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01x22 - We Got Each Other

Posted: 07/26/23 06:29
by bunniefuu
Have you ever wondered
how Caesar felt...

when he said, "Hi, fellas."
and saw all those knives?

Or King George III when, just to be
friendly, he asked, "What's new?"

and they told him he
just lost the United States?

Well, all I said was...

Well, my dad says the art
of conversation is dying.

In fact, he says it's practically dead.
He says...

You know, your dad
sure says a lot,

and you have to repeat
everything he says.

Well, why shouldn't I?

Have you got something
against my dad?

No, I figure I can hold my own with the
rest of the guys that want to date you,

but a father
is unfair competition!

Well, he's not
competing with you.

Then why does he keep forgetting
to tell you when I call?

He's not an answering service.

Besides, I think he's always
treated you very well.

What about the time
he turned the hose on me?

That was an accident. But he enjoyed it.

We've been introduced like what, times?
And he still forgets my name.

"Hey, what's his name
is here!" Oh, boy.

My father has a lot more important
things to remember than your loopy name!

You know, you two
got a closed corporation.

You got your father, and your father's
got you. Who needs anybody else?

Toby Prentiss, I think I've heard just
about enough about me and my father!

That makes two of us.

♪ If you're in doubt
about angels ♪

♪ Being real

♪ I can arrange to change

♪ Any doubts you feel

♪ Wait till you see
my Gidget ♪

♪ You'll want her
for your valentine ♪

♪ You're gonna say
she's all that you adore ♪

♪ But stay away
Gidget is spoken for ♪

♪ You're gonna find
that Gidget is ♪

♪ Mine ♪

I'm a very well-balanced person,

and Daddy's
a well-balanced person,

and no matter what
Toby Prentiss says,

our relationship
is beautifully balanced.


Maybe Toby
was kidding. He wasn't.

Well, take it from me,

you've got a perfectly healthy
relationship with your dad.

That's what I thought, too,
until Toby said all that stuff,

and then I started thinking.

You know, I do quote Dad a lot.

So? Some people quote Shakespeare.
You quote your dad.

He is good company.

Does that mean you wanna spend
the rest of your life with him?

Yeah, he's good company
for some things.

But can you see me wearing
his letterman sweater?

Of the two of you
doing the monkey. Or tandem surfing.

Your father is a father, and fathers are
great for doing fatherly-type things.

But for other things...
They're out. Completely.

If Toby Prentiss is jealous of your
father, that's his problem, not yours.

Thanks, Larue. And that's another proof.

If you really had a thing
about your father,

you'd be jealous of every
woman he went out with.

I probably would be. Sure. You can't hide
that kind of resentment if it's there.

Of course, sometimes we're
ashamed of feelings like that...

and don't even admit them to
ourselves, but they still slip out.

How? Oh, little accidents.

- Accidents?
- You know, like tripping someone up,

spilling things on them.

- Forgetting is the most obvious.
- Forgetting?

Sure. Forgetting dates,
pet peeves, unfavorite things.

And why can't you remember
certain people's names?

- Who told you I can't?
- I don't mean you in particular.

I mean, why do people
forget people's names?

It's a sign of hostility,
jealousy, resentment.

- It is?
- A sure sign.

Well, accidents do happen,
and anyone can forget sometimes.

There's always a reason.
But you've got nothing to worry about.

No. Not a thing.

Hi, Gidge! Hi, Dad. How was
the art exhibit?

Interesting. I guess, uh,
you both enjoyed it.

Yeah, Barbara's a little more
critical... Barbara! That's her name.

Barbara Leeds.
Barbara, Barbara, Barbara.

Yes, as in Santa Barbara,
Barbara Frietchie,

Barber o' Seville.

Is your memory deserting you
in your declining years?

Only for certain things. Hey, you know,
that reminds me...

We'll have to work out
a better system

for passing telephone
messages to each other.

Because Barbara's telephoned here several
times, and I didn't get the message.

I must've forgotten.

Well, I wasn't suggesting this was a
plot to keep me from dating Barbara.

Keep you from dating her? I wouldn't
want to keep you from dating her.

Why would I want to do that? I know that.
That's what I said.

I like her. Good.

I like her very much. I'm glad.

I mean, I really like her.
Do you believe me?

Of course I believe you.
What's this all about?

It's just important for me to
know that you believe I like her.

All right.
I believe it. Swell.

No. It's not enough
just to say it.

I want to do something
to prove it to you. Francie.

Are you seeing her tonight?
No, we have a dinner date tomorrow night.

Wonderful. Dad, I want to fix
dinner for the two of you here.

You want to fix dinner
for me and my date? Why?

Well, when you like someone,
you like to do nice things for them.

You're suddenly going domestic because
you found out how much I like Barbara?

Oh, Dad, please.
It means so much to me.

All right. Since it's so vital to
you, invitation accepted.

I promise you
a really elegant meal.

And then I can get to know...

Uh, Santa Ana, Santa Clara,

Santa Paula, Santa...

- Barbara.
- Barbara. Right.

With my luck, when I try
to remember her name,

I'll probably come up
with "baste in medium oven."



Hi. Hello, honey.
How are you?

Just fine, thank you. Sorry we're late.
Traffic was incredible.

What a thoughtful thing
for you to do...

Taking time to prepare
a special dinner just for us.

Why not?
Two of my favorite people...

You, Dad, and you, Miss...


Since when has it been Miss Leeds?
It's always been Barbara.

Oh, sure. Barbara,
as in Santa Barbara.


You know, this, uh,
little gesture of yours...

restores my faith in the
slightly younger generation.

Gee, what a beautiful coat.

Oh, thank you. May I help you?

I can get it, Gidge. It's all right, Dad.
I've... Or has it got me?

Don't pull on it.
Don't pull! Oh!

If a thread breaks,
I may unravel before your eyes.

Don't pull. Oh, this loopy thing.

There. Now, may I?

I'm so sorry.

Oh, forget it, Gidget.

Oh, my, how lovely
everything looks.

Relax, Francie.
You're among friends.

It's going to be
a lovely evening.

It's going to be
a lovely evening.

It's going to be
a lovely evening?

Dinner is served.

Oh. Russ, isn't this
a perfect picture?

Gidge, you've outdone yourself.

Nothing but the best
for my two favorite people.

This must be
my place, hmm? No, I...

But isn't this my name?

Well, funny thing. I...

I wonder how that got there.

No, the guest of honor
sits here.

Oh, all right.

Thank you.

Ooh, there seems to be
quite a draft.

That fan is on. Oh.

I'm sorry. There was this slight
miscalculation in the kitchen,

and all this smoke...

- Turn it off!
- Oh. Yeah.


Plug. Get the plug.

Oh, yeah. The plug.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, forget it, Gidge.

I'll serve the tomato juice.

I like the windblown type.

This certainly is a magnificent
centerpiece, Gidget.


Reminds me of the jungle
in the Solomon Islands.

Only thicker.

Keep talking, Barbara,
so I'll know you're over there.


Oh, you two
can't see each other.

Well, we catch a glimpse once in
a while through the underbrush.

I'm sorry.
I didn't realize.

Of course you didn't. I'll serve the soup.

- She's trying so hard.
- She certainly is.

- Delicious, Francie.
- Thanks, Dad.

- Would you like some more, Barbara?
- No, thank you, Gidget.

But I am enjoying it.
It's my favorite soup.

I'm glad.

My grandmother used to
make this kind of soup.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't intend
to make you unhappy.

- Oh, I'm not unhappy.
- But you're crying.

It's not emotion. It...
It's my allergy.

- My soup?
- No, no. Your centerpiece.

I'm allergic to...

Forgetting is the most obvious.


Sure. Forgetting dates,
pet peeves, unfavorite things.

Oh, I might have known.

A delicious dinner, Gidget. Thank you.

Well, you've really challenged
the homemaker in me.

- I have?
- Mm-hmm.

I'm not gonna let Russ think you're
the only superb cook he knows.

I'm going to fix
bouillabaisse for you.

I'm willing. I'll cook the recipe
I learned in New Orleans.

More coffee? Yes. Thank you.

You just take, uh, fish
and shrimp and lobster...

and throw it all in a big pot!

Francie! I'm so sorry! I...

Oh, heavens! I... I'm sorry.

What more could I say?
What more could I do?

First the coffee,
then the cream.

Thank heavens what's her name
doesn't take sugar.

So I proved to myself
how I really feel...

about the other women
in Daddy's life.

Obviously, there was only one
thing left

for a clear-thinking
person like myself to do...

Stay out of the picture.

Hi. Hi. Bye.

Where are you off to?
I'm going to go help Anne.

Be home for dinner?
No, I've got a date. Bye.


Hey, Gidge!

"Daddy, Barbara Leeds called.
Also Meg and Adele.

"Having dinner at Larue's,
then mammoth date.

Be seeing you. Francie."

But when?

Skoal! Oh. Good morning.

Did you have fun last night?

I went to the ice show premiere.

The ice show!
Oh, Daddy, I...

Hmm. Who did you take?
Barbara? Meg? Adele?

No, I went alone.
I wanted to take you,

but I haven't seen you enough
in the last week to invite you.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Why don't you get off this
social merry-go-round...

and give us a chance
to get reacquainted?

We could use the Bauer place
at Big Bear for the weekend.

Big Bear! Yeah. Get in some hiking,
fishing, sailing.

We can leave after
my last class Friday.

Oh, Daddy, I...

I can't.
I've got a date.


I'm sorry.

We'll make it another time.
See you later.



Boy, sometimes it's rough
being such a clear thinker.

Of course, if it's an inconvenience
for your own sister...

to drop in on you occasionally,
please just say so.

Friendly visits, fine.

But I don't want you using
our apartment as your hideout.

Hideout? Me?

And from whom, pray,
do you think I'm hiding?

Dad. And he thinks so too.

Gidget, why
are you avoiding him?

I'm helping him make
a very difficult adjustment.

To what? To living his own life.

We have to stop being
so dependent on each other.

I mean, I can't be everything to him,
and he can't be everything to me.

But do you think he wants to be?

I thought if I just dropped
out of the picture for a while,

he'd turn to Meg or Adele
or... what's her name.

But if I don't eat with him,
he eats alone.

If I don't go to the ice show
with him, he goes by himself.


I don't want to hurt him, but he's
got to learn to get along without me.

I think I better talk
this over with John. No.

Please do me a big favor and keep my
brainy brother-in-law out of this.

I'm gonna live my own life,
no matter how miserable I am.

And I'm gonna find someone
to help Daddy adjust.

Russ, why do you feel Gidget's avoiding
you? Because she's avoiding me.

She doesn't spend as much time
with you as you think she should.

Doesn't spend any time with me.
For the last week, it's been...

"good morning," "good night,"
nothing in between.

So, Gidget's deserted you,
and you've been left here alone.

Look, I only brought this up

she's been spending so much
of her time at your place.

Oh, Dad, we're really
happy that you told us.

When someone is making
a very difficult adjustment,

the more helping hands,
the better.

Now, you try not
to worry about it, okay?

It'll work out.
It's gonna take time, but it'll work out.

Gidget was right. He's completely
dependent on her.

We've gotta do something.

Yeah, but family meddling in things
like this just makes it worse.

Hmm. How about if we call
some of Dad's friends?

Yeah. What about
Pete Thatcher?


Well, I'm going out tonight,
and Daddy's gonna be here alone.

And I was just thinking...
You did say you were gonna

fix him that
special bouillabaisse.

- That's right. I did.
- Wouldn't it be a nice surprise...

if just when Daddy resigned himself to
a lonely evening and a frozen dinner,

you and your bouillabaisse
came to the rescue?

Oh! Dad, uh... Gidget.

The call of the wild.
Gotta go. But... But...

I'll be back before curfew.
Promise. Bye. Have fun.

Have fun.

Why not?

Hello, Meg?
Russ Lawrence. Yeah.

Look, I know it's
a little late, but I wondered

if you were free this evening.

Four and one-half minutes.

I'm so glad you phoned, Russ.

This is the life...
Cool drink in hand,

juicy steak in prospect,
handsome, attentive male nearby.

Why do people give big parties?

They don't appreciate the quiet
joys, like you and I.

Probably somebody for Gidge.
Don't go away.

- Surprise!
- Barbara!

I'm a woman of my word.
I promised you a bouillabaisse,

and you shall have it.

- Bouillabaisse?
- It's in the car.

And here's a beautiful salad
and french bread and...

It's very thoughtful of you,
Barbara, but I've already planned...

Well, throw that frozen dinner
back in the deep freeze.

Frozen dinner?

- I'm so glad I took Gidget's suggestion.
- Gidget!

Yeah. Look, the bouillabaisse is in a
big kettle in the backseat of my car.

But... And the handles may be hot,
so don't burn yourself.

Oh, we'll pretend we're in New
Orleans, having a cozy dinner for two.

- Correction.
- Meg!

Isn't it a little early
for trick-or-treat, dear?

This is certainly
a lot of bouillabaisse.

Doing door-to-door catering
these days, Barbara?

You wouldn't understand,
but I did have a generous impulse.

Everyone's obeying their impulses tonight.
Mine is to leave.

No, Meg, wait. Barbara, there's no
reason why the three of us can't...

I mean...

I mean...

The more, the merrier?

No, thanks.
Can't stand crowds.

Or competition. Now, listen...

Meg, Barbara, I realize this has all
been an unfortunate mistake, but...

Russ, you old hermit, you.
How are you?

Pete! Boy, I haven't seen you
in a co*n's age.

I didn't realize until this afternoon
when I was talking with Anne.

Anne? Yeah. Oh,
and a lovely girl.

Yeah, it runs in the family.
Pete, it's awfully good to see you, but...

Katie and I and the Harrises have been
showing my sister-in-law around town.

She's from Indiana. Well, any other time
I'd be glad to meet her.

We stopped at the delicatessen,

and we bought some cold cuts,
some dill, some sauerkraut.

I saw your lights on,
and I thought you'd like to join us.

That's awfully good of you,
Pete, but, you see...

Oh, you've got company.

The more the merrier. Join the party.

Great! Hey, Katie, kids, come on.
Bring the groceries.

- You remember Katie.
- Hello.

Hi. And the Harrises.

Hi. And my sister-in-law,
Helen Timmons.

Oh, I've heard
so much about you.

Pleasure. And, uh, this is...

This is...

Santa Ana?
Santa Clara?

Barbara Leeds.

Of course.
Barbara Leeds.

You know Pete and Katie, and this is
Helen Timmons and Joe and Edie Harris.

- Hi, Barbara.
- And this is Miss...

- Miss...
- Meg Denham.

- Oh, pleased to meet you.
- And my name is mud.

Hi. Hi.

Did you go out tonight?

Just a quiet evening
at home, huh?

Just the eight of us. Eight? Well, I only
called Barbara.

And Anne called Pete Thatcher,
who came cleverly disguised as a mob.

And I had the ill-advised temerity
to arrange a date for myself.

Oh, no.

Gidget, close observation,

careful analysis and a certain
fatherly omniscience tell me...

that for reasons which escape me
you are worried about my needs...

Your needs...
Our depending on each other.


And so you've decided
to make some changes.


I mean, I am growing up,

even though a lot of the time
I don't act like it.

- But it is happening.
- And that means that I'll be going...

Well, I mean, I can't count
on you for everything anymore.

And I know I shouldn't.

And I... I thought I should
get used to the idea.

And so should you.


It's as you say.
You are growing up.

There will be changes.
That's inevitable.

But please,
let's don't hurry it.

When the right time comes,
we'll make it okay.

But until then,
let's enjoy what we have.

It's something very special.
It won't ever happen again.

Welcome back.

Dad, were you ever
jealous of anyone?

Was I?

There was this big football hero
that used to date your mother.

Was he competition!
Big hero, all-American.

I'll never forget him.
Would I have heard of him?

Yeah, probably, if I told you
who he was, but I can't.

Why not?

Because I've never been
able to remember his name!


What's the matter?

Do you know
what a father image is?

Sure. Sometimes a girl looks for
boyfriends that remind her of her father.

I used to be worried
that I was like that.

But no more. You don't
have blond hair.

Not the last time I looked. And you don't
wear glasses.

/ vision.
Is that good? Perfect.

I'm not blond,
I don't wear glasses,

and I don't remind you
of your father.

I guess I have Keats's
negative capability.

Whose what? John Keats,
the English poet.

He said, "A man of achievement
must have one quality:

negative capability."

And I've got it. Are you interested in
English literature, Perry?

You know I am. I do?

Well, sure. Before I ever
asked you for a date,

I told you that I wanted
to teach literature someday.

You wanna be an English
professor, huh?

That's bad?

You're young.
Let's dance.

Sometimes I think
I run very fast...

just to get back
where I started.

But that sounds like Zen
or something mystic,

and I'm still
much too immature for that.