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01x18 - Hard Rock

Posted: 06/25/23 09:55
by bunniefuu
Bowler, when are you
going to fill me in

on this, uh, Lenore?

There's nothing
to fill in.

She's just
an old friend.

That's what you've
been telling me
for 150 miles.

I don't wanna
talk about it!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.



Get out of my place.

Oh, come on now.

Do we have to go
through all this again,

where you say you're
going to throw me out,

and I say I'm not going,

and you act all tough
and do something like...




I mean, all this is
getting kind of old,

don't you think?



can I make you
a fire?

Aah! Aah!


Are you alright?

I'm fine.

I wasn't sure you'd come,

the way things ended
between us.

Yeah, well,

guess I'm just
a glutton for


You must be Brisco.

Oh, and you must be

the Lenore I've heard
so...little about.

It started about
6 months ago.

People getting beat up,


and then Roy Hondo
rode into town.

Roy Hondo?

I thought he was in
Yuma State Prison.

No. He got paroled.

Good behavior.

You've heard of him then?

Everybody's heard
of Roy Hondo.

The man's an ice-cold
k*lling machine.

In Dodge, they called
him the Reaper.

That's all in the past.

I've done my time.

What do you want?

I heard you had
some trouble, Miss Raymond.

I just came by to see

if you'd reconsider
my offer.

I wasn't aware hell
had frozen over, Hondo.

It's a nice place.

Hate to see it
all broken up like this.

Put you out of business.

Don't count on it.

Who are you?

Lord Bowler.

And I'm Brisco County, Jr.

Well, gentlemen,
your reputations
precede you.

So does yours.


I'm thankful
you weren't hurt

this time, Miss Raymond.

My services
are available anytime.

Gentlemen, good day.

"Hondo Security."


You pay Hondo, you get
protected from Hondo.

If you don't,
you get this.

I'm the last holdout
in town.

Well, he didn't know
what he was messin' with

when he messed
with you, Lenore.

I've worked too hard

to let this town
go down without
a fight, James.


Brisco, can't you go

find some clues
or something?

James what?

He doesn't
know your name?

I thought he was
your partner.

I thought I was, too.


Okay, Okay, I'll catch up
with you...



Heh heh.


Excuse me.
It was a late night
last night.

Warden threw a party
in the county jail.

The prison band
was there,
and they began--

Are you the sheriff?

That's right.

Sheriff Aaron Viva.

Brisco County Jr.

The famous
bounty hunter.

Mighty pleased
to make your

You wouldn't
happen to be

with a wanted
on Roy Hondo,
would you?

No, afraid not,

but I wouldn't mind
putting him out of business.

I wish you luck.

Roy Hondo turns
my stomach like
bad butter,

but he ain't broken a
single law in any book.

He's invented a new kind
of crime, Mr. County...

The kind
that looks legal.

Well, with
a new kind of crime,

we gotta come up
with a new way
to stop it.

Well, sounds like
we got some serious
brainstorming to do.

And you know
what that means.



So what's with
the buckboard?


Got out of hand.


Oh, Miss Raymond,

any chance we can
get a little something
to gnaw on?

Of course, Sheriff.
What'll you have?

4 chicken-fried steaks,
2 top sirloins,

6 baked potatoes,
loaf of bread,

a stick of butter...

Uh...a pound of tapioca,

and a...
gallon of buttermilk.

Mr. County,
you want anything?

Uh, no, thanks.

Oh, and make those
steaks well-done,

I ain't orderin' no pet.

This some kind of idea,
isn't it?

Window you can
walk up to,

order yourself
some food,

and take it
wherever you please.

You know,
it might be better

if you could just
ride up on your horse

and order
without getting off.

Yeah. I like it.

MAN: Come on!
It's a sh**t-out!

Whoo! Don't wanna
miss this!


Looks like you got
some trouble, Sheriff.

Not for long.


let's break this up.

Both of you, move along.

This is between
us, Sheriff.

Back off, junior.

If you draw first,

your problem isn't
just with Hondo.

It's with me.

Roy Hondo's
a k*ller.

Why are you
protecting him?

you're a witness.

Kid draws first,
I'll have to
defend myself.

If that kid draws first,

Hondo will
cut him in half.

You're a dead man, Hondo!

What are you doing?

Where I come from,
we call it a favor.

How about some jail time
for him to cool off?

My idea, exactly.
Son, come on.

Why are you arresting me?
He's the k*ller.

Aw, quit your wigglin',

or I'm gonna pound you
like a cheap sirloin!

Let's get you a bath
before somebody

mistakes you as
a piece of modern art.

Gentlemen, I'm sorry
you had to see that.

I try to keep the peace
at all costs.

Well, that's good,
because, you know,

we're thinking
of opening up
a business here.

What kind of business?

Pest control.

Is that so?

I didn't realize
we had a problem.

A bad one.

we're real good
at what we do.


WOMAN: Hi there.

MAN: 2 bits.

I want Lenore Raymond
to disappear.

You know what I mean
by disappear?


But if
I get rid of her

and Bowler
and County are
still around...

Yours is a high-risk
profession, Dan.

That's why
it pays so well.

Let me out of here!
I didn't do nothin'!

That's anything,
and yes, you did.

When's my trial,
then? I got rights.

This is America!

Quit that ruckus,

or you're gonna be
seeing stars, boy!

You got something
percolatin', Brisco?

Yeah. If we're going
to bring down Hondo,

we got to
tie him to Gage,

which means
we got to catch Gage

and make him testify

that Hondo's behind
all this.

Well, that ain't
gonna be easy.

I mean,
Gage and his crew

ride in and out
of here

quicker than gravy
off my plate.

They got some kind
of hideout

out in
the mountains

But I'll be damned
if I can find it.


What makes you

if you get Gage,
he'll talk?

How do you mean?


who ever rode
with Roy Hondo

ever turned
on him.

What the heck is
he babbling about?

You spend
half your life

to go up
against a man,

you better know
everything you can
about him.

What's your name, kid?


Whip Morgan.

So, Whip,

why do you want
to k*ll Hondo so badly?


that's between
him and me.

Hey, Sheriff, when
are you gonna let me
out of here?

When I say so.
Now, shut your cake hole.

now, come on, Bowler.

Don't you think
it's time you told me

just a little bit more
about you and Lenore?

It's a long story.

I got time.

I met her
in the army.

Ha ha ha!
You were in the army?

Of course I was
in the army,

Where do you think
I got these pants?

Oh, I never really
gave it much thought.

I was a first sergeant.

10th cavalry.

Ooh, a sergeant.

Sergeant James...

Lonefeather, Okay?

James Lonefeather.
That's a good name.

Why'd you change it?

Which long story
you want to hear?

This one
or that one?

Alright, I'm sorry.
Go ahead.

Well, she was
married to a lieutenant.

Well, he'd been
missing for 2 years
when I met her.

Mexicans captured him
during the border w*r.

She didn't know
if he was dead or alive.

And we...


Well, not what
you're thinking!

We had feelings, Brisco.

Big feelings.

Ah, so you haven't
always been the, uh,

irascible loner.


Okay, Okay.

So what happened
to her husband?

She found out
a year ago...

he was dead
the whole time I knew her.

Well, so, how come
you didn't try
and find her?

Well, there was heat
between us, Brisco.

I just ain't sure
if it's the kind

that warms you
or burns you.

I got a feeling

you're about
to find out.


Keep driving.




Let's go!

LENORE: Uhh! Uhh!


LENORE: Uhh! Uhh!


I've got something for you.

Thanks, I'll take it.

I'm tired of playing
games with you, Gage.

Now, you either
testify against Hondo,

or you're gonna spend
a long time in the pen.

I done time before.

And I'll do it again.

And that's all you're
gonna hear outta me.

Heh heh heh.

Told you
he wouldn't talk.

What are those?

Glasses, uh...

I--I don't know.
I got this thing.

I don't like
the sunlight, see?

And uh--[DOOR OPENS]

Well, I heard the news,

but I didn't believe it.

Dan Gage incarcerated.


this is my good friend
and mentor, Sonny Red,

mayor of Hard Rock.

Well, the honor
could be short-lived

depending on
the upcoming election.

But at least I was
in office long enough
to behold this.

Let me know
if there's anything

I can conjoin
with you boys on.

Sonny here
may talk funny,

but he was
one fine sheriff
in his day.

Well, there wasn't
much to it back then.

The occasional
cow appropriation,

the odd domestic

These days things
are much more complicated,

which is why,
if you need me,

I'm ambulatory
and expectant.

I ain't seen Sonny
so word-drunk

since he got
his new dictionary.

You're having a real
affect on this town,

Yeah, well,
I wish I could have
a real affect

on Hondo and Gage.

You know I got
an opinion
on that.

What a shock.


Over there
in cell number one,

you got a worm-sucking,

low-life desperado

that works for Hondo.

And over here,

in cell number two,

you got a man
who wants to
bring down Hondo

as bad as you.

you let me know

if you need
a diaper change.

Now we either
got to let him go
or k*ll him.

Brisco, This kid
is driving me nuts.

I just wish there
was a way to control him.

We could sure use his help.

That kid's got guts.

Yeah, so does that
trout I caught
last week,

but I wouldn't
deputize it.

Hondo goaded my uncle
into an argument
on the street,

shot him before his g*n
ever cleared the holster.
I was 10 years old.

Uncle Morgan was
the only family I had.

So you figure that
gives you the right
to k*ll Hondo?

You figure it don't?

Figure you keep headed
down the road you're on,

I could be hunting you
in a few years.

What's in it for you?
What's your angle?

No angle.

You just
kind of remind me

of somebody
I used to know.

Only it wasn't
his uncle they k*lled.

It was his father.

He get even?


He got justice.

It lasts longer.

And in the end,

it feels
a whole lot better.

Aw, come on,

you don't know what
you're talking about.

What are you doing
with those bottles anyway?

Well, I just want to see
what you can do

with those fancy g*ns
of yours.

Alright, now,
when I tell you,

as fast as you can,

I want you to hit
just the blues,





I'm sorry, Mr. County,

there's nothing left
for you to hit.

Now, the reason
Hondo outdrew you

is because he was better
than you expected,

and you're not
as good as you think.

You want to help me
get him,

you do what I say
when I say it,

and skip the lip.

Are we clear?

As long as Hondo
gets what's coming--

g*n or rope--
it don't matter to me.


Mr. County.

Took a big chance.
If I was a hair quicker,

you'd be dead.


You fired 12 sh*ts.

You're out
of b*ll*ts.


Oh, Priscilla...


Some chicken...




It worked,

Good, I was afraid
leaving that broom

so close to the cell
would be too obvious.

Nah, that was
a fine idea.

It's about time
we gave Hondo
and Gage

a taste of
their own guano.

Let's ride!

We're going to,
but you're gonna

stay here with
the sheriff
and watch the town.


My way and no lip,

Just seems like
a waste is all.

Watching Lenore
ain't wasteful.

And I'm going
to hold you two

personally responsible
for her safety.

Aw, you don't
have to worry
about a thing.

Junior and me
are going
to T.C.B.


Take care
of business.

Good luck
to you boys.

[r*fle ENGAGES]


Now, that cabin
is your hideout

with your men inside.

You know how we know that?

You told us where it was.

You led us right to it.

You sold out Hondo
and his whole operation

just to save yourself
some jail time.

But that ain't the way
it happened.

Don't matter,
long as Hondo
believes it.

We're gonna let
you go, Gage.

He sees you riding
around free,

the g*ng in jail,

and federal marshals
riding in...

What's he going
to think?


He'll--he'll k*ll me.

Yeah. It's a shame,
ain't it?

You guys can't
do this to me!

Well, gee, Bowler,

did you see anything
in the rule book

that says we can't do that?

Huh! I didn't even
read the rule book.

Huh! We'll I guess we'll
just have to make 'em up

as we go along, huh?


Ha ha ha ha!

Now, we could
protect you, Gage,

but only if you cooperate.

Take your time.
Think it over.

You got 5 seconds.




He said one.

I said I'll talk
before he said one.

Oh, no, you didn't!Yes, I did!

Well, maybe
we can let it slide

just this once.

Come on out here!
Hands high!

Tell me I didn't
hear that.

You heard it.[WHOOPING]


You're surrounded, and
you ain't got a chance!

Get Gage out of here.[WHOOPING]

Get out of here, kid!

You're outgunned!


Hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah!

Whoa. Whoa.

Get 'em in
the cave, Bowler.



Hyah! Hyah!


Get in there, kid!


Um, may I ask
a question,

or is this
a bad--bad time?


We'll talk later.

I don't know
about this, Bowler--

giving up all
our b*ll*ts.

We ain't giving them up.

We're using them
to free ourselves,

so come on, hand over
the last of 'em.

We need all the blasting
powder we can get.

Well, maybe we should
hang on to one of 'em,

just in case.

You know, when you
come up with an idea,

I don't sit around
in front of other people

and criticize it!



You hear that?

I didn't hear nothin',

so just relax
and make the fuse.






Finish making that fuse!

What are you
going to do?

In my tribe,
we know that one bear

only respects
another bear.





Get out of here.




What happened?

You don't want to know.


Well, looks like
somebody rattled
your cage, Gage.

You can wire the
federal marshals, Viva.

Tell them
we got ourselves
a witness.

And if you don't
tell them

you know about
Hondo's operation,

you going to be out
on the street

with a target
on your head.

Alright, now we need
to stash him someplace safe

until the marshals
get here.

You got any ideas?

Yeah, I-I got an idea.

Mr. Gage here is
going to be cooped up
in style.

You want to be
under Hondo's
thumb forever?

You want to pay him
that $100 a month

for the rest
of your life?


We've got
to take a stand.

Starting tonight,

we do not pay
Roy Hondo one
more cent.


6 months ago,

this town had
terrible problems
with crime.

When I started
working for you,

those problems

Is that
a coincidence?


The outlaw element
knows my name.

They see it
in your windows,

and you're left alone.

Is thata coincidence?


Miss Raymond
has refused my help,

and now she's
trying to tell you

of the high price
of having my

Well, I am here
to remind you

of the high price
of not having it.


What's the matter,

to see us alive?

Yeah, he's surprised

Oh, no.
Not again.

Ah, the painted gunslinger.

You're real good
at cheating people

when they're
not expecting it.

Don't do it, kid.

You're real good
at hiding who you are

and what you've done.

But it's over.

You're going
to pay for what you did.

WOMAN: Oh! Oh!

MAN: Settle
down, now.

We got a witness
that'll put you away!

You hear me?
We got you!

We've got you!

Come on, Brisco.

All I did was tell him
what's what.

All you did was
tell him the plan.

It's a real basic thing
about being a good guy,

You don't tell
the bad guy your plan!

Okay, fine.
I messed up again.

It's getting to be
a habit with you.

You still need me
this time.

Maybe now
more than ever.

Who knows what
Hondo's going to do?

If I let you out of there
with that temper of yours,

I know exactly
what's gonna happen.

Something's gonna get you
all hot and bothered,

and you'll go after Hondo
all by yourself.

Damn it all, I hate
being caged up!

Then think about
Roy Hondo behind these bars.

You k*ll him tonight,
you'll make a legend
out of him.

But you put him in a cage,

And he'll look like
every other number
in state stripes.

Sometimes you
sound just like
my Uncle Morgan.

That a good thing?

He was the wild one.

Did his share
of desperate things,

criminal even.

But when it came time
to raising me,

he put that life
behind him.

He was a good man,
a fair man,

not the kind that
would let any brother
of his--

What do you mean
"his brother"?

You said Hondo shot him.

Your uncle's brother--

Roy Hondo is your father.

Does he know?

He doesn't know.

He doesn't care.

But he's gonna.

He's gonna care big.

So let me out of here.

I got a right
to find him.

Here you go.

What is this?

New kind of sandwich
I came up with.

It tastes like steak,
only soft.

It's ground up,
then grilled.

Sheriff Viva
can eat 10 of them.

What do you call it?

Well, it looks like a pie,

and it comes from a cow.

I was thinking
of calling it a cow pie.

No, I don't think
that's the right name
for it.

It would be good
with a slice of cheese,

maybe an onion.

I forgot how much
I enjoyed cooking for you.

I forgot
a lot of things.

You know...

I told myself I was
only calling on you

because I needed help,

'cause I never met
a tougher,

more fearless man
in my life.

And I saw you again,

and all the things
I told myself

went right out the window.

I'm sorry, James.

I'm sorry I hurt you.


that's Okay.

You still go...

heh heh heh...
when you laugh?

Heh heh heh!

You know, uh...

maybe an onion
on this sandwich

ain't such a good idea
after all.

♪ Oh, give me a home ♪

♪ where the buffalo roam ♪

♪ in the ghetto ♪

Gage, why don't you
get yourself some sleep?

You got a big day

I hope this
will still fire.

It's primary
function lately

has been
as a paperweight.

Sonny, I surely do

you allowing us
to hide Gage

in this fine home
of yours.

Aaron, I'm just a servant,

but my masters happen
to be the populace.

I don't know what
you're talking about
half the time,




Maybe we ought to
check that out.

It's alright.
I'm expecting company.


What was that?




Thanks for your help,

Those votes
I promised you,

you can count on them...

after you take care
of the sheriff.

Now, hold it.
k*lling Aaron wasn't
part of our deal.

Viva didn't see me.

Just you.

Your choice, Sonny.

Don't make me use
my stuff on you, Baby.

I'm all shook up.

Sonny Red betrayed us.
Gage is dead.

I'm sorry, Brisco.
I made a mistake.

of calling this man
my friend.

Who k*lled Gage?

I--I was out cold,

but I could make
a pretty good guess.

I feel terrible,
and without Gage,

there ain't no way
we're gonna get Hondo.

Don't be too sure.

get Lenore and
Bowler back here.

on the warpath.

We better
dig in here till
the marshals come.

You got it, amigo.

Come on now, Red,
let's you and I
have a little chat.

Come on.

Let's go. Wake up.

Come on. Up at 'em.

Uh, sorry
to interrupt this,

but we got
some trouble.

What kind of trouble?


What other kind
is there?

Hey, hey, hey!
Listen to me!

You ain't going after
Hondo without me.

You better trust me
on this one, Whip.

You're staying here.

The hell I am!

We're caught in a trap.
We can't get out.

Hyah! Come on, boy!

let's move along.

This ain't no dance.

Oh, no.

You look like
you're ready
for something, boy.

Are you sure
you know what it is?

You're the one that's
in for the surprise.

Is that so?

You're after some kind
of revenge, is that it?

I k*lled your
best friend, your girl,

your lap dog. What?

You k*lled my uncle.

Your uncle?

When did I do this?

12 years ago
on Main Street,
Laredo, Texas.

Who are you?

William Stanford Hondo.


Now, listen to me, boy.

Today's the day
you answer

for what you are
and what you've done.

There's a lot
you don't know.

One more step,
and I'll sh**t you down.

Your Uncle Morgan
and I rode together.

Oh, I know all about that,

but he gave up that life
to raise me

after mama died,
whereas you...


you deserted us.

Morgan was no saint.

He cheated me
out of my share

of a payroll

I had to make
an example
of him, kid.

You're real good
at that, huh?

Making examples
out of people
who can't fight you.

Well, Mister, today...

you're finally looking
at the man who can.

What happened
between Morgan and me

has nothing to do
with you.

It does now.

I beat you before, boy.

Then you shouldn't
be worried.

Not this one.

Stay out of this,

It's none
of your concern.

You want to end up
like him, Whip?

Go ahead. Take a look.

You want to end up
like your father?

A cold-blooded k*ller?

Then go ahead and draw.

But let me ask you
one thing--

What would
your uncle think?

What would he say
if he were standing
here right now?

He'd tell you
to walk away.

He'd tell you
Hondo's through.

He's committed m*rder.

The law can prove it,

and he's going to pay.

And don't follow him
down that road.

He's a star prisoner, boys.

Keep him away
from the new star witness.


High time you used
those big words
for something good.

It's an unmitigated

I'm the one
that nicknamed you Whip.

Your Uncle Morgan
ever tell you that?

You were squirming
around so much,

like you had a fire
lit under you.

I told your mama

that boy is fast
as a little whip.

You got
your mama's eyes.

I should've seen that
right off.

How come you left?

I don't know, boy.

I got the urge.
I couldn't stop it.

You be good.

Make your mama proud.

I will. I will.

Uh, Brisco...

I finished working
on them new glasses
of mine.

I wanted
to show them to you.

What do you think?

Very fancy.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

I--I call them
day glasses.

I like them.

Thank you just doesn't
seem like enough,

but it's all I've got.

it's all I need.


I want more.

I want you to come
to San Francisco
with me, Lenore.

James, I can't.

Look, I don't
mean to brag,

but I got
a mighty fine home
in a good neighborhood.

And then what?

Spend my life worrying

and waiting for you
to come home?

I can't go
through that again.


somebody has to get
this town back together.

Why does that
have to be your job?

Because the people
here want me to be
the new mayor.

I can't turn my back
on them.

BRISCO: You know,
Bowler, this has been
an amazing trip.

I've learned more
about you in the last
couple of days

than I have
the whole time
I've known you.

Yeah, well,
don't get spoiled.

Oh, I won't...James.

Hey, Whip!

Where you headed?

Mind if we ride
with you?

Sure. If you can keep up.

Hyah! Hyah!

Alright, Bowler,
there's no law

that says we have
to race him.

I ain't letting
no kid beat me. Hyah!

Oh...come on.
