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01x05 - Baby Sister Babysitter

Posted: 08/16/23 03:21
by bunniefuu
Whoa oh oh oh ♪

So much to see ♪

So much to do ♪

Let's share a dream ♪

Make it come true ♪

Us girls got the
right combination ♪

Make our way
to new destinations ♪

Imagine all the
possibilities ♪

Hey hey hey ♪

You can be anything ♪

Hey hey hey ♪

Barbie's here,
gonna sing ♪

Hey hey hey ♪

Adventure, yeah
that's our thing ♪

Hey hey hey ♪

It's the Dreamhouse
Adventures ♪

I know what this looks like.

But I was not attempting
to break into my own house.

And obviously Ken wasn't either

I mean, he knows where
we hide the key.


Oh, no!!!


Watch out!

[alarm wailing]

Yeah, that's a good place
to stop.

You could say this happened

because I totally support
my sisters.

Or you could also say
it happened

because I'm a little

Which leads to the ladders
and rackets and sirens...

OK. Let's rewind five hours.




Don't wipe it off.

Puppy slobber makes it
stick better.


I'm not going next.

Hey guys!

What do you think?

Which one says "'s retro
movie night" more?

I like the headband but
they both seem a bit much

for baby-sitting.

Unless you're doing a theme
night baby-sit.

I'd be into that.

Wait, Baby-sitting?

I'm going to that Movie
in the Park tonight.

They're playing
"Home By My Lonesome ."

I would double-check, honey.

I think you promised
to baby-sit Bonnie

for the Guerreros tonight.

I can't believe Bonnie's
already eight months old.

Oh no! How did I do this?

I double booked.

I promised Nikki that I'd take
everyone to the movie

in the Camper.

'Cause, you know, what's better
than watching an outdoor movie?

Watching it from the camper?

Exactly. But I forgot
about Bonnie.

Nikki's going to be
so disappointed.

Go another night?

Tonight's the last night.

Tomorrow they start the 's.

Well, there's got to be
a solution.

Let's think.

How about we watch Bonnie?

That would be great

but we're going to the
Planetarium, remember?

Hey, I know!

Skipper, you're saving up
for a new guitar.

Why don't you fill in?

(Both): What?

I mean YAY!

What an amazing idea!

I've been known to have a few.

It's just...


Nothing. Nothing.

It's just that, well,
you're so young, right?

It's like it was just yesterday

you were trying to escape
your own crib.

And now...

now you'd be the one
in charge of the crib.


Barbie, "yesterday"
was years ago?

I'll be fine.

Better than fine.

You think the Guerreros
will be OK with it?

We can ask.

Right, Barbie?

Um.. sure.

I mean, I can text them.

You sure you're OK with missing
the Planetarium, Skip?


'Cause the solar system's
gonna be there forever.

Easy money like this
doesn't come along often.

Hold it.


There. Right there.

This was her first
babysitting gig

and she was already
calling it easy?

I mean, yeah, sure, if you're
some kind of a baby whisperer
or something.

But it's a lot
of responsibility.

It's not easy and I didn't know
if Skipper was a natural or not.

Nobody did.

Why was everyone being
so... calm?


Oh, man, two out of three.

The Guerreros think Skipper
will be a natural.

They'll drop Bonnie off soon.

Your first-ever
babysitting job, wow!

Hey! You know what would be
super fun,

watching a movie indoors.

Like right here maybe.

Why was I even thinking
about going out to the park?

It would be so
much more chill here.

You know?

Well, I guess there's
one thing you're not great at...

pretending to relax.



I'm okay.

It's a win-win, Barbie.

You get to go to the movie
and Skipper gets to baby-sit

the cutest baby and save up
for her guitar.

How awesome is that?

Go have fun.

She'll be fine.

Time to go see the real stars
of Hollywood, eh?

Oh, George.

Really, Dad!

You say that every time
we go to the Planetarium.

Bye girls!
Later alligators!

Whiles crocodiles!

Back by nine, porcupine!



The truth is, I know you're
gonna be a babysitter superstar

and I, I just can't stand
to miss your big moment.

Great, then go have
an awesome time.

Okay, I mean I know percent

you can handle any
worst-case scenarios.

Worst-case scenarios, come on,
sis, it's just a baby.

"It's" just a baby?

Do you realize how much trouble

"it" can get into
in under seconds?

Not that you can't handle it.

You have natural coping skills.

But... Do you have
any actual experience?

Oh, yeah.

I've watched many hours
of babysitting on TV.

I mean, I have seen some

seriously awesome comedies
about babysitting.

Oh great!

Could you show me?

You know, some of the stuff
you've picked up?

From watching movies.

Fine. But then you're going
to the movies

with your friends, right?


I'm Mr. Dinosaur.


Love it! A puppet show on
a table high off the floor.

Ooh. But what if the baby falls
off the edge?

Change of plans.

Baby will play with Mr. Dinosaur
on the floor.

Great idea.

Dinner time!

How do you cool baby food,
water or milk?

And what's your take on spoons,
plastic or hot metal?

Um, milk.

It's a vitamin opportunity.

And plastic spoon obvs.



Wha, wha, wha!!!

I don't want to go to bed!
No bed!

Wha, wha, wha!!!

Yes. I like what you are
doing there.

Very smart. Don't engage.

It just encourages the behavior.

Like this thing I saw online
where the sitter stopped arguing

and redirected the screaming
kid's attention

with a focusing activity.

Yeah, a focusing activity.

That sounds like a me move
for sure.


That'll be your friends.


Hey guys!


I can't believe we get to see
a movie in the park

while we hang out in the camper!

I'm so excited!

There is nothing
I would rather do.

Hey, so what was that text
with the million

exclamation points
about Skipper babysitting?

[clears throat]

Hey guys!

What's this about a text?

Well, I...had to share
the exciting news...

hence the exclamation points,
more like five...

that you're babysitting
for the first time ever!



Skipper, babysitting?!

Yes! Isn't it awesome!

It's unbelievable...y cool!

Thanks. I'm ready for it.

Yeah, that's my sister,
calm, cool and in control.

Should we go?

I have a prime parking spot
all picked out.

-Let's do this!
-All set!

Hey Skipper, hi Barbie!

This is baby Bonnie!

Oh! This little nugget
couldn't be sweeter!

Hey. Thanks.

You're gonna have a ball
with this one!

And even more with this one,
total firecracker!

Ahhh... look at that,
two of them...

I texted your mom about
adding Jonny, didn't I?

Or did I flake?

Anyway, text ya from the show.

Have fun at the park.

I didn't want to go.

But Skipper wasn't asking me
to stay.

What was I supposed to do?

I didn't want to undermine
her confidence but...



Let's just say I didn't have
a good feeling about this.

Now I was the one who needed
a focusing activity

to stop me worrying
about Skipper.

I thought driving would do it.

But my friends weren't
exactly helping.

I remember my first
time babysitting.

A four year-old locked me
in the bathroom

and the fire department
had to come.


My first time the kid stuck
a raisin so far up his nose

he wound up in the ER!

My first time was a toddler.

His parents said he loved
playing kitty-cats.

They didn't tell me that
included using the litter box.

-That's terrible behavior.

No way!

I needed to hear someone
say something positive.

Skipper'll be fine.

So I said it.

Awww. She's so lucky to have
a sister like you.

Seriously, if it was my older
sister and I was ,

she would have hidden someplace
and spied on me.

Ha! Wow, totally uncool.

Right? I mean, what kind of
person would even consider

spying on her little sister,

say, from the ductwork
above the living room,

which you can crawl into from
the panel beside the furnace?

I'm making a project.

It's a robot! Pew!

Red is for strawberries.

Don't eat that!

How about
some mac n' cheese?

I can microwave it.


And cool it to room temperature,
and give you a plastic spoon.



Oh no!

Baby girl, no!

Don't cry!

[singing] Don't cry,
don't cry, I'll give you pie,

if you don't cry.


Hey, look what I can do.

Ahh, ahhh, ahhhh!


OK. You can say it.

There's nobody here.

"What would Barbie do?"

How about some music?

But let's do it Skipper style.

Dream house, play some music.

[dance music]

This rocks.

I'm never watching a movie
on land again.

Guys, it's starting.


"Home By My Lonesome !"

I love all these movies!

I loved them too.
And I really needed
the distraction

from worrying about Skipper
which I wasn't getting.

Uh-oh. Here we go.

Love this part.


(Movie): Ding-dong!

Boss, how come you
say ding-dong

when you already rang the bell?


(Movie): I'm not apposed
to open the door!

But we have a puppy!

An' he's hungry.

Won't you let him in,
maybe feed him a sandwich.

(Both): Don't do it,
don't do it...


That part gets me
every time!


You call this a sandwich?

I don't do crusts.

He don't do crusts.

That's not what I'm lookin' for,
get it?

And when I don't get what I'm
looking for I can just...go off.


Like that.

He's a real firecracker.


-Heh heh heh.
-Heh heh heh.

(All): Light!


No messages.

Cause everything's fine!

(Movie): This is almost
too easy.

Thinking what I'm thinking?

Like takin' candy from a baby.

Candy from a baby!



Look out!


I'm okay.


See? What'd I tell you?

Way cooler than boring
old everyday candy.

[squeals with delight]
Mmm, mmm!

Glad you approve.

Guess I really am calm,
cool, and in control,

just like Barbie said.



We have a super cool
squeaky duck and a submarine

if anyone wants a ba-ath...

No bath.


Or how about a shower?

You could sit there
and pretend it's raining.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!

Focusing activity,
focusing activity!

(Movie): Aw.

If only there was someone
here to help you.

How do you know
there isn't, huh?

Nice try, kid.

But, see, we happen to know:
you're home by your lonesome!

[chuckling to cackling]




Where's she going?

You can't leave now,
it's the best part!




-I'm okay.
-We'll just watch from here.


[tiny snores]

One of them was a small Bear

and one was a middle-sized Bear,

and the other was a great
big huge bear...

[clanging sounds]

It's a big huge bear, raar!!!


Hmm. Nah.

Where we live,
bears are just in books.

I think it's those kids
from up the street

skateboarding on
our driveway again.

Hey, who wants apple juice?

I think I waited plenty
long enough to check on her,

don't you?

Come on! She was !

I didn't babysit
until I was... well .

[owl hooting]

[clanging sound]

Hey! You know what would be fun?

Let's turn out the lights so
we can spy on those silly kids!

Can we?



[crash sound]

[phone rings]


Hey honey, just getting a snack.

How's the movie?

Movie? Oh great!

"Down here, banana heads!

"Come and get me
before I call the cops!"

Oh, man, classic!

Have you heard from Skipper?

No! Why? What happened?

Nothing. Just asking.

Barbie, I know you're a little
worried about Skipper

but I really admire how you
let your sister fly free.

Yeah, well, you know me.

Free-range sistering
is my whole thing.

Um, no it's not.

But that's why it was
so good of you to...

[gasps] Thanks mom.
Gotta go!

Super-spy Skipper to Super-Spy
Jonny, what do you observe?


Too dark, I can't see anything.

Hmm. Maybe we should get
out our super-secret


Whoa! We have one?


[phone rings]

Hey. What's up?

Ken, do you have power
at your house?

Why are we whispering?

Um, long story.

Oh. Hold on.

[loud music plays]


Yup. Got power.

But I'm glad you called.

'Cause a couple minutes ago
I heard some, like, crashes

at your place.

You think I should...

Barbie? Hello?


Oh, no!

Watch out!

[alarm wailing]

No, not the alarm!

[alarm wailing]

Okay, Super-Spy Jonny,
I have a plan.

Let's go.


Whoa, whoa!


Who said "AAAAAH!"?



What's going on?

And why are we whispering again?

I'm trying to see in the house.

Um, how about going inside?

Work with me here, will you?


I'm sure this will
all make sense.

Roberts family sense,

Great. So I'm just
gonna use this ladder,

and look in the window.

OK, if you really want to look
into your own house.

I'll get the ladder.

[alarm wailing]

Maybe the ladder is not such
a good idea.

At least the alarm stopped.

[phone ringing]


Hey Super-Spies.

Thanks for your report.

We've notified
the proper channels

and will be there
as soon as we can.

Thanks, Chief.

Thanks, Chief!

You okay?


What are we hiding from?


I don't want her to think

I don't trust her
babysitting skills

even if this is
her first-ever job

and it's with two holy handfuls.

They cackled at me, Ken!

So, you don't trust her.

No, it's not that.

It's just, being a babysitter
is a big job,

and it's hard and Skipper
is so, Skipper and...

You don't trust her.

I do!


Oh, you're right.

I didn't trust her.

We actually had time
to see everything

before Skip rang, since Pluto's
no longer a planet.

Uh, who moved the ladder?

That would be me.

(All): Huh?


What happened to you?

False alarm, Officers.

So sorry!

Sorry, I didn't mean to scare
you all like that.

Okay, so now this all makes
Roberts family sense.

So when I called you,
you were really here.

We played the bestest game ever!

Uh what's going on?

Can you guys take
the kids for a second?

I need to apologize
to my amazing, responsible,

way more together
than I give her credit for

little sister who's not
so little anymore.

Too bad it took me face-planting
in the bushes

to realize that I was the one
not ready to let Skip

fly on her own.

She was more than up for it.

Thanks, sis.

Coming from you
that means a lot!

Seriously, Skip, you are
a babysitting ninja.

You should have your
own babysitting business.

Way ahead of you.

So here's the app
I designed for it.

Babysitters Inc.

I love it!

Really? Cool!

'Cause it has to appeal
to people like you,

you know, older people.

Ooh. That hurt.

Excuse us while we pillow fight.