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06x18 - Dietrich's Arrest: Part 1

Posted: 06/04/23 16:25
by bunniefuu
You know, most of
the people at the rally

Are just gonna be
ordinary citizens.

They're there because
they sincerely believe

That the proliferation
of nuclear technology

Not only threatens the
welfare of this country,

But the survival
of the entire planet.

Of course, you have to admit

There are good points to be
made for the pronuclear side.


Well, sergeant,
you're sure of all this.

I'm surprised you're not
attending today's demonstration.

I am.

Feel free to step in, sir.

Hold it, sergeant.

Oh, you want to come?

You're not going to
that demonstration.

Well, miller?

Take a shave, will you?

Thank you.

I thought we were pals.

I've decided to
buy my apartment.

Oh, the condo?

You took my advice.

The only problem is

They've raised the down
payment another %.

I don't know where I'm
gonna get the money.

Barn, are you sure you've
completely liquidated yourself?

I've sold what few
stocks I've owned.

I borrowed money
on my life insurance.

I don't know what else I can do.

Hey, barn, what about
that vacation property

You said you
invested in up in maine?

Now, couldn't you get
a few bucks from that?

They never put in the lake.

- What?
- It was in the brochure!


What happened?

Got arrested.

For what?

Exercising my right of
free speech and assembly.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I believe the specific charges

Are unlawful assembly
and failure to disperse.

That's an opinion.

Did you identify
yourself as a policeman?

- Yes.
- They arrested you anyway?

I insisted.

Didn't seem right
for me to get off

While my friends
were getting busted.

That's a very noble sentiment.

Listen, I'm very
sorry about this.

But in my opinion, the
cops overreacted.

I didn't.

Except for carl.

I'm afraid the problem is
what the hell to do with you.

Book me.


Barn, we got a riot.



I was with you guys.

Look, man, can i, uh, offer
you some coffee or something?

No. Thanks.

Well [sighs]

Guess we may as
well get on with this.

Hey, don't feel bad 'cause
you're gonna book me.

You're just doing your job.


I need your address.


You remember.

You stayed there when they
threw you out of your apartment.

I took you in.

It was just before
I saved your life.

Uh, right.

Marital status?


Hey, man, I never knew
you were married.

It was a long time
ago. I was only .


High school sweethearts?

Law school.

But I thought you said
you went to medical school.

Yeah, that was before.

Oh, well, of course.
How stupid of me.

In here, mr. Haskell.

Why are you singling me out?

There are hundreds
of them down there!

They don't even know
what they're talking about!

Take it easy.


Uh, yeah. Okay.

Good. Good. Good.


This is our riot.


This is nelson haskell.

This is captain miller.

You seem reasonable.

Thank you.

Mr. Haskell is one of the people

That was arrested in the
demonstration this afternoon.

He was downstairs,
harassing the other arrestees,

Splashing them with this stuff.

To make a point.

I was simply trying to
prove how wrong they are.

What's in that?

Atomic water, sir.

Captain, that is
not from the core.

That is simply water that
was pumped through the plant

To cool the reactor turbines

And returned to
its original source,

And it is perfectly harmless.

What are you doing with it?

I'm a nuclear engineer.


What was that? What?

It's okay. I'm used to it.

To what? To that kind
of reaction, captain.

To the disdain, to the
unspoken repugnance.


You know, it used to be
that people were awestruck.

They were fascinated
when they discovered

That we were
working with the atom.

And now, three mile
island, that crummy movie,

And all of a sudden
we're the bad guys.

Well, yeah...

Look, mr. Haskell,
that's not the issue here.

But it is the issue, captain.

And if all those
people downstairs

Would really understand the
issue, there wouldn't be one.

I'm sure you got a point
in there... Somewhere.

But in the meantime, we're
gonna have to book you anyway.

Again? New charges.

Wojo, you want to take
care of mr. Haskell? Yes, sir.

Over here.

If people would
give me the chance,

I could prove to you how
nuclear power can be safe,

It can be clean, it can be
beneficial for everyone.


You have a seat.

I'm gonna get my book.


What should I do
with the nuke juice?


I could run over to
jersey and dump it there.

That won't be necessary, levitt.

Just, um...

Here you go. Put it back here.

Believe me, captain, that
water is completely safe.

You can make coffee with it.

Cream or sugar, sir?

Not a lot of laughs
in nuclear power.

Uh, barn'?

I uh, I just finished with
dietrich's statement.

All right. Pictures and prints.

Uh, no. Uh...

They already did
that, downstairs.

Oh. All right.

So? B...

You want him in your office?


Well, barney, he
can't stay at my desk.

Why not?


Gotta go in the cage.

Dietrich, that
won't be necessary.

I want to be treated
the same as the next guy.

I don't mind.

It's all right.
I'll put myself in.


No big deal.

Just another prisoner.

Hey, we gettin' something
to eat around here, or what?

Just give me your
height, weight...

Color eyes.

It's all right there, sergeant.

That's my i.d. Card
from the plant.

You don't have to
worry. It won't bite you.

People have so many
ridiculous misconceptions

About who we are, what we do.

Any distinguishing marks?

Oh, you mean like
radiation burns?

Or webbed feet?

Or do I glow in the dark?

Yeah, stuff like that.


Sergeant, do you realize
it's actually healthy

That we had the accident
at three mile island?

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, because it demonstrated
that despite design flaws,

Despite sloppy
operation, human error,

In the end, the
system still worked.

Well, it says in here

That that core came pretty
darn close to melting down.

Oh, no, that book doesn't
tell you the whole story.

No, no, no.

Here's a pamphlet that
we put out for the schools.

You read that.
That's informative.

"Nuclear power.

It's now. It's wow."

Well, of course,
that's for kids.

♪ La, da, da, da, da, da,
da, da, da, da, da, da ♪

♪ Da, da, da ♪

♪ Da, da, da, da, da,
da, da, da, da, da ♪

♪ Da, da, da, da,
da, da, da, da ♪

♪ Da, da, da, da, da, da, da,
da, da, da, da, da, da, da ♪

♪ Da, da, da ♪

♪ Da, da, da, da, da, da, da ♪


Maybe next time.

Anybody in here?

Oh, yeah, there is.


What are you doing in here?

This is my office.


So you're barney.


Mrs. Wakeman.

I'm your cleaning lady.


You're usually not
here at this hour.

Well, we had to
stay a little later.

There were an unusual
amount of arrests today.

All tracking
their dirt in here,

Grinding their
cigarettes on the ground.

They don't care.

♪ La, da, da, da, da, da, da ♪

Excuse me. Are you new here?

Only four years.

♪ Dee, dee, dee,
dee, dee, da, da ♪

I... It's funny.

I, uh... I don't remember
ever seeing you before.

Well, I keep a low profile.

Yeah, we've noticed.

Hey, barney.

I got three other
floors to do...

Washrooms, offices,
the drunk t*nk.

I understand.

Okay, barney.

I mean, I know that
you got problems.

We all have.

That's all.

♪ Hmm, hmm, hmm,
hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm ♪

So, did you ever
get that loan, huh?

Have a good day at the rally?

Yeah, you should have come.

I am here...

Nothing tears you apart
like seeing a good cop go bad.

Nobody's going bad, scanlon.

All I know is that one of
your officers broke the law.

First of all,

The circumstances of the
arrest have yet to be determined.

The conduct of the
arresting officer

Has been brought into question.

- There's the entire...
- Admit it, miller.

You got a rogue
cop on your hands.

Oh, no, I'm not gonna
let you twist this

Into something it's not.


What are you
afraid of, miller...

That this is just the
tip of the iceberg?

I mean, the first
dribble over the dam?

Oh, miller, I can smell
the stench in this precinct.

I mean, I can see a whole
cesspool of corruption

Lapping at your feet.

I assume you're gonna want
to talk to sergeant dietrich?

That's right.

All right.

You know, captain...
I can't help thinking

If you'd only exercised
your authority

And ordered him not to go,

This whole senseless
tragedy could've been avoided,

And I wouldn't be here now...

Having all this fun.

Well... I'm finished in there.


Bathroom all spick-and-span?

Nobody likes a comedian.

Hey, I read your book.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Yeah, especially the part

Where barney and his wife
get back together again,

And they sneak off
for that weekend.

But I took that part out.

Yeah, but I read
the first draft.




Another comedian?

D.d., Huh?

What are you doing in there?

Hanging out.

You look pretty cool,
calm, and collected

For a guy that's staring
down the business end

Of a review board.

Not much I can do about it.


Gonna play the stoic, are we?

Ah, inspector.

Hey, barney.

Came over as soon as I heard.

We appreciate it.

Introduce me.

Inspector luger,

Lieutenant scanlon,
internal affairs.

Frank luger, nypd.

Heard a lot about you.


Nothing good, I hope, huh?

Uh, lieutenant,

You wanted to interrogate
sergeant dietrich?

My office be fine?


Okay, dietrich.


Is it time?

Come on.

In there.

Come on, barney.

Something the matter, inspector?

That's where I sit.

I can scoot down.

All right, sergeant...

I want to hear
the whole story...

From the beginning.

Well, it was in the latter
part of the th century, b.c.

Greek philosophers
democritus and leucippus

First postulated the
theory of atomic structure.

What, do you want me to
jump on ahead a little bit?

All right, so, we
get rid of nuclear.

I mean, it's only a means.

Then you got to use more coal.

You got to use more
oil. That's more pollution.

Well, m-m-maybe we
ought to cut back

And use less of everything.

Oh, sure, that's very
easy for us to say.

We're gonna conserve.

We'll put a lid on
growth. We'll go to solar.

We'll go to thermal.
We'll go to windmills.

What are you gonna say
to the poor countries?

What are you gonna
say to the people of india,

Who count on nuclear power as
their best chance of prosperity

And a better way of life?

I-i-i don't know what to say.


It doesn't mention that
in your book, does it?

Look, get in the cage.

Are you following me around?

Not on purpose.

Where you going now?

To the bathroom.

Oh, sure.

What's the point of it all, huh?

So I explained to the officers

That we had a right to be there,
and they arrested us anyway.

What was I supposed to do?

You could've not been there!

Is that still an option?

Seems to me, from where I sit,

That d.d... Sergeant
dietrich here...

Is just a victim of
circumstance, is all.

Just happened to be at the
wrong place at the wrong time,

Doing the wrong
thing, right, d.d.?

That's telling him.

Wait a minute.

- Dietrich, you shouldn't...
- Lieutenant.

While I grant you
that sergeant dietrich

Might've shown poor
judgment in the situation,

It's important to remember

That what he's being charged
with is not all that serious.


It ain't as though he got
caught shaking down a pimp

Or carting home a color tv set.

He either broke
the law, or he didn't.

Hey, I mean, there's
no such thing

As being a little bit pregnant.

Oh, so, you found out

About the cashier in
bensonhurst, too, huh?

I already explained that.

Inspector, I think
we're digressing a little.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I think we ought to get
something straight here,

Set these people
straight once and for all,

Tell them about how
good cops like you and me

Are getting a
little sick and tired

Of these weasels
from internal affairs

Sniffing and snooping around,

Trying to nail you
with every little thing.

What about this cashier?

Don't start up
with me, scallion!

You brought it up.

Gentlemen, gentlemen,
can we return to the topic?

Oh, there's no rush.

Sorry, barney.

Barn, pardon the interruption,

But the bank of
korea is on line .

Uh, yeah, i... Excuse
me, gentlemen,

I think I better
take this right now.

I'm gonna put myself
back in the cage.

Fine, fine.

Uh, yes, mr. Kim?

Yes, mr. Miller here.


What are you... A trustee?

No, I was arrested in a
nuclear demonstration.






Come on.

Give me your best shot.

Radiation leakage?

Waste disposal?


Leave me alone. I
got my own problems.


Oh, scanlon.

Remember, as an
impartial third party

Who loves all these guys,

I'll be scrutinizing
your report.

And I'm gonna make sure

That sergeant dietrich
gets a fair shake.

You have my word that he's
gonna get what's coming to him.

Sergeant... See
you at the hearing.

Save me a seat.

You always got to get in
the last word, don't you?


Oh, lieutenant, sorry
for the interruption.

That's okay, barney.

Nothing more to do here anyway.

Right, scanlon?

That's right.

Goodbye, captain.


Oh, miller...

You know I've been
waiting a long time for this.

I was dreaming of the day

When I got to see
you really squirm.

I know.

Why isn't it better?

I'm sorry.

Oh, sure.

By the way, I got my loan.

That's swell.

Lovely chap.


You know, don't
worry about it, d.d.

Worst you can get is what... A
couple of weeks modified duty,

Maybe a blotch on your record?

I'm home free.

That's the ticket.

Keep sh**ting
from the hip, right?

- Aah.
- Oh.

Bail tickets for haskell, n.

Dietrich, sergeant.

That's us.

Let 'em loose.

My pleasure, sir.

All right, gentlemen,

Step to your
respective detectives,

Sign for your valuables,
and you're free to go.

I did that for him.

I never get tired of hearing it.

Sir, we've just about finished
off everyone downstairs.

I mean, processed
and released them.



If everything is there,

Then you can take
your stuff and go.

Thank you, sergeant.

Hey. Whoa.

You can take your water.

Thanks, sergeant.

Yeah, and listen.

What you said back there

About all those poor
countries having to have it,

Well, now, that
isn't really true.

In the first place...

Sergeant, I'm sure you
have a really nice point,

But I really just want
to get out of here.


Everything seems to
be about wrapped up.

I guess we can all cut out.

Good night, dietrich.

See you around, barney.

Oh, hey, wait. Whoa, wait.

Now, wait, wait, wait.

- Where is everybody going?
- Huh?

Home, probably.

Well, uh, we can't go yet.


Well, 'cause we can't.

I mean, we got a lot
of stuff to figure out.

Like what?

Like what we're gonna
do about nuclear power.

Wojo... Look, uh...

You know, this stuff
is happening right now.

And, uh, it's gonna
affect our children,

And it's gonna
affect their children,

And there's nothing
that they can do about it.

So... So I think that...

That we ought to...
Ought to decide right now

What we're gonna do about it.

Then can we go home?

Wojo... Can't this
wait till morning?

- No, I don't think so, barn.
- Good night, wojo.

- Good night, wojo!
- Good night, wojo!

See you in the morning.

We'll talk.

♪ La, da, da, dum ♪

♪ La, da, da, da, da, da ♪