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04x11 - Ocean Animal Rescuer

Posted: 06/08/23 07:04
by bunniefuu
[Drumming and chanting]

♪ ♪

All: go, diego, go!

- ♪ Deep inside the jungle ♪

♪ Where nature's running wild ♪

♪ Coming to the rescue ♪

♪ Is a very special child ♪

♪ Talking to the animals ♪

♪ And swinging from a vine ♪

♪ This rough and tough adventurer ♪

♪ Is working all the time ♪

♪Ahi viene, diego ♪

- ♪ Diego ♪

- ♪ Diego ♪

All: go, diego, go!

- ♪ Alicia's on the mission ♪

♪ We're all going for a ride ♪

♪ Diego's on the run ♪

♪ With baby jaguar by his side ♪

♪ Discovering together ♪

♪ Yeah, we're always having fun ♪

♪ Helping out each other ♪

♪ Is good for everyone ♪

♪ And there goes diego ♪

- ♪ Diego ♪

- ♪ Diego ♪

- Whee!

All: go, diego, go!

- Today we're going to the coast of mexico,

Over here.

Hola, I'm diego,

And I'm here with a friend of mine

I've known for a long time.

He's got a fin on his back,

He's got a blowhole to breathe,

And he loves to say...

- Squeak! Squeak!

- Do you know what animal that is?

What animal is it?

Right, a dolphin.


He's a bottlenose dolphin.

Hey, I wonder what happened to bottlenose?

I bet he's hiding.

When you see my friend bottlenose,

Say, "hi, bottlenose."

- [Laughs]

Hola. Great job.

You found me.

- We're waiting for our friend baby humpback whale to get here.

- Humpback whale is my best friend,

Mi mejor amigo.

And he's not just my friend;

He's an ocean animal rescuer.

- Bottlenose wants to be an ocean animal rescuer

Just like baby humpback.

- And like diego.

- [Laughs]

- I've always wanted to be an ocean animal rescuer

Ever since I met diego and baby humpback

And they rescued me.

- I remember that.

I was with baby humpback,

And we were checking on the ocean animals

To see that everyone was okay.

When all of a sudden we heard...

- Squeak! Squeak!

Ayuden me!

- Diego, that sounds like an animal in trouble.

- Do you see an animal in trouble?

Yeah, there.

It's a dolphin.

A bottlenose dolphin.

- Help!

- Uh-oh.

Bottlenose is stuck in the net,

And he can't swim.

He's sinking.

Dolphins can't breathe underwater.

Vamos, amigos.

Let's save him.

- Ay yi yi!

Me estoy hundiendo!

- We've got to hurry.

- Hold on, diego. Hold on.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Almost there.

We've got to help baby humpback lift bottlenose

Up to the surface so he can breathe.

In english, we say, "go up."

In spanish, we say, "sube."

Can you sing, ♪sube, sube, sube? ♪

Great. Sing with me.

♪Sube, sube, sube ♪

Come on, amigos.

♪Sube, sube, sube ♪


♪Sube, sube, sube ♪


♪Sube, sube, sube ♪


♪Sube, sube, sube ♪

Come on! ♪Sube, sube, sube ♪

♪Sube, sube, sube ♪

- Whew, now I can breathe.

- Yay! Thanks for singing"sube."

-Muchas gracias.

-De nada.

I'm diego. I'm an animal rescuer.

- And I'm baby humpback.

I'm an ocean animal rescuer too.

- Really?

Do you think I could ever be an ocean animal rescuer?

Do you? Do you?

- Sure, I bet you can.

Can you dive fast?

- I can dive really fast, just like you.

Watch me.

- Whoa, you are fast,

And it's good to be fast

If you want to be an ocean animal rescuer.

- Hey, you've got a blowhole to breathe air,

Just like me.

You're really nice.

Do you want to be friends, baby humpback?

- Sure, bottlenose.

[Both laugh]

- And ever since I met them,

Diego and baby humpback have been teaching me

How to be an ocean animal rescuer too.

- I remember bottlenose dolphin's

First ocean rescue.

Baby humpback and I were swimming with bottlenose

When we heard a cry for help.

- Help! Help!

-Ayudenos! - Help!


- Uh-oh. Some sea animals are in trouble.

- They sound like they're really far away.

- We can see them if we use my spotting scope.

Make a spotting scope with your hands

To see what animals are in trouble.

Do you see what animals need our help?

Right. The turtles.

Those are baby sea turtles.

I wonder why the sea turtles need help.

Uh-oh. What animals are those?

Yeah, sharks.

- Can I help rescue the turtles, diego?

- Sure you can, bottlenose.

- We need to swim really fast to help the turtles.

- Ooh, I've got to swim fast, diego.

- We can help you.

Let's help bottlenose swim fast.

In english, we say, "swim fast."

In spanish, we say, "nada rapido."

Can you say,"nada rapido"?

Say it again. "Nada rapido."

♪Nada rapido ♪

♪Nada rapido ♪

♪ Humpback whale and his dolphin friend ♪

♪ Need to swim fast to the turtles ♪

♪ If they're going to save them ♪

Come on, amigos. Let's help them out.

Yell it out loud.

Everyone shout.

♪Nada rapido ♪

Louder. ♪Nada rapido ♪

Swim faster. ♪Nada rapido ♪

Almost there.

♪Nada rapido ♪

They made it to the turtles.

And they're scaring the sharks away.


You are great at speaking spanish.

-Gracias, bottlenose. -Gracias.

-Gracias, baby humpback.

- Yay!

We rescued the baby sea turtles.


- I loved helping baby humpback

Save the sea turtles.


- Bottlenose loves rescuing ocean animals

Con su amigo, baby humpback.

-Si, si, si!

But I remember the time we saved someone

Who's not an ocean animal.

Te acuerdas, diego?


- [Laughs] I remember.

You saved me.

- Squeak! Squeak!

Squeak! Squeak!

-Que bien, bottlenose.

Your dolphin call's super loud.

- Every dolphin in the ocean

Has its own special call.

Let's hear your dolphin call.

Say, "squeak! Squeak!"


- You've got a great dolphin call.

[Electronic beeping]

- That's my video watch.

Es mi papi.

-Hola, diego.

It's time for dinner.

- I'll be right home, papi.

I got to get home fast.

Uh-oh. Fog.

I can't see in front of me,

And there are lots of rocks on the rocky coast.

I've got to find my way home

Without crashing into the rocks.

- I know, diego.

I can find a way under the water

And then call you using my special dolphin call.

Squeak! Squeak!

- Great idea, bottlenose.

Now you're thinking like an ocean animal rescuer.

-Gracias, amigo.

- Remember, all dolphins have special calls,

So we've got to listen for bottlenose's special call.

- My dolphin call sounds like this:

Squeak! Squeak!

- Be very quiet,

And listen for bottlenose.

- Squeak!

- Does that sound like bottlenose?


- Squeak! Squeak!

- Does that sound like bottlenose?

Yes. That's his call.

We've got to go that way.


Now there's three paths.

We have to find which path to take to get us home.

Let's listen for bottlenose's dolphin call again.


- Squeak!

- Does that sound like bottlenose?


- Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!

- Does that sound like bottlenose?


- Squeak! Squeak!

- Does that sound like bottlenose?


Which path is our friend bottlenose on?

Right! We've got to go that way!

Three more paths.

Let's listen for bottlenose's dolphin call again.

- Squeak!

- Does that sound like bottlenose?


- Squeak! Squeak!

- Does that sound like bottlenose?


We've got to go that way.

We made it through the fog

And didn't crash into the rocks.

- Yay!


Now I can get home.

You're great at listening.

-Mira, there's the beach, diego.

- And that's how bottlenose helped save me

From crashing into the rocks along the rocky coast.

Gracias, bottlenose.

-De nada, diego.

Donde esta mi amigo, baby humpback?

I wish he'd get here.

[Electronic beeping]

- That's my video watch.

It must be my sister alicia.

-Hola, diego.

There's a boat with a hole in it,

And it's spilling oil into the ocean,

And the oil is headed for the beach

Where there are lots of animals.

The animals might get stuck in the oil spill.

- But look!

An animal is swimming towards the beach

To try to warn the sea animals about the sticky oil.

What animal is it?

Right, a whale.

It's a humpback whale.

- It's baby humpback.

He's trying to rescue the animals by himself.

He needs our help.

- Diego, I'll be there as fast as I can,

But you've got to rescue all the animals

That are in the way of the spill.

- Don't worry, alicia.

We'll get there as fast as we can.

- The beach is so long, diego.

How are we going to find the animals in trouble?

Como, diego?

- Well, baby humpback knows where the animals are.

If we can find baby humpback, we'll find the animals.

- But how will find baby humpback?

How? How? How?

- That's it, bottlenose.

- What's it?

- Your spray.

Both dolphins and whales

Spray out of their blowholes to breathe,

So we can look for baby humpback's spray.

My spotting scope will help us look for whale spray.

Make a spotting scope with your hands to look for whale spray.

When you see whale spray,

Yell, "whale spray!"

Yeah, there's some whale spray.

You found baby humpback.

Great spotting.

And there's the oil.

It's catching up to him.

- Hop on, diego.

I can swim us there fast.

- Come on, amigos.

Let's go help baby humpback

Rescue the animals from the oil spill.

Whoa, you're faster than ever, bottlenose.

- It's my special dolphin skin

That helps me glide through the waves super fast.

Let's go!

- Uh-oh.

There's a coral reef in our way.

We have to tell bottlenose to jump over it.

Say, "jump, bottlenose."

"Jump, bottlenose."

Another reef.

Say, "jump, bottlenose."

"Jump, bottlenose."

One more time.

Say, "jump, bottlenose."

"Jump, bottlenose."

Both: yay!

- We made it over the reefs.

Thanks for helping.

And look!

- It's my buddy, baby humpback.

- There's an oil spill coming.

We've got to get away from here.

- The oil is getting really close to him.

If the oil reaches baby humpback and the other animals,

They'll all get stuck.

- I've got an idea.

Can you swim any faster, bottlenose?

- Yes, I can.

- Baby humpback!

- Diego. Bottlenose.

I'm so glad you're here.

- We've got to get the animals away

Before the oil spill reaches them.

That's it.

Both: what?

- Your splashing tails.

They can keep the oil away until alicia gets here.

But we've got to splash now.

If we all splash,

We can keep the oil back until alicia arrives.

Put your hands out and get ready to splash.


Splash, splash, splash.

It's working.

More splashing!

Splash, splash, splash.

Splash, splash, splash.

Splash, splash, splash.

We're stopping it,

But we can only hold it off for so long.

Do you see alicia's boat?

Yeah, there it is.

We've just got to splash a little longer.

Splash as hard as you can.

Splash, splash, splash,

Splash, splash.

Alicia, we can't hold off the oil much longer.

- I'll use the oil vacuum to suck up the sticky oil.

- You've got to hurry.

The oil is spreading.

- We'll do it, diego.

Our oil vacuum is programmed in spanish.

To activate our vacuum,

We've got to say, "aspira."

Quick, say"aspira."

It's working.


We're almost done.

One more time, say,"aspira."

- Hurray!

You cleaned up all the oil.

You're great at speaking spanish.

- You're a great ocean animal rescuer, bottlenose.

- Really, baby humpback?

- Yeah.

- Yippee!

I'm an ocean animal rescuer just like

Mis mejores amigos, diego and baby humpback.

Both: yay, bottlenose!

- ♪ Bottlenose dolphin ♪

- ♪ Say it with us ♪

Both: ♪ bottlenose dolphin ♪

- ♪ Say it louder ♪

Both: ♪ bottlenose dolphin ♪

- ♪ Everybody scream ♪

Both: ♪ bottlenose dolphin ♪


- ♪ They can ride the waves ♪

- ♪ As fast as can be ♪

- ♪ And we can splash really high ♪

♪ Come splash with me ♪

- Put your hand out and get ready to splash

Like a bottlenose dolphin.

Come on!

Splash, splash.

Splash, splash, splash.

Splash, splash.

Splash, splash, splash.

- ♪ They can jump up high ♪

- ♪ And dive down low ♪

- ♪ And we can make dolphin calls ♪

♪ Come on, let's go ♪

- ♪ Squeak, squeak ♪

All: ♪ say squeak, squeak ♪

- ♪ Squeak, squeak ♪

All: ♪ squeak, squeak ♪

♪ Squeak, squeak ♪

♪ Squeak, squeak ♪

♪ Squeak, squeak ♪

♪ Squeak, squeak ♪


-Mision completa.

- Adventure complete.

- We saved baby humpback

And cleaned up the oil.

- You're a great ocean animal rescuer.

- And so are you, bottlenose.

-Gracias, amigo.


- What does a bottlenose dolphin do?

Both: let's review.

- Did diego save bottlenose dolphin

From a fishing net or a lobster trap?

Yeah, a fishing net.

- Does a bottlenose dolphin call its family

By squeaking or by playing drums?

Si, squeaking.

To breathe, does a bottlenose dolphin use a blowhole

Or a scuba mask?

Yeah, it uses its blowhole.

- We've almost finished the puzzle.

- To make the ocean safe for the animals,

Did alicia help clean up a mud spill

Or an oil spill?

Right, an oil spill,

Because ocean animals can get stuck in the oil.

- Yay, we solved the puzzle.

- What kind of dolphin is that a picture of?

Right! A bottlenose dolphin.

Here's a picture of alicia

Cleaning up the oil in the ocean.

- And there are good things we can do

To help animals every day.

- Like keeping our beaches and oceans clean.

- Because garbage like plastic bags

Can hurt animals that live there.

- Remember, we all share the same world,

And we can all help take care of it.

Both: together! Todos juntos.

-Hasta luego, amigos.

- See you soon.