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Duran Duran: A Hollywood High (2022)

Posted: 07/01/23 07:17
by bunniefuu
[siren blaring]

A lad that was

growing up in Birmingham

where sunshine

was in real short supply.

Palm trees definitely were.

When I first arrived in LA,

I thought I arrived

in paradise.

- Los Angeles for me has always

been about Sunset Strip.

I remember the first time

we arrived here.

We were staying

on Sunset at a hotel

that was then called the Hyatt.

But it was known

as the "Riot House."

I'd first read about it

in Ian Hunter's book,

"Diary of a Rock'n'Roll Star."

And I was determined that we'd

stay there one day, and we did.

It was fun while it lasted,

but remarkably,

we managed to get ourselves

thrown out for bad behavior,

which I guess was like having

a badge of honor at the time.

- It's rock'n'roll.

You know, New York was punk.

LA is rock'n'roll

and always has been.

- I did like Sunset.

I liked the energy

around the Strip.

- It's those endless,

wide boulevards

with the palm trees

and the beautiful light

that characterizes

Los Angeles for me.

And I feel like

I'm in a film noir

when I'm traveling in a car

and there's someone next to me

talking about a dame

with a g*n in her handbag.

- We did an in-store

at The Licorice Pizza.

And, you know, and just being

in the back of a limousine,

you know, on the freeway

system here, it just...

It's a very

uplifting place to be.

- I remember

the very first time

that we entered

the city of Los Angeles.

We drove in.

I remember seeing these

huge oil extraction machines.

They looked like--

They reminded me of this

duck thing that my grandfather

used to have

which used to put its nose down,

fill up with water

and then go


And I'd never seen so much

commercial advertising.

It was a huge, visual input

as we drove up the hill,

and in the background

is the Hollywood sign.

Playing in Los Angeles

on Sunset at the Roxy,

it was one of those

landmarks for us.

It was a terrific

learning experience.

I mean, I think that whole

first American tour actually

was probably one of the most

fun things I ever did.

We seemed to be flavor of the

moment when we first came to LA.

We were being played on KROQ,

being played in the clubs.

So that we were known

in a kind of quite

underground way.

- We would do a gig.

We would meet some fans

after the show, and they'd

invite us back to their place

to have a party,

and we'd go and hang.

Our first show, incredible.

We were really, really hot.

You know, I really did enjoy

those early tours of America.

It hadn't reached that

kind of level of intensity.

- It was such an exciting time.

Probably one of our last times

that we could actually walk

around on the streets.


- [man] Stand back!

[crowd shouting throughout]

- We had two shows.

We had a matinee

and an evening show.

And management had taken upon

themselves to invite people.

And they actually

invited Nina Simone.

And Nina didn't come.

But she sent a little card.

And I guess because I'm the

front man, the lead singer,

she addressed it to me.

It said, "Dear Simon.

Um, "Terribly sorry,

I can't make it.

Have a great show.


And it was this lovely card

like a birthday card

with balloons on it,

and full of balloons.

It's beautiful.

Still got it.

It's a treasured possession,

it really is.

And we played these two shows,

and we were magnificent.

I got so much inspiration

from the scene

that it just made its way

into the music.

Well, the song that springs

to mind is the song "Rio."

The lyric and the melody

were both written

after our first trip to America.

"From mountains in the North

down to the Rio Grande."

That's this part of the world

I'm talking about.

- The cultural history for me

has always been about

the whole town being based upon

the movie industry.

Of course,

there's a complete obsession

with fame and star culture.

Fame, fame, fame.

Liquor stores that always

seem to be amplified by neon.

- Liquor store!

I'd never been anywhere

like it before.

You know, we'd been to New York.

And we thought, oh, okay,

this is what America is like.

It's not.

LA is just so different.

It's like a different country.

- Another time when

we were here very early on

we went into the studio

with a producer,

David Kershenbaum

to remix the "Rio" album.

FM radio here was a big,

compressed sound.

And when you got into a car,

it just hit you like a wave.

["Hungry Like The Wolf" playing]

And certainly the single

"Hungry Like the Wolf"

which is what

broke us in America,

that was the mix

that we did with David,

not the original version.

But I think the fact that you'd

come from an A&R background

as well,

you recognized the songs.

- Correct.

- Um, because I think that

was a lot of the thing with some

of the other people we were

dealing with in America,

it was-- they'd take it to radio

and they'd just go, uh, I don't

know, the sound isn't fitting

for us, but you knew what

it was to make it like that.

And honestly, that-- those

sessions that we did together

was first for the "Carnival" EP

which were the longer remixes.

And then you also remixed

a whole side of the album.

- I think so, yeah,

and we did--

As I remember, we did, uh,

"Hungry Like the Wolf" first,

and it started to get reaction.

And they said why don't you go

back and do some more.

And I think we did.

I think we did "Save a Prayer."

I don't remember...

- Yeah, we did "Save a Prayer."

We definitely did

"Hold Back the Rain."

- "Hold Back the Rain."

- There's at least

five or six of those tracks.

But I really

do feel genuinely that

you lit the touch paper that

ignited, um, America

for, for, for the band.

- Oh, wow.

- So I'm very grateful...

- I'm grateful too, thank you.

I'm glad we're sitting here

today, you know,

looking back

with those great memories.

'Cause it was,

it was a magical time.

- Yeah.

- It was a magical time.

- Yeah, it really was.

[shutters clicking]

We were doing

a tour in '83, I guess.

And we did the press conference

at the Magic Castle.

[woman] When did you learn

an instrument?

- I learned

to use my instrument...


...when I was...

- And most successful at it.

- At five, actually, but it was

plastic at the time.

- I was what you call

a late developer.

I didn't pick up mine

until I was about 16.

- I was born with my instrument,

and it just got used sort of

again and again and again.

- The media were asking all

these different questions.

And inevitably being British

and not being able to help

ourselves, they got answers that

perhaps they weren't expecting.

I started playing

with mine when I was, um...



- Um...

- Roger's still--

Roger needs two hands for his.


- The location

for the show was chosen

because of its proximity

to the Capital Records building.

We first started talking

about some kind

of a performance in Hollywood

quite a few months ago.

As we kind of honed in on what

it was that we were going to do.

And we went from like

a truck to one rooftop

to another rooftop,

and we ended up

with this particular

location in Hollywood.

- So the first time we actually

went into Capitol Records,

I remember thinking how strange

that the building is round.

It reminded me of the Rotunda

which was a building that John,

Roger, and I grew up with

in the center of Birmingham.

- I think it's probably the

greatest like music architecture

landmark in the world

or certainly building.

- This building makes me crazy.

I would love to get out of here

'cause a record company

should be horizontal.

The building kind of puts

a damper on the kind

of enthusiasm that a record

company should have.

- Capitol Records was our label.

- It really felt like something

big was about to happen.

- And I was kind of proud

of the fact that we had this

label with this iconic building.

- I didn't quite know

how important

Capitol Records was.

I knew there was a link

with The Beatles.

- It wasn't the coolest label.

They used to call

it the house

that Frank built.

Because it was supposedly

like Frank Sinatra's royalties

that paid for it.

- Other entertainment

news this morning.

If you're a fan

of Duran Duran...

- A big honor tonight for

the rock group Duran Duran.

- Duran Duran has been

honored with a star on the

Hollywood Walk of Fame.

[crowd cheering]

- The Hollywood Walk of Fame

is so kind of, um...

People relate to it

mostly for film people,

but when you see our star

is next to John Lennon's,

that really kind of hits home.

[crowd chatter]

- I think of all the time we've

ever spent in LA and all the

people we've ever met and all

the things we've ever done,

actually, by far, the most

significant to Duran Duran

was meeting Warren Cuccurullo

who was in the band

Missing Persons at the time.

And after that, he joined us

for a 15-year period.

He's a remarkable musician,

and I treasure

all the things

that we did together.

Warren came over to New York

to meet with us.

And there's one track that

exists on Duran Duran.

It's a track called

"American Science" on the

"Notorious" album

where there's two little solos.

One is Warren Cuccurullo,

one is Andy Taylor.

So it was closing one door

and opening the other.

And Warren stayed with us

all the way through

until the reunion.

["Ordinary World" playing]


- As a band, we have largely

steered clear

of making any kind

of political statements.

However, the plight

of the people in the Ukraine

has been do deeply upsetting.

- The situation was clearly

a humanitarian disaster.

And we just wanted

to show our support.

- I think for me, you know,

when you trade in entertainment

of a particular kind,

sort of escapism, I suppose,

you might say, you know,

you're doing it

against this backdrop

of concern.

Is there any way to incorporate

that concern into

what you're doing

and was this incredible

opportunity to light up

the Capitol Building.

- And I wasn't even

sure it was possible.

But when I first saw it


it was quite heartwarming


- It was a prayer

from Duran Duran.

You know, and it was about

four minutes long.

- Back in the UK pre-pandemic,

we'd started

to write a new album

which eventually

became "Future Past."

I think it's some

of the strongest material

we've done together

in quite a long time.

- "Anniversary."

John presented the title.

He said

it's our 40th anniversary.

Let's write a song.


- You know, we made a long list

of ways that we could

imagine ourselves celebrating

our anniversary.

And one idea

was to write a song.

- "Anniversary" was a track

that we built in the studio

referencing some

of our older material.

We've never done that before.

I think it's almost

like a, uh, a throwback

to "Wild Boys", isn't it?

It's got that kind

of throbbing, tribal

feel to the rhythm section.

- It was built out of a riff

that Graham Coxon

started playing.

Then Nick started playing along

with it and...

You know, very unusual when

Nick says "I love that riff."


- It's a very Duran Duran

sounding track that one is.

Reminds me of quite a few songs

that we've done before.

- I often said this record

has got one foot

in the past and one

in the future.

And it was strange doing

something a little more

reflective because we're always

looking forward

through the mirror

onto the other side,

but this time

it was staring back at us.

- When you finally

release an album,

you know that it's the beginning

of a new phase,

and that it's time

to play shows again.

We wanted to do something

really special in LA.

- I can't say that we've ever

played on a rooftop before.

We've done a photograph

on a rooftop,

but I can't say that we've ever

played on a roof before.

[cheering and applause]

- Good people LA.

[cheering and applause]


Meeting you

With a view to a k*ll

Face to face

in secret places

Feel the chill

Nightfall covers me

But you know

the plans I'm making

Still overseas

Could it be the whole Earth

opening wide

A sacred why

A mystery gaping inside

The week is why until we...

Dance into the fire

That fatal kiss

is all we need

Dance into the fire

To fatal sounds

of broken dreams

Dance into the fire

That fatal kiss

is all we need

Dance into the fire

The choice for you

Is the view to a k*ll

Between the shades


Standing still


The first crystal tears

Fall as snowflakes

on your body

The first time in years

To drench your skin

In lover's rosy stain

A chance to find the Phoenix

For the flame

A chance to die

but can we...

Dance into the fire

That fatal kiss

is all we need

Dance into the fire

To fatal sounds

of broken dreams

Dance into the fire

The fatal kiss

is all we need

Dance into the fire

When all we see

Is the view to a k*ll



[cheering and applause]

Hello, LA!

[cheering and applause]

Welcome to this very little

intimate little show

we're having

in a very special

part of the world for us.

[crowd cheering]

We chose it very carefully.

Here's a song off our new album.

This is "Invisible."

- Invisible




Shy one

- Walking by the wall

- Shy one

- Shadows will not fall

- Shy one

- Is silently ignored

- Quiet one

- Discouraged by the noise

- Quiet one

- Living without choice

- Quiet one

- Is a life without a voice

When you can't even

Say my name

Has the memory gone?

Are you feeling numb?

Will you call my name

I can't play this game

So I ask again

Can you say my name?

Has the memory gone?

Are you feeling numb?

Or have I become invisible?

- Hindsight

- That dreamers wish away

- Hindsight

- Is falling on my face

- Highlights

- The shape of my disgrace

When you don't hear

A word I say

As the talking goes

It's a one-way flow

No fault, no blame

Has the memory gone?

Are you feeling numb?

And have I become invisible?

- Invisible



Invisible, invisible



Invisible, invisible

- When no one hears a word

They say

Has the memory gone?

Are you feeling numb?

Not a word they say

But a voiceless crowd

Isn't backing down

When the air turns red

With their loaded hesitation

Can you say my name?

Has the memory gone?

Are you feeling numb?

Have we all become


[cheering and applause]

Thank you.


How it kills when you ask me

Am I going to stay?

And do I still

want you, baby

Or was it all in play?

Got to tell you

you've got so much

I don't wanna lose

If I had to pick

the best bit

I really could not choose

I want everything

All of what you do

Every night, every day

I want all of you

Give me sacred motivation

With your deeper touch

Talking dirty conversation

Your look says so much

So much more

to this song's meaning

I don't have time to say

Hit the high note

of my feeling

Can't let this fade away

I want everything

All of what you do

Every night, every day

I want all of you

I want everything

All of what you do

Every night, every day

I want all of you

Yeah, we got history

But we got mystery

- Like the sun, like the sun,

we'll burn

This much we've learned

Like two souls

among many others

Like the sun, we'll burn

- In that

we are music lovers

This much we've learned

Two souls among many others

Like the sun, we'll burn

I want everything

All of what you do

Every night, every day

I want all of you

I want everything

All of what you do

Every night, every day

I want all of you


[music ends]

[cheering and applause]






I can't read about it

Burns the skin

from your eyes

I'll do fine without it

Here's one you don't


Lies come hard in disguise

They need to fight it out

Not wild about it

Lay your seedy judgements

Who says they're

part of our lives?

You own the money

You control the witness

I'll leave you lonely

Don't monkey

with my business

You pay the prophets

to justify your reasons

I heard your promise

but I don't believe it

That's why

I've done it again



- Notorious

- Girls will keep

the secrets

So long as boys make a noise

Come on, boys!

Fools run rings to break up

Something you'll never


Grand Notorious slam bam

Who really gives a damn

for a flaky bandit?

Don't ask me

to bleed about it

I need this blood to survive

You own the money

You control the witness

I'll leave you lonely

Don't monkey

with my business

You pay the prophets

to justify your reasons

I heard your promise

but I don't believe it

That's why

I've done it again





You own the money

You control the witness

I'll leave you lonely

Don't monkey

with my business

You pay the prophets

to justify your reasons

I heard your promise

but I don't believe it

You own the money

You control the witness

I'll leave you lonely

You don't monkey

with my business

You pay the prophets

to justify your reasons

I heard you promise

but I don't believe it

That's why I've done

it again No




That's why

I've done it again No

Yeah that's why

I've done it again




That's why I done it again




That's why I done it again


One, two, three, four!


[cheering and applause]


Anna Ross, everybody

[cheering and applause]


Immaculate dream

Made breath and skin

I've been waiting for you


With a home tattoo

"Happy birthday to you"

Was created for you

- Can't ever keep

from falling apart

At the seams

Cannot believe you're

taking my heart

To pieces

- Ah

It'll take a little time

Might take

a little crime

To come undone

Now we'll try

To stay blind

To the hope

And fear outside

Hey child

Stay wilder than the wind

And blow me

Into cry

Who do you need?

Who do you love?

When you come undone

Who do you need?

Who do you love?

When you come undone


Playing me dj vu

Like a radio tune

I swear I've heard before


Is it something real?

Or the magic I'm feeling

Off your fingers

- Can't ever keep

from falling apart

At the seams

Cannot believe you're

taking my heart

To pieces

- Lost

In a snow filled sky

We'll make it alright

To come undone

Now we'll try

To stay blind

To the hope

And fear outside

Hey child

Stay wilder than the wind

And blow me

Into cry

Who do you need?

Who do you love?

When you come undone

Who do you need?

Who do you love?

When you come undone

Who do you need?

Who do you love?

When you come undone

- Can't ever keep

from falling apart


Who do you need?

Who do you love?

Can't ever keep

from falling apart

- Who do you love?

When you come undone

Can't ever keep

from falling apart


Ask the roof

This one's for you

[cheering and applause]

Thank you, Anna.


You're gonna love this.




We are pinned to an evening

That's running out of road

As the last ray of light

Heads into dark

If it's closure

you're craving

Some message in the code

To fill the empty space

In with your mark

- Ahh...




- Standing on the edge

Of something greater

Than us all

Down into the heart

of universes

We fall

Falling like

the fires trailing

Glory on their way

Know that we are heading

For tomorrow today

Anyway, lover

What ya think I'm gonna do?

When it's all over

I give it all up for you

Giving up believing

Giving up completely

For you

- Knowing that the world will

keep on turning

Going on

And we let the night forever

Burn when we're gone

Burning with the stars

that wander lonely

On their way

Know that life

is heading here tomorrow


Anyway, lover

What ya think I'm gonna do?

When it's all over

I give it all up for you

Giving up believing

Giving up completely

For you



I give it all up

For you

- And the sun beats

Down on skin and ground

And everything


And the moon looks down

on broken vows

Fills the space between us

With that cold blue sky

And I can't remember how

our love felt at the start

No, I can't remember

Anyway, lover

What ya think I'm gonna do?

Gonna do

When it's all over

I give it all up for you

Giving up believing

- Giving

up believing

- Giving up completely

For you


[cheering and applause]

Erin Stevenson, everybody!



Past is another country

The present will never last

The future is still tomorrow

Are we living too fast?

Searchlight the crowd

I'm fixed on your face

I know it well but it's

a dream I can't place

Something is happening to me

Maybe it's happening to you,

you, you, you

Everybody everywhere

Feel it in the air

Oh yeah it's time

to take the pressure off

Everybody everywhere

Step out into the future

It's time to take

the pressure off

It's up to you now

It's time to take

the pressure off

It's up to you now

It's time to take

the pressure off




It's time to take

the pressure off

We're swimming

with the rat race

We're running

against the tide

It's everybody's business

When there's nowhere to hide

Searchlight the crowd

I'm fixed onto you

There is a way out

of this into the blue

Something is happening to me

Maybe it's happening

to you, you, you, you

Everybody everywhere

Feel it in the air

Oh yeah it's time

to take the pressure off

Everybody everywhere

Step out into the future

It's time to take

the pressure off

It's up to you now

It's time to take

the pressure off

It's up to you now

It's time to take

the pressure off

I'm lost

don't wanna be found

I'm up and not gonna be down

Outside looking in on myself

Just me, I couldn't

be anyone else

Is it bad when you're feeling

this good?

Are we all misunderstood?

It's fine

going out of my mind

Going out of my mind

going out of my mind

Everybody everywhere

Feel it in the air

Oh yeah it's time

to take the pressure off

Everybody everywhere

Step out into the future

It's time to take

the pressure off

It's up to you now

It's time to take

the pressure off

It's up to you now

Step out into your future

Jump up into the future

Step out into your future

Jump up into the future

Step out into your future

[cheering and applause]

Thank you.


Rang dang diggity


Rang dang

diggity dang-a-dang

Rang dang diggity


Diggity dang-a-dang

Diggity dang-a-dang

Rang dang diggity


Rang dang

diggity dang-a-dang

Rang dang diggity


Diggity dang-a-dang

Diggity dang-a-dang






Ooh, white!


Ooh, white!


Ooh white!

White! Ooh

White lines vision

dreams of passion

Blowing through my mind

And all the while

I think of you

White lines

A very strange reaction

Going to my mind

The more I see

the more I do

Something of a phenomenon

Tell your body to come along

'Cause white lines

Blow away


Rock! Blow!

Ticket to ride

the white line highway

Tell all your friends

they can go my way

Pay your toll

sell your soul

Pound for pound it costs more

than gold

The longer you stay

the more you pay

My white lines go a long way

Either up your nose

or to your vein

Nothing to gain except

k*lling your brain


Say rock come on, y'all!


Say freeze, come on!


Say rock come on, y'all!


Say freeze, come on!


Say rock come on y'all!


Say freeze, come on!


Say rock come on y'all!

Rock! Put 'em up,

put 'em up, put 'em up


Higher baby!

Get higher baby!

Get higher baby! And don't

never come down! Freebase!

Rang dang

diggity dang-a-dang

Rang dang diggity


Rang dang

diggity dang-a-dang

Diggity dang-a-dang

Diggity dang-a-dang

White lines

As pure as the driven snow

Connected to my mind

And now I'm having fun, baby

White lines

It's getting kinda low

'Cause it makes

you feel so nice

I need some one on one, baby

Don't let it blow your mind

away Baby

Going to a little hideaway

'Cause white lines

What do white lines do!?

Blow away




A million magic crystals

Pretty pure and white

A multi-million dollars

Almost overnight

Twice as sweet as sugar

Twice as pure as salt

And if you get hooked baby

It's nobody else's fault

So don't do it!


Say rock come on, y'all!


Say freeze, come on!


Say rock come on, y'all!


Say freeze, come on!


Say rock come on y'all


Say freeze, come on!


Say rock come on y'all

Rock! Put 'em up,

put 'em up, put 'em up

Higher baby!

Get higher baby!

Get higher baby! And don't

never come down! Freebase!

Don't you get too high

Don't you get too high, baby

Turns you on

You really turn me on and on

Could you ever come down

My temperature is rising

When the thrill is gone

No, I don't want you to go!

A street kid gets arrested

Gonna do some time

He gets out

three years from now

Just to commit more crime

A businessman is caught

With 24 kilos

He's out on bail

and out of jail

And that's

the way it goes Rock!



Cane! Sugar!


Athletes rejected

Governors corrected

Gangsters, thugs

and smugglers

Are thoroughly respected

The money gets divided

The women get excited

Now I'm broke

and it's no joke

It's hard as hell to fight it

Don't buy it!

Freeze! Rock!



Freeze! Rock!



Freeze! Rock!



Freeze! Rock!



Rock! Blow!





[cheering and applause]

Just a little...

Just a little breather.

So as a band we've been, um...

celebrating a birthday party.

It's a very big one, so we're

not gonna tell you the number.

But we've been celebrating for

about three years now.

And we'd probably be celebrating

for the next three years.

Here's your chance

to celebrate with us.


[cheering and applause]

We don't need

much of an excuse.

Come celebrate this union

Come holy and unchained

How do you know, stay or go

Keep riding on the train

What does it take

beneath the skin

To keep from letting go?

Some moments burned

into the storm

And some you'll never know

All our days




Across the world

On radio

For everyone to hear

We are the song

So bring it on

Once more be close and clear

All our days




It's our time


Yours and mine


Celebrate with silver

Oak, and bone

Celebrate with paper

Gold, and stone

It may not seem like much

It may not seem

like much at all

It may not seem like much

But it's everything to us

All our days




It's our time


Yours and mine


Can't stop from holding on

Hold me up, hold me up

Hold me up and keep me up

don't stop now

Ah, yeah

Ah, yeah...

La, la, la, la, la, la

Are we having another again

Oh yeah

[cheering and applause]

So we're gonna play a song

for a divided world.

A song to bring us together.

A song to try and help us

all find peace.

This is "Ordinary World."

[cheering and applause]

Came in from

a rainy Thursday

On the avenue

Thought I heard you

talking softly

I turned on the lights,

the TV

And the radio

Still I can't escape

the ghost of you

What has happened to it all?

Crazy, some would say

Where is the life

that I recognize?

But I won't

cry for yesterday

There's an ordinary world

Somehow I have to find

And as I try to make my way

To the ordinary world

I will learn to survive

Passion or coincidence

Once prompted you to say

"Pride will

tear us both apart"

Well, now pride's

gone out the window

Cross the rooftops

Run away

Left me in the vacuum

Of my heart

What is happening to me?

Crazy, some would say

Where is my friend

When I need you most?

Gone away

But I won't cry

for yesterday

There's an ordinary world

Somehow I have to find

And as I try to make my way

To the ordinary world

I will learn to survive





Papers in the roadside

Tell of suffering and greed

Fear today, forgot tomorrow

Ooh, here beside the news

Of holy w*r and holy need

Ours is just a little

Sorrowed talk

Just blowing away

And I don't cry

for yesterday

There's an ordinary world

Somehow I have to find

And as I try to make my way

To the ordinary world

I will learn to survive


Is my world


Is my world


Is my world





[cheering and applause]

Thank you.

Hey now, if you are

A child of the world

Born to build bridges

And tear down the walls

We'll watch the outmode

Of the old order

We'll make a song road

To cross all borders

Nah na-na nah

na-na nah na-na nah


Nah na-na nah

na-na nah na-na na-na-na-na


If you wanna make

a difference

If you wanna see

a future coming round

Got to see it

from a distance

Got to do it walking barefoot

on the ground

You and I tonight

No way to fight it

We come together

Tonight united

You and I tonight

No way to fight it

We come together

Tonight united

You and I tonight

No way to fight it

We come together

Tonight united

You and I tonight

No way to fight it

We come together

Tonight united





You and I tonight

No way to fight it

We come together

Tonight united

You and I tonight

No way to fight it

We come together

Tonight united

You and I tonight

No way to fight it

We come together

Tonight united

You and I tonight

No way to fight it

We come together

Tonight united

You and I tonight

No way to fight it

We come together

Tonight united

You and I tonight

No way to fight it

We come together

Tonight united

[cheering and applause]

This is more like it!

[cheering and applause]

No need to ask.

Is anybody hungry?

Darken the city

night is a wire

Steam in the subway

earth is afire

Do-do do-do-do do-do-do

do-do-do do-do-do do-do

Woman, you want me

give me a sign

And catch my breathing even

closer behind

Do-do do-do-do do-do-do

do-do-do do-do-do do-do

In touch with the ground

I'm on the hunt

I'm after you

Smell like I sound

I'm lost in a crowd

And I'm hungry

like the wolf

Straddle the line

in discord and rhyme

I'm on the hunt

I'm after you

Mouth is alive

with juices like wine

And I'm hungry

like the wolf

Stalked in the forest

too close to hide

I'll be upon you by the

moonlight side

Do-do do-do-do do-do-do

do-do-do do-do-do do-do

Hot blood jumping on your

skin, it's so tight

You feel my heat

I'm just a moment behind

Do-do do-do-do do-do-do

do-do-do do-do-do do-do

In touch with the ground

I'm on the hunt

I'm after you

A scent and a sound

I'm lost and I'm found

And I'm hungry

like the wolf

Straddle a line

it's discord and rhyme

I howl and I whine

I'm after you

Mouth is alive

all running inside

And I'm hungry

like the wolf

Dom Brown on guitar!

Hungry like the wolf

Hungry like the wolf

Hungry like the wolf


Burning the ground

I break from the crowd

I'm on the hunt

I'm after you

I smell like I sound

I'm lost and I'm found

And I'm hungry like the wolf

Straddle a line

it's discord and rhyme

I'm on the hunt

I'm after you

Mouth is alive

with juices like wine

And I'm hungry like the wolf

Burning the ground

I break from the crowd

I'm on the hunt

I'm after you

Smell like a sound

I'm lost and I'm found

And I'm hungry

like the wolf

Strut on the line

it's discord and rhyme

I'm on the hunt

I'm after you

Mouth is alive

with juices like wine

And I'm hungry

like the wolf


[cheering and applause]

Thank you very much!

Hope you had a nice time!


Enjoy the rest

of your evening!

Thank you!

[cheering and applause]