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06x08 - The Desk

Posted: 06/04/23 16:18
by bunniefuu
I know that, but
that's not the point.

When I say "you,"
I don't mean you.

I mean, I know you had nothing
to do with it personally.

Well, I appreciate that.

Hey, I mean, you're just
not that kind of guy...

You know, use your influence,
throw your weight around.

Thank you.

What was that about?

- Andrew young.
- Ah.

Yeah, you were
here all that day.

Something's funny.

Nick's desk.

Oh. Yeah.

Two guys from supply
hauled it away this morning.

Sentimental fools.

They called about it last week.

It just slipped my
mind completely.

Of course, uh [chuckles]
it's just a desk, I guess.

Although it does
leave sort of a void.

I'm gonna kind of
miss it being there.

Gonna miss a lot of things.

I made some coffee.

Not as bad as nick's,
but I'm working on it.

You're getting there.

Hey. You look nice.

Thank you.

Where you going?

Why do I have to
be going anywhere?

Well, i-i didn't mean...

I know that I'm not
as stylish as harris.

But, uh,

Maybe I just decided to
put on something nice today.

I apologize.

I got court.

♪ Hmm, hmm, la la la ♪

♪ Gabba-babba-dabba-da ♪

♪ Ska-da-da-da-da ♪

It's me. I'll be out
of here in a second.

♪ Da-ba-da-ba-da ♪

♪ Dooby-dooba, doodly-dee ♪

♪ Dooby-ba-ba ♪

♪ Gabba-dooby ♪

♪ Ska-da-da-da-da ♪

It's funny how a room can
start to close in on you.

I mean, I'm starting to feel
all scrunched up in here,

You know, like
so many sardines...

Restricted, suffocating.

Haven't you ever noticed that?

No, I haven't.

It just occurs to me,

Now that we've
got the extra space,

Maybe we should
spread out a little.

I could... I could move out
into the room a little more,

Wojo away from the coffee,

You could move to... Bayonne?

No reason to go out of state.

I want to report a disturbance,
a r*pe, and a sh**ting.

Should I have called first?

Okay, now about the woman

That moved into the
building next to you.

All I know is what I
see from my window.

Ever since she moved
into the neighborhood,

There's been nothing
but violent arguments,

Wild parties with strange men

Traipsing in and out
of the apartment,

Uh, dr*gs.


Are you certain?

They all have
those little spoons.

Maybe they're for the guacamole.

It's avocado humor.

Kills them on the coast.

You moved.

That's why you're captain.

- What brought this about?
- Harris.

I guess he just felt he
needed a little breathing room,

A little more space
for himself, so I moved.

All the way over there?

Why? Am I too close to you now?

What do we got here?

It's miss lois markham.

Miss markham was
looking out of her window,

And she claims to have
seen some suspicious activity

In the woman's apartment
across from hers.

Meg scott.

Although, actually,

The apartment
belongs to brad clinton,

But he lets her use it.

"dr*gs, organized
crime, prostitution."

Doesn't miss a trick.

Apparently not.

You saw all these things
through your window?

I can't help watching.

I find it so repulsive
yet compelling.

That's human nature.

- It is?
- Sure.

People often find
themselves riveted

By unsavory events

They would ordinarily
find abhorrent...

The scene of a bloody accident,

The execution
of a violent crime.

You're listening?


There you go.

Take harris. Check it out.

Oh, captain, I don't think
she's really a bad person,

Just I'm afraid for her.

I mean, if she keeps this up

With all those men
coming and going,

And the high living...

Don't I know you from somewhere?

I have no idea.

You just look so familiar.

No, he... He's not
much for parties.

You didn't come to mine.

Just check it out.

Mail call, gentlemen!

Harris, dietrich, wojciehowicz.

Seems to be a clear
path to the corridor now.

They took away nick's
desk this morning.

Being cleaned?


I take it its absence is of
a more permanent nature.

I guess so.

See you later, sergeant.

Good morning, levitt.

Nice working with you.

Somebody step on little levitt?

Come on. We're going
to miss markham's.

Oh, all right.

Hey, hey.

Now, isn't this nice?

♪ Dee dee dooby-doo ♪

That far enough for you?

Uh, yeah. Right, let's go.

Separate cars?


All right.

- We're all alone.
- Hmm?

Oh, well, I'm afraid
we're a bit shorthanded.

One of my officers
is in court today.

Are those men on the
posters really criminals

Or just victims of circumstance?

Probably a little of both.

Just like rick edwards.

Rick edwards?

He's a friend of mine.

They sent him to prison
for embezzlement.

I'm sorry to hear that.

He only did it to get the
money to pay the doctors

For his mother's
cornea transplant.

She's going blind.

I'm sorry to hear that, too.

Of course, she's
not his real mother.

He was abandoned as an infant.

That's why he gets
those terrible headaches.


Of course, it isn't all bad.

He does have those two
lovely illegitimate children.

- Sir?
- Hmm?

Your office.

Uh, yes. You will excuse me.

I'll watch things.

Uh, thank you.
Thank you very much.

Oh, levitt, I really
appreciate this.

Manpower report, sir.

Oh, thank you.

On your desk, sir?


Levitt, something bothering you?

Bothering me, sir?

Why should anything
be bothering me?

The desk.

It doesn't take an
einstein, does it, sir?

Four desks, four detectives.

- Levitt.
- Three desks, three detectives.


Levitt takes a long
lunch, right, sir?

Not at all!

Levitt, you will be needed
up here from time to time.

When they called about the desk,

It just never occurred to me...

Exactly, sir. Never
occurred to you.

Have a seat, levitt.


Right this way, your honor.

Very well, very well.

But you're under arrest.
You know that? You!

Yes, sir.

Will you wait here a minute?

I'm holding you all in contempt!

Well, I don't dislike you.

And I just feel
that my status here

Needs to be clarified
one way or the other.

- Uh, barn?
- Yeah?

I believe I had the floor, sir.

You better come out.

What's up?

A little problem in court.

Uh, levitt, uh...

I understand, sir.
Important business.

I'll be right back.


Your honor, I'm captain miller.

You're under arrest, too.

This is judge
phillip paul gibson,

And what happened was,

I was standing
outside his courtroom,

Waiting to give my testimony,

And I heard a lot of
screaming and yelling,

So I went inside,

And he was beating up
on an attorney with this.

He was wearing a turtleneck.

People in my
courtroom wear ties.

We are not studio .

I tried to calm him down
and get him into his chambers,

And, well, he just
got worse and worse,

He took a swipe at
a court reporter.

Ha ha!

I've always wanted to
do that. They're so smug.

Anybody hurt?

Well, the attorney's
going to need some stitches,

And, uh, he's pressing charges.

I was fed up!

Those smart-aleck lawyers
with their snotty objections,

Snide innuendos.

There's no respect anymore!

We used to be gods...
Revered, held in awe!

Now, one bad ruling,
one little joke about r*pe,

And they're all over you!

Excuse me, sergeant. Sir...

Levitt, we're a little
occupied at the moment.

That's all right, sir.

There's no need to
continue our discussion.

Fine. Thank you.

I'll be back later
as soon as I finish

Filling out my transfer request.


- Levitt?
- Forget it, sir.


It's epidemic.

Uh, your honor, would
you have a seat over there?

We're going to need some...

No, no, no, no. You
can't hold me here.

I'm an officer of the court.
I have a trial to conduct.

Oh, no. That's okay, your honor.

I granted a recess.

Is he kidding?

Your honor, please.

Very well, very well.

I'll need some information
for the warrants.


You know, I'm a personal
friend of warren burger.

Hopefully, it
won't get that far.

You're back.

Safe and sound.

Did you see her... Meg
scott? Was brad there?

Well, arthur, was he?

Would you like some coffee?


Well, I would.

Uh, me too.

Could you please hand me

One of those green
arrest-report forms?

They're right down there.

Thank you, sir.

Badge number, please.

- - - - - .

Thank you.

I need your full name.

Phillip paul gibson.

Now I need your
full name, please.

Come on. Let's have it.

Stanley... Tadeuce...

That doesn't scare me.

I don't want a new
desk. I want that desk.

The one your men
picked up this morning.

I find I need it again.

Uh... Thank you.

I-i really appreciate
that. Thank you.

We went over to miss
markham's apartment.


She had everything right.

soap opera monthly?

Page .

"'Endless tomorrows'...

"Problems multiply as meg scott

"Refuses brad clinton's
offer of marriage

"And descends deeper into
a labyrinth of prostitution,

"dr*gs, and organized crime.

Meanwhile, grace edwards waits
anxiously for a suitable donor."

We don't know who the
hell grace edwards is.

That's rick's mother.
She's going blind.

When none of miss
markham's story checked out,

We decided to go
over her apartment,

Check her perspective
from the window.


She doesn't even have a window.

She lives in a
basement apartment,

Small room, tiny tv.

We found these lying
all over the place.

I see.

Want me to call
"general hospital"?

Why don't we first
talk with miss markham

And see how she responds?

He took her statement.

You found the magazines.

Well, I think I have
all the information

That I need.

Me, too.

Would you sign this
right here, please?

When my clerk gets that,

There will be warrants
issued for all of you.

Yes, sir.

I'm going to put
you in the cage now.

Whatever you say.

Just making it worse
for yourself, sergeant.

Look, uh, your
honor... I'm doing my job.

Who you are is irrelevant.

I'll be the judge of that.

Good. Keep your sense of humor.

Why are you smiling?
Is anything the matter?

Oh, no. No.

Then meg... She's all right?

Yeah, well, you could say that.

Look, miss markham...

We didn't see any meg scott.

Then how do you
know she's all right?

We talked to brad clinton.

Oh, isn't he nice?

Oh-ho-ho, great guy.

Get ready, your honor.
You're getting out.

What? Already?

What happened?

A little heat from higher up?

A zinger from the commissioner?

No, you're getting bailed out.


Yeah, the prosecuting
attorney arranged it.

Caleno? That twerp?

Come on. I'll take you down...

No, no, no, no, thank you!

I'm not some
nickel-and-dime punk

Looking for a way to
get back on the street!

Well, you can't stay in
there! Police policy is that...

Overruled! Overruled!

But, your honor!

Barney: oh, wojo?



Yeah, he won't leave.

No, you're right! You're right.

He's got a bail
ticket downstairs,

And he won't take it.

You people are not
going to get off so easily.

Listen, you're the
one... Wojo, wojo, uh...

Maybe if I had a word.

Your honor...

Ah, sending in
the big g*ns, huh?

Finally realize who
you're dealing with.

Getting a little
frightened, are we?

Feeling a few regrets.

Judge gibson...

Consequences of your
actions beginning to sink in.

I mean, the embarrassment,
the humiliation,

The disgrace, a laughingstock
in front of your colleagues!

Your career in shambles!

I wouldn't be in
your shoes if...

Oh, god.

Your honor?

Look, just get me out of here.

I'll take the bail ticket.


Thanks for talking to him, barn.

I'll take you
downstairs, your honor.


Bye, captain.

Good luck, your honor.

You know,

I gave up a $ , -a-year
practice for these.

I wanted to be somebody
who was important...

Somebody people
would look up to...

For wisdom and guidance...

Somebody people would respect.

I respect you.



I mean,

You remind me a great
deal of judge fenton powell.

He's a wonderful man.


Wise, compassionate,

Very distinguished-looking.

Thank you.

Only his chauffeur
knows he's gay.

It's been very nice...
Talking with you.

I'm doing it right now.

Uh, miss markham, maybe
you'd better have a seat.


Excuse me.

- Levitt?
- Yes, sir.

Did you want to see me?

Well, I intended to.

Levitt, i...

I know I can't talk
you out of a transfer

If you really want one.

Well, go ahead,
give it a shot, sir.

All I can say

Is that no matter what
happens in the future,

This desk is going to
be here for you to use.

Thank you.

Now, that's not intended
as a firm commitment

Or any kind of guarantee.

May I at least take it
as an empty promise?


Nice to have things
back to normal, huh?

Oh, yeah.

I, uh...

I'm also glad to see
that you gentlemen

Have completed your duties.

Listen, it's almost
check-out time.

You want to cut
out early, go ahead.

Are you sure there's
nothing else you need us for?

I can take care of it.

It's up to you.

Say, arthur, you, uh,

Want to stop someplace
and grab a bite?

Why don't we eat first?

Good night, guys.

- Good night, barney.
- Good night, barn.

It's meg, isn't it?

This isn't very good.

Sorry. It's been there all day.

Like me.

Well, we really appreciate
your coming down.

Not too many people
show your concern.

I can't help being
affected by it all.

Look, miss markham...

This is a very complex
world we live in,

And sometimes that fine line
between reality and fantasy

Gets a little obscured.

I've noticed that.

And sometimes,
fictional characters

Can be so vividly
drawn and in such detail

That someone might
begin to believe

That they really exist

When they really don't.


What you're saying is

That meg scott isn't
really in trouble

And, uh, grace edwards doesn't
need the cornea transplant

And that rick didn't
really embezzle that money.


Then what's he doing in prison?