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01x20 - Bye Bly

Posted: 06/25/23 09:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Brisco County...

Certain powers--
powers beyond
the imagination--

is about
to converge.

It all has to do
with the orb

and Brisco County Jr.'s
destiny with it.

I am from
the year 2506...

and with the orb,
I will return home

and use its power

to rule the world!

I don't think so,





I hate safecrackers.
They slimy, they slippery,

and they hard to catch.

No, we got him
this time, Bowler.

Yeah, then where is he?

Right over there.




As I recall, Bowler,

there is no way
out of this alley.

You recall right.
We got him--

the last
of John Bly's g*ng.

Kind of sweet moment,
ain't it?

Wait'll it's over.
I'll let you know.


I hope Pepe doesn't try
to sh**t his way out.

It's not his style.

Hello, Pepe.

I'm Federal Agent
Kevin Brown.

What do you want?

Congratulations, Pepe.

You're working
for the government now.


Where'd he go?

Good question.
How'dhe go?

You know
that sweet moment

you were just
talking about, Bowler?


It just went sour.



How did Pepe do it?

Maybe that was
an alley cat we heard.

No, no, no,
not a chance.

So maybe he had
a hiding place
we didn't see.

No, somebody
had to help him,
but who?

That's the question.

Maybe we just
losing our touch.

Something the matter,

I've been meaning
to talk to you
about something.

Yeah? What's that?

Brisco, I've been
thinking about retiring.


That's right.
Once we get Pepe,

we done caught all 12
of Bly's g*ng.

we got Bly bottled up
in the orb.

I've been thinking
maybe it's time

for me to try
something new.


What'd you
have in mind?

I'm thinking I might
start myself a winery.

Hah! A winery?

That's right, making wine--

merlots, chardonnays,
maybe some other varietals.

You're actually serious,
aren't you?

Well, I never planned
on being a manhunter
all my life.

I got other talents,
you know.

I hear there's some
real good open land
up around Napa.

You ever been to Napa?
It's real beautiful
up there, Brisco.

Color me surprised,

You know, you ought
to be thinking about
your future, too, Brisco.

You ain't getting
no younger.

Well, I happen
to like what I do,

And since on
any given day I could
be sh*t, hung,

stabbed, stampeded,
bit or branded,

I'll worry about
my own future
once I get there.

Fair enough.

Now, don't worry.

I ain't going to
leave you in no lurch.

We'll get Pepe together,

then I'm going to
look into Napa.

Well, I for one

will miss your ornery
company, Bowler.

Yeah, and I'll miss
your dry wit.

Toast, Brisco,

to us.

To Brisco and Bowler!




Well, I'll grab myself
some shuteye.

We ain't going to be
catching Pepe tonight.

and knowing Pepe,

he's probably
relaxing somewhere

with his feet up
in front of
a nice warm fire.

Hey, stop zis!
Pepe is no criminal!

Think harder, Pepe.

Hey! You can't do this!

This is cruel
and unusual punishment!

Pepe has read
your constitution.

When you get
a free moment,

send me a copy.

Hot! Okay, Pepe admits
that he is a thief!

Ah, the words
we've been waiting
to hear.

You are a nation
of cretins.

We should take back
the Statue of Liberty.

Huh! Ah.

Let me get
this straight.

You want Pepe to steal?

I wouldn't put it
that way, Pepe.

We need you
to cr*ck a safe

and recover something
inside that belongs to us.

What does Pepe get
out of this?

Right now, Pepe's
looking at life in prison.

But you help us
get our object back,

and I'll personally
see to it

that your slate
is wiped clean.



Hello, Brisco.

Do we know each other?

I know you.
You don't know me.

Am I dead?

Ha ha, no.

Are you an angel?

You look like
an angel.

I'm from the future.
My name is Karina.

And in the future
you've kind of...

given up on clothes.

Oh, no. We wear clothes.

It's just easier
for long-distance
time travel.

No clothes, no jewelry.


Is my nudity
bothering you?

Oh, in the strictest
sense, no...

but in a big picture
kind of way,

it makes it hard
to concentrate
on anything

but, uh...

Do you have something
I could borrow?

Uh, yeah.
Try the wardrobe.

Let me try to explain.

Oh, please,
by all means.

I'm from the year 5502.

That's about 3,000 years
ahead of Bly.

My people created the orbs.

We put them in the past

to aid in the advancement
of mankind.

Unfortunately, John Bly
learned of their existence,

and he traveled
to the past
via time machine,

stole the orbs,
brought them back,

and used them
to rule the world.

No, wait,
I captured Bly.

He's trapped inside
one of the orbs.

Not for long.

He's about to be
set free.

How do you
know that?

I'm from the future,

On this very night,

John Bly takes the orbs
back to his time

and initiates
a 2,000-year
reign of terror.

It's up to you
to stop him, Brisco.

Why me? If you're here now,

why don't you
just take care of Bly?

Well, I'm not
allowed to directly
alter events.

I can only assist you.

But if you
know the future--

I don't know the future.
I know history--

a history that
from the moment
of my arrival,

is already
rewriting itself.

you have a chance

to rewrite mankind's
darkest chapter.

It's all in your hands.

You said Bly escapes. How?

Well, according
to history,

a safecracker
named Pepe Bendix

broke him and the orb
out of the Emerson bank.

Pepe frees Bly.

Yes. Now you have
no time to lose.

You have to go now.

Wait here for me.


John Bly!


You, there. Stop!

Everything go alright?

Why, fine, sure.

Anybody see you?

No. Nobody.

I got your ball
for you.

Now you clean
my slate.

Oh, with pleasure.



we need to talk.

Excuse me, gentlemen.
What are you doing here?

Funny, I was
going to ask you
the same thing.

Wait, don't tell me.

Pepe Bendix
broke into the vault,

stole the orb,
and freed Bly.

How do you know that?
Who told you that?

A naked time-traveler
from the future.

Now, what are you
doing here?

Brisco, I've got to run.
We can talk in the morning.


Goodnight, Brisco!

Hey, kid.

How would you
like to make a dollar?

Oh, sure, Mister.

Okay, run up
to this address
on Nob Hill.

Ask for a big,
tall guy named
Lord Bowler.

Tell him
to meet me here,

My name's Brisco.

You got it.
Right away.

This better
be good, Brisco.

It's very good.

10 minutes ago,

I was having probably
the best dream of my life.

If it has anything
to do with

Cabernet grapes,
I'm not interested.

It had to do
with a south-sea island,
a dug-out canoe,

and a little native girl
named Kiki.

Ha ha ha!

Hey, what is Poole
doing over there
talking back-to-back

with the men
at the next table?

That's what I'm trying
to figure out.

About an hour ago,
Pepe Bendix broke into
the Emerson bank,

stole the orb,
and freed Bly.

You're kidding!

No. Then after
the robbery,

I see Socrates
at the bank,

and he's acting
very strange.

Strange how?

Well, like
he was running
the investigation.

That is strange.

and there's more,

but a nude woman
in my room--

but whoa,
he's moving.

Hello, Soc.


And Bowler, too.

Evening, Poole.
How was dinner?

Fine.Wrong answer!

Okay, the steak
was a little overdone.

What's going on here?

Come on, Soc,
what do you
take us for,

a couple
of idiots?

Certainly not you.


Don't make me mad,


You have a nice
dinner conversation?

I can't say anything.
You understand.

Ooh! You don't

Look, I want
to tell you.

Oh, God knows I do.

But I can't.
They won't allow it.

Okay, Okay, Look,
I'll tell you.

I knew this was
useless anyway.

I have
a new employer.


The U.S. government.

I've been recruited
by the executive branch

to act as an
intelligence operative.

Come again?

The Attorney General
knows I've worked

with some of
the most powerful people

here in San Francisco
and I know the city.

So I guess
that eliminates
your job as attorney

for the Westerfield
Club members.

Not exactly. I'll keep
my law practice,

but mainly
as a cover.

Oh. Very fancy.

Alright, then what
can you tell us

about what happened
to Bly and the orb?

There's a government
agent named Kevin Brown.

He's turned renegade,
and he's no longer reliable

or operating within
government control.

He's leading
a small group
of rebel agents

who want the orb
for themselves.

Now, our sources
told us he hired Pepe
to steal it.

Well, where's
Brown now?

Nobody knows.

Brisco, can you
find him?

I got one idea,

but you guys
are going to have
to bear with me.

now, I think

you fellows should
wait outside.

That's Okay. If she's naked,
I ain't too modest.

It doesn't
work that way!

Fine. You get
the information,

I'll wait in the lobby.

Yeah, well, I ain't.

I don't think
you should do this alone.



Brisco County Jr.,
I presume.

Federal Agent Grimes.

I didn't mean
to take the soap.

I thought it was al
part of the room charge.

Very funny, Mr. County.

But all kidding aside,
the government
needs your help.

Is that right?That's right.

And the g*n is
to what, to make sure
I'm a good listener?

We understand
that you know how
to operate an object

known as the orb.


But the thing is, Grimes,

I think you're
telling me a fib.

I don't think you work
for the government at all.

I think you're working
for Brown, isn't that right?
Now, where's he?

Get your hands up.

Now my 6'6" partner

is standing
right behind you

with a much bigger g*n
than yours.


I still got you covered.
Tell him to drop it.

Ah, he's cute, Brisco,
but he ain't no lady,
and he ain't naked.

Where's the girl?

What girl?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Maybe you was
just dreaming.

It's gonna take me a while
to figure this one out, Bowler.

where's Brown?

Think I'm gonna tell you?

Yes, I do.

People say
I lack patience.
Maybe they right.

Because right now
I feel like

mangling you
into something

that a cat
wouldn't recognize
as a fur ball!

Funny thing is,
he's not even mad yet.

Save yourself
some trouble, Grimes.

Tell us where Brown is.

What about Bly?

What about
the naked lady?

Oh, stop it, Bowler.
Look, Bly wants the orb.

If we can get
to Brown first,

Bly will come to us.



Look, look,
that's her!

That's the woman
I was telling you about.

Well, she ain't naked
no more.

Hey, That's
my tuxedo jacket
you borrowed.

You'll get it back.

I thought you were going
to wait for me in my room.

That was your idea.

Bly's gone,
but we think the orb

is in some
kind of warehouse
down by the wharf.

Oh, no.


An abandoned warehouse--

that's where
Bly shows up
and gets the orb

from some renegade
agent named Green.


Why didn't you
tell me this before?

Because I thought
you could stop
Bly at the bank.

It's gonna be
much harder now,

Oh, great.

Uh, Karina,

this is Socrates Poole,
and this is--

Lord Bowler--your
faithful companion.

Hi. It's in all
the history books.

Let's go.

Brisco County Jr.

Agent Brown.

[g*n COCKS]

You don't know
what you're messing
with, Brown.

Are you kidding?

With the orb,
we can rule the world.

Ha ha ha.

Get in line.

I'm glad you're amused.

Now, spare
your friends' lives.

Tell me how to
turn on the orb.

You're on your own.

Give me your g*n.


The orb!

Oh, my god.
Brisco, look!

Bly's got the orb.
This is the end.

What are we
waiting for, Brisco?

Bly's getting away!

No, he's still here.
I can feel him.

Then let's go
find him.


What is that?

That's Bly.

He's using the orb
to power up.

Uh, you guys don't
need me, do you?
I'm going home.

I've got to read
some thick
government manuals.

Uh-uh, Poole.
It's all for one
and one for all!

If Bly's powered up,
how do I stop him?

You need the other orb.
It's the only way
you can match him.

Well, I don't know
where the other orb is.

A month ago I saw
a double of myself

come popping
out of the future,

pick it up
and take it away.

Then you have
to find Bly.

He's going to try
to be opening a door
to the future.

You use that door
to travel to the past
to get the orb.

How's that?

When you see
Bly's door open,

you step through it.

You think about where
you want to go,

and you'll be there.

Alright. I just
have one question.

And for once,
I don't want some
cryptic answer.

What exactly
is the orb?

The orb is a man-made
electromagnetic wave
particle net

that captures energy
at certain nodal

of the space/time grid.

I don't exactly know
what that means,

but I appreciate
the answer.

Come on.
Let's find Bly.


I know you're
over there.

Come on out.
See me off.

Hello, Bly.

Taking a trip?

I hate to say this,
but I'm going
to miss you.

Is that right?

It's fitting
that you're here,

humble and powerless
to do anything but
watch me depart.

You're not going
anywhere, Bly.

Well, unless you have
magic b*ll*ts,

I think
you're out of luck.

Watch this.

Might as well
holster that thing.

It's useless.

Ah, there's my way home.


I don't believe this.

Are this real?

As real as you are.
I'm using the orb

to pay you
a little visit
from the future.

You're in the future?

Well, yeah, I was.

What do you want?

I need this orb.

So do I.

Not as much
as I do,
believe me.

Now step back.

If I take you
with me,

we'll probably
blow a fuse

and the whole
universe will
go dark.

Thanks for the orb.

Hey, uh, good luck.

Come on. Work!


Hold it
right there, Bly.



Get away!


So long, County.


the terms are even.

You sh*t my friend...

so I give myself
the advantage.


Did you get him?

I think so.

I hope so.

Bly's got more lives
than a damn cat.

He froze me, Brisco.

I couldn't move.

Hold tight, Bowler.

Touch the orb.

It saved my life once.

I guess I got no choice.

No, you don't.

There's something wrong.

It knows
I don't like it.

Touch one of the rods,

Oh, come on! Work!

I told you, Brisco.

Me and that orb
just wasn't...meant
for each other.

Oh, Bowler.

I got to tell you
something, Brisco.

Sure was a sucker

sharing all them
bounties with me,

all them outlaws
that we nabbed.

You're the...
you're the best thing

that ever
happened to me.

I guess
I'm going to be...

retiring after all.

Thanks for...
being my friend...


Come on, Brisco.

Get up.

There's nothing
more you can do.

What now?

It's time for me
to take the orbs

and go back home.

What about Bowler?

You did the right thing.

You got John Bly.

She's right.
Bly's dead.

I went outside
and confirmed it

Why didn't the orb work?

Why didn't it
bring Bowler back?

It's an object, Brisco.
It's not God.

Your friend may have
passed on,

but you did
something extraordinary.

You rewrote history,

and you saved mankind
from 2,000 years of misery.

He doesn't have to die.

It was his time.

And suppose
I change time?

What are you
talking about?

She knows what
I'm talking about.

Now, I went
back once to
rewrite history,

why can't I
do it again?

I can save
Bowler's life!

No. I can't allow that.

What you've done
is far too important
to risk you undoing it.

I'm sorry, Brisco.

I'm sorry.

It's time for me
to go now.


Brisco, don't!

Come on. Work!


Hold it
right there, Bly.


Bowler, he's going
to k*ll you.

Get out of there.

It worked!

Oh, you're alive!

What is wrong with you?

You can let me go now,

You know, we've been through
tougher scrapes than this.

Not by a long sh*t.

What is wrong with you?

You let Bly get away.

Hey, you found
the orb.

But where's Bly?

Right here.

I'll be returning
home now

with both orbs,

any possibility

that I can be

Please, give me the rod.

Come and get it.

With pleasure.


Believe me,

the pleasure's all mine.

No. No.

No! No! No!

No! No! No!


it's over.

You did it.
You got him.

Yeah. Twice.



Well done.

Hey. I'm proud
of you, Brisco.

Your father'd be
proud of you, too.


Well, now it's time
for me to go.




Now it's just
anatomy, guys.

Yeah, and
it sure looks
real good on her.

Well...I guess
that's it.

No more Bly,

no more orb.

Hmm. I'm going to
miss that thing.

You hated the orb.

Yeah, I did,
but, Brisco, sometimes

it's good to have
something in your life

that you love to hate.

Where exactly did she go?

Back to the future.

You know what
this is all about,
don't you?

No. I swear I don't.

Oh, Poole always
tells you stuff
all the time.

He don't ever tell me
nothing. Why is that?

Oh, who knows, Bowler?

Never look too deep
into the mind of a lawyer.

What do you care anyway?
You're retiring.

No. I changed my mind
about that.

You did?

What about your winery?

It'll keep.

Why the change of heart?

I don't know, Brisco.

But something
about retirement

just don't feel right
no more.

Even when I say the word,

I get this pit
in my stomach.

I understand.

Besides, you'd be lost
without me around
to protect you.

No, no. I think
you got that backwards.

Where's Poole anyway?

Right here!

And my apologies
for the wait.

What is all
this commotion?

You'd think
President Cleveland
himself was here.

He is.

Mr. President,
may I present

Brisco County Jr.
And Lord Bowler.

Gentlemen, gentlemen,
I was in town on business,

and I wanted to
congratulate you

Thank you, Sir.

Look, why don't we
take a walk?

Let's take a walk.

Gentlemen, let me tell you
why I wanted to see you.

I want you to
work for me.

That includes you,
Mr. Bowler.

Well, I heard a nasty rumor
that you were retiring,

getting out of
the bounty-hunting
business altogether

to open a winery.
Now, that's ridiculous.

How'd you know that?

Mr. Bowler,
we're the government.

We know everything.

How can we
help you, sir?

Oh, you can still do
your bounty-hunting,

but I need you
to work for me
from time to time

on cases that fall
outside the purview

of normal
government agencies,

cases that need
special handling,

cases that can use
your special talents.

You can't refuse
your president, boys,
now can you?

Uh, no, Sir,
I guess we can't.

Good! Mr. Bowler?

How much does it pay?

Ha! Mr. Bowler!

This is government work.
It pays peanuts.

But I'll tell you what--
you do a good job,

and I'll give you
a medal.

You with me, son?

Yeah, I guess so.

Excellent. Excellent.
You'll report to me

through my intermediary
here in town.

He'll fill you in
on all the details.

Excellent, Mr. Bowler.

How about that, Bowler?

Just when it's time
for a new mission--

we got one.

How much is peanuts?

What did I tell you?

I'll give you
that one, Soc.

Now, I wonder who
this contact is.

Yeah. Who's got
that kind of
direct line

of communications
with the president?

It's me!
I'm the contact.

The President
and his Chief Of Staff

will be dealing
with you through me.


He's just kidding,

No, I'm not.

The 3 of us
are still

all going to be
working together.

Isn't that great?

Let's celebrate.

Alright, I'm in.

Sounds good to me.

Alright, fellows,
I know a place

where we can
all get an excellent
pinot noir.