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04x03 - Magical Mermaid Mystery Part 3

Posted: 08/17/23 06:49
by bunniefuu
{\an }♪ Whoa oh oh oh ♪

{\an }♪ So much to see

{\an }♪ So much to do

{\an }♪ Let's share a dream

{\an }♪ Make it come true

{\an }♪ Us girls' got the right combination ♪

{\an }♪ Make our way to new destinations ♪

{\an }♪ Imagine all the possibilities ♪

Hey hey hey

You can be anything

Hey hey hey

Barbie's here, gonna sing

Hey hey hey

Adventure, yeah that's our thing

{\an }♪ Whoa oh oh oh ♪

{\an }♪ It's the Dreamhouse Adventures

Are you with me so far?

My friends and I had summer jobs

at this new water park in Malibu,

but our boss made me fire Ken
for no reason.

Well, there was a reason,
a very sneaky reason,

but we didn't know that yet.

Trey was about to throw
a huge party at my house,

because my family was away in Costa Rica

where Chelsea, Skipper,
and Stacie got lost in the jungle!

They had been looking for a mermaid.

Yeah. That sounds pretty crazy
when I say it out loud,

and this story isn't even halfway over.

{\an }Remind me again
why we thought this was a good idea?

{\an }Because proving the mermaid
is real will help Dad.

{\an }No one has ever found the secret entrance

{\an }to the Bay of the Speckle-Nosed Whale.

{\an }I just know we're close.


-[both] Chelsea!





Told you we were close.

Where are we?

The mermaid's secret cave.

This has been the worst day.

There is no way Trey is having
a party at our house.

[phone rings]

Uh-uh. Not taking that call.

She is so not ruining this party.

I got the decorations.

Where's the big one?

Right here.

Now that's what I'm talking about!

Ugh, he's not picking up.

You're not fooling anyone, Trey.

Don't even think about having
a party at my house.

[gaps] Mr. Pearlman! Hi!

Shouldn't you be at rehearsal?

Yes, but I sort of have this
emergency at home, and...

Don't care.

Remember what I told you,

the show has to go off on time
and with a big bang.


Caught another one snooping around.

We cannot miss this delivery.

What do you mean there's a problem?

I don't do problems!

Something gets in my way, I run it over.

Just make it happen.


Any second now, the amazing
speckle-nosed whales

will be ending their epic
migration from California

here in this picturesque lagoon
in Costa Rica.

Any second.

Yep. Just wait for it... [sighs]

Why aren't they here yet?

Uh, because they don't make watches

big enough to fit around their fins?

That was a joke.

Ah, now I get it.
'Cause they're late. Huh.

[scoffs] Come on, dear, take a break.

The resort packed us a picnic basket.

Aren't you hungry?

Okay, I just...

Ooh, ooh! Something moved.


[sighs] Just a bug.

You know, I'm starting to get
pretty worried

my film won't have an ending after all.

It's hard to make a documentary
if there's nothing to document.

Honey, the whales will come.

They always do.

Until then, how about
we have some "us time?"

That's a great idea.

I'm sure the girls are off
having a blast somewhere.

Gosh, when's the last time
it was just you and me?

-[chomping sound]
-Ow, ow, ow!

Crab! Get it off, get it off!

Don't pinch, don't pinch!


I'm getting, like, no bars.


-[shutter snaps]
-[annoyed] Hey!

Just want Mom and Dad to have
something to remember us by

when they find our bones
and dead cell phones

a hundred years from now.

It's not gonna take anyone
years to find us.

I hope.

Chelsea Roberts coming to you live

from the mermaid's secret cave.

Mermaid's secret cave?

What gave you that idea?

The map says so.

Besides, what else would this place be?

Hate to break it to you, Chels,

but you're not gonna find
any mermaids in this cave.

How do you know?

For one thing, no water!

[distant dripping sound]

[gasps] Hear that?

Drips. And where
there's drips, there's water.

Chelsea, wait!

Way to be responsible, big sis.

You know what? If you think
being a big sister is so easy,

why don't you be "the big sister"?


Watch how it's done.


[both] Chelsea!


♪ I'm just a lonely mango,
A pawn of the sea... ♪

♪ But how a beautiful mermaid
Waits for me... ♪

♪ I'm a... ♪

♪ But a beautiful mermaid waits for me! ♪

♪ It's what's inside that counts ♪

♪ For there's more to an oyster
Than meets the eye! ♪

♪ The beautiful mermaid
Will tell you why... ♪

[weakly] Hey, guys...

Barbie, where have you been?

Vlad keeps stealing my lines.

Yeah. He's taking my lines, too.

Because I do a better job of it.

Listen to these pipes.

[sings off-key] ♪ Ahh... ♪

[Barbie] Anyone seen Ken?

Um, about that, I need
to talk to you guys.

-Vlad, can you give us a minute?
-[singing off-key] ♪ Ahh ♪


How is anyone supposed to work like this?

So, uh, Ken kinda got fired.

I mean, I fired him.

-No way.

You fired Ken?

[sighs weakly]


I don't know why.

I didn't want to.

Mr. Pearlman insisted,
and Ken was fine with it...

I think.

You guys are okay with it, right?

Yeah, I guess.

I mean, what else can we say?

We're just gonna miss him, that's all.

Who's gonna be the starfish?

I don't know.

I... I need to do some rethinking
about the whole show anyway.

How about we call this one early?


-Hasta manana.

See you tomorrow.

[sings loudly] ♪ Ahh... ♪

That's a wrap for today, Vlad.

What do you mean? But we have to practice.

Practice, practice, practice.

♪ Figaro, Figaro, Figaro! ♪




-Ahh! Mr. Scary Noise?

Please leave us alone,
and if you have our sister,

please give her back.


-[both scream]


That was awesome.

You should've seen your faces.

Actually, you can.

-[both scream]

Chels, this is serious.

We thought you got eaten
by a cave monster.

Skipper, cave monsters aren't real,

but mermaids are.

And I know where to find them.

Follow me.

Hello, I'm in charge now, remember?

As leader of this group,
I say we go for it.

Good idea, Stacie.

Heh. I know, let's go.

After you.

[dance music plays]

-[music stops]
-Ugh, terrible song.

Even the radio is against me.

I'm just gonna go home,
take a nice hot bath,

and cuddle up with you guys.



[muffled dance music plays]



[dance music plays]

Are these yours?

They're the cutest!

Can I buy one?


I still think we should've gone
with the bigger one.


[laughs nervously]



Oh, so that's how the puppies
were getting out.

Hey, where did Trey go?

He was just here.

No clue.

Ham sandwich?

Ugh! The only ham I'm after is that one.

-Oh yeah.


I'm telling you.

We are so close to finding the mermaids.

I bet they're just a little...

Ugh, gross, what is that?

Great. I'm outta power.

Stacie, shine your light up there.

Can't. Mine's dead, too.

I am this party's last hope for rescue.

Chels, go easy on the recording.

You've got the only working...


[disappointed] Oh...

It's so dark.

I'm scared, what do we do?

Okay, okay, no one panic.

Big sister has got this.

Why don't we, uh...

[chimes sparkling]

-It's magical.

Um... Follow that trail.

Of course! It's a mermaid trail.

See? That's how a big sister takes charge.

A lucky one.

Come on.

I haven't heard from the girls in a while.

It's getting late.

Should we worry?

We could, or we could enjoy
the sunset and then call them.

Good point.

Us time, take two.


Welcome to the sunset drum circle.

-Well, actually, we were just about to...
-Come on! Join us.

-Let's have some fun.
-Have a drum.



[dance music playing]

You are so busted!


What do you mean?

Your party is awesome.

Your party at my house.

Trey. It's been literally the worst day.

I promised my dad
I wouldn't have any parties,

I never even dreamed someone else would,

so could you please just take
all of this and go next door

to your own house?

Come on, this is so unfair.

You can't move a party
to another location.

That's a party faux pas.

There's really only
one way to settle this.

What happened to the whole
"you don't know how to swim" thing?

Hello? They're called swim lessons.

Winner gets to pick the party spot.

How else were we gonna settle it?

In this corner,

we have everybody's favorite party guy.

He's awesome, he's cool,
he's nobody's fool!

It's Trey!


[dance music plays]

What is going on here?

This is weird.

-That's weirder.

Are Trey and Barbie having a party?

And she didn't invite us?

You guys coming?

Don't wanna miss the big contest.

[cheering] Trey! Trey! Trey!

Okay, Trey. Remember your training.

[cheering] Trey! Trey! Trey!


Oh, yeah!

-Oh, yeah!

Beat that.


[loud splashing]


I think we have a winner.

Guys, wait!

Just because you won

doesn't mean you did better than me.

Actually, that's exactly what it means.

Can you just go, please?

Whatever. We're outta here.

Hey, everyone.

Party at Trey's house!

[Trey] My house?
What's wrong with your house?

I don't even have a pool.


-Now what?
-There's no more trail.

Okay, big sis.

We've been walking forever.

Are you sure this is the best way to...

Look! A light.

You were saying?



We might be lost,
but at least it's somewhere cool.

What is this place?

A special mermaid place.

How are these things glowing?

Duh. Mermaid magic.

[alarm blaring]

Press "undo".

Press "undo"!



[owl hoots]




-Thanks for playing with us.


-[man] Wow! That was so much fun.

That was actually pretty fun.

But you know what would be more fun?

Us time.

Ooh, I like the way you think.

It's time for
the annual mermaid fireworks show.

[fireworks whistling]

[woman] How pretty.

Will we ever get a moment alone?

-[yelling louder] I said...

Oh, forget it.


Teresa... Wait...

Mom and... Dad?

The whales.

Soon... Mermaids.

Mer... mer... mermaids.


Teresa? What are you doing here?

Isn't the question really
"What are you doing here?"

I don't know.

My friends, my job, it's all going wrong.

And I really miss my family.

Did I make the right decision
to stay behind?

It's just so much harder
than I thought it would be.

Barbie, remember.

You are always stronger
than you think you are.

Teresa, wait!





You're... You're hungry?


Oh, I forgot to feed Wendy!

We're doomed, and trapped,
and it's all my fault.

Yeah, but...

Yeah, but?

So you agree?

That's how you try and cheer me up?


Guess I'm not a very good
big sister, either.

Maybe that's why we're
both middle sisters.

I figured out what these pictures say.

It's like a storybook.

It shows that the mermaid
leads all the whales

to their lagoon
by taking a shortcut through here.

See? Look.

Huh. How does she do that without legs?

With mermaid magic.

She turns into people with legs,
and comes here.

What's so special about here?

This is the mermaid's pants room.

A what room?

Pants, silly.

She can't go into town without any pants.

So, she presses one of these buttons,

and then her pants appear.

Like this.


-[both yell]

Wait. Where are the pants?

This is way better than pants.

Oh my gosh, Chels, you found a way out.

I could hug you.

So, what's stopping you?

Okay. Since I found the way out,
I get to be big sister.



So. Now what, big sister?

We escape.

-Sorry, Wendy.

I've just had so much on my mind.

That's weird.

Coast is clear.

Don't get caught!

Why do I feel like I'm in a spy movie?


Who's out here?

Anyone out there?



Whoa, Barbie, it's me.

Ken? What are you... Why are you...

Shh! Something bad is going on here.

Well, not here, underwater.

How do you know?

Don't laugh.

Wendy told me.

Not in so many words, but it makes sense.

Whatever those guys are up to
must have something to do

with Wendy being stuck here.

Huh, I bet you're right.


Wanna find out what?

You were wearing a wetsuit
under your clothes?

You never know when you may be
in the middle of an underwater mystery.

Let's dive.

-[Mr. Pearlman] Are we on schedule?
-[man] Pretty sure.

-[Mr. Pearlman] I want it quick.
-[man] Got it, boss.

I'm glad we're on the same page.

That's it, that's it.

-That's exactly what I'm talking about.
-What are they up to?

It's pretty much done.
Just a few more loads.

Then what are you doing up here?

Get back down there.

I want it stripped bare
before we destroy the evidence.

Can't have anyone tracing this back to me.

It's Pearlman.

I knew he was evil
when he had you fire me.

I mean, come on.

I'm really likable.

Who fires this?



Ah, it's just that dumb whale.

Can't someone do something about that?

Have the helicopter standing by.

Helicopter? Evidence?

What is going on?

Wanna find out?

The light's getting brighter.

As big sister,
I say we run really fast now.




Hola, Senoritas.

-Did you enjoy your time at Mermaid-land?
-[all] Uh...

Want a souvenir,
so the memory lasts forever?

What? It was just a theme park ride?

And we didn't need to freak?

Si. Would you like to go again?

We're running a half off special
for repeat customers.

No, uh, gracias.

We've had enough mermaid fun for one day.

We can't go yet.

Not without a picture.

So I will always remember
the day I was big sister.

Say cheese!

[all] Queso!

[fireworks crackling]

[man] What a show!

Are we really alone?


I think so.

[both sigh]

Mommy, Daddy!

Girls. Great timing.


So, how was your day?


Except when it was scary,
and we didn't find a mermaid.

Not a real one, anyway.

We'll tell you all about it over dinner.

We're starving.

Can I pick what we eat, as big sister?

Only if it's good.

How about seaweed?
Isn't that what mermaids eat?

-Seaweed? Ugh, gross.
-No way.


Oh well.


Wouldn't have it any other way.


[Barbie grunts]

[Barbie grunts]


Pearls! They're stealing
Pacific purple pearls.

Those are endangered,
it's totally illegal.

Did you see the fence they put up?

That's what's keeping Wendy from her pod.

And Pearlman's behind it all.

That's why I was fired.

Pearlman was afraid
I'd figure out what they were up to.

Darcy, too.

Okay. So now we know what's going on.

The only question, how do we stop it?

[closing theme music playing]