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Wind River (2017)

Posted: 08/25/23 12:45
by bunniefuu
There's a meadow

in my perfect world...

where wind dances
the branches of a tree,

casting leopard spots of light
across the face of a pond.

The tree stands tall

and grand and alone,

shading the world beneath it.

It is here, in the cradle
of all I hold dear,

I guard every memory of you.

And when I find myself frozen
in the mud of the real,

far from your loving eyes...

I will return to this place,
close mine,

and take solace in the simple
perfection of knowing you.


You got blood on your shirt.

Uh, yeah,
I just came from work.

Who was the victim today?

Looks like it's gonna be me.

Want some coffee?


So, I gotta go
to the rez tomorrow.

Figure I'd take Casey by
to see your folks.


Something k*lled a yearling in
the pasture behind their house.

Yeah, that's why I'm going.

Don't let Casey
out of your sight on the rez.

- Okay?
- No, like I said,

I'm gonna leave him
with your folks while I scout.

You know, it's too cold
to drag him through the snow,

- so...
- You know what I mean.




- Dad?
- Come on, bud.

- Okay. I'm coming.
- Time to go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa whoa.

What's your BB g*n
pointed at right now?

Come here. Come down here.

Sorry, Dad.

Hey. What's the rule, bud?

Okay? g*n's always loaded,
even if it ain't.


- Yes.
- Okay. Come on, buddy.

Put that in the truck.
Hurry up.

- Okay.
- Don't run.

I'll be back Monday afternoon.

Just be careful
on the road, okay?

This won't be
my first snowstorm in a car.


Is this it?


Here you go, buddy.

You know,
it's a good town, Wilma.

They got good schools there.

If I get the job,
we're gonna have to talk

about his child support.

Jackson's a lot more expensive.

Well, you go get that job,

and we'll figure it out
from there.

Don't you worry about it.

Take Togwotee Pass.

And don't go
through Pinedale, okay?

This, uh, this storm's comin'
from the south, so...

Yeah, you couldn't drag me
through Pinedale with a rope.

I'll never
set foot in that town again.

Well, good luck, okay?

Better hurry it up...
it's hungry.

Chow time, boys.

You okay?


You gotta push his nose back

when he rubs up on you
like that.

- Okay?
- 'Kay.


Told you
I'd get that hat dirty.

He's got the height advantage
on me is the deal.

Is that right?

Well, let's fix that.

Come on.

You're gonna earn
his respect, buddy.

You know how you do that?

By standing your own ground.

So, let's get you up on there.

So, like I showed you, right?


Who's got
the height advantage now?

Huh? Who's got
the height advantage?

Let's back him up.

Be gentle.

Till he tells you not to be.

Take him around.

That's it.

Pass right by his food.

Keep on going, keep on going.

There you go.
You show him who's boss.

Want to sidepass him
over this way?


There you go.

That's it, son.

Keep coming.

Back him up.

He wants the food. Back him up.

Look at that.

All right, come on in.

How about that!

Good job. Come over here.

Put your hand up on his nose.

Let him smell you,
let him breathe you,

let him know you.

He'll love you forever.



So, what do you think
of that, son?

That was pretty cowboy, huh?

No, son.

That was all Arapaho.

Hey, grandson! Hey!

Grandma's making you fry bread.

- Did you have breakfast?
- Just eggs.

Well, go ahead, get you some!

- Horses sense the storm, huh?
- Yeah.

So, uh, police chief call you
to hunt the lion, eh?

Well, he called me
to hunt something.

- Yeah.
- Heard you lost a steer.

Yeah. I'll show you where.

- It's a lion.
- Is that right?

Come on.

How's Wilma?

She got a job interview
in Jackson.

Some hotel, I think.

- Jackson Hole.
- Yeah.

Going to live
with the millionaires, eh?

Well, I don't know about that.

I think the billionaires

chased out the millionaires
years ago.

Well, save your money.

When the wolves start eating
their golden retrievers,

that land's gonna go
for pennies on the dollar.

Yes, sir.

Tell me what that is.


Well, it's a lion, all right.

There's two.

Three of 'em.

She's got both
of last year's kits with her.

They chased your steer around
for a while, it seems.

That's what the tracks say.

Mama's teaching her kids
how to hunt.

She's teaching them
on livestock.

Mama just got
her whole family k*lled.

You got gas in your sled?

Hey. I need
emergency assistance.

emergency assistance requested.

Come back.

County Sheriff's Office.

What's your location?

The Wind River
Indian Reservation,

east of Boulder Flats.

FBI taking a while, eh?

Yeah, the road
out of Riverton's bad.

I don't want to move her
until they have a look,

but I'm not gonna try
to pull her out after dark.

We gotta get
this show on the road.

We're losing the tracks, Ben.

Well, it is coming down
pretty good.

You should let me follow 'em
while I still can.

Can't let you do that,

until it's okayed
by the FBI, Cory.

You call her folks yet?

No. I want to take the body
to Lander.

I know it looks like Natalie...

It's Natalie.

There's your Feds.

Where are these fools going?

- They can't see the road.
- We don't have time for this.

I'll get 'em.

destination is on the left.

Turn left.

- You FBI?
- Are you tribal police?

No, I'm here to take you
to them.

Look, they're very close.
Just follow me, okay?


I'm Jane Banner.

You by yourself?

Yeah. It's just me.

I'm Ben Shoyo...
I'm the tribal police chief.

That's Cory Lambert,
with Fish and Wildlife.

He's the one
who found the body.

And this is his, uh,
father-in-law, Dan.

He don't do nothin'.

We got the same job, eh?

Well, um, I'm sorry to meet
under these circumstances.

So, do you want
to show me the body?

I don't mean to be rude...
I'm just freezing

my ass off here, so...
the quicker, the-the better.

Yeah? Well,
that's gonna get a lot worse

if you go out there
dressed like that.

The body's five miles
on snowmobile.

I'm afraid you'd be dead
by the time we got there.

Okay. I-I got the call
when I was at a weapons course

in Riverton, so this is...
this is what I've got.

Well, you should have
a winter gear bag

- in that truck.
- Well, um, no,

that's not a government
vehicle, it's a rental.

I flew in from Vegas.

So I'm just the closest agent
to the scene.

You don't...
you don't think I can...

I can make it?

- Oh, you're from Vegas?
- No, I'm not... I'm not

from Vegas;
I'm stationed there.

I'm from Fort Lauderdale.

I'm sorry, if we're gonna keep

- having this conversation...
- Let's get you fixed up inside.

- It's gonna be great.
- Thanks.

Sorry. Excuse me.


- See what they send us?
- Yeah.

Thermals can make underwear
wedge up your bottom.

But I guess yours
are already there.

Here, these should fit.

You're skinny.

Thank you.

Do you have gloves?


Goodness. What were
they thinking sending you here?

Thank you.

And you bring them back
the minute you're done.

They were my granddaughter's.

They ain't a gift.

You hear me?

Yeah, of course.



Hey, buddy.

Um... I'm gonna need

a couple more hours, for work.

A couple.

This is our day.

I promise. Okay?


- Hang with Grandpa.
- It's letting up. Let's go.

God, it was a blizzard
20 minutes ago.

Well, it comes in waves.

Could be sunny for an hour,

then you're
right back in hell again.

The storm'll be back.

- That's something to look forward to.
- Yeah. Over here.

You got a positive ID?

Not positive, no.

Natalie Hanson.

We'll call that positive
for now.

Does she live close by?

Yeah. Fort Wakashie.

It's to the north a ways.

What's "a ways"?

About a 30-minute drive.

Okay, well,
she didn't run from home, then.

No one reported her missing?
Her parents...?


Yeah. That's why we called you.

How experienced is your
medical examiner?

Let's just say he...
he stays busy.

Uh, order a r*pe kit.

When he's done with the prelim,

I want her body sent
to Loveland.

And make sure
her belongings go with her,

'cause they need
to get tested, too.

I'm listing this as a homicide.

How well do you know this land?

Like it's my job.

'Cause it is.

Well, is there anywhere
she could be running from?

Is there anything close by?

Nearest house is three
and a half miles from here.

- Southeast.
- Sam Littlefeather's place

is over there.


Those boys could use
some serious looking into.

There are no structures closer?

There's a drill rig
five miles from here.

They got trailers
for the workers, but...

- that's closed for the winter.
- Okay, so why would

a teenage girl be out here?

Well, kids come out here
on their snow machines,

and, uh, have a big party
in the snow.

Not barefoot, they don't.

What do you think?

I only know
what the tracks say.

Okay, well, that's all we got.

Well, come here, I'll show you.

Over here. See this one?
See how the toes turned out,

the front is much deeper
than the back?

That says she was running.

Come here. I'll show you.

She ran until she dropped here.

See the pool of blood
where her face hit the snow.

Now, it gets 20 below
here at night,

so if you fill your lungs up
with that cold air

when you're running,
you could freeze 'em up.

Your lungs fill up with blood,
you start coughing it up.

So wherever she came from...

...she ran all the way here.

Her lungs burst here.

And she curled up
in that tree line

and drowned in her own blood.

Well, how far do you think

someone could run barefoot
out here?

Oh, I don't know, I...

How do you gauge
someone's will to live?

Especially in these conditions.

But I knew that girl.

She's a fighter.

So no matter
how far you think she ran,

I can guarantee you
she ran further.

I got to get back to my son.

Hey, um... would you
be willing to help me?

Hey, can he assist
on this investigation?


He doesn't work for me.

And you got a lion to k*ll,
don't forget.

There's three of 'em...
and I didn't.

Sorry, what is it...
what is it that you do again?

I'm a hunter.

You're a lion hunter?

I hunt predators.

Good. So why don't you
come hunt one for me, then?


- Dad?

Hey, bud.

What happened?
You can't sleep?

Had a nightmare.

That right? What about?

Who was she?

Come here, buddy.

- Want some milk?
- No.


she was a girl that just lost
her way in the snow.

That's all. Okay?

What's all this?

That's work, buddy.

Did she die like Emily?

She d*ed from the cold.

So she d*ed like Emily.

Yeah, son.

I'm afraid she did.

Hi. Sorry.


See you found town okay.

Yeah, barely.

Did the family
identify the body?


Did they give you a reason
for not reporting her missing?

Well, she stayed
with a boyfriend some.

They didn't think anything
of it.

She was 18,
free to do what she wanted.

Okay, Randy,
you're on the clock.

I got about five minutes
of this in me, so let's go.

I'll be quick. Morning.

Randy Whitehurst.
I'm the medical examiner.

I'm-I'm Jane Banner, FBI.

Uh, as you can see here,

she suffered a deep laceration
along her brow line.

Two separated ribs.

Frostbite in both feet
up through her ankles,

frostbite on her nose
and on her left hand.

Uh, the frostbite
on her feet is stage four.

You can tell
by the bluing here.

You see that?


Uh, vaginal wall is torn
in different depths.

You think there are
multiple assailants?

Can't determine that.

Could be one assailant who
assaulted her multiple times.

Uh, I swabbed her
and sent the sample by courier

to the FBI crime lab
in Loveland, Colorado

per your request.

We should have the DNA results
in six weeks.

Uh, those findings might help
us make that determination.

What are you listing
as the cause of death?

Well, you're not gonna like it.

She d*ed
from a pulmonary hemorrhage.

When... subzero air
is drawn into the lungs,

it can cause the alveoli...

the tiny sacs in the lungs...
to burst.

Fluid builds in the lungs,
and if the air is cold enough,

the liquid in the lungs
will crystallize.

the victim either...

Sorry, you're not listing this
as a homicide?


Uh, s...
You have to take

into consideration
the circumstances.

She was r*ped repeatedly,

Look, uh, circumstances
is your field, not mine.

- Now, let me... let me show you.
- No.

I don't need it explained.

This is very prosecutable
as a m*rder.

I mean, clearly,
she wouldn't have been

running through the snow
if she hadn't been att*cked,

but I can't list the cause
of death as homicide.

And I can't get an FBI team
to the reservation

unless it's listed
as a homicide.

Look, I'm not here
to solve this.

I'm-I'm just here
to obtain a cause of death

- and send a team here that can.
- Look, present

the r*pe, present the as*ault,
and I'm...

Those don't fall
to the jurisdiction of the FBI.

They fall to the Bureau
of Indian Affairs.

Huh. Hey, don't look at me.
I'm used to no help.

You have six officers
on your entire force

to cover an area the size
of Rhode Island.

Yes, I know that.

No offense,
but this will have to curl up

in your lap
in order for you to solve it.

- I know that, too.
- We all know

it's a m*rder.

All right, have a U.S. Attorney
sign off on it,

I'm happy to corroborate that,
but I just can't put it

on the death certificate.


Thank you.

I appreciate your passion.

It's not the Feds'
usual response,

but Randy is on our side.

When my supervisor sees
his report,

he's gonna want me back
in Vegas.

Not that... I'm much help
or anything, but...

...I'm all you've got.


So you never met him.


And she never talked about him?

Not to me.

So why would you let
your daughter stay

with a guy you've never met
whose name you don't even know?

She was an adult.



I'm sorry.
What does that mean?

It ain't good.

Ah. Um, look...

I don't mean to offend you.

I am just trying to understand
the dynamic here, Mr. Hanson.

I'm trying to help.

Why is it whenever
you people try to help,

it starts with insults?

I don't know why
she didn't tell me,

but she was 18,
and I chose to trust her.

I chose wrong.

Okay, well, um,
how about... your wife?

Did your daughter talk to her?

Do you talk to your mother?

Her name is Annie?
Is she here?

She's in the bedroom.

Good. I'd like
to speak to her.

Be my guest.

Thank you.

- Bedroom's just this way?
- That way.

- Jane?
- Yeah.

You don't mind, right?

Hey, you don't need
my permission.

You're an adult.



I'm-I'm really sorry.


I'd like to tell you
it gets easier.

It doesn't.

If there's any...

comfort, it's...

getting used to the pain,
I suppose.

Went to a grief seminar
in Casper.

Did you know that?

I don't know why.

Just wanted the bad
to go away.

Wanted answers... to questions
that couldn't be answered.

The counselor come up to me
after the seminar

and sat down next to me.

And he said something
that stuck with me.

I don't know
if it's what he said,

or it's how he said it.

He says, "I got some good news,
and I got some bad news."

"Bad news is you're never
gonna be the same.

"You're never gonna be whole,
not ever again.

"Your lost your daughter.

"Nothing's ever going
to replace that.

"Now the good news is,

"as soon as you accept that,
and you let yourself suffer...

"... you allow yourself
to visit her in your mind,

"and you'll remember
all the love she gave,

all the joy she knew."

Point is, Martin,
you can't steer from the pain.

If you do,
you'll rob yourself...

You'll rob yourself
of every memory of her.

Every last one.

From her first step

to her last smile.

k*ll 'em all.

Just take the pain, Martin.

You hear me?

You take it.

It's the only way
you'll keep her with you.

I'm just tired, Cory.

You know, I just...

I'm so tired
of fighting this life.

What you do now
is for your boy.


dr*gs is his family now.

He's gone, too.

Lives right down the damn road,
but he's...

he's gone.

I expect they'll find out
he's involved in this somehow.

He's staying
with the Littlefeather boys.

Is that it?


You're driving this Fed around
so she don't

get lost?
Is that it?

That's what
they asked me to do.

It's not what I'm doing.

Then what are you doing?

I'm a hunter, Martin.

What do you think I'm doing?

If you find out who did this,

I don't care who it is.

You understand me?

Right where they stand.

Then get off my porch
and go do it.

Natalie's brother

lives here with Stan
and Bart Littlefeather

and a real piece of work
named Frank Walker.

Hanson kid's bad,
but the others are just...

stone evil,
so watch yourself.

Shouldn't we just maybe wait
for some backup?

Well... this isn't the land
of backup, Jane.

This is a land of
you're on your own.

Listen to that sh*t.


Yeah, we're looking
for Chip Hanson. He around?

Not here, bro.

Who are you?

Who the f*ck are you?

I'm the FBI.

Are you Sam?


You high right now, Sam?

How many times
have I arrested you?

Chief. What's up, bro?

Where's your brother?

He's in prison
where you put him.

What? No parole?

Well, look at that...
the justice system at work.

That reminds me.

My P.O. told me
to give you something.

I... I got it... I got it
right here. Let's see...

Wait. Let me see your hands.
Let me see...

Cory! Watch the back!

The other two's outside
with Cory. Let's go.

He's-he's still alive.
We need to call the EMS.

EMS is an hour away.
Just... just

- leave him.
- Mm-mm.

He's not dead, Ben.

Like I said,

let's go.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

The skinny one's
Natalie's brother.

- Who's the other one?
- That...

is a Frank Walker.

Won't your daddy be proud?

My dad's in prison, assh*le.

I know. I put him there.

Tell me what happened
to your sister, Chip.


Don't play dumb.

About what?
What happened to her?


What'd that cr*cker do, huh?

What... what cr*cker?

Was she seeing a white guy?

Do you know him?
Do you know who he is?

Do you know his name, Chip?

You just said "was."

Why did you say "was"?

Wh-Why did she say "was"?

She just said "was"!

Because I found her
r*ped and k*lled

right over there, son.

That's why.




You go. I'm gonna get Chip
over to Lander

and see if he'll give me
the name of this boyfriend.

I'm telling you,
this is how we find him.

No, we go to where
he works or where he lives.


All right, well,
where does he work?

Where does he live?

You think this assh*le's gonna
tell us anything? I don't.

Look, I know
you're looking for clues,

but you're missing
all the signs.

Come here. Let me show you.

See this here?

- This is a sled track, right?
- Okay.

Okay, you see out here
on the ridge?


Use these.

- Okay.
- You see at the end of the ridge here?

Follow my hand.
Can you see my hand?

- Yep.
- Okay, when I take it away, now look.

- Do you see that?
- Uh-huh.

- Can you see the shadow there?
- I think so.

The snow's starting
to cover it.

Now look up at the base
of the mountain there...

you see it go
up the ridge there?

You'll see it
a lot easier there.

You see those tracks go
up that mountain there?

- Yeah, I see it.
- All right.

Natalie's body was found
just past there. Right?

And someone unloaded a sled
right here,

drove all the way out there.

There's no tracks coming back...
why is that?

I'm telling you...
the answers are out there.

Hey, look, um...

I don't know how
to do this, okay?

- I'm not a tracker.
- That's okay.

That's all I do.


- you asked me to help you, right?
- Yeah.

We should go,
while I still can.


Why are we stopping?

Well, we're
above the storm now.

The trees are
too thick to drive.

Got to walk from here.

Come on.

- Put these on.
- Okay.

Now what?

We walk.

Follow these sled tracks
heading south.

- Ready?
- Yeah.

- All right, follow me.
- Mm. Okay.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

We were on foot
the last half mile of it,

but we blazed a pretty good
trail in the snow, so...

I could take the boys
back up there if you want.

Well, I'll talk
to the BIA supervisor.

He just might want you
to do that.

Security team
over at the rig's got cameras

around the perimeter.

I'm gonna head up there
in the morning...

we might get lucky
and find something on tape.

All right.

Did... did the two we have
in custody say anything?

They ain't
the talking kind, Jane.

These kids,
they expect to go to prison.

It's a rite of passage.

Hell, I think they look forward
to it... you know, uh,

three hots and a cot
and free cable.

Anything's better than being
here, the way they see it.

Let's just test their DNA
against the semen

and see what that tells us.

- Can I talk to them?
- No, Cory.

Anything they tell you
would be inadmissible in court.

And then anything you'd tell us

would render every net result
inadmissible as well.

What if I didn't tell you?

What if I just knew it?

Yeah. Agent Banner.

Yes, sir.


I've known this kid
since he could walk.

I gotta canvass the house.

The, uh, back door only locks
from the inside.

Look at you.

Look at you.

I didn't do sh*t.

All you've been doing is sh*t
for the last few years, Chip.

It's this place, man.

Look what it takes from us.

What it took from you.

I'm not gonna stand here
and tell you that life's fair,

'cause it ain't.

To either of us.

But, you know,

what do we do?

This land, land,

- this land is all we got left.
- What's this "we" sh*t?

Only thing native about you
is your ex-wife,

and the daughter
you couldn't protect.

Maybe if you'd
played detective...

That's not something
you get to talk about.

You hear me?

Go over there.

You're gonna lecture me
about protecting people

while you deal the sh*t
that's k*lling them?

Unlike most people,
you had every chance

to get the hell out of here
if that's what you want.

You had the army,
you had college...

whatever, it was your choice.

Look what you chose.

Look what you chose.

g*dd*mn you.

I met him.


Yeah, the m*therf*cker
was almost as old as you.

All right?

I wanted to fight his ass, too.

But Natalie wouldn't let me.

Guess love
really is blind, huh?

He works security
on one of them drill sites.

Does the boyfriend have a name?

Matt. Matt something.

I don't know.

Who does?

Sam knew.

Why don't you ask him?

I think you'll be talking
to Sam long before I do.

You think this is
who I wanted to be?


I get so mad,

I want to fight
the whole world.

You got any idea
what that feels like?

I do.

But I decided to fight
the feeling instead.

'Cause I figured
the world would win.

What did I tell you?

Did-did he say anything?

No, f*ck, I don't... I don't...
I don't want to know.

- You're headed up to the rigs tomorrow, ain'tcha?
- Yeah.

Natalie's boyfriend
worked there.


No. f*ck, don't tell me.

This thing's solving itself.


I want you at the rig
with us tomorrow.

You don't catch wolves
looking where they might be,

you look where they've been.

They been right here.


You okay?

I been better.

Brings it all back, doesn't it?


So, you and Ben
and this little FBI girl

formed your own posse
to go solve it all, I hear.

Just trying to help.

You won't get the answers
you're looking for.

No matter what you find.

This isn't about Emily.

Good night, Cory.

Matt Rayburn.

Do you know him?

That the guy we found
in the snow?

Yeah. His fingerprints
are in the database.

He's a security contractor
for one of the drill stations.

All right.

That it?

- Am I fired now?
- No.

- Come on, why don't you come inside.
- Okay.

- We'll warm up.
- Yeah.

You, uh,
want something to drink?


Got, uh... milk

and coffee and well water.

Water is good.


All right, uh,

just make yourself at home.

Here you go.


That's, uh...

that's my daughter, Emily.

She passed three years ago.

I'm sorry.

You want to know how,
don't you?

I do, but...

Makes two of us.

I was, uh, working as, uh,
an outfitter in Pinedale,

and there was a big snow.

So I found myself
with a rare night off.

So I go to a motel,
call the wife

and say, "Why don't you come up
and stay for the night?"

And when you got two...
two kids

and you're on the mountain
half the year, it's...

you don't get much time

So we had Emily
look after Casey.

He was five at the time.
She was 16.

I guess word got out

that we were out of town.

So some school friends
came over.

Then some more friends.

Then, uh...

and then some people came over
that weren't friends.

So a little gathering turned
into quite the party, I guess.

Then, uh...

I don't know.

You know,
there's a lot I don't know.

Got that phone call
the next morning.

From Natalie.

Saying that Emily was missing.

She was worried, naturally.

They were best friends.

You know, we tried to be
very careful with Emily.

Tried to plan for everything.

She was such a good girl.

But we let our guard down.

Really, I tell you,

you know,
you may have kids one day.

You cannot blink.

Not once, not ever.

There was a guy moving sheep
over by the Wind River.

He's the one who found her.

Some 20 miles from our house.

They don't know how she got
there or what happened.

Autopsy couldn't tell us much,

'cause the coyotes got at her
pretty good.

You know, I'm-I'm sor...

I'm sorry, it's not...

I'm sorry.

Could you point me, um...

towards your...

uh, the bathroom?

Straight back there.


"There is a meadow
in my perfect world..."

Emily wrote that.

It's what got her accepted
into the summer writing program

at Colorado State.

Did she write it to you?


Doesn't matter who it's to.

Just matters who it's from.

Look, I'm sorry about, um,

earlier tonight.

I guess...

I'm just trying to do
the right thing here.

And I don't really know what
the Hanson boy told you, but...

I don't want to stumble
into something like today

if I can help it.

So, you know,
if he said something that...

I should know,
I'd appreciate if you shared.

Well, all he said was that.

Natalie's boyfriend
was named Matt.

And you've already figured out
who that is, so...

You could've called
for that information, no?

I wanted to know
why you're helping me.

Now I do, so...


do you think we could not ride
the snowmobiles

80 miles an hour?

Yeah, sure.

If you want to end up in a
ditch we could've jumped over,




You win.

Have a good night.

All right.

- See you tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow.

You're shaking more
than she is.

It's cold enough to freeze
a well digger's ass out here.

- Yeah. Below zero, I bet.
- Yeah, six below.

It's a lot colder up there.

Hey, bud.

Hey. How are you doing?

What are you doing here?

Those tracks that lead
from the Littlefeather house

to the body, I'm gonna follow
'em, see where they go.

- How about you?
- Yeah, well,

Jane's the only one
with jurisdiction out there.

Just wanted
a few extra badges along.

You want to walk 'em
through this?

Uh, sure, yeah. Um...

the drill station has cameras
all along its perimeter,

so we're hoping one of
the cameras caught something.

And, uh, we'll also canvass
Matt Rayburn's trailer,

and see if there's anything
that links him to the as*ault.

Do you have a warrant?

I'm gonna ask real nice.

Can't get there
from the Littlefeather house?

Uh, it's a real tough sled ride
through two canyons,

and I ain't looking
to dig you out,

- so I wouldn't recommend it.
- We'll take

the refinery road around.

See, you got to drive 50 miles
to go five.

- Yeah.
- Welcome to Wyoming.

Didn't you people get the memo
that it's-it's spring?

- Come on, guys.
- If you find anything,

you call me on the radio...

- Sure will.
- ... we'll come up to you.

- Mornin'!
- Mornin'.

Can I help you?

Yeah, does, uh,
Matt Rayburn work here?

Yeah. Do you know where he is?

I was, uh, about to ask you
the same thing.

No, he got in a fight with his
girlfriend a couple days ago.

She took off.

He took off after.
We haven't seen him since.

- When was that?
- Three days ago.

Hell, we-we didn't know
what to do.

We've been waiting on corporate
ever since to tell us

whether or not to fill out
his termination papers

- or call you guys.
- Everything okay?

Yeah, yeah. Here about Matt.

You find him? Is he okay?

- What happened to you two?
- What's that?

You look a little torn up.

Yeah, well, you hit

one of these pine branches
doing 60,

see what happens to you.

Yeah, we run the
property line twice daily...

comes with the territory.

You should try using,
uh, face shields.

I requested helmets.

Our supervisor said,
"Snow's soft, ain't it?"

Corporate's in Texas.
What can I tell you?

Does Matt bunk here
on the property?

Yeah. Yeah, we all do.

- Can we see his trailer?
- Yeah, sure.

Come on, I'll walk you up.

What's going on, boss?

They're here about Matt.

End of the line for you.

So, did, uh...

did something happen to him?

Do you know where he is?

That's what we're trying
to find out.

His girlfriend filed
a Missing Persons Report.

Well, how can that be?
I thought you guys found her

in a snowdrift
right before the storm.

Excuse me?

I heard her name
go out over the radio

- when you guys found her.
- I don't remember

using her name.

maybe you weren't listening.

What the f*ck are you doing?


Why are you flanking me?

- What are you talking about?
- What the f*ck

you think I'm talking about?
You got us on three sides...

Get your hand off that w*apon.
This is private property.

Put the f*cking g*n down!

- Hold it right there!
- Put the f*cking g*n

- down right now!
- Hey!

Put it down! Do it!

- Drop to your knees right now!
- Do it!

Turn away from me!
Drop to your knees right now!

- Evan!
- f*ck you! This is a Department of Energy lease

on reservation land, assh*le!

- You're breaking the law by being here!
- Hey!

This is leased land
on a reservation, Deputy!

- You got no authority!
- You think I don't know what

- you're doing?!
- f*cking do it, assh*le! See what happens!

Hoka hey, white boy, let's go.

What are we doing?

you've got no authority!

You're in violation
of federal law!

- Lower your w*apon!
- f*ck you!

- You got us in a crossfire!
- Talk to me! What do I do?

Hold your ground! County
sheriffs have no authority!

- All right, everybody, just take it easy!
- FBI! Hey!

FBI! This is federal land,
and I am the only authority!


Right now,
all of you stand down!

Okay? Everyone.

We're all working
towards the same goal here,

and I need you to back down

and take your hands away
from your weapons.


Dillon, holster your w*apon.

f*cking decaf, man.

Jesus f*cking Christ.

You keep these assholes
in check, lady.

We're just doing
our f*cking job here.

Yeah, when we show up,

- your job is over, assh*le.
- Evan!

Holster your w*apon, now!

All right. Every one of you
step to my left.

- Let's go.
- Nobody behind me. Do you understand?

- You got it, assh*le. Guys...
- Yeah.

...step my way!

Everybody take a big,
deep breath here, please.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Relax.
- Deputy,

- holster your w*apon.
- You didn't see it?

Now, or you're under arrest.
Do you understand me?

You didn't see it.

Take us to Matt's trailer.

Yes, ma'am.

Ben, you copy?

Ben, do you copy?


This is it, right here.

Does he bunk with anybody?

Yeah. Me and Pete Mickens.

Is Pete in there now?

Yeah. He's sleeping.

He's got the night shift.

Can I help you?

Uh, yeah, I'm... I'm looking
for my knight in shining armor.

I think this is his trailer.

Well, um...

sh*t. I'm a little short
on armor, you know?

Um, I don't mind.

- You don't mind? Yeah?
- Uh-uh.

Do you have any idea
how good it is to see you?

Like, any idea? Man, oh, man.

How did you get here? I didn't
hear your carriage pull up.

Well, my, uh...

carriage wanted to catch
the 8:00 show in Lander...

- -... so she dropped
me off at the turnout.

- What'd you do? You just walked in the snow, huh?
- Mm-hmm.

- Like Superwoman.
- Well, I think you're worth it.

- You think I'm worth it? Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

Would you get your ass in here?

You're, like, baddest woman
on the planet, you know that?


- How about New York?
- Oh!

You'd hate New York.

You'd hate it.
You go a whole month there,

your... your feet never touch
anything but cement.

Okay, how about Chicago?

Hmm, sh*t. Baby, it's the
same thing as New York.

- It's just colder, you know? More crime.
- Mmm.

If you're into that kind of thing.

You think that's funny? Yeah?

All right,
how about Los Angeles, hmm?

Hey, listen to me.

Do never, ever say that word
around me again.

Oh. What? It's warm there.

Yeah, I'd rather be in Iraq.

Iraq's warm.


And I'll tell you what.
I got one.

- Mm-hmm.
- I got one.

I was, uh...
I remember I was stationed

- up at this place called Point Mugu, right?
- Mm-hmm.

It's about an hour north
of L.A. It was Christmas.

I woke up, I'm all alone.

You know, I don't have anybody,

and what the Navy does
at Christmastime

is they have these dumb
little skits in the mess hall,

you know, for the guys
without families.

And I wasn't gonna stick around
for that bullshit,

so I just... I got in my truck,

and I hightailed it
out of there,

and I wound up in this little
mountain town called Ojai.

And I get there,
and it's like...

it's, like, fruit farms
and vineyards,

and there's this mountain
surrounding it, you know,

like, protecting the town.

And the people there are,

- Everybody smiles at each other, you know?
- Yeah?

And they say hello,
and it's, like...

I remember thinking
that they were all, like...

I don't know. They had
these looks in their eyes.

Like they were in
on some sort of a secret,

like they had all
figured it out.

There's this mission,
this Spanish mission

right there
in the middle of town.

They're having Christmas Mass.

They're celebrating Christmas

in 70-degree weather,
you know, and I just went,

and I picked me up an orange
off a tree,

and sat down on a bench
and listened

to that choir sing,
eating my orange, you know.

It was... I don't know.

It was the best Christmas
I ever had.

I want to live there.


- Let's live in Ojai.
- Okay.

- Yeah?
- Mmm.

What time is it?

I thought they were staying
in town tonight.

I did, too.

sh*t. I'm sorry, Nat.

Just shut the, uh...

sh*t! sh*t! sh*t! sh*t!

- sh*t! sh*t! sh*t!
- Yo. What do we got? You got...

You got drinks?
You got... you got vodka?

- Whoa, hey.
- You got... What do you got?

Get me... get me a beer. Get me a beer.

- f*cking take one!
- You want... you want one?

- Man, you want one?
- Yo...

Smells like sex in here.

- What you two been doing?
- Well, well, well.

What do you got,
the f*cking honeymoon suite?

What you two been doing, huh?

What have they been doing?


Well, hello there.

Hi, Pete.

Hello. You know, I'm...
just kind of wondering

what you got on under
them big sheets there.

Hey, Curt,
you mind getting him, man?

- Come on. Pete.
- I asked the lady a question.

- Pete.
- What does she got underneath them sheets?

It's a fluffy down coat, Pete.
It's not very sexy.

Well, fluffy sounds good to me.

- Hey, Curt, you gonna get him or not, man?
- Matty.

Wait a second.
Are you naked, too?

Are you... are you naked, too?

- What have you two been doing?!
- Come on!

- Are you naked?
- Hey, Curt, you mind getting him out of my

- room, please? -Come on, Pete. Let's go!
- Are you naked, too?

- What have you two been doing?
- Hey, Curt,

- could you get him, man?
- Huh? -Pete, come on!

- I'll tell you what. I just want one little peek.
- Come on!

- I just want one little... just
a little... just a little peek.

Hey, Curt, why don't you
come in here and and get him

out of here? I don't understand
why you don't do that, man.

- Come on!
- Just a little pek. Just a little peek.

- Hey!
- What the f*ck is your problem?

- Oh, ho!

Bros, whoa, whoa, whoa,
he turned all serious

all of a sudden.
Why are you doing that?

- Come on. Pete.
- Huh? Now don't you be

bullshitting me, girl. You've
been showing your little ass

like a flag around here.

And I've been seeing it,
and all I want is a little...

All I want is a little peek.

What are you gonna do, big boy?

What are you gonna do?
Come on.

- What are you gonna do, big boy?
- Pete. Sit down, Pete.

Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey!

- Hey.
- The f*ck's that about?

f*cking chill.

- Oh, yeah, I see that.
- Pete, have a seat.

- He don't want to share.
- I don't understand.

Man doesn't want
to be friends.

You know what? You know what?
We ain't friends.

Friends share.

- Hey!
- Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey!

- Aah!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What the f*ck!

Being such a f*cking p*ssy
over this prairie n*gg*r.


- Stop!
- Hey, hey!


Hey! Hey!


Get him off him!

- Get the f*ck off!
- Matty, get the f*ck off!

Don't f*cking turn...

Hey, guys.

Hey. Come on.

Jesus. Aah!

Get the f*ck off!

Hold him!

He hit my head good.

You ain't too proud now, are you, bitch?

- Huh?
- Next one's my turn, you f*cking bitch.


Oh, God!

Get his arm.

Grab his arm.
Pull... pull him off.

Pull. Get his arm.

- Grab his arm!

FBI! Open up!

Are you sure
someone's in there?

Hey, Pete, it's Curtis.

Ben, you copy?

FBI is standing in front
of the door. Open up!


Get away from the door!


f*ck you. Let's go.

Pete, you okay?

- I'm hit!
- Who isn't?

- Pete, you good?
- We're good!

How many we got down?

Two that won't get up.

No. I'm getting up.

- -g*dd*mn it,
the women out here are spunky.

Anyone see
where that came from?

- Can you stand?
- I don't know.

Well, you better figure it out
'cause we're not done yet.

- Where is he?
- I don't know.



Hey, Curtis!

Behind trailer three!


- You okay?
- Mm. Mm.

Let's get you inside.

Mind if I have a look?



I see a couple rounds
went through here.

It's just pieces.
You should be okay.

There. Let's see.

Let's see here.


Yeah, hold that. Press it tight.

- Uh, yeah.
- Okay.




Give me your radio.

My best chance out of here... a helicopter.

You don't have one of those,
do you?

- Nope.
- Hey.

Hey, give me your radio.

Go get him.

I won't bring him back.

You have to know that.

I do.

Go get him.


Come on! Come on!

You know where you are?


It's Gannett Peak.

Highest mountain in Wyoming.

And on the hottest day
in August,

shovel a foot of snow.


too cold to snow.

Look, man, let's just...

let's just talk
for a minute, all right?

Let's just... talk. Please.


What the f*ck?!
Where are my boots?!

- Where are my boots?!
- You know, I got all

the time in the world here.

Can't say the same for you.

So we gonna talk,
or you gonna keep whining?

Look, I'm...

I have made mistakes, okay?

So what'd you do?


Hey, look, I'm...
I'm not the law here.

I'm just a guy
sitting in front of you.

So you can tell me the truth.

If you tell me the truth,
I'll give you a chance.

Ah, you just listen to me!

You know what it's like

out here in this frozen hell?

There's no nothing to do.
No nothing.

Ain't no women, no fun!

Just this f*cking...
this f*cking snow

and the f*cking silence.

That's all!

My family's people
were forced here,

stuck here for a century.

That snow and silence...

it's the only thing that hasn't
been taken from them.

- So what'd you take?
- I don't know.

I don't know.
I don't know what you...

I don't know what you mean.

You take something, too?


- Nothing.
- Ah.


I need you
to be honest with me.


You get drunk?

Get lonely?

Then what'd you get?

If you did it,
just be a man and say it.

Say, "I r*ped her."

I r*ped her.

I r*ped her! Yeah!

And the boyfriend?

What, did he get in your way?

Did you b*at him to death?

Look, a nod's
not gonna cut it, okay?

- Need you to say it.
- We b*at him.

We made him dead.


Please don't.

I'm gonna cut you loose.

It's okay.

Free to go.

Where?! Where am I gonna go?!

I'm a man of my word.

You told the truth.

I'm gonna give you a chance.

I'm gonna give you
the same chance

that she got.

what chance did she get?

What... what chance
did she get?

If you can make it
to that highway,

you're a free man.

where-where is the highway?

You know how far
that drill camp was

from where
I found Natalie's body?


Six miles. Barefoot.

That's a warrior.

That's a warrior.

You? You may make 600 feet,

- Uh...
- ... you better get going.


I don't understand.
I don't understand.

What do you want me to do?!

I want you to run.

How you feeling?

I feel okay.

I got you something.

Thought maybe it'd give you
a little taste of home.

Little crocodile.

Please don't make me laugh.

It's an alligator.

He'll protect you, better than
that bulletproof vest, right?

I shouldn't joke about that...
it saved your life.

You saved my life.


Jane, you're a tough woman.

You saved your own life.

We should both be honest.

I just...

I got lucky.

Well, you know,
luck don't live out here.

Luck lives in the city.

Don't live out here.

You know,
that's whether you get,

you know, hit by a bus or not.

Whether your...
bank is robbed or not,

or whether someone's...
on their damn cell phone

when they come up
to a crosswalk... that's luck.

That's winning or losing.

Out here, you survive
or you surrender. Period.

That's determined by your
strength and by your spirit.

Wolves don't k*ll unlucky deer.

They k*ll the weak ones.

You fought for your life, Jane.

Now you get to walk away
with it.

You get to go home.

I know what you're doing.

I'm gonna read to you
from a magazine.

"Ten Signs That He's Into You."

Things that
I really want to know.

"He looks you in the eye
when he speaks."

Ain't you supposed to do...

She ran six miles in the snow.

Yes, she did.








What's with the paint?

It's my death face.

Is that right?

And how would you know
what that is?

I don't.

Just made it up.

'Cause there's no one left
to teach me.

I was ready to quit.

Then the phone rang.

Which is never good.

But today it was.

First time Chip's called me
in over a year.

Where is he?

The station.

I was gonna go pick him up.

As soon as I washed
this sh*t off my face.

Heard about what happened.

Heard there's one
still missing.


No one's missing.

How'd he go out?

With a whimper.

You better go easy on Chip.

Suffering's hard on young men;
they don't have our practice.

I should go get him.

Yeah, but I...

just need to sit here...

...and miss her for a minute.

You got time to sit with me?

Oh, I ain't goin' nowhere.