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01x11 - My Ever Faithful Friend

Posted: 07/26/23 06:23
by bunniefuu
Maybe you wouldn't enjoy it
as much as surfing,

but, golly, I never knew
anything could be so much fun.

- Mm-hmm.
- And it's good exercise.

Maybe not as good as surfing,
but it's great for your legs.

- Mm-hmm.
- And you oughta see Snowball.

I mean, he's pretty old and all,
but I don't think age matters...

as long as he's
so adorably lovable.

- Do you?
- Mm-hmm.

- Are you listening to me?
- Certainly. Who else is talking?

Hi, Gidget. Hi.

Hey, that's a crazy shade.
Perpetual Emotion. You like?

Wild. Hello, Dolly.

Hi. Like a carrot?

No, thanks. Hey, listen, it's all
set for Friday, right after school.

The six of us. And
you'll be with Hank. Great.

- This Friday?
- Yes, dear. Anything wrong?

Oh, I forgot.
I promised to go with Larue.

Oh, I didn't know
she ever went anywhere. To the stables.

Oh, forgive me. I didn't
think of the stables.

Hey, just a dinghy minute!
Why are you making a target out of Larue?

With an outfit like that,
who could resist?

What's so great about your outfit?
Mostly skin.

Please, don't hassle
on account of me.

Aw, isn't she sweet?
A regular little swamp angel.

Honestly, how you can hang around with
an ox like that, nobody can figure it.

Well, nobody better ask me, or they'll get
the answer in Morse code on their skulls.

And that goes for you too.

That's okay, honey.
Sandpaper toenails are in this year.

Pity she's a lady.
She'd have made such a lovely cobra.

Oh, forget it.
She doesn't bother me.

much more important. Who?

Snowball. Snowball who?

This horse I was... Horses?

Is that all you ever think
about these days... horses?

- What's wrong with horses?
- They're not people. That's what's wrong.

Well, you'll never get anywhere
hanging around with horses.

- Can you marry a horse?
- Who's talking about marrying?

I just like to ride them.

No, that's wrong.
They're also very good company.

Well, you better forget about all that jazz
and make some points on the human side,

or that's the only company
you'll ever have.

- Except me, of course.
- But what do you mean, points?

I mean, you gotta
get off the ground and fly.

Well, look at all these
wiggy birds around here,

knocking themselves out,
crowding in where the action is,

shining themselves up, trying to be
something special, even when they're not.

And I don't.
Is that what you're saying?

Don't you even want to?
Where's your k*ller instinct?

Maybe I don't have one.
Even if I did,

you can't hunt tigers
with a cap p*stol.

Well, how do you know
what you've got?

Well, you may be hiding a cannon
behind those protective walls.

- I don't think so.
- Well, there's only one way to find out.

Come on. Let's go.

Oh! Oh, my nails!

That's all right.
You're my very best friend,

and from now on,
you're my first concern.

Gidget, I really appreciate
it, but what are you gonna do?

Blast that wall! Demolish it!
Blow it out of existence!

But suppose there is no wall?
Suppose it's just me?

Well, we'll face that
problem when we get to it.

Come on.

♪ If you're in doubt
about angels ♪

♪ Being real

♪ I can arrange to change

♪ Any doubts you feel

♪ Wait till you see
my Gidget ♪

♪ You'll want her
for your valentine ♪

♪ You're gonna say
she's all that you adore ♪

♪ But stay away
Gidget is spoken for ♪

♪ You're gonna find
that Gidget is ♪

♪ Mine ♪

Project Larue became
my number one objective,

as soon as I fully realized
how badly she needed my help.

Ow! Ooh!

In this life,
know-how is everything.

Beauty, grace and charm are
merely a matter of knowing how.

Oh! I ask you... Is that
a vision of loveliness?

Anyone can learn the secret
of personal magnetism.

It can be summed up
in two words:

Be natural.

Hi, Larue. Hi.

Are you, uh, having
trouble with those steps?

Oh, man, am I ever. What's the problem?

I'm the problem.
I'm a "limpnik."

A what? A left-footed,
lopsided jerk.

That is not my impression.

Believe me, Mr. Lawrence.
I can't walk right,

talk right or even sit right.

I bet, if it came right down to
it, I'm not even breathing right.

Gidget's just wasting her time.

Oh, I see. And her money.

You should see the list of things
she's out buying for my face and hair.

Is it Gidget's idea that
you have all these problems?

It's nobody's idea.
It's just a fact.

The only thing is...

Oh, gosh, Mr. Lawrence,
you're probably busy,

and I'm just standing here filling
your ear with all this jazz.

I'm not busy at all. Come
on in. The only thing is what?

Well, the truth is, those kind of
problems never really bother me.

Maybe that's
the trouble with me.

I guess if no one
ever mentioned them,

I'd never know
all the problems I have.

But, of course, people do.

Well, that's one thing
most people are expert at...

other people's problems.

Well, I can't blame them. Especially
when they stick out as far as mine.

But the funny thing is,
the only time I really feel put down...

is when someone I love... like
my mother or father or Gidget...

Starts to worry about me.

Then I start to worry.

But I don't think
I'm worrying about me.

I think I'm worrying
about them worrying about me.

I guess that
doesn't make much sense.

I think it does. You do?

That's terrific, Mr. Lawrence.
I'm not even sure I understand it myself.

All I know is, when the people
I like are happy, I'm happy.

I really don't care what the others
think, and that's the truth.

I believe it.

You know something else?
You're a remarkable young lady.

- Who, me?
- Yes.

You know, Larue, I've always liked you
without thinking very much about it.

A friend of Gidget's, nice
kid, glad to have you around,

and now I'm beginning
to realize why.

A genuinely happy,
unselfish person...

is a rare bird in this world.

Well, I don't mean
to embarrass you,

but an honest compliment
is nothing to shy away from.

And as for beauty... Beauty is most
often in the eye of the beholder.

You know, when I was
a freshman in college,

there was a girl looked enough
like you to be your twin.

In my eyes, she was a
knockout. Something about her.

See what I mean?
The eye of the beholder.

Mr. Lawrence...

Now, you forget all this
nonsense, and you tell Gidget...

Oh, no, sir, please.
We mustn't do that.

She only wants to help me,
and I don't mind. Not really.

Maybe it'll do me some good.
Even a little improvement is something.

Please, don't say anything.

If you don't want me to.

The only real inconvenience
is about the horseback riding.

- You like horseback riding?
- Oh, it's my number one passion.

And I fell in love with...
Well, this sounds silly,

but with an old gelding
named Snowball.

And I guess I'm driving everybody
dingy just talking about him.

Especially my parents.
I'd like them to buy him for me.

- And?
- Well, I don't know.

Right now,
it doesn't look too good.

But, anyway, I promised Gidget I'd
forget about horses for a while...

and start concentrating
on people.

Only it kills me not to say anything
at all. It's so frustrating.

When you want to talk about
horses, you knock on my door.

It'll be our secret.
Thank you, Mr. Lawrence.

Most of the people I know aren't
the least bit interested in horses.

Gidget says I'll probably
end up living with a horse.

I was kinda hung up on horses
myself at one time.

When I was a kid,
my grandfather had a ranch in Montana.

I used to spend my summers there.
Practically did live with the horses.

Mr. Lawrence, I'd just
like to tell you something.

What's that? I'm certainly
happy to know you.


Don't forget.
Don't say anything.

And don't you forget...
The eye of the beholder.

Hi, Dad. Larue,
how did you get in here?

You're supposed
to be coming down stairs.

I did come downstairs.
That's how I got here.

These days, all our problems
are solved by science.

Science tells us
how to live longer,

how to travel in space
and how to be beautiful.

Oatmeal for the jowls.

Peanut butter
for the hair. Peanut butter?

It'll make your hair glow.

And all we have to do
is apply nose clamps.

I worked all that day and
right on through to that night.

Of course, I never let on to Larue, because
I wouldn't risk hurting her feelings,

but her hair
was my biggest problem.

I finally got it though.

I finally got exactly
the right style for her.

Can you believe it?

Believe it?
I can't even see it.

You don't like it.

Oh, it's great.
And economical.

Think of what I can save
on makeup alone.

I don't know.

And soap.

I was so sure, but now I...

No, I can do better.

Ready? Please.

I shall now remove the blinders.

Hey, you know, it's not bad.

You think so? I really think so.

But let's get an outside opinion.
Let's ask your dad.

- Hey, that's really something.
- You really think so, Dad?

- I really think so.
- You don't think it's too, too...

I don't think it's "too, too."
It's very lovely.

And to think there were times today
when I was almost ready to give up.

Well, now that I'm on the right track,
I'll have to get a few more supplies.

- More supplies?
- Just a few more.

Next thing we'll try
is the stark look.

Wait here. I'll get my purse.
You can walk me to the drugstore.

Tell the truth,
Mr. Lawrence.

I mean, you're really leveling?
You're not just putting us on?

No, I'm not just putting you on.
You know I'm not.

He's sweet.

Dad? Hello?

What's the stark look? Oh, hi, Anne.

We use white lipstick, white mascara
and white rouge. It's your sister.

Tell her I'll call her back. She'll call
you back. She's going to the drugstore.

So long, Dad. So long.
Good night, Larue.

Bye. Big doings around here
all day and night.

Gidget is attempting
to make Larue over.

What do you mean,
she could use it?

Well, I don't agree
with you at all.

I think she's a wonderful girl.

Sweet. A genuinely
sweet human being.

No, you didn't say anything to annoy me.
Do I sound annoyed?

Dad? In the den, honey.

Be with you in a second.
I want to call Anne.

Anne? Gidget.
Wait till I tell you what I did today.

Oh, Dad told you.

Wait till I tell you
how she looked.

Oh, he told you that too.

Really what? Really raved?

Over Larue?

Well, it was sort of
a fallaway hairdo,

but I don't think
you'd call it sweet.

Oh, he said she was sweet.

I was gonna try a different hairstyle on
her tomorrow, but now I'm not so sure.

I don't think I should
argue with success.

At least not this much.

I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Sweet? Funny.
That's what she called him.

Hey, Gidge, you about ready
to call it a day? I'm b*at.

Sure you are.
The way you've been working lately.

Are your eyes
bothering you? My eyes?


Oh, hi, Larue. Listen, hold on.
I'll take it up...

Yeah. Sure, he's here.

It's for you. Larue?

Hi there.

I just thought you'd like to
know that my mother caught me...

scraping peanut butter
off my scalp.

I heard her whispering to Dad
she thought my nerves were sh*t

over frustration about Snowball,

and something
better be done about it.

So who knows? Maybe Gidget's doing
more for me than she realizes, huh?

Like it's an ill wind
and all that jazz, right?

Good. I'm delighted,
Larue. Good night.

Delighted about what?

You don't have to know
about everything, do you?

No. But I'd like to.

I could have stewed all night...

wondering what was going on
all of a sudden,

but fortunately
I'm not the type.

Hi there!

One hairdo,
and it's "hi there."

Isn't it simply fab...

how things that worry you
the night before...

all disappear by morning?

Hi there.

Hey. Hmm? Oh, hi.
Come on in.

Gidget down yet? Nuh-uh.
Had your breakfast?

Yeah. I've been
to the stables already.

At least Snow is still there.
You really want that horse, don't you?

Do I. The only
trouble is, he's old.

Well, not that old. Only Dad thinks
there must be something wrong with him.

And there isn't. You sure?
Your dad may be right.

I know there isn't.
I've ridden him lots of times.

Well, many things you can't tell
about a horse by riding alone.

Hey, how about if I had
a look at him for you?

- Gee, would you, Mr. Lawrence?
- Sure. I'll tell you what.

I won't be free until this afternoon, but
I'll phone you, and we'll drive out there.

How's that? Gosh, you're being
so nice to me.

I wish there was something
I could do for you.

- How about some more coffee?
- Fine.

Incidentally, how does your
mother feel about all this?

Listen, if I can
get her on my side,

make her see that age doesn't
make that much difference,

then she could convince Dad.

From then on,
it'd be smooth sailing.

Of course, with my luck,
I'd swing them into line...

and then have
my hands full with Gidget.

Stop worrying about
what Gidget might think.

Now, that could have been
a lot more to go on,

but I was not going to jump
to any hasty conclusions.

Not by myself.

Really, Gidget, you're letting
yourself get upset over nothing.

You sure? Of course I'm sure.

Well, I didn't know
what to think. I still don't.

You must admit it is strange.
What could it mean?

Not a thing. It simply means you
heard something out of context.

But what about the "he's
sweet and she's sweet"...

and the telephone call... he's delighted...
and the way he melted all over the place?

And that fallaway hairdo
isn't even that fabulous!


And the whole schmear about how
she's going to convince her mother...

that age doesn't really
make any difference,

and I'm gonna holler, and
he's gonna make me understand.

That's nothing too? That's nothing too.

It doesn't bother you? Not in the least.

Thick peels on those potatoes.

Well, I can't concentrate
on what I'm doing.

You know, that you could even
entertain the thought that Dad...

Our dad and Larue...

It's absolutely ridiculous.

Larue Shelby. Oh, Gidget.

Yeah, I guess it is kinda silly.

Hi, Gidge.

Hi. Hi, honey.

Hi. How are you?

What's happening?

The little worrywart and I
were talking about Dad.

Oh? I just saw him. Where?

In his car, heading
up Mandeville Canyon.

Hmm. I wonder
where he was going.

I don't know. Where would
he be going with Larue?

Larue! Larue!

How long ago did you fire him?

About a year or so back.
Got a little frisky and bucked 'em.

Sound as a dollar now. I'll buy that.

Well, looks good to me.
Oh, gee, that's great.

Now if I can only
convince my folks.

I suppose it's kinda silly to make
such a big thing over a horse,

but when you're stuck with
a lot of time on your hands,

it's a nice way of filling it.

I'll take him in,
Tacky. Go right ahead, Miss.

Come on, Snow.
Come on, babe.

Sure is crazy
about that animal. Yeah.

You her pop? No.


Friend, huh?

Uh, more than a friend.
An admirer.

And I'm gonna prove it.

All you're doing is speculating.
Talk to your father. Ask him to explain.

Psychology's answer to everything!
Talk! Explain!

You don't have
any real evidence! Real evidence?

Yeah, what about these secret meetings,
and why these private conversations?

Maybe they're planning
a surprise party.

Whose birthday
is coming up? Abraham Lincoln's.

Let's face it...

Dad is a widower, and there must
be times when he gets lonely.

Lonely enough for Larue? Nobody's ever been
that lonely before.

Until you had to go
and make her over.

Well, I didn't change her looks that much.
I just covered them up.

Well, whatever you did, it's had
some sort of strange effect on Dad.

In two days?
I don't believe it!

And furthermore,
I'll prove it. How?

By having the guts to meet
face-to-face and demand an explanation.

Where'd you see us...
At the stables?

Yeah. Yeah, that's right.
At the stables.

- What were you doing there?
- Why do you want to know?

Believe me. I don't have to ask.
I already know.

And let me give you
some sound advice.

Whatever plans
you may have, forget them.

He's much too old.
It's ridiculous.

Well, that's your opinion.
And my parents'.

But it doesn't happen to be
mine. So he's old? So what?

So he's lost a few teeth and
he sags a bit here and there?

What difference does it make?
He's lovable and gentle,

and he's got a lot more zing
in him than people suspect.

Enough for me anyway,
and that's all that matters.

Well, that's not all
that matters to me! Me either!

I think it's time we nipped this thing
in the bud and had a talk with Dad.

You go to the house.
I'll meet you there later.

What are you going to do?
What am I going to do?

I'm going to The Shack to have
a little heart-to-heart talk...

with my dearest, my
very best, long-lasting,

lifetime, ever-faithful friend.

The miserable fink!

Your father?
Holy Moly!

I wasn't talking
about your father.

I was talking
about Snow, a horse!

- A horse?
- I told John.

Boy, instead of studying
to be a psychologist,

he oughta be out looking for one.

Well, naturally, he thought...

Well, and then I thought...
And then Anne thought...

Well, under the circumstances,
what else could we think?

What circumstances?

The way Dad's been raving
about you, and the way...

- Raving about me?
- Yeah, raving.

All of a sudden, you're the greatest
thing since instant mashed potatoes.

Tell me something, will you?

Where did he ever get the idea
that you're so darned lovable?

I don't know.
Believe me, Gidge.

On my honor, I'd never do anything
to give him an idea like that!

Well, he certainly got it. And he's been
spreading the word around to everybody...

Me and Anne and...

Anne! Anne and John!
I've gotta make a phone call.

Hi, Larue.
What's new?

What's new?

Well, Gidget's father
is in love with me.

That's fairly new.

Hello, Anne? Gidget.

Stop whatever you're saying to
Dad and go back and apologize.

Because what?
He isn't there yet?

You're still waiting for him?
Hallelujah Harry!

Because it turns out it's all in your mind.
I got it all straightened out.

That's what he meant
when he said,

"More than a friend.
An admirer."

Oh, Siddo, suppose he's serious?

I'm still working on,
are you serious?

I can't turn him down.
How would it look?

A galumph like me says no
to a nice old man like him.

It would m*rder his ego.

And what about Gidget?
Oh, there's a nice piece of business.

Her own father isn't good enough
for her very best, her dearest...

Larue, I've been looking
everywhere for you. Dad!

Wonderful news. I just spoke to
your father, and he said yes.

All I can say is that
I'll do my very best...

to make both you and Gidget...

very happy.

Now I understand. No wonder
you couldn't resist.

Look. His eyes are the same
color as the Pacific Ocean.

It's the look
in his eyes that matters.

That's what we're trying to
convince you of, young lady.

It's the look in your eyes
that matters.

Feel beautiful
and you are beautiful.

Aw, cut it out, Snow.
We got company.

You two
want to be alone? Do you mind?

We only belong to each other
a day and a half.

It just shows you, doesn't it?

As long as a girl's
got something to love,

all's right with the world.

And it can be anything...
An ocean, a horse,

a father, a friend...

or, just incidentally, a boy.