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02x00 - Bates Motel: After Hours

Posted: 03/06/14 15:57
by bunniefuu
It's been an hour since the season two premier of Bates Motel ended and I still can't believe everything that happened and apparently neither can you.

You guys have been commenting in record numbers with #batesmotel.

You have been asking k*ller questions.

Right now we will talk with the stars and the creators of the show and get answers.

It's all happening live on Bates Motel after hours.

Welcome to Bates me tell after hours.

I'm Kerry Keegan here with the stars, Vera farmiga and max theiriot and show creators.

Freddie highmore will be joining us just a little later.

They're he ever to answer your questions.

Plus we have got an exclusive sneak peek of next week's episode and that is not all, you guys.

If you at home keep sending questions and comments with that #batesmotel action, we will post an exclusive scene from episode two on twitter at inside Bates.

How cool is that?

Welcome to the show everybody.

Thank you.

At the beginning of the premier things seemed to be going pretty well for the Bates family.

Vera, you look happy.

Norma Bates looks happy, alive, and it looks like all of the troubles from season one have just gone away.

Is that what is happening with season two?

She is leap.

She's happy.

She's very happy: she is so happy she is sneezing rain bose.

She is planting pennies.

Life is good.

This is a good change for her.

Her hair is even lighter. It keeps getting longer, but next season -- She has managed to scour the scum off the steps and you know, she's got this kind of convenient vault where she stuffs things down and attributes the stresses with Norman to some teenage hormonal change.

That's obviously what it is, right?

But you know we all know that the drama is going to create back in, don't we?

Let's take look.

This has got to stop.


I was just pulled in by row mary who clued me in on your visit.

What did I do?

I saw it was suspicion and I went to the police.

Stop it.

This is not sane.

You are obsessed with that dead woman.


Why, Norman, why are you obsessed with her death?


Why, Vera, why?

In I don't think Norma is 10

Obsessed with Norman's obsession with death?

Because this is why.


Pickling pigeons is not healthy thing for a teenager to do.

You should be out stealing bowling shoes from bowling alleys, you know?

He 15 obsessed with the ma come.

It's kind of cool.

These are moving and everything.

You have a good instinct.

I actually filled out this sort of internet quiz: are you a good mom.

Norma scored higher than I did.

Are you serious?

I scored well.

I'm no june cleaver though the way Norma is.

Norma is paying attention all the time, maybe obsessively paying attention and you maybe as a Normal person not so much.


She's dwrk nobody has a parenting manual.

Kids just don't come with instructions, especially atypical kids and the only thing she has is her gut and that's what she's listening to.

And there's a darkness, a cloud that has settled over Norman and he is just mooning over mrs.

Wesson, I know.

We have to get to fan questions.

This is from twitter.

What does Norman know he k*lled ms.

Watson if he had her pearls?

Not necessarily.

That's what makes Norman interesting.

The question is why doesn't he know?

That's one of the big questions that we will be exploring this season is, how aware is northern with what he does?

We all want to know.

I'm noticing here in the picture behind us, I don't know if everybody can see that, Norman is putting pearls on Norma and I'm wondering if that is a little foreshadowing.

Well you will just have to watch, Carrie and see.

It's k*lling me right now.

We have an instagram video.

This is pretty cool, where let's take a look.

What are the biggest challenges you guys have faced while taking on the role of each of your characterize?

What are the biggest challenges you have had.

Max can answer that.

I think, you know, going into the show, it wasn't the Normal doing research -- given that my character kills people and sells marijuana, we thought it wouldn't be best if my character gets into this.

We thought about it for a while and decided it was a bad idea.

I don't know.

I mean we just talked about it.

It's the same thing, I think, for all of us.

It's just earnestness, finding the humor in all of the pain and the darkness and endurance.

These are big roles.

These are big characterize.

That's kind of one of the things that makes our show a little bit different is that we do have humor and heart and gastrointestinal the subject matter you might think that's not what you're going to see when you watch Bates Motel but that's the stuff that we love to write and that these guys k*ll when they perform it.

That's the stuff we love, watching of Norma scrub the blood off the stairs andering.

It's beautiful.

And funny.

A question from a facebook fan.

Why does Norman envision Norma during the blackout?

Why does he always envision mom.

Because his mom makes him feel better.

Like your mom is who you think of when you're anxious issues or the friend you call.

Because of the dispord that he has, w&en he is stressed out, he calls on this person who lives inside of him who is his 34078, and she finishes up and she handles it.

Yes, she does.

She tells him a lot of things.


Max, we have to know, you know, were you surprised at all that bradley may be your girl?

Was so very good at decisioning gill and then sh**ting him in the fates.


I mean, yes and know.

I think -- I'm definitely surprised with how that ended.

Were you just as surprised as we were when you saw it.


I was just as surprised when I read it.

I was definitely shocked.

But at the same time, I mean she -- grad live is a different better than in season two than season one.

She's gone through a lot.

She's changed.

There's a whole 'nother side to her now and it's kind of --

She's a real wildcard now.

We're excited to see where that gets wrapped up you guys.

So we have been getting so many questions and comments and we wanted to find a way to basically acknowledge as many of you as we could.
During the break we had have a favoriting race, actors versus creators and everyone is going to favorite as many Bates Motel tweets as they can and whichever team favorites the most wins.

I hope you have your thumbs ready.

Do you have your phones?


This is it.

They're getting ready.

You guys at home get ready.

Coming up next Freddie highmore will join us and keep tweeting with the holy trinity Batesmotel.

Ready, set, start favoriting.

We will be right back.

Welcome back everybody to Bates Motel after hours.

I'm Kerry Keegan.

Before the break, our guests faced off in a twitter favoriting race to see who do favorite the most Bates Motel tweets.

The winners are the actors!

You guys should have seen this go down in the commercial break.

It was kind of awesome.

Nobody knew where to find the favoriting but ton.

But congratulations, you guys, well done!

All right.

You guys at home should not stop commenting with the #batesmotel because you have to unlock the special ep seed.

Let's get back down to business.

You guys basically -- Norman Bates is still pretty nice.

He is a likable person.

At what point does he turn into the serial k*ller that we all love so much.

I think we're exploring his journey over a long period of time.

This season is a lot -- the question is really, who am i?

Norman is asking that of himself and all of the characterize are asking that of themselves.

For Norman, I think he has no realization at this point about his blackouts or what happens to him so there's a journey of discovery that's unfolds this season.

How many seasons do you think it will take before we find out?


Good answer.

On that note I think we have someone coming to us all the way from cambridge england, it's Freddie Highmore!


Hi, Freddie!

Hello there.


What time is it in england right now?

4:00 a.M.

It's nice and early.

Nice and early.

And we're going to have a wonderful delay, too.

We can work around this.

I heard that you rode your bicycle to the set just now.

Is that true?


Everyone walks around or cycles around at cambridge so I popped over on my bike.

It's a 5 minute cycle.

That makes you the coolest person ever, I think.

We have questions here.

So basically, I need to know, like you're -- Norman's reaction at ms.

Watson's funeral was over the moon and everyone was questioning what is up with that kid?

So what was going through your head in that scene?

He is certainly going a little bonk kerr -- a little bonk kearse, isn't he?

The overriding sensation he has when thinking of ms.

Watson's death is one of uncanny and of being uncanny and familiar to him at the same time.

So it makes sense of the what you were talking about with the pearl and Norman's visit to ms.

Watson as grave and he is drawn to her it doesn't explain why and it comes out in the funeral season where it gets to be too much.

We have a question from a twitter fan.

They're asking, Freddie, what is it that you find hardest about playing the role of Norman and what do you like about the role?

I guess the great thing about playing Norman is sometimes the trickiest thing.

So you know when Norman is going to end up which is a joy on the television show because you can mark out the character until the end.

But I guess there's also a desire sometimes to do too much or push the story line too far and that's where Carlton and Carrie have been fantastic in keeping it -- keeping that development more delicious and stringing it out in a way that is a lot more entertaining than shoalting everything from the start.

Do you ever find it vacation or awkward that all of these people out there find Norman Bates to be incredibly sexy?

I mean he 1 a serial k*ller, after all?

I don't think that is such a great idea, is it?

So that's --

I guess it is slightly odd.

Now do we get to see any more of Norman trying to be a Normal teenager in season two?

Certainly Norman tries to get out.

He needs to get out a bit more doesn't he?

And hopefully he will try and break away from Norma to some extent to try to find himself.

I think Norman's journey in season two is about a growing self awareness of who he 1, what he has done in the past and who he might become and in order to do that I think he really needs to isolate himself and find himself.

I think he needs to go on more dates, get out a little bit.

I think it will be good.

Thank you, Freddie so much.

You can go to bed now.

Go back to bed and enjoy your evening.

Thank you.

All right, you guys.

We asked all of your fans to send us your reactions on

40-excited you are for this season.

Here are two of our favorite videos.

Take a look.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god!

What are you going to watch?


Welcome back everybody.

Don't forget to keep sending us your tweets to unlock the exclusive scene from episode two.

We're almost there.

In the meantime I'm here with stars Vera farmiga and max theiriot and creatorrers carl tan and Carrie.

Hi, you guys.

More facebook fan questions.

This one is: what was the creepiest scene you guys ever shot?

Who wants to take this one?

I have one coming up.

Hasn't been seen yet but I can promise there are multiple corpses that are dead obviously and it's -- it's gross.

Were you causing the deaths of any of these?

I can't say that.

Carlton, plug your ears e.

The creepiest moments for me was w.

Earl brown who played keith summers in the premier episode in season one.

After sort of Norma sends Norman upstairs to get the medicine kit, keith summers comes to and the actor was trying to instigate that actress to do the big s*ab in his gut.

So earl, the actor, was saying the most perverse things to me in order to instigate me to sock it to him.

Do you want to give us a taste of what he was saying?

One was -- I thought it might have made the cut -- he said "you liked it."

It was creepy.

That is pretty creepy.

In that scene, so Norma kills keith summers and then he gets wrapped up in a blanket and chained and Norman and Norma drop him in the water and we had to figure out how to do that.

So we went out in a rowboat and had a dummy wrapped in a blanket with chains and we wanted to see how long it would take to sink.

We started pulling it back up and a group of chi acers come by and we're just three guys standing in a rowboat pulling up a body wrapped in chains.

It was pretty hard to explain what was going on there.

Did they believe anything that came out of your mouth?

They turned around and started kayaking away really fast.

Everybody knows you were executive producer of lost and lost was big own the easter eggs so are we going to get a few to look out for.

There are a few.

There's a lost homage in season one where characters are drinking darma beer so if you keep your eyes peeled you will see a couple of thing.

That's so cool.

Are there any school special guest stars coming up this season?


We have amazing people coming on that we're really excited about.

Michael burtham from alias is showing up.

He's good.

In Vera's life.

Kenny Johnson from "the shield."


Are all of these love interests?

Everybody consider every guest star is a love interest.

Do you guys know the master plan already like where you want this arc between Norma and Norman to go?

Do you care to reveal the master plan?

I will.

We do have a very distinct plan for how the show will unfold.

It's definitely a show with a beginning middle and end and we have a clear idea where we're going.

I mean some shows just go on forever, you know?

We have an exclusive sneak peek of next week's episode.

Carlton I feel like you should do the next week an Bates.

Next week on Bates Motel!

Thank you very much.

Bradley, wake up.

Bradley, wake up.

You have to tell me now why you're here.

I can't.

I told you I can't, Norman.

Listen, there's some stuff that I need -- I need some money, maybe a bus ticket and --

Bradley, you're putting me in an impossible situation, ok?

I want to help you, I want to be there for you.

Then be here.

I need to know that what you're doing makes sense.

I k*lled the guy that k*lled my dad.

[ applause ]

Oh, my god, I can't wait to see more next week.

But thankfully we don't have to wait because you guys have unlocked an exclusive season go to inside Bates on twitter to watch.

Carrie, Carlton, Freddie, wherever you are, go to bed!

Be sure to watch an all new episode next monday at 9:00

Eastern, 8:00 M.M.

Central right here on A and E.

Have a good night!