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01x20 - The Magic Seeds: a story about Working Together

Posted: 08/16/23 04:29
by bunniefuu
♪ Best friends and sisters

♪ Barbie and me

♪ Together our
adventures set us free ♪

♪ A mermaid here

♪ A princess there

♪ What happens if
you just believe ♪

♪ Imagine the possibilities

♪ Dreamtopia, where
adventure never stops ♪

♪ Dreamtopia, it'’s just
a sprinkle, sparkle, hop ♪

♪ Dreamtopia

♪ It'’s just a dream away ♪

♪ With a cherry on top

- [Narrator] The Magic Seeds,

a story about working together.

[playful music]

- Look at this
great leaf, Barbie.

Do you think we have enough
for my school project?

- Definitely.

You'’ve got tons of leaves here.


Okay, had tons of leaves here.

- Honey, stop,

I need those.

Hey, what'’s this?

- No idea

but those birds sure like them.

Maybe it'’s a seed.

- What if it'’s the seed
to a chewing gum tree?


- I'’ve never heard
of a chewing gum tree

but you never know.

[lively music]

- Hi Chelsea, hi Honey.

- Wow, what'’s going on, Barbie?

- You'’re just in time, Chels.

Welcome to the busiest
day in Sweetville.

Everyone'’s planting vegetables

to enter in the Sweetville
Country Fair today.

- Today?

Doesn'’t it take a long time

for vegetables
to, you know, grow?

- Not in Sweetville.


[playful music]


- Yummy.

- That was fast.

- That'’s a Sweetville thing.

What do you think?

Wanna try?

- We have all kinds of seeds.

Sweet potatoes, sweet
peppers, sweet peas,

sweet corn, go
ahead and pick one.

- Sweet.

- Not so fast.

It is I, Notto Prince.

I'’ll take the sweet corn,
thank you very much.

- But I haven'’t picked yet.

- No need, I'’m a sure bet

to take home the blue ribbon.

- Notto has won first
place four times in a row.

- Soon to be five, Barbie.

I can feel it in my thumb.

I'’m going to grow the
biggest, bestest sweet corn

in all of Sweetville.

Well, I guess I'’ll just
grow something else.

- Go right ahead

but don'’t feel bad if
you come in second.

Not everyone can have
a thumb as green as mine.

- Now I don'’t know
which one to pick.

I wonder what seed
would beat Notto.

- How about this one?

- It'’s so small.

What is it?

- Not sure.

All the label said
was super jumbo.

- So, it must grow
something really big.

That would beat Notto for sure.

- I don'’t know, Chels,

there'’s more to winning this
contest than just being big.

[playful music]

- But bigger has
got to be better.

I'’ll take it.



- Notto, you make
the best popped corn

in all of Sweetville.

[playful music]


- My mystery seed
turned into a pumpkin.


But it'’s too small.

This isn'’t gonna
win any blue ribbon.

- It might.

It could be the cutest,

or the tastiest or
the most unique pumpkin.

- Whoa.


- Or the biggest.

- I knew that magic
seed was extra magic.

This is the greatest
pumpkin ever.


- There is one little problem.

The country fair is way
over in Sweetville Village.

How we going to get
it from here to there?

- Well, it'’s round, right?

How about we roll
it to the fair?

- Roll with it?

Let'’s try.


You know what sounds
good right now?

A nice, cool drink while
we think of a new plan.

- Yum, lemonade river
is the best lemonade.

I feel better already.

- Why hello Chelsea and Barbie.

We were just headed down
to Sweetville Village.

- Yip, we'’ll be
performing a water ballet

in the country fair

but wait, why aren'’t
you there already?

- We have a small, well,
actually a large problem.

- Oh my fins.

Maybe we can help you.

- Yeah, if you can get
the pumpkin into the river,

we can splash it
downstream to the village.

- Thank you, fruity mermaids.

We'’ll be right back.

Okay, everyone, how
can we get my pumpkin

down to the river?

- I have an idea, Chelsea.

I'’ll get the chocolate banks wet

and we can slide the
pumpkin into the river.

- Even if it doesn'’t work,

it'’ll make a yummy trail.

- It has to work.

Okay, let'’s push.


It'’s working.



It'’s stuck in the mud.

- But it'’s Sweetville mud,

messy but delicious.

[magical music]

- I'’ll never get it to
the country fair in time.

I thought bigger would be better

but bigger is just bigger.

- Bigger is better?

Sounds like
something I would say

and I'’m usually right.

- This time it
looks like you are.

Enjoy your win, Notto.

I can'’t even get my
pumpkin to the fair.

- Too bad you don'’t
have a jet pack like me.

You can fly it there.

- I don'’t have a jet pack

but I do have a dream boat.

Great idea, Notto.

- Wait, what?


- One flying pumpkin coming up.

Three, two, one, lift off.

[lively music]

- Whoa.


- It'’s working,
Barbie, it'’s working.

- You got this.

Keep going.

- Whoa, uh oh.

- Oh no, the pumpkin
is too heavy.







Oh no.

[tranquil music]

- My pumpkin.

It'’s ruined.

- I'’m sorry, Chels.

[bell rings]

- That bell means the country
fair is about to start.

If we'’re not there
with our vegetables

when the judging
starts, we'’ll be...

- Disqualified.

- Oh.

Please go ahead, everyone,
I don'’t want anybody to miss out

because of me.


Good luck, may
the best vegetable win.

- It was a pretty great pumpkin.

- It sure was.

- It may not be the
biggest anything anymore

but I bet it still tastes good.

- I bet you'’re right.

Barbie, that'’s it.

- I think I know what
you'’re thinking, Chelsea.

[magical music]

- When life gives you
pumpkin, make pumpkin pie.

[magical music]

- The country fair
is in full swing.

We made it just in time.

- Look, there'’s Chelsea
and Barbie and a giant pie?

- It sure is.

A little help?


- Okay everyone,
one, two, three.


- Well, I'’ve seen a
lot of things in my day

but I'’ve never seen a
pumpkin pie as big as this.

- We should give
Chelsea a blue ribbon

for best baking.

- That won'’t be necessary.

Everyone in Sweetville
went out of their way

to help me today.

You'’re the ones who
deserve a prize.

I'’d like to offer
you this pumpkin pie.


- Wow, Chelsea, bigger is better

especially when it comes to pie.


- Dig in, everyone.


Check this out.

It is a seed to
a sweet gum tree,

so I guess you
were kind of right

about the chewing gum thing.


- Let'’s plant it
and see what grows.

[lively music]