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01x04 - Trust Me

Posted: 04/11/13 08:03
by bunniefuu

This is all your fault.

You know what you have to do, don't you?

I have to get that belt.

[Owl hooting]

[Dog barking]

[Vehicle door opens, shuts]

[Car alarm chirps]

[Dog barking]

Shh. Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey!

It's me. I'm coming.

[Makes kissing sound]

[Dog continues barking]

[Eerie music]

♪ ♪

Are you all right?


I have to go.

Help me.

[Dog barking]

[Dog whimpering, scratching door]

Hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey.

What happened, huh?
[Doorbell rings]

[Speaks indistinctly]

Hey. Look, I'm sorry to bother you, but my bike just ran out of gas.

Can you tell me where there's a gas station around here?

I have to go. I have to go.

No--take me!


Look, normally--normally, I wouldn't--I wouldn't ask, but I saw the police car out front, so...

Yeah, I'm actually--
I'm off duty right now, but there's a shell station. It's, like, two miles up the--

Wait, wait. Which way?

It's just-- it's that way.

Right down by the water.

Okay, great.

I'll come back for you, I promise.

No, take me with you!

What were you doing in that cop's house?

I wasn't at a cop's house.

I was just out running.

In your street clothes?

I saw you go in that guy's house.

Who do you think knocked on the front door and saved your ass so you could get out of there?

What kind of trouble are you in?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm not in any trouble.

I'm not gonna tell mom.

Can I help you with something?

I'm a friend of Emma's.

I thought we could walk to school.

You're Norman Bates.

Yeah. Yes.

I've heard a lot about you.

Emma's got a flu.

And with her condition, we get very concerned every time she has a bug.

She won't be in school for at least a week.

She'll be okay, though, right?

Probably, yeah.

Could I see her?

I just wanted to ask her opinion about something.

Not this week, Norman.

She's resting. She doesn't need excitement.


I'll tell her you called by, though.

She'll be happy.

Perfect, yeah. Thank--thank you, sir.


I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but my daughter has quite a crush on you.

And you seem like a nice kid.

And I know you know she has a lot of, um... problems.

She's not strong, and she's very young.

Just a regular girl in many ways.

So decent.

I am decent.



So where are we going?

Well, I happen to know this little motel.

It's not exactly open yet.

I happen to be personal friends with the owner.

And between you and me, she is...really hot.

Norman's gonna be home from school by 4:30.

Well, great. That gives us an hour.


You're awfully pretty.

That's a new one.

I don't mean pretty like you're handsome.

I mean pretty like... like, um, well, you know, like when you look at an old woman, and you might find her very beautiful.


You know, like that.

So I'm an old woman?

Be quiet. Will you be quiet?

Hello there, Norma.

How are those new linens working out for you?

This is my son Dylan.

And this is Zack Shelby.

Uh, I'm gonna go get my car.

[Car alarm chirps]

[Engine starts]

Hey, Norman.

I'm so sorry.

What are you doing?

I bought some groceries for the house.

What? I'm living here for a while.

I just thought I should contribute.

You're a real piece of work, Norma.

How long have you been seeing that cop?

Um, I don't think that's any of your business.

Well, I think it is.

I'd be careful if I were you.

What about?

I don't trust him.

[Clicking pen]

That's for each and every one of you.

Two times now this week I've caught you guys coming down this street.

Do not make me cut tickets.

Another guy would rip your head off, all right?

This is the last time I want to see you, understand that?

All right, you guys get out of here.


[DVDs clatter to ground]


What are you doing, Norman?

I, uh--
I was just taking the... you know, the shortcut home from the video store.

My--my friend's dad died.

I was picking her up a few-- a few movies I thought she might like to watch and take her mind off things.

Death is profound, isn't it?

Hmm. I guess so.

You're a sensitive kid, aren't you?

You're going through a lot.


Look, I'm gonna be honest with you.

'Cause you're not a kid, and you're gonna understand this.

I really like your mom.

She's a good woman. I care for her.


So I think that it would be a good idea-- maybe even a necessary idea-- for you and I to get to know each other better.

You like fishing?

Oh, um...

I don't know. I've never done it.

Really? Well, then, I'm gonna teach you how.

That's okay, I--

I'll set the whole thing up with your mom.

You're gonna love this, okay? Trust me.

I have my own secret spot.

Nobody knows about it. Lots of fish.

You good with that plan?


Great. Good.

We'll talk soon.

Oh, hey, Norman, next time I say hi to you out here on the street... don't run away.

[Tapping keyboard]

Mom, I need to talk to you.


No, I need to tell you something.

Hmm? What?

There's a girl in his basement.

Officer Shelby's.

She's, like, less than 20. Drugged.

I think he was running some kind of Asian sex sl*ve business with Keith Summers.

I found a book-- it was hand-drawn-- in one of the rooms the night we were pulling up the rugs.

It was by this girl from Asia who'd been kidnapped and was being forced to work as a prost*tute.

I didn't think it was real.

And I didn't know Officer Shelby was involved until I broke into his house last night and found this girl in his basement.

Why on earth would you go into Zack's house?

To find the belt. You told me to.

Norman, I never told you that.

Yes, you did. You sat on my bed, and you said that I knew what I needed to do.

That I needed to get back the belt.

Mom, I'm telling you, there's a girl locked in his basement.

Honey...honey... sometimes you hear and you see things that aren't there.

That's not true.

It's true.

I don't want you to worry, but you've done this for a while.

You know, it's like some kind of trance or something.

I don't want you to worry. Don't be scared.

Honey, I'm gonna protect you.


[Eerie music]

♪ ♪

[Hinges creak]


Why are you in the basement in the middle of the night?

Well, I couldn't sleep... so I'm snooping.

I just wanted to see the rest of your house.

How 'bout we go back to bed, yeah?


Where were you last night?

I-I just made an extra turkey pot pie, and I brought it over to Shelby's.

You made him that?

I was up at 2:00. You weren't here.

Norman, you-- you have to stop this.

I don't trust him.

Norman, you're just jealous.

You're not used to me having somebody.

I'm not jealous. You're my mother, not my girlfriend.

That's not what I meant. I-I just mean it's new.

You know, he's not a bad man, Norman.

I want you to like him.

Well, I don't like him.

He cares about us.

He wants to take you fishing.

I don't want to go fishing.

That's just because of your father.

You can't actually believe that any man is actually kind.

He has a girl in his basement, mom!

He does not have a girl in his basement.

I went down to his basement last night, and there was nothing there.

You're acting crazy.

I'm not crazy. I know what I saw.

Look. Look.

She grabbed my ankle as I was trying to get out.

Did I do this to myself?

Norman, it's gonna be okay.

It's not okay!

Yes, it is gonna be okay!

Zack is coming at 10:00, and you are going fishing with him.

End of conversation. Now go get ready.


[Water rushing, fishing reel clicking]

So how was your relationship with your dad?

Your mom tells me he was a little abusive, that he wasn't such a nice guy.

He had his moments.

He ever hurt you, Norman?


Look, I'm gonna be in your life, Norman.

And I want to be in your life.

But the truth is I am putting myself on the line every day protecting your mom.

In so doing, I'm protecting you.

Look... I want to take care of her.

And I want to take care of you.

But I think that has to start with trust.

I need to know that I can trust you, Norman.

You need to know you can trust me.

Can you do that? Can you trust me?

Yes, I can trust you.

Good. That's good.

That makes me happy.
[Cell phone rings]


Yeah. Yeah. I'll be right there.

Something's come up.

Gonna have to cut our little outing short here.

I'm sorry. Go ahead, reel that in.

Oh, well.

[Murmurs greeting]

It's Keith.

It's his watch. His ugly watch.

[Sighs] That's it.


[Cell phone chimes]

♪ I'm a teenager ♪

I'm glad you could come to meet me.


You're one of the few people I can stand to be around.

You seem to get it.

You don't judge me or push me to cheer up.

You don't know what a relief that is.

I'm glad. I mean, that you can stand to be with me.

Death is a weird thing, isn't it?

It's like something's with you your whole life...

They're breathing... present, and then they're just gone.

Totally gone.

Vanished. Never even get to see 'em again.

Ever. That sucks.

It's a really bad plan, whoever came up with it.

I think grief is just the period of time it takes for your brain to accept that someone's gone.

'Cause everything in your body, your mind, your entire being, just keeps bringing you back to the moment that they're still alive.

Takes a long time for your body to let go of that.

That's exactly what it is.

It's the hardest thing of all, to let go of someone you love.

I like being with you, Norman.
♪ A teenager ♪
♪ so then act like one ♪
♪ sure, she is a heart breaker ♪

Hey, I wonder whose hand they found.

What hand?

Um, they found a decomposing hand in a fisherman's net.

Do they know-- do they know whose hand it was?

No, just... some man's hand.

Mother! Mother!


Mother, they found a hand in a fisherman's net!

A man's hand.

Don't go there. You're panicking.

It's just a hand. It could be a million different hands.

[Doorbell rings]

Mrs. Bates, we're gonna need you to come with us down to the station.


Sheriff Romero would like to ask you a few questions.

I need you to tell me what happened.

Well, uh...

I was just at home.

Uh...the police came and told me that you wanted to talk to me.

I don't mean what happened just now.

I mean what happened the night that Keith Summers went missing.

But I told you everything I know.


We found carpet fibers under the watch of the recovered hand.

We're gonna match 'em to the carpeting that you were pulling up out of your motel the night that Keith disappeared.

[Inhales, exhales deeply]

Well, have fun doing that.

I'm trying to help you here. Okay, I know you did it.

How could you possibly know that, especially since I didn't do it?

I know it because I've been doing this for 20 years, and I know people. I get them, on the inside.

It's like a gift. And I know you did it.

Now, Keith wasn't always a nice guy.

I know that about him.

I know he was-- he was involved in a lot of things, any number of which could have gotten him k*lled.

But I also know he wasn't happy about losing his home and about you buying it.

And he's the kind of guy that might have tried to retaliate somehow-- maybe thr*aten you, scare you.

I'm not scared. Nobody scared me.

He doesn't scare me, and you don't scare me.

I told you all that I know. I told you I have nothing to do with this. Can we be done with this now?

Where'd you dump the carpeting that you pulled up that night?

I thought you said you had it.

No, I said we're gonna test it.

Well, how can you test it if you don't have it?

There's only three dumps it could have wound up in.

I'm gonna find it.

But it'd be helpful to us, and ultimately to you, if you were to tell me where it is.

I don't remember.

You don't remember?

No, I don't.

You don't remember where you physically dumped carloads full of carpeting?

No, I don't.

Okay, we're done now.


The carpeting isn't gonna still be in that dumpster.

It might be.

That was the first night we moved here.

It's not gonna be there.

Fine, then it won't be.


Did you just "whatever" me?

What has gotten into you?

What, is it Dylan's doing?

Has he-- has he gotten to you?

Look, we're here.

[Bin lid crashes, reverberates]

Hi. I have a problem.

I accidentally threw out my wedding ring with the trash, and I put it on the corner of Main and Hillcrest, in the dumpster.

Can you tell me where that trash is taken?

[Breathing hard]


Mom, stop it!

What am I supposed to do, Norman?

It's in there, and I can't get it!

[Screaming] I can't get it!

Mom! Mom!

Shut up, mom! This is your own fault!

I told you to call the police the night it happened.

I told you this is a bad idea!

You had every right to defend yourself.

But I didn't defend myself. I k*lled the crap out of him!

I don't know why I did, I was just so angry.

Angry that he would come into my home, and he would do that to me!

[Panicked gasps]

You don't understand, Norman.

My whole life-- my whole life I've had to put up with things.

[Gasping, crying]


[Sobbing continues]



Why do you always run away from me?

[Owl hooting]

I don't.

[Gags, coughs]

Don't laugh at me.

I'm not, it's just...

I'm sorry you had to deal with her all alone.

She's crazy.

You have no idea, Dylan.


That guy, Keith Summers, the one-- the one missing right after we moved in.


He broke into the house and att*cked mom.

r*ped her.


I was out. I came home and found her in the kitchen, her clothes torn off, her head pushed into the table.

I picked up this doorstop and hit him on the head, and he passed out.

She--she was bleeding real bad.

She cut her arm, I guess, so I ran to get the first-aid kit.

When I came back in the room, she was stabbing him.

Not once--like, 30 times. She'd totally lost it.

She didn't want to call the cops, even though I told her that we should.

I'm so scared, Dylan.

Every minute I've lived here, every second, just total fear.

And that sheriff's totally suspicious of her and-- and it--it's my fault.

I did this really stupid thing.

Keith Summers, he was wearing this, like, police belt when he att*cked mom, and I kept it.

I hid it under my bed. I don't know why.

And, uh--and Shelby, when they searched the house, he found it, and he's got it, and he won't give it back.

And now he's got mom doing stuff, 'cause she's afraid, I guess.

That's why you broke into his house... was to get that?

Yeah. Yeah, well, what I found there-- well, at least what I thought I found there was this girl.

This--this Asian girl.

He was keeping her locked in the basement.

I couldn't get her out of there. I told her I'd come back and get her out.

I'm gonna help you.

Thank you.

[Cell phone chimes]

Is that a girl?

Is she pretty? You like her?

Text her right now and tell her you're coming over.

I-I can't do that.

It just says, "Hey."

Sure you can.

What if she doesn't want me to come over?

Girls don't text you at 10:00 at night because they don't want you to come over.

Go ahead. Trust me.

I got laid when I was 12.

Seriously, just text her.

[Cell phone chimes]

Oh, my--
I can't believe I just--

I should never have done that.

[Cell phone chimes]

[Clears throat]

She says "Cool. Everyone's asleep.

I'm at my house. Come over."

Well, I can't go now. Not with all the--

It's crazy.

Look, this is the only thing that is not crazy. Okay?

Be a 17-year-old for five minutes.

Come on, go have fun.

Right now?

Yeah, right now.

She's waiting for you, dumbass. Come on, leave!


Do you want to go to my room?

Where's your mom?



You can sit on the bed.

Thank you for helping me so much.


I'm just... tired of being sad.

I want to feel something else for a little while.

Do you think I'm weird?

No, I don't think you're weird.

Thank you, Norman.

It's my pleasure.

[Grandfather clock chimes twice]

Norman, honey?


Where's your brother?

He's out with a girl.

What the hell are you talking about, "out with a girl"? What girl?

He's with a girl, Norma.

He's a 17-year-old kid, and he's out with a girl he likes.

And I hope to God he's getting laid.

Because he sure as hell deserves it for putting up with your crazy ass.

Putting up with my ass?


How dare you say that about me! How dare you!

What do you know about anything between me and Norman?

I know all I need to know. I talked to Norman.

Norman would never say anything bad about me.

He said plenty.

What would he say?

Enough for him to be taken away from you.

Nobody is taking him away from me.

That girl is right now!

You--oh, you stop it!

[Gasping, crying] I hate you!

[Doorbell rings]


[Doorbell rings]

Norman, is that you?

Norma Louise Bates, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Keith Summers.