stockpile has been seized.

- These two are empty? - Yes.

I don't think our good friend Volkan understands.

We're talking about an as*ault on a maximum-security prison.

We won't get past the perimeter with two r*fles.

We need night vision, we need body armor, grenades.

I don't know if we need night vision goggles.

You don't want it, fine.

We're done here.

No, no, no, no, no.

We didn't say that, all right? It's just not what we expected.

Give Give us a minute.



I am risking my life here.

These days, even the rumor that you spoke critically of the president is enough to get you thrown into a cell.


That could work to our advantage.

How? You said you had friends in the National Police.

- Yes.

- Could they get us uniforms and gear? Of course.

Why? What if someone told the National Police that the warden and his staff at Tariq Prison were supporting Aberjan's rival in the upcoming election? I imagine emergency warrants would issue for their arrest.

We could piggyback on that, right? Walk right through the front door.

We'd need a vehicle, but that could work.


Nez, you got a right turn coming up in 3, 2 Roger that.

We're all set.

Volkan's sources confirm arrest warrants were issued for the warden and 16 of his employees.

Convoy's tracking south to north.

According to this, you're headed straight for it.

Stand by.

Go for siren.

Copy that.

Right! Now, sweet cheeks! We are in position.

East exit.

If we get him out, it won't do much good without a ride.

I'll be there.

All right.

We're inside.

Best guess, Jensen's being held in the northeast quadrant.


Moving east.

I see the corridor to the northeast quadrant.


Kevin Jensen? Yeah, we got him.

He's alive.

Just hang on.


Get back.

Whoever that was, they're gonna come looking for him.

Yeah, we need to keep moving or none of us are gonna make it out of here.

We are Oscar Mike.

Be advised, our cover is blown.

We are heading for the northwest exit.

We had to neutralize an unfriendly.

At this point, it's only a matter of time before the police come and discover the body.

- Nez? - Yeah, I heard.

I'm repositioning now.

Lock the building.

- There it is.

- All right, you're okay.

You're okay.

Dumont, are you seeing this? We need another way out.

They found your unfriendly.

It's not just where you are.

The whole building's going into emergency lockdown.

We're boxed in.

Forward exit is blocked, and we can't go back the way we came.

Hey, Dumont, we're gonna take this chance here.

Hey, hey, hey.

Come on.

We're in the kitchen, Dumont.

Where the hell are we going? I'm on it.

Looks like there's a way out at the far end.

There should be a storage room on your right that leads out to an exit door.

Got it.


It's not working.

Dumont, I'm looking at a security keypad.

How many numbers? Six.

Son of a bitch.

Okay, I can try to override remotely.

That's gonna take time, brother.

Come on.

Tom? Solomon, talk to me! We're pinned down! I'm out.

Stay here.

What are you doing?! We can't hold them like this forever.

- The keypad, how many is that? - Four.

Dumont, I hate to rush you, buddy, but in about 20 seconds, we're about to be overrun.

I'm trying! That's five.

Come on, Dumont, one more! I'm not gonna make it.

Well, then neither will we.

Here comes number six.

Let's move! You have news.

We found Kevin.

He's alive and stable.

Oh, thank God! I-It's not over, he's not out of the country yet, but, um, he's with my people.

We're bringing him home.

Scottie, the chief of staff's on the phone for you.

Excuse me one moment.

What the hell did you do? Sorry, Bob, you're gonna need to be a little more specific.

You know perfectly well what I'm talking about.

Why are my assets in Kyrkistan telling me about a fire fight at the prison where Kevin Jensen is being held? I think you mean was being held.

I told you to stand down.

And I told you I didn't need your permission.

Halcyon is an independent entity.

Howard founded it that way, ran it that way, and he may be gone, but that hasn't changed.

I swear, Scottie, if our relationship with Aberjan crumbles so you could rescue a civilian for personal reasons, you're done.

You could be indicted for this.

Oh, please! We're way past that, Bob.

The things I know, the things Halcyon has done in the name of this country, this administration.

We are the very definition of too big to fail.

You can't afford to make us an enemy.

You need us, so please spare me the selective memory and morality.

Now you do sound like Howard.


What's done is done, and the truth is, I could use an assist at this point.

So please tell your boss he can either abandon Jensen and my people over there or step up and be part of the solution.

We're working on a new exfiltration plan, so we'll get you home in just a few hours.


No, we can't just leave.

I came here to report on human rights violations.

My my camera and my laptop are all still at the building where I was staying.

I need to go get them.

Absolutely not.

The entire government's looking for us, and we're basically down to handguns.

Please, the people I spoke with, the victims, they deserve to have their stories heard.

They spoke to me at great personal risk.

If I don't have my notes and my recordings, - all of this was for nothing.

- Nez is right.

The apartment's the first place they're gonna look.

I'm I'm sorry, man.

It's just not a risk we can take.

No, of course.

I get it.

you guys have you guys have done enough already.

Safety has to be the priority.

All right.

Today must be our lucky day.

Government didn't approve of this mission, but now that it's done, they're not gonna abandon us in hostile territory.

- So they're coming to get us? - No.

But if we can make it to our embassy, preferably without being discovered, they'll stick us on the next flight home.

But it's not gonna be easy.

The embassy is 12 miles from here.

We just sit tight till it's dark.

Dumont will monitor police activities.

We just stay one step ahead.

Stay on back roads, keep out of sight.

Still, it's gonna be a long 12 miles.


Where's Jensen? He was just here.

We risk our lives to go get this guy, and he bolts on us? I guess you were right, Tom.

Anything for a story.

Screw that.

No story is worth getting k*lled for.

And I did not come all the way out here for nothing.

Well, now you know how he feels.

Guy risked his life because the work needs doing.

I'm not saying he was right to go, but I get it.


Kevin! What are you.


I'll be out of here in two seconds, Mrs.


Thank you.

There's no sign of Jensen out front.

It's possible the police were waiting for him.

And us.

Only one way to find out.


We'll keep watch from here.

What the hell are you doing, huh? I told you we can't be here.

I got what I came for.

Let's go.

What do you think? I think we should have been chiropractors or proctologists.

- Pretty much anything else.

- Hmm.

Can't defend this position.

Let's go.

We had to ditch the car.

We got company.

- How many? - Too many.

- Can we take 'em? - No, I count six vehicles.

That's at least a dozen police and state security.

We've got to find a different way out.

I know a way.

Follow me.


Get in! Dumont, there's been a change in the program.

We're mobile and in some serious trouble, my friend.

What? No, no, no.

You're supposed to be sitting tight until dark.

Yeah, you know, it turns out that game plan was not unanimous.

Had to call an audible.

We're traveling in a commandeered vehicle.

I need you to get on the phone with the embassy right now, - tell them we're coming in.

- On it.

Guys! Yes, this is Halcyon operator One-Niner.

Contract code 6-3-7-Sierra-2.

Be advised, we're requesting early arrival for our package at the northern gate.

Copy that, Halcyon One-Niner.

Package will be arriving momentarily with authorities in pursuit.

There's a roadblock up ahead.

All right, there's the gate.

Almost there.

What do I do? Should I stop? Should I go back? Back's not an option.

There's nowhere to go.

- Brace yourself! - We're gonna hit it! Get down! Come on.

Get him inside! - Where you going? - Get him inside.

Take him! Keen, don't even think about it.

Keen! National Police.

On presidential authority, we demand release of Kevin Jensen and the fugitives that helped him escape.

I don't know anything about that, Commander.

You send them out right now or we are coming in.

Sir, if you take one more step, I am authorized by my government to sh**t you.

What are you doing? Come on.

Hey! He can make it! He can make it! Come on.

After all is said and done This is how you preserve our plausible deniability with a g*n battle and car chase? It couldn't be avoided.

I've got their ambassador holding on the line.

They're demanding we hand over Jensen and your team.

Bob, I'm gonna have to call you back.

He didn't make it? No.

You two can go on in.



I'm Rebecca Fuller, editor of the paper.

- And this is - Robert Wilmont, White House Chief of Staff, and Owen Pruitt, Deputy Director of the CIA.

We've met.

Scottie, you have to believe me, I didn't know until this morning.

He was never a journalist.

He was an operative.

His country considers him a patriot.

- He never said anything.

- I'm not surprised.

Kevin was one of our best.

We recruited him right out of school.

Letting agents pose as journalists puts real journalists at risk.

It violates CIA policy.


As a policy, we avoid using journalists unless the director decides it's absolutely necessary to protect national security.

And this was? What was Kevin doing out there? Something that needed doing.

I wish I could say more.

I understand you're the one who went back for these.

You should know the material on this will save a lot of American lives.

You did a great service bringing these home.

Well, at least his family can take comfort knowing he died for something important.

No, son, they can't.

Oh, come on.

Why not? The U.


denied Kevin was an asset.

Admitting it now would destroy any remaining chance of repairing relations with Aberjan.

It would also shine a spotlight on everyone Kevin made contact with in the field.

Other active agents would be at risk.

We can't have anyone thinking or saying anything other than that he was a journalist.

Are we clear? His mother is one of my best friends.

I won't lie to her.

That's exactly what you have to do.

It's my fault.

I thought going to get him was the right thing to do.


Don't do that to yourself.

I asked you to go.

Kevin would have died there.

What you did gave him a fighting chance.

He chose to go back.

I mean, that was Kevin.

Nothing was more important than the story.

If we had to lose him, at least I know he died doing what he loved the most.

What is it? Nothing.

I just can't believe he's really gone.

So you didn't tell his mother.


Why not? I don't know.

I, um I-I guess in the moment, I just felt Kevin wouldn't have wanted me to.

Imagine Her own son, and she had no idea who he really was.

They can't all have happy endings.

Be proud of what we did out there.

I am.

Happy birthday to you Kevin Happy birthday Kevin, look at Aunt Scottie.


Christopher! Wave at Mommy.

Love you, Mom! Okay, Kevin.

Make a wish, honey.

Kevin, did you make a wish?