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01x11 - Triple Threat

Posted: 08/16/23 02:43
by bunniefuu
♪ Hey, hey! ♪

♪ La la la la la ♪

♪ Hey, hey! ♪

♪ La la la la la ♪

♪ Chasing dreams
And making it happen ♪

♪ We can be anything
We imagine ♪

♪ In harmony, it's clicking
Like magic ♪

♪ It takes two! ♪

♪ When we're together ♪

♪ Double trouble
Rocking a stereo ♪

♪ Better buckle up, baby
Here we go ♪

♪ You and me ♪

♪ It's lights
Camera action ♪

♪ It takes two! ♪

♪ When we're together ♪

♪ It takes two! ♪

Not bad, but it feels like

we should have saved up way
more money than this.

I know. 'Cause we've been
working a ton.

Are you sure these numbers
are right?

Yep. Here's what
we've made so far minus
everything we've spent.

Wait, I did get us that new
wireless speaker last week.

Oh, and I bought a bigger amp

for my guitar
after mine shorted out.

[both] And those glitter

from that lady in
Washington Square Park.

Care to take one for a spin?

OK, so that wasn't really
a necessary purchase,

and they don't so much work
as just look cool.

But I like the colors.

So, I guess, the numbers
weren't right.

They're worse.

And we're back to being broke.

It's OK. We've been here before.
A few times.

We'll bounce back.

Bounce. Right.

But maybe we should start

running our music-related
purchases by Rafa

before we make them,

'cause I'm picturing his face
when he sees this spreadsheet.

I hate when he gives us
that face.

Moving on.

We just need a new gig and we'll
be back in the stude in no time.


Studio sounds too
"been there, done that".

But stude? Whole different vibe.

It's gonna catch on, you'll see.


Come on.

Uh, everything OK, Dad?

All good, baby girl.

Just working on a project
for my boss, Sarah.

Now, if I could figure out where
to put this pillar...


It's her.

Cal, can you bring the new
designs to my party tonight?

I'd like to review them
so I can make a decision

about the lead
architect promotion.

Of course. No problem.

Mom, come look!

We made a snowman out
of mashed potatoes!

OK, sweetie.
One sec.

[nervous laugh]
My kids.

Hopefully they'll be better
behaved at the party.

But I couldn't find
a babysitter and now...

Yay, mashed potato angels!

Gotta go.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

Ooh, I'll start mashing
the potatoes.


Well, actually,
that does sound great.

A little butter, some garlic...
but before that...

Hey, Dad, we could babysit
for Sarah tonight.

-Of course.

Sounds like she could use
the help.

And I think I heard something

about you being up
for a promotion?

It'll be a good way
to impress the boss, right?

And we can earn some money
for our next sesh at the stude.

Not catching on.

I mean, it's mostly to help you
impress your boss, but also...


I think this is what we call
a win-win, girls.

Thank you.

I'll tell Sarah the good news

as soon as I figure out this
pillar placement.



Uh, I'm OK!


No pressure.

Just a huge, life-altering
promotion riding on tonight.

Don't worry, Dad.

I know Mom usually gives you
a big pep talk

before these kinds of things,

but since she's flying out
tonight, I'm here for you.

You're gonna crush it.

Oh, it is def getting crushed.

What's in there, anyway?

Not much, just antibacterial
wipes, toys,

backup wipes, backup toys,
a hard hat,

a detailed schedule-
kids love structure-

and some good behavior
sugar-free lollipops.

For the kids.

Right, right, right, right.

And I guess your babysitting
supplies are in your pockets?

Nope. Winging it.

I'm more about embracing
the kids imaginations.

Doing what they wanna do.

Always worked with
Skipper, Stacie and Chelsea.

Come in, come in.

Sarah, meet Barbie and Barbie.

Well, that's fun.

I can't thank you girls enough
for offering to babysit

on such short notice.

-Let me show you...
-[clanking pots]

My chocolate fountain.

Can you take Peanut?

Oh, yeah, sure.

The kids are up in Toby's room!

Good luck.

You got this, Dad.

Well, guess it's just you
and me, buddy.



I'm Toby.

Hey, Toby.

Nice to meet you,
little dude.

This is my sister, Lindsay.
And that's it, that's all of us.


So, what should we do...

I'm bored.

Here you go. Play with this
for minutes.

Then we'll take an eight-minute
snack break.

Well, go on. That ball
won't roll itself.

And you only have
minutes left.

Wow. The backpack has spoken.

Like I said,
kids love structure.

Just look at them.
They're... gone!

And so is your backpack!

Where'd they go?

They've gotta be around
here some-

[toilet flushing]

-Oh no.


Because the architect
sprained her angle.

-Get it?

Cal, you're an absolute riot.

I can't wait to take a look
at your project.

It'd be nice to have someone
with your talent

and a sense of humor
on the leadership team.

I'm so happy to hear
you say that,

because I think I'm perfect
for this role.

I'm passionate about the work

and I... have big... ideas
about how to...


Um, are you OK?

Could be better.

As I was saying, I...



[blow dryer whirring]

Clog's gone and I saved
your good behavior lollipops

from the toilet.


Yeah, now that I'm hearing it
out loud,

we should probably toss these.

Forget the candy.

We need a new plan.

All the toys I brought
for the kids are soaked.


Nice save.

Hey, that's mine!




She's way faster
than she looks.

I loved your report on
self-cleaning chimneys
last quarter.

And your proposal for
zero-waste wallpaper, genius.

If only we had the budget
for more experimental...

Help! I locked myself
in the bathroom!

Not again. Excuse me, Cal.

Achoo! Achoo!


Achoo! Achoo!




I think I'm ah...
Ah... achoo!

Allergic to something, Peanut.

How about we figure out
what it is

so I can steer clear
and lock in this promotion?


Oh, flowers.

I bet that's... achoo!


[struggling grunts]

Let's play something else.

Hey, do either of you
have an imaginary friend?

Um, yeah.

Like, practically a billion.
Wanna meet 'em?

Now, when you say a billion...

We thought you'd never ask.

[sleepily mumbling]

And this is my eleventh
imaginary friend, Maya the dog.

She's best friends with Lucia
the fox.

But don't let her go near Riley
the sloth.

They do not get along.

Do you think
he's gonna test us on this?

Hope not. I already forgot
what Olivia the alligator's
favorite color is.


[clears throat]

Sorry. Continue.

And finally, this is Jasper
the horse.

It's his birthday today.

It is?
Well, we must throw him a party.

Whatcha doing?

Cracking eggs to make Jasper's
birthday cake.


Let me try.

Once again, your no plan plan
is working.

I think Tatiana the turtle
is hiding under my bed.

Can you get her?

She can't miss Jasper's party.

Oh, I don't think you
want me...

just sitting here, ha!

One imaginary turtle
coming right up.


Turtle eyes!


Oh, Lindsay. It's just you.

Hold on, how'd you get
under there?

Weren't you just asleep
on the rug?



What's happening? What's wrong?

Lindsay ran right over
Jasper's birthday cake.

It's ruined!


Wow, I guess speed runs
in the family.

Toby is fast.



OK, not the flowers.

Oh, excuse me.

Oh, these look delicious.

I could never get
the dough right.


Oops. Oh, sorry.

Like they say, when pigs
in a blanket fly.

Jasper, come back!
We'll make you another cake!

-Wait, Lindsay!

Slow down! Let's talk
about this!


Maybe we should go downstairs

and ask Sarah what
calms them down.

I don't wanna do anything

that could ruin my dad getting
that promotion.

Why don't we try
separating them?

Good idea. I'll... woah!



Must have tripped over
Maya's tail.

Oh, scented candle.

That's gotta be
what I'm allergic to.

Come on, buddy.



I really thought that was it.


Ah, much better out here.
Wanna play hide and seek?


Oh, you wanna hide first?


Ten, nine, eight, seven,
six, five,

four, three, two, one.

Ready or not, here I come!


Oh, I wonder where Lindsay is.
I can't find her anywhere.


Gotcha! Great hiding.
Now it's my turn.

[giggling distantly]

That's odd.

Unless you're some kind
of baby ventriloquist?

[giggling distantly]

[giggling distantly]

[pitter patter of feet]


"And then the aliens
beamed down to earth
from their space ships."


This is my favorite part!

"One by one, every human
on earth began to multiply

with a loud pop."



What- why aren't you
with Malibu?


What? That was weird.

What was?

I thought I saw someone who
looked just like Lindsay run by.


But that's silly because
she's standing right here.


What if the aliens are making
her multiply?

Like in my book?

Aliens aren't making
your sister multiply.

That's just a story.



Do you like that candle?

I made it.

I actually make
all sorts of things.

Ceramics, jewelry, even the
perfume I'm wearing tonight.

I made that sculpture, too.


What're you doing?

I'm... uh... it's a cool
new dance move

my daughter taught me.


Ah. Always good to keep up
with trends.

That's potpourri, Stanley!
Not popcorn!


Whew, that was a close
one, boy.

We've got to figure out what's
making me... me... achoo!


I think it's getting worse.

Ah, so itchy.

Uh, Peanut? Which way
is the kitchen?

Maybe water will help.


Excuse me.






Oh, it's just you.
Have you seen Lindsay?

Uh, yeah, she's, like,
everywhere at the same time!

You mean nowhere.

She just disappeared.










I told you, the aliens
are here!

We're being invaded?

What? No!

There's no such thing as aliens.

Then why are there
three of my sister

standing right behind you?

-He kinda has a point.

There's gotta be a reasonable
explanation for all of this.

Yeah? Like what?


I'm telling my mom
you're bad babysitters!

You let aliens multiply
my sister!

What is going on here?

No idea, but if Toby tells Sarah
we're terrible babysitters

we can kiss that stude
money goodbye.

Seriously, stop trying
to make "stude" a thing.

It's not gonna happen.

And what about my dad?

If we mess this up he can kiss
his promotion goodbye.




Watch out!


Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh!



[nervous laugh]

What're you two doing
down here?

Shouldn't you be upstairs
with the kids?

There's something really, really
weird happening with Lindsay.

Like multiplying toddlers.

Aliens weird.

And I'm pretty sure they can
teleport using mind power.


Oh, my goodness.

I'm so sorry that I didn't
tell you before,

but Lindsay is one of
three identical triplets.

[both] Triplets?


See? I told you there was
a reasonable explanation.


This is Lisa and Lila.

They love tricking
new babysitters.


I meant to warn you two,

but I got so distracted
with all the party prep.

Well, we probably should have
just come to you for help

when things started
getting weird.


Excuse me.

Achoo! Achoo!

Dad? Are you OK?


I'm allergic to something.

I've been trying to figure
out what it is all night

but I... achoo!



And this little guy's been
helping me... achoo!

Um, I think your adorable
helper might be the culprit.

But I've never been allergic
to dogs.


OK, you might be on
to something.

I'm afraid she's right.

I had the same issue when
we first adopted Peanut.

Apparently, his rare mixed breed
causes reactions

in people who are fine
around other dogs.


Well, that explains it.

Sorry for sniffing...


I think I have an idea
that can help all of us.

[kids laughing]

[kids laughing]

Phew. Party's over.

Thank you both so much
for your hard work.

There's a little extra in there,
you know,

since my kids terrorized you two
all night.


-Thank you.

And more good news,
I got the promotion!


Way to go!

It was an easy decision.

Your dad's new project
designs are great.

The leadership team really
needs someone

with out-of-the box ideas.

And dance moves.



Don't go, don't go!

Don't worry, we'll come back
and babysit any time.

And I expect an invitation
to Jasper's next birthday party.

Stay terrifying, you three.

We have enough for almost
two hours of recording time!

Yes, can't wait to get back
in the stude.

I knew you'd come around.

I think a promotion deserves
a reward.

[both] No!

[closing theme music playing]