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04x08 - Bengal Tiger Makes a Wish

Posted: 06/08/23 06:52
by bunniefuu
[Drumming and chanting]

♪ ♪

All: go, diego, go!

- ♪ Deep inside the jungle ♪

♪ Where nature's running wild ♪

♪ Coming to the rescue ♪

♪ Is a very special child ♪

♪ Talking to the animals ♪

♪ And swinging from a vine ♪

♪ This rough and tough adventurer ♪

♪ Is working all the time ♪

♪Ahi viene, diego ♪

- ♪ Diego ♪

- ♪ Diego ♪

All: go, diego, go!

- ♪ Alicia's on the mission ♪

♪ We're all going for a ride ♪

♪ Diego's on the run ♪

♪ With baby jaguar by his side ♪

♪ Discovering together ♪

♪ Yeah, we're always having fun ♪

♪ Helping out each other ♪

♪ Is good for everyone ♪

♪ And there goes diego ♪

- ♪ Diego ♪

- ♪ Diego ♪

- Whee!

All: go, diego, go!

- Today we're going to the forests of india,

Over here.

Hola, I'm diego.

Do you like helping animals?

Me too.

I'm in a forest in india,

Where there was just a really, really big rain storm.

Lots of animals need help here.

- Roar, roar!

- Hey, that sounds like an animal in trouble,

And I think I know what animal it is.

- Roar, roar!

- It's not a lion.

Most lions live in africa.

It's not a jaguar.

Most jaguars live in latin america.

- Roar, roar!

- That sounds like the biggest of all the cats:

A tiger, a bengal tiger.

Most bengal tigers live in india,

But there aren't many of them left.

- Roar, roar!

- That tiger really sounds like it needs help.

Bengal tigers are really good at hiding in tall grass.

If you see the bengal tiger, say, "bengal tiger."

Bengal tiger!

You found him. Muy bien.

Let's go help him.

Hi, bengal tiger.

I'm diego, and we're animal rescuers.

- Hi, I'm benji.

The rain storm started a flood,

And I got caught in this wire.


I'm stuck, diego.

- I can help, benji.

There you go.

- Whoo-hoo!

That feels so much better.

Now I can go back to my mommy.

But the storm took me so far from home,

I don't know how to get to my mommy.

I'm lost.

- Don't worry, benji.

We can help you get to your mommy.

Do you know where she is?

- Ooh, yes!

My mommy told me that if I ever got lost,

She would wait for me at the wishing tree.

- The wishing tree?

- Yes, the wishing tree is a very old and powerful tree.

My mommy and I love to go there and make wishes.

Sometimes they come true.

- Ooh, we'd love to go to the wishing tree, benji.

Maybe we could make wishes too.

- Sure, you can.


We've got to find out where the wishing tree is

So we can take benji to his mommy.

My special camera, click,

Can help us find your mommy at the wishing tree.

Say, "click"

- ♪ Say, "click" ♪

♪ Take a pic ♪

Hi, I'm click the camera.

We need to find the wishing tree.

It's a giant tree that's shaped like this.

Let's zoom through the forest

And look for a tree shaped like this.

Is that tree shaped like the wishing tree?

No, that's a teak tree.

Let's keep looking.

Is that tree shaped like the wishing tree?

No, that's a tulip tree.

Let's keep looking.

Is that tree shaped like the wishing tree?

Yes, it is!

It has the same shape.

Now, you tell diego you found the wishing tree.

- What did you find?

The wishing tree! Great!

- That's where my mommy is.

How do we get there, diego?

- We need to see more of the picture.

We can do that if click super-zooms out.

Say, "super zoom!"

Look, there's the wishing tree.

We have to go across the river and through the tiger temple

To get to the wishing tree.

- Can we go now, diego?

I want my mommy to know I'm safe.

- Come on,amigos!

Let's help benji get to his mommy at the wishing tree,

And we can help other animals along the way.


- Let's go, diego.

Let's go!

- Clap your hands with me.

Clap, clap, clap!

Clap, clap, clap!

Clap, clap, clap!

Clap, clap, clap!


Now let's cheer for the bengal tiger.

Say, "bengal tiger!"

♪ ♪

Bengal tiger!

♪ ♪

- ♪ Go, diego, go ♪

♪Vamos, diego, vamos ♪

♪Una aventura, amigos ♪

♪ An adventure, my friends ♪

♪Una aventura, amigos ♪

♪ An adventure, my friends ♪

♪ Go, diego, go, diego ♪

♪Vamos, diego, vamos, diego ♪

♪ Go, diego, go, diego ♪

♪Vamos, diego, vamos, diego ♪

♪Vamos! ♪

- [Birds calling]

- Hey, that sounds like parrots in trouble.

Do you see the parrots?

Yeah, there they are.

Just like theloritos,

We have a home in the rain forest.

- Help us! - Help us!

Birds: ♪ please! ♪

- The branches fell across our nest.

Birds: ♪ up here in the trees ♪


- Those branches are too heavy for the baby parrots to move.

- Diego, can I help?

You helped me, and now I want to help other animals.

- Great, benji!

- I can use my tiger claws to climb the tree

And push the big branches out of the way.

- Bengal tigers use their sharp claws to climb.

Let's all be bengal tigers

And push the branches out of the way.

Bengal tigers are really strong.

Are you really strong?


Make tiger claws with your hands,

And push the branches.

Push the branches! Push the branches!

Push the branches!

All right!

- There you go, little birds.

Your nest looks great.

Birds: wow! Wow! Wow!

♪ You're really, really strong ♪

- Yay! The baby parrots have their home back.

Great job pushing with your tiger claws.

- Baby parrots, we're going to the wishing tree.

Do you have anything that you want to wish for?

Birds: ♪ we wish, wish, wish ♪

♪ We're wishing and we're hoping ♪

♪ The sun will shine, shine, shine ♪

♪ So our flowers open ♪

♪ Ahh! ♪

- The baby parrots really want the sun to shine

So their flowers will open.

- That's a great wish.

We'll take your wish to the wishing tree.

Birds: ♪ thank you, thank you, thank you ♪

♪ Whoopee! ♪

♪ Our wish is going to the wishing tree ♪


- Come on,amigos.

Let's help benji get to his mommy

At the wishing tree.


- And maybe we can help more animals along the way.

- ♪ We're on our way to the wishing tree ♪

♪ Where if you ask, you will receive ♪

♪ Any wish and any dream ♪

♪ Come on! - I can't wait to see. ♪

- ♪ The wishing tree, the wishing tree ♪

♪ She's waiting there for you and me ♪

♪ Run real fast. - We'll get there soon. ♪

- ♪ On the way! ♪

- ♪ We'll sing a tune ♪

Together: ♪ going to the wishing tree ♪

♪ Going to the wishing tree ♪

♪ Where any wish and any dream ♪

♪ Can come true ♪

♪ She's the wishing tree ♪

- Let's go see my mommy at the wishing tree.

- Benji, are you okay?

- Sure, bengal tigers are great swimmers, diego.

- Awesome!

[Musical flourish]

- Whoa, this river is really wild and wavy.

- [Laughs]

We could use some help tiger swimming.

Let's all swim like bengal tigers.

Put your arms out in front of you,

And tiger swim.

Tiger swim, tiger swim, tiger swim.

It's working!

Keep swimming.

Tiger swim, tiger swim, tiger swim.


You're great at swimming like tigers.

- Help, help!

- That sounds like another animal in trouble.

- Oh, dear. Oh, dear!

The crocodiles are coming.

- Crocodiles?


Those two crocodiles are heading toward mama duck's nest.

- And her eggs are hatching.

- We've got to help mama duck.

- Diego, my mommy always roars to scare crocodiles away.

- That's right;

Crocodiles are afraid of big bengal tigers.

Let's all roar like big tigers to scare the crocodiles away.

Say, "roar, roar!"

Look, it's working.


Diego and benji: roar, roar!

- Yay, the crocodiles went away!

You're great at roaring.

- Thank you. Thank you.

You saved my little eggs.

- Ooh, look!

The baby ducks are coming out of their eggs.

[All quacking]

Wow, I think the baby ducks want to swim.

- But I can't let them go swimming.

The river is still moving too fast from the rain storm.

- I wish, wish, wish the river would slow down

So my babies could go swimming.

- Hey, mama duck, we're going to the wishing tree.

We'll take your wish there.

- Come on,amigos.

Let's help benji get to his mommy

At the wishing tree.

- And we can make all the wishes for the animals too.


♪ We're on our way to the wishing tree ♪

♪ Where if you ask, you will receive ♪

♪ Any wish and any dream ♪

♪ Come on! - I can't wait to see. ♪

- ♪ The wishing tree, the wishing tree ♪

♪ She's waiting there for you and me ♪

♪ Run real fast. - We'll get there soon. ♪

- ♪ On the way! ♪

- ♪ We'll sing a tune ♪

Together: ♪ going to the wishing tree ♪

♪ Going to the wishing tree ♪

♪ Where any wish and any dream ♪

♪ Can come true ♪

♪ She's the wishing tree ♪

- Look, it's the tiger temple.

And there's my friend shanti.


Shanti's my friend.

She's an animal rescuer too.

She rescues bengal tigers.

- Hello, benji.

Did you get lost?

- Yes, I got caught in the rain storm.

- Oh!

Well, you got a good animal rescuer with you.

Diego's rescued animals all over the world.

- I know.

He's really nice and brave too.

- Diego, I'm trying to find another lost bengal tiger.

I think he ran into the tiger temple

To escape the storm.

- We can help you find him.

We're going through the temple to the wishing tree.

- Great! Let's go.

Benji's tiger eyes will help us find little tiger

In the dark cave.

To find the little tiger, we have to look for stripes.

There are some stripes.

Is that little tiger?

Nope, that's a striped hyena.

There's a stripe.

Is that little tiger?

No, what animal is that?

Right, a snake.

There are some stripes.

Is that little tiger?

Nope, that's a striped squirrel.

Let's keep looking.

- More stripes.

Is that little tiger?

Si, correcto!

We found little tiger.

Thanks for helping.

- It's okay, little tiger.

Come on out.

I'm a tiger too.

- Wow, you are a tiger!

It's been a long time since I've seen another tiger.

- It's been a long time since I've seen another tiger too.

We can be friends.

Come on. Let's go.

- Wow, I love being friends with another bengal tiger.

I really wish, wish, wish

That there were more tigers to play with.

- That's a great wish.

We can take your wish to the wishing tree.

- Do you have a wish, shanti?

- My wish has always been to open a tiger reserve

So bengal tigers would always be safe.

- Well, we'll take your wish to the wishing tree too.

- That would be fantastic.

Thank you, diego.

- See you later, shanti.

Come on,amigos.

There's the wishing tree.


- Yeah, that's where my mommy's waiting for me.

Let's go!

Yay, we made it to the wishing tree!

- We made it! We made it!

But where's my mommy?

- Do you see benji's mommy?

Yes, there she is.

- Mommy, mommy!

I found you! I found you!

- You made it, benji.

I'm so proud of you.

- My wish was to find you here,

So my wish came true.

- Since that was my wish too,

You still get to make another wish.

- I do? I do?

Wow, and I know just what to wish for.

Oh, wishing tree.

- ♪ I'm the wishing tree ♪

♪ Come to me ♪

♪ Ask me, and you shall receive ♪

♪ Any wish and any dream ♪

♪ No wish is too big for me ♪

♪ I've heard many, large and small ♪

♪ All you have to do is call ♪

♪ I know I can grant them all ♪

♪ I'm older than the taj mahal ♪

♪ Ask me, and you shall receive ♪

♪ Come to me ♪

♪ I'm the wishing tree ♪

- Wow! Look at the wishing tree.

- It's magical.

- Ah, benji.

So nice to see you.

What do you wish for?

- I wish, I wish, I wish...

That all my friends' wishes come true.

- That's a beautiful wish.

To help benji get his wish, say, "wish, wish, wish."


The baby parrots have their flowers back.

Their wish came true.

Birds: ♪ thank you, thank you, thank you ♪

♪ You made the sunlight shine ♪

♪ Now the flowers are all open ♪

♪ Mine and mine and mine! ♪

- Look, the river is slowing down.

Mama duck's wish came true.

Now her babies can go swimming.

It's time for little tiger's wish.

He wished for more tiger friends.

- It's always been my wish to have a tiger reserve,

And this is the perfect place.


We can make this a safe home

For all the bengal tigers to live,

And we'll help you build it.

Tigers: yay!

- Hooray, we helped benji get to the wishing tree

And helped his friends' wishes come true too.

Now it's your turn to make a wish.

Close your eyes, and make a wish.

Make a wish. Make a wish.

I hope all your wishes come true.

We helped benji the bengal tiger get back to his mommy.

Bengal tiger!

- Come on; say it with us.

Diego and benji: bengal tiger!

- Say it louder!

Bengal tiger!

- Everybody, scream!

All: bengal tigers, yay!

- ♪ They have black stripes, and they love to hide ♪

- ♪ And we can crawl up trees and never slide ♪

- Come on! Let's crawl like bengal tigers.

Get on your hands and knees, and...

Tiger crawl, tiger crawl.

All: tiger crawl, tiger crawl.

- ♪ They have sharp claws ♪

- ♪ And our paws are strong ♪

- ♪ And when they roar, it's like a tiger song ♪

Say, "roar, roar!"

All: roar, roar!

- Roar, roar!

- Roar, roar!

All: roar, roar! Roar, roar!

- Roar, roar!

All: roar, roar!

♪ ♪

-Mision completa.

- Adventure complete.

- We helped benji the bengal tiger

Find his mommy at the wishing tree.

Diego and shanti: you're great at helping animals!

- What does a bengal tiger do?

Together: let's review.

- Does a bengal tiger have spots or black stripes?

Right, it has black stripes.

- To climb, does a bengal tiger use sharp claws or sticky toes?


Sharp claws.

Does a bengal tiger need to live in a forest with trees

Or on a snowy mountain?

Si, in a forest with lots of trees.

We've almost finished the puzzle.

- Did diego help the bengal tigers

By taking them to the city or creating a tiger reserve?

Yeah, by building a tiger reserve

So the tigers will be safe.

- Yay! We solved the puzzle.

What's this a picture of?

Right, it's a picture of a bengal tiger.

Look, here's a picture of me

Helping shanti build the tiger reserve

So the bengal tigers can be safe.

- And there are good things we can do

To help animals every day.

- Like you can go to a zoo or nature reserve

To learn about animals.

The more we know about animals,

The more we can help protect them.

Remember, we all share the same world,

And we can all help take care of it...

Both: together!

-Todos juntos.

Hasta luego, amigos.

See you soon.