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01x05 - Delivery Debacle

Posted: 08/16/23 02:40
by bunniefuu
♪ Hey, hey! ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ Hey, hey! ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ Chasing dreams
And making it happen ♪

♪ We can be anything
We imagine ♪

♪ In harmony, it's clicking
Like magic ♪

♪ It takes two! ♪

♪ When we're together ♪

♪ Double trouble
Rocking a stereo ♪

♪ Better buckle up, baby
Here we go ♪

♪ You and me ♪

♪ It's lights
Camera action ♪

♪ It takes two! ♪

♪ When we're together ♪

♪ It takes two! ♪

[instrumental music playing]

Braiding our hair.

Eating some pears.

Serious glares?

Talking to bears!

Ladies, a key part of having
a working lunch

is actually working.

We are working.

We're writing new lyrics
for our next studio sesh'.

But, can't figure out
the perfect rhyme

for circles and squares.

Oh! Re-upholstering chairs!


I'm excited to hear
the new track,

but as your manager,

I'll remind you
we're still short on funds

to pay for said studio sesh.

In fact, let me pull up my demo
fund spreadsheet.

Uh, you make spreadsheets?

There are many things
you don't know about me.

I'm an enigma.

A walking riddle.

A jack of all trades.

A renaissance man.

It's a spreadsheet, Rafa.

Get a grip, man of mystery.


[slow motioning sounds]

Oh, I stand corrected.

Volleyball is something
you can use in real life!

Now, where were we?

We really should be working.

Aw, a flower!

A flower?

It's obviously a green bean.

Sorry, looked like a flower
to me.

I'm Brooklyn,
by the way.

And I'm Malibu,

well actually
we're both named Barbie,

but nicknames because...

I'm Stephan.

And you're at Handler
studying to be

an invisible vegetable farmer?


I'm following in my Dad's
silent footsteps.

He works in Time Square.

[upbeat music]

[both exhale]

We're familiar
with your dad's work.

He's very dedicated.

[bell ringing]

Gotta run!

We have an oral exam
in advance mime theory.

As long as you don't say
anything, you pass.

We gotta find a place to meet
where we won't get interrupted,

and has better snacks.

I'll work on it
and text you later.


But seriously, does this look
like a green bean to you two?

Green? No.

A garbanzo at best.

Over here!

I'm obsessed
with these broffins.

I wanna be obsessed.

Me too.

What's a broffin?

[French accent]
It is my latest
culinary creation.

A combination of brownie
and muffin.


Buddy, these are the friends
I was telling you about

Barbie and Barbie,
aka Malibu and Brooklyn.

Bonjour and welcome[/i]
to Birdie's Cafe.

The Frenchest bakery
outside of France.

[metal scraping on floor]

Oh, for soufflés' sake!

What are you doing, Epiphany?

The chairs looked bored,

so I'm introducing them
to new tables.


Mint tea.

Decaf vanilla latte,
extra cream.


Great choices!

But, that's...

-What I wanted!

How did you know?

We all have our gifts.

[phone chimes]

And a dusting of cinnamon
on top!

Don't worry,
I won't forget.

It's like she stared straight
into my cinnamon-dusted soul.

Oh, no, oh no!
Oh, no!

What's wrong, Buddy?

My afternoon delivery guy
just quit to join NASA.

Your delivery guy's
an astronaut?


Oh, no.

He joined the North American
Sandwich Association.

The lunch place on rd?

Oh, that NASA.

They have a k*ller pastrami.

I'm doomed!

Just look at all the broffin
orders waiting to go out.

Am I missing something?

Not that table,
that's for pickup.

That table!

Finding a new delivery person
on such short notice

is like replacing a chocolate
croissant's filling

after it's been baked!


Buddy, I think I have
a solution.

You'll delivery
the broffins! Yes?

What? No, not me.

You should hire Malibu
and Brooklyn.



I thought we we're all doing
a gasping thing.

Come on, Brooklyn and Malibu
would be great delivery people.

Plus, they need the cash
for their demo.

As we say in France,
you're hired!

We won't let you down, Buddy.

Yeah! We're gonna crush it.

Not the baked goods.
Just the deliveries.

Talk about a boatload
of broffins.

We're gonna need a plan.

Think we should split up?
Cover more ground?

Divide and conquer.
I like it.

[phone chimes]

Ken! Hi!


Coach just gave us a break
from practice

so I've only got a few minutes,
but have you...


Sorry, can't!
Need to run.

Call me later.


[upbeat music]

Get in the middle right lane.

In three blocks,

we're gonna take a right
turn followed by a left.

Wait. My calculations show this
route shouldn't have any stops.

Your calculations don't
mean much

if you don't factor
in parades, kid.

Garlic Day parade.
Real stinker.


[phone ringing]

Hey, there, so listen,
what I wanted to...

Ken! Great timing.

Can you read the subway
map for me?

Yeah, I mean, all you
gotta do is...

You sure that's a map?

Supposed to be!

Listen, I gotta run.
Call me later?

Hello, person with an arm?

Which way to the uptown
A train?

Thanks! Love your bracelet!

Excuse me! Broffins on the move!



[man on PA] This is
the downtown A train.


That's the wrong way!
I need to go uptown!

How'd your first deliveries go?

Took the wrong train
and got robbed by pigeons.


Ran into a bad Samaritan
at a subway station.

And the garlic parade
on West th.

That's what that smell is.


Maybe divide and conquer
wasn't the best approach.

We definitely missed
the conquer part.

But, we are always better
as a team.


Working together might mean way
less problems and way faster.

I've been waiting
for this moment.

Why do you have
two skateboards?

The question you should
be asking is

why don't you have any?

[upbeat music]



I am so getting one of these.

Or two.

Not now, Stephan.

I'm adjusting something

Uh, an umbrella.

It's a selfie stick

so you can take photos of
yourself in the rain.

I forgot my bag.

See? Fastest route.


Very impressive.

Very exhausting.


My opening and closing
night broffins are here.

Opening and closing?

What's wrong?

I rented this theater
for my one-woman show,

but the set builders
totally messed up the job.

It was supposed to be
a skyline.

But you got a tie line.

There's no way I can build
a cityscape set before tonight.

I wouldn't be so sure
about that.

It's perfect!

Thanks for the help.


Order says the customer is at
the bench near the squirrels?


What kind of artist are you?

Ah, you're a minimalist.

I'm a portrait artist, but
I can't get any customers.

The broffins are to help
attract more people.

You don't need gimmicks.
It's all about demand.

If people see someone else
getting their portrait painted,

they'll want one too!

Step right up and see New York
City's greatest portrait artist.

And finished!



You really captured my eyes.

That's your nose.

Of course!
So lifelike.

I gotta say, it's definitely
the most original picture of me.

And that's why these portraits

make perfect social media
profile pictures.

Your's won't look like
any body else's.

Girls! What happened?

You were doing so well.

But now your delivery time
is slower

than turtles playing chess.

What's taking so long?

We had to help an actress.

And an artist in the park.

And then there was the zoo
keeper who lost her giraffe.

What in the name of creme brûlée
are you talking about?

The customers started telling us
their problems.

Because we asked.

So we started helping them.

Customer service is key!

Why does it sound like a spa?

With all this tension
in the air,

I thought the broffins might
need some soothing music.

So they don't get chewy
while they wait.


My broffins are never chewy.

They're soft and delicious.

No matter how tense
the air is.

And, girls,

I love your dedication
to our customers,

but this isn't a talking
and helping job.

It's a delivering pastries job.

Not a problem, Buddy.

Right. Message received
loud and clear.

No talking while delivering,
my lips are sealed.

Starting now.

[cheerful music]


[both] No talking.

I don't care
how good of an act you are,

you don't cancel last minute.


This party's gonna be
a disaster.


There's no way I'll find another
musical duo in time.

[both] We're a musical duo!

We're really good.
We performed in Time Square.

And we'd love to perform
at your party.


And the Scottish bagpipes are
on stage if you want to warm up!

Uh, how do you work these?

I think you squeeze there
and blow air in here.

[loud off-key bagpipe note]

[sheep bleats]

So, neither of us are really
the bagged instrument type.

Would you consider a pop duo?

At this point
I'll take anything.

I'll need a ten-minute set.

Do we have ten minutes
of songs?

We do if we play them
slow enough.


Is that a new song
or a new problem?

It's impossible for us to work
for Buddy, Rafa.

Our deliveries take
way too long.

And trust us, we tried
to go faster, but...

We failed, miserably
and bagpipes?

Way harder than they look.

I don't get it.

Can't you just not
talk to the customers?

Never mind.

I don't know what
I was thinking.

But what do we do?

We can't just leave Buddy

without an afternoon
delivery person.

Not now, Stephan!

Oh! You're reading a book.

Want us to guess the title?

The Chronicles of Lasagna?

No, it's Romeo and Swing-sets?

Ugh, Stephan!

This would be so much easier
if you just talked more!

Ah, there you are!

I was worried NASA
got another one.

I have two.

We're not going to NASA, Buddy.

But we do have to quit.

Does anybody see a baguette
with scary vampire teeth?

No. Why?

Because all of my other
nightmares are coming true.

We're sorry for slowing down
your deliveries.

We tried, but we aren't
the right people for the job.

We learned a lot working
for you.

Including that we can't not talk
to customers.

Or get involved.

We need to help people.

It's just who we are.

But, we found you
the perfect replacement.


He's a mime in training,

which means he'll be perfect

at making fast and
quiet deliveries.

You're hired.


Oh, Buddy.

What's wrong?

Are you thinking about
that vampire baguette again?

No, no.

I'm just going to miss you,
mademoiselles .[/i]

I've grown fond of having
you around.

Well, not the part where
you throw down my deliveries,

but the part where you're
at the cafe.


We can still come here
every day.

It is right by school.

We could do our homework here.

And write our songs.

Honestly? I just wanted
to keep eating broffins,

but Buddy's cafe is a great
place to work after school

without distractions.

Well, fewer distractions,
at least.

I always knew
this would happen.

The dreams I have after eating
cheese are never wrong.

And to celebrate, I present
Buddy's latest creation,

the do-cro-puff-ro.

It's a dessert revelation!

A donut in a croissant
in a cream puff,

wrapped in a cinnamon roll.

It looks amazing.

But it might need
a shorter name.

What about, Le Buddy?

I love it!

[phone ringing]

Barbie! Finally.

You don't have run or look
at a weird map or...

Nope, I'm all yours.
What's up?

Wait, are you still at practice?

Just finished.

Anyway, I saw an article

about this bizarre New York
dessert you gotta try.

Have you heard of the broffin?


It rings a bell.


Ken, you have to watch this.


I love green beans.

Is he doing another
book title?

I think he's trying to open
a jar.

Or fight off a swarm of bees?

I think he's just happy.

[all laughing]

[closing theme music playing]