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04x08 - Working Mom

Posted: 08/17/23 06:52
by bunniefuu
♪ Whoa oh oh oh ♪

♪ So much to see ♪

♪ So much to do ♪

♪ Let's share a dream ♪

♪ Make it come true ♪

♪ Us girls got the right combination ♪

♪ Make our way to new destinations ♪

♪ Imagine all the possibilities ♪

♪ Hey hey hey ♪

♪ You can be anything ♪

♪ Hey hey hey ♪

♪ Barbie's here, gonna sing ♪

♪ Hey hey hey ♪

♪ Adventure, yeah, that's our thing ♪

♪ Whoa oh oh oh ♪

♪ It's the Dreamhouse Adventures ♪

[Mom] Dinner time!

[barking, panting]

Rookie, you already ate.

No, the fork goes on the left.

-[ringing, beeping]
-I'm so hungry.

Coming through!

-[liquid pouring]
-I'll take that.

-Here's another one.

Thank you.

-That looks good.
-I want some.

Save some for me.

Sometimes we forget how much
mothers really have to deal with.

My mom, for example, has a huge job,

runs the house, manages
everyone's schedules,

feeds the dogs, drives the carpool...

You get the picture.

It's not easy.

But I don't think I truly appreciated that

until I tried to fill her shoes.



Mom, I'm in the middle of the boss level.

You know the rules.

No tech at the dinner table.

But uh, if you swipe
three times really fast,

you got him.

[rapid beeping]

Yes! Thanks, Mom.

So, who wants to talk
about their day first?

I think your mother has some big news.

-Oh, not that big.
-What's up, Mom?

I was offered a promotion at work.

-That's great!

-Good for you!

[scoffs] Not just any promotion.

A rocket up the corporate ladder
straight into the atmosphere,

blasting through the glass ceiling
kind of... promotion.

It's truly a once in a lifetime

-That's awesome!
-Yay, Mom!

-You rock!

Oh, thanks, everybody.

It is exciting. Pretty much the job

I've been working toward my whole career.

Amazing. When do you start?

I'm not sure I'm gonna accept
the offer yet.

[spits out drink]

-You have to!


there's always positives and negatives.

The downside is,
there's a lot of travel involved.

I'd be spending way more time
away from home.

-[Mom] I'm not ruling it out,

just weighing options.

I really don't wanna
leave you guys one player down

on Team Roberts.

Mom, Team Roberts will be fine.

There's five of us.


Nine if you count the puppies.

Seriously, what do you think
would happen to us

if you took that job?


So... hungry.


[Dad] How about this?

It says right here it's suitable
for human consumption.

[both] Ewww!


Aah! No, no!

Make it stop! Make it stop!

Uh, anyone seen my -page
handwritten essay

I did for homework?

-[Barbie] No!

I'm just gonna think it over
a while longer.


[dance beats playing]

Will you stop pacing?

You're messing up my beat.

As soon as I have an idea.

-[gasps] I have an idea!
-[beats stop]

We can convince Mom to take her new job.

But I like having Mom around.

Is that so wrong?

I miss her when she's not here.

We all do, Chels.

But sometimes you have to give up a little

so the people you love
can follow their dream.

Yeah. Like, what if Skipper got
a world tour as a DJ?


You wouldn't want her to give that up
just to stay home with you.

I might.

Unless I could go with her.

Can all of us go?

[laughs] Missing the point, Chels.

This is important to Mom.

We've gotta show her we've got her back.

But you know Mom.

She'll never do it unless
she's percent certain

we can handle things without her.

Then that's what we'll do.


She's coming!

Is that breakfast?


And the lunches?

Already packed?

Sandwiched and juiced, ready to go.

Wow, thanks, girls.

That gives me time to pick up
Stacie's basketball uniform

-before I need to go to work.
-No need.

Skipper is taking me
to get it after school.

Oh. But what about
Chelsea's soccer practice?

I'm taking Chelsea to soccer practice,

then home for dinner
and some quality family time.

Got my list, checked it twice. Boom!

Great! Um, well,

I guess I'll just enjoy
this beautiful meal with you.

-[alarm beeping]
-Time to walk the dogs

then get everyone off to start their day.

Malibu student shuttle
leaves in ten minutes!

Backpacks, everyone!

[all laughing]

[chuckles] At least they left me
the dishes to do.

Everyone check out my new duck hat...
Did I miss breakfast?

I'm not sure what you missed. [chuckles]


Okay, Skipper, you're on laundry folding.

Stacie, you're the designated duster.

Copy that. Time to bust some dust.

Chelsea, would you
water the plants, please?

Do I have to? I'm still not completely
on board with this, you know.

Sorry, majority rules.

The watering can is over there.



-A kitten!


-Where did you come from?

Where's your mommy?




That's it, you're coming with me.


[vacuum whirring]

This will have to be our little secret.

-Okay, now you stay in here.

You think you can do that?



Wait, you need a name.

How about... hmm...


Boo for short.

[yawns, purrs]

See ya later, Boo. [chuckles]

Sweet dreams.



-[kitten snarls]

[dogs whimpering]

[kitten purring]


Okay Skip, what am I looking at?

Introducing Laundry Bot . .

It's bigger, it's badder,
and most importantly,

it sorts, irons, and folds
way faster than I ever could.


Let's see what she can do.



[haywire electronic sounds]

[both exclaiming]

[powers down]

I think I need to work
on the sorting code sub-routine.

It's not that I don't believe
that you can fix it...

because I do, really...

but for now can you just fold the clothes
the old-fashioned way?

Mom's gonna be back any minute.
Thanks, Skip.

Ohh. So analog.

Unh! Sheesh.

Hey, Mom. Have a good day at the office?

It was nice.

A little stressful, but...

Then stress no more.

You're home, where everything
is under control.

Dreamhouse! Music!

-[frenetic music plays]
-I meant soothing music!

-Soothing music!
-[music stops]

[playing classical music]

Well, that's nice.

Okay. I guess you got this.

Yep. You can work all day

and come home with not one thing
to worry about.

-[all gasp]

[haywire electronic sounds]

Oh! What happened?

I left every piece of clothing
perfectly folded,

by hand!

[powering down]


Much better.

What would you guys do without me?

[all] Thanks, Mom.

Okay, Chels. Anything you wanna tell us?

-We're not mad at you.

We know you don't want Mom
to take that job.

I was with you guys, remember?

-I didn't do this.
-Then who did?

It really doesn't have the look
of a prank gone bad.

More like... a puppy gone bad.

[gasps] My lucky DJ shirt!

-No way the puppies did this.

Well, it sure looks like
some kind of animal got in here.

An animal? That is hilarious.

How could that even be possible?

I mean, seriously.

[nervous chuckling]



I knew you'd never do something like that.

You're just way too cute.


Okay. This isn't over
until we say it's over.

Yesterday never happened.

We have to prove to Mom

we can totally manage things without her.

Assembly line, unpacking formation!


-Ready, I guess.

-Frozen peas.

Peanut butter.

Smooth and creamy, oh so dreamy.

Banana, banana, banana, and a kumquat.


-I gotcha.
-Thanks, Dad.

Thank you, all of you,
for being so helpful.

You're making it pretty easy
for Mom to take that new job.

That is what you're doing, isn't it?

You think she's onto us?

Hmm. She's pretty focused on her decision,

and it's not like you weren't already
pretty helpful to begin with.

Good, 'cause we just want her

to make the right decision for her.

Most of us do.

Oh, it's gonna be fine, sweetie.

We're all in this together.

And to that end, I started the grill

and took out some hot dogs for you guys.

Since Mom and I are going out,

I thought I'd give you a jump on dinner.


-I'll go check on them now.

-[door opens]
-[Dad] Oh no!


[dogs growling]


Spaghetti for dinner.

-You know this is puppy profiling, right?

It's not profiling if you actually
catch them in the act.

I just don't understand
how they even got the hot dogs.

I mean, when did the puppies
learn to climb?

It's not like they're cats.

Right? No cats around here.

Except Blissa.

Anyone seen Blissa?

I'm gonna go look
in my room for Blissa. Our cat.

Hi. What's with the puppy pen?

Nothing. Just keeping 'em safe from...

Puppy robbers.

[laughs] Okay.

Well, I have some news.

-Did you take the job?
-Not yet.

Your father and I are having dinner
with my boss tonight

and I promised to tell him
my decision then.

That's great. You can bring him back here
after to celebrate.

We'll make dessert.

[chuckles] That is so sweet.

But I'm still not sure I'm taking the job.

Why wouldn't you? We've got everything
percent handled.

Yep. No need for you
to just sit around all day

taking care of us.

I never did that.

Go ahead and get ready for your big night.

Rest assured,
you will not be missed one bit.


Yeah, that's how I feel, too.

It's really lonely when no one
cares what you think.


-[Mom] Chels?

-Are you in there?
-Oh no! Just a minute!

-Coming in.


-Hey, what you doin'?
-You know,

just kitten around... kidding around.

-[fake yawns]



Long day at the playground.

Chels, sweetheart,

I know this promotion
would be the hardest on you.

If you really don't want me to take it,
you have to tell me.

-Well, I...


My stomach. So hungry.

Oh my.

Well, let's get you some dinner.



Chelsea was really struggling with this,

and on some level, I guess we all were.

We wanted Mom to follow her dreams,

but did we really know what Mom wanted?

More importantly, did she?

[owl hoots]

Can you ever really have enough
whipped cream?


Flameless candles are turned on

and the dessert china is all set.

How's the cake coming?

Looks good to me.

Great. This evening
has to be perfect for Mom.

There can be no surprises.

Speaking of, where are the puppies?

I got it handled.


[kitten meows]






-[kitten yowling]
-Did you hear that?

I didn't hear anything.


The puppies!


I don't see anything.

What's gotten into them?


Whew. I mean,

good thing there's nothing
out of the ordinary here.

Except that the puppies
were locked in my room.

Our room.

I locked them in there so they couldn't
suffer any further injustice.

-You really gotta let that go, Stace.
-[phone ringing]


Hey, Mom. How's dinner?

It was lovely.

We're on our way home with Mr. Hartok.

-Say hi.
-[all] Hi.

We'll see you in a few minutes.

Oh, and can you guys be sure
Blissa's in a bedroom?

Mr. Hartok's really allergic to cats.



It makes me sneeze just thinking
about them.


No prob. We'll be ready when you get here.

Okay, we have time for one last...


Oh no!

What in the...

-The cake!

No way the puppies did this!

-Then who did?
-[kitten growling]]


-[kitten mewling]

[dogs whimpering]


Wow! A kitty.

Where did you come from?


-Well, it's kind of a funny story.

We don't have time for a story!
Mom's almost here!

[automated voice] Now arriving:
George Roberts, Margaret Roberts,

and Bob Hartok.

-And... we're doomed.
-We can't be.

This night is too important for Mom.

Everyone grab a puppy and a sponge.
Except you, Chels.

You need to keep your furry friend
away from Mom's boss. Got it?

[Mr. Hartok] What a lovely home.

[Dad] Oh, thanks, Bob.

Margaret designed it herself.

[Mom] Stop. You know I had help

-from the whole family.

[Mr. Hartok]
Very collaborative of you.

-The more I hear, the more I like.
-Stay there. Good kitty.

[Dad] Chelsea?

Are you the welcome committee?


This is our youngest.

-Where are your sisters?
-In the kitchen.

Have a seat in the living room,
and I'll get them.




[kitten mewls]


They're here!

We're not ready!

Everyone stay calm.

I always keep a back-up cake handy
just in case of emergency.


- [all gasp]
-[kitten yowling]



Whatever you do, don't let
the kitten out of the kitchen.


Oh no!

I have three kids, actually.
Sons, all sons.


What's that like?


[Barbie] Get back here!

[laughs nervously]

[kitten yowling]

[dogs barking]

Did I come at a bad time?

No, not at all.

Ah-ha, teenagers.


Yo, hey.

Did you see the blueprints for our house?
Margaret designed them herself.


This house has everything.

Surround sound, a D food printer,

even a duck carving station.

Um, have you seen our family portrait?



[blows whistle]


What do we have here?

[all gasp]

Oh! Mr. Hartok, I am so sorry.

I know how allergic to cats you are,
and that's not even our cat and, um...

[chuckles] come you're not sneezing?

Because this isn't a cat.

Not a regular old house cat, anyway.

I believe it's a Lynx Rufus Californicus.

Wait, that's a wild animal?

Uh-huh. Commonly called a bobcat.

But a baby bobcat is still a kitten.

Aren't you, you widdle cutie pie?

They don't have the kind of fur
that makes me sneeze.

So we didn't ruin your evening?

No! I love animals.

In fact, I'm a big supporter

of the wild life rescue station
not far from here.

But I don't usually get to see
the animals up so close.

Do you mind if I have a word
with my daughters, Bob?

Go right ahead.

We'll keep ourselves occupied.

Won't we, you little
fuzzy-wuzzy widdle kitty?

[baby talk]

[Mom] Spill.

Uh, who knew one little cat
could make such a big mess?

I don't mean the mess.

I mean, what's going on?

At first I thought you were
trying to get rid of me,

but now it looks like you're trying
to sabotage my promotion.

Do you want me to take
this new job or don't you?

What do you want?

[sighs] I... I don't know.

It is my dream job,

but can I really handle spending
more time away from you guys?

Being a working mom
is just so hard sometimes.

I already feel like
I don't do enough, and I...

Don't do enough?

You do everything.

Sometimes too much.

We're not always,
well, like this. You know?

[sighs] I know.

You guys are so independent

and strong and smart and wonderful.

And where do you think we got that from?

You're the one who taught us
it's not how much time you spend,

but how you spend the time
you have that counts.

Mom, you are the one
who taught us to dream.

We are more than happy
to give a little back

so you can make
your own dreams come true.

Even you, Chels?

Well, I want you to be happy.

As long as we're all in this together,
I guess I'm down.

Well, I guess I'll accept the promotion.


Does this mean I can keep Boo?

Absolutely not.

[clears throat] Come on.

Let's go tell Mr. Hartok the good news.

Who knew? For once we were able
to teach mom something.

She didn't need to feel guilty
about her career.

We love that she has something
that fulfills her

and makes her happy.

And she still finds the time to help us,

and to teach us, and to play
dumb video games with us.

-And to love us.

Chels, I'm doing my vlog.

But you have to see this.

It's from Mr. Hartok.

He took Boo to the wildlife station,

and look who she found.

Her mom!

Yeah, moms rock.

[theme music plays]