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02x09 - Festival Fiasco

Posted: 08/16/23 02:52
by bunniefuu
I can't believe we're going to play

at the California Music and Food Festival today.

I mean, I grew up watching singers perform there.

This is huge.

I've got to hand it to Rafa.

He did a great job booking this one.

A real gig where we actually get to sing on stage?

Hm. The dream.

And speaking of Rafa,

he's wishing he could be here with us today,

but since he can't,

he's sending a very long checklist

to make sure we're ready for the show.

Make your bed, wear fresh socks, floss twice,

take out the trash?

What do those have to do with singing?

I think I'll just tell our loving manager

that our socks are quite fresh and we feel very supported.

Oh. But maybe I should floss again.

Dental hygiene is important.

We'll need these. I call 'em car-its.

The perfect road trip snack.

And this sewing kit.

You never know when a fashion emergency might strike.

What? My mom's a pilot.

She taught me how to pack like a pro.

Something tells me that's Ken.

Gonna be the first time you're seeing him

since the whole love letter thing.

What did you say when you wrote him back?

You never told me.

Well, you know, that's because it's private.

And also because I kind of didn't.


I tried, but then I started to second-guess

everything I had written.

So, when we found out about the festival

and I knew I'd see him in person, I just figured...

Dad needs your help!

Hey, girls.

I don't know who's more excited about the festival today.

You two or me!

Uh, based on my stomach ache, that would be you, Dad.


We've been taste testing chili since before sunrise.

I feel your pain.

My dad goes a little over the top with new recipes too.

I just want to make sure it's perfect

for this year's chili cook-off.

But, since everyone else is calling it quits,

I need two new testers.

This one's an update of our tried and true family recipe

that came in second at the festival last year.

And this one is completely new.

The first one packs a punch.

Like a campfire in my mouth.

I knew I added too much liquid smoke.

How bout' the new recipe?

This is the one, Dad!

Mm. Definitely!

I was hoping you'd say that.

I'm confident my new secret ingredient blend

will bring home the win.

I have it safely secured in this black jar marked X,

because I don't trust those Reardons.

The Reardons live next door

and have won the chili cook-off three years running.


They could be spying on us right now.

Dad, don't you think you might be going a little overboard?

You know how they are.

I can't take any chances.

The Reardons.

Good luck, Roberts family!

It'll be nice beating you.

I mean, competing against you again this year!

I can't believe they're already on their way to the festival.

Change of plans!

We gotta get this chili train moving right now.

Bye, girls! See you at the festival!

Drive careful.

And wear fresh socks!

Why is everyone suddenly obsessed with socks?

You west coast Roberts sure know how to make a quick exit.

That we do.

But, this west coast-east coast duo doesn't need to rush.

We've got plenty of time till our performance.

Maybe the Barbies will let me back them up at their show.

You should probably stick to backing Dad up at the grill.

Huh. It's not over for us yet, old friend.

We're here!

The Reardons.

Oh, there you are, George. What took you so long?

Had to work up the courage to face us, again?

Oh, I've been working on something, Whittaker.

Yeah, but it's not courage, it's my winning recipe.

Hey, look!

Let's stop antagonizing the competition, dear.

And, girls, hop to it! Time to unload.

Cali Music and Food Fest, here we come!

Every good road trip needs jams!

Care to DJ?

Let's see. What are we in the mood for?

It's Ken!

Hey, Ken. I've got Malibu's phone.

We're just hitting the road.

Hey! You two have got to see this.

How cool is that?

Okay, I'll stop fan-boying, for now.

I'm gonna go reserve some seats in the front row.

Aw. Thanks, Ken.

We'll see you soon!

You too so need to talk. Like, talk talk.

I know. We will.

Hey, aren't you supposed to be DJing?

So, it looks like we've got everything.

Except has anyone seen the...

...secret ingredient jar?

I'm not finding it, George. But you packed it, right?

No, I thought you did!


I think... we left it at home.

Don't worry. I'll just call Barbie and Brooklyn

and have them grab the jar before they leave home.

We're making such good time.

And Rafa's only sent like 20 more texts

asking if we're there yet.

He's nothing if not consistent.


Girls? Are you still at the house?

No, we hit the road a little while ago. Why?

Well, you know how your father is.

In our rush to get here,

he forgot his secret ingredient blend.

Of course he did.

On the bright side,

that means it's definitely safe from the Reardons.

We'll turn back and grab it, Mom.

Our show's not for a few hours. We've got time.

Are you sure?

The chili cook-off is a big deal,

but not as important as your performance.

We'll be fine, Mrs. Roberts.

Plus, we really want Mr. Roberts to win.

I mean, we didn't taste test all that chili for nothing.

Operation Retrieve Secret Ingredient is a go!

Or a no.

Flat. Tire. Ugh!

-A wire hanger? -So random.

I'll call someone to come put on the spare.

That'll take too long. We can change it ourselves!

Uh, I've never changed a tire.

Me either.

But when has no experience ever stopped us before?

Wait, wait Chelsea. Look!

The Reardons!

Oh, George looks perplexed.

Doesn't he always.

I got a closer look.

Sounds like George forgot his secret ingredient.

They barely had a chance before.

There's no way they're gonna win now.

Oh. Those Reardons are the worst!

What are we gonna do?

What if...

Their chili mysteriously disappears?

Or, their chili gets a terrible review

in front of a judge.

Oh! Or, there's a bunny attack!


The Reardons may have a history of playing dirty,

but the Roberts are gonna win this thing fair and square.

Fair and square, right. That was my next suggestion.

Mission accomplished!

Operation Retrieve Secret Ingredient is complete.

-Whoa! -No!

Who knew playing little league softball

when I was 10 would eventually come in handy?

No need for "secret ingredients" here, folks.

With our award winning recipe, it's all about skill.

I knew they were spying on us.

Dad, if you get any madder and smoke comes out of your ears,

we could use that to flavor the chili.

You're right.

We'll never win if I let my emotions get the best of me.

But you've given me an idea, Skipper.

We can't sit around waiting for your sister and Brooklyn

to get here with my secret blend.

It's time for the Roberts family to improvise!

We'll recreate it.


We're at a food festival.

Check out every vendor you can find and see what they've got.

It might not be the exact ingredients,

but we'll make it work.

-No problem! -We're on it!

And remember, only the best for our chili.

Think organic, nutritious, and fresh!

Not quite what I had in mind.

Still no signal, so no GPS.

Guess taking the back route

to avoid that traffic jam wasn't the best idea.

Well, we can't turn back now, we're running out of time.

So, right or left?

We don't have GPS, but how bout BPS?

Maybe that bird's a sign?

I'll take anything at this point.

And maybe the scenic route will give you a chance

to think about what you're gonna say to Ken when you see him.

It was a challenge, Mrs. Roberts,

but I saved a bunch of front row seats at the amphitheater.

Mrs. Roberts?

Thanks, Ken.

Sorry, I'm a little distracted.

The girls are helping George

try to recreate his secret ingredient blend.

But it took him a year to perfect that recipe.

And we've got less than an hour.

I sure wish Barbie and Brooklyn would get here

so we could put an end to all of this.

Margaret! Water!

Too many jalapeƱo popsicles.

Come on!

We're not in the mountains anymore.

You should be working.

Yes! And, thanks to our little feathered friend,

we're almost there, with one hour till showtime!

That means we'll make it

just enough time to change and warm up!

-Aw. -Adorable.

Not so adorable, after all.

Come on, goats! We have a concert to get to!

It's a really big deal!

You think they like music?

Because I'm starting to worry

that this will be the only crowd we see today.


We're gonna go down in history as the first singers

to have their career destroyed by a bunch of farm animals.

I've got an idea.

Maybe we can get em off the road by enticing them with food?

Think they'd like a car-it?

Worth a try.

Also, that hanger might actually come in handy.

Yes! And, with a little help

from my fashion emergency turned goat emergency sewing kit...

This should do the trick.


You guys eat everything but now you've got standards?

Maybe they just need a little encouragement?

Baa ahh ahh ahh.

Baa ahh ahh ahh!

Baa ahh ahh ahh!!

It's working!

Hey, goaties, hey!

Whoa! Goaties, Whoa!

They must belong in that pen.

And we belong at that festival!

Come on, goats, let's mooove!


Ten minutes until the chili cook-off judging

and today's musical performances begin.

Mm. Muah.

Brought you something.

No thanks.

We already have napkins for our chili.

Not what I mean.

These are for your tears when my family wins.

Sorry, girls.

Looks like we may have to accept defeat again this year.

So sorry.

Long story.

We may smell like goats, but we're here.

And just in the nick of time.

Oh, oh, my. You're right.

That's an aroma.

Never been happier to smell barnyard animals in my life.

We are not accepting defeat.

Only three minutes until chili cook-off judging

and today's musical performances begin.

Ah, on, ah, on!





Mm-mm. Mm!

Interesting. I'll be back later to announce the winner.

Folks, I hope you're ready.

It's time for our next on-stage performance.

The Barbies!

Oh! We better get to our seats!

Should I grab my guitar?


And now, making their California debut,

give a big hand for The Barbies!

Where are they?

Did somebody say "The Barbies?"


Let's go!

One, two, one, two, three!

I know them!

I love the new song!

It is important to be honest about your feelings.

Yeah, I've been wanting to talk to you about that.


Hey, everybody!

It's time for the chili cook-off results!

Oh, come on!


Excuse me, can I have everyone's attention, please?

This year's chili cook-off turned out to be

the closest competition we've had in years.

Once again, the Reardon family

crafted a crowd-pleasing and deeply satisfying entry.


The Roberts family found a way to reinvent traditional chili

with bold and exciting new flavors.

Congratulations, Roberts. You are this year's winner!

-Yes! -Yeah!

That's awesome!

-Mm-hmm! -Alright!


What'd you think of that, Wit?


Just stopping by to see what all of the hype is about.

Here you go, Trey.

Oh, also, here's that napkin you gave me earlier.

Yeah, you know, in case you need it for your tears.

Mm. Delicious.

Am I tasting... pickles? And funnel cake?
