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01x01 - Welcome to the Dreamhouse!

Posted: 08/16/23 03:19
by bunniefuu
Whoa oh oh oh ♪

So much to see ♪

So much to do ♪

Let's share a dream ♪

Make it come true ♪

Us girls got the
right combination ♪

Make our way
to new destinations ♪

Imagine all
the possibilities ♪

Hey hey hey ♪

You can be anything ♪

Hey hey hey ♪

Barbie's here,
gonna sing ♪

Hey hey hey ♪

Adventure, yeah that's
our thing ♪

It's the Dreamhouse
Adventures ♪

I can always count on my family
to be there for each other.

This isn't so bad.

See we got this!


Ok, so this was definitely
not a typical day

with the Roberts family.

And the thing is,

it was supposed to be
the best day ever.

We were moving into our
amazing new Dreamhouse!

It started out great,

but then things went a little

Hello. Hola.

Bonjour and Ni Hao.

Welcome to our new home!

In case you're just tuning in,
I'm Barbie Roberts,

and I am so excited, I don't
even know where to start!

How bout by lifting something?


Oops, sorry!

Sure thing.

I can multi-task
with the best of 'em!

That's Ken, BFF and neighbor
since forever.

Since the last time
you did this!


When we first moved to Malibu.

And today, almost
years later,

my family's finally moving
into our brand new dreamhouse.

Which is in the exact
same spot as our old house.

On an ancient pirate
burial ground.



No peg-legged poltergeists here.

But, interesting fact, we
all helped design the place.

My room's the coolest!

You heard it here first.

Skipper and Stacie's room
is "The coolest."

But don't decide
until you see my room.

Way cooler.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!


Wouldn't wanna release the curse
of the Pharaoh's poodle.

Dad, what is that?

A gift from the national museum.

Remember I made that ancient
artifacts documentary

a while back?

It's supposed to be a replica,

but it looks pretty realistic,
don't you think?


Dad, you are being weird
and that thing is creepy.

I like it.

It's cool, but why have we
never seen it before?

I had it in storage.

But now with all this
new space, it's...

...going right back
into storage.



Come on, Margaret, I'll put it
in my editing suite.

As soon as I make one.

Let's use the craft table
for now.

But where will I do crafts?

It's temporary, honey,
right George?

[awkward laugh]

Uh yeah.

Chels, hey.

So what do you think
of the new place?

I guess it's fine.

But Dr. Wiggles says she liked
the old house better.

This one's got bad karma.


Well, maybe "Dr. Wiggles"

should join me on the rest
of my Vlog tour.

Might change her mind?

Okay, but she's a very
sophisticated doctor,

not easily impressed.

This is Skipper
and Stacie's room.

Memorize what it looks like now

It's the only time
you'll ever see it this clean.


Huh. That actually lasted
longer than I thought.

Hey, forget about
Skipper's side.

Welcome to the Stacie zone.

Who's up for some one on one?

[basketball grunts]

Ho ha!?

Yes! Yes! Yes!


Hey! No fair.

I was holding a phone.

Wake me up when you're ready
for a rematch ...



[snore sounds]


A basketball court
and a DJ booth

even Doctor Wiggles must think
that's pretty sweet.

If that's what you're into.

But it's not very doctor-y.

If that didn't change
the good doctor's mind,

then what about...

Your room!


It's fine, I guess.


It's fantabulous!

C'mon, show them all
the things it does.

Well, it does do this.

Pop up TV!


And this too.

So what's not to love?

I like it.

But it's not me
I'm worried about.

Ok, so Chelsea, or
should I say Dr. Wiggles,

was still not loving the move.

But with all of us ready
to support her,

it was just a matter of time
before she came around, right?





Ugh, what's happening.

It's gone crazy!


Oh no!

Don't worry about me.

Save Dr. Wiggles.

She's freaking out!



You okay?

Where's Dr. Wiggles?!


No! How do we turn this off!


Dream-house, deactivate
Chelsea's room.


That should have worked.

I'm afraid it didn't,
can you try something else?!

Dream-house initiate
emergency shut-down.

Please work.






[woozy grunts]

My poor Dr. Wiggles.

Our beds just went crazy!

The whole house
just went crazy!

Maybe there's a few ghosts
in the system.

Ghosts? Cool!

She doesn't mean ghosts, ghosts,
she means bugs in the system.

Bugs? Cool!

I miss our old house,
the one without bugs.

You know, the one that wasn't
trying to eat us.

Everything's wrong here...

It's OK, Chels.

We're gonna figure this out.

I'm running some
diagnostic tests.

Everything seems to be fine.

Guys. I've got some bad news.

The mall stopped selling your
brand of skinny jeans again?

What? They did?

No. Kidding.

Oh. Phew.

Cause this is something
you're gonna want to see.

Why is all our stuff out here?

Look, someone had
our moving van towed.

Who does that?




The Reardons!

Oops, was that your moving van?

They're on a lunch break?

For how long?

The Reardons aren't always
the best neighbors, ever,

but this is low,
even for them.

Why is everything
going wrong today?

Ooh! The curse of
the Pharaoh's poodle!

There's no curse, Stacie.

It's just a simple

Yep. Because I might have
forgotten to tell

the Reardons we were
moving in today.

(All): Dad!

You know how picky they are.

I'm sorry, I got distracted.

We all make mistakes.

Like whatever is, you know,

going wrong with
the house's programing.


Oh snap!

Dad did not just say that.

[awkward laugh]

I know dad wasn't trying
to be mean.

The thing is, Mom is kind
of a computer genius,

and well...

she can get a little spiky
when you question

her mad coding skills.

If I can design a prototype
integrated-renewables power grid

for an entire city,

I think I can manage an
effective OS for my own home.

Agreed, dear.

I'm only saying,
maybe you just kinda,

perhaps, you know,
with all that's going on,

overlooked something?


Okay, let's get going!

This furniture's not gonna
move itself.


But I want to see who wins.


-You're so pretty.


Almost to the top.


This isn't so bad.

See, we got this.







At least we know
the slide works.


Chelsea! This is so not funny.

It kinda is.

This is classic you, Chelsea.

You're pranking us.

That's why the house
is being all weird.

I didn't do anything.

Could it be?

I know "Dr. Wiggles" wasn't
a fan of the new house,

but was Chelsea really trying
to sabotage us?

I mean one of Chelsea's
mostly endearing,

but occasionally
aggravating, traits

is her fondness for pranking.

[fart sound]







I swear!

I didn't do it!

Dr. Wiggles was right, this
house is nothing but trouble.

Great. Now we've upset
Chelsea even more.

Upset her! That little prank
broke a nail.

Hey, we don't know
for sure it was Chelsea.

Anyway, let's split up and bring
the rest of the stuff in.


You know, if Chelsea is
telling us the truth

and she isn't pranking us...

and Mom can't find anything
wrong with the house's system,

well there might be
a third option.

Fourth, if you count
the pharaoh's poodle curse.




I'm thinking a little more
present day.

The Reardons!

They already have
our moving van towed.

Who's to say they didn't
hack us too!

Up for a little sleuthing?

Let's roll, partner.


Ahh! Ahh!



[mumbles] Two-minute
juice break?


Juice break?

Shoe snake?


Juice break?

Yes! So much more tasty
than a shoe snake.




-No, no, no, no!

Oh, make it stop!



Watch out!

Oh no!

Not my skinny jeans.




Mmm, mango.

Chelsea, I know you did this!

Come out!

You sure?

She seemed pretty sincere
before that it wasn't her.

Then what else could it be?

Maybe it's crazy, but...

what if it's the curse
of your dad's mummy?

Why would my grandmother
curse us?

She loves us.

No. Not your daddy's mommy.

Your dad's mummy.


You mean the curse might
actually be real?

There's one way to find out.

Pass me a pecan, Whitaker.

This stupid thing won't work!


You do it!

Yea, I'm inclined to think
the Reardons don't have

the technical expertise to hack
our dreamhouse.

They can't even use
a nutcracker.

Maybe they're just playing dumb?

Clearly it's defective.

Can't we just hire someone
to do this?





Trey showed up.

Oh, Trey, you handsome devil.

Is it possible to have
two good sides?

Choosing a new profile pic
is going to be impossible.

They're all so good.

He can at least use a phone.

I'm moving in
for a closer look?



Barbie. Help.

Ugh! She left me!

Whoa! Ugh!



So how exactly are we supposed
to know if it's cursed?

We open it.

If a mummy flies out,
it's definitely cursed.



As the younger but somehow more
responsible and mature one here,

I'm calling an audible
on the play.

We need some anti-mummy
curse protection first.

How's it going Chels?


But Dr. Wiggles still isn't
a fan of the new house.

You know Chels.

When I was your age I moved
all the way from Wisconsin.

Everything felt weird,
just like this does.

But then Grandma taught me
something really important

I'll never forget.

How she keeps her teeth
from falling out

when she eats corn
on the cob?

Uh no.

She taught me it's not a roof
or walls that make a home,

it's the people inside.

As long as we're all together,
with the people we love,

we'll always be home.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

But Dr. Wiggles still thinks

that something smells
fishy around here.

Oh. That's just dad, you know
how much he sweats

when he does anything physical.

Anyhow, why don't the three
of us drop this box off,

and then help bring in
more stuff?



Okay, think we're good?

At least we'll be ready to play
any sport the mummy wants.

Hey guys, you know unpacking

is for when we're actually
inside the house.

It's to protect against
the pharaoh's poodle curse.

Yeah, I don't think you have
to worry about that.

More likely your mom
just made a little mistake

when she was programming
the house.


Uh... Like I said, it's probably
Ken's fault.


[whispers] Sorry, buddy.

I thought we discussed
this already.

Uh, guys what's going on?

Your father still seems to think

the house malfunctioning
is my fault.

Well, it's not a curse.

I mean, they didn't even have
poodles in Ancient Egypt.


Sorry, Stace.

If it's not a curse, and not
some bad programming,

what is it?


Skipper, what happened?

What happened?

You left me hanging
in the tree all alone!

My so-called sleuthing partner
bailed on me!

See. Dr. Wiggles was right.

This house is weird
and it's tearing us apart.

Well, Chelsea had a point.

I mean, it was a stressful day,
and we were all pretty tired,

and things were getting
outta hand.

We weren't ourselves.

Maybe the house was cursed?

[thunder clapping]



Oh no.

If we don't get this
stuff inside fast,

everything will be ruined.

Uh, guys.

That could be a problem.

[computer voice] Access denied.
Access denied.

-Oh no!

Try again?


Access denied.

Access denied.

Jinx! You can't talk now.

Pretty sure, you can't jinx
an artificial intelligence.

Barbie's right.

Machines aren't people,
and they don't make mistakes.

People do.

Maybe this is my fault.

Did I mis-program the house?

No way.

You're too good at your job.

I was totally wrong
to even suggest it.

There's got to be something else
going on here.

And we'll find it, and fix it,
'cause that's what we do.

Go team Roberts.


How are we gonna get everything
inside before the rain starts?

We're locked out!



Did I forget to tell you I left
the back door open?

Ken for the win!


Woo hoo!

We can bring the furniture
in through here!

You guys get started.

Maybe I can hack into the house
from the access panel.

I will help.

Me too!

Look at this! Shredded!

That's why the house
has been acting up.

Ha ha!

Yes, it wasn't me!


Wooo hooo!

Okay. If I just re-attach
these two wires



I'm okay.

I'm okay.

I meant, these two wires?

We are back on line!

Yay Mom!

But what caused the wires
to fray like that

in the first place?

I'm going to say...






Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Get that squirrel!

He's the culprit
who ate my wiring!



One Mississippi.
Two Missi.

[thunder clapping]
Uh oh.

Less than two Mississippi's
means the storm

is less than two miles away.

We'll never get this
all moved inside in time.

And we have to get
the that squirrel!

It's time to come together,


Let's make a plan
and get it done.

[vacuum sounds]


[angry chitters]

After him!


Oh, no, he didn't!

Split up!



That tickles!


Ah ha!





No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Oh no!






Oh yeah.

Looking good?

[clears throat]






Ugh! Yeah!

Huh? What?


Woo hoo!

Sorry little guy.

Don't be scared.

We won't hurt you.

We're just gonna find you
a home of your own.

The furniture is safe.

Great job Chelsea!

Your plan was just
what we needed.

So shall we let Mrs. Squirrel
find a new home?

Grandma said home is any place
you're with the people you love.

As long as she's
with her family,

she'll be just fine.

[happy chitters]




[angry chitters]




That is one whack squirrel.

Look, he is going on the fence
right into...

[crash sounds]



Oh, no!

Uh, We'd better get inside.

Looking good Ken.



I'm not even going to ask.

Well, it's a good thing we have
so many umbrellas.

So, aside from a ...
little first day drama.

We settled into our wonderful,
amazing Dreamhouse

and couldn't be happier.

I knew my family
would come through.

Grandma was right.

Home is always going
to be anywhere

you're with the people you love,
no matter how crazy it gets.

Which is a good thing,

'cause I'm seeing a whole lot
of crazy in our future.


Ugh! Chelsea!


Get back here!

I'm onto you!
