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06x17 - Uniform Days

Posted: 06/04/23 16:24
by bunniefuu
Good morning, captain.

Oh. Dietrich.

I did knock.

Quite all right.

I finished off those
quarterly summarizations.

I put them on your desk.

Oh. Thank you. Thank you.

You must have
checked in pretty early.

Yep. Midnight.

Worked a double shift.

Ah. That, uh, that
explains the stubble.


I must to the barber's,

For methinks I am marvelous
hairy about the face.


All right, everything
he wrote wasn't gold.

- Sergeant.
- Yeah.

- Captain.
- Levitt.

Today's manpower
reports, be they as they are.

Thank you, levitt.

I notice a goodly number
of uniformed officers,

Including myself, have been
assigned to crowd control

At today's antinuclear
parade and protest.

We, uh... We got advanced word

That there will be a
number of film favorites

And other l.a. Types winging
in for the demonstration.

You will keep an eye on 'em?

Easy to spot, sir.

Carl, you know, most
of the people at the rally

Are just gonna be
ordinary citizens.

They're there because
they sincerely believe

That the proliferation
of nuclear technology

Not only threatens the
welfare of this country,

But the survival
of the entire planet.

I heard the harmonicats
might show up.

Gosh, I hope so.

You seem to have formulated

Some pretty definite opinions
on the subject, huh, dietrich?

Yeah, I've researched it.

Decided that the
risks in nuclear power

Far outweigh the benefits.

Of course, that's one opinion.


Well, I myself have done a good
deal of reading on the topic.

Last week there was an excellent
article in people magazine.

Oh, yeah. Right next to
the story on hot tubs.

Of course, you have to admit
there are good points to be made

For the pronuclear side.


Well, sergeant, if
you're sure of all this,

I'm surprised you're not
attending today's demonstration.

I am.

Feel free to step in, sir.

Uh, dismissed, levitt.

Thank you, sir.

He started it.

You going to that rally today?

Well, I didn't work a
double shift to make points.

You are aware of policy

Regarding outside
political activity?

I just don't buy it.

It's not the point.

You do know that the department

Does restrict the
police officer's

Political involvement,
even on his own time?

Cops have the same constitutional
rights as anybody else.

That's not the question.

It's getting to the point
where a cop can't exercise

His right of free
speech and assembly

Without having to
worry about big brother.

That's probably him now.

Th precinct. Wojciehowicz.

Good morning, barn.

Good morning.

I've got a disturbance
on second avenue.

Uh, you and wojo.

Why me? I just got here.

Well, you took the call.



Th precinct. Sergeant harris.

Uh-huh. Tynan.


Uh, no, sir, I'm sorry. He
stepped out for a moment.

Could I take a message?

That's it?


I'll certainly tell him.

Ah, yeah. Thank you.

Oh, uh, barney, you
just missed a call.

From whom?

A mr. Tynan at the
bull's-eye finance company.

Did he leave a number?

Uh-uh. He left a message.

What did he say?


He said you'd understand.

Oh, I guess it wasn't the
response you'd hoped for.

Uh, barney, I'm sure
it can be worked out,

Whatever it is.

Barn, is there
something I can do?

How'd you like
to lend me $ , ?

Of course, if you'd
rather not talk about it...

I've decided to
buy my apartment.

Oh, the condo.
You took my advice.

The only problem is,

They've raised the down
payment another %.

I don't know where I'm
gonna get the money.

Barn, are you sure you've
completely liquidated yourself?

Well, I've sold what
few stocks I've owned.

I borrowed money
on my life insurance.

I don't know what else I can do.

Hey, barn what about
that vacation property

You said you
invested in up in maine?

Couldn't you get a
few bucks from that?

We never put in the lake.


It was in the brochure.



Barn, barn, come here.

Inside, daddy warbucks.

You keep it and
see how you like it!

Captain, this is roy mcmanus.

He was creating a riot
outside the greenwich hotel.

I was just giving the
people what they want.

When we drove up,

He was throwing money
out the fifth-floor window.

Is there a law against that?

Hey, barn, you
should have seen it.

There had to be people
there fighting to grab some.

They're running
out into traffic,

Wrestling on the sidewalk.

People are funny.

Anyway, we tried to get back

As much of the
money as we could.

Then we got up the
room, and we picked him up.

Yeah, looky here.

How much is in there?

$ , .

And, you know, that's
just lunch money.

They keep sending me more.

Mr. Mcmanus won the
new york state lottery.

$ Million.

A -million-to- sh*t,

And I'm the yutz
that gets nailed.

I'm very sorry.
Those things happen.

Oh, sure. That's big
talk from a poor person.

Listen, you should
live with this.

The pressures, the guilts.

Every day, there's
letters and phone calls

Pleading for help.

"My grandmother has
to have a hip operation."

"I'm writing to you
from my wheelchair."

"My son is on dr*gs, and
they're very expensive."

It never stops.

I certainly sympathize
with you, mr. Mcmanus,

But we're gonna have
to book you anyway.

Wait a minute. On what charge?

Uh, disturbing the peace,
disorderly conduct,


Have a seat, mr. Mcmanus,
right over there, huh?

- Dietrich.
- Yo.

I want you to
count this stuff...

Very, very carefully.

Give mr. Mcmanus a receipt.

Forget it. Forget it. I
don't want the money.

We don't want it.

Captain, you
take it. I like you.

Mr. Mcmanus... Go
on. Take it. It's yours.

Mr. Mcmanus, I wouldn't
know what to do with it.


Okay, I need some information.

Everybody wants something.

All right. Just
relax, all right?

How much for a cup of coffee?

$ .

Fine. Cream and two sugars.

It's extra.

Go for it. Go for it.

What time you getting off?

: .

The rally will still
be going strong.

Oh, that's nice.

I just thought you
might want to come.

No. No. No, thanks.

I thought you might
be interested in an issue

As vital and far-reaching
as nuclear power.

I have a skating lesson at : .

You know, when this
starts out, it's great.

They pull your number.
Everybody cheers and applauds.

They put you on the tv.

You shake hands
with the governor.

Then they all go home,

And you're stuck
with $ million.

If you don't want
the money, then...

There's just a lot better
things you can do with it

Than just tossing
it out in the street.

Oh, yeah?

You mean like give it
to some charity, huh?

Well, yeah. Yeah,
you could do that.

Which one?

I've been hit up
by all of them...

The heart people,
the lung people,

The whale people,
my chrysler dealer.

Uh, in the cage.

They don't tell you about that

When you buy the
ticket, you know.

Guess who.

Must we?

Very funny, harris.

Excuse me.

Sergeant dietrich.

Lieutenant scanlon.

You had a pretty good day, huh?

Oh, yeah, they were
throwing it at us.

Well, well, lieutenant scanlon.

Captain miller.

What brings you down here?

Hey, I have to have a reason?

Maybe I just
dropped in to say hi

And see how you guys are doing.

Sort of chew the fat with
some of my old pals, huh?

Is that why you're here?


I'm gonna put the
money in the safe,

Then head on over to the rally.

Rally? What rally?

It's an antinuclear

Crowd control, huh?


What did he say?

Sergeant dietrich
is attending a rally

As a private citizen.

He can't do that.

Come on. Regulation
- , paragraph states...

I'm fully aware

Of what regulation - ,
paragraph has to say.

Okay, miller.

See you tomorrow, captain.

Hold it, sergeant.

Oh, you want to come?

You're not going to
that demonstration.

Well, miller?

Take a shave, will you?

Thank you.

I thought we were pals.

"Or be a member of
any political club

"Or campaign for the
nomination or the election

"Of any candidate running for...

Public office."

First of all,

I'm not convinced that
that regulation applies.

I mean, I'm not certain that
this kind of demonstration

Can be categorized as political.

Miller, all I know is
that on the one side

You got a bunch
of no-nuke kooks.

Then, on the other side, you
got a bunch of pro-nuke kooks,

And that makes it political.

You have a wonderful
grasp of our system.

Miller, the point is that
a cop is supposed to be

About all those
things % neutral.

He don't work for no democrats.

He don't work for
no republicans.

He doesn't stand for anything.

He doesn't stand
against anything.

A new york cop
stands for nothing.

At least I know I don't.

Very admirable.

All right.

Now that we've got
everything understood.

What are you
gonna do about that?


Miller, the code is
crystal clear on this thing.

Lieutenant, I cannot
dictate to a man

What he can or cannot
do on his own time.

You could try.

And the more I read
this regulation,

The more it appears to me to
be blatantly unconstitutional.

So what?

"So what?"

There is no reason
that a police officer

Cannot exercise his freedom
of speech or assembly

Without worrying whether
big brother is listening in.

Very well put.

Thank you.

Do I take this as to indicate

That you are going to
ignore this flagrant conduct?

Look, lieutenant,
the man is at a rally

With thousands of people.

It's gonna be over
in a couple of hours,

And everything is
gonna be finished.

I really can't see that you're
gonna make that many points

Trying to make a
big deal out of this.

So, what's the story on
this bull's-eye finance?

Did you get the loan?

Harris, did you know that a
major nuclear-plant accident

Could cause ,
deaths, , injuries,

And spread
contamination over an area

The size of the state
of pennsylvania?

That today's chuckle?

No, it's a study from the
atomic energy commission.


It's quoted in this
book dietrich gave me.

Oh, I see he's
making the rounds.

You know, I used to think

That we should just get
all the power we could,

With the energy shortage
and oil embargoes.

I'm not so sure now.

Some scary stuff in there.

Oh, thank you.

Of course, I realize
that it might be one-sided.

License to k*ll."

Maybe a little.

You want to read it?

Uh, no, I think I'll
wait for the movie.

I just hate to see an officer
get in over his head, miller.

I mean, come on now.

Before you know it,
he's taking it on the side.


Money problems can make even
the best cop revert to normal.

Your concern is touching.

You know, a funny thing...

When I walked in here
and I saw all that moola

Laying all over that
desk, for a second,

I thought you'd already
started passing the hat.

No need to explain.
I trust you guys.

I'll give you bucks if
I can use the bathroom.

$ .

You got it.

I don't even want to know.


Oh, um, can I help you?

I'm audrey mcmanus.

I have a bail ticket
for roy mcmanus.

Oh, I believe your father's

In the bathroom
right now, ma'am.

Is that supposed to be funny?

Oh, mrs. Mcmanus. I'm sorry.

I just assumed...

I mean, looking at you
and looking at, uh...

Now it makes sense.

We're newlyweds.

Uh, I hope you have many
happy years together.

Or not.

Roy, what happened?

Is the seville all right?

Sergeant, this is my wife.

Oh. Uh, how you doing?

I can't complain.
What's going on?


Audrey, i... I just got fed
up. I had to do something.

What do you mean?

What's he talking about?

He was throwing his
money out a window

To people on the street.


I think we better talk.

Fine. Yeah.

I finished this
busywork you gave me.

Thank you.

By the way, barn, young
mrs. Mcmanus showed up

With her husband's bail ticket.


You can forget about that money.

Anything else?

Uh, yeah, barn.

Barney, look.

I've been thinking
about your situation,

And, uh, hey, barn, look,

I know you wouldn't
take any money from me,

But another thought
did occur to me.

What's that?

I could buy your apartment.


Well, barn, I mean, you
could still live there.

I mean, god knows I
don't want to, but, uh,

I would buy it and then
lease it back to you.

And that way, you
wouldn't have to move.

I appreciate the
gesture, but I'm...

I'm sure I'll be able to
work something out.

Barney, look, I mean,

You know that all this
money has been pouring in

From "blood on the badge,"

And, uh, I feel that you
were a very important factor

In the success of the book,

And I figured that maybe
this was a small way

In which I could repay you.


Barn, this could be
the ideal solution,

And the rent wouldn't be
that much higher than it is now.

Well, barney, I mean, it's got
to at least cover my payments.

Uh, thanks, but, uh, I mean...

Look at it.

You'd be getting all the
advantages of ownership...

The tax break,
the appreciation...

And I'd be paying for it.

Barney, I got to get
something out of this.

Audrey, when I threw that
money out to those people,

They started clawing
and scratching each other.

I can't believe you'd do this.

I mean, you're married
to someone for six weeks

And you think you know them.

I don't want the money anymore.

Why, because of the
calls and letters?

We could move
away... Someplace else.

It's not that.

What's the matter?

I don't deserve it.

Yes, we do.

Oh, where do I get
off winning $ million?

Why should one man
have all that money

When there are people
all over the world

Who are starving and suffering?

They had the same chance as you.

Look, I know it's
hard for some people

To think only of themselves,

To ignore other
people's problems,

But you could at least try.

I can't. I can't.

Roy, stop feeling so miserable.

You're not making
anyone else any happier.

I know that, but... But...

Roy, stop feeling so
sorry for yourself.

You won the money, over and out.

The only thing to do
now is to start enjoying it.

Yeah, I guess so.

I mean, why don't you go out

And buy something
just for yourself...

Something you never
could have had before?

Like you?

Good example.

Uh, excuse me.

Mcmanus, you're getting out.

Okay, just come on down
here, sign this receipt.

You'll get your $ , .

What about my valuables?

Oh, you mean your comb?

Yeah. I've had
that since the w*r.

Are you being helped?

I'm mrs. Mcmanus.


Everyone says that.

Uh, barn?

I'm giving mr. Mcmanus
his money back now, okay?

It's his money.

All right. There's
your $ , , and, uh...

Here's your comb.


Well, captain, bye now.

Good luck, mr. Mcmanus.

Thank you.

Uh, listen, it might
be a good idea

If I sent an officer
along with you

To escort you to the bank.

Well, that's okay. I got her.

Oh, oh, oh!

Uh, captain, are you sure

You wouldn't like to
have a couple of thousand?


It's okay. I'm just
teasing the poor person.

He's one in million.

I just feel funny
doing this, sergeant.

Don't worry about it, carl.

What are you
doing back, dietrich?

Sir, I take it you
haven't heard.

About what?

The nuclear demonstration
turned into a bit of a melee.

We had to make
about arrests.

Oh, my god.

They're trying to process
most of them downstairs.


I brought sergeant
dietrich up here

Because I thought you might
want to book him personally.

If you're busy, I
can do it myself.


What happened?

I got arrested.

For what?

Exercising my right of
free speech and assembly.

Yeah, yeah.

I believe the specific charges

Are unlawful assembly
and failure to disperse.

That's an opinion.

A cop tells you to
disperse, you just disperse.

I tried. They just weren't
giving anybody a chance.

Did you identify
yourself as a policeman?

- Yes.
- They arrested you anyway?

I insisted.

It didn't seem right
for me to get off

While a lot of my friends
were getting busted.

It's a very noble sentiment.

Listen, I'm very
sorry about this,

But in my opinion, the
cops overreacted.

I didn't.

Except for carl.

I'm afraid the
problem at the moment

Is what the hell to do with you.

Book me.


Uh, harris.

Oh, no.

If you'll have a seat at
sergeant harris' desk,

He'll be glad to take
your information.

Hey, listen, is this
gonna take long?

I got to get to
work in the morning.

What did you say?

Come on, speak up.


Barn, we got a riot.

- Where?
- Downstairs.

I was with you guys.

What's in that?

Atomic water, sir.

Captain, that is
not from the core.

That is simply water that
was pumped through the plant

To cool the reactor turbines

And return to its
original source,

And it is perfectly harmless.

Uh, wojo, do you want to
take care of mr. Haskell?

Yes, sir. Over here.

If people would
give me the chance,

I could prove to you how
nuclear power could be safe.

It can be clean.

It can be beneficial
for everyone.

You have a seat. I'm
gonna get my book.