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01x10 - Two Stars Are Born

Posted: 08/16/23 02:43
by bunniefuu
Hey, hey! ♪[/i]

La la la la la ♪[/i]

Hey, hey! ♪[/i]

La la la la la ♪[/i]

Chasing dreams
And making it happen

We can be anything
We imagine

In harmony, it's clicking
Like magic

It takes two! ♪[/i]

When we're together ♪[/i]

Double trouble
Rocking a stereo

Better buckle up, baby
Here we go

You and me ♪[/i]

it's lights
Camera action

It takes two! ♪[/i]

When we're together ♪[/i]

It takes two! ♪[/i]

[instrumental music]

I did it.

I'm a star!

Don't ask me how,

but I swear this movie gets
better every time we watch it.

It , percent does.


Think we could reach the top
of the charts one day?



The real question is,

which one of our songs is
gonna hit number one first?


I mean, can you imagine
how cool our lives would be

if that happened?

Making music full time.

No more homework.

Or stressing about side gigs.

Or worrying if Otto is even
going to like our demo,

when we finally finish it.

Just us and our music.

That's the dream.
One day.

[cat meows]

Where are we?



Guess we accidentally
fell asleep downstairs.

Couch sleeping
is not my friend.

What's with the ginormous


You could see it from space.

Oh, there's a card.

"Dear Barbie Roberts
and Barbie Roberts.

The entire team at Dream It,
Be It Records

recently had the chance

to see a video of your amazing
Time Square performance."

I've heard of them!

Duh, there only the biggest
music label in the city.

Keep reading!

"And our president would love
to meet with you

this morning at : am.
Hope you can make it."



Ha! I got ya.


If I'd fallen in, you wouldn't
have found me for weeks.

We only have an hour.
We gotta go get ready.

Wait, what do we wear
to go meet the president

of a music label
we'd die to work with?

You heard the card,
we're amazing,

so I'd say,
whatever we want.

Eek! It's like, I know we've got
to chill but also, ah, I can't.

Me either.

I mean, this meeting
could change our lives.

OK, so here's the deal.

We just need to go in there
and be ourselves.

Right, cause we already know
they love our music,

so let's just breathe.

[deep breath]


[both] Pandora?

Are we at the wrong address?

Did Otto move buildings?

Otto Phoenix?

That man is so last week.

I'm working here now,
at Dream It, Be It Records.

And when I heard the label
wanted to bring you in,

I was stunned.

You know, partly because
I'd already met you,

and partly because at the time
I found you rather forgettable.

But that was before.

This, is now and I can't wait
to work with you!


Aw, strawberry.

You actually remembered.

Remembered what?
Never mind, right this way.

Barbies, Janelle Cleaver,
our fearless leader.

The genius behind the label.
A true music visionary...

I think they get the idea,

Come in, come in.

So thrilled to finally meet you.

The moment I heard you sound

I knew you had to be part
of this label.

And my team has put together
a plan

that's guaranteed to make
you household names in no time.

The firs thing we need to do
is get you into the studio

to record your debut album.

And don't worry,
I've already lined up

the hottest producer
and the best musicians in town.

Cost is no object.

Do you know what that means?

That we'll never have to worry
about earning enough money

for a recording session again?


And that's only the beginning.

After we release
your first single,

we're talking world tour,

Sold out stadium shows.

Prime time interviews.

You're music videos
on every screen.

Sign with us,

and we'll turn your songs
into hits and you into stars!

So, do we have a deal?

[both] Deal!

[camera shutter snaps]

I'll be in touch.

We need to get you into the
studio as soon as possible.

And start booking you for press.


We've never spoken to anyone
but our friends and family

about our music.

Well, you better get used to it.

Pretty soon anyone who is anyone
is going to want to talk to you.

Even people who aren't
getting paid to.

You know, like I am.


She's even harder to read now
that she's being nice to us.

That was her being nice, right?


You know, it's kind of like Rafa
at a fabric store

when he hasn't eaten lunch.

Can never tell
what he's thinking.

[both gasp]

Did a greenhouse throw up
in here?

Uh, I think that one's
watching me.

Girls, so glad you're back.

What took you so long?
We've been waiting forever.

The flower deliveries
have been non-stop.

And, don't forget about..

Where'd it go?

I'll find it.

Why didn't you tell us?

Tell you what?

Here it is.

We're so proud, baby.

You signed with Dream It,
Be It Records.

It's all over the news.

[news reporter] And signing
with Dream It, Be It Records,

the Barbies are the next
big thing in music.

But how'd you...
We were just...

It was only like minutes ago

and that is impressive
printing speed.

[phone ringing]

[all] Barbie! We just heard
the news.

And this was delivered
to the house.

You did it!

Be yourself, but, you know,

Answer their questions
but leave some mystery.

The press loves mystery.

And if you don't know an answer,
make it up!

No one cares.

OK, but when you say no one...


[cameras shutters snapping]


Um, we're...

[both] The Barbies.

[cameras shutters snapping]

[cameras shutters snapping]

The label thinks
you look amazing.


Even though this has nothing
to do with music?

Ah, of course and the label
is sure

you'll be on the cover
of every major magazine.

-They said that?

[phone ringing]

Oh, it's my sisters.
I should get this.

Me too.


- What's it like?
- Tell us everything.

It's the best.

The label is taking us
to interviews,

records, photo sh**t,
I mean, look at this.

We're going to get our music
out to the world.

[upbeat music]

[music continues]

[phone ringing]


[phone ringing]

[cameras shutters snapping]


[phone ringing]

Oh, good, you're free.

Limo's on the way to take you
to the music video sh**t

for your new song.

Our what now?

There must be some kind
of mix up.

We haven't written a new song,
but if you give us a few days,

we could put one together.

Yeah, in fact, I heard this
really interesting sound

on the train this morning that I
thought would make a great beat.

Tick, tick, vreee,
tick, tick, vreee!

It'll sound cooler
on your keyboard.

OK, or, you get in the limo
and come to the sh**t now.

The label doesn't want you
wasting time writing.

Besides, that was
your old sound.

I thought the label loved
our sound?

Isn't that why
you signed us?

Of course! But that was before.
This is now.

Everyone knows the music biz
changes by the minute

and you have to change
with it.

Don't want to be washed up
before our time, do we?

I didn't think so.
Just give it a listen.

[electronic music]

Amazing, right?

Not the word I'd use.

Uh, it doesn't sound
anything like us.

Well, the label thinks
it's perfect.

And no one argues
with the label.

Trust me, it's totally you.

The new you,
not the old you.

Limo should be there shortly.

So, that just happened.

I can't imagine singing
something we didn't write.

I know, but, I mean, sure,
it's a different sound

but that doesn't mean
it's bad, right?


And, if the label thinks
it's a good idea,

then I guess that's what
we should do.

[horn honking]

There's our ride.

Pandora didn't mention where
we're filming, did she?

I hope it's somewhere cool
like a rooftop.

Trash dump?

What are we doing here?

I thought the label had
tons of money.

We do, how do you think
we were able to reserve

such a prime location?

It's the gold standard
of rubbish,

and it totally captures the
whole vibe of your new sound.

Would that be garbage rock?

Techno trash?

Exactly. And you said you didn't
get the new sound.

Alright, places ladies.

We lose this dump in an hour.

To another band?

No, to actually garbage trucks.

How do you think they maintain
the ambience?

Let's move, people,
we're on the clock.

[electronic music]


It's for atmosphere.
Keep playing!

[phones vibrating]

Come on, let's see it!

No laughing.

No promises.


On second thought,

I think it's actually worse
because you aren't laughing.

I can't.

I just pictured myself in those
scales and it's not funny.

What else you got?





Uh-uh. No way.

I'm drawing the line
at flippers.

None of these are right.

Seriously, we've gotta tell
Pandora to hire new designers.

Barbie? You still
with me?

Oh, yeah, I just missed
so many calls.

I can't even remember the last
time I talked to my family.

How long has it been since
we've been to California?

Is kale still a thing?

Hopefully not.

But I hear what you're saying.

I don't think Jacks and Jayla
even remember who I am.

Maybe we'll have time
after today's sh**t

-to at least call everyone?
-[phone ringing]



Ladies! Finally.

Don't tell me you've forgotten
all about your old manager

now that you're superstars.

Rafa! We'd never forget
about you.

We miss you.

And you'll always be
our manager.

But, it's just that the label
has been handling everything.

Like everything.

Did you know that there's
a certain type of deodorant

that's best for vocal chords?

Of course! I've used it
for years.

It's minty fresh.

And I was kidding about
the manager thing.

I'm just glad to see
your faces.

So, spill. How's it going?
I need the deets!

[Pandora] Girls! Where are you?

Hold that thought, Rafa.

Behind there.

Sorry, lots going on.

All the time.

Photoshoots, interviews, tours.

Recording sessions,
music videos, commercials.

Not for nothing, but that
shampoo you endorsed?

My scalp has never felt
so alive.

And also minty fresh.

Good to know,
it's just that...

[Pandora] Malibu? Brooklyn?
We have things to discuss.

Just... what?
It's me guys, spill.

And be honest, you know
I can always tell.

Honestly, the whole
fame thing

isn't what we thought
it would be.

I mean, we still
love performing...

But the label's having us
sing these new songs...

Which are so not us.

And neither is all the other
stuff they're having us do.

We really miss our friends
and family and school

and making music our way.

But nobody will listen.

So, make them.

As your manager, bestie
and number one fan,

I think I'm qualified to say...

Do I hear a signature Rafa
pep talk coming on?

Oh, I've missed these so much.

Stop hiding behind those
hideous costumes.

Seriously, they're hurting
my eyes.

And take a stand.

It's not gonna be easy,
but I know you can.

There you are.

If I didn't know better, I'd say
you were trying to avoid me.

Now hang up,
I have news.

Sorry, gotta go!


I have planned the most epic
publicity stunt ever.

One the label is sure will
skyrocket the Barbies

to even grater fame.


What is it?

Nothing short of genius.

You're going to break up!

[both] Break up?

A fake break up.

I'm already working
on your make up story.

But think of the world
wide press it will get.

Great idea, huh?

That's and unbelievable idea.

Like, literally.

No one would ever buy it.

And, even if some people
would buy it...

Which they wouldn't.


But even if they did,
it doesn't matter.

We don't want to do something
that's not true.

We're best friends.

We can't even pretend
to do that to each other.

Please, the label has already
made its decision,

so buckle up,
because this is happening

and it's going to be broadcast
live in public.

Ah! Banana!
That's it, we're over!

You said you were tired
of strawberry.

You can do better than that!

Oh, my!

Is that the musical sensation
The Barbies, breaking up?

[crowd murmuring]

I'm... I'm going to sing
with Emmy.

She knows
my favorite fruits

and she's always liked
my singing voice more.

Oh, yeah?

Then why did she ask me
to perform with her

in Paris next week?

And she loves banana smoothies.

[crowd murmuring]

Do you call that a breakup?
When my ex and I...

Never mind.

Get back out there and convince
us it's real.

We told you we didn't want
to do this.

We can't make it look real.

Try harder.

You signed a contract, ladies.
It's in the fine print.

There was fine print?

There's always fine print.

And it clearly states
that the label has final say

about every aspect
of your career.

You either do what they say
or the deal will be terminated.

-Isn't this what you wanted?

To get everything
you ever dreamed of?

To be stars?

No more banana!

I need a boat!

Oh, I just had the worst dream!

Me too!

We got a big record deal,
sold plungers at a volcano,

made a trashed up music video,
and broke up!

I was stranded on a desert
island with The Dash.

Yours was worse.

I don't know.
Seems like a tie.

At least it was only
a dream.

And by dream I mean
total nightmare.

Huh, I guess that movie
really got to you.

Hey, if we do get famous
one day,

promise we'll never change
who we are

just because
of the free smoothies?



And promise you'll come
to my rescue

if I'm lose at sea
with The Dash?

I'll put the Navy
on speed dial.

Special delivery!

Girls, we're so proud!
Why didn't you tell us?

Wait, was I not dreaming?

Don't worry, you're very awake.
At least, I think you are.

What's up, Dad?

[news reporter] And Handler Arts
Academy has won the award

for best performing arts
high school in the country.

We thought you'd be excited.

Bought you some flowers
to celebrate.

And, Dean Morrison
sent this over.

She said your Time Square

had a lot to do with putting
Handler on the map.



[closing theme music playing]