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01x08 - Senior Spirit

Posted: 06/25/23 09:44
by bunniefuu
Well, you must be
pretty excited,

spending a week
up at your dad's ranch.


Looks like you guys
are gonna be doing some
fishing together, huh?

Looks like.

Let me guess.

You're not too happy
about this.

Uh, basically, no.

Well, at least your dad's
taking the time off

to be with you, Jason.

My dad was hardly
ever around

when I was a kid.

My dad's hardly
ever around either,

except, of course,
when I get in trouble,

then he's around plenty.

Funny how
that works, huh?

Fathers never seem
to realize

how much they need
to be with their boys.

That's why you
ought to appreciate
this time together, Jason.


What's going on?

Jason, get in the back
and stay down.

I'm O.K.

My friend inside's
hurt real bad.

Brisco! Brisco, help!



Loco, let's go!


Brisco, help!


Brisco, were you able
to pick up Bly's trail?

No. He abandoned the wagon
near the Nevada border.

Has there been
a ransom demand?

There has.

What is it?

Bly wants--

All that matters
is that we're acceding
to his demands.

Mr. Barkley,
that's a big mistake.

Unfortunately, I don't
have much choice.

Sure, you do.

You can have me get
Jason back. I'll find him.

Socrates will
be handling it
from here on out.

I understand what
you're going through, sir,

but I know John Bly.

You give him
what he wants,

you'll never see
your son again.

You're not hearing me,

Your services
in this matter

are no longer required.

I understand
that you're upset, sir,

and you have
every right to be.

That's right.
I do.

Look, you hired me
to stop John Bly,

and I can, but you've
got to let me do it

in my own way.

Good day, Mr. County.

What's the matter,

Bly kidnapped
Jason Barkley

Are you serious?

Yeah, and I'm the one
who's responsible.

What do you mean,
you're responsible?

Well, it was
an ambush.

They were waiting
for him.

I should've
seen it coming.

I should've tried
to stop them.

And you didn't try.

I find that
very hard to believe.

I was there, Ellie.
I was at that door.

I hesitated.

I don't know why,
but I did.

It was just for
a split second.

But that's all
Bly needed.

We need to talk.

If Mr. Barkley
found out
I was here--

He'd, what,
dismiss you, too?

Bly's ransom demand
isn't for money,

and I am facing
a moral dilemma

because it has
to do with
your father.

My father?

An orb rod?

We found it
among your father's

after his death.

My employers
had it studied
but learned nothing.

My dad had this?

Yes, and somehow
Bly found out

we were
holding onto it.

It has never
done that before.
What did you do?

I don't know.

You mean you had this
the whole time

and you never told me
about it?

I'm sorry,
but I was ordered
by my employer--

Don't hide behind
them, Socrates.

Damn it, Brisco!

If I were
more concerned

with protecting
my employers,

I wouldn't be
standing here
talking to you,

now, would I?


No, that's O.K.

You're right.

My orders are to give
the rod to Bly
for Jason,

but I just can't
let him have it,

knowing the power
it possesses.

I need your help,

What do I do?

My advice is
to follow your orders.

Go to the drop.


Trust me.


Did you hear that?



I thought I was
losing it.



Welcome to my,
uh, humble abode.

Thank you.


Albert Wickwire--

famed scientist,

and, uh, how does
one put it?

of things to come.

Truly an honor
to meet you, sir.

What is--
what is going on?

I want an explanation.

Then you shall
have one.

You heard
of the orb, Professor?

Where did you
get this?

It was unearthed
in a crater

in the
Arizona desert,

and I procured it
from various

that knew of my desire
to possess it.

What do you know
about it?


I've only heard
about it before.

This is the first time
I've ever seen it.

It appears to be damaged,

and there's
a piece missing.

Which I expect
to have in my hands

In the meantime,

I would like you
to learn everything
that you can

about the orb.

Its power is great,

but I also know
that it can destroy

the person
who uses it,

and I have
no intentions
of being destroyed.

From the scientific
point of view,

I'd love to help,
but, ethically speaking,

I'll be damned
if I'd work for you.


If you cannot find it
in your heart

to do it for me,

then do it
for the boy.

You alone,

Exactly as instructed.

Ha ha ha.

You sure you're alone?


Give me the rod.

Where is Jason?

What's the matter,
don't you trust me?

You're a kidnapper
in the employ
of a psychopath.

Good point.

The fact is,
I'd keep that in mind

as you make
your next move.


The rod.

Kinda gets you
missing the old days

when ransom was just
cold cash, huh?

Please. You have
the rod. Just let me
have Jason.

You want him?
You got him.

Show yourself
to the man, Jason.

Ha ha ha!

Meet Loco Bob.

Handsome young fella,
ain't he?

Better raise
your standards.


What the--



Hello, son.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean
to scare you.

Dad, I don't
understand. What...

I wouldn't if
I were you, County.

Well, well.

Brisco County, Jr.

Bly's going
to love this.

Are you really here?

Are you O.K.?

Uh, yeah.

I--I guess I'm O.K.

Loco, what's he

He's just stalling,
acting crazy.

I've pulled this trick
a hundred times myself.

Brisco, are you

I thought
you were dead.

No, I'm not.

if it makes you
feel any better,

you will be soon.

If this is your idea
of an escape plan,

it's not working
very well.

They say animals
are sensitive
to my type.

Let's give it
a try.



What are you waiting
for, boy? Move!

That's the spirit.

Thanks, Da--



This metal.

I've never seen
an alloy like this

I--I can't
scratch the surface
with hydrochloric acid.

And yet something
melted it.

The only other time
I've seen this particular
scorching pattern--

Was on a meteorite.


That's what I
was going to say.

What are you guys saying,

that thing's
from outer space?

The urchin stirs.


You disagree, Jason?

What does it matter?

Who cares?

Existential musings
from our 15-year-old

I love it.

I think the point is,
maybe we shouldn't
be fooling around

with something
we don't understand.

Come, come, come,

If that were true,
then science would
cease to exist,

and there'd be
no need for people
like you and me.

You need medical help.

I've heard wonderful things
about a doctor

who's using
electrical shock

for brain therapy.

You should be
more concerned

about yourself,

I'm leaving
for a while.

The rod is
suspiciously overdue.

you keep working.

The boy's life
depends on it,

and so does yours.

Brisco, what
are you doing?

I'm looking
for my dad.

Ha ha ha!

You gone around
a sharp bend, County.

Your daddy's taking
a dirt nap.

Maybe you hit
that branch

than you think.

Why don't you
sit down?

I'm telling you,
Socrates, he was here.

I saw him.
I talked to him.

How do you think
Remy's horse reared up
like that and...

Well, I did fall
kinda hard.

Where's that orb rod?

It's in the valise.

What are you
going to do?

I'm going to get
Jason back.

I'll be back
as soon as I can.

You keep a watchful eye
on these two.

Whatever you do,
don't get near either one
of them, Okay?


I'll be fine.

You'll be fine.

You'll be fine, too.

What are you doing?

I'm backtracking
Remy's trail

to Bly's hideout.

Then as soon as I--

Jeez, I wish
you wouldn't do that.

What's the plan?

Once you get
to Bly's hideout,

how you going
to get the boy?

Wait a minute.

What's going on

Are you for real,
or am I just
going crazy?

I thought I taught you

never to
answer a question
with a question.

Oh, boy.

The orb rod,

is that what
brought you here?

A waste of time, son.

Tell me about your plan.


I, uh, I brought
some flash powder.

I thought I could make
a smoke screen, and, uh--

Create a diversion,
grab the boy,
and go.

Calling that
a plan's

giving it
a whole lot
of credit, son.

I think it's
a pretty damn good plan.

Flash powder's

What if it gets wet,
what if you
can't ignite it?

What are you
gonna do then?

I'll think
of something.

I don't have
to dot every "I"
and cross every "T"

just like you do--
uh, did.

You know, it probably
wouldn't hurt you
to polish my g*n

once in a while

I take good care
of it.

What is this,
some kind of reminder

that I'm not
the great marshal
Brisco County?

Well, if that's
what you're here for,
I don't need it.

Stop crying
in your milk.

I'm here to help
you, damn it.

Help me what?

Confront Bly.

I don't need
any help with that.

The hell you don't.

Something has gone
terribly wrong.

Socrates and Jason
should've been back
hours ago.

You want me to find out
what's going on.

Money is no object.

Speak for yourself.

My question is,

why don't you get
Brisco to do this?

Brisco has been
relieved of his duties.


You mean
you fired him?

Please, Bowler,

you can have anything
you want.

You can even have
Brisco's job.

Just bring my son
home safely.

So, Dad, am I
on my own again?

You just pop in
for a quick critique

and then back
to wherever?

Kinda like
when I was a kid.

You'd come
off the trail,

stop in
for a quick shave,

and ask me
how school was.

I'd see that razor
up against your neck,

and I'd get
this funny feeling

you just weren't
listening to me.

Are you listening
to me now, Dad?

I always listen
to you, Brisco.

Oh, I get it.

Now that you're dead,
you got time for me.

I never knew you were
so mad at me.

Well, I guess
I never did either.

I'm not making excuses,

but it wasn't easy
raising a boy
by myself,

being on the trail
as much as I was.

Oh, I suppose there's
a lot of things

I could've
done different,

but I did the best
I could, son.

Why'd you have to go
and get yourself k*lled?

Why do you spend so much
time asking questions
that have no answers?

That's not important.

Well, what is?

Right now, your
destiny with Bly.

Don't track me.
Track him.

I'm here to help,


You're welcome.

What now?

What now?

I would say
that our fate

is in each other's hands,
wouldn't you?

You don't really want
to sh**t me.

Don't bet on it.

If you do, you'll
never see the boy again.

On the other hand,
I can sh**t you

and take the orb rod
off your dead body,
can't I?

Just give it to me.

Come and get it.

I'm never doing
that again.

What the hell
are you doing?

I got ants
in my pants.

Don't worry.
I got a plan to
get us out of here.

No. For real,
Remy, I got ants
in my pants.

They crawled up
my pant legs, and they're
driving me loco.

You're already loco,

I'm going to get us
some water.

And what about
the ants?

Would you shut up
about the stupid ants?

I'm trying to get us
out of here.

Hey! Well, ain't you
gonna offer us none?

I hadn't planned to. No.

Well, it's--it's awful
hot out here, Mister.

Sorry. You'll have to wait
till Brisco comes back.

What if he don't
come back?

Don't worry.
He'll be back.

Oh, can't we have
a sip?

We're all tied up.

What harm's it
going to do?

Okay, but don't
try anything.

I'm not afraid
to use this, you know.

Me first.

Me first.

Oh, good God! You're
covered with ants.


Uh, uh, uh.


You untie my hands,
or I'll break
your neck.


Come on.

Come on. Here.

Come on.
Come on.

Good move,

Well, come on, I mean,
they're losing my touch

or this trail's
getting awfully thin.

Let's try over here.

Alright. Easy now.

Oh, there's no use
kidding ourselves, Comet.

We lost the trail.

How are we going
to find Jason now?

Listen, Brisco. Listen to me.

Touch it.

No. Not until
you tell me more.

What is the orb?


I don't understand.


It was meant for you to meet me.

That's why I'm here.

Well, are you going
to do something?

Just touch the orb, please.

It's not the time for you to die.

You can face Bly later,

but only if you touch the orb.


Where's Bly?

What are you
looking at?

A darn fool, talking to an
inanimate object, that's what.

While we're on the subject,

you talking to your horse
is getting out of hand, too.

Dad, where did
you find this?

Well, it was in
Bly's belongings
when I arrested him.

Didn't know what it was
at the time.

But you do now?


Well, what is it?

I'm not allowed to tell you.


I'm not allowed
to tell you.

Says who?

I'm not allowed
to tell you!


I'm lost.

I need your help.

I could use
a little guidance.

Brisco, there are
times when we must
place ourselves

choices and doubt.

You remember
the time we tracked
those outlaws

all the way
down to Yuma,

lost their trail
at that crossroads?

You didn't know
which way to go.

You said I should
stop looking so hard,

that if I really
wanted to see...

I should shut my eyes,

take a deep breath,

clear my head,

and listen.

To yourself.

Son of a g*n.

You're right.

Here they are.

You follow it,
no matter where
it takes you.


He's here, he's gone.

Some things never change.


Well, well, well...
what have we here?

Hello, Mr. Ants.

Looks like somebody
messed up your trail.

Eh, about
two, three hours ago,

and they went...

that way.




And what
you looking at,

you little nasty





Yeah, and don't come back.


look at this.

What is it,





Isn't it scary,
you working
with that thing?

everything about
our predicament

terrifies me.

Yeah, me, too.

I don't think
we're going to get
out of here.

I assume that you have
an update, Professor.

Well, unfortunately...

empirical methods
fall far short

in describing
this object.


I may be a scientist,

but I don't think
the orb has much
to do with science.

I must confess,
I'm more than
a little baffled.

Does it function?



Actually, uh,
I'm not sure.

But it is damaged,

and, uh, inserting
that missing rod

may not be
the best thing to do.

That is not
your concern.



Oh, Brisco, you sure
don't make this easy.


but nobody out tracks
Lord Bowler.

hold it right there.
Hands up.

Oh, my lord.

You! Drop it!

Let me see
your hands.

Alright, alright!
Don't hurt us!

Take anything
you want, son!

We're just sharecroppers.
We don't have much.


Just do as he says.

Where's John Bly?

John Bly?

I know you know
who he is.

I followed
his tracks right
to your doorstep.

Now, where is he?

We never heard of him.


Where do you think
you're going?

Far away from here
as I can get.

The hell you say.

What do you
want from me?

So I screwed up.
I lost Bly's trail.

I scared
some old couple
half to death.

They weren't the ones
who were scared.

What are you talking about?

Your head's
so clouded with fear,

you can't
even see straight.

That's what
I'm talking about.

I'm not afraid of Bly.

Then why was it

you hesitated
opening that door

when he
kidnapped Jason?

Brisco! Help! Shut up, kid.

You're right...

I was afraid
to open the door.

Maybe it was because
of the door I didopen.

Your fear probably
saved your life.

If County comes through that door...

k*ll him.

You listened to yourself.

I didn't.

Listen to yourself
again, son.

What do you hear?

Wait a minute.

There's no crops.


Not a one.

What took you so long?

This fella
could be trouble.

Trust me...

I am.

Alright, inside.

Looks like
you got a lemon.



you show up
in the funniest places.

I like this...

there's something
sort of inevitable
about it--

my cave, the orb,

the final showdown.

Unlock Jason.

Give me
the rod first.

Do it.

I don't think
it's going to be
quite that simple.

Well, County...

what's the next move?

just get Jason out.

I don't have
the rod down here.

You want it,
we all go up and get it.

Seems reasonable.

Where's the rod?

Jason first.

Fair enough.

now it's your turn.

It's right over there
in that top drawer.

Remy, would you go
over there and get
that for me, please?

You heard the man, Loco.


That's what I said!

I can do it.

Anything happens
to Loco Bob,

and I blow
your brains out.

It's here!

Bring it over
here to me.


go put it
in the orb.

Now, what's this
supposed to do?

Well, Loco, that's what
we're all gathered
around here to see.

That's good, Loco.
Think positive thoughts.

My God...

it's incredible.


What happened?

Where is he?

He's gone.






Brisco! Help!

They took the boy.
You go that way.
I'll go this way.

I can't see nothing!

Brisco! Help!

Bly, I got the boy!

Bring him here!





Over here, Remy!



Hey, Remy, k*ll the kid.

There's no time.

You gonna
have to sh**t.

I can't, Dad,
not in the smoke.

You can.


I'll hit Jason.

Listen. Listen to
where they are.

think about it.

You have abilities
that you don't even
know you have.

Have faith
in yourself, son,

and do it.

Well, bring him
through here!



Don't do it, Bly.

Ha ha! Too late.


Hey, Jason.


Didn't see him.

Come on.

Oh, the orb is gone.

Bly must've taken
it back down into
the cave with him.

That orb thing again?
I hate this.

What cave?

I got to get
to Soc and Wickwire
before he does.

Stay with Jason.
Jason, Bowler.
Bowler, Jason.

Any suggestions,

Every bone in my body
tells me that orb
is about to explode.


I couldn't
agree more.

Well, goodbye,

It was
a pleasure,

and you, too,
Mr. Poole.

Don't leave yet, Bly.

Drop that g*n.

I don't think you're
ready to trade

your friends' lives
for mine yet,

so spare me
the bravado.

You lost, Bly.

You'll never harness
the orb's power.

You got nothing.

That's where
you're wrong.

I just realized...

it's simply the wrong orb.

Oh, I know you don't know
what I'm talking about.

You're learning fast,

but your knowledge
is far outstripped

by your
heroic endeavors.

That's going to be
your final undoing!

You know what, Bly?
You talk too much.

Ha ha!
Another time!

Get back!

Huh? Oh!

Come on,
go, go, go!


This is it.


Oh, God!

I'm so glad
you're safe,

That's nice.

Yeah, I guess so.

Thank you,

Don't be so

You know,
them robber barons

offered me
your job.

Oh, yeah?


You going
to take it?

Nah. I ain't
no company man.

Well, see you
when I see you.


Well done,


You make me proud,

but then,
you always have.

Yeah, but I
didn't get Bly.

Not yet,

but you got
the boy.

That was the
important thing,

and you did it
better than
I could've done.

Dad, what did Bly mean?

What was he talking about

when he said he had
the wrong orb?

Well, I can only
say this--

the orbs
form a trinity.

There were
three before,

and now
there are two.

What does it mean?

calling me back.

I have to go, son.

For good?

Brisco, do you
think you're ever
out of my sight,

out of my heart?

You know, uh...

we never really got
to say goodbye before.

Yeah, I know.


I love you, son.

I love you, too, Dad.

Come on, let's go.