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04x02 - Magical Mermaid Mystery Part 2

Posted: 08/17/23 06:49
by bunniefuu
Whoa oh oh oh

So much to see

So much to do

Let's share a dream

Make it come true

{\an }♪ Us girls' got the right combination

Make our way to new destinations

{\an }♪ Imagine all the possibilities

Hey, hey, hey

You can be anything

Hey, hey, hey

Barbie's here, gonna sing

Hey, hey, hey

Adventure, yeah, that's our thing

{\an }♪ Whoa oh oh oh ♪

{\an }♪ It's the Dreamhouse Adventures

Okay, you with me so far?

My whole family was in Costa Rica

having this unbelievable adventure.

I wasn't there because I had
just started my dream job

at this amazing water park,

but our super cool boss
vanished into thin air.

And her replacement...

let's just say it was no D'arcy.

What do you mean, D'arcy quit?

She loved it here.

{\an }-Do I look like a mind reader?
-Kind of.

{\an }In a pro wrestler sort of way.

{\an }Hey, what am I thinking right now?

{\an }Don't know, don't care.

But I'll tell you what I'm thinking.

Get to work! All of you!

Not even close.


Well, this job just got
a lot less appealing.

Definitely not my idea of a dream boss.

Come on, guys. Let's not jump ship yet.

For all we know D'arcy could be
back to work any minute.

What makes you think that?

'Cause she's right there.

D'arcy! Wait!

No, I'm not coming back to work,
just cleaning out my locker.

They fired me, plain and simple.

But why?

No clue.

Just know I loved working with you guppies

and I'm counting on you
to keep this ship afloat.

Barbie, I'm handing over
my mermaid tail to you.

The show must go on.

My vision is now your vision.

Make me proud.

[collective sigh]

Hey! I thought I told you to go to work.

The park opens in ten minutes.

Everybody, get to your stations.

Except you.


Boss wants to have a little chat.

I don't know how to tell you this,
Señorita Chelsea,

but it's pretty unlikely you're gonna find
any ocean dwelling animals

out here in the middle of the rain forest.

And that goes especially for mermaids.

But this is where the guy
at the souvenir stand said to look.

And he should know,
he has maps and everything.

-[monkeys screeching]
-[both gasp]

You're sure it was mermaids
he said we'd find?

Uh-huh, and he was right. Look!

No way! Get a picture!

Miss mermaid, come out!

We won't hurt you!


Wait a minute, that's no mermaid.

[laughs] Gotcha!

-[continues laughing]

Not cool, Skipper.

Totally not cool.

But I do like that tail.
Where'd you find it?


This whole town sells stuff
related to that crazy legend.

It's not crazy, and not a legend.
She's real.

Did you find any mermaids yet?

Any real mermaids?


Well, as the oldest and wisest sister here

all I can say is I told you so.

Hello, you handsome devil.

You ready for the party of the century?

Trey! What're you doing out here?

Nothing, mother.


Do it somewhere else!

My book club will be here any minute.

Okay, dudes! The coast is clear!


You think she suspects anything?

She always suspects.

That's why we're doing this
at Barbie's house.

Let's go.

We have to test out the drone.


"Big Vic Pearlman."

"Enter if you dare."

[scoffs] That's not intimidating.


[Mr. Pearlman] Come!

Uh, Mr. Pearlman?

Uh, Mr. Pearlman, I am Barbie Roberts.

You sent for me?


Oh, hi. Nice office.

I see you like pearls.

Wait, I get it.

Pearls, because your name is...

I know my name.

[laughs nervously]

Did I mention you have a lovely family?

The unfortunate, yet necessary,
departure of, uh, what's her name?



It's left a vacuum in the workforce.

I don't like vacuums.

Uh, no vacuums. Got it.

You know why?

Because they suck the life out of ya!


[laughs nervously]

-[loud honk]

No laughing on the job.

I like order.

Someone out there
needs to be in charge of keeping it.

I officially appoint you
to take over the vacant position

left by your former boss,
whom we will no longer speak of.

Oh. Gee, Mr. Pearlman,

while I certainly appreciate
the vote of confidence, I-

No one voted,
and we're not that confident.


But before I take this on
I'd like some time to think things over.

It's a huge responsibility.

No problem. Give it a think.

-[honks horn]

Okay, time's up.

Um, sure. I guess I accept.


Now, you make sure
all those employees out there

do what they're supposed to do.

Will do.

Giving the guests a great day
will be our number one priority.

-[honks horn]


Your number one priority
is to see that the show goes off.

And I mean goes off.

I want loud, bright, loud,
exciting, loud, intense...

did I say loud?

Four times, if you count
the question at the end.

Ye-yes. Yes, loud.

And it must stay on schedule.


Yes, got it.

Uh, we're already
a little behind, but I'm sure-

[honks horn]

Copy that!

Loud and on schedule!

Well? What're you waiting for?

Right, right.

I'll just get right back to work.


You think she suspects?

Not a clue.

Here you go.

One extra large snow cone special.

What flavor is this?




Now I remember why I hate oysters.

How's everything going here?


-No reason.

Have you seen Ken?

He wasn't at the pool.

I think he went to check on
the baby whale.

During work hours?

On his break?

Oh, yeah. Of course. See you around.

Keep up the good work.

Yeah, still gross.


-Oh, hey.

Dore's doing good.

Or maybe Buck.

In some ways he's a Dore.

In some other ways, he's a Buck.

I have to make a decision pretty soon.

I can't send him back
into the world nameless.

Do you hear that?

You get to meet up
with your family soon, Wendy.

Wendy? Who's...

Oh, I see what you're doing there.

Well, you're lucky because
she seems to like her new name.

Don't you, Wendy?


Okay, let's hear it.

Hear what?

Barbie, I've known you
since we were eight.

I can tell when something's up.

[sighs] I just met with Mr. Pearlman.

The big boss.

Wow, what's he like?

Really into pearls.

Anyway, he kinda promoted me.

That's great!

That's not great?

I'm taking over for D'arcy,
which means I am now

the boss of Teresa and Daisy
and Renee and Nikki and...


So do I still call you
Barbie or Miss Barbie?

Boss Barbie.

Stop. Nothing's going
to change, I promise.

Look, same old Barbie.

Now, get back to work or you're fired.

[laughs] I'm kidding.

But your break is probably over.

Yes ma'am, Boss Barbie.



You okay there, Chels?

If you call complete failure okay,
then I'm super awesome.

I can't find the mermaid anywhere.

I've been trying to tell her
that this mermaid myth is just that.

-A myth.
-¿Por qué?

Why would you say that?

Come on, Juan. Enough with the kidding.

I have an excellent
sense of humor, Señor Roberts.

But one thing I do not joke about
is La Serena.

The mermaid.

She is no myth.

She lives in a secret underwater cave.

It is the doorway
to the whale's beautiful lagoon,

and La Serena is the key.

Welcome, my friends.

You must be tired and hungry
after your long migration.

I am more than happy to lead you home.

But could one of you tell me
where the secret cave is?


[speaking Spanish]

Uh-oh. You don't understand me.

Need some help?

Teresa, what are you doing here?

Thanks to my excellent language skills

I got a job as a translator.

I speak Spanish and whale.

[whale call]

[speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

He says, "Nice to meet you."

Mucho gusto right back at ya.

Can you ask them if they know
where the secret mermaid cave is located?

It's very important that I find it.

[speaking Spanish]


[speaking Spanish]

Why are they laughing?

They're saying there's no such thing
as mermaids.

But there are.

I know there are.


Wait, don't go!

Please, show me the secret cave!

Adios, amiga.

[Juan] Señorita Chelsea. Señorita Chelsea.

Señorita Chelsea?

-Señorita Chelsea.

You want to find the secret cave?

You wish to see the mermaid?

I sure do.

Follow the map.

It will take you on a true
mermaid adventure.

Thank you! This is great, Juan.


And then I said,
"I would never be so shellfish!"


Oh, I get it!

Like selfish but with a shell.


So, break time already, huh?

Ah, must be nice.

-I was just about to...
-Listen, kid.

You're the boss now
and those are your employees.

They need to respect you.

But they won't if they know
you're a softie.

But I am a softie.

Yeah? Well, softies get fired.

Look, if their jobs
are more important than yours,

keep it up.

But if you get canned, they get canned.

You wanna protect their jobs?

Take control of the situation.

What's this?

I made a few changes
to the script for the show.

See you at rehearsal.


Hey, guys. 'Sup?

That saying, like ten years ago.

You're so funny, Teresa.

That's what I love about you.

Funny and hardworking and great
at making snow cones.

Not so much with the last one.

It is much harder than it looks.

Good thing no one's around
to see me mess up.

Yeah, about that.

I know, we've been
messing up photos all day.

But you know what?

If you give people free tickets
they don't complain.


I'm just glad my face paint is non-toxic

'cause I've made so many mistakes.

Some of those kids end up
pretty much covered head to toe.


They better get us a new boss soon
before we destroy the place.


Yeah. About that...

Go ahead, Barbie.

I'm your new boss!

[all laughing]





That's so cool.

Hey, can I have a raise?

Just kidding.

-But, uh, kind of not?
-[Barbie laughs]

I'll see what I can do,
but you guys have to help me out.

I have no idea how to do this boss thing.

You'll be great, Barbie.

And we'll do our best to make you proud.

Right, team?

-Yeah, of course!

You guys.

I will do my best to be
the best boss ever.



There you go. Have a great day.





Ooh, may I?

Yeah, sure.

-Amazing! Thank you!





All clear!


There it is.

You are so lucky no one's here.

That drone is the key to my success.

Now, grab it and let's get out of here!



They're just little puppies.

How tough can they be?


Get off! Get off!

What're you gonna do with a drone?

You don't even have thumbs!


Is that a tennis ball over there?





[Barbie] [over PA] Attention!
The park is now closed!

Please report to the amphitheater
for evening rehearsal.

Barbie's taking this boss thing
super serious.

Right? It's like she's so... bossy.

Well, she is the boss.

It's only been one day.

I'm sure she'll settle into it.

You know Barbie. Of course she will.

She's probably just nervous
about our first rehearsal.

[sighs] Me too.

Live performance isn't really my thing.

[singing off key]
♪ I'll find my family ♪

♪ And never ever

♪ Be alone! ♪



[clears throat]

Well, great start.

Do I really have to be the whale?

Are there any parts for non-singers?

You can have my part.

Seriously, what is with this place
and oysters?

If you wanna switch, go ahead.

You can change while we do
the next number.

Pirate, mango, you're up.


Sorry. Walking in a mango costume is hard.

I can't feel my feet.

Okay, here's the scene.

Nikki, our evil pirate, Captain Sardine,

knows that whales have
a fondness for mangos

and is going to use you,

Daisy, to lure the whale into a trap.

Um... Barbie?

I don't think whales like mangos.

I mean, where would they even get mangos?

Well, sometimes writers
do take creative license.

Let's just run the scene
and see how it plays.

Places, everyone!

When do we practice my part?

The handsome prince
who saves the beautiful mermaid?

Vlad, I was looking over
the changes you made

and I think a minute solo
might be a tad long.

The show's only minutes
to begin with, so...

You want to cut my part?

No. It's just...

Um, maybe you could look it over
and think about ways to tighten.

Oh, no one understands a true artist.

You know what?

That's enough rehearsal for one night.

See you guys tomorrow.

-See ya!


Need a ride home, Ken?

Thanks, but I gotta check on Wendy,

assuming I can get out of this costume.

Oh, no!

A little help?




I feel like we've been going in circles.

I know that monkey.

He's been eyeballing us this whole time.


-You guys! I think we found it!
-Found what?

The secret entrance to the mermaid's cave!


[owl hooting]

[rooster crowing]



-It's us, Barbie.


What in the...?

How did they...?

I don't know.

But they did.


There must be a hole
in the fence somewhere.

I'll never fix it
before I have to leave for work.

Too bad they can't hang out with Wendy.

She was looking pretty lonely last night.

She's not the only one.

Missing your family?

Yeah, but it's more than that.

Being the boss?

I don't know, it makes me feel

I'm not part of the g*ng anymore.

Nothing can come between
you and your friends.


I wish something would come between
these puppies and escape.

What am I gonna do with you guys?

You know, there's nothing
in the employee handbook

that says you can't bring pets to work.



No one told me it was bring
your pet to work day.

No one said it wasn't!

They keep escaping at home.

Would you guys mind
if they hang out here today?

Mind? You just made this
the best work day ever.

I'm just gonna find some place
in the shade to set them up.

Hey, my hot dog!




Oh, oh, no!

Everyone! Get those puppies!

[both] Woah!




Vlad! Oh, you found Honey!

Kind of funny, right?

For me? Sure.

For you, not so much.

[laughs nervously]


I don't wanna hear about the puppies.

I love puppies.

Who doesn't love a furry puppy?

I have something
much more important for you.


There is a specific employee

who, shall we say,
needs your immediate attention?

-Oh, hey Barbie.

How'd it go?

Are you fired?

Thank goodness. I wasn't worried.

Wait, you're worried.

Why are you worried?

You have to fire someone, don't you?


Glad I'm not in your flip flops.

But I mean, if someone is slacking
they gotta go.

Can you tell me who it is?

I promise I won't say a word.

It's me, isn't it?

I'll quit right now if you want.

No. You're not quitting.

I know you're only following orders.

I'm gonna miss you, girl.

Just do me a favor.

Make sure you give her treats
every once in a while.

I want to make sure she has enough energy

when she reunites with the pod.

You have my word, Ken.

And I am so...

I know you are.


At least things can't possibly
get any worse.

"Party at the Roberts Dreamhouse.

Bring everyone you know"


