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07x02 - Homicide: Part 2

Posted: 06/04/23 16:29
by bunniefuu
I've been hearing the
same rumors you have

About precincts closing,

Demotions of third grades,

- Sergeants...
- Captains.

The point is there has
been no definite word yet.

And until there is,

The thing to do is not to pay
any attention to idle gossip.

- You guys hear the latest?
- What?

According to mr. Cotterman,
mr. Haddad tossed a brick

Through the front
window of his store.

While my back was turned,
but what else is new?

If I was gonna throw a
brick, I'd throw it in your face.

Now, instead of having to go out

On every piddly little call

That comes into the precinct,

You expand your area of
operation to specialize...

Like one squad will
be strictly bunco,

One will be vice, one
will be narcotics...

And us?

Well, I had to pull a
few strings, barney,

Call in a couple of ious,

But I got you homicide.

How'd it go?

Ah, same as the others.

Mutilated bodies
sitting in a garbage can.

Hacked up into
manageable portions

And, uh, stuffed into
assorted trash bags.

I see.

Ah. Danish.

What exactly is it I'm
recommending you for?

No big deal, barney.

A little desk tucked away
in a corner someplace

In the public
information office.

You're kidding.

No, no.

What do they call it?
Media lie-aison officer,

Some crapola like that.

Who's the victim, mrs. Shulton?

My husband, david shulton.

When did it happen?

That's up to vincent.

Who's vincent?

The man I hired to k*ll david.

Uh, barney?


Now, mrs. Shulton, uh...

You put out a contract
on your husband's life?

Yes. But I want to cancel it.

I can do that, can't i?

So I was sitting at the bar,

Nursing a glass of white wine

And a couple of
sh*ts of tequila,

And a nice young man came
and sat down next to me,

And we started to chat.

That would be vincent?

Just small talk at first...

Politics, the weather, how
my husband is lousy in bed.

He hums.


Well, anyway, in
the conversation,

I happened to mention in passing

That I wouldn't mind
seeing my husband dead.

And vincent offered
to take care of it?

I gave him $ down,
a photograph of david,

And he promised to take
care of it by wednesday.

That's today.

Yes, it is.

Mrs. Shulton, are...
Are you certain

That vincent wasn't just
trying to take your money?

And then not k*ll david?

Oh, no.

I mean, he seemed quite honest,

And I'm a very good
judge of character.

You have your husband's
telephone number at work?


Dietrich, get on the
phone. Contact mr. Shulton.

Tell him to stay put
until you get there.

Here's his business card.

He's an insurance underwriter.

Well, I guess this
happens all the time.


Well, I don't usually do
things like this, either...

I mean, changing my mind.

I finally realized you
don't solve a problem

By throwing money at it.

Secretary said he's not there.

He's probably out to lunch.

Do you happen to have a picture

Of your husband with you?

I think so.

All right, take a uniform,

Get down there, see
if you can find him.

Here's a snapshot I
took of david last year

At the company picnic.

That's a nice suit.


Good luck.


I've been waiting
for you, barney.

I'm sorry, inspector.

Something came up.

Oh, well, don't apologize.

I know how busy you are,

Dealing with all the murderers

And homicidal maniacs
I dug up for you

Out of the goodness of my heart.

And we appreciate it, inspector.

I know that, barn.

Look, why don't you just
sign this thing right here

On the x, huh?

And I'll fill out all the
other good stuff later.

Just kidding, barn.

You just put down
whatever you think is right.

I'll try.

Love you, barn.

You really seem
to enjoy your work.

I love photography.

Of course I guess these people

Aren't the most
ideal subjects, huh?

Although at least
they don't move.

Actually, I'm putting
together a book.

It's sort of a photographic
essay on m*rder victims.


That should certainly cheer
up any coffee table, huh?

I hope so.

Uh, you got any
publishers interested?

Not yet.

Have you sent it to mine?


Yeah. I'm a published author.

Oh, hadn't I mentioned that?


Yeah. You know, I've
had a few things out.

Some short stories
and magazines articles,

A best-selling novel.

I'm impressed.

Oh. Look.

I mean, that's not my intention.

I, uh, I only mentioned it

'Cause I thought that,
you know, if you'd like,

I could speak to my publisher

And have him take a
look at what you got.

Well, that's very
generous of you.

I'm afraid right now
most of the book

Is spread all over the
floor of my apartment.

I could come over, you
know, help you get it together.

Thanks. That won't be necessary.


How about just dinner?

Listen, is that desk available?

I've still got an awful
lot of work to do.



Call me when you get settled.

Okay, mrs. Shulton,
I'll need your address.

West end.

Apartment .

That's a nice neighborhood.

David and I have a
beautiful apartment...

Terrace overlooking the river.

Why didn't you
just push him off?

My plants are out there.


But you're right. I should
have done it myself.

I mean, he deserved that much.

At least he'd know it was
me and wouldn't be wondering

Why some total stranger
blew his head off, right?

I'd feel better.


Uh, excuse me, miss?

I take it you're the one

Who took the pictures
of the dead barber.


I'm the one who k*lled him.


Do I talk to you
about ordering prints?

Oh, sergeant harris.

Do you find anything
wrong with me?


Thank you.

Listen, is captain
miller available?

Woj, would you get barn?

Wojo: yeah. Uh,
he's coming. Barn?

Who takes pictures of cold cuts?

Ah, mr. Cotterman.
News from the front?

It wasn't him.

What wasn't who?

Haddad. The bandit in
the bed sheet next door.

He didn't throw the
brick through my window.

He didn't?

No. I just found out.

It was two new young
punks in the neighborhood

Trying to shake me down
for protection money,

Told me the window
was just a warning.

You know who they are?

I know where they hang
out. Just loan me harris.

We'll have them behind
bars in five minutes.

Yeah. Well, I'm afraid
I can't do that now.


There's been a slight
change in policy

Since you were here last.

You don't make house calls.

The calls we make
now are for homicide.

Homicide? You're not serious.

Afraid so.

Come on.

What, she's a m*rder*r?

They're still checking.

Look, I'll be glad to refer
you to the proper squad.

But, captain, I've been
bringing you my business

For years.

Couldn't you make an exception
for a regular customer?

I'm afraid not.

For extortion, you have to
go over to the th precinct.

No, barn. That's prostitution.

The guy's got to
go to the th on th.

Oh, right. The
th over on th.

But I don't know them.

Look, you just tell
them what you told us.

I'm sure they'll be
glad to help you.

Yeah. Well... I guess that's
what I'll have to do, then.


Well, listen,

I don't want to take up
any more of your time.

Yeah. Well, um...

Take care of yourself,
mr. Cotterman.


Th precinct. Harris.

Barney: mr. Cotterman.

Did you change your mind?

Listen, uh...

Give us a call. Let us
know what happens, huh?


If it'll make you
feel any better.

Okay. Be right over.

Uh, barn...

I think the man from
glad has struck again.

Oh, god.

They found a body
in a garbage bin

A couple blocks from here.

Was it wearing a thin tie?

Go ahead.

You busy?

Be right with you.

We haven't been
formally introduced.

I'm captain miller.

Alex kramer. I'm
your photographer.

Ah. Well, it's a pleasure
having you with us...

Can we go now?

Nice try.



What did you do?

I k*lled someone.

Oh. Your wife?

Yes, but they don't
know about that.

Mrs. Shulton, will you
take your seat, please?

Right this way, mr. Shulton.

I still don't understand
what's going on.

David, you're alive.


What are you doing here?

That's my wife.

Small world, isn't it?

Okay, richard jaeckel, in here.

- Who?
- Come on. Keep moving.

Harriet, I know you
won't believe this,

But that man actually
tried to k*ll me.

Hello, vincent.


All right, levitt.
What do you got?

Vincent sykes, sir. Hired g*n.

Glad we got to you
before you clocked in.

What the hell's going on?

I'm sorry, vincent.
I changed my mind.

You could pick up a
phone and tell a person.

Captain miller,
this is mr. Shulton.

Oh, mr. Shulton,
I'm glad to see you.

This is all so very confusing.


As a matter of
fact, mr. Shulton,

According to your wife,

She hired mr. Sykes
here... To k*ll you.


Is that true, pumpkin?



Who put the bee in your bonnet?

All right. What's the story?

We pulled up to
mr. Shulton's office.

We spot him at the
corner newsstand.

I always stop there
for the afternoon paper.

I knew that.

When we get there, mr. Sykes
steps out with this g*n,

Pulls it from
behind a racing form,

Takes a sh*t at mr. Shulton.

Levitt hits mr. Shulton
with a body block,

Knocks him out
of the line of fire.

Good work, levitt.

Pop warner, sir...
Leather helmets.

Sykes tried to
make a run for it.

Unfortunately, he tripped
over a stack of magazines.

"Modern bride"...
Who reads that?

All right, mr. Sykes.

We're gonna book you
now, for a lot of things.



He's your collar.

Thank you, sir.

Okay, k*ller.
Unload it over there.

You can kiss off your deposit.

I said sit.

Mr. Shulton, would you
have a seat over here, please?

I'm still a bit taken aback.

Just relax.

Sergeant dietrich will
be with you in a moment.


Barney, I am not putting myself

Through these morbid
rituals anymore.

Worse than the others, huh?

I mean, I'm not even sure
she's worth the effort.


Alex... You know,
the photographer.

Barn, she's been
very uncooperative.

What about the body?

Oh, him? He's the
same as the others.

Thank you.

All I'm talking about
is a little dinner,

You know, maybe
a little skating...


Perhaps it hasn't sunk in yet.

There is a maniac
running loose in this town,

Chopping people
up into little pieces.

I'm entitled to a social
life just like he is.

Date of birth?

March , .

This was supposed
to be the beginning

Of a whole new career for me.

Yeah? That's tough.

I mean, I had it all planned.

Get a couple of small
hits under my belt,

Get my name around,

Then start moving up the ladder.

The grand jury witness.

Put away a union leader or two.

Maybe go to europe,

Do a little kneecapping.

The money's not as good,
but you make it up in volume.

Hey. This isn't career day.

Harriet, I've been reviewing

This little assassination
attempt of yours,

And frankly, I'm shocked.

Yes, I can see you are.

I don't mean to sound negative,

But I can only conclude

That something's gone woefully
wrong in our relationship.

David, I tried to
have you k*lled.

Well, there you are!

I mean, usually we
discuss that sort of thing.

Don't heave your
chest at me, little lady.

I think I'm the
injured party here.

I mean, I feel like a fool.

And how do you think
this makes me look

In front of these people?

Oh, please just leave me alone.

Harriet, it's obvious
you've been under

A considerable mental strain,

For which, I guess,
I'm partially to blame.

But, harriet, I think
if we're both willing

To put this unfortunate
little incident behind us

And give ourselves
another chance,

I'm sure that, as
two caring people,

We can work together
to solve our problems

And renew the mutual
trust and respect

That our marriage has
always been based on.

Oh, god. I'm sorry
I called it off.

Well, then, pumpkin,
you can rot in jail.

These are for you.

Thank you.

Any questions?

Yeah. How come
you don't like me?

No, come on. I
mean, I've been...

I've been mulling over the
possible problems here.


Yeah. I came on too strong.

I'm too self-centered.

I'm black.

You don't date detectives.

Any of those?



So what's wrong with dinner?

Sergeant... I am
attracted to you.

But maybe there's a reason

I just don't want
to get involved

In a relationship right now.

And maybe you should
just respect that.

Oh, sure. So let's
just make it coffee.

No, thank you.

What, are you... Hey.

You married to a
hostage? Is that it?

That's what I figured.

Some day, huh?

Don't you ever comb your hair?

Oh, sure, but they got my
comb and my g*n over there.


So listen... You got a
comb I could borrow?

If you ask me that
question again...

I'll rip your lungs out.


Mr. Haddad, what now?

He's dead.



What are you talking about?

Two punks sh*t him...

The ones who were shaking
him down for protection.

He told me he told you.

Got it, barn.

What about the th?
Where the hell were they?

He never went down.

He said, "I'll take
care of it myself."

He says, "I don't like to
deal with strangers."

They put a g*n to his head.

They... They k*lled
him like it was nothing.

Barn, that was dispatch.

We got a homicide.

Cotterman's liquors.

I guess we can handle it now.

Yeah, wojo. Take,
uh... I'll take levitt.

Yeah, fine.

He deserved better...

From both of us.

Inspector luger has returned.

What do you got
in the cage, barney?

Another cutup?

It's a joke, barney.


You want to hear a joke,
inspector? I got a joke.

Yeah, okay.

It's about specialty squads.

This one.


It's about cops...

Bureaucratically confined

To one singular,
dehumanizing task

So they become so myopic, so...

Cut off from the people,

From the community around them,

So insensitive to their needs...

That a man who trusted us...

Who came to us for help,

Who lived around the
corner, for god's sakes...

That man is dead now.

And we could have prevented it.

That's the funny part,
inspector, 'cause...

The whole stupid
joke was on him.

You want to talk
in your office, barn?

No, that's okay.

Oh, here. I finished
your recommendation.


It looks like you missed the
wastebasket with this, huh?

Ah, no harm, no foul.

I'll run it under a warm
iron. It'll be as good as new.

Barn, I finished up
with mrs. Shulton.

What do you want to do with her?

Mrs. Shulton, you're
gonna be booked

For solicitation of a felony,

Conspiracy to commit
felony, and attempted m*rder.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I guess you knew him.

Yeah, he was in here
just a couple hours ago.

I don't even remember
if I said goodbye to him.

Listen, it's almost
check-out time.

You want to grab a cup
of coffee someplace?

Nah. No, thanks.

We could go get a bite to eat.

I don't feel like going out.

I could fix you
something at my place.

Oh, okay.

All right, I got
your burglary files,

as*ault files, and
assortment of sex offenses.

In there.

I know. I took them out.

Barn, did you see this one?

What's that?

Right here.

"Three slain, nine wounded

In bowling alley
sh**ting spree."

Yeah. Kind of nice, huh?


Yeah, in terms of us not
being homicide anymore.

We don't have to deal with it.

Actually, i...

I kind of enjoyed
being homicide.

Sure, you did. You scored
with a photographer.

But I also enjoyed my case.

You know, tracking
down a lunatic k*ller,

Trying to get inside his head

And working off
a few flimsy leads

Until finally everything
just came together

And I nailed him.

The man left his wallet
in one of the bags.

Well, I had to
reach in and get it.