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01x12 - Chivalry Isn't Dead

Posted: 07/26/23 06:23
by bunniefuu
The big brainstorms
that changed civilization...

have hit at some pretty
weird times and places.

Like old Archimedes who was taking a
bath, and splash...

We got the science of physics.

Newton was sitting under the apple
tree, and plop... gravity.

And me? I was casually
waiting for a date...

when my world-moving idea
struck me.

Oh. Am I making
you nervous?

Now that you mention it...
I could wait outside.

But I wouldn't want Mark to get the
idea that I was eager or overanxious.

Well, let us preserve the proprieties,
even at the cost of my sanity.

Then, I could wait upstairs,
but I might not hear the horn.

I don't suppose it would occur to
Mark to come to the door for you.

Daddy, he doesn't even
like to honk twice.

It's a pity.

- Oh, I'm used to it.
- I was feeling sorry for Mark.

- Why?
- 'Cause.

I think that Mark and his
friends are missing a lot.

When I was his age...
In the olden days...

Half the fun of dating was the
challenge, the uncertainty.

We couldn't take a girl for granted.
We had to woo her, pursue her,

be considerate, charming.

- And if you weren't?
- She went out with someone who was.

Yeah, but nowadays
all the boys are like Mark.

I know that customs change,
but I reserve the right...

to feel sorry for the boys who are
missing the excitement of the chase.

Besides, I... I can't help wondering
if anyone really appreciates...

anything that's
too easily come by.

Wasn't that the mating call?

- What are you doing?
- Experimenting.

Now look, just because I
talked about the olden days,

doesn't mean I was suggesting...

I know it doesn't,
but maybe I owe it to poor Mark.

Hi. Hi. Oh, Mark,
you know my father.

- Hi, Mark.
- Hi. Uh...

Aren't you coming
with us? Of course.

Didn't you hear the horn?

Oh, I'm forgetting my things.

I'm gonna make it up to Mark...
For all he's missed.

♪ If you're in doubt
about angels ♪

♪ Being real

♪ I can arrange to change

♪ Any doubts you feel

♪ Wait till you see
my Gidget ♪

♪ You'll want her
for your valentine ♪

♪ You're gonna say
she's all that you adore ♪

♪ But stay away
Gidget is spoken for ♪

♪ You're gonna find
that Gidget is ♪

♪ Mine ♪

Mark got out of the car and walked
all the way to your front door?

I'll bet
he was steaming. I think he enjoyed it.

- It'll never happen again.
- I think all boys would be more polite...

if we... if we just expected it.

Pete's idea of being polite is offering
me the first handful of popcorn...

To see if it's too salty.

Chris took off his hat
when he saw me this morning.

You see? He wanted to show me
his new haircut.

Well, I still say if we're not treated the
way we want to be, it's our own faults.

Oh, men and women
are supposed to be equal.

- We're not statues up on pedestals.
- We're more like pals.

Hi, Pete.
Why the big rush? Hi, girls.

Today's the day they got
garlic bread at the cafeteria.

You're rushing the wrong way.

Yeah, but I gotta go
to the library first.

Oh, so do I. Great. Then you won't mind
taking those for me, right?

Well, I... Thanks a million, Janie.
You're a real pal.

Hello, equality. You were right.

We're not statues
up on pedestals.

We aren't even at eye level.


- Hey, let me help you.
- - Oh, that's very sweet of you, Ted.

Looks like you've got
half the library.

Well, yeah, I have to return 'em.
Then you won't mind one more.

I have to get to the cafeteria
for the garlic bread.

You can't really be mad at them.

Well, if I try... Oh, they just
don't know any better.

And who's
gonna teach them? Gimme the books.

Hey, I just saw Pete and Ted.

They said you were taking a big
stack of books to the library.

So, right away, I thought... You thought
you'd rush over and offer to do it for us.

I did? Because he's a very kind
and considerate person.

Oh, but, Gidge,
all the garlic bread will be gone.

I'll save you some.


There's plenty of room for
everybody on this pedestal.

If the boys could be more
considerate about little things,

why not big things too?

Like sometimes letting us
decide which show to go to.

- And who we double with.
- And whether we're hungry or just want a glass of water.

And maybe... Maybe we can even get 'em
to ask us for weekend dates in advance.

Like on Wednesday.

Instead of Friday afternoons.

After they've checked the
surf at Doheny and Carlsbad.

And if the waves are in...
We're out.

It isn't fair. Or considerate.

- What can we do about it?
- Use your new system.

My new system?

The boys expect us to stand by,

be ready when and if
we get the alert.

So that's what we've been doing.

Instead, we should show them that we
expect to be asked for dates in advance.

Exactly. Well, I don't know.

Getting them to open doors and
return library books is one thing.

But expecting them to risk missing
good surf... That's something else.

Who said if we're not treated
the way we'd like to be,

it's our own fault? Sounds like me.

I guess you don't really believe it
when it comes to important things.

Yes, I do.

And this is important.

We are entitled
to some consideration.

I mean, it isn't exactly
flattering to be treated...

as if we have nothing better to do than
sit around and wait for them to call.

Especially since we don't
have anything better to do...

than to sit around
and wait for them to call.

Do any of you
have dates for this weekend? On Thursday?

They're waiting for the
reports tomorrow afternoon.

And if the surf looks good, then they're
going up to San Onofre tomorrow night.

And if it's glassed out,
they'll call us.

And when they do,
we're all going to be busy.

Slumber party?

Tomorrow night?

Slumber party... the
misnomer of the century.

It's a branch meeting
of insomniacs anonymous.

There'll be about eight girls.

What's the matter,
your boyfriends deserting you?

Going off on another
of their surfing safaris?

Uh-uh. This time,
we're deserting them.

We're hoping there's no surf
from Seattle to San Diego.

And they'll have to call us up
for dates at the last minute.

Ha ha. Won't they be

Seems like a nice vindictive
reason for giving a party.

All we want is a little
consideration and respect.

The kind of thing every girl used
to be able to take for granted.

- In the olden days?
- Maybe the boys will appreciate us more...

if they find out we don't
always run when they whistle.

Gidget, don't tell me you are turning
my innocent, nostalgic ramblings...

into some sort of
reactionary manifesto.

We're just going to remind
them of their manners.

Manners change.

What was right for me isn't
necessarily right for Mark.

I didn't mean to suggest it was.

If girls nowadays have lost
some of the advantages

their mothers
had, they gained others.

Girls and boys
have equal rights. Oh, yeah.

The boys have the right to
call us when they feel like it,

and we have the right
to wait around until they do. Good point.

But do you think
that forcing the issue...

with this slumber party
is the answer?

Maybe if you tried
a more subtle approach.


I'm sure there was
someone in Boston...

who didn't think dumping all that
tea in the harbor was exactly subtle.

And I bet there was someone who protested
it was a bit obvious to storm the Bastille.

And I'm sure... I'll go quietly.

But should I softly hum the
"Marseillaise" or whistle "Yankee Doodle"?

Gidget! Gidget!

I just heard... no surf.
Tidal wave off Tahiti.

Boys not going to San Onofre.

Great. That means
they'll be calling us.

That also means that we can
cancel the slumber party.

Want it some other weekend?

Forget I said it.

In the immortal words
of what's his name,

"The die is cast."

Well, I guess everyone's here.

Sure looks like
everybody's here.

I'm glad we got that settled.

This was a wonderful idea,

Just wonderful.

It's important to realize that
we can have a good time...

without depending
on anyone else.

That's right.

- I wonder what they're doing.
- Who cares?

They're learning that
they're not indispensable.

My little sister said
Ted called three times. So did Pete.

Wait! Hold it!
My dad's gonna answer the phone for us.

Screen all calls.

Lawrence residence.
Yeah, how are you, Mark?

Hmm? No. No, Gidget didn't ask
me to give you any message.

All right, yes.
Yes, I'll tell her.

That was Mark. How'd he sound?

Hurt? Desperate?


Hey, what's the matter
with everybody?

Let's have some fun.
Sing songs.

Play games.
Tell stories.

Who needs a bunch of wet
blankets at a slumber party?


They just disappeared,
I'm tellin' ya.

And on Friday night.

I know Gidget's dad was covering for her.
Yeah, so is Janie's mom.

I think I'll try
Larue's house again.

Ellen's been acting
kind of weird lately.

So has Janie... telling me how courteous
I am. This is Chris. Is Larue there?

I've had the feeling with Gidget
that I'm being brainwashed.

Girls are always coming up
with these knocked-out ideas. Senora?

Uh. ¿Dónde está Larue? Yeah.

I guess that's what
makes them interesting.

Aha. Sí, sí.

Gracias, s enora.

Hey, I just crashed the language
barrier with Larue's housekeeper.

I know where
the girls are. Where?

Well, Gidget's throwing
a wild party. What? Oh, yeah?

How about playing a game?
What kind of a game?

Associations is lots of fun.

I say a word like picture

And then I say the first word
that comes into my mind.

Yearbook. Autograph.


I want Chris to autograph
his picture in my yearbook.

The idea is to keep
our minds off them.

Janie, you start. Here.

Present. Absent.

- Boys.
- Marcia!

Well, it was the first word
I thought of.

Let's try it again. Boys.

Just slipped out.

I'll start.

Dull. Mood.


- High.
- Boy.

- Marcia!
- Haven't you ever heard of a highboy?

Let's start over.


I didn't mean
that kind of principal.

What difference
does it make? School. Saturday.

Beach. Surf.

- Bo...
- Marcia!

I was gonna say board.

Never mind.
My dad will handle it.

- Hello.
- I believe the last word was "board."

- Stiff.
- Right.

Gidget, it's Mark again.

He knows you're all here.
He insists on speaking to you.

All right.
Uh, continue with the game, girls.

We'll wait.

- Hello?
- Hiya, Gidge.

Say, we hear that the girls
are all over at your house.

That's right.
We're having a marvelous time.

In fact, they're laughing so
loud, I can hardly hear you.

I can hear you fine.

Say, anyway, uh, you know,
the guys are all over here,

and we thought we all might get together
and do something tonight, you know?

I'm afraid not, Mark.

If you'd said something to us earlier
in the week, say on Wednesday.

Or Thursday. Or early this morning.

But since you didn't,
of course we made other plans.

I'm sorry, Mark.

I did it.
I didn't weaken. We're proud of you.

When this is over,
we'll have earned their respect.

Oh, they'll respect us,
even if they don't like us.

Why don't they wanna see us?

What did we do? I guess it's what
we didn't do.

We gotta worry
about that now, huh?

We should have asked them
for dates earlier.

How could we, till we
checked out the surf?

Now, I don't mind them
being a little weird,

but they're being
downright unreasonable now.

Let's crash the party.

No, no, you can't do that,

'cause that's just as good as admitting
that we can't get along without them.

Who needs 'em?

Hey. Hey, you guys.
Wait for me.

We're not trying hard enough
to have a good time.

Well, I'm worn out from trying.

How about some music?
We could dance. Without boys?

Well, we never get together
on the floor anyway.

Sounds like they're
goin' all the way. Yeah.

Hey, they're
in their pajamas! Hey, cool it.

Wait a minute. We're supposed to be
party crashers, not Peeping Toms.

There's someone at the door.

My dad'll get it. He didn't hear it
because of the music.



Well, aren't you
gonna invite us in?

This party is for girls only.

Aw, come on, Gidge.

Daddy, will you
handle this, please?

What would you suggest?
Firing a few rounds over their heads?

Gentlemen, kindly disperse.

Stand not upon the order
of your going, just go.

Boy, when he gives you the
brush-off, he does it with style.

Psst, hey, Janie.

Are you really havin'
a good time? No.

Then come with us. Well, we'd like to,
but we can't.

I'll call you
in a few minutes. We can't go to the phone,

unless it's an emergency.
Expect an emergency.

You handled that
very well, Daddy.

And without bloodshed.

Don't you think we've taught
them enough for the first lesson?

If we give in now, they'll have even
less respect for us than they did before.

Even if you don't need someone to dance
with, but you need someone to dance at.

Hello? Hello, this is
Mrs., uh, Carmichael.

May I speak to my daughter, Janie?
It's an emergency.

Janie, it, uh,
seems to be your mother.

- Hello?
- Hello. Now listen, play it boss, baby.

Remember, this is mother,
and we got an emergency.

It's my mother. My mother called me.
We're very close.

Now, whatever Gidget's trying to
prove, it's nothin' to you and me.

Now we got a swingin' party goin' at
my place, and I want you to come over.

Well, I don't know.
I... I...

I miss you a lot. And you didn't
look too happy when I saw you.

That much fever?

Oh, of course.
I'll be there as soon as I can.

I'm sorry, Gidge, but, well,
my mother needs me.

There's this... fever.

I-I'm sorry, Gidge.

Oh, I'm sorry, Gidge. That's okay.


Do you think everybody that started
out to the Boston Tea Party got there?

No, I imagine there were
quite a few dropouts.

You know, illness in the family.

But there were some who thought
what they were doing was right,

and they went ahead.

Yeah. And later on,
the dropouts benefited too.

I'm glad to see you're taking such an
interest in American history, Gidge.

As Mrs. Revere said to Paul,
how about a midnight snack?

- Potato chips?
- Popcorn?

How come nobody's dancin'?
What's the matter with everybody?


We're having a great time.

Just great.

Gidget doesn't know
what she's missing.

Mark. Listen,
you gotta do somethin'.

Gidget's spoilin' the whole party.
Uh, call her up.

Get her over here. No, she wouldn't come
if I called.

You know something?
I admire her for that.

For what?
Spoiling our party? Oh, come on.

Gidget's not spoiling this party, although
she'd have the right since we spoiled hers.

What's with you all of a sudden?

It wasn't a real party.

We just wanted to
teach you boys a lesson.

You shouldn't take us
for granted. That's right.

Well, we shouldn't
take you for granted, huh?

We shouldn't act as if all we had to do was
snap our fingers and you'd come running?

Well, it looks like Gidget's the only
one qualified to teach that lesson.

Now that the Boston Tea Party is history,
what's your next move, fearless leader?

I'm resigning
as a fearless leader.

Before I try leading anybody anywhere
again, I wanna be sure where I'm going.

Maybe somebody's cherished
relative made a quick recovery.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- You by yourself?
- Yeah. The others are at Pete's house.

I came over
to ask you something.

I'm sorry, Mark,
but I can't go back to Pete's with you.

I know.

What I wanted to ask you is if you'd
like to come out with me next Friday.

Next Friday?
You mean a whole week from now?

I'd love to.


Only don't count on me always
asking you this far in advance, huh?

Okay. And if you wait
too late to ask,

don't count on me
saying yes, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.

Uh, would you like to come in and have
some midnight snack with my dad and me?

Sure, why not?
And then maybe later,

you and I can go out
and get somethin' to eat, huh?

Bye, Dad.
I'll be home early. Be careful.


Well, sometimes he forgets.

Nobody's perfect.

After all, the Boston Tea
Party didn't settle anything.

It just shook people up a little

and started them thinking
in the right direction.

As far as courtesy and consideration
and respect are concerned,

I say if a boy meets you
halfway, who can complain?