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05x03 - Barbie, Brownies and Bears, Oh My!

Posted: 08/17/23 06:57
by bunniefuu
Whoa, oh-oh-oh ♪

So much to see ♪

So much to do ♪

Let's share a dream ♪

♪ Make it come true ♪

Us girls' got ♪

♪ The right combination ♪

Make our way
To new destinations ♪

Imagine all
The possibilities ♪

Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ You can be anything ♪

Hey, hey, hey ♪

Barbie's here, gonna sing ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

Yeah, that's our thing ♪

It's the
Dreamhouse Adventures ♪

[birds chirping]


Guys! Wake up!

You're missing
a spectacular morning.

Oh, no!
Who ate the brownies?!

Yep, there was a thief among us.

The worst kind of thief.

The double-chocolate,
pecan-marshmallow brownie kind.

The only question was, "Who?"

♪ Oh, oh, brownies
You so good ♪

♪ Make me feel like... ♪

♪ Robin Hood ♪

Well, that was bad.

But you, my friends,
are the best batch ever.

Uh-uh Chels'.

But I was just...


[chuckles] Oh, my...

What some people won't do to get
a taste of one of your brownies.


[clears throat]

How did that get in there?

[chuckles] That's so weird.

Everyone front and center.

And that includes you, too,
Skipper and Stacy.

[groans] Fine.

Oh, man.

We all know the rules.

My special double-chocolate

pecan-marshmallow brownies

are only for
the family camping trip,

around the campfire
on the second night,

when Dad tells us ghost stories.
It's tradition!

But they're so good!

Do we really have to wait?

One little sample can't hurt.

Tell that to the batch of .


[both muttering]

- Uh...
- Uh...

[gasps] Uh...


I guess it is
pretty hard to stop

once that delicious taste
hits the tongue.

- Impossible, really.
- So we all agree?

No samples, treats or tastes
of the brownies

until we're sitting around
the campfire?

[Count Dracula voice]
I've been working on my
scariest ghost story yet.

[creepy laughing]

Keep working on it, Dad.


Are you sure we have everything?

If, by everything,
you mean the brownies?

Then, yes,
got 'em right here.

- I'll hold them.
- Thanks, Chelsea,
but I got this.

OK! I think that's it!
We're heading out.

- Whoo-hoo!
- All aboard!


Are we there yet?

[dad] No, dear,
we're still in the driveway.

But don't worry,
it won't take long.

Assuming there's no traffic.

[cheering and laughing]

[traffic sounds]

Hey, girls!
Just passed another mile marker.

The third one this hour.

We're here!

Time to get our camping on!


Seriously, guys.
We gotta make camp.

What's the rush?

Well, I guess there isn't one.

Assuming you don't mind
running into a few bears.

[all] Bears?!


OK, last thing to do
is put away the brownies.

- [all] I'll do it.
- Thanks guys,
but I got this covered.

- [all] Aww!
- Sheesh.


- [chuckles]
- [clears throat]

[animal howls]

Skipper, can we change places?

I don't want to sleep
by the door.

Why? There's nothing to be
afraid of out here.

Except bears.

- [howling]
- [gasps]

Don't worry about the bears.

If we leave them alone
they'll leave us alone.

I think I can leave them more
alone if I sleep over there.

I'll sleep by the door.



Whatcha up to, Mom?

Ow! Barbie!
I was...

I was just making sure
all the food was put away.

Are you sure you weren't
looking for these?

Oh... [laughs]

Why on earth
would I be looking for...

You know, um,

I'm just gonna go to bed now.

- Night!
- Night.

Was Mom looking
for the brownies?

- Yep.
- [chuckles]

I can't believe anyone
would try to get a sneak taste.

I mean, who can't wait
one more day?

Right? They're good,
but they're not that good.

OK, they are that good.

But, it's tradition.

And if there's one thing

we Roberts love,
it honoring our traditions.

No one's gonna bother
those brownies

until tomorrow's campfire.

- Goodnight.
- [Skipper] Goodnight!

[Chelsea] Goodnight, Barbie.

[owl hoots]

[rooster crows]

[Barbie gasps]
Oh, no!

- [gasps] What?
- Wait, what's going on?

- You OK?
- Barbie?

Who ate the brownies?!

Who could have done
such a thing?

My ghost stories
depend on those brownies.

The whole trip is ruined now.

How can life even go on?

- Too much?
- A tad.

We all need to calm down
and solve this problem.

How can we solve the problem
when someone ate the problem?

We don't know that for sure.

Maybe someone
just misplaced them.

Why don't we each go over
what we did last night?


Why are you looking at me?

Barbie saw you in the camper.

Did you go straight
to bed after that?

OK, fine. I went back in.

Ah-ha! She did it!

I didn't. Honest!



I was having a hard time
sleeping since...


Well, you know how your
father snores out here.

It's not my fault.

My nostrils have a hard time
adjusting to so much fresh air.

Anyway... I decided
to check on the brownies.

To make sure Barbie
put them in a safe place.

Let's just see...


Oh, yes!

A little peeksy can't hurt.

Oh, my!

Oh, my. My, my, my...

Just a nibble!
Who would know?

Nobody! That's who!
Do it.

- Mm...
- Stop!

One bite leads to two,
and then three,

and then before you know it,
they're all gone.

You need the brownies.
You deserve the brownies.

Don't listen to her.

You'll never forgive yourself.

And worse,
they will never forgive you.

- Do it!
- Stop!

- Do it, do it!
- Ooh!

- Oh!
- Please, don't.

Ahhh... No. They'll taste better
with the whole family.

No, they won't!

No, no, no! Wait!

So, you opened the container
but didn't eat them?

Not one bite.

Not even a tiny nibble?

You did smell awful chocolaty
when you got back to the tent.

- Ah-ha!
- What?

You were awake
after Mom got back?

Well, yes, but,
wait a second...

Ah-ha! He did it!

[both gasping]

Dad! How could you?

- [all] Dad!
- I didn't.

But I did leave
the tent because...





Oh, wait.

But then I heard something.

[chomping sounds]

I wasn't sure what it was

so I thought I better
check around.

Make sure you guys were safe.


Don't mess with Georgie Roberts.




- [growling]
- What's that?

OK. Probably just
another squirrel.

There's absolutely
nothing to be...

- [roars]
- [yelps]

Can't catch me,
can't catch me.



Wow. I'm being silly.

It's just a squirrel.

Well, and since squirrels
love brownies,

I just better
make sure they're OK.

Ah, good little brownies.

Safe and sound.

Eat them.

Eat them all
before anyone else does.

- George!
- Don't listen to her.

She's the fun police.
Eat them. Eat them all!

- Huh?
- You're coming with me.

- [grunting]
- I know you'll do
the right thing, George!

[nervous laugh]


[door opens, closes]

I don't know, Dad.
Sounds pretty fishy.

OK, the angel and devil part
might have been an exaggeration
but the rest of it is true.

Did you ever find
what was making the sound?

Unfortunately, no.

Ah-ha! So how do we know
it even happened?

- I have a witness.
- Me?

When you were out of your tent,
don't you remember seeing me?

Sorry, I don't remember.
Probably because I wasn't awake.

- You weren't?
- Uh-uh.

I was sleepwalking.

Hey, Skip.
Heading to the restroom?

- [groans]
- OK.

Remember to close
the camper door
when you're done.

Don't want any wild animals
getting into the camper.




Oh, the brownies!

They called to me!

They, uh, they want me
to eat them.

Well, I can eat just one.


Oh, I can't.
I can't just eat one!

Must... escape...
the brownies!



The sleepwalking excuse?

Uh, yeah.

Why would I tell you I woke up
if I had eaten the brownies?

She did come back

And what were you doing up?

Itching, mostly.

- [buzzing]
- Ow! Ow! Ow!





Itch, itch!

Ouch, ouch, ouch!
Ouch, ouch, ouch!

Oh, come on. Come on,
there's gotta be something

that stops itching in here.


Ah, so much better.


Mmm-hmm. What have we here?

Oh, my precious brownie.

I could nibble you,
or bite you,

or maybe even devour you
in one big gulp.

And who would ever know?


Oh, enough already!
Get away from me!




[slow motion]

Phew. What was I thinking?

You weren't, Stace'.
Not thinking at all.

Right. I'm putting this back
and no one will ever know.

- [buzzing]
- Oh, except you!

But you won't tell, will you?


The mosquito told you
not to eat the brownie?

Not in so many words,
but it did the trick.

I didn't eat anything.

Well, I guess that
just about does it.

Just about.

It wasn't me! I swear.

I mean, it could have been me,
but it wasn't.

- [owl hooting]
- [gasps]


Doctor Wiggles,
did you hear that?

Doctor Wiggles?

Oh, no!
I left her in the camper!

Doctor Wiggles?

Where are you?

There you are!


- Gotcha!
- [roaring]

OK. So everyone had an
opportunity to eat the brownies,

yet everyone claims they didn't.

Something here doesn't add up.

Huh. You're right.

There's still one person
we haven't heard from.

Barbie Roberts!
You ate the brownies!


Can you believe it?

My family was accusing me

of eating the very brownies
I baked for them.

It felt pretty bad being accused

of something
I knew I hadn't done.

How could I have done it,
when I'm the one

who found them missing
in the first place?

Sounds like the perfect
cover to me.

She finds herself in the camper,

cracks open the lid
to check on them...

The aroma hits her
like a ton of bricks!

Bing, bang, boom.
The brownies are toast!

It's the perfect crime,

Sure, it would be,
if it were true!

I was the one who mixed them,
baked them and packed them.

Don't you think if I had
wanted to eat them

I'd have done so already?

- Well..
- I suppose.

- I guess.
- Good point.

- Or...
- Or what?

- It was aliens.
- Aliens?

- What?
- Aliens.

Barbie is awakened
by a scary sound.

She goes to investigate,
and what does she see?

A glowy light
just above the camper.

[talking gibberish]

[all gasping]

Hi! I'm Barbie Roberts.

[talking gibberish]

[laughs] It's a pleasure
to meet you, too.

What can I do for you?

[talking gibberish]

Hungry, got it.

What would you like to eat?

[talking gibberish]

No! You can't eat my family.

[talking gibberish]


I have something way better.

[talking gibberish]

- Ooh!
- Aah!

Smells yummy, right?

They're all yours
as long as you promise
to get back in your spaceship

and not eat anyone.

[talking gibberish]


[Chelsea] As Barbie waved
goodbye to the aliens

she knew that sacrificing
the brownies

was a small price to pay
for saving our entire family.

Well? What do you think?

[all laughing]

Chelsea, honey, I don't know
if I believe in aliens,

but I do know
that was a great story.

- Your best one yet!
- Thanks.

You know, all this brownie
craziness made me remember

how much fun have together.

No matter where we are
or what we're doing.

Yeah, being together's way more
important than anything else.

Even your brownies,

Not that they aren't important,
because they are.

I can always make
more brownies.

Family time is what
these trips are really about.

So, what do you say we
get on with our family time?

- Anyone hungry?
- Me!

- Absolutely.
- Starving!

I'll get the grill going.

I'll get the hot dogs.

- Mmm. This is good.
- Do we have relish?

This is my favorite,
it's so good!

Hm. What's this?


pecan-marshmallow brownies!


What the...


[stomach growling]

Oh, you're hungry?


- Uh..
- [all laughing]

What is it, Barbie?

Don't panic, but..

- [growls]
- [all] Bear!

[all screaming]

What do we do?

- Everyone, in the camper!
- Go, go, go!



So, our camping trip
ended a little
sooner than expected.

Hey, at least
we found the thief.

Well, we may not be
in the woods,

and we may not have
any brownies,

but we can still
sit around the campfire

and tell ghost stories.

- Who's ready to be scared?
- You know it!

- Me!
- I am!


Hang on one sec.

- [all gasping]
- Whoo-hoo!

Because you never know when
you might find yourself

in a double-fudge
brownie emergency.

[all laughing]

That's my girl.

You guys ready?

- Yeah!
- Sure.

- Yep!
- Yep! [laughing]

Gather round, if you dare!

[laughing maniacally]

And it's all true!
Except for the aliens part,

but don't tell Chelsea that.

This trip made me realize
that before accusing
anyone of anything,

it's best to get
the whole story.

And, when it comes to my
special double-chocolate,

pecan-marshmallow brownies,

it's always best
to make a back-up batch.

Mmm. Yum.