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01x09 - Blood Flow of the Dead

Posted: 07/25/23 14:56
by bunniefuu
F: Orders to return?

F: Why, on such short notice, Abbot?

Abbot: It is a direct order from the Holy See.

Abbot: It can be said that the heretics have been sufficiently quelled.

Abbot: I thank you for your long service.

F: Remnants may yet be hiding.

F: The people are still unsettled.

F: The investigations and sentencing will take time to conclude.

F: In the meantime, what will you do to maintain security?

Abbot: You needn't worry yourself about that.

Abbot: This directive was not addressed to the Holy Iron Chain Knights.

Abbot: But to you alone, Lady Farnese.

F: What?

F: I am to abandon my own troops?

I, the commander, should abandon our mission?

F: I do not understand.

F: I cannot accept!

Abbot: As for your current mission,

Abbot: having Vice-Commander Azan lead in your stead should not be a problem.

Abbot: Lady Farnese, it appears that this directive comes, in part,

at the wish of Lord Vandimion, your father.

Abbot: I ask you to understand.

Abbot: Though this may be a holy mission,

Abbot: your father does not wish you,

Abbot: as a woman, to remain long in such a gruesome place.

F: I...

Abbot: House Vandimion funds the majority of relief supplies for these refugees.

Ser: Lady Farnese!

Ser: Please wait, Lady Farnese...

Ser: Ow.

F: You told my father, didn't you?

Ser: Eh?

F: I know it all!

F: You report to my family on my actions.

F: You probably wrote that I am joyously hunting heretics

F: and burning them at the stake, right?

Ser: That's...

F: Was it at my father's order?

F: You couldn't deny the master of the house.

Ser: Well...

F: But do not forget.

I am your master!

F: You swore your sword to me.

F: I am your only master.

Ser: Yes, my lady.

F: Do you hate me?

Ser: Why would I?

Dwarf: I have never met anyone as pathetic as you.

Dwarf: You blabbed everything before I could take a single fingernail.

Nina: Sorry...

Dwarf: Having sold out your friend, enjoy your last night alive.

Nina: Sorry... Sorry...

Nina: Please forgive me...

Blood Flow of the Dead

Moz: Well done, Lady Farnese.

Moz: It would not be an exaggeration to say

Moz: that we have captured nearly all of the heretics at Albion.

Moz: Your reputation as the Holy Iron Chain Knights' commander is well deserved.

F: No, it is thanks to God's grace.

Moz: By the way, your report indicates

Moz: that your men encountered several anomalies while raiding the heretics' lair.

F: The cave was full of arcane dr*gs and incense that the heretics use

during their rituals.

F: I believe they may have triggered a mass hallucination.

Moz: According to the report, there is one other thing.

Moz: The Black Swordsman, previously sought by your knights, appeared?

F: Yes.

Moz: Hmm, but why?

Dwarf: H-Hey, stop.

F: This girl...

Moz: What about her?

F: Oh, it's nothing.

F: It's just, when the Black Swordsman appeared,

F: he seemed to be trying to rescue her.

Heretics: Witch...

Heretics: Please save us.

Crow: Reporting, sir.

Crow: The heretics' confessions indicate

Crow: that the girl is their priestess.

Crow: Or, perhaps, the very object of their faith.

Moz: The priestess of heretics, with ties to the Black Swordsman...

Moz: Hmm...

Moz: This is a witch's brand indeed.

Moz: Evidently, we must take special care in investigating this girl.

P: Casca!

G: Casca...

Luca: Let's go.

Luca: You two, stay hidden.

Luca: I know you want to hurry, but if you cause a commotion,

Luca: you'll lose your chance to rescue her.

Trash: Huh? I haven't seen you around here.

Luca: I got a personal summons.

Luca: Sorry, but would you take a message?

Luca: I'm here for Jerome, of the Holy Iron Chain Knights—

Trash: Huh? Did someone just pass?

Luca: I'm sure you imagined it...

G: Casca!

Moz: Wh-What is going on here?

F: That's...

Ser: Stay back, please!

Ser: Blood?

Spirits: I hurt!

Spirits: I'm starving...

Spirits: I'm cold!

Torturer: M-Monsters!

Torturer: They eat humans.

Heretics: Don't leave us behind!

Ser: Please hurry, Lady Farnese!

F: W-Wait!

F: Father Mozgus!

Crow: Father Mozgus, we must retreat!

Moz: Impertinent witch!

Crow: The front entrance is blocked.

Crow: Let's escape to the chapel.

P: Casca!

P: N-No way...

Azan: What is going on here?!

Ser: For now, let us ascend!

Ser: I shall explain later!

F: Y-You—

G: Where is my companion?

F: Then you did come here for the girl.

G: Answer me!

F: Th-That girl is in the cellar...

In the t*rture chamber...

G: The t*rture chamber.

G: Where is that?

F: I-It's no use. Even if you go there now...

F: In the cellar, there are...

F: There are so many.

G: Hey! Get your act together!

F: I don't know!

F: They shouldn't exist.

F: They can't exist. Not those things...

G: Take me to that t*rture chamber of yours.

F: No!

F: Who would go there again?

G: Sorry, but hurry it up...

G: I'm about to snap.

Nina: I'm so useless...

Nina: I'm a worthless human being.

Nina: Only one more night.

Nina: Even now, I'm only worried about myself.

Nina: Because of me, by now, Elaine must be...

Nina: But...

Nina: I don't want to die—

Soldiers: Retreat! Retreat!

Soldiers: Up! Run up!

Soldiers: What about the prisoners?

Soldiers: Who cares? Abandon them!

Nina: What's going on?

Nina: U-Um, did...

Nina: Did something happen?

Soldiers: Monsters!

Soldiers: Monsters...

Nina: Hello?

Nina: It's coming from below?

Nina: Guards! Please open the door!

Nina: No!

Nina: Please, someone!

Luca: Found you...

Ishi: Hey.

Nina: Luca!

Luca: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Jerome: The emotional reunion will have to wait.

Jerome: Something is wrong.

Jerome: Hey, now! What are you doing?

Heretics: Run!

Heretics: That way!

Ishi: It's the plan. It's a diversion.

Ishi: We'll use them as bait, and escape while they distract the guards.

Jerome: Hey, I may not look it, but I am a heretic hunter.

Ishi: You're saying that, even now?

Ishi: You're an accomplice.

Jerome: Damned brat...

Luca: Sorry, Jerome.

Luca: I didn't mean to involve you.

Jerome: Honestly, I've reached the end of my rope.

Jerome: But I guess it's all good.

Jerome: I didn't like the mission, anyway.

Jerome: And this gives me a break.

Jerome: Ruining my future over a woman

Jerome: may be fitting for a prodigal son like me.

Luca: Jerome...

Jerome: All right. With that decided, let's get out of Albion.

Luca: Sorry, we have one more.

Luca: Nina, where's Elaine?

Nina: I...

d-don't know.

Jerome: She's probably in the basement.

Jerome: Everyone's gone. This is your chance.

Jerome: What's that?

G: What's going on here?

F: Impossible.

F: Only a while ago...

F: That...

F: That thing did it!

G: Hey.

G: What are you doing?

Puck: Trying to get heavy armor and run down the enemy.

Puck: I sneaked in here to save Casca.

Puck: But those things came out of the woodwork in the room.

G: Where is...

G: Where is Casca?

P: Casca was swallowed up by them...

P: Oh, but something didn't make sense.

P: Everyone else melted right away,

P: but Casca didn't.

P: Even though she was swallowed, I could still sense her presence.

F: {\an}What is he doing?

P: I think she's okay.

P: No, I'm sure of it!

F: Wh-What is that?

P: This way.

F: That's right...

F: Back then...

G: Hey, you're free to go.

F: W-Wait!

F: I'll come, too!

Crow: Please stay back!

Crow: The doors will give way soon!

Moz: There is nothing to fear!

Moz: This is our faith's moment of truth.

Moz: We do not pray to God for salvation.

Moz: Faith requires everything from us.

Moz: Repent, evil spirits!

Moz: I have found that faith means death!

Moz: Come at me!

Crow: Master, draw back!

Moz: No matter what may challenge me...

Ishi: Hey, mister!

Ishi: I need to go downstairs!

Jerome: Escaping is the priority!

Luca: Elaine, I hope you're safe...

Jerome: Got it!

Jerome: If I remember right, the chapel's ahead.

Jerome: Those doors are pretty thick.

Jerome: Ideal for holing up in—

Ishi: Sh-Shit!

Nina: Luca!

Luca: Close your eyes!

Ishi: Stones...

Ishi: Stones!

Moz: I have witnessed a miracle!

Moz: This is God's will.

Moz: I am to guide the people with this power.

Luca: Elaine...

Luca: That's Elaine!

Ishi: Hey, square-face!

Ishi: Hand over that lady!

Moz: That will not do.

Moz: This witch is the origin of the evil that festers in Albion.

Moz: I am destined to demonstrate

Moz: God's victory to the people, by burning this witch at the stake.

Ishi: What witch are you talking about?

Ishi: You guys look tons more suspicious!

Jerome: Guess we have no choice...

Moz: I see.

Moz: You seek to interfere with my sacred duty?

Moz: My disciples have no mercy toward enemies of God.

Jerome: Hey, those are above my pay grade!

Nina: Luca!

Ishi: M-Mister, another attack!

Ishi: The next one's coming!

Jerome: It's fine! Pull them up, fast!

P: Here, this way.

P: The presence is getting stronger.

F: W-Wait...

Nina: Luca...

Luca: Nina...

Nina: So heavy.

Nina: This is how heavy Luca is.

Nina: I'm holding Luca's life in my hands.

Nina: Right now, all that she is rests in my hands.

Nina: If I were to let go...

Luca: Jerome, take care of Nina.

Nina: Huh?

Luca: Hurry! Run!

Jerome: Luca!

Nina: Luca...

Nina: Why?

Luca: Huh?

Luca: What's that?

Luca: Is it Death?

Jerome: Wh-What was that?

Ishi: I-It flew?

Nina: Luca...

Ishi: I'd forgotten about them!

Jerome: Get down!

Luca: Um, you're Death... Right?

Skele: Girl, why did you choose to die?

Luca: H-Hey, don't go there...

Luca: I'm not that noble.

Luca: Look, that tower is really tall.

Luca: But it has a couple layers, see?

Luca: I wouldn't have slammed into the ground.

Luca: I thought I could maybe get away with a broken leg,

Luca: as long as the roofs were wooden...

Luca: Well, now that I think about it, it was pretty reckless.

Luca: I thought it was the only choice, so everyone could live, but...

Luca: But I guess it didn't work, after all.

Luca: I got lucky and was spared pain,

Luca: but this doesn't really feel like Heaven.

Skele: It is not.

Skele: This is a resting place for the dead, at the foot of that tower.

Luca: Huh?

Luca: Oh, you mean I'm still alive?

Skele: So it seems.

Skele: If you wish to stay so, do not move.

Skele: Show yourself!

Luca: What?

Moz: So you are the famed Black Swordsman...

Moz: I do not know what you seek to accomplish,

Moz: but I cannot let you have this witch,

Moz: in the name of God's justice!

Moz: Fool, you seek to rebel against God!

Moz: I will have you atone with blood.

G: An Apostle?

G: No, it's different.

G: My brand senses something else.

G: They'll be formidable foes.

G: And seven of them, at that.

P: Guts, behind you!

Ishi: W-Wow!

P: It was only possible with my assist.

Jerome: Brat, you've got something strange on your head...

G: When did they...

G: I can't avoid it.

F: What?

G: Just one more step.

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